Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    toe niXi Omaha. fisiiuy. .TAxu.utf & m
JTideUtr Btoracs m Yaa Co. Dour-
Hoot Frist It Now Beacon Trtss.
Barrels Orudti Co, LlghUns. fix
tures. T ear's Consists Urm rrofram"
rlaaslfisd action today. n appears tn
The Bes EXCLUSIVELY rind out what
tba vartoaa mortnt plctura theaters offer.
A Happy esd rrosperea Batr Tear la
Cm ry icaat that anyone can wln you.
but an cities In Tha Be building:, "tba
buildlin that la always new." makea
.wishes come true. j
Lucky Irawi ta tha Pa "Lucky"
Itrowu. South Omaha negro, who stabbed
to death J-.' J. Kane In An gust. 151 a.
j.lcadcd ejHllty to manslaughter !n Judgo
English's district court and was sen
tence! to from one to ten jreara In the
County Officials' Bonds Apprors
The last meeting of the old Board of
Connty Commissioners was held Wednes
iiar afternoon, when bonds of county of
ficials were approved. The new board,
which comprises the same members, will
ura anise January 12.
Dancing Chambers' winter term, new
rlasoea, opena Monday, January 4. Adult
beginners Mondays and Thursdays. 8 p. m.
Assemblies Wednesdays. I p. n. Ladlca,
Tucadaye. p. m. Children. Tuesdays. " p.
in. i Saturdays. 1 :30 p. m. High school, 1 :30
p. m. ; Saturdays, 1 p. m. Private leaaons
ty appointment. Up-to-the-minute dahces
tahgM. List early. Phone D. 1871.
Overcoat Stolen Mrs. J. Overturf, 1(01
lx-avenworth street, reports to the po
llre that thieves, gained entrance to her
home and stole, among other things, a
new overcoat presented by the Burling
ton railroad to hor husband, who la a
watchman. Overturf has been unable to
use the present as yet because of Ills
confinement In the county Jail, where he
was sent for abusing his family.
Walter Orris to tha Coast For a short
time next Wednesday afternoon there will
lie a carload of Boston girls in town.
The bill of lading of the Northwestern
and -Union Pacific, over which they will
travel, indicates that there are thirty in
the party. They are en route to Los
Angeles, where tney win do employed as
waitresses In the Huntington, a new hotel
that is to open there soon after the mid
dle of tha month.
Ten Enlist for Kavy Seven men
have enlisted In the navy from tho
Omaha recruiting station In the last two
days, vera uea Mason oi laurel, iMeo.,
was sent to the naval training station at
Ban Francisco and Roy E. Greenwood of
Harrington, Neb.; Gerret J..Francls of
David City, Rudolph F. Slavllc of Erna,
Neb.; Carl J. MoCracken of Warrens
burg, 111.; Paul Glides, 1912 Grace street,
Omaha, and Lumlr ifublk of Schuyler,
have been assigned to the training station
on the Great Lakes.
Move to Prevent
Duplication of
legislative Bills
. (From a Staff Correspondent) i "
LINCOLN. Jan. 7. Special Telegram.)
That the house majority waa trembling
over the anxiety of senate democrats to
reject promised reforms of legislative
procedure j as evident this morning when
the-house requested the senate o co
operate in trying to cat down useless ex
pense in printing bills. v
' The hint-to th senate -came after .the
Introduction of a resolution by Richmond
of Douglas that soma method should be
secured to prevent 'duplicate bills In both
branches. Heretofore, for many of the
bills introduced in either body tha lntrc
iltirii wrmlrf jieeoirw th Introduction of a
like measure' la the other, wtlh the result
that the printing bill was, doubled and
the flies loaded with duplicates. '
The Richmond resolution provided for
a committee consisting of tha chief clerk,
spesker and director of the legislative
reference bureau and two plans' were sug
gested. One would have each bin bear
the name of tha Introducer In both houses
of bills under one subject and the other
'provides for a report back for indefinite
postponement of all bills ot a duplicate
nature. .-,
Villa Suffers First
Severe Defeat of
His Entire Career
. .
