Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    T7fi; UEK: OMAHA. THL'HNDAY, JANUARY 7. 1015.
Reducing Life to a Science
It Does Not Seem the Great Master Would
Want Us to Give Up Our Daily Duties
Right Living is What is Asked of Us
(Copyright. 114, by Star Company.
I am running forth to meet you, O my Master,
For they tell mo you aro surely on the way;
Yet, they tell me you aro coming back again
While I run, while I run).
And I wish my feet were winged to speed on faster,
And I wish I might behold you here today,
Lord of men.
I am running, yet I walk beside my neighbor,
And I take the dutiea glven me to do;
Tea, I take the dally duties as they fall
(While 1 run, while I run).
And my heart runs to my hand and helps the labor
For I think this Is the way that leads to you,
Lord of all.
I am running, yet I turn from toil and duty,
Oftentimes to Just the art of being glad;
Yes, to Just the Joys that make the earth-world bright
(While I run. while I run).
For the soul that worships God must worship beauty,
And the heart' that thinks of You cannot be sad.
Lord of light.,
More Proof of Life on Mars
Pi of. Pickering's Observations Strengthen the Argument of Its Hahitability,
Economy, True, Falsq
I am running; yet I pause to greet my brother,
. And I lean to rid my garden of Us weed;
- Yes, I lean, although I lift my thoughts above
(While I run. while I run).
And I think of that command, "Love one another,"
As 1 hear discordant sounds of creed with creed,
Lord of Love.
' ' '
I am running, and the road is lit with splendor;
And it brightens and shines fairer with each span.
. Yes, it brightens like the highway In a dream
(While I run, while I run)!
And my heart to 11 the world grows very tender,
vvFor I seem to see the Christ in every man,
. Lord Supreme.:
Do you know that the sun passes into
a, nw sign of the. sodlao at the equinox
one Id 2.180 year?
This '!' what a very" great 'scholar and
physicist, Sidney
O., P. Coryn, tella ,
us.' And It haa been
tha history of the
world that at each
one of those pe
riods some new.
phase of ' religion
appears1 in the
world." ' "
ru his Interesting;
article Mr. Coryn '
, "About 1.060 years
ao' existed the
reign of the bull
headed gods, be
cause the sun bad
entered the sign of
Taurus,'' the bull,
and they persisted
for over 2.000 years.
and then gave place to the ram-headed
gods, and they endured for another
rears. "And then Egypt Itself came to an
i X -
ny ms. WOODALIiF.X CHAPMAN., to he body. What poor economy It
I would he to handicap the soul tn this
Economy! Tou hear It on every one's
lips; It Is the watchword of the hour.
But do we know what true economy
Is? Aie we FXrrlsln that virtue or
are wt (Ivlna signs of Increasfns; psrsl
mony? It Is easy to h psralmonlous, to re
fuse to spend money because we "can't
afford It."
True economy means 'a - wise expendi
ture for the essentials of life end a care
ful avoidance of all unnecessary waste.
"I'm not aivtne any Christmas presents
this year. I can't afford It."
Tou hear this on every hsndi but It
Is psralmony that sneaks, not true econ-
You can't afford not to five, for giving
Is as essential to the espanslon and
growth of the soul as air ant food are
Gianges in Mars in a four-month period. The first photograph shows the wide area
of polar line. The second three months later shown how it has shrunk and how under
the rays of the sun vegetation lines have appeared,. The third a month Inter fhows the
canal lines.
.the sun), you naturally conclude ' that to phenomena on Mars which appear to
Mara la a habitable world, whose Inhab-, be connected with tho changing state of
The old mystery of the planet Mars is
made to appear In a new form by the
wiles of observations which Prof. 'Wil
liam H. Pickering has been publishing
from month to month during the year
Prof. Pickering has made hut tele
st opto studies of the "ruddy planet" at
the Jamaica. West Indies, station of the
Harvard observatory, where the atmos
pheric conditions are extraordinarily fa
vorable for astronomical observations.
