THE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSDAY. JAXUAKY 7, 19l.'. 11 FOR REXT A pa rim a ta aad Flats. IfARLAN APARTMKNT8, Sherman Ave. and Hall Ave. Choice R-room, steam heatad apartment, everythlnR: flrst-clacs: very reasonable rent. Call Janitor, Web ster 71S. er o'flce. PoiiKlaa int for ap folntment. WCOTT HILL CO. Board aad Room. PARK AVK. I7ft Rosrd an room for t In private family; on rar tine. Har nev MW. WARM room with board for two gentle men. tV-b. 843. 19T7 1xthrop St. MODERN board and room. MS 8. 24th St. 701 8. 1XTH Close In: hot water heat; two. In each. Phone Rod $'. for Karalthe Rooms. t j Verne, 1813 Cap, front rmi, Stem, nt. r'l'RKIMU-.D room tor rent, near Crsigga ton university Hum Onuslae T33T. TWO food room, single and double; well heated, hot and cold water; $12 and $lti; excellent location. 211 f. 2Sth St. LAROF, front room, cloee In, lady or gentleman. C. C. Clifton. 1111 City Natl Bank Fid. -? FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 461 North 31s Ave. ' ' .NICELY furnished room, warm, light strictly modern; meals if desired; ref erenres required. Harney .is. OODEN HOTEXj Council Bluffs, stea n neaiea rooms, per net. .wiiq v- sraralabed Ilonaea. -ROOM furnished modern home; West Fnrnnra district, O. C. Clifton. 1111 City Nst'l BR Bldg. D. 3X19, t'nfurnlehed Hooms. Ill S. 16TH, for men, steam heat. FOR RENT One unfurnished room. Kar ri am street apartment, 12 per week. Reference required. Address, K-41. Wee. Hotels Apartai. CALIFORNIA Hotel. ltn and Cslirorule, Waekly re tea $3 and up. Uulaa 7033, DODGE HOTEL- Modern ' Reasonable. Light Housekeeping? Rooms. TWO strictly modern rooms, newly fur nished for light housekeeping. 323 3. rtn ft. l. 6491. ' ' Housekeeping; Rooms. ALL modern, warm housekeeping rooms. J7 N. 30th St. Hoosea and Cottaaes. MODERN 2-story house, 7 rooms; never occupied; new furnace; fX. Doug. 6968. A 1.1. slses. $3 per month up. 5C? Paxtoo. ELT0OANT 8-roc.m modern brick apart ment, newlv decorated, $50 per month; SW 8. J9th SSt Frame flat. 11 B. Kith St., ( rooms, new plumbing, newly decorated, oak floor, large yard, trees, shrubbery! $30 per month; a bare-sin. J. 0. ISH, EXECUTOR. TOS B. 81st Ave. , SThone Harney 243. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 8-horse van and a men. $1.25 Per hr.; storage ti per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. & Ty. 330. TTOR BENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge nt Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. SOS So. lntn yt. Fidelity Storage Co UoUSeS ..l'ons0 &hCo.!tyBoe Bid,. FOR RENT Modem 8-room house. 206 8. 85th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Henshaw Hotel, itar. iv. ""'i"" MaggarcTs Van and Stor age Co., Large van. t men. $1.50 per hr.; oisy. 2 men, .$1.26 per hr. 1713 Webster. ioug. n J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, g storage, arnam. D. 6144. PARtC f'.lNEl-gtf" l-rosm and garage, 1 block to tar; 1101 S. Sid. O'KEEFK REAL. ESTATE CO.. 101 Omaha National. " Douglas 3718. HALF MONTH'S FREE RENT. 530 8. Wth Ave., 8-room, all modern. $30.00 Ml Capitol Ave.. 9-r.. all modern... 15.00 114 a th St..'T-r., all modern...:.. .O0 2A06 Urlatol Ht., 5-r., mod. ex. heat. 18.00 2216 N. 37th St., 5-r.. mod. ex. heat.. I8 60 RASP BROS., 10S McCaguo Bldg. 3115 DAVENPORT ST.. upper flat. rooms and sleeping porch ..$33 616 8, 87th, 6 rooms, modern '. to 101 f. 3ith Ave., 6 rooms, modern IK 1003 N. 28th St., 7 rooms, modern......... 20 . C. G-CARLBERQ, ... 311 Brandels Theater Bldg. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 8-ROOM, Dundee, modern, $46. 8-room, modern exoept heat, $20. 7- room, near car, north, $30. 8- room. bungalow, $22.50. S-room, new cottage, 322.60. 4-room, new, not modern, $12.60. Doug. 6011 Evenings; Wal. 3037, Har. 2645. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furniture bought ' and sold. J. C. Read, 1207 Famam. Doug. 6146. 'HAMILTON CO.. tho only gentile second hand store In Ornsha. 1719 Cuming. D. 6838 WANTED To buy or rent, medium hard or soft coal heater; must be cheap for cash. Address F-41C, Bee. WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WAXTED TO RENT YOVNO gentleman wants room with good family; walking distance. Ad- disss. 'Bee. WANTED TO DORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 on well Im proved rancn consisting of 2.30O acres ln Banner oounty, Nebraska, - Address Hope Brown, hlnhorn. Neb Read the "For 6ale" arte if you want bargain or the minute. . I REAL ESTATE FARM A BANCll LANDS FOR $ALH Arkansas. Put Yourself in Clover Buy all the rich, fertile land you can afford to own in our sunny level uplands In Central Arkansas; long growing sea son; ample ralntall; excellent drainage; abundance of pure water; good health conditions, alfalfa yields 6 cuitings year, average, ton to the cutting and brings $16 to $20 ton; potatotia, both Irian and sweet; also corn and ' cotton make enormous yields; the conditions are ideal tor dairy ing; a iso for stock and bog raising, hav ing fiee range all year around; chickens are big money makers as well as truck vardeuiog; three big markets close by. I'neae lands ar 30 miles south of Little Rock, a city of 90.00U; fw miloa north of fine Bluff, city of a.oOu. and to miles eaat of Hot bprings, the noted health resort, with m.Uv visits annually. The railroad runs through our land; we can sell you now close to town and shipping station; there is a government agricultural demon strator acationed la our county; he will advlae you tree of charge how and when to plant, cultivate and market your crops; this land is selling In v-acr tracts and up. on the terms of $1.