'IIIK r.KK: OMAHA, WKDNF.snAY. JANUARY C, 1915. Attractive Omaha Girl Married Monday mm-- r-i 0 By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, January 5, 1915. JaimiuiairY Whit s OCIETY life in rery much on the quietus these days. The bridge clubs have not as yet renewed their gay activity and all are enjoying this little breathing spell some making such noble resolutions, the same each year. Resolutions which always With all the itoiiH that wrr ttdvprtisotl in tln Suntlny nrnl Monday apors st'lliiifr the 3 aei a a . . . .... a! t . . . .. I .. 4y- Hr include Riving up the things we like the best and going about being so pure, virtuous and self-righteous and, as a natural consequence, so very lonely. In the spirit of the old adage, "Be good and you will be lonely." One fair Omaha miss, of the daring sort, has resolved to limit herself In the numbers of the noxious weed Indulged in a day this year. Her man7 friends are watching the outcome with keen Interest. same jincos puin'stiay as long as tuo lots will last, so as to give tno same ntnaiiiiiy v nil tu'oiilo wlio cnnld tint :ittn1 tliia irnmlnr ful uln nf wloto increhsindist1 bofort. r or 51 Wednesday we. will feature Bedding and Table Linen with values beyond comparison. Stocks so Hig and Assortments s) Varied as to assure satisfaction to every one. LV- !- - . I... ...,.,.,.. - Hi m.iHin Ill m rtn .-m--f Sale at '2 Carter Lake Club The Carter Lake Swimming and Bowl ing club entertained Monday sfternoon at the Famam alleys. Mrs. J. A. Free land's band made the lilsh score of l.otn. Those present wre: - MeKdTir- Wlrt Purrsnre. oC )!. 8. i) . '. A. rjien. v. J. Citttn. srl Johnson. H. ft. 0"l1strom. H. I. I'nrterwood, Alex .Teles. I. . A. Permody. I'hsrlea Meyers T'rsnK Carpenter, N. M. fin-stt. Mesdames J. K. I!oser. toward Peterson, Chsrles Mal.mey, .1 A. picnics. F. F. Jtrallcy, .1. A. fii-eland, R. ti. Hlennsn. William M. Uoilld, jr. V. . Htronp, A. J. I'lereoPt M. B. Whltehouae, W. M. Dorrame. psrty Thursday academy. tvenlnc St chambers' At Erownell Hall. Brownell Hall's wjnter term opens this Morning Wednesday morning there will m the annual opening services at Ht. Msthla churrii at which the dean of Trinity cathedral will ofriclats. The services will be followed' by sn Informal li.ni heon at which the; old pupils are Invited and requested to .send their reao Inllnns for the alfalr to Miss Johnson. The annual tselith flsyi entertainment will follow the luncheon. Tuesday Morning: Musical. The Tuesday Morning. Musical club save their third program of the winter this mornlns at the home of Mrs. J. M. MMrnirn on Houth Tenth street. Mr. Jean V. Puffleld. assisted by I.oulae Janscn M'yle.-gsve the program. With the Bridge. Players. Mrs. '. B. Coon wss hostess todsy at the meeting of the Bridge Iuncheon club at her apartments In the Angelus. The table was decorated with pink shaded rstidlus and 'pink end white flowers snd thn Rilests were: Mslsme M-sdames H. Marley. A. W. OUmim. XV. II. laSiMl, InesW'ste, i(0ell A, Fisher, F. 11. Iallry V lllls.ni Ms'npcy, Mine Maud I'evles. The Tuesday Jlrldge club was enter tained today at the home of Mr. John ficdick. Miss Mildred Rogers was a su't of the club. Those present were: Mesdsmes Mesdamea Arthur Keellne. fieorse Itedlck. 