KAGLK PASS. Tex., Jan. 7.-3neral
Francisco Villa was in command of the
force which Generals Antonio I. 'VUlareal
and Maclovio Herrera defeated Tuesday
at Marte, between Salt ill o and Torreon,
It was reported yesterday, and It was tha
first sever defeat of Villa's meteoric
Dispatches received last night - at
Pledraa Negraa, tba Mexican tpwn across
the border from here, announcing Villa's
defeat, said his 25.000 troops were In full
retreat' toward Torreon, with heavy
losses. It waa declared the Carranza
troops numbered only 15,00.
Belgian Woman and
Three Children Slain
MONTREAL. Que.. - Jan.' 7-Mll. Rob
ert Vsn Looy. wife of a Belgian reservist,
ant! ner llireo children, were found
strangled to death at their home here
loO.iy. The police this afternoon had no
hie to the murderer.
Sirs. Van Looy'a husband Joined the
!lrt Aintingent of lt4gian reservists
who left Canada to f lent for their coun
try. .Nelm.ior found the bodies in. bed. Ap
!;uoiit'y they hud been dead for two
d it. The police believe an attack had
Ixen rruuie uion them as they slept.
Ti-.i iv few Rigns of a struggle.
Tr,- children, two girls and a hoy, were
Hf'cd S mid 7 year and IS months.
. Mrs. saua Temple.
FAirtUfirv." jseb., Jan 7 tpeeial.)
T..e, f'li'fisl services .of Mrs. v 8usan
'lian-pliji were.he.ld from the home of
her titer, Mis.. M.. II. Weeks. Kv. O. N.
01 rill of live Methodist Eplucopal church
uf.Kiaied auj u large number of Falr
Uuiy people attended the services, as
deceased's family founded and named
Fait bury. Mrs. rfiainplln died at her
hoinc in- California, where aha has-been
Sojqurnlnr fr a number. of years.
Haatel G. FUke.
I;EATBICE. Neb., Jam. '(.-Special Tri
te ram. V Daniel Q. Flake, for forty years
a lesident of Beatrice, a well-known Mt
sjii of tl.U city, dropped dead on Cuvrt
sUcet this v evening from apoplexy.
Thirty-five years ago Mr. Flske waa en
gaged 14 the reataurant business here,
lie was to years of age and leaves a
1 daw and two children.
State Crime Commission Advises the
Creation of Such Places Apart
(from Influences of City.
(From" a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 7. (tJpeclal.) Although
driven from their regular haunts and
scattered by fore of the Albert act, the
fallen women of Nebraska have Increased
Ir. number, according to tha report that
has been submitted to Governor More"
head by the crime commission.
These conditions, according to the com
mission, demand the establishment of a
state home for fallen women, which,
among many other things, the commis
sion proposes for presentation to tha leg
islature for action.
The commission, which waa iqnolnted
several months aao by the aoveiror. had
at Its object the thorough study of crlir, j
Causes. It consists of the following
members: Judge A. I Sutton of Omaha,
chairman; P. E. Jenkins of Omaha, J.
A. Leavltt of Lincoln. J. E. Miller of
Lincoln. Judge Lincoln Frost of Lincoln
and Mogy Bernstein of Omaha.
Woold Resrolate Druar Bale.
The only legislation that the' commis
sion propones specifically Is a bill to reg
ulate the sale of hahtt-forming drugs. A
draft of this bill la attached to the report
The report terma the ordinary county
Jail as "an abomination In the sight of
Ood and man." As a remedy the commis
sion proposes divisional custodial farms.
The farm. In the opinion of the commis
sion, Is tUe logical home of penal and re
formatory Institutions.
' State Parole Officers.
Other proposals of the commission are:
One or more state parole officers, the
use of the Juvenile courts to bo made
available to county as well aa to the
district courts, the general extonalon of
parole and probation systems to the
smaller counties, a new loan shark law,
the abolition of contract labor for con
victs and the establishment in Its stead
of a "state-use" system.
Notes from Hebron
and Thayer County
HEBRON, Nefo.. Jan. 7.-(pcciai
The old county officers who have served
this people faithfully and well turned the
workings of the offices aver to their
successors yesterday. J. C. Strain, who
has been in the county clerk's office for
twelve years, with ten years as county
clerk, fare way to B. ' A. ' Young, - the
republican j elect . W. . IL Rhodes, who
served four years as county superintend
ent and four years as deputy County
treasurer and four- as - as county
treasurer, turned the' office over toybia
deputy, A. L. Roper, and will enter Into
business as cashier of the Hebron State
bank.. ' C. 'L. ' Richards succeeds J. P.
