r ; 12 Bringing Up BASE BALL FIGHT TAKEN TO COURT federal League Files Suit -Against National Commission Under Sherman Anti-Trust Act. 'CALLED ILLEGAL COMBINATION (Continued from Ftn Om.) s r ' jf I "'' M " " "' ' CCT TO THAT -k - "'I'l - ( ' WWMW T-TSrr DrSLLCyjTI BY COLLY - ' ? My HAPPENED? oodVdkt MU5TM-TUrr I THIISK 1 HCrR t ril irxe THCCOAAT J . J"Cr' S V -'J HAVE ANfTMIt! MACCtEEC I ( MAENEAKN'- - fLL HIDE lCLE. . f OV FER 1 Sgk ? . " O DO WITH . thai "there are bow la th United btMM bout 10.004 professional but ball play era, all of whom, with th yceptlon of ' about SCO, under contract to th Federal league, era under th domination and Control of the national agreement nd the rule and regulation of the National Commission." . The right of reservation claimed under the provision! of the national agree tnent la eet forth together with the etata rnent that the defendants claimed and ripw claim that a player under the na tional agreement always continue to be nubject to the demand of the club ub acriblng to that agreement. The national agreement for the gov ernment of professional bss ball, which entered Into between the National and American leagues and the National association In 1303, the complainant de rlares, waa nut for perpetuation for iaae ball aa the national paatlme; the . rroteotlon of property rlghta without gacrtflelng the aplrlt of competition, and the promotion of the welfare of ball ..layers, aa 'declared in the agreement, tut waa for the perpetuation of profes sional base ball In the handa of the oon ' tractlng partlea that thoae within the combination might be safeguarded agalnat gny professional baee ball competition. The petition further assert that the purpose of the national agreement waa that "It might so dominate and control player that the engagetneat of their S-ervlees by any person or club outside the combination would be difficult If not Impossible. i ' Injaavtlew Is Asked. The court la naked to restrain the de fendants from seeking by Injunction, by threats, bonuses, or otherwise, to pre vent the playere, Fischer, Konetchy, Caldwell, Ferrltt, Wlngo. O'Connor, Oipdlrnt, Austin, Allen, Berghammer, ' Jiender, Plank and Marquard from per ' forming their several contracts with the rnnstltuent member of the plaintiff. The dismissal of the varloua court ac tions pending against George "A Johnson, Harold H. Chase, Armando Marsana and l' J Magee. I asked In the petition. A significant clause in the prayer of ' the hll reads) "That the it Id defendant ahall be de i rreed aa forming part of a combination, ' conspiracy and monopoly In violation of the common law. In contravention of the , nntMrust and monopoly atatutea and in restrain of trade and commerce, and In derogation of the constitutional right of contract, and that feald defendant b en joined from further continuing or doing ' - biialneea a a part of or In connection t inonopoly." - ' . The bill of romplnlnt asserts that more than r&.OflO was received by the National irmmlolon from the U"t worlJ's series games and that this,' with other money at cumulated by the commission, ha . tM-en and Is being used, with surpluses of the National league and the Anr J' an leagM, "for the purpoeei of under IsKIng to or pre m and Injure or de stroy" the Federal league and It mem I vr clubs. , rurtitai decUratlon,of the formation of a conspiracy to Inju.-e or destroy the B'ederal league Is alleged against the tiefendant. Hearing on the bill was aet by Judge lentils for January SD. . Trvsident Thomas of the Chicago Na tional ald concerning the sult; y "The purpuee of tho Federals I either to ruin the giime' or force themselves Into the ranks of Organised base ball" Ortialirt Base Ball Ready. CINCINNATI.' O.. Jan. . -"Organised l..e ball in In answer to this case will te In a position to make charges that '' 'will be attnundlns to the base ball pub lic," Mid AuKUal Herrmann today re garding the stilt filed by the Federal league In .Chicago. . Mr., Herrmann is el.atrn.an of the National P.ase Ball Cuinmiaaion. "Chaffs trrat the rule of Organised bawi bell and the National agreement r