THE PEE: OMATTA. THUKfcDAY. JAXtWKY !.!.". BRIEF CITY NEWS muty nmfi co Pol. ms, BTI Boot mm It Now FWon Prss. Barra-Qream Co Lighting fix ture. Z.T . Xaakall Moro Lov - lUskill company and Ucrmui Fir Underwriter have moved Into their nw location. 2 11 Woodmei f th World building. "To ay- oplM' aXorVa stomas. clasalf!d arotlon today, and arpesra is ThaJB EXCL.USJVKL. rind out .what ' Ui vartcwa moving picture theater offer. " A Happy aad rroaperona STw Tear la the very leaat that anyone can wlm you. but an office in The Bee building, "the building that ii always new," make wishes eotne true. Taa Xawagea Back at Mia Da a. A. Van Inwegen, atatstlclan, who ha own Seriously 111, ha o ar recovered that he la again at hla desk In the general freight office at Burlington headquar ter. Wo mid Wot Let Kim We Charlea Mar tin, colored, living at 1213 Davenport .street, took poison with aulcldal Intent because of domestic difficulties but waa aavad by Dr. J. A. Tamlsea, polk sur geon. jrw Hntttlng Uons Arrive Hunt ing license for 1S15 have arm-ed from Lincoln In the office of County Clerk Dewey. A large number of local sports--men have, been awaiting thla news, ac cording to Mr. Dewey. ' Officer ar -leta At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Skin ner Manufacturing company the old of ficer and board of directors were re elected for the ensuing year, a follows: Paul F. Skinner, president, treasurer and manager; Robert Gllmore. vice president and secretary. V Wearing Chimttiirn' winter term, new eiaaaea, opens Monday, January 4. Adult beginners Monday and Thursday. 1p.m. Aiserabliea Wednesdays, I p. m.J Ladles, Tuesdays, I p. m. Children, Tuesdays, " p. m. ; Saturdays, 1:30 p. m. High school, 1:30 - p. in.; Saturdays, 7 p. m. Private lessons by appointment Up-to-the-mtnut dances taught. Ust early. Phone D. 18T1. Jepaa Worse ta War Sea The Itinerary of tha thirty Japanese Red Cross people who ar anroute to the war con of Europe ha been changed, and Instead of arriving here at midnight Fri day they ara comlrur on an earlier train on the) Union Pacific and will reach Oiiie-ba at 1:30 o'clock that afternoon. They will remain In Omaha, half an hour before going east over the Northwestern. FARM LAUDS WILL BE IN BIG DEMAND More 'People Seeking for Farm Than at Any Time Last Yer Railroader! Expect Rash. PRICES ARE SURE TO GO UP Railroad men who have to do with Im migration, aaaert that during tha com ing spring and summer the demand for farm lands will be the greatest In yeara and that the high price at which farm product ar -selling will stimulate real estate values. Tha assertion Is based to some extent upon tha movement of homeseekers Tuesday, It having been the first day this year when the rheap rate to those seeking homea hss been applied. The movement was greater than upon any occasion last year. Out. of Kansas City, according to George A. McKutt, district passenger agent for the Katv road, there were three trains of hoirteseeker destined for Texas, most of them going Into the Uulf coast country. Tha Omaha roads did what they con sider a surprisingly good business In the way of handling homeseeker. the Illinois Central, the Rock. Island and the Mis souri Pacific each starting a clarload of land looker toward Florida. Road running Into the west are receiv ing many Inquiries ' reluttve to the low- priced agricultural land along their lines, and the men In charge of the Im migration business are looking for a heavy movement of people from the east the Ust of-this month and from then on until spring. At the Burlington lend department score of letter , ar being received dally asking for Information relative to lands In the western part of Nebraska and in Colorado and Wyom ing. While the high prices of all kinds of farm products have stiffened the prices for farm lands, there has at yet been no material advance. An advance is looked for, however, within the next ninety days, and lands that now ar selling at from o to ISO per nor are exneotcd to go up W to 26 per ' cent and perhaps mora. These lands as a rule are with out any improvements and ar said to be well adapted, to general farming and stock raising. ; , Administration Now Worried by Fight on Ship Purchase Bill WASHINGTON, Jan. . Continued