(h an acre down, possession any time, balance) tt) years; terms less 'than rent; big land selling excursion dally; low rate; free tripe to buyers who answer this advertisement. V rtto or call for free photographs and full Information. Open tindaye and evenlUMS. E. T. TKTKK at CO., 40 Times Bldg . ht. Louis. Mo. Call (oral. CALIFORNIA. For Bale: In Tulare county. California, farm of 1,120 acres, two miles from sta tion on Southern Pacific railroad, en oiled I road. Land la all fenced and Is level. Has been to grain, but soil is well suited to alfalfa, aad there is abundance of water. An excellent ayndlcate or sub iivleioa proposition. Prica iuo an atre. ' IJa.tta) casta; balam may remain on mort gage at pr cent. J. L. PRKNTlStf. lin Title Insurance Bldg , ' Los Aogeita, CaL o RE Ali ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR BALK, California. Buy Among Nebraska People CALIFORNIA ta cslllng yoi this ex position year. us show ' you our Sacramento Valley land, the equal of any In CALIFORNIA for richness of soil, beauty of surroundings, and Ideal rail lo cation; near the capital city of SACRA MENTO. Prices $12$ per afre and up. Including full paid water right. TEN PER CENT DON, BALANCE 10 PER CENT YEARLY UNTIL PA ID. ONLY 300 ACRES will be sold at these prices and terms. All sixes, Improved and unimproved. Next excursion January 1?, special rates to purchaserK Write or call today. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat l Bk. Bl lg. Omeha. Neb o FOR SALE In RtverMde county. Cali fornia the i,and of Sunshine and. Flowers. Greatest Country on Earth 0 acres fruit, grain and alfalfa land. 10 acres in bearing olives and fruits; plenty water 30 feet. Only mile from railroad station, P. o., church and school, also auto boulevard and state hlshwav. Price only $100 per acre, easv terms. Also have 8, JO and 20-acre tracts. Phin B. Sturgeon-, I 910 Merchants Nat. Bank Bldg., Los Angelea, Cel. v o Nebraaka. Invest in Nebraska Land Fifty dollars will secure you any siied tract from 40 acres upward; after In spection pay 10 PER CENT of jrour pur chase, then i years In which to pay bal ance. Our North Platte Valley Irrigated land is the EQUAL or any in NEBRASKA, and is a SOUND INVESTMENT. PRICKS 4S TO 0 per acre, including FULL PAID WATER RIOHT. Bear In mind that the acreage Is limited at these prices; buy now and pave the way for good substantial profits. Avoid speculation, INVEST WHERE YOUR MONEY IS SAFE and sure to bring profitable return. Write or call today for particulars. MONEY BACK IF NOT AS KKTRKSKNTED. Wi T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat l Hk. Bldg. Omaha Neb a FOR SALE Best large body htt;h-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, 7Tol bach. Neb. - 40-ACRB HOME. 6 mltea went of city limits of Oman.; Isnd lays gently rolling; 5 Si acre alfaltj, about S acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance in cultivation; new 6 room house and other good Improve. raents. Price. $225 per acre. " C. R.- COMBS. Alt Brandels Theater, Omaha, Neb.. Douglas 3916. Frontier County Farm 400 acres, 200 acres In cultivation, bal ance rough but good grating land, 2 miles from high school. 6-room house, good outbuildings, 120-ton alio. . Price, $16,000. Can give terms. THE VOQEL REALTY AGENCY; IMWfiW. O. W. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Custer County Farm 320 xcres, two miles ko town, 12 miles of Broken Bow, 70 acres under plow, balance good graslng land except 40 acrea In alfalfa. R-room house, good outbuild ings, 14 mile to high school. Price. $3t per acre, $3,(00 cash; will carry balance. THE VOQEL REALTY AGENCY. 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. LAND. For bargains in ranch land see TRAVER BROS., 706 Omaha Bank Bldg. North Dakota. 480 Acres, Well Improved, Bottlneaw county, North Dakota, all under cultivation, t miles from Lansford, a good town. Corn and alfalfa Is doing fine here. Prloe, $44 per acre. Will take a first mortgage as first payment.- THE VOQEL REALTY AGENCY. 1018-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha,- Neb. New York. FOR BALE A productive farm of 268 acres, good buildings, 300 grafted apple trees in bearing condition1, good sugar bush; good water (never failing);' land easy to work; on B F. p. route; tele phone 'connections; easy railroad con nections; want to sell before Feb. 1, 1915. If purchased of the undersigned owner there will be . no agent a' commission . to pay. Price $19 per acre. Terms easy. C. O. Eldred, R. F. D. 2, Oneonta. N. Y. t Oklahoma. 1,000 ACRES, large and small tracts; ab solute title; Pittsburg Co.L farming, pas ture, oil, coal land: $5 Id 12 par acre. Write J. E. Cavanagh. Molester. Okl. Wisconsin." Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let S4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Slate acrea waited. .Writ about our grasing lands. It interested in fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Boo Line By.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlsoellaneoaa. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmere farm, SO acres, muck . prairie land. Uphoff. 4o9 Times Bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. FREE land. Realty and Buainesa Bui letin; seller, buyers, everywhere, brought together; new plan; no commission; quick transfers; write for copy explaining all. Buyers & Sellers' Union, Liadslrom, Minn. . o FOR SALE, at a bargain, 1,900 acrea of Dakota land; actual valuation $32,000; bargain price, $17,000. One quarter sec tion Mountrail coifnty, N. D. ; one quarter section McLain county, N, D. ; one quarter section Stanley county, S. D.: eight quar ter sections Perkins county, 8. D. Terms Caah. TnfllllrA lOT.fl Riui-ii V Ptanlr VtAm - 'Minneapolis, Minn. o IMPROVED farms. $26 per acre. Aif:4ra, "veil, uwiun. 1 1 1 1 1 1 w I B k.rnii ii..ri mental farms shew land very productive. riJimiuiq; climate. ' u. cteuuins, hmv Chicago. FARMS FOR RENT m ACRES 2'-i miles from Kadoka, So. Dak., Jackson county; good for stock, dairy and farming. Plenty water. - Key to 1.000 acres more land, t years at 16 cents per acre. v ill sell on time for $7 per acre. A. L. Richards, Drs Moines, la o. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMERS Do you need money We ne aotlate for farm loans. 6 years at 6 ber cent and 10 years at 6 Per cant, dealing direct with borrower; 2'4 per cent straight commission; correspondence solicited. Re liable agent! wanted. ttecurtty rarm Loans Assn., 0 N. Dearborn St., Chi cago. 111. o CITY and farm loans. 