Prof. Pickering's reports almost resem
ble weather and crop bulletins from an
other world, and their Interest for read:
era of a speculative turn of mind la In
tense. In fact, their statements must ap
peal to every person who haa any Intel
lectual curiosity concerning thing be
yond the limits of his every day occupa
tions and amusements.
Let us recall, to begin with, what the
special claim Is that the planet Mars
makes upon our attention. There is a
pretty general agreement among those
w,. th fAleatlnl nrhs about US
worldly affairs. We are sent Into an I that, of all the attendant bodies circling
earthly body and upon this earth to live I around our sun. there is none, outside of
human lives. We are expected to learn J the earth" Itself, which presents to view
the lessons of self-control and self -de-J . .T.rceMlnn of resrularlv changing: che-
velopme.r.t, and to attain to the highest nomena so suggestive of the presence of
possibilities within us. ... .nt llv., .r- those
This tloes not mean that we are all in- .,. w f.,
tended ' to live the lives of saints upon Te . xt.r. iih . nnw.rful
earth. gMng up all worldly pleasures and telescope you will at once be etruck by
dwelling I" caves or cells or starving or ,u wonderful resemblance to a globe
during the body to prove that we be- w)th ,rre,uiarly shaped areas
lleve only in spiritual things. People ouUJned llke M cements. Even
Z I. ..k "V"". """c" ".ay oe re- ,uwe8tlv not abscnt. some Of
k.J h.. 1 V. T , the areas having a faint bluish or green-
1 .I01 ' nt"ra,l.1 vf" tfh tint and other being of a reddish or
and. helped one another along the high- " ... B.
ways of the world. I - " . 1, ...
FJght -living I. what Is asked of us. M""e l "i
Right lfving and right thinking. ; I"?. . " "T. .7"..
What is ' right living? Just to do yourltaae pmce in tneir oeiaiis. aiwibo im
- heflt I Kr.l ftf tha ntsnet vail will see white
When w-or. seems easier," The .bear the I Mfrh , rouahl fclrcular form, the
Of daily lifo with patient cheerfulness! I exUnt of which varies wtth the seasons
ror warte dear time recounting them. on Mars, spreading in winter ana recea-
Of hopeful things when doubt Is' tn the,1"' n umma7' . . . .
air; . I When you consider these thlnga In con-
To count your blessings often, giving I section with the further facts that Mars
thanks. ..... I rotates on its axis In almost exactly the
bltants msy not be very different In phy
sical hiekeup from ourselves.
New. the whole, question Is there. Do
these major resemblances between Mara
and the earth warrant us tn concluding.
In spite of many minor differences, that
Mars Is like the earth In being a theater
of llfeT . gome astronomers, and Prof.
Pickering 1s among them, are disposed
to think that the answer should be in the
affirmative. It is to establish. If possible,
the proof of the existence of life, in
some form, upon Mara that tho studies at
Jamaica have been undertaken. Even
the possibility of our communicating,
from the earth, by some ktnd of Inter
planetary telegraphy, with the Inhab
itants of that distant world has been con
sidered. But we must first be sure that
there are inhabitants there for us to talk
with. , ,
Prof. Pickering's monthly reports, as I
have said, resemble weather bulletins.
This is because they are mostly confined
Do You Know That
Stags are bred In China for their horns,
the horns being cut while soft each year
and used In the manufacture of medicine.
The Port of London Authority landed
or received 2,X1R,?6R tone of Import goods
In the year ending last month. ,
Owing to the' war, fewer applications
Hi atmosphere. It is difficult to resist
the conclusion that many of the object
whose appearanco was recorded by the
observer were really clouds floating In
the atmosphere of Mars. These are seen
mostly alnng the limb, or edge, of the
globe ef the planet, where the eye ranges
through a greater thickness of atmo
sphere, and Prof. Pickering arrives at
the conclusion that the proportion of
watery vapor In tha atmosphere on Msrs
Is greater than In that of the earth. This
would have an Important effect li modi
fying the low temperature to which Mara
Is subjected In consequence of Ita great
distance from the sun 141,000,000 miles as
against 03.000,000 miles tor the earth.
