Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HKK: OMAHA. Tl'KSDAV. .lANTAKV 5, 1015.
, flasUty Btorihf Os- on.
KaT Boot ITta I Now Rf-nn !Tsa.
Birrt-0raaa Co. UMln fix
turfs, , "
as; a Scat to Jail Thomas Smith,
Art Carter and Jesse Htldrrbrsnd. va
rrantd, wre sentenced to thirty days in
Jul! toy Judge Fostrr.
"Toaaya Complrta atort torra"
rlaaaifiad seotlon today, and appears In
Tha Bra EXCLUSIVE L.V. t"ln out what
U.s various moving picture thiaWs oftar.
. Commarolal Club Elaotton Data ,lan
, nary 18 ls'sot for the annual flection of
thp. Commercial club. Plrcrtcira jot tha
rluh will bt chosrn for the coming year
at this elei-tlon.'
A Happy sad rrospsrons JTsw Tsar la j
tlin very loast that anyoiw ran wish you, j
but an offUfi In The Fee building,' "tho
bnildlng that Is always new." makes ;
wlsha conie true.
Waw Boy at startia Moms W. J.
Martin of the office of Vlco rrcslifcnt
Munroe of the Union 1'arlflc. is rejoicing
in 4he arrival of a nine-pound boy, born
at tho Martin home Sunday.
Vtar Polios Caaa Appaals A start was
nindw In Judge English's district court
un thf bearings of 118 appeal casts from
police court, -ner the appellant were
convicted of minor offenses. ,
McOovara Back to Bask City Commls-
jilocer. Thomas McGovern, superintendent !
of publlo Improvements, ha;) returned to J '
Ma office after a week's Illness with a j . . . .. ..
cold and severe throat trouble, j pBfoB to Chrl(tn)I(, wn hla
Xountss Vlaos House Bold What ui family on condition that ho would ro
om's the garters of the Child Savins' port o the officials at Kearnvy Im
lHstitute. 181 Maple eti-eet. has Just been Ddiately foilownw thi liuHdnys.
aold by B. F. Turney to Ulllan M. Gold- j alrl 9oflM BonB.-Stnlla Moore
smith for a consideration of Ul(t, Clrtj;1 ,vJns s bo,,,
Oold.ub.rr tosa. lap Bobs-M. tlolJ- , forfeited bonds of ill. each by S27 North Twe..ty..eoo..d , ansWfr
reporta t the police that a heavy black j of ,rw vMa
In probe was stolen from nil automobile '
t Twenty-eighth and! Chicago street. ouaa suci-sana ioowa-M.cuv
mi i'ni p, H.L ine yum net uiuit'B ui mo
Ilork JyUnd, Tliorim J. Houlihan, chief
CtLEcnai 1
Big Cirio Organizations Are Naming
Delrgates to Attend Session at
' Commercial Club Friday..
Various clubs and organisations In the
rtly are taking a keen ftiterest In the
bl Mlnsourl river navigation maa meet
ing to e hel. at the Commercial cluh
rooms Friday evening. The llntary club
has appointed a special committee whoae
duty it a 111 bo to get the entire member
ship out t attend thla meeting. Tho
luiaincp men feci that Missouri river
navigation Is the livest project under
taken here for soma tlme.
The Ad club Is to have a meeting on
Thtirsduy. at which time a delegation will
le definitely designated to attend the
mcetinc. The Manufacturera' association
is to have a delegation present and a
great many bther organisations are either
appointing definite delegaClona or are
urging the general membership to conns
out. Speakers from Kansas City and Bt.
Joscpl) will tell the mass meeting of the
success cf the Project between ft. Louis
and ' Kansas City. The Commercial cluh
hus already rajtlsfied Itself that a barge
Una between Omaha, aad Kansaa City Is
entirely practtcaHe and that cheaper
trankpoi Utlon can ba obtained thla way.
Ninety Years Old
And in Good Health
One of the plcaaanl features of the
dnnday morning services at the North
Presbvterian church was the presence of
John H. Theirs, elder emeritus, who yea
trrday was W years of see an 1 who is
In fairly gool health, shle to be out of
the house every day.
Klder Phulp cupled a sent near the
pastor and at the cloc of tle riMiiiiiunlon
servlres, delivered a short addrcVs. When
he had flnhhHl, he was presented w ith a
large bouquet of red ami wlite carna
tion sn.l a purse well fllle !, girt from!
his friends. This sftomoon from .1 to'
5 o'clock, at the home of his :aushter, !
