Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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rrineri Are Urg-ed to Secure Farm
Implements Which Will Be
Heeded in Spring.
A rarnpalgn. unique In character o4
far-reaching In result, affecting th
general prosperity of the country, has
bean launched with the Agricultural
urea the hide, of th rtrahni ff Jnrtta
I In th tifenifarture nf whips. It nnm
rattans unci rM lrly from er-
many The whip r nold In every slat
In th union A nte rxhiblt I In place
kt th Auditorium.
Mnrh Internet In msniO.t among the
Implement denier In the hla tractor
shows that have hf-n held In th lt
two fin at Fremont, ulirit lint plow.
in wa don with the farm tractor e.
Vine. Manr of the 1.ler are In-(lutr-ln
aa to whether thin show la ta
he hold rain rt fall. There la no
ntieetlnn about It. Advertising for the
bla tractor show haa already none out.
'It la to ba held stain In AuguM.
Cme face la missing at I ha Retail Imple
ment iIt' convention. It la that of
CJeore Jarkaon of Nelson, who haa even
a mora Important Job at thla mlnntc
fian belrg a rielegato at th ronvemlnn.
Xlm. 1 - a... I j i. - t
, house of representative. In tha TJehraske
I'ubllahers' association (national assocle- '."""i. V.V.. .h.
wielding tha gavel gt tha Implement ron-
tlon or farm papers) rlrrtarlng Ita co-oper- ventlon. Jarkaon la ranplng tha mahogany
ation to Interest tha farmer ot tha I In a wild effort to hold the docile donkey.
United State ' ,h lumbering O. O. P.. and th raving
The .losan of th cam palm "Buy It 0n(. nf ... .,... ,m.
in- Pi
tng of bualneea throughout the couatry If , la 3. W.
purchasers of those things necesaary ueh JIJJ
aa machinery, Implements, building raa 1 ((, .pot"
tertal and other heavy mercnanats are
made now Instead of a later data.
Information of tha proposed campaign
waa made public yeaterdsy by C. C. Iloae
water. general manager , of tha Twen
tieth Century Farmer, who la chairman
of Ui epecial committee, of Hi Agricul
tural Publisher' association.
"V"hUo tha eampalan ahould appeal to
iverytne," aald Mr. Jtoaewater, "It ahouH
vartlcalarly appeal to th farmera of th
United. f'Utcs. ' Oivrrnmrnt atallatlca Junt
iaeud frove undenth)y that the farm
era today- are more proaperoua than ever
before, theae flgurea ahow that rrorw
valued at U,S73,9:i,vi, tt3,fno.o in exccaa
of laat year, were produced on tha farma
of th United Statea. ,
' Farmera Ht Troflt.
"WhIU tlin panufa4urrr and merrhant
are mrurgUn to make coda mart and
that la the gpnrral condition throughout
tha country tha farmera are particularly
fortunate In that they have ahown good
margin of profit. ' '
'The farmer can make certain p'ur
chaaea now wh!-h ordinarily are post
poned until th aprtnir montha. However.
If they will cooperat In thla campaign
by buying now, they will aaatat materially
In restoring th trade activity of tha
country and at no additional exprnie to
them.' Tlieaa puivhaaea nuat be mad
later. Why not nowf
"Th reault of auch a co-oprUv
.movement would b manifested In many
ways. Factories would ba permliud to
run full time with full forccaemployed;
many men, now out of work and aho
families are In need of tha neceaaarie of
life, would ba given employment, Job
bing; houa would also b ; permftt4 lo
run full tlm. . ' ''
"In short, the grneral unaettled . condi
tion would b corrected, confident would
be reatored murh tiolcker than-1 under
present condltlona. tfnd a" general awak
ening of bualnesa - would .follow Th
farm population alona la nearly 40,000,000,
An averag expenditure of 119 would
place mora than 1100,000,400 In circula
tion, from WW'S everyone would J-eap
benefit. ; i ;
' ' Not Indiscriminate Bnyins. '
' "Thla campaign la not one. to urae In.