Baldwin aa county attorney The other
officers are holdovers. A., H. IJoltsen,
superintendent: B. L. Wlllmore. judge;
Bert Pike, . deputy sherrlff, waa also
elected, ..- - v .
Hebron has become a newspaper town,
now publishing fiva papers.1' Two new
papers, the Political' World and Belvi-
dere News, now being published here.
The Political "World recently moved her
from Upland and the Belvldere News Is
a new creation printed here and mailed
from the Belvldere office, Tha Hebron
Champion office Is doing the printing.
Harvey Anderson is editor and owner
of both papers,
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Jan. 1. (Spe
cial.) The Burlington road during tha
month of December shipped thirty-five
cars of corn from Broken Bow, which
was just that many mora cars than were
shipped during the same month tha year
previous. As a matter' of fact corn was
being shipped In at that time for feeding
purposes. Also during this last Decem
ber there were four carloads of wheat
shipped out and twenty-three cars of
cattle received. " The general business
shows a very healthy Increase over the
same business last year.
.New faces appearing in the court house
this week as a result of tha last election
are: Robert Walters, Westervllle, county
clerk; Frank Kelly, Merna, county at
torney; N. Dwight Ford, Ansley, county
Judge; Marshall Eddy, Broken Bow,
county treasurer.
B013B, Idaho, Jan. 6. "Excepting in
eases where they have been wrongfully
sentenced, I do. not tclleve tn freeing
prisoners by pardon," said Governor
Mosea Alexander today. The governor,
however, concurred with atate officials
In granting a conditional pardon to 'John
Murphy, the plea of the latter'a mother
being that she would take him to Ne
braska and "make a man of him again."
lie was serving an indeterminate term
for burglary.
Retires After taaa Teres.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 7 8peclal.)
That Cupid has not alighted Jefferson
county In the last decade, was fully de
monstrated today when Count Judge C.
C. Boyle, who is the retiring offices after
serving nineteen years In this capacity
during .which he married 1,036 couples
and Issued Z.U6S licenses. During the early
daya of Jefferson county Mr. Boyle also
served five years as county Judge and
he has served altogether twenty-four
years in this capacity and playing the
part of "Cupid." According to the rec
ords in the court house Judge Boyle is
sued the license and married the first
couple Jsnuary II. l"v The contracting
parties were William Argenbrtght and
Mill Ida .McLaughlin of Washington,
Judge Boyle la aucceed ed by Louis J.
NuUman, who will look after the tying
of hearts In the court house in the future.
Judge Boyle will practice law in this city.
I'eig Leave Maaey for Pear.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special!)
Tha will ot the lata Edward Fogg was
died for probata ia the aounty Judge's
fftce Vveunewdsy. Ills estate consists
of land" In Oklahoma und personal, prop
erty amounting to f-5.XX. He left Tl.WO
which ia to be spnt by his widow for
tho poor of the rliy and flW to be ustd
to place tiees In the Charles park.
Retiring Superintendent Does Not
Use Up the Usual Amount for
'the Quarter.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. .7. Pperlal.-State Su
perintendent Delsell, who retired at noon
In favor of hie successor. Dr. Thomas,
left more money in the office expense
fund for the present quarter than la used
during the average quarters. The amount
left by the retiring' superintendent was
C27S.72. The average quarterly expense
la something over S1.W0,-
II award ' Gives Oplatoa.
Auditor Howard ia convinced that If
Lancaster county la to be paid the Judg
ment It recently recovered against tha
stale Id connection with money loat in
the Capital National bank failure of
twenty years ago, It must be paid out of
a special appropriation.' He haa so in
formed E. C. Strode, special counsel for
the county In the case.
The supreme court held thst the county
was not 4 guarantor of state funda and
that it could recover. The auditor ad
vised Attorney Strode to furnish a his
tory of the case for tho auditor's office
for presentation to the legislature.
r Cemaalaaloa ea.
According to tha report ot tha food
commission for the month of December,
fees and other receipts of the office
amounted to 17, 834.84. Inspections made
numbered 1.A14; sanitary orders written
numbered 1(W: complaints, eleven; chem
ical analysis, eighty-nine; seed analyses,
six, prosecutions, thirty-one.
