Tin-; m:K: omaha. Wednesday, .iaxhauv g. mis. V BRIEF CITY NEWS rtasUty aga T Ce- - "V a Boot Trimt IV Now Brn Praa aupit-OrulM Ce Lighting fH ire. Toaara Ooaplate Moy rrorra " lasslfled action today, end appaars In Tha Br EXCL.USlVEL.Tr. rind cut what tba varloae mortog picture theaters offer. A Happy til Frosp.rons W.w Teat U the vry west that anyone can wish you. ut an office in The Bee building, "the building that la always new." makea wishes come true. Buffs, e Kortaweetara Train The Northwestern haa Improved Ita Omaha Jtlnneapolla aervlce by attaching to the train that Iravei here at 9:06 o'clock at night a buffet car. tuasats Ketnrm Cast The last of the vtudenta who came home to remain over he holiday have returned to their crioola In the rant, the number thla year having been greater than ever before. aaaea Addreaaea MeetingTheodore ! M. Hansen, secretary of the National Welfare association, addressed the ad- vlsory board of the Associated Charities after a luncheon at the Commercial club. Kennedy la Convalescent Alfred C. Kennedy, who has been seriously III from over-work for aome time, Is now stronger and abie to mo arounl his home, but will not be able to attend to business for some time yet. Hew Employes U XTra'a Office Three I new employes have begun work In the ' office of Treasurer Vre. taking the places of others released owing to the fortunes of politics. The new employes are An drew Hislop, William Gentleman and Mrs. Li. Shears. Homeseekers are Moving With the railroads this Is the first homeseokers day of the new year, and while the do " mand for tickets from parties' who are looking for cheap land is not heavy, It is greater "than on tho corresponding day of one year ago. Sled from Volsoning A post mortem examination of the body of John Fors lerg of Clay Center, Kan., who was found dead under the Flxloenth street viaduct Saturday, revealed the fact the man came to his death through carbolic acid poisoning. Dr. Clark Bonad Over Dr. Mathew Clark, charged by J. II. Wallace, secre tary of tha State Dental board, with practicing dentistry without a license, waived preliminary hearing In county court and wis bound over to district court under a tWOO bond. Mr. Tates Slightly Improved Relatives of Henry. W. Yates, president of the Ne braska National bank and dean of local bankers, report a slight change for the beUer In his condition. However, he is still confined to Ma . bed and requires constant nursing and quiet. roar SlToroa Bolts Started Divorce suits In district court have been started by the following: Stella Mitchell against William V.. cruelty alleged; Viola Bock against Albert A., cruelty alleged; Cyn thia A. Weaver against Ernest A., non support alleged; Augusta C. Schleuter against Charles T., cruelty alleged. a. A. M. Installation George Crook post and corps of the Qrand Army of tha Republic Will hold a public Installation of officers at their rooms' In the court house Friday evening, to which tha members of the Grant post and corps and Custer post and corps are Invited. Danolnr Chambers' winter tsrm, new classes, opens Monday, January 4. Adult beginners Mondays and Thursdays, I p. m. Assemblies Wednesdays, I p. m. Ladles, Tuesdays, p. m. Children, Tuesdays, " p. m.; Saturdays, 1:30 p. an. High school, 1:M p. m.; Saturdays, 7 p. m. Private lessons by appointment Up-to-the-minute danoea taught. List early. Phona D. 187L . Eapected to Baal Misa Alice Lsur kin, stenographer in tba office of Sheriff McShane, informed tha sheriff two months ago that she slid not desire to retain her position after tha first of tha year, according to a statement made by her. She denied published reports that she had been released as a part of tha "shakeup" which accompanied the be ginning of. the sheriff's second tern. Beans Keturnsfrom Florida Vacation Paymaster Jieans of the Burlington is back from his fruit ranch near Auburn dale, Fla., where he went to spend tha holidays and look after his property, con sisting of bearing orange and grape fruit groves. As to the cold weather and tha reported freer.e throughout Florida, Mr. Deans has this io say; . "Contrary o reports, except In the ex treme portion of the state, frost haa not damaged the Florida products. There was snow as far south as Atlanta, Oa.. and heavy frosts as far down as Jack sonville, Fla., but below there there waa no damage done." , LIBRARY SHORT FUNDS TO .HIRE REGULAR ATTENDANT Although the Byron Reed collection of tolns and curios In the public library muceum. 