But. while his observations lead to the
conclusion that the amount of the vapor
of water In the atmosphere of Mars Is
relatively great they also show that the
quantity of liquid water upon the planet
is very small. Tet there appears to be
enough to produce some remarkable
phenomena. ' For Instance, while the
northern snow-cap on Mars waa reced
ing, during the advance of the last Mar
tian spring. In Its northern hemisphere,
a dark area, south of the snow became
conspicuous. At first It was 3S0 miles
long. Within two days its length had In
creased to 500 miles, and within another
two days to about 1,000 miles!
This strange area had a bluish color,
and a "shiny surface," suggesting that It
was covered with water formed by the
melted polar enow. Hut Prof. Pickering
thlnka that It waa more orobably a vast
for patents are being received by the marsh, whose soil had been moistened
patent otilce.
J BiruL n.J i ruwa Diinni li . It . . . m . i .
snd to find the continuation of the Nor question why you miffer. To accept f"a , '
, rme wnoie oi lire as one nerieciea man.
And welcome each event as part of It,
system, we have to oetatce ourselves . u
Galilee, where Jesus the Christ, was born
under the sign of the .flshM. ..'..'.-
"Tou will remember the s-dvice given
to the 'early Christiana by one of the
tbe fathers, that if they would make an
image of their Lord, let It be In the
Torm of ttah or of a ship running be
fore the wind. And In the catacombs of
Home' we find many a" tomb bearing the
' sculptured sign of the fishes, or ' places.
"Jonah, you will lemember, was thrown
up by the great (isb. . When Jesus wished
to feed the .multltudo he gave them fishes.
The change of the cyclic, gods meant
. that a new spiritual .force bad entered
the world. ' It was the Messianic cycle,
and we may believe that In all cases It
ass signalised by the appearance of a
teacher as well as by cataclysms, great
' or small, universal wars, and the birth
pangs of a new thought.
"Jssua.came when the sun passed Into
(he. sign of the fishes, ; 2,000 years agV
The 'sun is now passing Into the sign of
Aquarius. Therefore, It may be that we
i should do well to watch and pray, for in
,;' an hour we know ' not 'the Son tf Man':
'"Tometh-. " Indeed, ' the decks seem to be-j
cleared for some great- arrival."
t It seems to be the prevailing Impres
sion of a great many spirited minds that
a new- teacber-anri- m new-master-fafacion
'to make bis advent among us. Some be
'ileve It Is the aeoond coming o( the, last
of the Masters, Christ. Msny believe
. ihat all the, great teachers who have
vome have been one spirit, reincarnated
tn different bodies.
-'.'if. you believed that' a great spirltuul
-being were about to come to the world,
' ,how would' you vary your life from your
'present way of living? Would you not
do away with very many of your present
.:arrow ideas and needless efforts and
reduce tuis life to a, science? Would
ion not rid your heart of prejudices and
dislikes.' enj'les and jealouslea, and tiy
and keep the channel of your, mind clear
for the wgtera of love and faith? . . , i
. it does not seem that the great Master '
would want us to give up our dally j
lutles, or eur rightful occupation In order !
live a life In accordance wtth His
, tinning. It is more reasonable to sup-!
i-one that He would only expect, us to
. tlve up our fgulta, our follies and our
weaknesses, while we kept .about our
I twenty-four hours), giving It days and
' nlffhta Ilka Aura anil that It has the
To work, and love your work; to trust. , , . . ,,.. ,.
to pray . - -
For larger useBuiness and clearer sight- except that they are nearly .twice aa long
This Is right living, pleasing In God'a. as -ours (owing to the greater length of
Mars' year, or time of revolution around
. eves.
Though you be heathen, heretic or Jew,
Gold filled teeth . have been found In
the , jaws of skeletons exhumed In
Pompeii, ,
' Camels are, fit to work, at & years old,
but their strength begina to decline at 2S,
although they usually live to W.
Sheep draw small wagons in India and
Fink pearls are found only off the
Bahama Islands, and are very scarce.