bel ligerency on tha part of republican en ators toward the government ship pur chase bill ha begun to worry adminis tration leaders, who failed to day to get the measure- before the senate 6 wing to monopolization of all the time with speeches and , appropriation affairs. Inasmuch as but two months remain In the life of the Sixty-third congress, and the senate ha not yet passed any of the big supply bills, the reiterated deter mination of 'tha minority to fight the ship bill o the last ditch and to pre vent Its consideration whenever possible has aroused the fear that the adminis trative legislative program is In danger. Following last night's conference of. republicans In Senator Galllnger's office. from which emanated the suggestion that tha appropriation bills might be endan gered before many more weeks passed, Informal conferences of majority mem ber were held .today .to ..consider meth od of procedure. It 1 possible that night sessions may be foroed in the near future- By compelling the republicans to be constantly on hand, the- democrats think there will be an endurance contest which would force aa agreement to al low the ship measure to ba voted on. Control of Sucker , State. Legislature Hangs pn Two Seats SPRINGFIELD, 111., Jan. "..-Republican control of both house of the Illinois legis lature), which convenes hare tomorrow , for its forty-ninth biennial session, hinges on tha results of contests for two scats ii the state senate, Governor Dunne, democrat, having refused certificates of election to two members of his own party. With the assistance of the two pro gressive members, th democrats have a majority of eighty to seventy In the lower house. Th one progressiva In the senate also 1 expected to align with th repub lican giving- them a strength of twenty four against twenty-five democrats. Th senate, however, will convene with two ' member missing because of the refusal of Governor Dunne to certify the election of t democratic member from Chicago. Ia both cases tha republican candidates were certified elected by tha county au- . thorltle. but tha atata canvassing board rejected the - certification and declared th democratic candidates returned.- Oov enor Dunne decided thst the cases should ba put up to the senate Itself far decision and recommended a recount of the ballot. Music Quiet Dundee Aroused by . Unique Electrical Di&urbance TH'JfDFF. Neb. Jan . One of the most vivid electrical dim-lays witnessed In this village In many moons tck place last evening. Accompanying the heavy rsin sheet aftr sheet of electricity flashl across the sky. Intermingled with halls of green electric fire. Although no dam age was done the villagers were ex tremely agitated, and many pent a Urge portion of the early hours of th night watching. the weird midwinter spectacle from the windows of their dwelling. No, dear reader, the staff correspond ent from fair Dundee has not taken to strong drink or hasheesh, bit la merely stating a fact which many of his fellow villagers, aa well as a number of cltlxens of Omaha, can well confirm.. Klwtrlclty in gobs, bunches, streaks, sheets, flashes and otherwise, lighted the sky for a good many hours. At. first It waa thought to be. lightning, then when the ball of green fire became apparent, several individuals who had read H. G. Walls' "Daje of the Comet." started pre dicting tha end of the world. Remembering that Iur1e J. Qulnhy had gone to manage tha legislature at Lincoln, no expert data could be se cured on the phenomenon, so several cltlsena went forth Ma the wet to dls. cover the source of the display. Th adventurer found that th rain, coupled with atmospheric conditions, created the balla of moving fire, wher the trolley of the street car touched the wire overhead. The flashes were caused by tha sputtering connection of th two. On the West Leavenworth line the cars experienced some difficulty In progress ing up tha steep hill from Forty-eighth street, west. Dundee oars, and many of the lines In Omaha, met with the Sams' trouble. Several of th oldest conductor and motormn In th service atate that they never before witnessed or experi enced uch a spectacle In their railway career. Dutch Army Still Held Under Arms (Cerreapondenc of Th Associated FreM ) THE HAOtK. lo. fc.