Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Gardner Says Army
Not Large Enough
For Defense of Paris
Sale of Muslins
and Sheetings
now Basement
Buy Blankets and
Comforters, here
now save money
We Want You to Share in this
Great January Linen Sale
Became there may never be another like it. Cer
tainly never before have we been privileged to offer
finer linens at lower prices.
January Sale of
12. SO fable Cloths 1.73
2."5;Ttl Cloths. ..... .2-6o
$3.00 Table Cloths. ..... .2.25
M.75Table Cloths... . . .'.$3.00
$6.0 Table Cloths. ..... .M.OO
$7.60 Table Cloths... VO0
f lfr.'OO Table Cloths 89
$1.76 Bleached Napkins.
tt $1.80 dozen
$2.50 Bleached Napkins.
at $ 1. 73 e dozen
$3.50 Bleached Napkins,
at $-J.73 a dowM
I4.G0 Bleached Napkins
at $tt.OO down
$3.00 Bleached Nspklhs.
at $3,73 a dosen
$6.00 "Bleached Napkins.
:' ' ""at '..'; .... .$4.00 a dozen
$7.50 Bleached Napkins.' . -
at. t . -t . . $5. a dojsen
,110.00 Bleached. Napkins.,
at $7.ftOadocen
$60.00 Bleached Napkins.
at $43.00 adosen
12ic Huck Towels
Sale price, 5c each
llmlt One doirn to a Customer.
Fancy1 Linens
K Could you ask for
; $8.75 Madeira Napkins, $4.3ft
$10.00 Madeira Napkins, $3.00
al dosen.
- $13.50 Madeira Napkins.' $0.75
a doserr.
t $$0.op Madeira Napkins, $10.00
g. doceri.'
$50.00 Cluny Lace Table Cloth's,,
C23.0O eCb. ' 1
$85.00 Filet tace riect, $12.50
f ach.' ' v
iliiicH 'arm
German Official Report Admits Xoit
of Yillafe .Around Which Bat
tle Hal Been IUg-injr.
iir.nuj.-x. Jan. y v ireires u
lxndon fitrlnWm IheAlmitisa town on
the helcht. betwM'n Thann and Senn- i
. , ., . , , .tl . .
hc-lm. for which desperate fighting has
.een going on ior,sverai oays. wae wn.
ial!y admitted by the jQcrman army
headquarters' atatument today to have
been captured by', the Trench. , .
The Trench also took poasesalon of, the
heights to the went of Keniihcun. but the j
I I ... I
'mm"mm sesiJggMBgisasjsgggge sMgessssasHsassi saisjHSBgsBjBsssMBiagsjsM ssagfasgeggsjajsgeiaiiiMi saBMSgsgesHsasaeBesaeisapM -MBMBSMigeiBSBeBsaMs
-'Jf it's coffee that is causing your nervousne'sa, headache, heart flutter, bilious
ness, or sleeplessness, and you want to keep on trith theso troubles another year, why
stick to coffee! .' . ....
(It's an established fact that the poisonous drug,
. caffeine, ; in coffee causes these" arid, other ills.). ;;
Hut if you"' want to
and use
.;.'..' ' the delightul pure food-drink.
Made from prime wheat aud a bit of wholesome molasses, and free from
caffeine, or any other harmful bubstance. , 1
" ' t . ...
Usually a ten days' change from roffe' to 1)STUM is sufficient to convince
most coffee drinkers that
. ..."There's a Reason" for POSTUM ,
Table Cloths
$12.00 Table Cloths t9
$15.00 Table Cloths 10.00
$20.00 Table. Cloths ,15.00
$35,00 Table Cloths flT.OO
$30.00 Table Cloths $20.00
$60.00 Table Cloths $37.60
$100.00 Table Cloths. . . .$75.00
Extra Special
John 5. Brown & Sons Napkins
$10.00 Napkins, January
Sale Price. . .$5.00 a dozen
$4.75 Brown's Napkin,
January Sale Price, $2.89
n dozen.
(LIMIT One dozen to a
Tea Toweling
15c Tea Toweling, Wtc yd.