Long Terms Apply
in Garfield County
BURWHLL. Neb!. Jan. 7.-Speclal.)-
Today was moving day ' at tha court
house. Garfield Is evidently one of the
counties whose voters believe in long
terms in offce. T. O. Hemmett, retiring
county clerk, has served for seventeen
years and might have easily . been re
elected but for tha fact that falling
health caused him to decline the office.
James, Butler will aucceed Hemmett aa
clerk and has Just completed a five-year
terra aa county treasurer.
E. L. Bali, who retires as connty com
missioner, haa served for fifteen years
and will be succeeded by Charles De
maree. Frank -Smith will succeed him
self as county commissioner. George 8,
Todd will snoceed tilmself aa county
Judge for his sixth term. A. A. Waters
will succeed himself as sheriff for the
sixth term and Is perhaps tha only of
ficer In Nebraska who was elected on a
distinctive bull moose ticket, there being
republican, democrat and socialist can
didates against him and he running only
on the bull moose ticket '
e'J. L. Jenkins succeeds nlmeatf as
county superintendent for tha fifth term,'
a W. Percy will succeed K. M. Whit
as county attorney, being tho enly new,
man except Demaree.
, Tha commissioners are now In session
and find the county on a stMotly cash
basis, there being absolutely n? floating
Indebtedness and jnly a very small band.
The treasurer has Just taken up tha last
otthe oM precinct Irrigation bonds.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. T. (Special.)
Henry I Brown, a brakeman on east
bound Rock Inland freight train No. KK,
fell from the top of a boxcar at tha east
approach of tha railroad b rid re apross
ths Blue vt here Tuesday night at 10
o'clock and plunged to the bottom of tha
grade, a distance of forty feet. Buffer
ing from Internal injuries, he was picked
up and placed on the Westbound pas
senger and taken back to Fairbury for
medical treatment. lie ' was unable to
tell how the accident happened, but it Is
supposed . that ha slipped from the top
of the car.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 7. (Special Tel
egram.) After being out for fifteen hours
the Jury in the case agalnat Fred Holmes
of Wyroore, one of the seven men charged
with assaulting a party of Beatrice stu
dents at Wymore last spring as they
were leaving on a Burlington train after
a debate, brought In a verdict today find?
Ing tha defendant guilty of assault snd
battery. They recommended ths leniency
ot the court The cases against ths other
members of the gang were continued over
until the next term of court.
A (aask Me4trae that Helps.
Dr. King's New Discovery will help
your enough or cold; keep a bottle at home
for emergencies. Sue, st druggists. Ad'
llawared Basnets to Acre.
v CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Jsn. 7. (Hpeclal.)-
Henry Mousel has made the record yield
of 100 bushels and fifty pounds of com
per acre on his ranch on Medicine creek.
Th field contained fifteen acres and had
ho special care. The corn waa not
busked until after December 1 and ss
well drud out Mr. Mousel has been
breeding this variety of yellow dent tor
fifteen jears.
Pape's Diapepsin
For Indigestion
or Bad Stomach
Xour. gassy, upset stomach. Indigestion,
heartburn, dyspepala; when ths food you
eat ferments Into gases and you feel sick
and miserable, that's when you realise
the magic la rape's Diapepsin. It makea
all stomach misery vaatsh in five min
K your stomach is In a continuous re
voltIf you can't get It regulated, please,
for your sake, try Papa's Diapepsin. It's
so needless to have a bad stomach make
your next meal a favortts food rial, then
Uke a little Diapepsin. That will sot be
any distress eat without fear. Its bo
cause rape's Dlspepatn "really does" re
ulafe weak, out-of-order stomachs that
gives it Its millions of sales annually.
Oet a large fifty-cent oasa of Papa's
Diapepsin from any drug store. It Is ths
quickest, surest stomach relief snd cure
known. It acts slmost like magic It Is
a scientific, hsrmless and pleaaant stom
ach pre pa ration which truly belongs In
every home Advertisement.
Great Britain Makes New Rules
Regarding American Passports
IiO.NDO.Y. Jan. 7.-AII passports Issued
by the Stste department at Washington
will in the future have to be vised by
tha American embassy in l-oidon If the
traveler passea through I.nd m. Fur
tbermore. the bearer of American psj.
porta preMoua to leaving Kngland for
the continent will have to nulnuit their
passports to the consul in liirlen of thv
country whither they nre gent for the
Consular sta.-rtp.