1j one of the finest in the United States, it la not opcti to the public, except on special request, because the library board lacks funds to hire an attendant for the collection continuously. Miss Kdltli Tobltt. librarian, says that any person may view the collection at any time during regular library hours, by applying to the office. Ordinarily It Is kept locked up in order to save the expose of a regular attendant. CITY TO SEEK BIGGER LIGHT APPROPRIATION An effort will be made In the legtulu ture thin winter to amend the Statutes io that it will ' be possible for the Omaha City commission to appropriate greater ai.ms for tha lighting an I dec orating of tlte city for special occasions. At present the money available for such purposes is limited by statute. The ex ecutive committee of the ' Commercial ilub haa endorsed a movement to amend the law. . . SECOND CASE OF SMALLPOX IS FOUND AT THEY. M.C..A, A second case of smallpox, just a few doors from the room in which the first cases occurred a few weeks ago, has beea discovered at the Young Men's Christian association. Arthur King, a special aubstitute at the Council Bluffs railway mall terminal during the Christ inas rush, la tha second victim. Ills caae ! a mild one. oacha aad t olds Utaimit. lkm t wait, take Dr. King's New Dis covery now. It alll help your rough and soothe the lungs, toe. All druggists. Ad vertisement. . BANK DEPOSITS IN OMAHASHOW GAIN Three Million Increase it Recorded Over Showing at Last Call of National Comptroller. FIRST NATIONAL NOW LEADS A substantial gain over the last rail was registered by Omaha banks In an- I swer to the bank call from tho United States comptroller. Over tX.IW0.4u0 In de posits waa, gained. This Is taken by Omaha bankers as a prediction for fu ture gains after the few months of losses due to tha war and financial troubles in the east. The First National bank passed tho Omaha and now leads in amount of de posits. The Merchants cam up a notch, as did tha Nebraska. Deposits. Oct. First National Omaha National .... 1. National Merchants National., ritook Yard Nst'l.... Nebraka National... City National IJve Kttxk Natl I'acker National ... Corn Kx. Natl state Hk. of Omaha. Security State Bk.... SL 1!14, leo 31. 1914. . .,, 110 $ I0.1MMM . lO.SJC.JXI . &,34,44 . 6.MU.744 . 1.14.41 . 2.17:1.0 . .01.:JI . i, wlm; . i.7H.a . 1.591, 4.V I0.w,-:ti 6,SH6.t;4 p.AtJ.jKH 2.i.4i:t . 123.371 l.M"l..H l.lO.sU 1,6.-01,147 1.M4.4 Sli.SSl Totals f&l.T&O.tt M,mM Deposits. Jan. 13, lfi4 Kec. 31. 1!H. lint National SH.1M Omaha .National 11,877 1'. 8. National 10.172. Merchants National... ,4.1. Mock Yards Nat l O.Si 7K J10.Mft.lM4 144 10.W5.7Sl P.Ve.6L'4 .&, 649 i,mi.4i:i 3.HB.371 l.MM.ava 1. KK.SU 1,6,147 31&.l 670 'Nebraska National ... 2.03a nty National J.tiM, .61(1 Live ftock Nat'l 2,2:11 Packers National 2,11. 4.1 Corn Kx. Nat l l.tisft Sin Mate iik. of Omaha.. 7!2, Security State Bk Totals fOT.WO.yC K,KD,9ft I.oa n s. Oct SI, 1914 DfX'.DI.ISH. Firt National f 7,:'4H.iKiO Omaha National 7.ti"f.M4 K S. National 6.734, 1H .Merchants National... 4.1K4.!! Htock Yards National. 4,nw.ta4 Nebraska National.... 1,,614 City National l.tfiS.KU Live Stock National... l.zll.Ml Packer National l.'l.WM Corn Kxcli. National.. l,91,rl State Hank of Omaha. 1,1X.11 .1 7,:'4N.liO I i,1:7!J 7.1.M!t.lM) 4.U,S-.,.- 4.4;H.!4 1.2n7.;'.:o l,4til,zi 1.41X.WM l,n;lX,aB3 Security State bank.. Totals 5.' Loiiii, Jan First National t Omaha National 1'. 8. National Merchants National... Stock Yards National Nebraska National City National Live Stock National.. Packers National Corn Kxch. National.. State Bank of Omaha.. Security State bank .. S.Ut'.SIS t.ts.737.904 13,1914. Uec.SI,l?14. 