THK BKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUAltV 6. 1915. 11 WAXTKU TO BUT uKa-ICa. furniture bought ann sold, t. C Bsd. 1207 Fr-n fni it, WANTF7D To buy or rent, medium hard or soft 00 1 hntr; must b cheap tor cash. Address F 418. TV NEW or 24 hand, an Iowa law library. Address Albert McGinn, Newroeyeir hotel. Council Plaff. la. WE Ht'T 7,4-nsnd clothe )?! N, NtlC 6LIQHTLY used piano. Douglas 2017T HAMILTON CO.. the only gentile econd- nana store in Omaha. 1718 Cu Cuming. D. MM WANTED TO RK.YT ,TOUNO irentleman wanta room with food family: walking dirt a no. Ad dress, P-iiS. Bee. , WANTED TO BORROW WANTED-Tt borrow 110.000 on wall Un proved ranch consisting of 3,1)00 acre in Banner county, Nebraska. Address Hope Brown. Bighorn. Neb REAL ESTATK IjOANS CITY and farm loana. 6, St, a pur rent. t. tt. pumont C0..1A4 Farnam, Omaha. "1 z GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i ! WANTED-Oily loana let era Truat Caw WANTED City loana and warrant, v7 Famam "mltb a- Co . 1X0 rarnam. OMAHA botnea East Nebraska fat ma. O'KJCErE REAL ESTATa. CO.. ICflt Omaha Natl. Douglas ITU. U"0 to 81o. made promptly. F. U. Was Weed Bldg.. lh and Famam K'a. OAUV1N bkos ftsa 6 CITT LOANS, C, O. Carlberg Co.. lib-ail Rrandols Theater Bldg. CITT property. Large loana a pcialy. . . i numms i mate nana rtiag. MiiN!;J n han ,r city and farm loana. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank RMi. KB ua Hrst It yau want a (arm loan. Colled Htatea Truat Co- Omar. a. Neb. V'ANTED-Ti) borrow 13,600 for one yesr at 7 per cent; flrat-claaa collateral. Ad dress F Hi, care Oranhe Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR BAXIt Arkaaea. Put Yourself in Clover Buy all the rich, fertile land you can afford to own In our aunny level uplanda in Central Arkanaai; long growing ea aon: ample rainfall, excellent drainage; abundance of pure water; good health condition; alfalfa yield a cutting year, average ton to the cutting and brlmta 816 to 120 ton; potatoes, both Irish and atveet; alio corn and cotton woke enormoua yields; the conditions are ideal for dairy ing; also for stock and hog raising, hav. Ing free range all year around; chickens ere big money makers as wen s truck gardening; three big markets close by. . 't'hese lands are f0 miles south of MUle Kork, a city of .; few miles north of Fine Bluff, city of ,A, and 60 mlie east of Hot Spring, the noted health resort, . with V,O0O visit annually. The railroad runs through our land; we can Sell you now close to town and shipping station; there la a government agricultural demon strator stationed In our county; be will advise you free of charge how. and when to plant, cultivate and market your crops; .this land Is selling in 4n-acr tracts and up, on the term of 11.60 an acre down, possession any time, balance 30 years, "terms less than rent: bis land selling exourslon dally; low rate; free trips to Olivers who answer this advertisement. Write or call lor free photograph and full information, open rninaay and evenings. Jfi. T TGTliK E CO., 409 Times Bids., Rt. Ixiil, Mo. . Kebraaka. Farms Near Omahi 80 acres near Elk City, almost new lm provemeats, not a foot of waste land 119 per acre; 14,120 cash by March 1, balance w.wj, years, s per cent. 110-aere well . Improved, level, produc tlve vallar land. Price. 390 oer acre 1750 cash, 13,160 March 1, balance, 8o,0U0, t years, per cent. 152 acres, Improved: -r. house; very r.roducuv upland and valley farm weetern Harry county; 2. sore, pasture, la lance nil .under cultivation. Trice, 190 per acre; onenhlrd cash, balance tlv years, i'4 per cent. Rented for 191S. Price, 12SJ; 11.000 cash, tr.,000 mora March i. heiance o years, per cent. SO acre, lay ideal, Sarpy county 1100 per acre. 40 acres, Improved; i-r. house; fine location. Price, 1130 per acre; one-half cash, balance 6 years, per cent acres. Improved, lays Ideal, quit handy to Omaha; stock, implements, ato. . i rice tor an, some terms. 3 acres level upland: f-r. house, alt other .necessary ouxbuUdtuga a homelike place. Price. 11,109; one-half cash, bal ance t per cent. ALfiO another Ideal 40 acres, 10 acres and three or four 160-acre farms, all within X miles ot Omaha. ADSO M acres, 130 acrea, 200 acres and 330 acre. upland; somewhat rolling farms. 36 miles northeast of Council Bluffs, in good location and near good towns; ex ceedingly gooa rooos ror in money; considerable alfalfa and Clover and twee tlcally all can be cultivated. Price, 81 to V per acre; one-tniro caan Marco i. balance years, ea per cenu EVERY ONB of the above farms will make you money. ACT TO DAT. Ilays are dangerous. OK1N & MERRILi, COMPANT, N. El Corner 23d and M 8U., South Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATK WANTED WANT Dundee lot; have cash; must be a bargsln. No agents. O. 4?S, csre Bee. CAN pay cash for -room house in Wet rarnam or Hanscom Park. No agents. B 426. care Bee. REAL ESTATE TOR EXCHANGE FRONTIF.R CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of iti aerea Land all lays fine and Is excellent solL Will exchange for good Omaha residence, C. R. COMBS. IIS Branded Vbsater, Omaha, Neb. Douglas K1. 199 ACRES Tripp county, a D for aale or trade. Win trade for city property, cash or genr' furnishing. For furtusr particulars address R 42. Bee. ' A BEAUTIFUL MODERN DUNDEE HOME Sevenlsrge, KLIXJANTLT FURNISHKD rooms ard hall: nsrago; 60xlW ft lot; paved alley; half block from street car. For sale or trad for well Improved, to sore farm close ;. Call Walnut 1067 or write J 407, Be. REAL ESTATK NORTH SIDE NEAK U4TH AND CUMiNU Is'lne-room house, inudrrn except heat, paved street. 14,000. v C. G. CARLBERU 5ii Branded Theater BMg. Small Ranch For Sale or Trade IM acres In Hooker county, four mile from railroad town. Ha a 4-room house, barn. - cattle shed, well and windmill. One-half of this ranch rood farm land, balance good pasture. Will take one- naif or more in good otty property, rrloe, xi6 per acre. O'Neil's R.. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1024. SECTION Kimball Co. Gross. tlOi Paul. 40-ACRE HOME. I mites west of city limit of Om.hs- Isnd lays gently rolling: 6V4 acre eMail. about I acres pasture and about one acre a grapes, satanca in cultivation; new a. room bouse and other good tmprora- nwaia. . race, t-JO per acre, C. R. COMBS, til Brandsls Theater. Omaha, Neb Douglas 81, Frontier County Farm 400 acres, 200 acres in cultivation, bal ance rough but good gracing land, 1 nines irom nign scnooi, s-room house, good outbuildings, UO-toa silo. Price. 1,W. Csn give terms. THE VOQEL REALTY AGENCY. 1':1M W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Custer County Farm , J20 acres, two miles t town, 1J miles of Broken Boa. 70 acres under nlow. balance gooj grating land except 49 acres in alfalfa, s-rpotn house, good outbuild Inga. l' mile to high school. Price per acre, a,tw casn; win carry balance. THK VOQKL REALTY AGENCY. 1QH-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. - - North Dakota. 480 Acres, Well Improved, Bottlneaw county. North Dakota, all under cultivation. miles from Lansford. a good town. Corn and alfalfa la doing tine here. Price, Hi per acre. Will take a first mortgage as first payment. THE VOCifcT, REALTY AGENCY. IQli-i W. O. W. Bldg. Omsha, Neh. ' Aew If ark. . IOR BALE A productive farm of 364 aores, good buildings. KJO g re Tied apple irees In bearing condition; good sugar bush; good water fnever failing); land .asy to work; on B, F. D. route; teie I. hone connections; easy railroad co nectiona; want to sell before Feb. I. lila. If purohased of the undersigned owner ibera will be no agents' commUslon to Lay. Price fit per acre. Term easy. C. O. kldred. R. F. D. t. Oneonta, N. f. Obuaaasaa. I.0M ACRES, large and small tracts: ab solute title; Pittsburg Co.. farming, pas oU. coal land; 4 to U per acra. W rite J. E. Cavanagh. MoAifstar. Okl. H laeaavsta. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state in th .iikw: settler wanted, land for sal at j pili ea on easy Verms. Ask tor book- . 51 oa Wisconain Central Land Grant. u Acres waited. Writ about our lands. Jt Interested In fruit lands, - s (or booklet on Apple Orchard in .soonsln. Address Land Dept., Boo Lla fry . kllnneapolis. Minn. MlaaellaaivoaiK, FARM for sale; must srii my Fsllsmer firm. M aires, muck prairie land. V' bit'' iu PirtT . fci. JUiUia, V,i. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ) FOR $1,600.00 Lot OOxlW. t At 3319 Blondo Strt One bloek from end of Harney car and a good bargain for some one. W. II. GATES s7 Omaha Nat Bank BWg. Doug. 14. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SUK News from Abroad is Help to Bull Faction in Wheat Pit Ad vances in Wheat and Corn. ARGENTINE. BOON TO SHIPPERS OMAHA. Jan. i, IMS. The news from abroad was mostly bullish and more than Jt,rt."0 bushels of wheat were taken In all positions yester day by si potters. Growers of wheat are not selling wheat In large qusntltlrs, even on the advance, but they are cau. tlous about sllowing sny to slip through tnolr flngsrs. and then only at, prices quite satisfactory to thorn. U Is ex pected thst Argentina will soon commence to snip wnest liberally, but the unfavor sblo weather n that country as well at the shortage In tonnage, has almost en tirely cut off movement. There Were advances of lS(Mc In corn. The feeling was unstttled, hut 'th market was strong at tlie close on buy Ing bv Influential Intereata. here was a good Investment demand and speculators hougnt freoly. The country I selling verv little corn, th January sales being exceptionally light. Advances were shown of 4til'c in oats and the best prices were fully main tained. The feature In the provision market waa the commission house demand for 1ay deliveries. This buying was doubt ,p" result of strong grain marketa. N heat was 2fi2ko higher. lorn ws V'ilc higher. Oats wre lmc higher. Clearances of wheat and flour ware equal to SM.OM bushels. At Liverpool corn was flTCd higher. Prlmarv wh,nt m..,.. uanA Diieneis ann snipmenta l.ttw.OOO bushels, aaalnst receipts r.f NAOm bushels and shipment ot 41M00 bushels last vear. I 'rl m r- mm MMlnl " l fJvi v. . . - els snd shipments l.iol.OUO bushels, against receipt of 1.0A6.000 bushels and ship ment of K,eo bushels last year. Primary oata recelota wm f4i cm hush. ela and shipments 1,010.000 bushels, against receipts ot i,m. DUHlirls and ahlpnienla of &.,0i0 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. neceipts were: Official Mondsv .. Estimate Tuesday 1 Must Be Sold . Good Home at a Sacrifice , This is S Well eonali.tle,AI two-story modern house, having hot water Rudd Instsntaneous Hot Water r.ior--.iate giasa windows throughout; run cemented basement, laundry con nections, etc. Oak finish first floor, with brick fireplace in living room. Four turner neurooms ann nsth second floor; stairway to finished attic, large south front lot. Kxim feet itk trees. Iron fence In front. This is a 17,yj 1, c", V W, ,A.r' I owner ni I. HI BELL AT ONCK and ha Instructed ua to accept ANT REASONABLE OFFER This Is your opportunity to buy a good horn cheap. Do not fall to look this up "ow nl make us an offer. Excellent ....,i. wo vt orininctan Ht. Key at our office. George & Company 902 City Natmnal Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. Lot Bargain N?ar Field Club $1,250 A beautiful sio-bttv 1a aamvil looking Central Boulevard, and on paved Street. Over 10 lor,. ...I- . i,,. , . 2T5.r nea money has cut price from 11,500 to above figure. Halt cash needed. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. tn. zii So. 17th. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Guaranteed 71 Dividends When you Invest monsv with ns on h profit-sharing plan your money Is guar anteed 7 Der cent divider. A rana n it- ',r"t "V,f Ju'y January of each year. " auumon tnereio you are enUtled to all th earnings above 7 ur cent, which arned from Si to S per cent mor for the last ten years. Tour mnnav la emniv secured, and you can Invest In amounts of 1JC0 or more at any time. Tou will find by Investigating that this is one of the best permanent Invest menu that is being offered today that will bring you big rr-turne on the amount of monsv In. ested. bee or writ ns about It. Hastings &' Heyden 1614 HARNEY Ft. Chlcsgj Minneapolis Duluth 7 Ores ha f) St. Louis M Winnipeg 144 These sales were reported tortav; Wheel No. J hard, winter: 1 car, tl.; S-S car, U.H.V No, 3 hard winter: 4 cars, 11. . No. 4 hard winter: 1 rar, M.fcm; 1 car, 11.84. No. I durum: 1 J-8 cars, 11.46. No. durum: 1 car, 11.45. No. 4 durum: 3-S car, P.42. No. 8 durum, mixed: 1 far, 11.85. No. i mined durum: 1 car, 11.40. Rejected: s-G car. il.lii 1 car, 11.21. Rye No. ?: 1 car. 11.06V Sample: 1 car, 11.05. Corn No. 8 white: 1 rar, He; 8 eara, 6tc. , No. t white: 8 tsra, M No. t white, 4 oars, 65ic. No. 1 yellow: 7 cars, tfHc. No. a yellow: 8 cars, Wc; 7 cara, 8oc. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. 'c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, .V!o; 1 car, 5,Hc. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars, ttt'c: 1 car. fciic. No. 1 mixed: 13 cara, kV; 10 cars, tioiic. No. 5 mixed: J car. to'ir. 'ftomple: l car, 6Hc; 1 car, tc: 1 car. 4c; 1 cars, 3Hc Oats No. 3 white: t cars, 49c. No. 4 white: a ceis, 4c. Sample: a cars, 4Jc; 1 car, 4"Hc Omaha Cash Prices Wheat No '' 2 hard. fi.zMfl.iKH: No. 1 hard. rt.44fl Jj.dJ'.'i?' 1Ml:'o. spring white 11.2Ht1.24; No. 3 spring. ll.2Hvdl.24: No. durum, 11.44i(h 1.45; No; 3 durum. 11 44 T1.4B. Com: No. 1 white. wvWie: No J white . WV(&iic: No. 3 white, tW&Wio; No. 4 white, VS-: No. J white. n'lUA 54c: No. white, S1i5Vc; No. 1 yellow Wty?WWo; No. 1 j-ellow, g4iltiHc ; No S yellow, 6riubSc; No. 4 yellow. HVifteVeVc: N , 6 yellow, 5i6Svc; No. 6 yellow, ( fitxAie; No. 1 mixed, '4(iitc; No 8 mixed. SWrtsi'Ac: No. 8 mlxod, Si4ffi&c: No. 4 mlxedL KUfii&Ue: No a mi-- ju Wc'-, mixed, ft4ifji6c; sample mixed, 39;Ho. Oata: No. 3 white. 4!V3i Hoc; standard, 4ft?S4V4c; No. 8 white. 40 fitsc; No. 4 white. W'idio. Barley: Malting, 64&72o; No. 1 feed, r,3M0e. five. No. a, ai.otiQ'i.oGK; No. a. irosg-i.os. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area of the Trading and Closing; Price m Board at Trade. CIIICAOO. Jan. a.-Prlce SVId not ti h?YS.tfn eQi's'lcd for cash wheat here ft this time of the year since th Franco Prussian war in 1S70 were reached tod on change. Domestic millers wer the chief buyers of the cash wheat that was bargained for in Chicago. Kxoortera. whose nrini requirement for Kuropean shipment have brought about an almost unprecedented situation in regard to breadstuffs. were said to have continued buying large amounts, but fkiO.000 bushels - was n.e greatest total known. Meanwhile specu lative , values here swept higher and al though unsettled at the finish were 1V(P 2(S2V above. last night, t'orn was un changed to l-16c higher, oats up &io to Ho and Provision dearer hv 7Ur,inv m Speculative dealers at the start cut loose boldly from dependence on what exporter here did or did not do for the moment concerning wheat. Direct cable advice from Liverpool admitted tht the nisrKet was excited and that offerings there were scarce, not only from th I'nited Stale, but also from Argentina- Lively profit taking here by fortunate hulls threatened fcf a while to offset th greater part of th fresh gains, but on a second swell th market rebounded higher than before and wound up within He of the ton level reached. On the crest of the advanca today. No. 3 red winter wheat sold at fl.3t4 a bushel, a. price not approached here In January since 182, during the Turko Itussisn war. The May option today went to tl.Mfi)LZl. a bulge of 10ttyl0,c a bushel as compared wtlh Just a week ago. " . Corn made a strong start with wheat, but ran into heavy profit taking and a decided Increase of country offerings. The market rallied, though, aa a result of the late upturn In wheat. Oats swayed with corn. There was also a fair cash de mand for oats. Including lOO.OuO bushel to exporters. Grain prices furnished by Logsn Bryan, 815 Kouth Sixteenth street: 90c: confectioners' A. 4 S.V : No. 1. 4 TOe. Bl'TTKlt Msrket stesdv:. receipts. 18.011 tubs: creamery extras.' ti scoring. : creamety tlilgner svorlngl, 'i:lrc; creamery firsts, a." (": seconds, rerMe: pro extras. MuJc; lRdls. current make, firsts, Ji'Vfirtc: seconds, !V; pack ing stock, current mske No. t JlH'fl'-'Jc. "IIF;K.-JR Market steadv; receipts. I.SC3 boxes: state, a hole milk, held, spe cials, iriiHc; state whole milk aveiage fan. v, ir.,rl.Vc; slatn whole milk freHh specials, IV; slate a hole milk average fancy, l4Hirl4Sc; skims, .14ffn'vC. i;Klf Strong; receipts. I2.fi7i cases: fi-ssh gathered, extra fine, 44lc; extra fusts, Jc: firsts. 4"i41c; seconds. StitiAH-: talc. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery. whites, fine to fancy. litWet same, gath ered, whites, 40ft 47c; same, hennery. browns, 444;4.c; same, gathered, brown Snd mixed colora 3MM4c. POll.TRY lreesed. oulet sn.l'un- chiuiged. Uve, week: western chickens. 14ct fowls. 1I lie: turkeys. ISc. OMAHA UUHERAL MARKKT. BUTTETl-Nn. 1. rifinni e xr J, rvih. tubs, o. CHKK8K-imported, Hai. SRc; Amer ican Swiss, the: block Swiss. lie; twins, !: daisies, itr: trlpleta, 17c; Young Americas. ltVtc: blue label brick, 17c; Dm burger, Ml., 80c; 1-lb . Ac; New York white, l$o; imported French Koquoloii, Flail Trout, He; large erapplea, Io; sslmon. Ur: halibut. 1-'':: channel rat. Iish. IV; pike, 14c; pickerel, 10c. DULIKI-Broilers, 14Vc; sprlDaT Chlck- sna, 11c; hens, Kgllc; cocks. 8c; ducks, 19o; geese, sc; turkeya lc ptgoon. per do., laic: ducks, full feathered, loc; geesa, full feathered. 