17c Tea Toweling, 16c a yard
I30c Tea Toweling, 17c a yard
22c Tea Toweling, 18o a yard
25c Tea Toweling, 20o a yard
at Half Price
a finer bargain?
$65.00 Wet Lace Scarfs, $33.50
each. ,
$25.00 I Cluny Lace Cloths,
12.00 each.
$16.00 Cluny .Lace Cloths,
$7.ftO each.
$16.00 Madeira Cloths, $12.50
$1.60. Madeira, Dollies, 75c ea.
$1.00 Madeira Dollies, 50c ea.
25e Madeira Doilies, 12ac ea.
Oemafi, 'InaTcounW'atUok with the
bayonet, succeeded, la regaining; the posi
tion. ') i,!'(M l','
The text of the communication follows:
"In the western theater of th war. ri-
Ioepl for a more' or 1ms heavy artUJery
combat along- the front, it we generally
"Only near Thann (Alsace) did the
enemy show , great activity. After an
(overwhelming bombardment of the
heights to the west of Bennhelm the
enemy succeeded during the evtnlng In
capturing our , demolished trenches . on
these heights and In connection therewith.
ins village or pteinoacn. wnicn wm stub-
Sorely , defended and which frequently
hM ett nwntloned In our reports Outing
th last few days. The heights were re-
Uhen aftef ft
,tUct Fighting for the village of Stein
bach continues.
"In .the eastern theater of the war the
situation Is unchanged. Our .attacks In
Poland to the, eaat of Raw ha river con
..... i . . i . .
know the joys of freedom from
The Day of
are marked at
reductions from
regular prices.
Wash Clothes
500 doi. Turkish Wash
Cloths . . 1 H c oAth
500 do. Turkish Wash
Cloths 2c each
500 dox. 6c Turknlt Wash
Cloths 2Mo ech
600 dos. HMe. Turknlt
Wash Cloths 8c each
1,000 dor 8 c Turknlt
Wash Cloths 8c eaten
Huck Towels
18o Huck Towels, sale price. 12 Ho
26c Huck Towels, sale price.. 19c
46c Huck Towels, sale price. ,85
60c Huck Towels, sale price. .29c
75c Huck Towels, sale price BOc
11.00 Huck Towels, sale price.75
11.60 Huck Towels,, sale' pc.fl.oo
Jerry Sullivan, Baok from New
York, Says Bniineii Gradually
Recovering from. Depression. .
(From a tSaff Correspondent.
rES MOINES, Jan. 4.-(8peclat tele
gram.) eJrry B. 8uUlvan -of this city,
member of the court of customs appeals
In New York City, on a vlalt .homo, do
clares his confidence that the European
war will be of great commercial value to
the United States.
' "I bellevo the United States' note to
Great Britain will have the desired ef
fect." said Mr. ' Sullivan. "Our .shippers
are becoming more careful. When Eng
land discovered hidden contrabands of
.war going out of our harbors, such as
- .
coffee. troubles, quit coffee
(Tuesday) at 8:30 A. M. .
Our January Dress Sale
Our entire stock of dresses will be on sale
at greatly reduced prices. No dress has been,
purchased for sale purposes. Every dress is
. from our regular stock every dress reduced
Street Dresses, Afternoon Dresses, Even
ing Dresses,: Dancing Frocks, all go into
this Great January Sale.
sizes, 16 to 44, are included.
Xotc those
All exclusive
$85.00 Evening
$75.00 Evening
$65.00 Evening
$50.00 Evening
$35.00 Evening
$25.00 Evening
Dresses $42.50
Dresses $37.50
Dresses $32.50
Dresses $25.00
Dresses $17.50
Dresses $12.50
Street Dresses
$32.50 Dresses $16.25
$25.00 Dresses $12.50
$22.50 Dresses. . . $11.25
A Wonderful Glearaway of
Dress Goods and Silks
The very small prices are
carrying them away so fast
that wo are unable to specify
any particular favorites.
Many lots will not bo men
tioned in the papers at all.