7,"i.rr.M7 f 7,k-J,7M 6i7,2fl 7.1 s, WW , OHO. 17.1 4,t4.4 4.4M1.134 l.on.sai 2.ii.n7 1,1!7.7T0 l,:tM.si 1 440,01!4 S9o.7f 7.0&9.3K4 4.9U.82ti 3.4R8.9J4 1.27,SiO 1.4S1.219 1,!Kfc,tlH7 1.41M.SM 1.MS.3K1 l.ftS9.42I S.'2.377 Totals f38.5fr7.699 S38,TS7,9H Warm Weather Puts Crimp in Ice Crop The decidedly warmer weather that Is general and all over Nebraska and Iowa haa put a crimp In the lea harvest until there la another cold snap, which Is ex pected soon by tha packers, as well as the men on the fields. Men who have been in the Ice business for, years are not alarmed over tha pres ent weather conditions, contending that between now and March 1 there will bo several spells of cold weather, and that a bumper crop of the beat quality will be secured unless this winter should prove an exception. The present thaw results In all Ice cutters being laid off for a time. ' Bee Want Ada Produce Results. NEW POPE MEDAL ADDED TO LIBRARY COLLECTION The collection of over ft) pope's medal In tho public library museum haa just been augmented by tho donation of a handsome medal by Monsignor Colanetl. It Is of tho year 1914, tha eleventh and last year of the pontificate of tho late pope, Piux X, and bears his portrait. MonMgncr Colanerl secured it abroad last summer, while on his way to Rome, lust before tho death of tho pontiff. Tho Omaha divine has already donated sev eral other pope's medals to tho library museum. Pile ANl)EIiBILT 3)oicf Vm.p LTnnr KEW.YORK.CIT.'V An Jdeal Hotel with an Ideal Situation WALTON H. MARSHALL, Man agar Stylish Winter Boot! Htrre'a a Clever Novelty of Patent Colt and Cloth You will admire It becauaa it U so distinctly "different" in docign. The vamp s short and of bright, lustrous patent eolt; tho toppings of cloth la dark gray or black; graoefml, high arch effect. Vary special la price. Pair. $5:22 c r.P0ZI3(s)&,, Mmc. Gerville -Reache, wife of Dr. George 0. Ram baud, director of the Pas teur Institute, and form erly & leading contralto at the Manhattan Opera House, who died yesterday at the Roosevelt Hospital. Mme. Gerville-Reache suf fered from a form of blood poisoning. vSv . - J '1 1: Mme. Gerville Reache is Dead NEW YORK, Jan. S.-Mme. Oervllle Reache. former contralto at the Manhat tan opera house, died this afternoon at Roosevelt hospital. For a week she had been seriously 111 of blood poisoning. A. S. BORGLUM SPEAKS BEFORE THE AD CLUB Arnold ft. Borglum, president of the Omaha Ad club, addressed that body after a luncheon at the Commercial club. There were about fifty present and the feature of the speaker's address was on the publications In the United States that reach every class of consumer. CLUB FAVORS TAX ON FULL VALUATION BASIS The return of full Instead of only one fifth valuation on property for taxation purposes Is now favored by tho execu tive committee of the Commercial club. It has reclnded Us former action and now advocates the full valuation basis of taxation. . n gCZi I SROBfCR t323&JDOtiaxnjl . : COUNTY WINSjTS TAX CASE Supreme Court Decides that Big Firms Must Fay the Raised Assessment. SUNDAY IS NOT A LEGAL DAY Information that Douglas county had been victorious In supreme court In the tax appeal suits brought by eight Urge business firms in which Increases of val uations Involving S3,SM taxes were at stake, came to County Attorney Magney In the form of notification from the su preme court clerk. The ral.es were made by the Hoard of Kijualixutlnn In 1913. The last day of the board's statutory life of twenty days fell on Sunday. Consequently the board sat the following Monday and largely In creased a nuinlx-r o' valuations. An ap peal was sustained by District Judge Sears. The county apiealed to the su premo court, wild h overruled the district court and sustained tie validity of the board's final 1MUI session. The right firms made returns of Stil.37 personal property. This valuation vat raised to fkNfi.OOO by the board. Taxes In volved were the ls14 county and state levies and the 1914 illy levy. The valuations of the right firms were ngiiin adjusted In 1!14 hy the last Board of Kqiiallsatton. The firms which appealed were the fol lowing: farmers' Co-Operative Creamery Supply romiwn), David Cole company, Klrschbraun & Son, V. M. Hushman Warehouse company. M. Wollsteln A Co., C. Koo Fruit company, Mllwest F.lec trlo company and