1c: aauaba. No. L tl.tu: Nn. a, too. ' ; Beef cut Prices: Nb. 1 ribs. 18'4c: No. 8 rlhs. 16Vc; No. 8 rlb 11r;, No. 1 loins, 30o; No. 3 loins, 17c; No. S loins. 12c; No. 1 chucks. lOVic; No. f chucks, tAtc; No. 3 chucks. He: No. 1 rounds. l.lVc: No. 1 rounds. 12'c; No. 3 rounds, 11c;. No. 1 plates, tlc; No. f plates, S'ic; No. 3 plates, 8c. Market quotations furnished by Olllnakl Pru t company." FKUITS Oranges, per box. Kxtra fsncy Wsshington Navels, wis, 1(Vh and 113s, 1100; 13s, li.i 1(10. 12.50; 17s. :1s, 'Mis, 52.74. Lemons, per box, fancv rUtnklst, ;ms, :jOs, ItM; choice Red Halls, 4 irv fruits, per box, 3is, Ms, Ms and , j Apples, per box, extra fancy Washington W hite River l'frmalnes, 11.00; fsncy, I 11. 7e; extra fancy Washington Wlnesaps, 1 (T1.7R; Spltienbergs, tl.75; Oregon Hptis- enbergs, 11 W; Colorado unwrappod .lona- It'., M. A St. P.... OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET a Fat Cattle Slow to Lower and Other Kindt Steady Sheep and Lambs Are Actire. HOGS SHOW BUT LITTLE CHANGE SOUTU OMAHA, Jan. 8. 1:1. Csttle. Hog. Sheep. (.271 2i.4 8.7t0 M OK4 17.144 Two days this week..1J.7T1 f2.47 i'anie days last week. .1'.'..V .(t2 Same days 1 wk. ago. M.W 10. n Psme days 8 whs. ajio.l.:! l!.lt Same days 4 whn. aito.10.40; s.4W Same da,va last yesi..ll.72 21,10 The followlig tabl shoas the re!lps of cattle, hogs ami sheep at th South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared wu last yrar: l?i Sj inn. faille is.s.i 7.42 'ox X4.701 21.WH tbeep ;;46J th close a good share of th hog were cashed at fully steady prices. fteprrecntative sales; No. 14... , .. 71..., at ... . 3 .... 71. a. sa. Pr. ..171 4 t SO ..sol M t Si ... 7is .Ml .11 I 7 w 1 0JS . Hi 41 ft M Il fct 1. (I 8 a Pr. ... 7 o ... 7 es ... 7 . . 7 S7H : ... 7 it i-HKr.l' V. 1th the receipts of sheen and Ittmh nilly normal compared with a weelt I'go and a year go, prices retmunded, hoalng an an vane ot nv where from strong to lotrito higher on lamba, year lings and ewe, there being few wether here to apeak of. The reoelrta for th first two days of the week foot up 81,isi4 head, against 17.114 for th same lime ls-t week snd ;r,(JU a yrar ago, so the Indications are for a rood demand at the V- present level of prices. Drovide.1 the rc. 1V0 'P'" r ''eld down to normal pronor il v.l There was an active Inquiry this Mini 1 '"ornlng for snythlng at all (n the killing line and as a result th market we over in gotwi season. It might he noted that the lamb receipts Included elevon cars l hat went to a feeder buyer at 17. SO, which .ut down the. supplv at the disposal of the packer, tjualtiy as a rule was little, If sny.dltterent, from yesterdav. The hulk ot the lambs found an outlet at with oulie a few at the The following elle ,ki,i, the ,n ' latter lisura and a tou at W.M. KeavV price for hogs at tho e'uuth Omaha live' lamba being in smaller suprty thnn wa stock market for the last few day, wlthl'he case yesterday, naturally eere more comparisons: active and sold to a better advantsae, t ne ewe supply moved at a range of w Inc. 1J.7S4 10,H 1'ate. 1W14. ,lnia liniv leo it Iec. 30. Iec. 31. l'ec. 22. Dee. St. Iec. 84. Deo. 2fi. Dec ; Dec. 27. Lec. 28. Dec. 29. l'0. 80. Dec. 31. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. I'll. jinlo. ilisi. ili"s rtV;jt there being a top at .. which 4i; i i b W i ..7i ItM waa paid for very choice grades. Three 7 4t 7 01 t Oil 7 tt 1 8 It cars of yearlings sold at 17 . according 7 in t 06: 7 5M a S; 1 St to weignt and quality, t'btciuro waa re- r T 031 T H J o: t S 8 fa! I 34 ' ported ss having a moderate run with a 7 02 I f tof T lt t V7 1 7 Ml t Oil t S4 I stronger tendency to prices, t MUl 7 48 7 11 It t7i 8 111 i il i Quotations on sheep and lambs: t,mh. Holiday. I good to choice, tx.404'4.70; lamba. fair to 1 l T 051 T l I W l 73 " I I gjci.; yearunga, gooo to cnoice. 7 o; 7 :-' 0 is 7 ,l s i ti.av : yearlings, lair to goon, si.u' T V7I a an T 7i t w I I i.?.; wetners, goon to cnoice, iitxianMij 5 W 7 Ml 8 Si t bt Wethers, lair t" good. SH.oca Ti; ewes. 8 1 I 40 I good to choice, lo.Einti.VH; ewes, fair to good, 35 (ipfjvsn. No. Av. Trice. 7 14H 7 4 V 2! 7 Ml,! mi:,. 7 1 7 1T 7 04, 7 1IU4. 7 i 7 81 7 80 1 T os 7 08 lHl.t 7 10 7 09 7 LI I 7 " t ; ibi:..imi. t 0$ 00 00 6 l 7 m 8 o: 8 31 lHlU. k 84 8 So! 8 SO lk. t n 7 s"i 8 ! 8 70 8. 1 7 02S 7 88 's 1 t 0A 7 7 8 471 3 H "tiuildiiy. Receipts and dlsnnsltloo of live stock at the I'nlon stock yards. Houth Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at a o clock yesterday: RKCLIPT9 CARS. Cattle. Mors. Sheep. thans, !1.8T; Washington extra fancy Hoover, tl.40; small Jonatnnns,; tancy Colorado Woalthya, 11.10; fancy Colorado McTHahons, 11. VO; fancy Colo rado L'tters,; Idaho fancy Crimes (jolden. 11.80; rhoice, l 25; fancy Wash ington Grimes Holden. 11 60; fsncy Colo rado Maiden Blush,; fancy Idaho Jonathans. VX: FuKons. Straw berry, 1125; Wolf River, 11.35; New fork Russets. 83 00: Black Twigs, IJ.Hn. Grapes, California Emperors, per bbl., 83.60; per crate, 11.75; extra fancy Malaga, per bbl., tti.OO. Pears, per box. Anions. 12.28: Jerseys, 82.26: Kheldons. t2.2S; Lawrence, 3.tH; Boooo. 12.26; faster, Bunanas. per bunch, IUIuK.IjO. cranlierrlrs, ler bbl.. Jerseys, 1.00; cheaper Jerseys, IVOO; 1st Howes, 87.00, Llmea per box. 11.78. V KGET ABLE! Cuultf tower, per crate, 13.00; cucumbers, per box. 11.60; celery, per dox.. Jumbo, 75c; Michigan, SSc; let tuce, ner do., leaf. 40c: head. ll.uO: onlona, per lb., yellow and red. So; white, 2'4i:; cabbage, per lb., lo; pepper, per basket, 60c: tomatoes per crste, 84 00; onions, shallots, per dos., 60c; Italian gar lic, per lb., 2Uc; iusn, rr ib lVc; .1.1.. I bnl.t... ...... v.. ,i4iilMinr,, ;nr lu.i i i ,invwn, 'i t,u,, Idahos, 70c.; Red lllver Ohlos, 6c; Minne sota Whites, one. Swoet potatoes, per Kansas, si.ui. 12 Wabash Missouri Taclflc I'nlon Pacific 41 C. N. W., east 31 C. & N. W., west 8 C. St. P., M. 0 2 C., B. fk Q east IS C, R, 4k Q west 24 C, H. 1. Ai P., east 14 C. R. I. tt P., wost Illinois Central .'