6. iW, 6 per cnt. J, II. Dumoi.t at Ce.,lA03 Far nam, Omaha WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., 1330 Farnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE RETL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2715. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. GARVIN BROS rSSLSt fitX.- CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg Co.. OO 2it.312 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Lurge loan a specialty. W. H. Thomas, itta State Bank Bldg. HONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Hinder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. SEE ua flist If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE l ACRES of land. rich, deep ulack loam soil, perfectly level, without a foot of waate; summer fallowed last aummer and In perfect condition for seeding; located 144 nn Its from Drayton, N. D., a live town of l,u Inhabitants in the most fertile eeo tlon of Red river valley of the north. Crop failure in thia locality Is unknown, and market facilities unexcelled. This land will pay for itself In one or two crops. To trade for a clean, up-to-date stock of farm imolementa in some aood town in 1 rafttern Nebraska, western Iowa or aoulh- 1 eastern Bouth Dakota, or wiil trade for modem residence property In una ha at a price of $n0 per acie. Addrtss F U7, lice. REAL ESTATE VOTl EXCHANGE. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of iM acres. Land all lays fine and la excel Ian I soil. Will exchange for good Omaha resideuca. C. R. COMBS. $1 Brandels Theater. Omaha. Neb. Doulaa ftl. It ACRES Tripp county. S. l.. ior sale or trade. Win trade for city property, rash or gen's' furnishing. For further particulars addreaa H 4ni, Bee. REAL ESTATENORTH HIDE Only $2,850 We have a practically new house, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on the first floor; two nice, large bedrooms and bath on second floor; "arge closets, good fur nace, full basement, shades, water meter, etc.; pared street, close to school. Terms. t-.'O cash, balance very low monthly payments. $231 Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 42T0. FOR THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS '-h53(250 1 -1 " Buys t-room bungalow, every modem convenience and several hullt-ln features. Owner is really sacrlfloina at this price: $: down; balance like rent; near Kountae rara. GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. $$u. 644 Brand! Blrtg.o REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Field Club District Five-room press brick cottaae. all mod ern, east front lot, $a.0. C. G. CARLBERG, ' S12 Brandels Theater Bldg. RKAL ESTAT E W EST 8 IDE $4,800 8-room, 2V.-etory mod ern houBe, electric lights and $u, hardwood finish, full cemented base ment. . Splendid location. Terra made to suit. 13.200 7-room. 2-story modern house, hot water heat, south front lot. Full cemented basement with laundry. Good location, imposing neighborhood.' Terms If desired. W. T. SMITH CO. D. 8819. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg o 2 Blks to 36th and Farnam For $575 3132. $10 cash, $1 per week. Can you beat this? O 'Kcefe Roal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271R. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Start 1915 In a Home Of Your Own. Pay $30 Cash And Move In This house la located south ot Hatis- com park, one block from tho West Hide car line It la a brand new, all modern S-room bungalow, well built and very conveniently arranged. I Also Have a Pretty 6-Ropm Bungalow,. In a beautiful North Side location, which you can move Into after making a caah payment of $33.00. Thin house fronts east and la modern throughout, with principal rooms fin ished In oak. The monthly payments on either of these housea aro low enough to place them within the reach of any man who would like to make his rent money go more than Dav for tho mere privilege of living in the house of landlord. It you want 10 inspeui mese nouses, telennone In today and I will arrange to end a car for you. E. P. WRIGHT Call Douglas 2926. ' Evening: After 6:30 p. m. Phon Wal nut 682. A Beautiful Home Price Actually Reduced $500 Walking Distance Located In good residence portion of the city within 16 minuies walking distance of retail district. Tula la an exceptional bargain, as the owner actually wants to sell It; tt rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern and up to date, nearly new and very complete, 3 rooms Including a beautiful big living room, on flrat floor; $ rooms, bath and sleeping porch on 2d floor. Best of heavy oak floors throughout the entire home. Very at tractive interior; atonn windows and screens for every outside opening, nlcoly decorated, window shades, water meter, In fact absolutely complete. .. Let us rhow tnts home Immediately it you are looking tor a snap. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Rank Rldg. D. 408. noo caph. baianceTmonthlV. " We have several houses, modern and partly modern, large and small, north and south side. Why not be your own landlord? Haven't you noticed that the property owner seoma to be better off financially than yourself ? Come In and talk the matter over. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglaa 17111. Ware block. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Must Sell Brick Flats Will make big sacrifice for quick sale of three apartment brick flats; close In, well located, always rented at $00; worth $7,000; take lfss than $i,0o0. Investigate at once. Glover & Spain Doug. 3962. 19- City National. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Pi. ED Abstract Co., oldest abstract ef. tic in Nebraska. iM P ndala Theater. KERR 11 He Guarantee ea A ba tract Cw a Boode.-a abstract office. 8. 17(b $t phone Douglas (47. Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payments like rent. Read the real es tate columns. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET eaaaasaSBBaa Flour Miller. Report Advance $ Result of the Higher Quota tioni on Wheat, CORN UNCHANGED, OATS HIGHER OMAHA. Jan. 6. 