Mrs. Salmon, I'-Vi Hpcnccr street, bis
tlicmls are Invited to call. It bring the
purpose to hold an Informal rerrptlon.
1'iitll retired not long nro. for sixty
years Mr. Phelps was n eld-r In the
Prcahytci Isn churi-h. lie has Iwen a
ineinler of the church from clilldli(Md ami
Is one of the old time resident of Nc-braxka.
Conlit ot ttntk with It hew ma I lam.
A satisfied put lent writes: "Sloan's l,ln
Imoivt cui-eil my rlvumatlstit; am grate
ful; I chii now walk without pnln." Only
:V'. All druggists. 'Advertisement.
lliirllnaton trains from tha northwest
were fruni on" tr two hours late, the '
delay lielng aused by a little freight ,
wreck one-half mile east of Punning. At 1
that point, while a westbound frelaht
train was innvinK alonK at a low rate of
speed two cars near the center of the
train were d. lulled. Tao cause of the'
derailment ha nut been determined, hut 1
It Is supposed to have ix-een brought I
shout by a-' broken fhinge on one of the
Wheels of one of the csrs that left tho
rive ulllgators recemiy purli.ied '
the lily hsve arrived fnd will te kr
In the llansenm park greenhouse tin
SU Inu. Then tliey will bo put In a ts
at ltlvervlew pml(. :-eie the ty
Is located. IHck Crotlce, city purrhn
lug agent, snys thet thu nlllgatnrs vs
In bngtli from elghtec.i Inches o fi
feet. The smallest Is 1 years old and t
l.-irgcst 1
Hco S'ant Aus Arn the lcs. Buslnf
Head lnily by Teoplo in Search of A
rtlcd Opportunllicr..
Suae Vuion aoiflo Suit for $20,000
brought in oistrlet court for the estate
of the lato Jamea Fappas, former em
ploye. Ilia death was due to the de
fendant's negligence, It la alleged.
Two la SMvorce Kill Divorce mill
have been filed In district court by Mrs.
Mabel I. James, who charges Benjamin
S. with cruelty; Mrs.. Cynthia A. Weaver,
who alleges Ernest A. has fallen to sup
port her. t '
TriToluntary Bankruptcy Petition The
Hanson Works Lumber company has
filed a petition In district court, asking
that tha National Box company, which,
concern they assert has contracted debts
to the amount of $1,000, be declared bankrupt.
Back fym Bantlaf Trip The two
crack shota of Crelghton Medical college,
Drs. Charles Swab and .Harry Jenkins,
icturned late Saturday with a big bag
of game , from Iladdani, Kan., the .home
of the former, where they spent part of
the vacation.
S.nUnoad for Bobbin Oar Charles Ee
Ilass was sentenced In federal court to a
year and a day in Jail for violation of
the Interstate commerce , regulations.
Ilass broke Into a sealed box car which
waa in transit from New York to San
Kranclsco. M. Carson, was' sentenced to
four montha In the Adams county Jail for
usins the mails to defrabd. .
Bandar Chambers' winter term, new
classes, opens Monday, January 4. Adult
beginner Mondays and Thursdays, 8 p. m.
Assemblies Wednesdays, 8 p m. Ladles,
Tuesdays, 8 p. m. - Children, Tuesdays, p.
m. ; Saturdays, 1:80 p. m. High school, 1:80
p. m.; Saturdays, ? p. m! Private lessons
by appointment. Up-to-the-minute dances
taught. List early. Fhona D. 1S71.
Br. Sabnay t at Comm.noam.nt Dr.
Charles W. Dabney, . president of tho
University of Cincinnati, has been se
cured by Superintendent of Schools E.
V. Graff to deliver the address at the
in Id-year graduation of .the. Omaha High
school, to be held the evening of January
22 at the -High school auditorium. Dr.
Dabney'a subject will be "Schools and the
Citv." ,
Smith Oos to Jail Del R. Smith, Who
i cferk In the freight departmciit, be?omea
traveling freight agent, succeeding L. C.
Tpiicum, who goes on indefinite leave of
absence. John C. Fltzpatrlck, rate dork,
eucceeda Houlihan, '
A gain of 10.000 in population Omaha
In 1914 Is estimated by the City Directory
company, which la to iesua Its new direc
tory soon. It Is given out that the new
book, will have at least 100 mora pages
than In 1914 and that each page has an
average of 100 names. Tho representa
tives of -the directory company made a
house to house census each year.