All the Americana who reached Eng
land yesterday on board the steamer
Lusttanla have been required to ob.M-v
tha firat of the .'ermatltie.s; thrse who"
proceeded o France and Holland hud
tn have their passports stamped.
Passports Issued by Sweden and other
neutral countries of Ruropa rlss have
been discovered recently In the hands f
persons to whom they were nU ivsued.
The result of this la that neutral Eu
ropean countries also are tightening up
Outgoing- Auditor Finds He Cannot
0. K. Salary Voucher of the Ex
Supreme Court Justice.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. .Ian. 7. (Special. V-The claim
of Manoah B. Reeae, retiring chief Jus
tice, for S72.M salary for the first six daya
ot tha present year, has been disallowed
by the outgoing-auditor, W. B. Howard.
The rejection of the claim makea the
retiring chief Justice six days short on his
term of six years. Judge Sedgwick, who
preceded him as chief Justice, having
been allowed pay for the first six daya
of hla successor's term In 190K.
In a letter to Judge Reese, the auditor,
while expressing great regret, says. It
would be unconstitutional to allow the
claim.. The letter Is In part aa follows:
Under an opinion given January W 10.
by tha Hon. W. T. Thompson, the then
attorney general. It wsa held that an of
ficial year within the meaning of the con
atitutlon la not necessarily a calendar
year, and that whether the year is two
or three daya less or two or three days
more It haa no effect upon the official
term. Quoting the language of Judge
Thompson, "If a regular outgoing atate
officer la authorised to draw pay for the
days Intervening between January 1 and
January 7 thla year, in addition to hla
aalary for the last quarter, he will neces
sarily draw a portion of the aalary ap
propriated by the legislature ror the in
coming officer's first quarter's salary.
thua requiring him to receive o much lens
than the statutes provided for his salary
ror the rlrat quarter. I am unable to
find any authority In law for so doing
and am of the opinion that there la no
authority therefor.
If Attorney General Thompson waa right
in his opinion, which In my Judgment
seems to be In harmony with the language
of the constitution, there la nothing but
for me, acting In a ministerial capacity.
to refuse to draw a warrant covering the
amount of your claim.
, Caa. (.t, rn....
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Jan.. 7.-(Spe-
clal,) Alias Eda Marquardt, republican,
succeeded Miss Mary E. Foster, demo
crat, as county superintendent, and Dr.
3. T. Brendel, democrat, succeeded B. I.
Clements, republican, ss coroner today.
Start When the Siren Whistle Blows!
Great Meeting of Citizens
in the interetU of
:'':..'.- .-.' a .
Missouri River Navigation
Every Man Interested in the Upbuilding of Omaha and
the Development of the Omaha Market Should Attend
Three officials of the Kansas City Missouri River Navigation Company
who have actively directed river transportation between Kansas City and
St. Louis for four years. ,
They Will Tell Jast What Kamat City Did and How They Did It
Tonight at 7 o'clock, the siren' boat whistle will blow. That means get
ready to attend. At 8 o'clock the siren will blow again. That means the
meeting starts. ' "
' ' ' ' ' . ' .' '
Come to This Meeting. Learns What River Navigation
J , Mean to the Development of Omaha
the regulation governing tiw issuing of
passports as has the Un'ljd Sale.
atatetweMt by Reraatorff.
WASHINUTON, Jan. 7. Count Vein
storff, the Merman ambnsssdor here,
made hla first comment nl.iy on the
aliened misue of passports by the Ger
man reservists In ihe fullnwlnu state
ment: .
"Kngland l.nd violated The Hague c in
vention and the mica of international
law by tsklng unarmed people olf vea
aela, a proceeding asalnst whlrh the Ger
man government complained to the ntii
trat gsstrnments. In r-nnseinionco. .t this
proceedlnir, German rltisena were de
prived of going home and several may
have tried to use false paxsporta for IMs
purpose beeausd of their desire to lefnd
their country; a motive which every good
tttiaen will understand. If this really
has been done. It will have to lie r roved.
In any rase, however. German otfirlala
In this country had- i-othlng whatevrr to
do with
Those were the only chsnges among the
Cass county officials. .