-Th Dutch army of over x,X0 men to still under arm and the borders are guarded a vigilantly a If a host He foe were ap proaching. The rare of Belgian refugee I a part of their duty. This capital I full of the mor prosperous Belgian who refuse to stay at home under tha German flag. Th hotel were never so full at this season. 8chevenlnga, whlrh had a disastrous summer set son. Is sow overrun with troops who ar quartered In th hotel and kurhaus. liar Regalsr Bowel Movement. Tak Dr. King's New Life Tills and hare a dally y movement of th bow el. Cur constipation. Only e. All drug glit.Adrtl semen t. in i I WOMAN DRIVES OUT BURGLARW1TH GUN Wat Afraid to Hold Him Because Revolver is Not Loaded Had No 'Phone to Call Police. WAS ALL ALONE IN THE HOUSE While her husband was at work, Mrs. Corlnn Allen, iSlO Sherman avenue, cap tured a burglar, and' at the point of a gun backed him' out of , the residence. Kntering, while Mrs. Allen was at th piano, hi presence was revealed in a lull of the music when the sound of his foot steps waa heard on the floor above. Mrs. Allen secured the weapon from th drawer of her writing desk and slipped to the second floor, where she found a big man in a slouch hat and long black eoat opening one of the bedroom doors. Not until she waa on the landing was he aware of her presence. "Don't shoot, lady, don't hoot." " lie pleaded, drawing the hat over hi eyes and shielding a side of his race with the coat. "You keep your hands up and get down those atalra," commanded Mrs. Allen, keeping the fellow covered with the Salts Fine For Aching Kidneys We eat too much meat, which clog Kidneys, then Back hull and . Jlladder bothers yon. Most folk forget that the kidneys. Ilk th bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, els we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, aleep. Ueanes and all sorts of bladder dis orders. Tou simply must keep your kidneys aotiv Mid clean, and the moment you iel aa ache or pain la the kidney region, got about four ounces of Jad Bait from any good drug at ore bere, take a table spoonful In a glass of water before break fast tor a few days and your kidneys will then act;fine. This famoua salt U mad from the acid of grape and lemon Juic, combined with Uthl. and la harm I to flush clogged kidney and atlm- uiua tnem to normal activity. It also neutralise the acid In th urtn o it n longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorder. Jad Salts is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent uthla- watar drink which everybody tliould take ow and then to keep their kidney clean. .thug avoiding serious complications. A well-known local Urusgltt says he ells lots of Jad Salts to fulka who be lle In overcoming kidney trouble while U I ay treubJ. Th recital concert given last evening at the Temple Israel by Mrs. Lena Ells worth Dale, Mr. Vernon C. Bennett. Mrs. Louis ZabrKkle and Mr. Slgmund Lands berg drew forth a fair attendance of friends' and music lover In spite of th Inclemency of th weather. Mrs. Dale assisted by Mr. Bennett and Mr. Lands berg ha been heard annually for sev eral seasons, and each year one Is again Impressed by the seriousness of her musicianship. 'Her voice, of naturally beautiful quality, 1 enriched by careful atudy, and . her singing shows greater breadth and maturity. . Mrs. Dale's part of th program waa made up of songs which require much from th singer, and demand versatility by their contrast and variety. She opened th program with the aria "Farewell Y Hill'' by Tschaikowskl, a dramatio num ber o great range and technical, diffi culty. Her singing of the 8trauss "Sere nade'' Inviho-aecona group, waa especially suited to her vbloe and waa very well done. . Th Truellngsnacht" by - Schu mann, which closed the German group, waa so popular with the audience that It waa repeated. "The Lord Is My Shep herd" by Mr. Thomas J. Kelly of Omaha, sung with the organ, proved a moat musical setting of tho Twenty-third Psalm, breathing fervent religious senti ment through Its quiet meditative mood. This was a great contrast to the brilliant aria "I Will Extol Thee," by Sir Michael Costa, which followed it, also with organ accompaniment. In the group of English songs the