Ktnrtson Krantlugham implement company. Tho International Harvester company originally joined In the suit, lmt later withdrew and paid lis taxes. The question whether Suixlaya must he counted in the twenty days' life of the Hoard of ICquullzation waa In Insue. JENSEN'S FINGERS ARE CUT OFF BY A BUZZ SAW Rudolph Jensen. Flnkncy street, suffered the loss of three fingers from his left hand, while operating a busxaaw In tho blacksmith shop of his brother, Xhoniaa Jensen. Thirtieth .and Cpaldlug streets. The Injured man was attended by Police Burgeon C. B. Fultx and taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Hot Tea Breaks A Cold Try This Get a small package of Hamburg IHrrast Tea, or as the German folks call !. ' Hamburger Brust Thee," at any phar macy, Take a tablnspoonful of the tea. put a oup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It la the moat effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens the - pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once, It id inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. Advertisement. Dy-rnpcfuct a s mmr Is better than An thracite because being practically pure carbon, the basis upon which heating values are determined, it contains less ash lasts as long weight for weight holds its fire over night is smokeless, burns to a clean ash and contains no slate. Vulcan possesses more "B. T. UV (heat units) per ton than Anthracite. Women like it because it is clean, easy to handle and kindles quickly. Men like itbecause.it is cheaper than An-thracite--saves 20 of fuel cost. For Sale by Your Coal Dealer Produced fry Ceil frouuetg Mff. Cn JolitUU. Exclusive Domeatlo Rales Ag.nta. Itwilr MskMM. Cal k Coks Cs. MoOormlek BU Okloage, Nebraska Fuel Co. r 1 . 1 MftaMtan awOaasa taOaaka Calajfls 4)0 mmm 3tore Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m.Saturday until 0 Burgess-Wasm Gomrmiy. 1 aeadsr, Jannarr i, 101a. OUR FIRST w'oterW h ite MID- T) RESENT a gurpaaNing array of pponomical adrantagrcs for our customers. It would bft imnoaaiblf to give in detail the now of nil the IMPORTANT EVENTS scheduled here Wrdnesday. Suffice to say that the great WHITE SALES re unprecedented in comprebQ- givcncBg unmatchable in the value, offered. The attractions are such as to fully justify the prediction of a remarkably busy day. More About Our First Great MM-Winter Sale of Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheetings, Muslins, Cambrics, Long Cloth, Etc, CTTAN'DAKD known brands that have given satisfaction for generations. Every bolt new and fresh juat received from the foremost New England mills. Economical housewirea, we know, will be enthusiastic buyers all the month of January. Those who study quotation on such brands as I'tioa, Pepperell. logwood. Dallar Dwlgnt, Anchor. West Farnam, Aurora and Iquot sheeting will find our prices to be the IowchI In th city. Greatest Opportunity to Buy Muslins and Fine Cambrics fuch as Lonsdale. Honr. l4tngdou. Automobile. Herklev Old ninrv Jack. Dwlght. Anchor. Tru Blue. than the regular prices, at 3ic, 4c, 5c, 6c, 25o White Cotton Crepe, 7130 Suitable for making dresses, waists, children's wear, tinder musllns, etc.. many of the mill lengths are embroidered, others that arc striped and barred, val ues up to 25c yard. n iZ 15c Long Cloth or Nainaook, 6V4o Kxirn fine grade long cloth and fancy striped and checked pijama nainsook, perfect mill lengths, on-yard wide. 16c vml- 1 ues. at. yard OjC $2.50 White Blankets, $1.19 All the wool finished full double bed sire, white cotton blankets that sold up to 12.00 pair. Many worth z.50 the pair, tp f i at. 401. 1 TABLE LINENS in the White Sale At Prices Much Lower Than the Belfast Market Warrants Today. XE seriously doubt if you'll find them equaled elae where v in town. Here's but an idea: All Linen Damask, 44o 60-Inch cream white, all-linen table damask, heavy and will stand hard, every day use. 95c Table Damask, 78c Irish table linen, full bleached, choice of several good designs, 68 inches wide; napkins to match; 6 for $1.18. Pattern Cloths & Napkins Underpriced RICH satin damask table cloths, all linea, rnaJitlea that will bold tbelr fresh appearance after laundering. Floral center designs and deep attractive borders. 