Ci. H. Humming, 33 North Twenty
fifth street, reports to the police" that
burglars broke In he rear door of his
home Sunday evening and stole a quan
tity of Jewelry and 8.70 In fcash. Ho offers
$,70 reward for the return of the Jewelry?
Davis Colim, 417 North Twelfth street,
reports to the police that burglars broke
Into his barn and took a quantity of
i i
After examining several witnesses In
behalf.. of the charges of reckless driv
ing against S. N. Vogel, 1417 North
Twenty-thtrd street. South Omaha, who
ran Into a bobsled last week, with his
auto . at Twenty-fifth and Hamilton
streets, breaking, the right leg of Harold
Rand -. and the left arm of Fred Fhln
rock, the case was continued until Wed
nesday. ''
Thla Is a Bad Hoilb.
Tha Indoor life of wlnten With lack of
outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load on
the lUdneys. Nearly everybody suffers
from-rheumatlsm, backache, pain In sides
and back, kidney and bladder ailments.
A backache may not mean anything seri
ous, but Uncertainly; does not mean any
thing good.- ft's ScCtsjr to He on the safe
side and take Foley 'Kidney Pills to
strengthen and Invigorate the kidneys
and help them do their work. They help
rid the blood of acids and poisons. Sold
by all dealers. Advertisement.
An exceptionally heavy run of live,
stock oocurred at South Omaha Mondnv.
was sentenced to six months snd fined Reports show 10,000 hogs. 5,800 cattle and
5,000 sheep, while a number of cam were
Shipped direct and not sold on the ex
change. Fifty-two cars of horses were
also sold on the local market.
W as an accomplice . In the Walter S.
rV.mmons case, gave himself up to Logan
, Bammons, brother of the convicted man
at Kearney. Smith was granted a
The National Farmers' congress has def
initely set Its dates for the big annual
national convention, which Is to be held
In Omaha this year. The bureau of public
ity has received notice that the meeting
la to be held September 28 to October 1,
Inclusive. This will mean that they will
be here during' the Ak-Rar-Ben festiv
A" number of copies of The Bee's New
Yearedltlon were sent by the1 Nebraska
Telephone company to the head offices
of the ' American Telephone and Tele
graph company at New York for the
files of that office. This Is the big an
nual edition of Tho Bee that carried an
exhaustive summary ofthe year's busi
ness In all lines in Cmaha, and mad5"T
th. comparisons with the previous -year
An unusual complaint, that of "violat
ing the Sabbath" and officially registered
as "maintaining a nuisance," haa been
sworn out against the Sunderland marble
mills. Forty-second and Lafayette streets
by H. B. Heddlng, 4219 Lafayette street.
The mills are some times opersted upon
Sundays, and Heddlng is opposed to hear
ing and seeing Sabbath -made a work day.
Read the "For Sals" ads
bargains of the minute. .
If you want
'Fifteen, or even thirty, days will suit
me fine and I will then agree to get out
of town, judge." pleaded Halpli Cunning
ham, itinerant, when brought up An the
police court with his partner. Thomas
iHnnock, for stealing an overcoat.
Cunningham pleaded guilty and Judge
Foster accomodated the prisoners to the
full extent of the spokesman's rei-unst
Important Announcement!
. ; : ;
I desire to announce that I have secured for the Lynne
D. Upham Co. the general agency of the Fidelity & Deposit
Company of Maryland for the State of Nebraska, with offi
ces at 122j25 City National Bank building, Omaha, Neb.
The Fidelity and Deposit Company is one of the oldest
and strongest Surety and Casualty companies in the world,
with assets of nearly $12,000,000.00. '
This agency is clothed with authority to promptly fur
nish all classes of Surety Bonds and Casualty Insurance.
rfarvie A. Jewell, for many years with the J. H. Mithen
Co. and for the past two years with the Baldrige-Madden
Agency, becomes vicQ-president of the firm, and will be in
charge of the Bond Department. The other members ar
Lake Deuel, Jerome D. 'Bowers and D. M. Newman.