Pastorale by Carey and th Irish melody, "When Love I Kind." wer especially well received, and the encore "For You." by Mr. Landsberg, met with a cordial response. Th "Electa" by Massenet, sung with violin obligate, closed th program, and was sympathet ically Interpreted. Mr. Bennett played the "Praeludlum Festlvum" from a Sonata by Rene L. Becker, In a brilliant and mualclanly man ner. The full organ at th tempi Would be more effective if It were possessed of a reed atop to give It that "bite'' which is so adequate in a large building. Mr. Bennett mad tha most of hi resources, however, and later In the program pre sented a group of shorter numbers with varied registration and good tast. H responded to an encor. Mr. Landsberg's Sonata for violin and piano, played by the composer and Mra. ZabrUki. waa heard under the most favorable circumstances, and confirmed tha impression it had previously mad of its mualclanly workmanship. Every movement was Interesting, th first on especially, and the Adagio In the, second, followed by the dainty Schersando and leading back to tempo on waa well worth th attention. The third movement, "In raodo Americano," abound in syn copation, and leads to a brilliant climax. Mr. Landsberg was given quit an ova tion by the enthusiastic audience. Mra Zabrtskl (deserve credit for her share "e careful, lady, be careful. Don't pull that trigger," begged th Intruder. "Don't call th police. I'll go away." By this time the pair had reached th main floor, and the man was edging to ward the front door. With a final flour ish of the revolver that almost gave th would-be thief heart failure, Mra. Allen commanded him to "clear out." H did. ' Out why didn't you hold him and call for -the police?" was th Inquiry put by one of Mrs. Allen's friend. "Well, I wa pretty shaky myself, and, aa the gun wasn't loaded and w haven't had our phone put in yet, I thought I might a well let him go," she replied. HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN i IN SERVIA ARE WOUNDED WASHINGTON. Jan., Conditions in the devastated -ports of Beryl, ar a distressing, and the tnlsery as great as in Belgium, according to a letter received at the Red Cross headquarters her to day from Madame QrouUrh, wife of the under secretary of foreign affairs of Bervla. i "Every available building near the front has been converted into a hospital," Madame Qroultch wrote, ' "and the wounded must sleep some times on floors, in corridors or sheds. Often wounda can only b dressed every third or fourth day for want of bandage and gauie. Surgeon are working eighteen hour a day, nurse and local committees ar exhausted from the strain." She added - that there were 100,000 wounded Servian and Austrian In Bcrvia, Washington Affairs Delegates attending the eleventh annual conference on child labor were urged by Pienator Kenyon of Iowa to reverse their policy of plea fling with the captains of Industry and Invoke a rigid application of law to keep little children out of "sweat shops." Th National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, at a confereu:e at New Tork decided to wage active campaigns In Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, four states In which, constitutional amendments provid ing for equal suffrage may be submitted to th voter during 10 IB. i Protest asralnst the senate amendment to the Immigration bill providing for th exclusion of members of th African race from toe I'nited unites have begun pour ing In at the White Houa. Th president will not Indicate hi position until th nous act on th provision and the bill la finally sent to him for hi algnatur orveto. President Wilson todsy will reclv a deli egatlon of nearly 100 democratic women, many of then) votera. who will call at th W hit House to ask him to support a con stltuionul amendment for mttjon-wld women suffrage. The amendment 1h to be voted on In the house January 13. The del egation will ride to the Whit House in a Iouk parade of automobiles decorated with. stiffraKe colors. The auffr&Klats will be seen by th PreslaVnt in th Kast room of the White Houxe. where he told another COMMANDER YISITS POST General 0. H. . Durtnd Attends Grand Army Installation of Offioen. NEW STAFF FOR RELIEF CORPS With th addrea by General