. 14 CJilcago Great Western. 1 10 3 3 4 12 M 15 7 2 18 1 8 3 1S7 1.8.7 J.or.8 3,-sS 1,208 44 1 Oil 2.6-i3 3.717 3.41 Total receipt DISPOSITION HEA D, Csttle. Hogs. Pheep. norm K JO ..t.... Swift tk Co tW7 Cudahy acklng Co 1,152 Armour A Co 007 J. W. Murphy Houlli Omaha Pkg. Co. 11 W. B. Vansant Co 8 Benton. Vansant & L. Hill A Bon K. H. Lewis Huston A Co , J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla U t Hues , Itoaenstork Bros McCreary A Kellogg ixo feeder tamh M t K 7S fe, lamb 78 8 28 S3 Montana lamb 73 8 00 178 Montana wethers 104 10 80 Montana ewes !li & 25 74 Montana bucks 117 4 25 1:7 fed ees 115 4 M 13 fed caes IK 5 S5 17 Mexican yearlings 5 7 6 10 fed Ismha M 7 l ) fed we k.i 4 15 28 fed ewe W4 8 M 178 fed ewes ,108 U 8 fed lambs ii 8 60 bbl . MIst'EL,lANtEt)UW Mlis, rer ID., vo. I worthelmor Degen , 1 California walnuts, 18c; filbert. 15c; J H. K. Hamll'on Iecana, 12Hc; Braxlls, 12Hc; almonds, 2c; Isulllvsn HrosT cocoanuts, rr sack. 13.7fi,' per do,, 75c. Hothschlld Figs, per box, 12 12-ot.. 86c; 60 -or, 12.00. Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 1 tales, ugMr walnut per box, 11.40; Hal- 'Christie lowi, per 10., sc. oneneo popcorn, per 10., Wllggln Altlclel Open. I gtgh.l Low. I Close. Yes y Wheat I May. 1 38 1 87S 1 341,, 1 r, 1 TA July. 1 2JS 1 24'a 1 22 1 23 1 23 Com: I May. 7STi 7U 70l 76V . 754 July. 7 71'. 7611 . 1H Osts: May. 85' . f.5i 84,l ' K 65 July. 654, 63 62tt 6t U Pork: . j Jan 1 18 18 80 It 15 11 60 May. U 30 1 C7V 18 221 U 60 19 221 Lard : I i Jan.. 10 67H 10 71 10 Hlj 10 76 10 09 May. 10 W 11 08 10 90 11 06 10 K Ribs: Jan.... 10 S 10 20 10 2S 10 16 May. 10 65 jlOta 10 60 10 ttt 10 624 InvestnientVWill Net8 Threa double Dressed brii-k i.nn.-. Walking distance. Rent for $7(10 per year. rn will resioenu part Of Omaha. Might exchange for vacant city lot or SVItC. American Security Co. Phone Dougla (018; Evenings Walnut or Harney bf. REAL E8TATF MISCFLLAXEOUS Wdking Distance New Six Rooms Modern. Oood location. Karnam car. Level lot. Main rooms la oak. Three bed rooms upstairs. Furnace. . Cemented cellar. - This house is in a new. addition snd hsa never been occupied. Pnon for appoint ment. American Security Co Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. tl.32'44 1-36'i; No. 3 hard. 11.3V4j 1.35M. corn: no. i yellow, www ; ivo. a yel low, tSUfttMlc. Oata: No. 8 white, 51V SlHc; atandard, bfu&hic. Rye: No. 2. 81. 13t. Bsrley: 3'a76c. Timothy: 85oiti7.M). Clover: tit.90M.4)0. Pork: 117.00. Lard: 11046. Ribs: 19.76") 10.25. BUTTER Lower; creamery, !4o to 331 4234c POULTRY-Allve. higher: springs, 134c; fowls, 13fT'l4c; turkeys. 1.16,14c. KUGSr-Steady; receipts, 6.420 cases; at Ml. 60; mini, cssee uiuiuaeu, mic; oruinary first. riAUc' firsts, 3Vfl36c. POTATOES Hteafly; receipts. 38 rr Michigan and Wisconsin, red, Xsatc; siicnigsn sna Wisconsin, wnite, ispvy. 4": crackerlacK. per case, u 60: v, s, 11.76; checker, per case, 13.60, H rae, $1.76. Honey, per case. 18.75. Mder, Js'. Y per keg, 83.60; per bbl., $8.00. Casaba Gems, per crate. $1.76W 00. ; Minneapoll Grain Market. MINNKAPOUB, Minn., Jen. 8. WHEAT May, 11.83'; July. $1.S3VM.83H, asekd; No. 1 hard, $1 35V. m', 1 north ern. fl.3m31.36Vi; No. $ northern, ll.M'J L83i. KLOUR Advnced: fancy patnta, 88.70; first clears. 15.W: secona clears, $4.85; shipments, 81.000 bbls. BARLKY-2ui9c. , , RYE-11.0!1.10. BRAN 123.50. CORN No. 8 yellow. eSiic. OATH-No. 8 while, 49'j4l;c. : FLAX-11.;44C1.67. . Kansas City Oraln sad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. I.-WHBAT -No. 3 hard, $1.87LS8; No. 1 red, 11.27; May, tl.2'4; July. tl.l74 ' CORN No. t mixed. 61'He; No. I white, 70'e; May, 74'4c; July, 7:Sc. OATS No. i whIU, 60T(ffS4jc; No. 2 mixed. 4SV447VfcC. BUTTElt-Crf-amary 83c; flrts, lo; seconds, 2c; packing stock, 20Ho. FXK1S Ktrsts. J?c; seconds, 22c. POULTRY liens, 12c; roosters, 10ic; turkeys, 15c. Hi.' I.oals Cirala Market. ST. lOU18, Jan. 5.-WHHAT No. S red, ll.8ll.S2; No. t hard. $1.31Vr'l.a2; May. tl.M's; juiy, si.avn. CORN No. 3, TO'V ; No. 3 White, Tlo: May, 7Hc; July, TVHc. oats-No. t tvtfrW. No- $ whit. 63 4363V4C. ' Liverpool Orala Market. I.IVERPOOU Jan. 6. WHEAT-Spot firm; No. 1 Manitoba. Hs4d; No. 3 not quoted; No. HslHd; No. 2 hard winter, 10 i'd. Futures, nominal. CORN Spot, nominal. Futures, strong ; I January, 10d; Faliruary, lovtd. FLOUR Winter pstents, 38 9d. Cefire Market. ' NEW YORK, Jan. 8. COKFEB Coffee future continued quiet today, but price were firmer oa bullish European statis tic, which Drompted estimate that tho world' visible supply would show a losa r shout 100000 bans during" December. comparing Witt) an Increase ot 408,(00 bags for the same montns last year, ana ins continued steadiness of the primary markets. Prices here opened at n ad vance of 6 to t points and the market closed at a net advance of to 8 iolnta Kales. 8.500 bags. January, t.otc: reDru ary. .14c; March, 8 24c; April, t.33c; May, t.43c; June, $.38o; July, 7.24e; August. 7.83c: September, 7.40c; October, i,,c; November, 7.64i!; December. 7.9c. Spot, steady: Rio No. 7. 7Vc; Hantoa No. 4. f!c. Both th Brazilian markers wer uncnangea ana mere waa uu inwi m th Rio exchange rate. Hutrmaan Baker, June A fcmlth. Tanner Bro .lohn Harvey Klein .., Other buyers Total 102 IHl 144 II ... 5S! 8 ' ... 38 a ..: 108 M 67 87 32 1U 78 28 . 7 ... 74 . ... 177 187 67 . .5,196 13,646 4.3JO Cattoa Market. Ndw YORK. Jan. 5. COTTON-Stedy; middling upland. 8.05c. Bales 4J bales. Cotton futures Closed steaay- January, 8.02c: March. 8.20c; May, July, .ooe; August. 8.64c; October, .c; uecemDer. f, ... ... The cotton market cioaea steaay at a net advance of 1 to 8 points. LIVEIlfOOl Jsn. . v ui iuh-epoi, good business: price steady : Amenrsn middling fair. 6.7d; good middling. 5 04d; middling, 4.74d; low middling, 4.81d; good ordinary, 3.69d; ordinary, zid; sales. 