191.V There was conaMerable In the wheat newe end clrcumalancs on this side of the water that might be called bullish. Mlllera at Chicago and Minneapolis, as well as many other markets reported ad vance of r.Kic for flour over night. Millers around Chicago showed moie or lest uneasiness yesterday regarding wheat siippllea and purchased 17;v hu. The purchases here on export account were reported small at ."AOnO bi. Com closed with no change to speak of. Considerable atrength waa shown early, but when It waa known that the country was a heavy seller of cash there v-re largely tncreeeed offerings and a conse quent sharp break. Oata were ifA,o higher. .The trade was bearish and the market eperlepeed con siderable trouble in reacting from tha lower prices. Argentine curb markets were $'c higher because ot the recent heavy reins. Provisions were active with a great many small orders for ribs and tho mar ket waa ot considerable Weadth. Hard winter wheat was lWc higher. Durum wheat was unchanged. Corn waa uncharged to Vc higher. Oats were unchanged to o hla-her. Oearancea were: Wheat and flour, equal to 662,000 bu.; corn, none; oats, none, Liverpool closed nominal: wheat, not quoted; corn, mffmd higher. Primary wheat recelpta were WS.fMO bu. and shipments S79.000 bur. against recelpta ot 60R,ono bu. and shipments ot 358,000 bu. last year. Primary core receipts were 1.714. 0O0 bu. and ahipments 1.2W.000 bu.. against re ceipts of l.loi.oOo hu. and shipment! of 6W.000 bu. last year. Primary oata receipts were 64S.0O0 bd. and shipments 1,133.000 bit., against re ceipts of 7M.fio hu. and ahipments f "37, 000 bu, last year. CARLOT RlOCElFTfl. Wheat. Corn. Oata. ChlcaKo .... Minneapolis (Duluth Omana Kansas City ft. Louis ... IV. 613 17 17 t 4T (W a i:t 101 W Innlpeg lai 'These cash sale were rennrted -Wheat: No. 3 hard winter: 3 cars, $1.W; 3H care, $l.l. No 4 hard winter: 1 car. $1.14. No. if durum. 1' cars. t.ib: 1 car, $1.44. "am ple; u car, $1.1S. Corn-No. 2 white: 1 car. 67Vc; No. 3 white: 2 cara, 6-ic; $ ears. 6ye. No. s white: 1 car, c. No. I yellow: l car, !Wc. No. 8 yellow: I cara, Wc; $ cars. Otic. No. 4 yellow: 9 cars, UMic No. 6 yellow: 1 csr, 6tic. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. (near while). KVic No. ;) mixed: 1 car, SSc: 3 cars, 66e: 3 cars, (KVsc No. 4 mixed: 3 cars, STiVc, iSample: 1 car (flint). sWc. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car. 4!r: 1 car, 40c, No. 4 white: I car, 4!c. Aamnln: A cara ikIXr. Hva 3- 1 rar $1.07. No. . Vcar. $1.06. No. 4: 1 car, $1.0.1. Omaha Caah rrlces Wheat : No. 3 hard, $1.21.2i: No. 3 hard, $1.!W1.W(H: No. 4 hard, ll.16Wl.3S; No. 3 white. l.3ofl.w; .no. a spring, it.24ri.z: o 3 durum, $1.441.4X; No. S durum, $1,430-1.44. Corn: No. l white. iTrio: No. white, iwto 67V; No. 3 white. 66ViafiSf: No. 4 white, M'ilWlrc: No. S white, UtHWHe: No. white, Rhifiie: No. I yellow, wsntitiTe; Nn a vellnw. RUfflMiC- Nn. 3 veltnw. Mt 4: No. 4 yellow, bSiftWlc: No. i yellow, K5fHiRe:No. 1 mixed. SMi66Vc: No. 3 mixed, HfA,!8iUAc: No. 3 mixed. SS'ic; No. 4 mixed, 6i4ittfic: ino. mixed, xpne; No. mixed. 4Hirt4c. Oats: No. $ white, 19',4fI4'.W4e: standard, 49,tf'4Hc; No. I white, 49W4i'4c; No. 4 white, 4nvhj4"o. Barley: Malting, 4r72c; No. 1 feed. tW 80c. Rye: No. 2. $l.ttftfl.07; No. $, $l.o LOU,. - CHICAGO GRAIJt AND PROVISION" Feat a res of the Traalaa; aad Closing; Prices on Board of Tradel CHICAGO, Jan. 6.--Be!tef prevslled to day with a majority of wheat traders that at least a temporary reaction waa due after the sudden big advance during L,.v .v averaged oecioeaiy lower tnan tor the at the flnleh closed lVkc to lWa'fftO under last nlglit. Other leading staplca, too, all showed a setback corn Vidi He to - He, oats d snd provisions TV4! to lfitjlTHc Desire to realise on holdlnga rather than to undertake fresh commltmenta at present was evident from (lie outset in the wheat pit. Even exporters were said to he reselling in a limited way where a good profit waa to be had at once, and there was.difftculty In obtaining Imme diate ocean freight room. Numerous rallies took place in the wheat market, but quotations here st no time succeeded In equalling yesterday's top level. As a rule, country dealers snd farmers remained steadfast In demanding higher prices, and millers were active buyers, but the sgsregate amount taken by foreigners anywhere in the I"nlted, ritataa today waa said not to exceed W0,- 000 bushels. Corn acted heavy in eympatny witn wheat. Bhliirdna- sales were not of en couraging volume and there were larger rural offerings. Oats merely reneciea TO course m other cereals. The bulk of the trade was local. Provisions sagged. Influenced by grain and hogs and packers led the selling. Orsin prices furnished by Logan & Bryan. $18 Bouth Sixteenth street: Artlolel Open. I High. I Low. I Close.l Yes'y Wheat Corn: 5 1 MUiS 37HH 1 3f,'4 X M 1 37V,4 i m- 1 ii 1 22 1 22 I 23H May. 75754 75; ,781 74' 7 75 July. Oata: TOtll 7t',78Vfi May. July. 84'il 654 an;5SWin.iaHf Pork: I 19 00 19 11 19 42-4$ 19 80 Jan.. 19 024 13 50-57 It 15 19 65 19(0 I 19 42-43 May Lard: Jan.. May. 10 7214 10 73V 10 74f 10 67H 10 7.1 11 OTVillO 95-071 10 97ti 11 05 10 87'i! 11 07-031 Rilis; Jan 10 l-'H 10 b'-bo 10 124 10 1?4 10 12-l 10 25 io s,! io 80 I io ui io eo-tf May. Chicago Cash frlcea Wheat: No.' 2 red, $l.Jl.8Mt): No, 2 hard. $1.33'1.3SV.. Corn: No. 2 yellow, ToUfiWIte: No. 3 yellow, 4tl94c. Oats: No. 3 white. 6lV42V4c; standard. KMWas. Rya. No. 2. $1.1301 14. Rarley: Utigliv. Seed -: Timothy, I40WS.50; olovwr, lU3.5a i5.0a Provlalons: Pork, $17.00; lard, $10,074; ribs, $.7!5U 35. HOTTER Lower: creamery, 34uS3c.' POTATOES Higher; receipts, i uars; Michigan and Wlaconsln red, 4(wilc; Michigan and Wlacon.ln white, 4on4c. K;USBtedy; recelpta, ,44S caa.a; at mark, cases Included; 2ft34c; , ordinary firsts, Sl'jj'iJc: (irate, 'MtQiic. . New Yark Geaeral Market. NEW YORK, Jan. . Sl'OAR-Ra w. firm; molaaaea. $.Sc; centrlf ugul, 4.04c. Refined, steady. Futures mora active and from $ to 8 points higher at noon. Sales. t tons. BUTTER Unsettled: recelpta 8.878 tubs; creamery extras (93 score), 3o4c; creamery (high souring), 3Q34c; cream ery firsta. Xi45c. CHEK.BB Irregulsr; receipts, 835 boxes; state, whole -milk held average fancy, 15il&tc: state, fresh specials. HVfflSu, state, averase fancy, U14V. I-:iGS Strong; receipts, a x&3 esses: freah gathered, extra flue, 434i44c; extra firsts, 4'ic; firsts, 40$41c; seconds, Kfyxic; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, 474tic; aame, gath ered, whltea, 40447c; same, hennery, browns, 40 4ic; same, gathered, browns and mixed colors, 3M144c. POULTRY nreeeed. firmer: western i-oaating chickens. lfxlSc; treah towls, 13 17c; turkeys. 