7ti72 Cloths, $2Mt at." . .81.78 tasking te matclt, $8 at 82.39 787 rMhs, EU0 at. . . .82.03 Napkins t4 match, $4.gR,JS3J3S 16c Crashes, 12yjC Bleached, all-linen, Irish crashes, exceptionally good qual ity flax, plain or colored. Twill Toweling:, 5c Snow white twill toweling, soft linen finish, colored borders. Baraeaa-Naa C. Mala Fleer. If You Are Planning a New Dress, Suit or Wrap, Don't Fail to Consult MILLER WMJEk Who will cut, fit and pin any material yon may buy at 98c or over without charge to you The Millers are masters in women's garment constmdion. They have wide knowledge of styles and of fabrics and of fixings In the widest sense. . The Millers will be in the silk department' and their advice and help to you are yours without charge. Flease aooept the service with our compliments. , A Remarkable Mid-Winter Clearaway of Women's and Misses' Party Dresses and Evening Gowns Wednesday at thought to t r. 147 IS. k-. - 'EVgRYPODY'a STORK" STOKK f.WS FOR WRDJKMDAT. 1'rpperell and 1Kkaor.d prices ar 7c, 7ic 8c, 8c, 15c to 18o India Linen, 70 Sheer India linen snd 40-incU batistes and lawns. These desir able white goods are mill lengths of the regular 15c and ltc grades, on spi'lal tables at. "Jl . yard I Nainsook, 10 Yards, $1.19 Vr-lnch wide, finest kn(rkerbocker nainsook. $1.80 value, bolt of 10 rrds; January salt ff Q rrice; bolt pliy Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 75c No. 8260 ft u parlor English cbamois finish yard wide long elotb HCn $1.10 value; bolt of 10 yds.. I JW Lougr Jloth, 10 Yards, 89c No. 2200 Superior English chamois finish yard wide long cloth Ofts 11.25 value; bolt of lft yds. .OVC $L29 Table Damask, O60 Pull bleached Irish satin damask, 70 Inches wide, beautiful finish, choice designs; napkin to' match: $HH doien. $2.00 Table Damask, $1.62 Two-yard, extra fine double satin damask, new patterns; din ner sine napkins to match, HJM dozen. 72i7t Cloths, $H.7S at. . . -82,0 7gxW ClothB, $4.7i t. . . -S3.T3 7t108 doths, $Uht at. . .S-M3 wapklas to mates. $60, S4.g$ 12Vio Towels, 8V4o Generous site, all white with hemmed ends, by tha doeen, 94c. 25c Towels, 16c Full bleached, benuned ends, spongy quality, by Uie do.. tlJM. BiriMM-SMk C. -Mala Fleer. That Are Splendid $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $45.00 Values. There are scores of charming new models every one up to date Fashions most appropriate for pirty and evening wear individ ual garments that will appeal instantly to the woman who gives a ber dress. Among the materials are chiffon, lace and satin channeus in a great variety of combinations, also beautiful beaded :BUE0ES3-NASH COUPAirST: rbone D. 1A7. sales Red, White and blue, Yankee, TJWrm extremely low, fully one-third less and up to 12ic Long Cloth, 10 Yards, 50o No. 555 Rojai English loog cloth, chamois finish, 860 PA values OVC 18o WhiU Galatea, HVgO White galatea. the best grade to be bad in medium snd heavy weights, 18c value, from 1 1 1 the bolt, at, yard. HjC 25o WhiU Soisette, 12Vi Most desirable for all-around use, all the 25c mercerised fabrics, perfect goods from the bolt, at, yard 1?C Paoifio White Crepes, 5e Thousands of yards of Pacific white crepe. Jnst tte tMnjj for mulng undermnsllns, reqniree no ironing. You will be well pleased with this eplendld MM- e Winter l-srgaln tt,yd....M..uW DON'T FORGET Our First Mid Winter Sale of . Huclin Uiidcrwcflir Starts Next Monday, January.- 11th We. predict for it th biir ffest of its kind over held in Omaha. Free Lessons in Knitting and Crocheting; THIS . word to eay wtj have a, special demon stration of Flelsher yarns, In de mand for knitting and crochet ing warm, practical needfnls tor victims of the war; also tor fancy work. A skillful teacher's servtcea are tree and at your command to help you learn any of tbe new stitches; to teach you how to make any article. Sample made-up article on display. Bararaaa-Naah Ca. Tfctr4 Flor. robes. The colors are pink, maize and light blue, also white and black. The variety of ( selec tion is very unusual and the saving possi bilities are simply re markable. racae-ajass) Se4