10,000 bale. CATTLE Receipt this morning bored 817 cars, making a total for the two day uf 13,771 head, being slightly larger than for the same time lost ysar and about 1,000 head larger than a year ago. The demand Waa good and the market aa a whole In very fslr shape. The faot that beef steers sold lower at most market points yesterday, while prices here remained steady, or very nearly ao, made buyers a little bearish this morning and they wanted to buy the cattle lower. As sellers were not In clined to man any price concession wiui out a fight th trad waa In conse quence a little slow on that kind of cattle. The market might in fact b described as slow to possibly lOo lower. Cow and heifers were again tn good demand, and they commanded prices that were steady with yesterday's de cline. A considerable proportion of the offerings changed hands In very good season. Good feeder wer in active demand nd fully steady. Inferior grade ware a little slow, but still without much change tn prices. Slock calves wer lower. t Quotations on Cattle Price yearlings, $8.6(Kg.u0; good to choice cornfed beeves, t8.0o-u.6O; fair to good corn fed beeves, 17 6ni 00;ocnimon to fair cornfed beeves, 14.6ou7.60: good to holce rang beeves, $7.75U8.25; fair to good cornfed beeves, 18.7tVti'7.76: common to fair corn fed beeves. I5.7.".76; good to choice heifer. fyu7.26; good to choice cows. 16,76 (pi. 00; fair to good cows. $; com mon to fair cows, $4.00A6.00; good to choice (tucker snd feeder, fT.vttS. 10; fair to good stocknrs and feeders, $.76Q 7.25; oommon to fair ttocker snd feed ers, $6,754)4.76; stock heifer. $6.2&ai.26; stock cows, $4.76(t.7&; stora calves, $.($ 1.00; vesl calve, t7.O0ijg.76; bull, stags, etc, t6.ooato. Rcpraaentatlv aalss: in.oiw W. II kit New York General Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. SUGAR Raw, steady; molasses. .JU8ii.wc; centnrugal, 4.010 4. OTc Refined, steady; cut loaf, t.85c; crushed, t.76c; mould A. '6.4uc; cubes,; XXXX powdered, 6.10c; powdered, 6.06c; fin granulated, 4.86c; diamond A, REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FOR bALK Vacant lots, located in o un der 4k Hlmebaugh addition to Wal nut Hill, and also In Okahoma addition, both In Omaha. These ar desirable lots nd will b sold for much lea than their value, .as th owner la a nonresident. Will sell separately or together aa do trad. For further particular address, J. 0. Harris & Bon, Ottawa. 111. o ARS Tn ACTS Uf TIT LB. FE ED Abairaot C-. oloaM absiraot of ftoa la Nebraska. IWt P -ndela Theater. kUsnlnus: Douglas hi 1 3. Harney Walnut 3037. KtRK TiUe Uuaraotee aud Abstract to, a mod: a absiran ulli-.a, 3u tt. liib St Fvoa Douglas UI. Omaha liar Market. PRAIRIE HA Y Choii upland No. 1. lio.wviiil w: .No. i 10.50: No. 3. $7.00ti.iax Choice midland. 111.00: No. 1. t'O 0041 lO.SO; NO. 3, 9 Art 10.00; No. 3 t7.00r.00. "holce lowlsnd, 810.01'; No. 1. ritt.50: No. 3. $$00tr.t; No. 8, $.i''ii0. STRAW-Cholce whest, $5. SOflg.OO; choice oat or re1 !.vi 60. ALFALFA Choce pea green, third or fourth cutting. $13.oO'd 14.00; No. 1. $13 0O-tt 13.60; No. 2. llltatflXOO; No. 8, $3.0U(f ll.oo. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK, Jsn. 8. DRY GOODfl Cotton goods were stesdy, but mor quiet on staple line todny. Blanket continued ctive. Overcoatings were being bought for fall by soma manufacturei. Bilks wer In butter demand. Rvaparated Apple a ad Dried Fralt. NEW YORK, Jsn. 8. EVAPORATfcD APPLFH Quiet. Prunes, steady. DHll-'l) FRUIT A prtcots and peaches, firm. l'.aUiaa, steady. Metal Market. BT.- LOI'IH, Jan. a. METALSIad. higher, $3 40213.05; spelter, higher, $8 80 6.60. 1 . . Baak tlearlasa. OMAKI, Jan. 6. Hank clearings for Omalia today mere 13,41 4. 4.4. J an1 for tin curitni. jndlug dy last yar 3- 9"J'i.- .9u. NS. - t 14 I 8 t I 22 17 1 It Ill M t 1 4 t 4 7 1 t I 11 t...: 8 t 4 8 A, rt. No. At. Tt. m t 00 sr tut T tt M ih it i:m 7 10 sn t U till' T It ,.,.1D 7 11 22 Ill IH .....liiW f tt It 1011 T ti ..... t 7 it 1 tint t tt ....inn 7 4t 14 DM I ts .... ui 1 ui n tail t tt ....14 T tS mve-lia AND HEIFERS. . CIllCAf.O LITIO HTOfK MARKET tattle Steady ta Lawr Hags I ettlrd. CHICAGO. Jan. 5,i-CATTLK-Pcelpl 7,000 hwad; market steady to 10o lower; native steers, 8V.vkio.70: western. $4.Mtf' 7.00; cows and belters, $2.8018.00. HOOfi Receipts. 46,000 hed; market unsettled; aversged a shad lower: hulk of sie. $7.to7.86; light. KNMl7.27; mixed, tA.ton7.30; heavy, t".noi7.;cil; rough, t8.iwtr7.05; pigs, $T.2-VJ7.10. PlJKKP AND LAMBf-Heeelpt. U.nn head; market firm: sheen, 85.t01Al.75; yearlings, $.lri477.86; lambs, $,.7M)8.7o. St. Laal Live Dtook Market. T. LOt'18. M., Jan. B.-CATTLK-R-ceipt. 4,900 head; market steady: naliv beef steer. 87. Mty 10.00, row and heifers, 1600f)'ft.75). atockeia and feeders, '.S-f 7.28; southern steer. 15.T6t7.75; cow and heifers. Il.oont.o0; native calves, 1-W 8.75. HOOP Receipts, 18. "WO hssd: msrket steady; pigs snd lights, 8A.WMv7.20: mixed snd butchers, li.10iif7.35; good heavy, 17.20 7 3. . ? tU4?EP AND 7A MB Receipts, M) heu; market lower: native muttona, 14.75 15.75; lambs, IS.JotPl .80; yearlings, V.Si'lt 7,80, 1 . KitMi Cltr tare), fltvrk Market. KAN8A81 CITY. Mow Jsn. . CATTLEr Recelpta, 11,000 head: market lower) prime fed steer. ft.0OinO.75: dressed beef s leers. 37.404J8.75; western teer. $7,00808: strik er ana feeders,; nuua, va.iko' 8.16; calves, 88.OO01O.S6. . . llOQ.s Receipts, 37,000 head; market lower! bulk of le. $7.0ot.20: hedvy, $7.16N7.a5; packer and butchers, $7.0tT 7.36; light, t.W)7.15: pigs. 8i.Jo34.7J. elitKl1 AND LAMEa-Re(?eir, 7,0 head; market higher) lambs, ",SW65; yearlings. tt.Mf7.0; wethers, 15.76Tjii.00; ewes, $5.006.85. Hloax City Live atock Market. SIOUX CITY, Is.. Jan. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 3.W0 hssd: market 100 lower) hstlve steers. $0.0(i0ift.60; butehsrs. 15.25. 0.60; cows and heifer. $4.4tt8.: -tiners, $4O0fie.0O; stoeker snd feeders, $t.Iuj7.30: calves. $7.:6f.60; bulls, stag, etc., $5.00 l!.00. HOGS Receipt. 