1 'snlse 4HSkslfw, John Iledlrk, W. It. McCormlck. Frank Keosh. John Madden. Walter Huberts. I .fin Is Clarke, Ttoaa li. Towle. Mlas Elisabeth Consdon. At Prairie Parle Club. The Mlowlng were ' present at the Trairle 1'Srk club's. New Tear's dancing party Saturday evening: Misses Alpha Fields, Kthet Morgans. Mercedes Alitmlt, Misses of Fremont, Maria Kalbery of les Molncs, l'iva lavery, Frances Watt. Kthel Weldner. Meadames J, Hlerun of Lincoln. .Msrs Fred Wedetneyer, Fnd Si'hoeff ler or New York. N. Y.i Harold I'lay. Kcnyon Hmlth, leotxe F. Abbott, lletil-jmln Oordblndef of I envr, Colo.; Herald !ruce. Visiting Nurse Workers. Mr Pierre C, Morlarty entertained In formally at luncheon today In her apart ments at the New , Hamilton, preceding the regular meeting of the Visiting Nurse association sewing circle. This circle Is one of the oldest thst hsa continued Its meetings regularly, having beon In ex. istenee over fifteen yesrs. Mrs. Morlarty and Mrs. Herbert Rogers are among those who have been with the organisation since Its Inception. Present this sfter noon were: Mesdames O. I. Bradley, N. . Otickerl Mesdames Herbert Rogers, W. II. Koenls. Alfred Hchalek, trunk Walters, K. C. Hmlth. Kdwln T. Hwobe, Oscar Williams, Ictor W hite, J. J. McMullen. Miss loulse Mcl'herson Mist Clnra Thomas. Waaasaa I .; r"f ; it-:.;( .; A MRS. W1L.MAM N. CHAMBERS. NEB MISS Rl.'TH BVRNE. W. J. Ilynea, J. S. Weltsel, I-. M. 1-ord. I'almer Flndley, Harry Jordan, Yates, Fiances Ross. Fllsaheth Ross, Mvra I "e lxng Meadamcs ThTnss B. McKensle, Mnssrs. ft. A. Lucke, V. C. lfl. William Hwwklnson William .M. Kent. HI hard Klslor. Howard Oarden. Arthur hmlth of Muleshne TrX.; TlolMirt J. Hhlnlds. jlthAt W'1'ri..ln..v.kt Mr. snd Mrs. viillsm R. Hie wart. Jr.; Mr. snd Mrs. William H. I'latner, . Mr. snd Mrs. William M. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Reynolds, Mr. snd Mrs. William F.ck, Mr. snd Mrs. W, A. Hmlth, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr. Ir. and Mrs. W. H. Kleter, Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Hlockrtt, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Haynes, Mr. snd Mra. C, M. Coi'hran, Mr. anl Mrs. C U Mickey, Mr. and Mrs. C. U Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neff. Mr. snd Vin. C. I Owens, Mr. sn Mrs. A. A. Wedemeyer, Ir. and Mia. A. W. Flctslmona, Mr. and Mrs. K. Conley, .Mr. and Mrs. Max Smith, - Mr. and Mra. K. O. Clav. Mr. and Mia. H. M. Kent, Mr. nnd Mis F.. R. Rntlnard, Mr. and Mis. II. s. Felt. Mr. and Mm, liny II Furiiess, Mr. end Mrs. K It. Hagenslck, Mr. end Mrs. A. K. Crouch, Mr. and Mrs. .-ott K. Hea;htol, Mr. and M'a. t,Jiitea H. Rheam, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ijiniiftlliier, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. J M. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hlttlnger, 1r. and Mrs. ,1. It. Hell. Mr. and Mra. Kd In Cole, . I r. and Mrs. C. II. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pardon, Mr. m l Mrs Pert Klcklsr, Mr. nnd Mrs H. c. Hunt, Mr. and Mis II. Wells, Mr. end Mrs. K. .1. Webers. .Mr. and Mrs. Ian O. Whitney, Mr. and Mis. Louis Nelson. Silver Lynx Club. The Omaha members of Silver I.ynx, local fraternity of the state university, gave a dam Ing party at Hart hall, Hun dee, Saturday evening. The following gueats and members of the fraternity were present: Mr. and Mrs. A. I), Northrup. Luncheon at the Rome. Mrs. William I. Klerstesd enterLalned one of the brltige clubs st luncheon todsy st the Home hotel. The centerpiece was made of 'sugar and represented Pwlss chalet and garden. Mesdames Thomas Flynn, Hruc Moffat, E. V. Arnold and Miss Grace Morse of New York City were guests of the club. Wedding Announcement. : Announcement la made of the insrrlsg of Miss Mary JLarrabee of Sabetha, Kan., and Mr. John Woodworth, son of Mr. C. D. Woodworth, of Oinsha. The mar riage was celebrated December 7 st the home of the bride s psrenta, where the young people are now visiting. Mr. Woodworth wss a popular graduate of the Omi.ha High school class of l0tt snd wss a member of the Regleter stsff, besides participating actlvsly In all school af fairs. The date for the return of Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth has not been sn nounced. With the Traveleri. Mr. 