illacrlmlnate buying, rather It la on to
urge eoonomle buying, but InaUtlu upon
buying now those things which rnuet he
.bought latar." . -f ;v. , ,,' , v
The Agrlrultural' Publlshera associa
tion repreaenta tha farm papers of th
, L'nttcd states, and through, the. various
publication the apiieal "Buy It now" will
1i carried to fvary farmer In the United
States. Xn'4 aaaiti"ll " i . Is proposed to
, have every nwsjper In, t the -UnTted
State Join In the campaign, while bual
nass men "wlll k asked . to meJio th Pr
peal thruugh their advertising and other
publicity. . ,"'.,.-. ' V " ' ,- '. t
In Mr. Rosewater's opinion ilia cam.
palea should b aa beneficial at tb
early shopping campaign.
Th country peeaa will be asked to co
operate, riotis Include the widest pos.
aiblu distribution of the "Buy It now"
(Continued from rage One.)
moat aucresafitl
'a attending the
fatteraon ot Kearney, He
getting - a aettlement for b's
dollvery. He la the pay on
man. And ha had made a ko
of It. Kor year ha haa conducted hi
hualnee In this way. Le demanda either
raah or a bankable nte when he makes a
sale. The convention wanta to know
about thla plan, and ao PaMrraon la to
talk to them on "Settlement for Oooda
on !ollvei y "
Millard" Pirertory ha just been la
sued by the Implement Trad Journal of
Omaha to all Ita subscriber and to th
Implement man of th territory. Thl la
a remarkably complete directory that
show very tyj of every brand of lm.
plement manufactured In the country.
Likewise It ahow by whom thl type 1
manufactured and by whom Johbed. Not
tha least valuable thing about the direc
tory I that It shows where repair for all
ohaolat machinery can be ebtalned. It
I th on book which th Implement
dealer of the Omaha territory have to
look to or Information.
All Implement men are feeling good
and optimistic with regard to the proa
pert for tha coming year. With the
market price for crops eseclally good,
and with th large, crop raised thla year,
they feel th farmer will be encouraged
thla coming eeaaon to tea everv avail
able foot of ground for th IMS crop.
Thl will mean a larger acreage even
than before, and th reaiiltant sale of
(implements will be correapr.iidlngly
great, la thalr opinion. Kaperlajly do
they look for a large acreage uf wheut
In view of the hlarh prlco now paid for
wheat and In view of the likelihood of
th continuance of thla- high price with
th war ahowlng no signs of letting up
In Europe
James Wallace, secretary of tha asso
ciation. Is a memhiir of the firm of Wal
lao at Uiea ot Council Bluffs, lie Is
new as aecretary of the association, as
h took th piece when Marlon Oocsrntn
realgned Irsa than , a yeaf ago. Ho ha
Was a bit nervous when he read hi
apeech,' or annual report. That a not
against him, for be la a ealeamun rather
than an orator. lie sold every foot of
available floor apace In tha big audi
torium to (manufacturer and Jobbers on
which to exhibit their wares at the Irrv
pfc-frient . ahow. Rven th boe. of tha
auditorium, had to be removed in order
lo get .more space, ao fast waa Wallace
selling it for booth room. i
Ed l-hmkuhl la perfectly healthy this
year. -lat year, It will b remembered,
h waa 111 and unable to com to Hi
convention until th very last day. Ho
we president tmn; btit gwt- here Just In
tlm ta wield the gavel for a half day
and hava hla picture taken with th
hunr'h. Thn, because ho waj a good
fellow, a cracking good Implement man,
snd a Worthy executive, th aaaoclatlon
re-elected him. This year h was on
ueca ror me very lira meeting With v
t'wfii wo long met m" miat nava cat Up
nights to prepare It. Anyway, hla friends
say he la 1ro busy In dayllglit selling
Implements' to ba writing, epeeches. it
haa .been in tha implement business ail
Ma Jlfe, II does what hla frlenda call a
'wial of a, buaine',' at Wnhoo.