8.080 head; market Re lower) heavy, irt.lsW7.U6; mixed, $ti tskti.6; light, $H.86g.IW; bulk of (ales, t- .5n.J.tiO. HJIEKP AND LA VBS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steady; we, $3.7503.25; lamb. $8.103 S. Joseph Live Stock Market'.' PT. JOSEPH. Jan. $. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.800 head; market higher) steer. 17.K(f 10.00: cows and heifer, tt.ftttV.OO; calves. $8.00f8.60. , ' HOGS-Receipts. 18.O90 head: market lower; top, 87. $0; bulk of sales. 17.O0iff7.15. HHEEP AND LAM B-Receipt. 3,to head; market higher) lamb. $7.693. to. i NEW YORK. STOCK" MARKET Two Conflicting: Element Are Pri mary Feiturei of the Trading". RISE IN THE SPECULnES Tao eonflktlng elements, covering of short eontrscts and European selling, were the primary features of today's comparatively active and strong stock market. Further settlements by the bear soon disclosed a scarcity of stocks, snd the foreign offerings, chiefly of United States Heel, were hardly large enough to affect that Isjue ncr any of the other leaders, most of which dosed under their best prb-es. hut with s firm undertone. In addition lo th active group, numer ous specialties. Including American com mon and preferred. American Cotton Oil. International Hsrvester, American Woolen and Pullman rose two to four points. The movement was not all tha one way, however, several of the hjfth prWed. as well a low-prloed shares sink- , Ing to n' minimum prices. Anion: the were Louisville Nashville, At lantic ( oast Line. National Railway of Mexico first preferred, Western Msvylsnd preferred and Rumely preferred. The fall In some of these stocks rsnged from six; to fifteen points under previous quota tion. lest1natlon of the M,0niY km bar taken from th assay office yesterday remains a mvstery. New financing by the St. Paul road ngaln came under discussion, hut no de tails concerning the reported bond issue wire availahle. Business on the Ixmdon exchange was 'Mill, but reflected a degree of stability. The imperial hank nf Germany reported a gold Inrrvnrs of t4,2r.O.iO. A broader Inquiry was seen In tha' "no nivininn, witn a higher level of ' prices. Totl sales, par valu. . war gl.hv,.nivt. United Hate government bond wer stronifer on call, ivclotered 4s advancing and Panama coupons and registered 3s ' per cent. Numbrr of sales and leading quotations on stock today were: Sslf 1. mh. L. Cle.' J.Kt w. H IH'. l(D It at sioug City .... Chicago St. Louis Kansas City . South, Omaha ToUls LIT Btock la ilgbt. ' Cattle. Hogs. 4.600 3,000 , 3.600 U.t 6,006 $. 60,000 18,010 12.000 8,600 Sheep. 10.0IO 80, 0 12.500 I.HH0 " J5.0U0 ..81.000 1O7.SB0 88, 10 13 t 10 ... 1 u ... 721 1 t ( ... 40 4 it ... T 4 M ... r.t 4 4 ... W) 71 ...1IM6 I ID ...HlJl 4 10 ... a t on ...lit I it ... MA t ft ...1I4 I ...117 I M II.. 14.... COWS. 1. ... smi 4 ti .., kit 4 M ... Ml III ...Pttl 104 ... M 111 ... N III a AND. HKli' ti.. .Kill I Ot it I It ....1140 111 . ...IW t ti .... M 6 'ib ....ini t to ....1170 t at t is ,...114 t 11 ....KM t l ....110 t II ....IM t M ....list tit I. t. I.... 11.... 11.... IH.. t.... H. .. 14.... I. .. i... t.... 3... 1.... 1.... 1.... iKIFkKK. 441 t to 1 . U 76 I Ml H I BULII. .... 460 4 7j ....ll4 t It .... IHl t ti ....lino t li I ...Alt t IS ,...W0 6 71 , rt 1 61 1 fit I 71 ... lit I It ...10 I ti ... 7 IH ...1WII t 14 ... tnt t 0 ... u t u ... 74 t C ...Ut I It ... i Is ...lino t m t m ...1121 t 41 t Tt ... tt 7 t t.... It.... 2.... I ... I.... 4.... 4.... 1 ... H. 477 7 1 I 7 tt 111 I to ALV n.ti. N t to I.,.. it t U I.... tit t 14 .... TO s A NO itKU - 440 4 71 U 171 t t IN il I M t H H t to 11 Ml t to t;t t 44 4T T t i im t 71 U IH IK yS I U V. to! ,,it.,o-SOUTH DAKOTA. No. Av. pr. 8 feeders . fbO 8 83 HOOrV-Rscelpts were fairly liberal to day, about 14 car, or 12.6u0 head, being reported In. Total for the two day 1 32,478 head, being almost 7,000 larger than a week ago, and a gain of more than 1,000 over last year. Heavy recainu at all prints started a fresh break all along the line this morn ing, and, In sympathy with aeskar ad vice from otbar marketa, first bids Coast Millers Say Nebraska Has Edge ) A NO ELKS, Cal Jan. J. -California millers began a fight today to obtain a I "mtlllng-ln-translt" rate to enable them to compete with middle western mjllera, when th esse of the Olobe Orsln and Milling company versus the Bants Fo snd other railroads wa argue here be fore Examiner Wood of th Interstate Commerce commission. . ' ' W. R, Keller, president of the Milling company, testified thst tnllloi in Ne braska eould chip grain from that state, mill It Into flour at El Paso snd nd It onto California for a flat rale ot U cent per hundred pounds. California millers, he said, paid 68 cant for hsrd wheat from other atstea and a cent more for flour from th gme grain shipped from th mills to California points. 1 Alaska oi , AntstRamiten' "ojpr .... Am. Beet sugar Amerlrss tSn Amrrlru 8. ft Am. h. a n. pre Am. isr RsfiBiag AmerlrHS T. a T. . Amerli'SIt Trtls're , , Anxonda Mlalng , AlrhUoo , , Salllmsr tc Ohio....... hrorklvn Rapid Tr.i.... rallfnrnia r-ieiHsam Canxiian 1'arlflo Cer.iral latkar Chesapeake Ohio fhleaao o. W rtilrsaa. M. 41 Ht, p... tirs N. W. Chtes rorese nlorade fuel rnm ... (oloraao Mrniihorn.... P-nrar J:lo liranrte.... Pitorer S R. O. pit Mstlllars' Pwurlllos .. Erie Oaneral rie-trle Orast Vorlher p.' Oraat No. tjra ma nurnanhelm tiplorallen.. Illinois lnlrl b.lerlmrnnaili Mat. pM... Intplrailnn topper tmarssuanat Marvaatar., Kalian, It v tin hern. ... y"wlvlle A. Naahvlll.,, Menirait Pairoleuia ..t.. Miami VuptMr , Miaxnurl Pacific , Mlrsourl. K. T Nsilosal Mucull , Vsllnnll ta4 h'srada Copper New York central.. N V.. N H H. ...... Norlnlt A Waoiara Ne.rlher Parillo raffle Mall P"lfie T. -T Iennarlranla Pi'llman falan Car,.... Rar i;oa. Copper......... Raatltis ..TTTTT. I Mapuhllo Inn A Htael.... koek Ialan4 l.a RcoK lla4 Co. pM 11. L. & H. jr. 14 pM.., Ksolhera Pacific Soul ham Railway Tanneaaa tpper laxaa iiompany ..... t'nloa rallle t'r.los I'arlfln bM t'nliet Hiaies ilial I'. H, Kfaei ptd , t'lah C.,pper , WalHwk pf I Wsrlern t'nloa Weallii(houas Clartrio 3M 117 400 I.4O0 l.TOI 1.40(1 , sen 71 '1,83 "ioo lot in, I4 ! Kt KKi H7 39 ..... sx't r i:tt l.oon sj 101 i4o4 in 1144, l.wt r; .uts Ml ; i 1MI, .' 