'and Mrs. John Peters of the Mer chants hotel have left for southern Cal ifornia tor the remainder of the winter months. Miss Mabel De Weeae of Canon City, who spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Rosa Towle, enroute east, has left for' Detroit. Return to College. Mr. Leslie Putt and Mr. Lyell Rushton rtaurned Sunday to the University of Ne braska, where they will resume their studies. Pleasures Put The Iaf-e-Lnt club gave a surprise on Miss Ruth Hutton New Year' a eve. Daoorations were In orsnae and purple, the club colors. Those preaent were: Mia label Kranaon. Francis Jones, He.se! Jones, Messrs Robert Christie, lonajtl Peters. Katun Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flnlev. Missel Katberlna ntnrdi ant, lleln Johnston, A ns belle Sinclair, M. Hrt1rmore, Hrlmi i I ft oil, Mary Hallei, trace Hall, lMjroihy Anderson, Ruth HKard. Stella I'l.Tce, A. Far1v. ilflen RelseL M Kiard Raumaa. Khmr Rboden, 1-slie Stvena, I .w) McSliane. Wilbur Haynes, II Agor. Max Aror. Jsnieai Northrop, Kalph Northrup. oige Mclfrerty, Jack McL.afirty, Keuneta Wldner, oil, William Raiiman, Ralph Benedict, Mlsi Fli)renca Jenks, Kllaabeth liould, Irene Johnson. , Fvelvn Anderson Marsuerlte McClloy nee jeiaon, Copeley. Oraee Northrvp, Imia Nelson, Folly Front, . Sara Cole, 1 jiura Cjmmerman, Rculah liyrd. Miara CltarUs Weymuller, Karl Rurkt, Harold Self, fi. J. (Vnswird. (illW-rt FUtredre. Arthur Christy, Hiisscl Clark. Marte Clark, ( art Hues. Jan SnowJen. Charlea Oardapee, llaymond Hraaley, Victor Uraham, Fontenelle Hotel ' Mortgage Ready to Be Recorded Soon directors in negotiating the big loan to complnte the hotel. Out don W. Wattles is now president of the holding company, snd A. Reed la secretary. A iO.OOO mortgage, securing the loan miide by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company to the Douglas Hotel company, to enable the latter to complete the Fon tenelle hotel building, will be placed on record this weeks, poaslblv Wednesday or Thursday. It Is a first mortgage on th hotel property st Eighteenth and j Douglss streets, which coat over $1,000, noo. An x0 war tax stamp will be afflxod to the document. "If the building Is completed and turned ever by the contractors by Feb ruary 15, the Fontenelle ran open for business by March 1," said President William R. Horbank of the operating company before going east on bunlness. Manager Vaughn of the Kelden-Rrock Construction eompany declares that his workmen csn flnlah the big building a week earlier than required by the con tract. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Douglas hotel company will bo held at the city hall January 19. A board of fifteen rU rectors la to be elected. All of last year's directors, except F. A. Nash, deceseed, snd Charloa T. Kountse, resigned, will probably be re-elected. It Is said. At thst time the stockholders will be ssked to ratify the sctlon of the A Fine Family Dinner for 10c Prepared in 30 Minutes Pumpkin Mlrcea lessle Jewel, Minnie Hmlth, Ruth Hutton. .Messrs Arthur Strelow, Robert Htrelow, Frank Slovak. Leanander-Johnson Wedding. The wedding of Miss Nettle May John son, daughter or Mr. c. i. jonnson oi Dixon, Neb., end Mr. H. A. Leenander of Lake Field, Neb., was solemnised at M o'Slock New Year's eve at 182 North Twenty-second street The bride wore a gown of white silk with allover lace, the bodice being em broidered with Jt. Her tulle veil was held In plane with a white rose and myrtle wreath, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and myrtle. She wore a diamond lavmller, the gift of the groom. Miss A 1 vine Johnson of Omaha wss bridesmaid, snd Mr. Karl Carlson best man. Mr. and Mrs. I-eanandcr have loft or a wedding trip to