The Midwest implement Dealers' as
aoclatlon comprises the dealers- of Iowa,
Nebraska, riouth Dakota, eastern Wyom
ing and eastern Colorado. ,
f'dr the first time In era M. 'L. Ooos
man I not (,at the helm aa secretary
of the association. Hn resigned his posi
tion leas than a. y.r ago to i get ' back
Into active ImMemafiC business, the bus
Inoaa ha hives, Ka la traveling for tha
International Harvester company' out of
U faul, Neb. Th . aaaoclatlun tried
hard to hold Uooamart in th place aa
eeorwtary, and aven refused to accept
hla resignation i th first tlm. ' After
ward. When ha represented to them ab
solutely that he had heard th "call
of tle wild" and must gx, they agreed,
and he -In 'hulling the business now
for one of rlie largest concerns In tha
li evrry dealer would take great car tof.
, lay in only auch quanlltica aa his trado'
will Juatlf-. .
lie commended tha, movement towarS
the fuller development of the local club
and aald It Is a step along th -right
lines, "it is on great factor to pro
mot mor friendly relation among th
deakera," h aald, "and lcaaena th ten
dency to being unfair toward each ether."
Aaalnat Branches.
lie ' attacked th practice of eertaia
Jobbers and manufacturer v of keeping
retail branch houses, Jn various parts ot
.th territory. "The practlc is deplor
aid and has a tondency to emoraluse
tha business In thhac localities, and
ahould b eondemnod aa unbualneasllk
and unfair." 11 gufgeatsd that tb or-
tau'iillun take soma action looking to
turd the correction Of these practice.
Th speaker touched on the subject of
vsi accounting and said it was a very
important factor In the retail Implement
He further uiged the organisation to
eupport the Hinchaugh II1U which aeeka
to collect a tux upon Interstate - mall
order business, apportioning the. burden
to the dir!creut state In proportion to
the volume ot business don by th mall
oider houses In those states.
The annual reports of Secretary James
AVallaco and Treasurer C. A. Wagner
w ere also heard at the opening , session
at the Auditorium. ' - ' '
The Implement show at tha Auditorium
), cvnneuoa witn tna convention la new
In full blast. Uas englneg are in motion
and elf-Mmlre are running. Moat all
the machinery is In motion, so that ther
r an cjuiunncnt and a noise In tha build
Ing that reck .with activity.
A bual laaptemeat Mm.
ii ini'icrmu iraoo journal ha a
i-lKiir rarc!im ita trade maik ' It 1s
r.iic ,oin ihr nnuiig thoae who liSve beeu
ivrrw wiiu one. ,
Many cf the wholesale Implement
S tnnaha at aervlii lijtht
ii'-nca aiirj I. i coil to th many Is
ai.Mnt; tna a i italaa that are
erw-nninpr imirn or ia atternoona at these
p. .! i. over dm ki and placing
i i.Jt is f-r t!i spring an i aummer stuck.
J. A. Mvn)loui!h of Chicago, secretary
i f i, e .Ssii.ii.o) liui'lciiirnt and Yetilcl
-.rfii.iaciuieia ai-aui'ic.iion. was on th
, (.. lie u a sticker' for
MnUaj-iliMiion ! makee, and the tir.W
. tin mi .u.(H.ny iiiKnt aiiu nis. Also
l.e kiwm aunK-ttuiig of the piocea f
ft UrirtitiK. Hv gav the contention a
la t-. nong lliw Hues.' '
" ini!.!aio or r:iiim. is,, waa
e ot me r.iM Ori.dir ou th gro n.J
t r ti.e cwterition I la t U-en a live
i'f,t)i ,ir of In now una of th l.est
i n n ii. in ti,e w,t. Lvmur in H e
.I.-!. of ..v-'.w!-t ioa, hoi a!f'.ilaid
" ! l V. t UeM afcj,. talluil. A very
rli: i. renin, g t,t ,e l.,-J rtilh Kua
al Urd k. I.
.-i-vtr natk a Uttl. sickly, whltlah hu
In tha water a It first comes from th
laiusatt . .- , , ,..
,1-ooWs Ilk linxwater or toni other
queer concoction:'
- . u .
niinw w ua. 117 is r '
ChnmlcataT Nope. " That la what a con
sumer thought and rushed Into th of
fice ot Grneral Manager1 XI. V. Howell at
tha'elty hall with a cpmrtntnt.