i.Uilon of the anti-trust statutes, as made by the Federal league, are mild fcs seslnat the vharge we will present ct ruiud, rr-napirary and bad faith, with liumerou clrcumaUutcee connected there ub to biruk up a reputable bualuea m1 brek dots the reputation of the l it..i.al same "fiimntarizlng this action so far aa I lutve Urn nllo to see an abstract of It. it iins to be an eflort on the rrt of 1) ) rul leenue to pi-evect the Judicial i-i'nl.itaiin ff tlie fa- now pending in ii ..'h fouri and to prevent the bring- I.' uf :ni!lsr actions to en fore t. i'im it!, r.lavers. ..eiy la h purpose, apparently, to ti' aie lint i ami-it tt,,t player nader i'nii't may I itilererd llh by the J ..lcul league by any kind of freud with it. .. unity. "An imeumiiiuu nr suit ot this rhar- -tr is eonjt-iHng ihat l.as b-n invited ly ((iKanlfd lw lull. belieta that vt.ri. u. same bus titu lric4 there alU Father Eleven Prayers for By Feds from Organized Ball CIUCAOO, Jan. S.-Tha suit filed by the Federal league against the National Base Ball commission Include eleven prayer for relief, the leading section being: 1. That (h national agreement and the rulea of ,th National commission be de clared - Illegal and the - defendant en Joined from operating -under them. 1 That the defendant be declared to constitute a combination,' conspiracy and monopoly In contravention of the anti trust statute and that they, be enjoined from further doing business a a part of aid monopoly, . a That the defendant be declared to have conspired to Injure or destroy the plaintiff' business and enjoined front continuing their -conspiracy, particularly frora saying the plaintiffs are financially Irresponsible and from threatening with "blacklists" any player under Federal! contract be an absolutely clean book for the na tional game." ' Teaer'e Statraaeat. HARRIsnURQ. Pa., Jan. S.-Presldent Tener of the National league, regarding the base ball suits, said: "I have no fear as to the outcome of the legal proceedings or that the validity of the National agreement will be upheld y the court. I only regret that the Fed eral league has felt Impelled to undertake to annul aa agreement which the tnem- bera of that league, as supporters and advocate of the national game know full well haa materially contributed to the upift and betterment of the game." Mills Makes Off er of His Terms to Coach Creighton Tommle Mills, ooach at the Omaha High eohool, yesterday conferred with Dan Butler, president of the Cretghton athletic board wtili regard to his ap pointment a frjot ball coach at Creighton nest fall, and to Butler Mill submitted his proposition. If the board accepts Mills' terms, the. high school mentor will be, coach at the Omaha college next fall. Mr. Butler declared that a far as he waa concerned Mill' term are satisfac tory, but whether the other eight mem ber of the board will deem It the same way ia unknown. Butler will call a meet Ing of the board today or Friday of this week If possible and the matter de cided , ., i . Buck Thiel Dies of Tuberculosis .FT. JOSuril. 'Jan. l-Otto "Buck" Thlel, 41 year old. In former day one of the best known bell players In the west died at hi home her last night of tuberculosis. Thlel has played with the St. Joseph, Pes Moinei, Kansaa City, Omaha, Milwaukee. Uiuiaville, Little Rock and Peoria base ball club. Hi laet work en the diamond waa a aa unV plr In the Nebraska State league in ISO. Hoffman-May Join Omaha Ball Club Ouy Hoffman, pitcher oa,the Grand Island State league team last season, haa been promised a chance with the Omaha club this aprlng. Hoffman Is in Omaha and believes lie can make good in. the cetera loop. With the exception of Daiiy Vance, who went to Pittsburgh, Hoffman was th leading pitcher In the Nebraska circuit. KILLED IN BOXINQ BOUT ABOARD U;'S. BATTLESHIP WASHINGTON.' Jan. a-Edward C. Ott of Indlanapolla, ordinary seaman on the UltWhlp Florid, (was killed Saturday night la a boxing match aboard the war ship. No details have been received at tlie Navy department. . NEW TORK. Jan. S.