HIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JANUARY' 8, '1915. - ... nir,; EARLY spring models show skirts with yoke effects, the lower part shirred on with beading like an 1830 flounce. The high waist so becoming to most figures will prevail. Shantung and other silk models now forecast spring fashions. "A BurSten Bubble" i Th. Summer cm : By Nell Brinklcy Copyright. Wll. Internl News Service. n i i. mi ,' . Twilight Sleep At this ieuen of the year the regulation winter styles are varied , by tha appearance of early spring model which (rive a forecast of sar torial delights to coin. Tha aketoh Illustrate one of these models. It Is developed In Shantung silk of a natural color, ana favors tha plaited - skirt set with a deep heading to tha close-fitting yoke. Following the traditions of the last two sea sons, the skirt is short and permits .mors than a fleet ing glance of fins hosiery and shoes. A belt of black patent leather gives character to the ensemble. As a matter of fact, a touch of black or ' of seal brown is nted to heighten the effect of con trast on many of . tha new garments. Tha black note Is 'duplicated in the shoes, whose tops ( are of the eolor of the gown. Wearying of flat trimmings, tha 1rl In the picture has adopted a hat of tan colored hemp, "with facing o f ' black satin. Its lines are reminis cent of the Talbot turban of almost twelve months ago. . An Interesting feature in connec tion with recent models is the main tenance of the - white, top shoes, either In fact or by spat, simulation. The laced . boot, with patent leather vamp and whit upper, is consid ered very attrac tive. " The upper part has trimmings , of tha leather and the lacings are, ot . black. . If You Marry a Doctor BY A DOCTOR'S WIFE. Some people appear to Imagine that a doctor always marries a nurse; that ha lives hbi private as well as his profes sional life In an atmosphere of ointments and bandages. It . Is not a ' bit true, though; for my part, when I married my husband I knew nothing1 about nursing my husband told me that he wanted a wife, not a medical assistant. Inci dentally, I discovered afterwards how little I Knew about the "inslda" life which a doctor and a doitor's. wife leads. Sine I married a doctor my life has been -very happy, but alao very strenu ous. My duties are multitudinous sad baffle detallment. Tha housekeeping algn is a very Important matter, for rtMas;lng a doctor's household ' is not quite like ordinary housekeeping. Like all medical men my husband has very irregular hours he may be called out at - any time, nlaht or day. It bothered ma a bit at first, but now I am more or lees used to it any wsy It Is not any good worrying or grumbling about It ' The chief bother of It is that it means the up setting of mealtimes I never can 'tell whether Dick will be home for meals at the proper time or not; but now I make the best of things, snd ny housekeeping arrangements do not get radically upset by my husband's Irregularity. Meals are always served at a regular time, but If "the doctor" does not arrive In time, he doos not have cold dishes afterwards my carefully planned arrangements of boil ing water, dlsb covers and hay boxes, en able me to keep food Hot for him, and to sen's his meals on a sliding time scale whan necessary. A remark made toy my husband before we were married made me realise that a she must stlffle her own feelings when policy demands it, and on 'no account must give any direct or Indirect stimulus to scandal mongerlng or' gossip. It Is rather a difficult matter to precisely de finewhat 1 mean is. that tha woman who -marries, a medical man, must be careful not only to avoid gossiping her self, but must also be careful that no gossip takes place where she 4s. Even though she, herself, takes no part In It, the mere fact that she was present when some scandal was discussed, will lead lople to say, "Well, Mrs. Doctor was there, so It must be right" It means that a woman must cultivate tact and use It for if those kind of things do happen, they may seriously affect a doc tor's practice. Again and again medical men have to give up their practice sim ply because their wives have not grasped ' what an Important thing it is for them to play their part welL my nusoana never niscusses his pa tients with me, and I think that no sensi ble womaa who marries a doctor will ex pect this from him. For In this way. a medical man has as many confidences be stowod upon him as a lawyer, and his reputation would speedily vanish If It ' discovered that he had repealed such "onficlent-es even to his wife. That Is why a doctor's fiance should try befora marriage to subdue any Jealous instincts which she may possess, and to tultivale a very full faith and complete trust la the man whom sh marries. It Is hardly necessary to say