O. H. Durand of Falrbury. commander of th Department of Nebraska, and Aaalatant Adjutant General A. M. Trimble of Un coln. th annual Installation of officers was held In Memorial hal of th court house, last night, by U. 8. Grant Post No. no. Grand Army of tn Republlo, and Women Relief corp No. 104 of th pot. Th new commander and other speak ers made brief reminiscent addresses and remarks appropriate to th occasion, and a program of music and recitations com pleted an enjoyable evening. The attend ance waa large, many of tha old veteran and their wive and famllle braving the disagreeable weather to Join In tha sing ing of patriotic air and witness th an nual ceremony. The new officer of Grant post ar a follows: R. P. Tuten, post commander; If. R. iilbdon, eankir vi&a t'oioiuantlari J. unnit, junior vio eommanuori dosopn fc.oj.i.on, aajutanti O. M. jaavany, quar- ""', v. b, jsryeai, aurgeon; Is, K, vmi Musen, Chaplain; ,u u, jiutatt, -firm? of the day) jama Uoharty, otfloar of th gurd V, M. Alton, rnt imuuri U. M, . Ouiid, paUlutiu Instructor. at Hi neiiac earn, these nw Of;ior war installed; Mra Balla A. i3iff&hi. . Mrs. Adai A. Whitney, senior vim prt aotiii Mrs. Alice trv, Junior vie ' " m a. Miner, cnapiatat Mrs. Cora 'ialilai.rro. lraurr) .Mrs. Lois hiuhardaon, guard;, Mr, Kat C, liul.d, oonuuulor: Mrs, faeuiah Davla. aaa. retary; Mra. Lillian kduy, pau-loilo In rv.uuiur, mrm. LMcy ju. McMurray, pro correspondent; Mrs. Helene Thlem, mu. iciitn, rs. Anna Long, Jars. Maui Uavis, Mrs. Joslu wy and Mrs. Hopnia as ceitgaies to tuu next stat encamp ment, the member war elected at th last meeting and were announced last nlghtl for Grant' post of the Grand Arm josepn Donerty, Kdward Upd D. Hulett, delegatea; W. (J. Templeton, like and K. II. Randall and V. P. Morgan, alter nates. For Grant Relief corps. Mrs. Anna Long ana Mrs. Kate C. Guild, delegatea The interspersed entertainment included a reading by Mrs. John W. Evan and piano selections by Mrs. Helena Thlem, Keiier corp muBlclan, assisted by hr husband, Charles Thlem, on th cello. llo lima! Uasli Day's Easy, Hon fast Soak Your Cloth, Add Three Tea poona of aTXTCTJK, atoll M Klante. Blu and Tout Toroajra. . 4 . . . line vt niie iiouae. mnere ne iciia inuinrr In th evetilng s enjoyment. She draw a J delegation several months ago that he bc- flrra bow, and plays whh breadth and musical ability. Mr. Landsberg and Mr. Bennett furnished the accompaniments. H. M. R, . How to Caret a La ' UrSppe (sstk "Coughs that hang on" demand treat ment. Htop and think! Reason and com mon senxe tell you that It la folly , to "grin and bear it." Those racking la grippe coughs that wrench the body and eaus soreness and pains In the lungs yield more quickly to Foley' Honey and Tar than to any other treatment Forty years' record, of successes proves this. For coughs, colds, croup and other dis tressing ailments of throat, chest, lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will corapar with this re liable remedy. Sold by all dealers. Advertisement. Be Want Ad l rodue Result. Culls , from the. Wire Governor Bless of Sonth Carolina par doned two stale convk-ts, paroled flva, in cluding a negro aorving a life term for assault, and commuted tha c lance of two. . In four year the governor has ex tended clemency to mora than pris onous Approximately tl.000,000 worth of stock In th National Batik of t'ommerc of St. Louis was purchased by a syudlcat or ins airecior oi in back Irora a Kan sas etty syndicate which bad bought th stock fi-orn tba astaU of William IL Thompson, tori&er preatdatit of Ui bask. lieved the suffrage i "cation should be de termined by the dirtcrent states. Members of the -senate Judiciary . sub committee appointed to inquire into con stitutional phaseu of the patronage dis pute between the senate and president discussed their task Informally. The committee Is directed to ascertain the constitutionality of the president making recess appointments for vacancies which occur when the senate Is In aesslnn, ss wax the case In the appointment of lowing C. Bland to be United states nisrahal for th western district of Missouri, tthould the committee report that the president exceeded his constitutional authority, it Is xaid the only remedy, in