12:. POT.'L.TR T Live, Irregular; western chickens. 14c;, fowls. HSjl5'c. turkeys. 18c- MlaaeapaJla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. a. WHEAT May, $1.3111.314; Jul, 31. Ji asked No. i nara, i.n; sso. I northern t'harn hZImV thern. $1.H.K. tll.344: No. 3 nor BARLKY-4jC RVr-lliH. i BRAN 8-3.60. COHN No. 8 yellow, S5V4A.c. OATA No. $ white, 4SiJjo. KLAX-$1 WASfief. Kaaaaa lty Grata mi FraTlslaas. KANSAH CITY, Jsr . WHEAT No. 2 herd. $l.I7Vh1.: No. red. u.nM l.!3: Msv. $13'.; July, $l.lbSl.l',. BUTTKR (.'retmery. 13c; firsts, 31c; tecuniis. 3Kr; packing atrx a. ia4c. YA Firsts. Xle aeconls. Ziv. CORN-No. i mixed, JOc, Ko. t white. :o',)f70'tc; May. 71Hfl71ci July. 7l,c. OATS-.No. t white. 41:c; No. 3 mixed, 4tit.4te. rot LTRT-Ilene. Kc; roosters. 10Hc; turkeys, Kh OMAHA, MAKKBT. PUTTER No. 1. 1-Ib, cartons. 81c; No. S. MK inba. c. CI1KK8K Imported, gwlea. tc; Amer K'Sn wlaa, 38c: block Rwlss, Ko; twins, lc; cliilalea, tic! triplets, 17c; Young Americas lNWjc: blue label brick, 17e; llm burger, Mb.. SOo; 1-lb . 10c; New tork white, lSc; Imported French Itofluetort, tie. rlSJI Trout, Ur; large crepples. lie; salmon, lie; halibut, life; channel cat-ti-h. I'ic: pike. 14c; pickerel. 10c. 4'OULTKY-Urollere, 14Hc: aprlng chick ana, 11c; hena, fctflle; corks. So; ducks, 10c; geese, ac ; turkeys, lo plgaona, per cos , w)c: duck a, full feathered, oc; geese, full feathered, $c; sguabs. No, 1, $; N 3. c. Iif-ef Cut Prices: No. 1 rlba, 1S'4c; No. 2 rlba. l'c; No. 3 rlba, llc;, No. i lolna, SOc; No. 2 loins, 17c; No. 3 lolna, Uc; No. I chucks. 104c; No. 2 chucka. No. chucka. c; No. 1 rounda, l;c; No. 2 rounda. I."v; Nn. $ rounds, 11c; No. 1 plate.-., t,c. No, i plates, 8Vl N'O. 3 plates, Sc. Market qitbtatlons furnished by Olllnakl Kru t company! KRUlTeV Oranges, per box, Kxlra fancy Waalungton Naveia, . Ma, 10ds and 113s, :.0. l.V. 2.:6; 160h, $2M1; 17a, Sals. le, $1.76. Lemons, per Jiox, fancy Kunkist. 300s, th0, $4.e0; choice Red Kails, It "V Orape frulla, pr box, 3-.a, 6ta, Ma and) oa, $2. SO. A pi lea, per box, extra fancy Waahlngtnn White Itiver 1'eaimalnea. $?0i; fancy, $l.7f; extra fancy Washington Wlneaapa, gl.75: 8i..nlr. $!..&; Oreaon Hulls- enhergs, $I..V; Colorado una rapped -Jonathans, $1.3.'-; Washington extra fancy HiHvera, $1 40; small Jonathans, $1.10; fancy Colorado Wealthy", $1.10; fancy Colorado Mediations, $1.10; fancy Colo rado Vlteis, tl.lo: Idaho fancy Grimes Ooldcn. $1.M; choice, Jl.fS; fancy Wash- InKton Orlinra Oolden, II 60; fnncy Colo rado Maiden Pluah, $1 16; fancy Idaho Jonathans. $1.3T; Fultona. $1.; Straw berry, $1 iS; Woir Hlver, $1 35; New York Hiieaets, $3 00; Rlack Twiga, I.1.V), Orapea, California Itmperors, per, $3.t); per crate, $l.R; extra fancy Malajsas, per bbl.. $tt00, ear per box. Anions, $3: Jerseys, $? ..; fheldona, ti.; Iawrence. $30i; llocco. $2.3; Heater. $:.. ltananas, per bunch, $1.7r.'rtt.S0. crsnhrrrles. -r hbl., Jeraeya. $H0; cheaper Jerseva, $n.oo-, late liowea, $i.OO. Limes, per hov, $1.7S. VEUBTAPLES Cuullflower, Per crate, $3.00; cucumbers, per box. $1.(4; celery, per dos.. Jumbo, ".V; Michigan, $5c; let tuce, per dos., leal, 40c; head, ll.'O; onions, per lb., yellow and red, 2c; white. S'V; cabbage, tier lb., lVic; peppers, per basket, SOc- tomatoea per crate, $4.00; caions, shallots, per do.. Mo; Italian gar lic, per lb., JOc; aouash, per lh., me; pumpkins, per lb., IV. I'.Hatoea, per bu., Idahoa, 70c.; Red River Ohio, 5c; Minne sota Whites, tioc. Sweet potatoes, per bbl., Kansas, 3.W. MISCKLlANKOI'H Nuts, per lb.. No. 1 Calltorntn, walnuts, IKc; fllberta, l.V pecans. llVkc: Braslla, 1-Hc almonds, ?V; cocoanuts, per sack, $3.75; per dos., TRc. Klga. per box, 13 13-os., We: M g-oa, $ .on. Pates, sugar walnut, per box. $1.40; Hal l.iwl, per lb., 8c. rthelled popi-orn, per lb.. 4c; ornckerjack, per case, $3 60: ae. $1.15; checkers, per case, $3 60, H case, JXTo. Honev, per case. I3.7S. Cider, N. t, per keg, $3.50; per bbl., $.00. Cs.aha Ucms, per crato, I1.75W 00. St. totals (iratii Market. 8T. LOUS Jn. 8. WH RAT No, red. $1.32; No. 3 hard, $1.33tf 1.33H; May. $1.RJ: July. $l.l!u,. coRN-No. 2. 70'ic: No. 3 white, Tlcj May, 75Tkc; July. TftSWii'. OATSNo. 3. 53ti5.'itc; No. 2 white, 53Hc. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. . WHEAT No. 1 Manitoba, Us 4d; No, 3. 11a: No. I hard winter, 11a. Futures, nominal. CORN Snot, nominal; January, tm February, 7s. FLOUR-Wlnter patents, 3K d. Coffee) Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 8. COFFEE The market for coffee futures was mors active today and prices were higher on a bullish view of tho world's visible supply m t m .nmunt wnWa e9 m t If in tnna I . ,1,a I . . . 'r..iVk ..ri... vw.n.n t..- j)n(l( coveriB by rccent sailers and Sotne aunuort from local trade intereaia. The orM.nlnB w vllrt ,nd unchanged, but huvlna orders soon reached the rtna In considerable volume and the market closed at a net advance ot t to 14 points. Sulca were 43,:;0 bags. January, S.lHc; Kebruarv, g27c; March. 8.34c: April, $.43o', May, 6.5.1c; June. .43c; July, 7.84!; Au gnat, 7.42c: -Heptemher, 7.50c: Octoler, i.uTe; November, 7.63c; December, 7.70o. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 7V4c: Pantos. No. vemlicr. 9Tio. Cost and freight offers were reported unchanged to 1$ points higher. Rased on foreign estimates of t he K.uronean stocks, the world's visible aupply statement indicated a decrease of 1B9.020 bsgs during December, compared with an Incresso of g!W.4." bags last year. making the supply January l. .w.