Chicago and east ern points, and will be at home February M at Dixon, Neb, The out-of-town guests were Mr. Van moom of Norrois, iseo, and Mr. Johnson of Concord, Neb. Wedding Announcement. The marriage of Miss Nina Wysnt and Mr. E. a. Qangestad took place Satur day evening, January i. In Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Qengeated will be at home to their trlenda after January IS, st MIT Hamilton street Recent Affairs. The I. K. club held Its fortnightly meeting Monday evening at the home of Mr. suid Mrs. D. K. Carey. The prises were awarded to Mrs. II. C. Crew and Mr. J, J. Berry. The club will be en tsrtathed Monday evening. January It, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crew. South Side Whiit Club. The South Side Progressive W hist club will siva s. party Wednesday evening at their hall on Castellsr street The host esaea will be: Meed&mea J. Wilcox, F. Qulnlan, N. a. Wllle, C. William. M Schlnker and J. Klttraaker. Subscription Dance Dinners. Mr. and Mra. T. II. Oeines and Mr, snd Mrs. Joha A. McShane have issued Invitations for dinners to be given be (ore the danee tomorrow evening, a..', end Mrs. M. A. Hsll wUl give dinner Wednesday evening at their home. Their guests will attend the dance Turpln's later. In and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. A. Q. Sim peon of Chicago, who has been spending the holidays with Mr. J. H. McCandless, left Monday evening for his home. Here la a meal that Is at once nutri tions easy to digest. ay to prepare, satisfies the hun-er and the itulntlest of spiietltes and costs but a trifle. Conk n whole narkso-,. nf Fa k.... hettl for about 30 nil lllltes Willi tnrni. tors and serve ninlno- Imi with r.u,i horse aa spread. With bread and butler ihl. ,iuii i it bout as tasty as von could uti rnn thoie'a a fine racy smsck to It Hint is really enjoyable. Made, from Durum wheat, ha ust Hoashrttl is a liluhlv vlu. tlnoua food contains tho food eUiiipnta hat make for inimcln anrl tiu.na s,n,.. In larae lllo nark aires and alioulH ) fr.. uently served as a imrll.il suliMtltuin f.if meat snl as a whole meal. MAI M, mum. Ht. Ixutin, I'. S. A. Future Affairs. Vesta chapter. No. a Order of the Kaat- Mt., and Mrs. F. W. Dixon has) Issued tiivHsttona for a dancing party to be lien at their home on North Thirty (lehlh aireet Tusdsy evening of next ek. Kixty-five gutsta have been In- I- 'd to the affair - Mi.-and M.e. Joseph Barker will give a dinner edneaday evening be fore the fc..bcrtUor dame st Turpln's academy. tro tins, will entertain at a dancing Recipe Cottage Pumpkin Pie (Larue Pie) 1H cups pumpkin, boiled snd strained through colander; 1 cup brown sugar; 2rggs(one if they are high priced!; K teaspoon ginger; teaspoon allspice: H teaspoon cinnamon; 1 tablespoon flour: I cup Cottage Milk mixed with 1 cup water. Mix all ingredients except milk snd water; stir very thoroughly. Add milk snd wster slowly. Turn into pie tins lined with crust snd bake half hour in mod erate oven. The above recipe gives good, uni form results every time. The rich ness and uniformity of Cottage Milk insures success in all kinds of cook ing and baking. StrilUed Cottaqe UnaweMstSMieKl Is pure milk with most of the water taken. It lasts longer, snd is more sanitary, economical and convenient than bottle milk. Get a supply today and see for yourself how superior it is. 7fts Milk Without f As Cookmd Tattt In Two Sizes, 5 and 10c At All Good Dealera AMERICAN MILK COMPANY Chicavgo $1.25 Damask l ull Blenched, Superior Finished Double Hat I ii Hiininxk 'l ins. wide. Slls regulsrly for $1.25 yard. January sale on price, yard OtC Full Itlenrhed Double, Satin Du mask Extra heavy. 7 2 inches wide. Hrotch and Irish make. .