-Chief Engineier'Jvlnce thinks It may ba
duo to auper-onyg. Mr. Howell is firm
in the belief that It is simply air. HI
theory seem to gain aubstanc as th
water, held In a glass for a minut or
two. appears- to lose aubatAnoe. Tha thick
coloring vanish' upward and th watei
soon clear. , - -
"No chemical," say Mr. Hawaii; "no
Impurity or aduluraUon . ot any sort.
Blmply an aeration more pronounced In
th winter month than at other time.
It ta In no wis deleterious to health."
Exhatuted, Her Family BtaJTinj,
. She falls on Strange Doorstep. .
and Police Call Sent Out.
hysteria Induced by over-exertion and 1
ner lerrinie. oronni. . ir is tnougnt tnat
aha fell exhausted while returning; home
and that ah crept from th allewalk to
th Twentieth street address for help.
A the mother, with her bb held
tightly In her arms, waa being helped
Into tha emerganey auto that waa to take
tha thro to their rooming hod, a hand
fill of small chang, contributed by the
rollcemen. waa pressed into th hus
band' hand. He waa told to report to
headquarter to gee what luck tha offi
cers had who are seeking a Job for him.
r'obbln plteously lor 'her baby and
Prylpg to heaven for mercy, Mrs. Clara
Martin, 13 years old, arid mother of a
4-montl.s-old Infant, waa found at S
Tuesday morning clinging to th door
of a Yiousw at 30J North Twentieth street
when police answered a call thst some
one waa trying to bresk In.
Subsequently wss rvoled such i
heart-brraklng story of a mother's sac
rifice that even the callous flsta of case
hardened policemen atole from tear
dlmmd eye to their waHets, proffering
temporary ' relief.
A year ago In Marian, O., John Martin,
a hard-wnrklng brick mason, suffered
financial reverses and loat hla little
home. It was a hard How, and It forced
him, with hla bride of a few months to
herln eating all over again. Hoping to
do better 111 the west, they cam to Chi-jC
rago, but found condltlona there lm
possible. Last August they came to
Omaha. Inability to . obtain a, Union
The complaint filed against the Sun
derland Marble mills, C3S Lafayette' ave
nue, by 1L B. Hedding. In which th 1st-'
jter charged the firm dcaecratcd the Sab
bath by noisy op rations, was dismissed
Tuesday morning.
The Punderland people explained that
ihe particular Sunday mentioned was an
exception In that they wer Xorced to
work to fill a very argent .contract.
caro pTTenxeci mn young nuaoann irom : consideration
working at hla trade when there wag
work to be., had, but he waa courageous
and by odd Jobs managed to eke out an
existence. Pour weeks ago the baby
earn. Th snme day Mftrtm, who had
been working In a temporary Job at th
packing; houses, lost hla Job.
He lyoae Heart. .
Two weeks of' hope! cm searching for
work while hlaiwlfe lay ill. took the heart
of him, but h kept on, even tip to last
Christmas time charitable organizatlona
brought them baskets of food, but the
Christina spirit of charity lasted only
a few day apparently, for by the tlm
tha food waa gone th little family of
three seemed to be forgotten by all.
The three were facing atarvatlon New
Year'e lay when Mrs. Martin by sher
strength of mind draaged her weak body
from bed and started to find employ
ment. Every day she went out, and cam back
empty handed at night, as did her hus
band. Non-payment of rent mtvde them move
half a dosen times since the birth of tha
child. They are now at CIS California.
Monday 'night the mother came home
after another unsuccessful day. In sllenca
she nursed the baby and at a frugal sup
per with her husband. Then she put on
her Jacket and hat.
"Our baby haa Just as much right to
li"e as any body's," aha aald to ber hus
band, with fierce determination. "I'll try
the restaurants one mora."
At 4 yesterday morning; when Martin
came to headquarters with the Infant In
hla arms, after being; notified of hla
wife'. condition, he wept "When ah
aald our child had a right to live, tha
way ah aald it mad each word aeem
tike an iron band gripping my heart, but
I didn't think It would com to thl,"
he sobbed. .