&i bags, against 13,&S7,553 bags last year. Rio. 75 re la higher, at 4$fl. cantos, un changed. Metal Market. ...if VAl) 1 T m a U VT IT D A i r. y i quiet, $1.75ffrt.85; London, 18. Ppelter, Steaa. W).e.nni.v-, ljunuun, e. . Tin: . Quiet; five-ton lots. $33Kl34.0(l twenty-five-ton lots offered st $33.00. Cop per firm: electrolytlo, $13.0(11813.50: caet. Ing. $13 751) 13.28. Iron, quiet and un 1 hanged. At London: Spot copper, 59 5s; fu. tures, 59 10. Spot tin, HSl los; futures. I14H, ST. IXnf4, Jan, ,METAll Lead, higher. $3.;S4&a.o. CpelUr. higher, $0.58 436.C fnttaa Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 6.-COTTON Spot, quiet: middling uplands, 8.05c. No salea. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 8. COTTON B pot, quiet; good middling, -B.04d; middling, f 74d; low middling, 4. Sid; sales. 7,000 balea Cotton futures cloaed barely steady; January. 7.87c; March. 8.05c; May, 8 25c; July. 8.4'tc; August, 8.52c; October, 8.Jej December. 8.84o. The cotton market cloaed barely steady st a net decline ot 9 to 15 points. Dry Uewds Market. NEW YORK, Jsn. fc DRY OOODrW Cotton goods were steadier snd more active. Worsted yarns were strong. The partial lifting of the embargo on ship ments of wool from Australia was weir coined'. Laces and embroideries were dull, . Kvaporated Apples aad 8)rled FrsMe NEW YORK. Jan. 8. EVAPORATED AI'CI.KM Ouiet. DRIED FKU 1TB Prunes, firm. Apri cots snd peachea, quiet and steady. Raisins, steady; choice to fancy seeded, CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Cattle Market glow Hogs l a set- tied tkeesi Firm. ' CHICAOO, Jan . CATTLE Recelptai 17. W head; market stow; native steers, K.r4't.BO: western, 84 i.fi0 rows ana heifers. $2.iia7.i); calves, $;.7!if9 10.50. HOOS Receipts. 5,J liead; market, nntettled; averaged a shade higher; hulk, 7 lt'7.30; light,; mixed. $7.0i 7.16; heavv. $7.007.35; rough. $7.la7.lOl I in, :.bu.. HHKEP AND I.AM DB Receipts, 28,u head: market firm: sheep. $5 SOfwUS; yearlings. tti.aikQ7.b6; lambs, $i.7034.M- Kaaaaa City Live Btttck Market. ' KANSA8 CITY. Mo.. Jan. 8 CATTLE ReceipU, 3.500 head: market steady; prime fed ateera, $S.7i'a 9.75 : dresaed leef steers, $7.K'fl 50; western steers. $7.2&0'.TB; slock ers and feeders. $6 2."4j'7.8u; bulls, Jo.sOjt S.75: cslves, $H.flO10.36. HOUtl Receipts. 13.900 head: market higher; bulk. $7.10e7.30; heavy. $7.30r7.30; J ackers snd butchers. I7.iyj7.30; light. 7 liKij7 2I4; pigs, $n.kKu.k6. BHEEP AND LAM RS-Receipts. 4.000 head: market higher; lambs. $8.xvfi.00; yearllnga, lit 6(Kfi7 75; western wethers, $5.50ij.; swes. $5.3p88.Q. ' St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Jsn. 8 CATTLE Re- n.lnla t fafatl ltaai-1 ntarUstl mtmmAw skalliAd . Wd hl.fer.: $.i.omi.7i,; slockers and feeders. $S.2r.q7.; southern steers, f.iom i.tu; cows sua nail ers. $400-06.00; native calves, $.0B.3&. HOOS Receipts, 13.100 head: market higher; plga and llghta, $.0a7.$0; mixed and butchers. $7.1047.$5; good heavy, $7.30 7 33. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 3. W0 head: market steady: native muttons, M ;tv.7i. lambs. $s.8-80; yearlings, $7.j tj7.k0. No matter what you want It will save you time snd money tf you use ISse Wsnt Ads. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Desirable Hindi of CU1 Steady and Otheri Slow and Weak Sheep Steady to Strong. HOGS NOT FAA IHOM STEADY SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. , 118. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Official Mondav .T1 32.8 Official Tueadav .40 13.313 .! Estimate Wednesday.. 4.500 14.000 13.50U Three daya this wk. .1(1.711 M.Tt 44048 Same daya last week. j!4. 430 iet.00 Tt Wi Hame daya $ was. sgo. 7,W 31. 13.r0 Pame dave $ wka. ago.IO,' .SV1 10.131 Pame days 4 wks. ago.17.7VJ 17.0 VX.4M Hamo days last year...l.4 M.10S $3,730 The followtr g table a hows ttie receipts of rattle, lioga and sheep at tne riouth Omaha Ihe stock market for the year to date, as voraparrd wlte iat year: l1lt. . I!14. Inc, Cattle n.M 1$72 $.T4 lloga i 40.01$ !. 12,To4 bheep 47.M0 8J,!45 le,l The following table shows the average price for hogs at the ttouth Omaha li stock market for tho last few, nays, with cnmparls-ins: Date, l14. UM3. 1U.;U.IK10.IX,)I. teo. $1. l.c, H. Iec. St. lec. 24. 1 li 051 T Ml k l $ S I tu T eai 3 0a 34 T 1$ $ ; I $i $ t 1$ 1 tf 3 11 I 41 t OS T A I ? u Pec. 35. Holiday. 'WV. it. ec. r? Dec. S3 1 MV ? WI t 831 W I W 'J -W 1 7 Ml T l i T 1W i W T 07 W t TO: $ 30! I Dee. IS. T 04 T W I $e T Ca si i 1 mw I Ml 7 M 1 u; 1 a;- 3 H ttc. k0. J-ec. ui.i T la'si T Mi 7 ox I I" 13U. l14.!1313.1ir!3.lll.!l10.lw. J l I Kl K, 1 M - T VSi 1 8I T OK iti 7 M ' I ' i 7 $t 7 IV ft 901 $ l J l 7 0, I 7 14 6 M 7 i 8 TO Ian. 1. Jan. 3.. Jan. 3 Jan. 4.. Jan. I Jan, . 7 OJ-S, T $S , t 3si t on; t iij s : ; y ilTW.IT IS' 17! 7 ft'! 8 4ll 8 7S 7 m -Sunday. CATTLE Receipts this morning num bered lHi cara. The average quality of the rrertpt waa fat from good, tnere" bring a big surplus of trash. The total receipts for the three daya this week foot up 16,711 head, being the largest et sny similar period Since mree we.ka sgo, snd Isrger than a year ago by 1,01 head. Considering the total number of cattle In the yarrta, the offerlnss of beef steers were really very moderate, while strictly good beeves were very scarce. There wa4 a very fair buying femand, so that while the market opened slow, the desirable cattle changed handa In very fair seaaon at prlcea not materially different from those paid yesterday. Common and In ferior graden were slow and-weak to poaalhly a little lower In some spots. Cows and helfera did not show muoti hai.go as compared with ytsterday, price an a rulo helru 'auoiii ateauy WhliS the market waa not exactly What might be quoted active there was a reaannahlo movement so that prtty much everything was disposed of by mtu dsy. Oood, flashy feeders wre sought after and were generally steady wltn yester day, The supply of (Such csttle waa small snd under free buying waa a on exhausted On the other hand, light arid thin stockera and trashy stock o. all kinds, tif which there naa been a surplna r.t late, were alow Snd weak to possibly a little lower. U'lotationa on Cattle-Pi Ime yearlings, $lhv.ijo; good to choice coiufe-l neevea,; fair to gooq cornfel beevea, $7.80yS.OO;conimon to lair cornfed beevea, $6.5iiu7.k': good ta chJce range beevea, I7.7V2; fair to good comred beevea, a.T4tf 7.7T; common to fair corn fed beevea, 35.7MS"S; good to eholoe heifers, $iU.: good to c iioi. e cotvs.