case any should be sought, would be to submit the case to the house with a view to Impeachment proceedings. Never a washing so big or so dirty that It need tire you now) 8K1TC11 will handle the biggest, dirtiest wash tiiat evervaa. Voti JuSl usa three teaAPonnful of NKITCH to a bollerful of clothes. Don't rub, don't worry! HKlTCJi Just akltche th dirt out better than you could rub It out on a wasli board. Have enoush soap on every wash to pay for th who) pa KHKe. bmh ir can t nurt in rtnest fabric ever woven. It' ao harmless it wouldn't nun your atoniacn u you ate It. (Jet a 10-cent pucka of BKITCH of your grocer ana .tnrow washboards away. AlinoHt all dealer have fetKlTCll If your doean t, send ma hi name and i ii ann you a aaiapi or em ITCH free, liana Flchtenberg. 211 Grand Ava, Mil waukee, Wis. , fr Office Furniture Filing Systems Our complete lino of offlc furniture and business devices will gaye you tlm la selection and five you the best the mar ket affords at reasonable cost. We are sola Omaha agents for tilolK-V erulcke Sfctlonai lulling Cabinet s and Bookcases. HI GH Specially suited for office at Kpei-ial rrlre. L1NOL1XMH -Finest assortment and qualities for office use. ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. h Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.i URGESS-NASH GOMBftNK 'everybody's stork" VtHlneaday, Jan. 6, lHlft. HTOKK XFAV8 FOR THVRSOAV. ph.on Pouftlaa 187. Just As We Predicted OUR FIRST MID-WINTER A Comparisons Will Show, Are Establishing a New Low Price Standard for Thu Entire Community TIL1S statement can bo attested beet by the hundreds of thrift-wise shoppers, who have been here the past few days and profited by the splendid savings. It's Doubtful If You Will Be Able To Soon Again Buy Table Linens at Such Low Prices WE planned this nale Jons; before the advance In prices In the ISnen markets and we offer you the bene fits of the saving. These few Items are examples of the spJendld buying opportunities,: - $J48 New All Linen Pattern Cloths. $1.48 A special assortment we secured at a very low figure, two slses 70x70 and 72x72 Inches all linen in a beautiful selection of new designs. They are the usual $1.60 to $3 values, but have Kllght Imperfections, such as a dropped thread or something of the sort, yet so slight that you can barely detect it. Thursday, choice Lunch Set at $1.25 Scalloped lunch sets, consist ing qf six 6-ln. dollies, six 9-ln. doilies and center piece 12 In, square. . $7..M Madeira Lunch 8c t, 4.8H Beautifully hand embroidered Madeira lunch sets. 2 4-Inch cen ter piece, six 6-lnch and six 12 Inch dollies. v i 7.V Lunch Cloth, 44c Lunch cloths, all linen satin damask, hemstitched, slxe 32x32, good selection of designs, 75a values, 44c 10c to 3."Vc Madeira iKiilles, 10c A big assortment of Madeira doilies, else S to 12-ln., pretty new designs, 19cto 36c values, choice, 10c. Just To Remind You ti . r. r a a: J I i nai vyur r irsi ivtiu Winter Sale of ' UNDERWEAE Stwrtu Next Monday, Jan. 11 Unusual buying conditions and months of careful planning bring enormous stocks in great assortment and unparalleled values. Bs wlatows iu papers for par. tioular- a'irirwi-M-i - -- -- -- --- !, Lunch Cloths, !. Oo 36x36-lnch lunch cloths, all' linen and hemstitched, new de signs, special, at 91.00. Wash Cloths at 1c White Turkish wash cloths, extra good quality, Thurs. at lc. All Linen Damaek, 44c All linen table damask, 60 Ins. wide, cream white, heavy and will atand hard use. Sp'l yd. 44c, nrg-Task Co. -Maia rieots Mid-Winter Sale of $1.50 Lace Curtains, 59c LOOM lace curtains, Nottingham weave, la white and ecru, alee 40 Inches by 2 yards, twelve different designs, reg- CQ ular price to 11.60; the pair OiC Sample Curtains, 00c Salesmen's samples of finest Marquisette, voile and laces with Insertion and lace edges, in matched pairs, lengths 1 to 1 V yards, very leslrable for bungalow or sash curtains, sam ples of curtains that sell regularly from 3.75 to 15.00; the pair $2.00 Curtains, 05c Nottingham weave, colors white and ecru, slxe 42 Inches by 2 Vt or 3 yards, 12.00 values; pair - 60c ..95c nPii If WMWf a lsskl'fc Our First Great Mid - Winter Sale of Sheetings, Muslins arid Cambrics is worth traveling many miles to attend. The prices on Utica, Pequot, Tepperell, Dwight, Anchor and Lockwood you will find to be the, lowest in the city and consider ably lower than ever before. , Pepperell Sheets and Pillow Cases HheeU. slxe 81x00, worth 80c, at.. Mc ftheets, slxe 81x90, worth 75c, at. Bo Sheets, slxe 72x00, worth 70c, at. . . . . B0 cik.m fU(. worth 0.1c. at osiO Kmh'd Pillow Cases, 80c Hemstitched, Initial and scallop ed pillow cases, all are fancy em broidered on Fruit of the Loom casing. Specially priced OQ-, at, each 071. Berkley. Camhrlc, 7 Me Berkley Nos. 60 and 100 cambric In perfect desirable mill rem nants, Mld-Wlnter, sale TjL.r price, yard '. 