Pollc Surgeon Ensof and Tamlaea
aald Mrs. Martin wa suffering from
lack, of proper nourishment, as wU a
big envolope, filled with applications
for leases In the new bujldlng to ba
erected next, aummer on the "million
dollar" Myer-Dllllon corner at Sixteenth
and Karnam streets, la already awaiting
by th Armstrong-Walsh
company, agents for th new building.
However, until plan are completed,
nothing w'll be done, toward arranging
leaaea. Construction will begin July L
HERE IS $25,000 TO
Fund Kay Be Appropriated to Ex
tend Park Bathing1 Pools and
; ' ' Swimming Beaches.
- Bathing places, .even swimming poola,
ultimately for various park In Omaha,
are alined ft in a .plan which Commis
sioner . Butler, a head ot tho financ
committee, will present. to the city com
mission at Its budget meeting Thursday.
This plan contemplates the appropria
tion of tlS.O'O at once for bathing and rec
reation purposes, amplifying auch Im
provements as were maintained in the
bathing beach at Carter Lake last year
at a coat of about $2,000. That beach
would be enlarged and kept up even to a
higher grade of efficiency. The natural
basin In tha west aide of Fontenelle park
mit'ht be converted Into a delightful pool
for wading, bathing,-Indeed, If not full
fledged swimming. So also might sim
ilar improvement be made or bogun at
other parks In all parts of tha city,
Th Idea would be to spread th priv
ileges over tha whole area of population,
making them popular In fact aa well as
In name. That thla object might be the
better conserved, th plan contemplates
subjecting tha fund to the disposition of
the entire commission. Whenever any
provision Is to b made let It ba made
by a rota of all th commissioner. This.
It Is belleVed. may prov mora satisfac
tory than to Impose tr.e entire fund and
the task of Ita distribution upon any one
Thoa who favor this project regard It
t a tangible advancement of the city s
general plan for general recreations.
But whar la this .on to come from?
Omi f t "expended flalaae.
Mayor Uahlman and Commissioner But
ler say It can coma out of the halanca
not set aside for statutory
Ther la always rich a balance after the
annual budget is made out. While It I
th expressed purpose of the commission
to shove the fire and police appropria
tions up Just as high as possible this
year, and. In fact, supply all other
statutory funds adequately, the belief ob
tains that there will ba ample available
for thla S26.0no appropriation.
When It come to that. Commissioner
Butler reminds hla colleague of a cer
tain little errant tZb.OW which haa como
hack Into the city's possession. It has
been doing, valiant and philanthropic
service In the form of a lon to tornado
reconstructlonlsts, but has completed Ita
mission and now returns to the royal ex
chequer.. This will help out in general.
Both the. mayor and Mr. Butler mod
estly refrain, from claiming any special
credit for. thla plan. '
"It is a matter for the commission to
act upon." they aay. "Thus far it Is
simply In the form of a recommendation
to be made."
An Ohio Druggist
Wm. Voetf, S67
May St., A kron,
Ohio, writes:
Through cold
and expoaura and
Improper food
during; tha flood, I
waa taken Ttith
ppendiclUa and
acute Intestinal
catarrh. Jn June
and Jury my Jlfe
wag despaired of,
but recovered 'Suf
ficiently to be tip
bowels amedrI!Vej
paralyzed. Could Ir '
eat no solid food.
The Erst of last December I de
cided to try Pemna. My appetite
Improved, and very soon Solid foods
could be taken. In two months time
I gained 12 pounds. Now X am
heavier than I ever was before. 'When
I began to use re run a my bowels
commenced to move at once."
Those who object to liquid mdl
clncs can new procure Pruna In
Tablet form.
Constipation f an Re Cared.
Ptart a two wecka' treatment of Pr.
King' New Life Fill- today. Good for
stomach and liver. ?,"c. All druggists.
""di w)$d.