Many lots are only largo
enough to last one day. Shop
early and share in these bar
" (
copper wrapped In bales of cotton, it !
naturally became auspicious. New York,
City Is gradually recovering from the
depression on account of the war. The
great cause for gratification Is our enor
mous export trade, particularly in wheat.
Horses are being shipped outofUiis
country by the thousands."
Orders Meat lasprctlon. " . '
The city council today passed an ordi
nance providing that all meat sold in Pes
Moines for food purposes shall be In
spected by either the United States gov
ernment Inspectors er Inspectors ap
pointed by the slate of -Xiwa or by the
city: It also provide that places, where
meat Is slaughtered shall be tinder direct
supervision of the city Inspeoter so that
all rules of sanitation shall be obeyed.
Gardner Cowles. publisher of the Des
Moines Register and Leader, was named
by Governor Clarke to succeed James II.
Trewln for the State Board of Education
tod air, Mr. Trewln resigned last week.
Cost of Iowa raatpslcs.
C. O. Wats, In a, deputy secretary of
state, has) forwarded te Washington a re
port on the campaign expenses of the va
rious committees In . Iowa In the recent
campaign, as they have filed their re
ports in his office. They were desired
by a congressional Investigating commit
tee. The reports showed that the repub
lican state committee . spent In 1903 la
Iowa $K,..T2; In 1!U1 they spent $8,301.31.
The democrats In l'JOS spent I3.S3.I7. and
in 1912 (lS.14t.44. The progressiva party
spent ' In IMS in ' the presidential cam
paign In Iowa
Prabate Pees Ks Reported.
The state examiners of county account
report that in number of counties the
probate fees are not . turned In to the
public treasury as they, should be. The
manner of getting around the law Is to
have the district court appoint the clerk
as a special referee In probat matters
and direct that he shall receive certain
fees end retain them. la one county re
ported on last week the county clerk had
received 11.200 In this way and It had not
been accounted for. In the same county
: the sheriffs had received In four years
two above their proper salaries.
Briar saltfc Deals .
Mrs. Betsy Smith, ho Is serving a life
term for killing hsr husband, will not be
released unless there Is -change In the
personnel of 'the board -or the governor
overrides the latest report. The parole
board baa reported asalnst granting any
clemency to her. The case was twice
tried by the Court, twice reviewed by a
legislative committee, and this Is the sec
ond time before the board The report say
she is a model prisoner, but the board
does not believe in recommending any
clemency to life termers.
Tkara Cattawea as riaimaa.
Clifford Thorns was ' again elected
chairman of the railroad, commission
today for another year and George Mc
CauKhn secretary. ' James II. ' Wilson suc
ceeded Colonel O. J. Palmer, who re
tired after seventeen years of. service.
The office force of the commission rr
eented Colonel Taliner with a handsome
i leather grip and he received an Inscribed
; statement from the force and his as
Kttflii ta Oe4 CeaalOea.
Many people suffer from iajlgsatioa
and constipation and do not know it A
feeling of dullness and laaguldnesa. bitter
taste in the mouth, headache, bilious
fever most of these conditions when you
"are net sick, but don't real Hshf
be traced to sluggish bowels and torpid
liver. Foley Cathartic Tablets clesnsa
the system, erouss the liver, banish in
oigestioa and make you "feel good all
over" light, energetic snJ ambitious.
Fur sale by all dealers everywhere. Ad-
Afternoon Dresses
$75.00 Velvet and Lace
Dresses $37.50
$00.00 Lace and Silk
Dresses. $30.00
$50.00 Silk Dresses $25.00
$35.00 Silk Dresses $17.50
$22.50 Silk Dresses $11.25
Dancing Frocks
$32.50 Dancing
Frocks $16.25
$25 Dancing Frocks $12.50
75 pieces of Dress Goods go out
la one whirling special. lUlf Price.
Women who come early will
choose from a wonderfully fine
variety. Beautiful fabric. Nearly
al of them from abroad. Your
Choice One-Half Regular Price.
$1 to fl.60 Silks 50c a yard.
We have taken some of the
finest imported and domestic silks
in. stock and marked them at a
fractional part of their original
cost BOc a yard.