2 Waimutta Muslins, lie The heaviest weight of the soft finished bleached muslin; desr ' able lengths on sale at, per f ,yard OC New 10c Embroidery, Edges, Insertions. 5c P HETTY new cambric and nain sook embroidery edges, Inser tions and headings, excellent as sortment of patterns, 10c f values, yard J 15 to 23c Kmbrolderles, 10c Fancy novelties, edges and flounc ings In crepe, voile and nainsook; also headings, edges and flounc ing s In nainsook and Swiss.. lOo SlCfe to 85c Embroidery, 15o Beautiful new designs In corset cover embroideries and flounclnga in nainsook and Swiss, 18 inches wide. reg. 2 Go to 36c values, 15e Dainty New Embroideries, Bftc, 80c and 50c Irish batiste, point applique bands, edges and floundngs, organdie flounoings and allovers, 27 to 42- inch wide Swiss and batiste naoy flounclnga, 39c up to 12 values .Z3C, c, owe Sheets, slxe 6.1x00, worth 60c, at ... . Cases, sis 45x8ft, Fruit of the Loom. Case, slxe 45x84, worth 20c, at ... . 9-4 Lockwood and Dwight Anchor Sheeting, 22c Here are the, best known of the medium weight sheet ings. A trifle heavier than Pepperell or Aurora to in sure wearing quality; lighter In weight than Utica, ao they can be laundered with ease. The 9-4 width bleached Lock wood or Dwight Anchor, 30o value. Mid-Winter sale on price, yard sC arsrs-Vaah Co. mt. . . . . . .40c 15o IBc Canes, slxe 42x;fl, worth 10c, at. Ho Heavy Sheeting Munlln, 5c 38-in. extra heavy and fine qual ity, two widths; will make full size good wearing aheeta. Mid Winter sale price, per yard at ,.,,OC ravcJflc White Crepes, T)ie Fine India linen, wide Vlctored lawns, desirable lengths, values more th.n double the 7X sale price at, yard .... I sC all at J aarr-Vaaa Co. XCala Tloor. Muslins at 8 1 o Bleached and unbleached mus lin, 8C and SS inches wide, soft finish, free from filling o 1 at. yard 3C We Feature for Home Seyirig Week HLLER AMD MILLER Who Will Cut, Fit and Pin Any Material You May Buy Without Charge to You THE MILLERS will be here but a limited time and wo advise you to take advantage of this splendid service at once and with our compliments.- The Millers are mas ters In women'a garment construction. They have wide knowledge of styles and of fabrics and of fixings in the widest sense. ' These $1.00 to $1.25 Fancy Silks Are Big Values at 85c Beautiful new silks for dresses, waists and misses' dresses. The lot Includes such splendid weaves aa fancy check Loulsenes, taffetas, foulards, brocades, etc., in a large assortment of plaids, stripes and neat figure. The color ranee Is very wide. The widths are 24 and 27 Injches. Black Silk Specials) Thursday 42.uu.-h black allk poplin, double width ...... ........... . .98c. 42-lnch blavck crepe do china at, yard ...... . .$t.2t 42-inch black crepe d chine at, yard .$1.05 4 '4-inch black charmeuse, soft finish, at, yard .. mrfs-irb ci. atata riees Thursday, An Extraordinary Clearaway of Women's $25 to $30 Fur Trimmed TAILORED SUITS At 12.50 HERE'S what we consider the biggest tailored suit value of the season, and you will agree with us when you see the suits offered. ' , They are all late short eoat models, with the new skirts made of the much wanted materials, such as broadcloths and poplins beautifully tailored and finished throughout. Several styles for selection, all fur trimmed. The colors are the new shades of brown, green, plum and navy. Too much stress cannot be laid on the Imwrtanee of this clearaway Thursday but tome and see for yourself. You'll thank us tor the announcement. arc ass-ST ask Co. IwoU Xla. ZZZZZZrzzzZj'a"9Ca" Wa,h Co. Everybody's Store l($th and Harney.'; Ay. '' J)