Barton Herd of
Prize Cattle is
Ordered Killed
CHICAGO. Jan. 7.-A prise herd ot
hlooded rattle owned by Knoe M. Barton,
a wealthy manufacturer and valued at
W.OflO.jhave been oidered killed by gov
ernment Inspectors, It was announced
today, because several ot the rattle were
found to be affected with foot and mouth
disease. Tha herd, containing !W0 cattle.
waa condemned month ago, but Dr. p.
F. Bennett of the federal bureau of ani
mal Industry, postponed ordering the ani
mals killed, as he had hoped to eradicate
the disease.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Jan. 7.-(pe-
rial.) The following resolution was unan
imously adopted at the last regular ses
sion of the Flattsmouth Ministerial asso
ciation '
"Resolved, That as pastors of the
evangelical churches In Flattsmouth we
agree to lead our" respective congrega
tions, simultaneously. In a religious cam
paign, the time for said campaign ex
tending through the last four weeka ot
Lent." X
A social and reltglnua census of the en
tire city Is to be taken in one day,' apo
dal blanks being furnished to the com
mittee. The pastors contemplate opening a re
ligious headquarters downtown for com
mittee meetings and ths distribution of
Esch pastor will conduct special meet
Inge In his own church and without tha
aid of an evangelist '
(ft f)
at ths
South Dakota Legislature Takes
Steps to Have the Present '
Statute Overhauled.
riMiKN, p. it., ,ian. t special Tele,
gram.) The first ' mlxitp of the session
startud in the house today over the Issue
of a new primary election Isw. RuhlrnHn
moved that the election vutnmlttee report
a primary act not later than February l.1
The motion denounced the present, yri
mary act. Blake opposed the motion on
the grounds that the people had aiistalnefl
the present law by a vote and there was
no need for action. Relnhar1. opposed criti
cism of tho existing statute and that
provision waa stricken out before the
resolution waa adopted. '
.The speaker named two of the tegular
committees, that on per diem and miieaKe
of member being Tldblom. Stoner, ller
dahl, Day, Merger. Mne and Stein.
On rules, Hurech, Wlthee, March, Rein
hart, Paulson, Wldlon.
On account of the probaHe Importance
of tax matters at the session a motion
was adopted for sn additional standing
committee of aeven, to be known as the
committee of assessment and taxation.
Itepresentativea Kurkman, Wellr,
Relnhart, Iluckhols, Norby, Hansen and
Hrnaon were appointed .as the, special
committee- to hear testimony In the Mol-lltor-Donohue
The eight rierre ministers were ap
pointed as chaplains to alternate by
weeka In that office.
The first inttlntive ' petition filed
for the present session wss presented to
the secretary of atate today by J. K.
Platte, accretary of the Stute Hankers'
association, to start ktw'.nank guaranty
law drawn by Ihe bankers' association.
It' carried over 7,000 names and will be
presented to the tw-o houses as soon a
the namea ran be copied.
Dr. rvanJOia Miles, ths Great KpedaUst,
, Ssads a slew and Semarkable Treat
ment, Free, as a Trial.
Heart dlsesse Is dangerous, hundreds
drop dead who could have been aitved.
Many hare been cured after doctors fail
ed. To prove the remarkable efficacy of
hla new Hpeelal personal Treatment for
heart disease. ah4rt breath, pain In side,
shoulder or arm. oppression, irregulsr
pulse, palpitation, smothering, puffing of
ankles or dropsy, also nerve, stomaoh
and rheumatlo symptoms. Dr. MUes will
send to afflicted persons a law Froe
Treatment Bad cases usually soon re
lieved. These treatments are tha result of K
years' extensive resesrch and remsrk
ahle auoiwss in treating vsrlous ailments
of the heart. Itver and stomach, whl'h
often complicate each case,
and tvw atenarkable Onres ra Toor state,
o wonderful srn the results thai he
wishes every sick person to test thla
fnmoiis treatment at hla 'expense. Af
flicted persona shquld avail themselves
of this liberal offer, as they may never
have such an opportunity again. Delsva
are dangerous. No death comes more
suddenly thsn that from heart disease.
Hend st once for his nw Rook and
Free Trial Treatment. Deaerlbe your
disease. Address Dr. Franklin Miles.