'inij 131 tl 1404 114 2ta .ton sno lei 17t II vm us ino J1114 u, inn , 1 e !. Joo rio 40S it.4oe Mil) t"i 10I4 14 it 4 0 14. 4. tot tut 11i 6n l'4l fj n:i 111 1 t.Vi 11 lot 11 J- 1U1, 'iiii 14 I. 4.700 11 t ui) I. lis) 10,44 J.m 48, in IH MM It Ml t Total mlra (or Ih. da. 141 lot shares. in.. W 4HV, IS tv VI 34 ;-i Sl ISSiJ lle 1- J", .-. It 1'', It"' 4I', tTfc II U:'4 . a i 11'. !2 1l 114't 7' H'7 1 en. Ih 1 ll:i 'I HS lie fi ll! (. KM 101 ' 18 . lea l.vt 1 l4 lH 1 i I'. 2. UH H's, 111 iivs- 7i' IS, 1, 40 V, It . M'tt ', ir smaaey .Market. NEW YORK. Jan; l-MONEY-TIm' loan dull; t0 and W) day. 3Vi3V r.r cent; six months. SHfit per cent f'-ii' money steady: high. t per cent' low ' 2H per cent; ruling rate, 24 per .t , loan, 2 V per cent; closing bid! 2U , orr cent; offered at Li per rent ' p'r MBRCANTILK PAPKH (V4 per cent : f TKRI.ING EXCHANUB-Htead OO-il.v mM f' Cab1"' ,tK; t0t d BILVER Bar, 484e; Mexican dollan, T7c, BONDS Government, strong; railroad firm. ' LONDON. Jan. . SILVER Bar. 2Jid per ounoe. 1 DISCOUNT RATES Short bill 2. per cent; three month' bill. 2afi2tt n,,' cent. 1 . . Closing quotations on bond today wr s (ulltws: , V. g. rf. 2. n$-... fj M. pe. tt. 8a StJi to coupon ' T. C. g. Jia... 7il f . a. r 'rj2 Y Chr im,imi4. ts eiuson lsiH K, T. stat. 4V4a..,.iir V. 3. 4a. rag N. Y., N. H. H. 4 00 unol 1014 r, ts imu I'susata o.upoa..l No. Taclflo 4a d!i Am. HaielUrs ts...1o;IVi 5 A. T. T. or. HtsH0. H. U rf. ts.... t;i Armour A Co. '4Ha.. Ht f. T. A T. ts....... Hf.iT. Alcmaoa gas- ...... m -rwau. too. 4s M Pal. A Ohio 4a V IReayllng fra. ts iu -hea. S. IJhL, 4Ul.. 1S 8. I. A V ... , r. . Q. I. la... KS4"o. Pao. e. 4s kv II IH I I F 4. tt ral. a,- C. R. I. A I. . 4S J4 to or. la C. A . rer. 4I4B , I" 14 So. Rallvar 1st aa.J . D. A R. O. rf. tap tt lalOB Fa-lflo Tm.... Mia,' Krva (aa. 4a It do cv. 4a ,. ? Kris. fcWxMi'le U...1C3 V. 8. Rubber 4W....ldiC fH. Vs. 1st 4..... I 14. nasi &a )u! 111. X rsf. 4s.... M Wabeah lat la a; A N. sol. 4a.... 01 Wast. tla. t. ts.. l M. K Bit T. Ut 4a. t W9 M loa Formidable Sunk by Torpedo, Says.Berlin BERLIN. Vla Wlreles to BayMlle). Jan. 4. An official announcement mad publlo through the official press bureau today stys: "A submarlns hoard reports by wireless t tb admiralty in Berlin, that It hss torpedoed and sunk la the English chan nel off Plymouth the British battleship Yormldabls. "Ths submsrlns wss pursued by British destroyers, but escaped undamaged." Kills Wife and Self ' In Midst of Crowd SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. ..-Morris Miller, a baker, shot Ms wife, Marie, deed here today after chasing her a block and a half through the street. Thsn he shot maoa y local pacaers war arouno iuu ana K1U4 himself as a crowd attracted lower, reller were asking steady prices I h r.Mi , and, aa they were In no Tiurry to msk I th .p"ult r,B to UDOI, nlm th concession asked by killers, th early I Mr- Miller reported two week ago to round passed with nothing murn sold; the police that her husband had thrtat In fact-it was sfte. 10 o'clock before . h f- tK.. -.,-.. quently much of anything waa start od ward. Buyer had aturk by tbeur early offer for quit a whil. but, they wer unable to fill any order at the prices, things gradually Improved aa th forenoon advanced, and when first sol aeie finally made tit figure pa' 1 war a scant nickel Ipwer. Even at this time the movement Wa very draggy. nd as buyers were becoming snxlous, bids con tinued to strong ihea vp, so that bet or Caaadlaas Mm Itesert. M'INNIPEO. Man., Jan. 4 Instructions bv been received that all Orek reserv ist now In Canada must report at oo to th color. The mobilisation order state they must bs ready to tsks up their duua with thtir riwtntt Match t H ) r my, tt 71 Mil 87 Local Stork and Boad. . Quotations furnl.h.4 t Bursa Brtaker A Co.. 441 Omaha National bank salltiagi tkarka -. PII4. Aakeil. lars at t o. pra., Kalnnont Ciaamary 7 par ooal pft... KalrsMni Craary t par asai guar.. Mountala Htatea T. 4k T Omaha A U B. R. A B ,. Omaha C. B. BU Ur. ptt t'oioa Btock Yarta, Omsk &oo4a- Canpar, Wro., Wstar Ss, 1S34 fvdabit Parking Co. ti, 11.4 Mr. la. 1M7 '. liura f par uaal warrants. Kln Co . Vlul, l, 1U Umols Taj. Co. la, Itu Lo. AnplM By. l. 1M0 Cltr of atoatrtal u. Wit O.haoah. Nek., grbaol ts, 1104 OoalM A t:. B. Hi. Ry. is, Uut.. Omab Hrhool 4',., mi City of Onuba Water 4tta, INI... ran trasoiaco. Col., ts, iell-lt. Swill A Jb. Is, 144 tcrlbaor,. Nab., WaWr to. lilt..,. upanor, nan., waiar .a. 14.. tt 1(X , M14 lot .. tt .. 1-4 .. M 104 tt) tt 14 IN M.78 tt i s let H'i lo tt.te lot M l M.7 tt 10 it Wublta I'nlon Stock Yaids ta, JJ4.. aa lot Lantlaa Btock Market. LONDON. Jan. Business was brisker In the American aection on th stock market today, especially la L'altaxl males Steel shares, which cliant hands between 6iv and al4. Canadian Pacific oll from 1H4 down to l.4,. but rallied and closed at IV A large busi ness wa don in war loan and consols, tr.A nSftolal n .1 .. marking In American rail and boode. You Can't Cut Out A boo srATiM,p vr r o TuoKocoariN, will clean Ihem off ptnnancndy. ana yon wore tne port tamo time. Doat) not blister or rtmovt th hair. 2.00 per botile, tlelivertd. Will tell you more if yon write. Book 4 K free, ABSORiUNE, JR, ths antiseptic liniment lor maniiad, rdurt Varicoig Veins, K.uptnrei Maaclaa w Ittuvata. Islam (;kuiOa. (Mitiaa. Wna Cya. A nan pal sausir. Pm tl.o aj f t ot iMaU at trutiuu s teavoiaa. tiasalacrsra eab bp W..T0W. f. 0, "..104 ItatH lUltrlsiflila, Mats,