The largest order of merit In tho world
Is the French Legion at Honor, which
has over 500,000 members. .
The soja bean, which grows in Japan,
after having been cooked and pressed,
yields a nutrltrlous substitute for milk.
by the snow-water, so that the thick
swampy vegetation sprang "up almost
Immediately, and gave a dark hue to
the entire region.
The most original suggestion offered
by Prof. Pickering Is that the atmos
phere of Mars Is remarkably foggy, and
that, owing t4 the general flatness of
the surface, without hilts and mountains,'
the fog may be localised at night in
selected regions, under artificially pro
duced conditions (probably of an elso
trlcal nature) so that Its moisture may
stimulate vegetation. In the. absence of
sufficiently of water In the soil.
The general result of these , observa
tions Is to strengthen the argument for
the haMtabillty of Mars, although It yet
remalna for some aharp-eyed astronomer
of the future to catch tx glimpse of some
unquestionable sign or ilgnal. Indicating
the actual presence of Inhabitants.
Advice to Lovelorn
Iwvlte II Ids tn Call.
Dear Mias Fairfax: About eight months
sgo I met a young man at a party and
he escorted me home and ssked me to go
out with him the following week, but
I wss attending my mother.' who ws
III at that time, I could not leave her
to go out Ftecently 1 met this young msn
at e. social. He offered to escort me
home, hut as my sinter wss with me 1
didn't deem It necessary, as I didn't live
far. Now, would it be proper to ask this
young msn to call on me? I like him
very much, and I think he likes me. too.
Also, would It be proper to phone lo
him and ask him In that wsy?
N. K.
Tou were not quire conrteoua te refuse
to allow the young man to escort you
home. Even If you did not "need" his
protection, you should have thanked him
for his courtesy and accepted. . Now the
least return you can make, tor the friend
ship he ass. twice proffered .you. and
which you have twice rejected (once quite
rightly, since you were caring for your
sick mother), is to Invite him to your
home. It would be quite proper to telo
phone and Invito him to spend an eve
ning at your home and ' I think,, under
the circumstances, I should choose that
method Instead of the mere formal one
of writing a note.
She a Too Ysisf.
Pear Miss Ksirfax: I am a young man
In the Harvard graduate school of busi
ness, and em In lnv with a lrl of IT
years from the west. She is ve?y beauti
ful. Though I am sure she loves m.
every time I call on her three Is aoine
othor fellow tliere. nnd I am hardly ever
alilo to see her alne. Though my pros
pects art, bright. I cannot vet ask her
to marry me. as T am still In eollcna.
Ptlll, I do not like to share my tlmo
when calllrs' up on her with 'other fol
lows, fhould I spenk to her about If
What am T to do? There is a'so a young
student In ' the Conservatory of Music
from her borne whq sees her is often as
1 do. Khe claims they ore merely old
f rlondg. but it worries n s. ' W. T. C.
You have 'your way to make In the"
world after you have been graduated
from college, and it would not be' quite
fair to ask a girl of 17 years to tie "her
self down to a promise to wslt for you,
would It? If you sgree with me that you
are not ready to make permanent ar
rangements looking toward a future to
gether, cannot you take the next step
and confess to yourself that It Is a sel
fish love that seeks to deprive so young
a girl of society and coinpar.ionshtp she
enjoys? Tou have no right to ask any
thing of the girl you love. Your part Is
to make your friendship so big a part of
her Ufe that she will wsnt to be with
you and to talk things over with you
alone, r-evotlon, sympathy, understand
ing and a constant effort- to study her
point of view are whit you need. '
I can sympathise with you In your
lock of the Customary amount to spend
for Chrlfftmns gifts; but let us see If we
cannot think of a few little remem
brances so Inexpensive that every one
of us rsn afford them.