-Edwrd C. OU. soaman killed In a boxing match aboard the Florida, had put on the gloves with another seaman named Walsh, It waa said aboard the Florida at the Navy yard to day. Ott received a blow, en the chla and fell to the deck. The ship' surgeon, after working over him aa hour pro nounced Mra dead. Walah waa placed under technical arrest and now Is a prisoner at large aboard the Florida- SIOUX CITY MAY CALL OFF , ANNUAL AUTO RACE MEET Omaha' may have a clear field In the aula racing game In thtj part of the coun try, according to recent advices from Hloux City, where it la declared the 300 event at that place may be postponed for a year. Mout City ts experiencing trou ble in procuring a sanction for a suitable date. and. unless a change occurs, will pot bold the ueual meet. THE BEE: Copyright. Iti. International Now Sorvtae, Relief 4- 4. That all contracts with player here tofore made by the defendant under the national agreement be declared, as to the plaintiffs, "null, void and of no ef fect" and that the defendant be enjoined from seeking to enforce such contracts against player later signed by the Fed eral. . a That the defendant be ordered to dismiss the various actions now pending against player. i. That they be restrained from seeking by injunctions, threat or promise to prevent other player from performing their several contract. flection 7 ask a preliminary Injunction covering toe varloua matter, while sec tions S and ask for damages and relief for Injuries done the Federal league by Its rivals. Section 10 and 11 ask that writ of Injunction and subpoenas be granted. The text of the national agreement 1 appended to the bill of complaint. Mrsi Freeland's Team IntoJLead in Carter Lae League Games Mr. J. A. Freeland's team of women bowler rolled Into the lead of the Carter Leke league Monday by running up a core of 1.021 In the two game. Mr. Carl Johnson waa individually high, with a total score of 30, but her team waa a bit weak and lost. The score Monday were: . MRS. FREELAND'S TEAM. Mr. J, A. Freland. 11 in Mrs. H. U Underwood lit 11 Mr. Ale Jntea g u Mrs. K. O. Blermen M 7 Mm, Wm, H. Gould, Jr.. ..121 107 Total) w ,R8- JOHNSON'S TEAM. Mra J A. Rrwers 7 m Mrs. If. B. Whttehouse... HI 7 Mrs. N. M. Basset K4 103 Mr. W, M, iHjrrance.... R8 32(1 Mra C. i. Johnson lao 10 Total '..JS ... M.Ra- --ATTlN'S TKAM. W. J. Cattiii KU im Mra J. F. Dl.nmtck luf. J1 i1,n,r K11"" 1 M Mr, fciol S. Uoldstrom.... 6 7 Totals ;..M (iu . ,MR.8- DERMODY'H TKAM. Mrs. I. A 1 termnaw iru .... r 13 1X1 1 1,03 1 17 1K7 Z18 2t0 m 2E2 1V 15 1W 135 ! 904 144 Mra. Charles Myers., f5 Iflrt ana, j. j. j'leisoii 101 Mrs. Frank Carpenter 122 1M 196 73 Totals 4! 469 Foye iu Chicago - . to Bring Western Golf Tourney Here W. J. F05 of the Omaha Country club will plead the case of the local club at the meeting of the Western Golf as soclatlon at Chicago January 15 to 18. The Omaha Country club I bidding for th weatern tournament and Foya goes to Chicago to put up a strong argument for this city. M. C. Peters, president of the club, will be la New York at the time, but If Foy needs his assistance Peter wilt rush to th scene of action prepared to advance a few more sub stantial arngments In behalf of Omaha. Sam Huntley Goes to Winter Trap Shoots Ram Huntley, crack Omaha trap shooter, has mapped out aa invading cam paign for th winter leaves this week for Plnehurst, N. C. wnrre na win Dreak rocks at the big mid winter shoot to be held there Januarv 1 to U He alao plans bringing borne a little Prise money from Houston. Tex., and Kansaa City, vjhere winter shoot are to be held. 1 STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION PERFECTED BY GUARDSMEN (From a 8tff Correspondent.) I4NOOLN, Jan. .