$6.78 44.00; fair to good cows, $ft.0iS.; com mon to fair cows, 34.OOA8.00; good io choice stockera and feeders, gT.SMiS.lO: fair to good stockers and, $6.7ik 7.95; common to fair rtuckers snd feed ere, $o.7n.75; stock heifers, $a.3fir 3"! stock onwa. 34.7,',.7S: siora calvaa. 3.0(Kul I. CO; veal calves, $"noiXa3.76; bulls, stag", etc., $6.00il8.0. Mtxi itecelpts were very liberal, mmothln. UWa viVt .11, n- il IWl comprising the day's offerings. Thirty- six rsrs ot tnesa were reported as Doing shipped direct to a packer from another market point. For the threat .lava the supply totals 36,791, a gain of aimot 11,. Ooo over last week, and about i.ftno larger than a year ago., ) -'. Considering the fact that receipts were so generous, the trsda opened out in fair shape, and a number of sales were made on the eiirly rounda that looked to t. strong to hi aome rases a nickel higher than yesterdsy's average. This did nuts last very long, however, and before any great number of hogs had been sold bids had weakened untu they were no more then steady, Prom this time nn the trad was very dun. as sellers were trying te got bark to early prices, but the market moved along aiowir until most or tne hoga were-sold at prlcea that were about atesdy. Towsrd the does vslues weak ened again,, and some of the last saies were hardly as good es Tuesday's gen eral market, there being a number of loadastlll unsold at the Urn of closing this report. The average market was uttie setter than steady. Hulk of the supply sgala sold st $7.t7.05, with a top of $7.11, the highest price that has been paid so tsr this week. For the three daya prices show a net decline of close to 15c. fcHEEP It was a good, active market on sheep snd iambs, w ith prtc-s steady te strong all around, notwithstanding ths arrival ot a liberal run for a Wednesday amounting to 11,300 head, compered wltg 10.44H a week ago and 9.639 on theioorre ponding day a year ago. Chicago was reported as having 3B,0W head, with trad slow and weak. Aged sheep, which con sisted largely of fed western ewes, were scarce compared with yesterday, conxe quently moved first with a range of prices st $6kxs5.U. The quality and eon. dltlon of the offerings were not aa good, some of them being a little wet because of the rain. As Ismbs were more plenti ful, the demand was not as urgent.' A spresd ot 88.46(34.60 caught the bulk et the fed western Ismbs, with a shipment or req Mexican oiierings mam rig a top of $8.85. It was a fairly satisfactory mara-et from a seller's viewpoint, aa the feeling to the trade has Improved since the clot of last week In splta of the frt that some 44,0(9 head of sheep and lambs hsvs been reported In for the week to dele, ss compared with 27.89 or tho same time last week, 13,ff) two weeks ago and W.7;W A year sgo. Th qualltv of the of. tarings each day lias been good eaeti day, with Montana, Colorado, Nehraaka and Iowa being the chief contributors. H might be added that common light lambs sold to a feeder buyer on today a market at $7.75r7.80. Quotations on sheep snd Ismbs: Lambs, good to rhi'lee, $k.4M4i,70; lambs, fair to good, $; yearllnga, good to choice, fr at.ttO; yearllnga, fair to good, $7.0o 7.25; wethers, good to choice, $l.2&f.5o; wethers, fair to good. HMWlJb; ewes, good to choice, $S.Wtlt.SC, ,.wes. fslr to good. $JOC&6.50. Representative sales: Ho. Av. Price, liil fed lambs TO $ 80 0 fed ewes .., SOS fed Ismbs t. 26 fed lambs 34 feeder lambs &6 fed lambs . ., .... 114 .... TI .... ' .... 51 .... ii .... 87 .... ion .... ii .... 80 .... 84 .... 74 .... 77 .... U .... 14 .... 87 .... 3 $ 80 8 60 8 80 7 80 $ i 1 (M 0 81 4 it $ 00 7 36 3 SI 8 80 8 D $ 86 $ 10 10 10 culls 108 fed swes 14 out ewee ..... 183 fed ambs , 14 cull Ismbs .... ill fed lambs m fed lambs ..... $&$ fed lambs 413 Colorado ewes M fed lambs .... SBBS fed ' lamba OR)B-Tbe supply of horses this week has been rather moderate. only about CuO head belnc received. The Qua 1- Ity was not very good, but about ataady prlcea were maintained. It might be added, however, that prevailing prloes are not in accordance with the Ideas held by country shippers, who hsvs been lod to expect a very high market on ac count of the newspaper talk regarding the demand for war horses. It is a fact that war hora.s sr. In good demand, but the country eeeme to pave an oxaggsr- lad Idea as to prices. Bt. Jesesh Live toels stasket. gT. JOBKPH. Jan. CATTLB Re ceipts, $.0us bead. Market stroag: ateera, $7.0ui0.0U; cuwi and belters, ti.2csj9.C0; calvaa. $6. 006160. H(Kl Receipts. 10.000 head. Market higher; top, $7.38; bulk ef sales. $ SHKEP AND LAM-Bfl Receipt a, u0 bead. Mark.t higher: lambs. t?.7ia3.eo.., leak Cleartags. Oil A HA, Jan. g Bank clearings for Omaha toay ware $3,604,144.88, and for the corresponding day last year t3.603.uuii.7i NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Ftovei Independence by Making Further Though Uneven Frog" re$i Towtvrd Betterment. DECLINE IN THE FIRST HOUR NEW YORK. Jan. 8.-The local Stock, market again proved ita Independence! today by making further though uneven progress toward betterment, regardless of the London market, where the Ameri can list evinced greater haavlnese. Ca- , nadlan Pactftr, Font hern Fartfta and Ft. Paul wrro the moat backward features ef the foreign market, but Pennsylvania and New York Central also manifested selling prendre. Initial dealing ih-re had sll of their recent Irregularity with an abrupt de cline In the first hour, early reports of the subway accident causing an all sround break In InterhorouKh . lenuee. Gould stocks Ister exhibited renewed weakness, Missouri Pacific, Denver and Rio Orande preferred and ft. Louis Southwestern falling to low records. Among the spe cialties, Virginia-Carolina Chemical pre ferred declined 16 points to Its minimum price of 80, with a three-point gain for the common stock. Hethlehem Steel led the Industrial di vision, the stock