$1.75 value. January sale price, yard . Kxtra Heavy Double Damask Full bleached, superior satin fin ish, 72 Inches wide. $2.00 value. January sl price, J t Ci yard 4 A OU Double Fleered Table Padding 54 Inches wide, extra heavy; our 75c value. January sale Cri price, yard OUC All lilnen Damak Napkins 1S inch size; a $2.50 value. QC Six for iOC $2 Xapklns All pure linen, pretty damask patterns; J- AQ special, per dogen. . J) X aT'siJ 2.5 and $2.7A Damnek Napkin All linen, dinner size; in- our January sale, t p7tt dozen J) I O Bleached Turkish Towels A mlli:s over-production of towels, size 27x54 inches, and weighing 2 '4 lbs. each. Worth $1.25, special price, ea. Table Cloths 49c Fine Imported Me-ret-rUed Table Cloth; alo Pure I.lin-n Aiitr1an Hunuu-k All nrettv Dattcrns. $1.L'5 to $1.50 values, on January sale price OlvC AIM.lr.en Table Cloths Dinner Flze, in round designs: double damask, pretty patterns, stiuu finish, 72-in. size; regular $2. SO and $2.75 value. Jan- N QQ uary sale price JO All-Linen Table Cloths Dinner size, round or square, scalloped ends, pretty range of patterns, 72-in. size; $5 and tlJO QO $7.50 values. Each. ipOeJvO All-I.lnen Cloth'. With one doz en napkins to match, exclusive pattern?; $6.00 value. Janu ary sale price, CO each ipOsOvF 7.V Mercerized l.tinch Cloths Hemmed ends, 42-inch fr size. Kach OOC $7.."0 HcniiHissance Cloths Trimmed with deep lace, in the dinner size. January T0 QQ sale price, each. . . . aPOeivO 87 to $9 Cluny Kcarfx Linen cen ters: an unusual offering. Jan- SS T. $4.50 Towels and Toweling l.V ami 17c All-Linen I'nbleached Towel Lng Soft and absorbent. January sale price. fj yard 1-&2C lilearhed Turkish Towels A good heavy quality, hemmed ends; sell regularly 12,c. p7X.t Janunry sale price, ea. I 2 Full Uleached Hurk Towels With hemmed ends, wear Q like linen. 15c val.; each JC 10c Glaes Toweling Linen finish, the kind that does not "7JL-, lint; January sale, yd.. I 2 Bed Spreads $2.75 .Marseilles Spreads Your choice of hemmed or fl QQ fringed ends; each. . e70 and 1.50 lUd Spread. The crochet kind; special In January sale, each ( limy Dtiilit'M Assorted sizes. jJ 25c, ;rtc and 75c values; a spe- r" rial offering in January sale, ea. rJ 39c, 19c, 12ic j lleautiful Hand Kmbroidcred Ma- ft deira Ijunchetm Sets Our $5.00 value; special at, each 98c Doilies $3.98 Imported Cluny Laces lical Linen Cluuy Laces and Insertions that worth from 25c to 35c per yard. Special at, yard are 12. 16-Inch to BO-In oh Baantl fnl Batiste and Swiss TlonaaUura and Camisole Edf-ae Dainty, crochet ami eyelet designs: also some very fine baby pat . terns. Values SOc per yard. Special at French and Osraui Tal Xao.s and Insertions An Immense assortment, to 1-lncli widths. Are worth up to ' 7 l4o a yard; special at 25c 2ic Ul-Us.n Torchon Lien and Insertions A very speclul lot bought at about one-thlnl actual value. The widths run from 1 K-j to Mi Inches, worth up to Qc per yard, Choice, at Swiss, Cambric and Long cloth Insertions and leadings Extraordi nary values. Choice, per yd. 3ic 2c Fancy Linens and Art Needle Work 54-Inch Stamped Lunch Cloths On pure Irisn linen. For French and eyelet emhroldery. Nc designs. $2.00 val ues, for $1.25 36-Inoh White Irish X.ln.n C.nt.r Pieces Stamped in floral nnd conventional llrsiens; $1.00 . values. for Koyal Society Cordlchet lfew Meroeriied Croch.t cotton Alt sizes from 1 to 150. Per ball 75c 10c 63-Inch Stamped I.nnch Cloths On Irish linen. Vor frYench or eyelet em broiders-. New place itn. 3.