Dent. IIF; 703 to 71S Main bt, Elkhart,
Ind. n
$ Quickest, Surest Cough
Remedy is Home'
' Made
i rsi
5i Kaslly Prepared la Few Mia
g " t q.ied
Some people are constantly fnnnved
from one year's end t tlie 011101" with a
persistent bronchial couh, which is whol
ly iiinieceturv. Mere is a liome-nisde
reined v that ecu riulit at Hie cause and
ivill thttWe vou wonder what became of it.
(Jet lilfc ounces l'inex (,"i cent worth r
from snv driiL'tri-l, pour into a pint bottle
and fill the Ixitlle with plain prsnulated
rnaar .syrup. .Hart, inking it at ones.
Ureduallv hut surely yoit will notice the)
phlefftii thin out Slid then lisuptear al
together, thus rndinir a couili that roil
never thnupht would end. It also loosens
the Urv, hoarse or tiht ooupjli and hesls
tho intlnnimation in a painful cotiph with
remarknhlo rapidity. Ordinary cotiaha
are conquered l.y it in 24 hours or less.
Xothine 1-cttrr' for hi-onchitis, winter
conph and bronchial asthma.
TJiis I'inet and .sucar Nvrun mixture
makes a fn!l pint enough to last a
family a lone time at a cost, of onlv 54
cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas
ant. V.asily prepared. Full directions
with 1'inex.
Pine i a special and hiirhtv concen
trated compound of genuine .Norwav pine
extract, rich in pus in col, and is famniM
the world over for its ease, certainty and
promptness in' overcoming bad coughs,
chest and throat rolds.
Get the genuine. Ask ronr drucjjist
for "2M ounces l'inex." and do Hot accent
snvth iii else. A guarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or money promptly Teftmded,
goea with this preparation. Ths Tine
Co., Ft Wgyne, Ind.
D not ln tit tint month t tit Xr
Y4vr bo r without tftrOnff to bito swtty
Kr t1) Wtat and aMft of all method
ttrtnuii lnvtmAt, a diamond baa n xtuat.
b'auafl It itvrMa In vain H tn M pr
rant a yat an t aa Kaantlful when tuadM
4awh at an , hair loom aa t nu th a you
umhaa4 It. W mrm efforin x r p!at
vfthwa In srry JUtdoh1, Watch other
Jan-alary la our rMt January SaJa.
17-Jewel Elgin. Wg.tfesc
or jiainpden Ualch
A. Month
i a
Ns. l-Xoilla. snmime tlm-kaep4t
Ki(lt) Wslthaoi or Knraprira watrh. in 2i
yrnr susraatrsd doiibls atraU cl(i Cllnd
rax, sdiuatrtl l Irmixratiira. wucbroaiam
sad poaitiona. wit a mnvsauaat (Ukraotsrd
i'iyaara. Onlv
The Toons' Man's
Ziamond MUM
Thla exniiiaite Dla
moad Rise a
sinn as the sni
perfeei ring . ever
We. 4 Men's Dia
mond Kins, prone; tS IIIsa Dla
Tooth ruountlns. Bnond Kiss, S4k
14k solid sold Ho- solid C"li. Lnfua
man or pol- "Parfctloa"s'A
tabad finish. VW BKi.ntin...V
I. So a Weak Si a Menlk
Oata Btilf UN I F. H ttarra 111
Call or erlt lar 111. oatalos Wo. asa. Phnaa
uausjaa mm ana mu- h huh esll.
Nalicnal '
it Jewelers
tra CRost ca rr.s Kf; sss $2.
40 Boath lh ttreet. Corner lstn and
Barney tvtrasts, Omaha. Opposite ur-
f ass-A as a vq. spartma altars.
tutl(aiti ( iiuti
Broadway at 29 St.
' An Hotel Where Guests ra Made
to Feel at lions'
Not too large, yet large
. enough. to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
SQ9 fooM Modcrmlt Rtiiurnt Ckaigtl
SlDl Rooms vita Runnina Vatc "
$ 1 . 00 (oi 00 per oaf
Slnfl) Rooms wiib Tub or Shower
SI. 50 lo M 00 per d
Deuaic Rooaia viih Kuonma Water
12. U0 10 14. 1)3 per dar
v- Dout! Rooma with Tub or bbover
I .00 to St). 00 per o.y ,
EDWARD C. FOGG. Alanmt" Dirmc.
ROT L, SHOWN. lt:iJMt l.w