that I never discuss my husband's natlenta with other nannla . even " my nearest friends nor do I let otner people discuss them with me. When conversation Begins to veer round that way, I tactfully draw It Into other chan nels. - Sometimes people congratulate me upon always "looking nioe." an, though I am not vain, such a remark always pleases me. Honestly, the way In which a doc tor's wife is dressed may have a quite large bearing upon tha condition of her husband's practice. It sounds trivial and impossible, perhaps, but It la true never theless, i It seems needful for m to enter into tha social Ufa of the neighborhood a good deal. My husband, of much time for "gadding," but If he Is to be a suocesaful doctor It Is necessary for tha social aide of his life to looUxi after and that is where a wife oomes In uscrui. I find that there are endless opportunities for me to very subtly and tactfully "advertise" my husband when I am out For our part, we entertain very llttle-ocklly a doctor Is not expected to do muoh In this direction. Chun. give a big garden party every summer. ai wniun ail sorts and conditions of hos pitality debt are Mid no Tki. thing prevents the bother of dinner par- xiea. ate., when Mrs. B. ia apt to think herself slighted If aha U Invited with Mrs.' A., and so on. One mora thing I wouM .rf.- ..... woman to do who marries v.,-hi,-.i -learn good management, all-round man agement A doctor has got to keep up a xm position, whether he wants' to or not; but at ths same time an apparently wealthy medical man with a good prac tice may d comparatively poor where actual money is concerned. Many people not aream of keeping their grocer waiting for his account are very remiss In settling up with thejr medical man and bis wife knows t k-,,.. anyone else. It means that she often has w majis a oousr seem to do the work of ten. But with It all-all the rocks and diffi cult waters which tha medical man's wtf will encounter In her voyage of matrimonial discovery it Is worth while Worth while, that Is. if a woman Invaa roan nd ha love her. In-Shoots Ws may tell our troubles, but w can never loan them. The mild looking husband is not always In the hen-pecked class. He may be a deuce of a diplomat It Is possible to be an idol of the people and not be able to land many votes when running for office. . . The man who suffers In sllenoe some times bears more pain titan tha fsllow whw bellowa But not often. High living will develop low Instincts. The methudb'al man Is apt to beeoriie fussy If he lives long euough. A lot of fellows who boast that they read good books talk as though the most of their knowledge had been gained from "movie" billboard. i : 1 iPiP-v5 II rV-?r Tha Summer girl ia a bubble, an Iridescent dream la troth and blossoms, like pink ind white snow and the bubble Is burst the dream la faded and the pink and white anow ia melted weeks ago. Dan sat for four aweet months on the highest hill, with his bowl of makin'a on his padded knees, and blew the Bammer-slxl bubble Into the warm air to the surprise .of the blue and gold butterflies snd the destruction of vacationist hearts and he liked that! ' ' Bnt all of a sudden a chill came over the world Sunimex shud dered her bare shoulders and looked to the north the elves began to kindle fires under the tree roots (and that's where the blue hate of Indian Summer came from didn't you know?) and down on things No. Why My Wife Left Me . : The Man Who Thought All Show , , of Affection Ended at the Altar Tells Ilia Story. : : : : By DOROTHY DIX. ' "My marriage wss a failure,", said tha second mn, "because I starved my wife to death. Oh, not for food. I was what the world calls a 'good provider.' I gave my wife a fine house to live In. fine clothes to wear, a fine auto mobile to ride In and nothing else. "And the mater ial things were not enough for her, ss they are not enough for any other woman who Isn't a sawdust stuffed doll. My wife needed the things of the spirit love and tender- nfcss and I with held these, and she died lust as surely of heart hunger as she would have died for lack of food. "It is a strange thing that we men are drawn to women by certain qualities that they possess; that wa marry them be cause of the appeal that these qualities make to us. and then that we treat our wives as If they were entirely different human beings with different attributes. "You will see a man, for Instance, marry a woman because of her beauty, and then berate her for her vanity In cherishing that beauty. Or you will see a man marry a girl because she looks Ilka a fashion plate, and then he wilt Inveigh against her extravagance In want ing fine clothes. Or a man wtU marry a girl because she's so helpless and de pendent aad childish, and he wll ba bored becaas she Is not a competent, self-reliant womau who can be a help meet to him. "I married a girl who was as shy as a wood violet and as shrinking as a sensi tive plant fit was a little, timid, tender creature, who would Shiver under a hard word aa she would have don from a blow, aad whoa eyes would fill up with tears at a cold look. Sh was a creature made for love and tenderness end for cherishing. Sh bloomed out under the warmth of affection, and withered away under the gray skies' of neglect "Huch women made a far mora power ful appeal to men than their strenuous sisters, snd from the first minute that I met Alioe I was mad about her. I wooed her with as fiery a passion as any hero V 1KT.S-. -3a. w B-! 