tor the flrat time in manv yeai-a passing tile current quotation for United States Kteel. The latter waa again offered for European Interests, ac cording to report, but held gteady throughout. A majority of the day's galna were In soeuritiea of secondary Im portance, the list closing with moderate) firmness after a further Irregular de- ' cllne. - ' Light was thrown on the recent trans fer of $2.O00,0tO sold from the essay of fice hv the announoement that the metal had boen deposited at one of the leading National banks to the credit of the Bank of Prance. Other news bearing upon tna foreign situation Included reduced nis counts by tho national banks of Denmark snd . Sweden. London's own markets wero' steady, with some broadening ot operations. Iinnfla were li-reguiar, wun m ou tlines In Some vulnerable lasues. United Mates government bonds were unchanged on call. ' , Number ot saies and leading quotation on stocks todsy were: . File.. Him. U" AUaka OnM Aa-aiueuue- Opper , j. joe SIS 3 11. we , I, ton tea Anerlian Beet 6uar.... Aaiarlraa Can Amarlraa S. . ft Am. S. ft pM Am. Knnr Helming An.erlna T. T. ....... Aa,.rlr.a Tabaoco ....... Anamti'l Mining Airlilara .-. Haiti isnre A Oil In Btwkira npi4 Tr rallmrnla 1'atrnlaum ... (-anaSiaa Panlflo -tiiral Oalher 'tneak Ohio ( hmptiM Ohio t hlcaao O. W rhi. m. a w. p.... ( a n. tv .- China Coppr C-olor1a fual S Iron... ( olorol. A Southern Iienvar lllo (traivl..... fi'iiver 4a H. O. plil ... tilallltrr' seourHIti ... Kria (icnanl KMtrle f(rt Nurtham ptd rirtai K. (ire run (uiganllm gxploratloa.. 1 1 1 Innla Cratrnl Inlerhnrnuth Mat. ptd... Inplraiinn ('.oppae ....... International H.rveater . K.n.x City houthrrit... lliltl Vallay Iul.vHI. NsKhvlll.,.. M.xlcan Patralanm Miami Copper Mlaapurl, K. A T. ....... Mlaaiturl F'arliie Sallonal piarult National Lead ...... Nertila Capper N Yark central S"S Ml M ..... lOH 117 uwi si I-.-a l.wo i! MS 9 v Ml, ' t 14 (. t ' 41ti. l-x 10 aar in : ton U'a l.jno jmi4 3,700 M t.rte nvi ss ,j. 3S14 too 3Ji J3t S3 i in i 15 llt'i :-7 ( .'i IM. CI IT 1(K) I too 11 't no si 100 1(1 1.4110 ll-, VS :ii no inn 17 3.M l,lv0 IJI II , Lima lui liiH 1-(. KO 113 112V II-" MS 1 1'" t , lTt 3 H ' i 8.7O0 1 44-i U HI. KM , ll'i T 11'4 1,1.0 N Y., N. H. A H.... poo Nr-rolh A waitam. ...... Northaia Parltle ........ I-acKlo Mall 'arllli- T. A T -ntinrrlYiftla Pulloriui ynlara Car..... Htr Cna. C'apptr.. Xf4lnt "Ihlic Iron Btaal... hn-k laland O Rock Jtlanil rn. ptd Kt. u g. r. 3d pid.. Siuth.nt Vtltlc ........ mr.iitharn it.llnajr , Teanaee Copaar Taxal Companr '1'nlon Pariflu I'nlon larlHn pM 00 toil loon iwis ' ..... ..... ' ti "l.iiA l'di"' t'oiii lnV,H en. IM 1.1R (no li"! tsi jt. (00 t 1T, in. SOS Vi 1 . I S.1 14ia S3 . us 117 3.400 1,000 'ai'14 4.400 lit k.-.', 1,1" ..... tnil.J Htutaa Hiaal ... ti 1 H'4 V. g. Slaal pld (tint lnn 111., nK rtah cope" . - t, we 4t 4'., (. Waha.h pfd ,1 , i Wietara I'nlon SO) 't M M i . W.atlmrhomw glertrle ., ' not -701 1,11 71 Total ulea for ttia 1:0,100 abarrs. I ulea for Netf Ti Neif York Money Market. . , NFAV YORK. Jan. .-PRlMR MKR 4'ANTtLR PAPER-4T('i per cent. HTKRLINd 1 UXCHANOIS Barely, steady: sixty-day hills, $4.8it;, for cables, $4.K; for d.niand. $4.84h0. SILVER Bar. 4V; Mexican dollars, S7c, BONDfWiovernmcnt, steady; railroad ' bonda, irregular. T1MR U1ANR trulU sixty snd ninetv d)a, 3Hia. per cent; six months, llftS-i. , , per cent. , CloHlng quotstlons on bonds today wars as follows: , , . V. g. rf. ua, rag.... T M. Pie. eT. ts.,.. M . do eoupaa 7 N. V. c a. ..,. T 17. S. rag ISIV, N.Y. City 4V 'M..l(l do iwupaa luoN. T. Stat 4Ha....lokM V. S. 4a. rag Ins N. V.. N, FI. H d Mupoa 10(4 ev. Si ioe TaaaSia a. eoupoa.,100 J(o. P.clfl. 4a.. ...... sh'I Am. faifltorl S ..t"H 4o 3s I..!! A. T. T. . 4VM f)T0. S. U rt. 4a...-. ST.J Armoor A Co. 4'a.. li Pan. T. T. aa.... tb Aifhiaon son. (.... i f-mnn. roa. 4a .... 7Ti II. I. Ohl. 4a. SRaadlas f. 4a., ... 5 Chea. Ohl, Vii. 3. A a. r. i 4s Si's i!.IHWiS So ref. 4a...??. ('. It I. A r. a. 4a S4 da ov. Da Si! A H. raf. 4'ii.. St So. Rallaae t.. ... Mv! U A K. a. rat. MM Vnlos PacUle 4s.. B4V Krla an. 4a........ S7 4a tr. 4a....j.. m iim. f.ieu. 4a im V. S. Itnhbar U...'oni fit. No. lat 4&a... t V. K fitaal Si III. Can. r'f. 4a.... s Wihaih i.t i,.... . 1 iK. C. So. r. b.... Slts'WeM. i!Bo 4i....r I N. unl. (a.... M Wt. K1ki. . la . si M. K. A T. lat i. 74 ' 1 , Kid. Local Storks aad Boada. ' Qua(atlaB farntahag r Sums, Brlakaf I (a. 44 Onuha Nllloual task kulialogi . .. Stooka- Bid. AskM. Paae. A Oft. M , aW IS J alruiont Craaoiary T par east M... li K.irnwnt CYaatuary 4 par Mat uar.. Suul lea M cur. lain Staiaa T. A f...., saw ( A C. B. H. A : B. H 14 8 Vi OmaUa 0. B. L Hr. aid, Union Sux-k Tarda, Omalw Honda Caarr, W'y. . Water ta. JS4 , Cvdaby hW Co. 4a. IM.,... CI Icaio i-r. m. lrT Artantln. Hapublle da, 1111 Ijuudee 7 par oast ararrauta Kim Co.. Waib., a. in .4 Uncoil Til. Co. , 1I3.... , bo. Anaolaa Rr. Sa. 1 Otr af kalnal 1., mi,,, O.hkoah. Nob., B'houl ta, l24....i. Oo-aha A C. B. St. Ily. U. 1J.... Omaha school (.. U rlly of Onuiha Watar 4W, IMI .... fa ST H 1S I M las i M W'i VI 14 10( 104. t St 1 to It Hj S 104 lot (.IS ten 4 lue San rraetlaea. Cel.. Is, iSat-lMa.. M 6S lot Bam a . o. si, l4 14 u s4 ;d Scrlbnar, Nah.., WaUH. la. Iiut3...., S luj Muporlar, Xab , W.tar la, It .14 ill ' las ' Wit bits t'ploa Yirda ua, lit., igi, jui , ! ? . . I ! Ity Live gtovk Market. BIOUX CITY. Ia., Jan. .-CATTLB-l Receipts. 3.000 hea1; market weak; naUva ateers, $;.00f43.26: butchers, I5.2.-jfei.Tr.; cows and hellers, $4.35?ni.2ii canners, $4.0uSO;S stockers snd feeders. $..ofl7.I0: calves. $6,50010; bulls, stags. etcT$4.76.ff.00. HOtJS-Recelpts. 8,500 head; markel How; heavy, $7.(t2Hi7.lO: mixed. IKkiJ 7.o-.'H; ,ht, $6.M7.(K); bulk ot aalea. $.;', 6HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. JOM! head; market atcady; ewes, 3.oo33.6oi lambs, $7.7D-a.33. Have You a . Sunlit Room? Here 'a a c hance to , rent si pleasant room reached by ths sunlight. Do not answer ujk less your roouis get ilenty 06 sunshine (when there is ny). For further information tele phone -. j Douglas 2502 I