Tt be sure, these will not be showy
gifts, to be tised in paying off last year's
debts. Remember, It la our pride that
makes us try to give Mrs. Jones a more
expensive gift than she gave us last
year. To put our pride in our pocket
would be an act of true economy: 1c
would enable us to show our reel feel
ing, without any parade of foolish pre
tentiousness. Ana maybe Mrs Jones
would be made more truly bappy with
a little gift, which we could tell her we
had made with our own hands and which
would be an evidence of thoughtfulnesa
than she would with an elegant present
that brought with it the (Suggestion of
rivalry. ' '
Homely gifts to us the word "homely"
In Us original sense of something per
taining ,to the home are alwaya accep
table. For Instam-e, take dust clothe. Woul!
you appreciate a few squares Of cheese
cloth all hemmed and ready for us?
Of. qoure, you , would. Then why not
make some for a few of your friends?
For . others make cheesecloth bags
about five Inches square aivt fll them
with oatmeal, a lt of powdered orris
root and a few soep shavings. These
are for the bath, and are alwaya accept
able. . ' ';'...'
Spend 5 vents "fof sheet of green
blotting paper, and cut It up Into pieces
a convenient sis , for blotters. Make
covers from cardboard on which . have
been pasted sultsble 'pictures, readily
found In the advertising pages of the and tn various catalogues, and
tie together with baby ribbon, or evenk
colored card. ' '
For the children there are bean bags,
which can be made from colored' linens,
or even from 'unbleached muslin at 1
cents a. yard. Find a picture of a cat or
a brewnle any simple picture that 'a child
would enjoy. Paste this on the muslin,
and, 'threading; the sewing machine with
colored silk or cotton, follow the outline
with a. long etltth.', Tear away, the
paper, and there Is your embrolderery bag
cover, (There should . be an . Inner, bag
of unbleeohed muslin for additional
Peclpes clipped. from newspapers, and
magnaines may be pasted. on .cards and
given te the hourewtfe. A dusting cap
made from dotted ewlss at 10 cents a
yard Is always an acceptable gift.
Are not these enough suggestions to
prove that we do not need money In order
to be able to give at Chrtetuuhs tlaMi?
Look through your boxes and trunks
In ' which you ' have packed pieces left
over from dressmaking and' bits' of mil
linery. By tha use of a little Ingenuity
a number, of . useful and pretty things
msy be contrived. And this, .remember,
is true economy, consuming, material
which might otherwise go to waste.
In the past Americans have been ac
cusedand rightfully, aa.,1 .believe ef
wastefulness In tha kitchen. '
How Is It with you today? ' Are you
conducting your cuisine along lines of
true economy? Or are you making your
family go without certain ' nutritious
foods because the prices are high, while
at, tho same time throwing "away more
than enough good food to offset the
amount you think you are saving? This
IS another on of the methods of false
opera by ilie greatest .-'-artists'
am eyeryclay pleasure with tEe
The kittenish girl frequently has claws
, f the old eat. -
A good many well taken photographs I
eem out of place away from the roguee' j
The.-value of a friend la need depends
entirely upon whether you need htm or
he needs yeu.
If the married woman does not succeed
n reforming her husband, she can at
esVt punh hm. .
- When 'Xiootf will towards nie.V'-la ex
iuctvely a thlakjng part, you cannot ex
Pt the Jaaitor to display much energy
M Christmas tuiis.
The following Omaha and Council
Bluffs dealers carry complete lines
of Victor Victrolas, and all the late
Victor Records as fast as issued.
You are cordially invited to inspect
the stocks at any of these estab
lishments. - . t, '
1311-1313 Farnam St Omaha. Neb.
" .Victor Department on Main Floor
Branch at
Council Bluffs
Geo, Mickejf. Mgr. VJ VUV V
Hear Caruso, Tetrarzini,
Me lb a, Schumann-Heink.
and other famous artists at
any Victor dealer's. '
There are Victors and
Victrolas in great variety of
styles from $10 to $200.
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden. N. J.
Victrolas Sold by
1513-15 Douglas Street. Omaha, and
407 West Broadway, - Council Bluffs, la.
Talking Machine Department
in the Pompeian Room
( S
f.. . . . . ... -Vi
1 y
VictroU XVI, $200
Mthogauy cr oak