'I'll I 1 I II - V..W I "V. 11 ian. "V. X J' 111 a s W" 2 of romance ever displayed toward his lady love.' ' I overwhelmed her 'with token of my affection. I would have wearied her with my vows of devotion. If women Ilka shs can aver have enough of love. I swept her off her 'feet with my ardor, and Into a hasty marriage , "And then, knowing her need of love, knowing her need of appreciation, 'I dropped all lovroaklng, at the altar, and tha impassioned .'over that she had married was metamorphosed Into the callous and Indifferent husband, who had apparently ceased to csre for her, or even to notice her exoept Insofar as she ws a part of his establishment and min istered to hi comfort "Looking hack over my married lit I cannot remember that I ever told my wtf that I loved her, or that to me she grew eearer and dearer as the years went on and I realised more and more fully how rare and fin a soul she had, I cannot recall a single time that I made her feet that I was. doing some paitlcu lar thing for her, just because the one thing In tiie world that was of para mount Importance to me was her happi ness. , "I cannot rememoer that I ever paid her even a compliment, or told her how beautiful she was In my eyes, or how wonderfully well I tnought sh did her whole duty as we and mother. "I can remer.iber now that at first in our early years of married life, she used to coin and nestle her fare up against mine of an evening, begging for a little caress as humbly ss a dog begs for a bone, but I would carelessly push her away and tell her not to bother me when I wa reading the evening paper. ' ."I can remember how she used to ask me If I liked the new dress or hat that sh had bought-Zlshlng for a compll ment you know and I would make some satlrio remark about women' fool fash' Ions. Or, perhaps, shs would enviously inquire ir soma dlsb at dinner was aot good, aad I would reward the hours of labor she had spent In preparing to please ma by mumbling out that It did well enough, but I liked plain food. "Oradually-ao gradually that I did not aotio It my little wlfo grew more and mors silent and went about the house quieter, fih suit disturbing, m at my reading, 'and sh 'no lor.gcr brought aar Utile fripperies to m fur my approval She got paler, too, and thinner; but was not In the habit of noticing her and I did not so It and so I went unwarned to ths crla.s of my tregedy. "There came, a day when sh was not able to leave her bd. T doctors said ' whistled King frost, and he thrust at the bubble that Dan was swell ing so big bo big at the bubble ot he Summer girl that throbbed, -and swim with a thousand thrilling colors, that creamed and sparkled and clung to' Dan's clay pipe and snick! It went In a mtlllon? drops, -a tiny sower of vanishing Jewels and the Summer-girl bubble of Dan's prldeful making was gone Into thin air. It's a bursten bubble It Is that the dream of a Summer girl that was. And Dan has broken his clay pipe and kicked over his bowl and' bended bis gilded, head on his knees and the Winter wind Is a whistling through his wings and the dry leaves whirl. '' -NELL BR INKLE Y. . that they, could find lull the matter with her, only a lack of strength and energy and a disinclination to live. Some how It seemed as If the spring of hr existent- had been broken. Then, when I saw her slipping from ma, I knew that It was I who had killed her that I had starved her to death. , "I knelt beside, hel- Bed snd In a pas sion of repentance I poured out all that was In my heart. I told her how I had loved her, how I had admired her, how I had understood and appreciated every. thing that she had done. 1 told hen how proud I. hud been of her, and that 'sh had been behind every struggle that I C . , , . I tWVV xw -fen mJL isei B V - C W J , " M ilaw I fl n aess. "v. i. lft ' Order Snnkist Lemons, too. Use tbeir juice for salads and in other dishes that usually call for vinegar. Lemon juice is more healthful more of it should be used at this season of the year. Note the added delicacy of flavor. SsW eowpoe for net 45 mtktr Wm. . . - .Vt?. H ' had made, that every dollar that I had worked for had been for her. bli list ned to mo with a smile on her face that wa sadder than any tears. 