Srg Cream Applied In Nostrils 2
Open iir Passages .tight Up. Z
4 "
Instant relief no watting. Tour cuoirgwtt
nostrils open light up; the air passages
of your head clear and you can breath
freely. No mora , hawking, snuffing,
blowing;, headache, dryness. No trug
gllng for breath at night; your cold or
catarrh disappears. 1
Oat a email bottle of Ely's Craara Balm
from your druggist now.. Apply a llttla
of this fragrant, antiatpttc, healing cream
In your" nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passage ot the head, soothe
the Inflamed or swollen mucoue mem
brane and relief cornea Instantly.
It's Just fin. THrn't' stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.
Are you getting your share of the bar
gains? Don't be satisfied with less
than all you need ' v ,
In your eagerness to buy the
larger wearables, you've over
looked the fact that we're con
ducting the town's greatest-
Women's Black Satin end White Satin Party
All broken lots of-Women's (4.00 and $5.00
Shoes, in one big lot, at - $2.45
All roVen lots of Girls' Shoes that were former
ly 3.00 and 3.60, Including Trot Mocs, In one
big lot. at ....52.45
Choice of Little Children's 2 to 8 slse Shoes that
formerly sold for $1.60 to 2.00. now . .31.29
Slippers, formerly $5.00, now 2.50
All broken lots of Children's Shoes, sires 2 to 8,
for children up to 5 years, one lot at . . . .50
Choice of all broken lots of Boys' Shoe, Includ
ing high top storm boots, $2.50 to $3.50 values,
t . '91.05
Choice of all Leggings In Shoe Department,
. former prices $1.60 to $2.50, now at .. . .055
1516-18-20 PARNAM STREET.
A Spineless Ambition
that begins and ends with a soft bed and a full
stomach will never boost a man to success. Get out
of the nice smooth rut and let people know what you
are good for. Hustle bang away at something big.
......... i
Read the chances to get ahead in The Bee's "Help Wanted" Columns.
' Telephone Tyhr 1000 .
Everybody Read Dee Want Ad
mil mm
to not lt th first month la thla Kw
Yw pro by without sranlDR to av money
tiy th ht and f1itt nf nil mtho1
bur DIAMOND ON 4. RID1T. Al a J
dtcirwa invpsumwrit. a diamond haa no equal,
hemaa tt lnr , in rtlns Y t S jr
esmt a ytnar. and U at beautiful ha hndx1
down as an htlrlonrn an It waa tha day you
purrhaisM It. W ara ttffefint: aitra. .pedal
valuasj la Yry Ptamndf. Watch. ? other
jrlry tn our grl January Hale. .
17-Jewcl Elgin, Waltham
or liaapdea Watch
J 00' ' r
Ne. lG!alB, smmrata tlm-lcoepin
Elgin. Walthun or Bunpdaa watob, in 23
vr guaranteed deubU strata gold fillet
sm. adjuated ta tmprtur, kocbroBintn
and politico, with moramaas guacaateeo
25 year. OnW SU.Til.
Tha Tonaa Kaa'S This .xatilrtt. Dim
'Tavortt." noad Kxna itandt
Plamoad SXtsa; alons u the aiosl
pancot nag r.r
.' producad.
if ..You Could Only
j Do a Stomach
You'd Go o Bed lUther Uot at th
Work You'd Have to IH.
Kanry a maatar that work a hers
so lung, without rent, that tha iioor old
benxt mt li"t lis to go to a boo olio.
I ar.i v ywursvlf dolii til am thing
with your stomach th uutlt ot all
otir pliyslra) oraans.
Jimt Intaaln youravtf drvottng hour
of rranrlrwa work to th. 1lm'tn of
mral MfH you rannot ' ttigrst berau.
or wriKful iirKlienl given t you by
thf lluol
Is not g mart TTT foolish to Imaaln
a, law Kit k vtuuiatli raiablo of Kuj tturt
vtivn th Jnl.- It rt.n are no fllloll
lth nlK.ll or Sa'IJ that they actually
fat th atoinat'h liiniljin? .
lm you not know trtxit a rimnir,i
srn point of view that to rcntlnur
x'h i-oiirn. means m.t on'r the lm.