- Six-call. An or. ganlsatloa of tlie Nebraska Rifle associa tion ha been perfected by membera of th Nebraska National guard., the object being to create a sentiment In favor of better acquaintance with the use of the government arm and more efficiency la marksmanship. Th organisation waa made by Colonel Eberly of Stanton. Dr. More of Wisner, J. P. Catber, Jr., of Madison and Caolatn J. R. Hogate of Wllber ia a meeting held at the National guard headquarter In Lincoln. , Oeneral P. L. Ha9 was elected nreal- dent of the aasoclatlon. J. p. Catber. vtoa president; Major Blrknar of Lincoln! j secretary-treasurer, and Captain Hogate, j executive oftloer. The War department la In sympathy with the movement and alii fumiah each I member of the association with a Krag i rifle and 1 rounds of ammunition and will also 'allow them to purrhaae the amount necessary to carry on the prac tice. ' OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6,' 1915. LAJOIE IS BOUGHT BY CONNIE MACK Napoleon Eeleased by Cleveland and Will Play with Reorganized Phila Athletics. TO BZ-USEp-AT SECOND BASE CLEVELAND, O., Jan. S Napoleon Lajoie, for thirteen year second base man and former manager of the Cleve land American league club, today waa released by President Charles W. Somer of the Philadelphia Americana. Manager Connie Mack came here from Philadel phia and closed the deal. No other play er were Involved In the deal, Mr. Homers said. Lajoie In 1901 Jumped from the Phila delphia National league to the newly formed Philadelphia American league team, where he played -under Connie Mack until-June, 190Z. On June 4, 1902, he played hi flrt game with Cleveland. He wa manager of the Cleveland team from 1906 to 1909, Inclusive. 1 Mr. Maok admitted that he expected to use Lajoie at second base, a vacancy caused by the sale of Eddie Collin to the Chicago . .aericans. . Lajoie made hi three thousandth hit In. .the major league In the. last game he played with the Cleveland clurb on Sep tember 17, last, HI average batting ' record for nine teen year in the major leagues was .848. Magic City Quintet Has Unfilled Date Coach Patton of the South Omaha High school I minus a date ' for hi faat quintet, said date supposed to be filled Friday evening. Consequently, the South Omaha coach is on the lookout for any thin that smack of championship qual ity. Patton thinks he' got a real team and wants to schedule a game with a real team for Friday. . Tekaraah. to the south of the Packer burg, thought of meeting the high school five, but somehow they suddenly changed It mind. Miles Main Signs a I , Federal League Pact CHICAGO. Jan. B.-Mllea Main. Mtcher for the Detroit ball club last year, today signed a two-year contract with the Fed eral league, according to an announce ment by James A. Oil more, president of the league. . He will be assigned to a cUib later. Main first pitched with the Buffalo club of th International league. STEVENS LEADS IN THE v . CAPITOL POOL TOURNEY P. . . 5 W. L, 2 Pet. .m .soo .MM ,7M .4 .; .143 Stevens . Khenard , Owens ... f wanaon Hararh .. Mooney Jlxon .., Shaffer . When Steven beat Swanson. 100 to U, last alght at th Capitol pool tourney he stepped Into first place and forced Swanson Into third. Both Played a good game, and had Swanson not played In such hard luck" he no doubt woull have made hla opponent play at top apeed to beat him. Swanson baa not necessarily lost first money, as all four player are o cloa. Them are three . more game to be played in the tournament: Swanson gainst Shepard, Owena against Steven ,nl wem alnst hepard. Score by Inning Stevens: 14, 14, 1. S, II, S. S 10; net, 100. Kwanson: 0, a, U, 8, S. 5, I 60; net. 61. Scratches: Stevens. S; Heferee: Jesse Reynolds. T. 14. IS, 8. S. 7. . i. 8, XL Swanson, 4. Tonight 8 wen eon finish up la the tournament a ith Shepard. CONWAY LOSES BOUT TO' BURNS OF JERSEY CITY NEW OR1J0AN8. La.. Jaa, l-Frank J. Burnt of Jeraey City won over Frankte Conway of Philadelphia S the fourth round of a fifteen-round fight her to night. Conway was apparently r unable to defend himself and the referee atop red the fight. Ia the third round a straight left sent Couway down . for a count of five. The weights were an nounced as 118 pounds ringside. WRESTUNQ MATCH Heavyweight Chanel cahlt af tkt w eet. Krag Theater,' Wed..