1 " 'Why did you not tell me this before r sh said. 'It would liav mad m so happy,' but It Is too late now.' . "If I had only given my wif a little tenderness snd love I could hav made her utterly happy. I eould have kept her with ma, snd I never walk through a cemetery and se the costly monuments that rise above so many women' grave without wondering how many man like ma had wive who asked for tha bread of lov and were given a tombstone." . w a- ' . Famous California Seedless Navel Oranges Fully Ripe and Delicious Now you can have these famous leedlen navel oranges at any first-class grocer's or fruit dealer's store. An abundant supply fresh from the trees has just arrived from California.) Telephone your dealer Free-peeling, seedless, food for every day. Use Sunldst Lemons Sunldst Lemons taste best on the table. Serve . - 1 !.U -1- a . uuaricrcu wuauiu. meats When bttyln either fruit e ouitAtst ana save Cot beautiiuj silver premiums, Vsim'sMW Ut sAtiWng (sis jr Aogsrs &Ur Wmkm Wm rwulM tk), Sfir. W wmfmd lJU ttVU By IlEV. MAREIj L IRWIN. "In sorrow thou Shalt bring forth. chlU dren." Woman is the gateway, of humanity. Through and by her com all th cbu- dren of men. It would seem, therefore. If sh he compelled by no, fault of her own to bring forth children In sorrow and pain that a lamentable Injustice had been done her, against which all woman' hood might reasonably bo expected to re bel. Those who seriously regard this prlml-. live curse upon motherhood as operative today welcome the "twilight sleep" ami Its attendant painless childbirth as a be lated gift of Ood. Through this discovery som even dream that paradis may be restored, paradise where man and woman In wedded bliss may safely and Joyously "multiply and replenish the earth" with out sorrow snd without shame; paradis where inAh beginning the command was given them when "Ood saw all that He, had mad and behold it wo very good." 1 Others there be who-havlng no the-, logical bias accounting for the modern woman's growing s version to mother hood welcome this latest gift of science ' with optimistic assurance. These denv that if th pains of childbirth were re moved all women would welcome mother hood, and that the "rsc suicide croaker" would b heard no mora In the land. They see In this discovery but another asset making for national perpetuity. Upon soberer thought however. It Is seen that these are et best but surface conclusions, and that something otiwtr than an Inanlmat drug however k!l. fully compounded and administered must he found to heal th "hurt of th daughter t my people" lest they cry, "Peace, peace, when there Is na peace." .Aside from all th merits of th drug which make th mother forgat ber pain, aside from all the possibilities of Its effects upon th newborn babe for good or 111, we must not forget that after aO It la but a druggtnr of th sensibility to pain and not a doing away with th con dition Itself. ' It Is after all but a mitigation rather than a removal of the curae which at tends children. The '.'twilight. Sleep bears about the sain relation to pain less birth as does th evening twllght of a summer's day to th glories of the corning morn! . 1 Thr Is no reason to suppose that In . th nature t th case th bearing of young should be attnaea itner vim sorrow or great pain. Thar Is to evi dence of It In the klmrdoms below man, untouched by civilisation. Even the prim itive human mother, allowed to1 exercle her primitive Instinct ot virginity whlla carrying her ehlld, bring It to birth with little pain. That It has become so serious an ex perience In human civilisation bespeaks th fact that th man has wandered far away from th orlgti ratent or purpue of natur la Its reproductive plan. Humanity today Is suffering not frnm th Imposed ' curs of an eaure-human deity, but from a disregard of the funda-. mentals of the reproductive law written In th nature of woman herself. In the "twllght sleep" a In ail other nerve-numbed conditions w have a pallattv and not a ur. a physical ba ullemnt and not a remedy." Welcome then aa It may b to those who feel compelled to ohoos . its "poppied aid," others of us, seeking pre vention rather than fai.oed cure; seek ing the wsy to remove the paln-eurse by removing Us allied curses, ignorance snd transgression must continue to re gard the "twilight sleep" as but a minor accompaniment to the Joyous song ' at creatoton's dawn: "Be fruitful, and multi ply, and replenish the earth, and subdue '-4 ' - t! now order today. finu and tender kttllhfuJ. (UWa Frait Crewws Excaaaaa, 13 K. Clark Straot. best and look CUiCat.0 sliced . or Mll MlkUoasoaaa4ew1I1 NBl! v our ut zun iu, Saok. lnwn, mnonm of or lea. rou insut X v. y ;7,r ..'7. the -"1.' ""' " . "J Addrm.