&o values. for. Hand-Crochsted Xac. JBSgt on Srasssr Boaris with Japanese hand' emhroldery. t3.50 for , len. ru Mil- )T de- K $1.75 jq a $2.00 Pure Zilnan Hack Towsls Stamped for French knot embroidery. OC Guest size. KOc quality, for Q All Who Intend Buying Rugs and Curtains Wilt Be Interested in These Wednesday Bargains On Our Third Floor Fine Portieres Ve4;0 A special' purchase. Fine Mercerized Portieres, Bo der Portieres, Damask, Plain Armure, Sunfast Madras' Portieres. Plain and figured. Wednesday, each Couch - Rugs A small lot of very fine American Oriental Couch Rugs In a beautiful as sortment of patterns. Worth $6.50 each. Offer ed for Wednesday at $2.98 $1.59 Lace Curtains A big assortment of patterns. The lot consists of about 500 pairs of cur tains worth $2.50. $3.00, $3.50 and $4 a pair. Your choice Wednesday 98c Each Genuine (s?r ) Wilton Rugs Size 9x12 feet. Beautiful new medallion and all over designs; all new colorings. Rich rugs worth up to $50, offered Wednesday Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Floral and Oriental patterns. All the best makes. Choice of our en tire tock Wednesday at $ 19.50 i $29.75 12-Ft.Wide Linoleum We offer a great TaH ety of good patterns. Val ues to 75c per square yd. Wednesday for Square Yard feSZJaSMHSrISMr25e3el5a5r N AUDITORIUM COMPANY MEETING IS POSTPONED First meeting of the new directors of the Omaha Auditorium company, planned for yesterday wss postponed by President Rome Wilier, because of the abaenre t,f IMreetor O. W. Wattles, who la now In Chicago, attending meeting of the ulr.ctora of the Urvat W.stern railroad- -be . Entire EtSag EKnJ Star 'Assembled h &iifieiit itopk f Mm a rand (Slsa mm 3 Ulfflf ?Pfo)l(p E "Ja kWsaaeetawJ e anil yj Lra Lb Liza When opening this store three months men we were forced to take? a smaJler place than we desired, it rwing the only available store in the center of the city. Limited space meant a moat curt-fully selected stockonly the newest styles and finest quality garments being considered. We give you these facts to impress upon your mind the Import ance of this sale. It's ail assurance that you're 110C buying shopworn or old style goods when you choose one of these exceptional bargains from our regular stock offered In this January clearance at the lowest prices iu the city. ALL OUR exclusive Tailored Suits AT HALF PRICE 73.00 TAIliOKKl) Kl'ITS 007 Cfl 'Clearance Pile. J)J OU fnU.30 TAlI.OItK.1) KlITS QQ1 7C 905.00 TAlLOKKi) 81'ITH (hnn f Clearance l-iic. P3eCOU Clearance Fricwt vPasVe O Clearance frlce eOU 940.OO TAILOIIKP Sl'lTft CO I 7K Clearaare Irlc 3CT. O $22.50 $19.75 $17.50 -.$14.75 SS?... $12.50 94S.OO TAILORKD 8111 Clearance lrk .10.ftO TAIIiUUKI) 811TH Clearance lric 933.O0 TAIU)11KD Kl'lTH Clearance Priy 929.75 T.ULOltKl) BC1TS Clearastce Prlry 9)S.'sO TA1UIKKU 81'ITH Clearance : ALL OUR HIGH CLASS COATS AT HALF PRICE 970.5O COATS i'JQ 7K Clearance Price) JOI7efeJ $3.0ll COATS rfJOO f- Clearance lrice OeS.OU 950.50 CXJATS COO 7 CI Ch-arance lrlc &J I D 940JMI COATS CO A IK Clearance Price sJla-H. O ft 5.(K) COATS COO Gift Clearance Price- 4---.OW 930.50 COATS C 1 Q 7 CI tlcarance Price Pla7.0 933.00 ttlATS CI 7 Cft Clearance IVIc, J 1 OU 90.50 CtATS tf -I A C Clearance Pric J 1 T f O 9-i5.00 Ct)ATS C1 O Glfi CWrance Price) ....... vImiOU 9 10. AO COAT Q syf- Clearaace Price) ............ 4e7e J 9 i 3.00 CX)ATS d7 C( Clearance) lrio J) OKJ I ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL DRESSES AT HALF PRICE $34.75 . $32.50 ...$29.75 $24.75 $22.50 $19.75 $17.50 $14.75 $12.50 ...$9.75 sr. $7.50 960.50 IHtF.SSKS Clearance Pricev . 903.OO DUKSSKS Clearance lrice . 950.5O DKKSSKS Clearance lrice . 940.50 DKESNKS Clearance Prlc . $I5.(K UKKSSES Clearance Price . 930.&O UKKSSKS Clearance Price . 933.00 DRKSSKS Clearance Irice . 91TJ.50 imESsKS Clearance Price . 923.00 I) It ESSES Cleai-Mitce IMce . 910.5O DHESSES Clearance Price . 915.00 DUE. Clearance Please Kota Our Present Location 319 So. 16th St. mm Id) LsaMMtefjaMI- PleasB Note Our Present location 3 T19So71 6flTSt;