P.irmrnt of our inirh out of all al
(rn'ive organs as well?
rHusrt's lvspepiia Tahl.t r, into
Jour Htoniarh )ust Ilk fooj. They' tri;
a powerful tn health alvina oiialHIe
that almoat Instantly the wui of (l'Swa
tWiii Is lHi'loii. II. rT fane up the mom
arh work. Tli.y ao ln. the iUwd snd
Ixilaure It perfea-tly, Thue. when th
rl.iiiia' ti t all, for ww Jul. .-a at yuur next
meal vou are able to furnish them.
Yuur common sens will tell vou that
ao rt an aid to dictation aa Vlurtrt .
1 'yi.aia Taoieta cil1 not he tn every
drug alore. iiiil. demanded after triaj
by all f atomarh sufferere.
.No mure are they a qualitv
They have faaaed rt14 txaml.iatliMi
by all manner of atntuat h and 1iatlve
teaie. and they have teen awaidod the
iinUn of Ainerloan patronage. Their'
ha' heen the iira.-ncal te.t, j
Miiait'a I' Tablets' are for
aale at all druaai.ia at 6oc a box.
Henrf toupon below to. lay and w wl:,
at once aeiid you ly mail a eaiiiple free.
iKniKj-t Whin il.nor'ar.
I l..' ,.f ln:i,a la ha- m(
e it.-Mir. tuic.h raw ra.
1 ff ii i . tun i. and n4:
vl ilia f Ida U'iuaii)
Frco Trial Coupon
r. A Stoart Oo 1M etuarl Blia,
Mart kali. KlicA., hM mi at ome tr
retoin ninil. a free trial varkaae vt
(luaxt s l'sierla Tabieta.
Nm , ,
ttet .,'
Cil M.e . . .v . .
The Diamond ia a plow that has -withstood more wear
and ..tear mor strain more abu; than any Sulky or
Gang Plow on the market. It is the strongest plow made,
and it has time after time
tood up under taks that"
put other plows 6ut of
P. & O. No. 2 'Diamond" Canji Plow
It has been used iu, dif
ferent sections where so
many horses were used
that the eveners snapjed,
but the plow held. It has
been used behind traction
enginesnot in etubble
filed?, but for breaking
purposes where it was un
reasonable to expeet it to
work successfully.
The P. ft O. Diamond has been on the market for seventeen year6, and it is today
the t-implest, strongest, easiest running and most popular plow made. If you are a
fetrauer to the P. & O. Diamond come in during the Convention and look it over.
Yeara of
"Knoring How"
, Hammered
Into Every One
of Them
Are Backed
By An
Vex 4 Mftn' ni.-
nwnd Rinir. nronr .ji.j m
Tootf."10"""" mood Rla,. uk
Hk aolld gold Ro- eoldfcoftie
lahed finish. f aioiintln. .
$1.65 a Week . agaMaatfc
' CpntihrtiSIP. E Sttni n i t:W
Call er write lor III. eataln No. o. phone
in idq eur MieaiMa will eatl.
Th Rational
Credit Jewelers
Ln bros & col rsn J??fs 11'
40 Boath lUi atreet, Corner lth aad
Raraej Streets, Omaha, Opposite Bor-
geas-xiasu vo. Department )t
Department a tore.
1 sriWiA
Jfmr .-. e.,f ,
Exempt from
- Fire or Theft
Your valuables, when
deposited In our Fire and
Burglar Proof Vault .are
Absolutely Secure. Do not
wait Until fire starts or
burglars ' arrive before
getting a Safe Deposit
Box iu this Vault, which,
can be rented for as
little as ' . j-
i $3.00 per year.
Hotel Urcaim
Broadway at 29 St
"Aa Hotel Wkera CuesU are Mada
t Fl at ilom"
, Not too large, yet laree
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
5M Jtees u Wcrat RotamnM Casrfct
Siagla Koeat viih Saanlni V.icr paras
Slag I Kooau viib Tafe er Shower
tl.aOieSSOa parser
DcM lleeaie kenaint V.ier
Oevtl Imci vhe T.k er Sbewer
S3.00 lo td.OO per ear "'
tDWARD C. FOGG. Mmmrim, IMreel
ROY L. MOWN, f......c Ma.,