This agency will continue to represent the Preferred
Accident Insurance Company of New York for its superior
Accident and Health policies. Our leading fire companies
will be .the Liverpool and London and Globe of New York,
and tho Firemen's Fund. ,
I take this opportunity to thank my friends and patrons
for the confidence they have placed in this agency and our
ability to give prompt and efficient service, and can assure
you our Service in the future will excel, if possible, the ser-
vico given in the past. . ,
Lynne D. Upham, Pres. v
ei the Devi
Do Yen
r Worl
The Hart-Parr "Little Devil" Oil Tractor
Burns chpapest kerosene and other low grade fuels. Only smali oil tractor in the world
If you're farming only an average size farm, you probably have'
$1,200 to $1,500 or more invested in horses, and probably $300 to $600 more in port
able or stationary gas engines necessary to do the work of ONLY ONE "Little Devil." Working or idle, your
horses require expensive fuel but the "Little Dovil" uses cheapest kerosene for fuel and requires no care,
costs nothing when not actually working. -
Sell three or four of your horses. Invest the money in a "Little
Devil." Then you can do half again more horse work and all of your belt wqrk, with
out investing a single penny more than you haVe invested. xThe "Little Devil" uses the same plows, cultivators,
listers, discs, drags, harrows, harvesters; corn binders, etc., that you now use with horses.
And best of all, it does' all the horse and belt -work ever so much
cheaper and more seasonably. It more than pays for itself in a single season out of
what it saves. That's why no farmer can afford to be without one.
$7CA' Only $1C0 per horse, equivalent horse (5t7El ft
OU power. ONE-HALF the price of horses V
buys a "Little Devil" and starts you on the sure road to better farming, bigger crop yields and greater profits.
The VLiitle Devil" will plow deeper, cultivate more seasonably and save you money at every turn. .It burns
cheapest kerosene reducing fuel bills one-third to one-half and haa automatic, liquid cooling system, prevent
. toff ell tterjpjfs to the engine from over heating or freezing, with consequent costly repairs.
- ! T t ,.' '
JU '.?
vmf-4Jhti-':J lift
1 . ' T-- 'Mr
a a .
i I
at .
' '' ! ' , ,-
jtrjaaMrlsjsi - s . m m k m - .M..
V:"::' ' v .
The "Little Devjl" is so simple, rugged and reliable in every detail that it practically eliminates loss of time
and heavy repairs; It requires no stable room, no harness and never gets sick. . . (
Here's How the "Little Devil" Helps With the Corn Crop
Lists, plows, plants, cultivates, harvests, husks, shredvfills the silo, shells, grinds or hauls the corn to mar
ket. EATS NONE OF IT. The "Little Devil" has 30 inches clearance, the same as a cultivator arch, so that it
can't possibly injure the growing crops. , ' " ; i
Here's How the "Little Devil" Helps With the Small Grain Crop
Plows the ground, drags, harrows, rolls and seeds;. harvests, threshes, runs the fanning mill to clean, hauls to
market) or runs the elevator in handling the grain. EATS NONE OF IT.
Ar ' Here's Some Other Work the "Little Devil" Will Do Besides!
Plants, plows and digs potatoes. Hauls, grades roads, pulls stumps; cuts, rakes, loads and stacks the
hay. Saws wood, pumps water, runs the light plant, EATS NOTHING. .Takes up none of the barn room. , No
expense when not actually at work. '. ' , v .
You'll Want a "Little Devil" So Act Quick
, Sell three or four of your horses now, while war prices prevail.- Invest in a "Little Devil" and you will
never do a better stroke of business in your life. But don't delay. Don't put it off. Write for full particulars
and get our special bulletin giving full details. Our supply of "Little Devils" for spring delivery will be very
limited, so order quick andxbe sure of getting your outfit in time for the rush spring .work.
. - , '
A "Little DeviV Agency Offers Golden Opportunities for Dealers
Hart-Parr "Little Devils" make so much money for farmers that they simply won't be without them, once
they learn of all their possibilities. Every farmer that works as many as four horses is a good prospect for a
"Little Devil." We have an attractive proposition to dealers for the sale of "Little Devils" in exclusive terri
tory. Don't let your competitor beat youlo it, but get our agency proposition now, before your territory is
snappec up. If you are attending the Dealers' Convention in Omaha, don't go away without seeing the. "Little
Devil" at the Hart-Parr Exhibit at theAuditorium. Look it over. Judge for yourself what a wonderful little
outfit it is. Then talk it over with our reresentatives, at "Little Devil" headquarters, 118 Paxton Hotel
Factory and Main Office. Charles City, Iowa