- irigat. Jan. . jxaa wtrntaiio of TDmm Mutate American XeavyweUht Caampioa, vu. jack txiaasna Tka lb, Xriaa tnwt uf Taaoouver, Clitmrlui of the aenrte Oeast, Veto), as Celo Caa. tat sella eu ef Tare Three JtetUiag Oooa rreitsalaariee eats 3o e SI ikiaa-eiae, SiUM Haa Cilice Hew Ova Drawn. for The Bee by George McManus Sheriff Appoints His Office Force' For Ensuing Term flherlff Felix J. McRhane ha announced hla official taff for the first time. The announcement ha been eagerly awaited for the last two months, a a shakeup haa been threatened for a long while. "Judge" W. A. Foster 1 retained aa chief deputy. Former Deputy EC Palmer la made jailer, vice John Cahlll, who goe out; Margaret Foley will be book-keeper In place of Mis Alio Larktn, who also I out of a Job; Mr. Jennie McPheraon I retained aa matron, and Deputle James Musgrave, Henry fk-hroeder. Joe Wright, Carl Lambrecht, Larry Flynn, Ed Caa idy and Joe Posplchal keep their place. New deputies are William Hogan, who operate a barber ahop at Fifteenth and Harney; "Jim" Lindeey, former pugilist, and William Slch. . The deputies who . lost their Job are Walter Hanger, John Cahlll, Hopkins and George Hartman. Sheriff McShane said last, night that two of these would have been retained only for an order from the 'county com mlssloner, who compelled him to cut down hi staff. All the nafflba of the sheriffs friends and friends of the sheriff's friends who sought Job were placed In a hat and the "win ners" were then chosen by lot, McShane said. City Contracts to . Be Awarded Soon Contracts tot supplying the city with supplies for the year 1916 will ba awarded soon, some of them perhaps today. City Purchasing Agent Dick Orotte say. The Items Include coal and many other com modities. Fur some of them there were, two low bidders, each quoting the same figure, and arrangement are now being made to settle the business satisfactorily. When the purchasing agent' recommen dations are mads to the city commission it ia expected that the latter will award the- contract at 'once. The bids arre said to be lower than usual this year. Builders Elect and , . Have Big Banquet , Result of the balloting for the election of officers of the dmaha Builders' ex change are: President, J. J. Tema; vice president, Farley 8. Hamilton; treasurer, O. F. Nelson; board of directors, Charles Anderson, Frank R, Vierllng, Thomas Hera, W. C. BuUard, William Kedwick and Grant Paraona. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS WILL DROP FOOT BALL ST. LOUIS, Jan. 8 -Foot ball will be stricken from the list of . athletic at Christian Bros.' college of St Lbui dur ing 1915 and perhaps for many year thereafter. This announcement waa mad her last night by officials of the college. The loss of SS.400 during three year Is given a the cause of the action. 1 The extraordinary dollar-for-dollar value and un aqualled aarvica that explain tha success of tha Ford car are present even to a greater exUnt than ever before In the new Ford Coupelet. You have In this happy example of the two cars-ln-one Idea, a greater degree of comfort and luxury. A matter of two minute and the top Is up. transforming the roadster Into a coupe and the driver Is safe from all the rlgora of weather. The Coupelet la built 'on the ramous Ford chasais the ame chaasls the qualities of which have made the name of, Ford a household word or reliable service and economy lea than two cents per mile. Fortl, Coupelet 1750; Sedan $975; Town Car 60; Touring Car $480; Runabout $140- All fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. On sale and display at 1916 Harney street. Buyer will share la profits If w sell at ratal! 300 901 new Ford cars between August 1914 and August 191 S. I'! TOMMY MILLS MT ;. COACH CREIGHTON "' . Former High School Athlete Re ceives a Proposition to Handle .'. . - the University Teams. ONLY SALARY QUESTION IN WAY Tommy. Mill, for the last three year coach at the Omaha High achool, will be coach" at' Creighton university next fall. If the Creighton Athletic board agree to a proposition put before it Tuesday. Mills so stated Tuesday even ing, asserting that he had submitted a proposition concerning the salary In volved, and expects an answer from the board today. f Mill returned Monday evening from his home at Beloit, Wl where he spent the Christmas holidays. . Before leaving he had been approached by the Creighton Athletic , board with the offer of th coaching Job. The preliminary offer wa Indefinite as to whether he was to only coach the foot ball, or all athletic ag gregatlons representing the university. Ha asserted Tuesday evening that, if a gymnasium Is erected and Creighton puta out base ball and track teams, he will be willing to act a all-year coach. If the board and Mill can agree on the salary. Mills will succeed Harry Mil ler, for the last'' five years head of Creighton team. During . his stay at Creighton he raised the standard of ath letic to a very hiffh level. ' ; Miller did not make application to the board for the position next year. He will probably devote ail his time to the prac tice of law. Will Select Own Assistant. The double coach system was tried at Creighton this year. Chester . Dudley . of Council Bluffs acting as assistant to Mil ler. If Mills accept th Job, he will choose hla own assistant next year. A mas meeting of Creighton students will be held at the Creighton law school at S o'clock this afternoon to boost the benefit how planned In the near future for the benefit of the new- gymnasium now being talked of by Creighton men. At the meeting It 'is expected to have all department represented. . The cheer leader and those who are foremost in all demonstrations, are arranging, for a Creighton night at the Boyd theater, at which the house will be reserved by the university and the profit turned over to tha-Creighton gym fund. It Is planned to fix the night during th week when "Strongheart," the' college play, wlll.be at the theater. Ticket will be distributed among the student and the affair will take on the air of a regular university function. Bee Want Ads 'Are the Beat Business Read Dally by People In Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. ' Turks Ravaa-e Persia. , PETROOKAD, Russia, Jan. 4.-Turklsh troops, whose defeat by Russian forces waa announced on December 12, when they attempted to Invade Russia from Persian territory, are now reported to be ravaging the region aouth of Lake Uru miali, in northwestern Persia. ' 11 T IILWI1I 9 1IIW ill it 1 I.. 1 ill i,i i., 1 -J , r-- !- JL kUAnRiymf Aha- MADEi'OMAHA ; 1 1 ii'i'iin 1 i,1"!)' 1 1 t .; .,1'nuiii'iii mituniinir ) TI!-BESTllvIillSCi;.Cms'!i: ,'THC;;FNt.ST:,'CilA!;L;OF,:;j! ii fcr i:'f HTvV3rL:'Tr T uLLlV i-t um vu I. ii,B!j;.iliBfMi:'NVVtrjti;oi'ii: ' ' ' Is': aawxagaBBBaaw ''.' f If You'll Kark'IU Location on tha ' Below Diagran and Send It ia Wa Will MaU Treatment .. ABSOLUTELY FBZE. . .aousiKDS wbitb yg op cuasa, Th Rica Method has brought such re I nmrkable results to such a multitude J 1 ui lumier rupture sunerers. mat n S , s-arcely neel athr other proof ef fl Its veliw. However, we are elwava f i wlllltig to prove it to any one who i nmy d interested ana Hie beat 1 . prooi u an actum trial. That's 1 I why ve now ofier sou Kwl..t-J. 1 ' tree of cbarse aad nreoaid a trial I treatment to ikow . wliit thla ' wonderful method csil do In your case. Just mark Tas near 1 can) tlie location of your ruubuis on una a Rffrfim nri . uoaj, murKing right over iyp. Kcna this to Main St Adams. ilt! urn Ug lag Thar Is Tov'll aever Boreaeonlathe world why vol be eurea end . you'll ao should eoatlaoe I throuaa lira with suffer tee Sleaoal- thai ruptuie If fort sad -torture 4 ea aoa't do soae- tbat blading, cbeSug 1 UlDgaboatluWby 1 truM wlHuJJt auk- sot, st least, see I log aa eOurt to waa this tre. free yoaraslf treauaeat eaa ao , rrem it alarery. tor you? Bead Bane far tbu 1 for It right. tree treatment 1 away this today. very mlnete. 1 r?Q . 1 1 11 t- - - 'a I) A mUd bt stem of treatsaent tbat aares 1 Piles, Ftatula and Rectal IjueeaeS 1 wl.bout'jje ueaof aknife. l4eMe ( !-, etteer or outer general aa- 1 2 aaaiteuo uaed. Me mineoenarf de- guaranteed in etery oeee soeepwd. rsr rra rati ami tivmm The our Area, then the pay, I hel'saaf woUoy. It s fair aad sauars, I ales sto a wnitea guarau'ee that the euro will lee Uletui-e. Vnte lur fra axeoa, walca nee fuil perCceiara. jtjtiSi W'r '-Ha - T tsM. g. a lAAMf. 24 SThfaV,