Western" Eailroadi Asking for In
creased Charges' for Hauling
' Many Commodities.
WASHINGTON. Jan. t-Publlo hear
ings on freight rate Increases proposed
by railroads west of the Mississippi river
will begin in Chicago Febuary 15 and will
be conduoted by Interstate Commerce
Commissioner Daniels.
The hearings will mark ' the beginning
In public of an important rata case, es
sentially different from the recent east
ern ease, in that the western roads are
not asking tor a horlsontal Increase in
all rates, but en Increase ba?d umn
traffic conditions and upon the move
ment of individual classes and com
modities. ,
Some of the advances proposed aggre
gate as much as 10 per cent, while others
amount to only 2 or I per cent On some
kinds of traffic no Increases have been
proposed. It is understood that western
roads have endeavored to revise their
rates so as not to bear too hard en the
general shipper.
All of the tariffs submitted by the west
ern roads have been suspended by the
Protests. particularly from
the railroad commissions of the western
states, have been filed with the com
mission and concerted action by the state
commissions will be taken in opposition
te the Increases.
It was announced that February 11. 11
17 and II would be devoted "to the pre
sentation of evidenoe from respondents
supporting in general their claim for in
creased rates' but not Including- evidence
In support of increases of particular
rates. Beginning Monday, March IS, op
portunity will be given for the presenta
tion of evidence In rebuttal of such gen
eral testimony."
Ths program for the hearing follows:
February arnln and m-.ln -
February U-V, live stock, fresh meat,
packing house piodurts and fertlllaor.
Ci'rt!? 1'h u'w and broom corn.
March -, cotton piece goods.
March -. coal and coas.
March 14, salt.
March ll-U, frtilt and vegetables.
March It. rice and rice products.
March le-la. shlDnera anI abv nDiwin
the Increases will hava ODnurtunltv In
present evt.lnce In rebuttal to the claims
of the railroads. . .
Two Negroes Are
, Hanged by Mob
MONTGOMERY. Ala.. Jan. 4.-Twe ne
groes, Ed and Will Smith, were taken
from the Wetumpka jail early today and
lynched by a mob. They bad been ac
cused of complicity in the murder of K.
. BUll well.- an Elmore county farmer.
Soon after : reports rsaohed the - gov
ernor's office that a mob had overpow
ered the Jail attaches at Wetumpka and
removed the negroes, Montgomery mi!i-4
tlamen hurried toward the scans la at-
tomoUies. v UowevaCv they "Mere too' late
to prevent the lynching-, i." " " -
Searching parties ltr fojund; .ths ne
groes' bodies hanging- In- The- woods, five
miles truer Wetumpka. Three supposed
members ef the mob are in jail at Wet
umpka. - : .:...,.
Governor O'Keil lordwred a special ses
sion of. the Elmoie ceoaty giaud jury td
Inveetlaate tha lyochmas. Three' Mont
gomery nii.ltla oompanles-'remaMed at
Wetumpka throughout the day.
Russian Official Report Says Great
Battle is Raging Along Front
in Poland. .
FETROGRAt), Jan. 4.-An official com
munication issued last night by the gen
eral staff et the Russian army regarding
the fighting In Poland and Gallcla. says:
"A strong artillery combat has been
fought all along the front on the left
bank of the Vistula.. The attempt of the
Germans to gain ground In certain places
In the region of the Bzura river was with
out sucess.
"On the night of January 2, we dis
covered the passage of Germans across
the Bsura In the vicinity, of Kosloff and
BIskoupL Having watciied the concen
tration of the enemys forces, one of our
glorious regiments surrounded the Ger
mans. They attacked them with the
bayonet without firing a shot and killed
several hundred of them. The survivors
saved their lives by surrendering.
"About 3 p. m. -on January J, a brigade
of German Infantry attacked our position
near Borkimow,. northeast of Boltmow,
nut the carman assault was repulsed
with enr.rmous loss by the fire from sev
eral batteries and a counter attack with
tne bayonet. , .
. ueaperate lighting occurred during
the night of January I,- continuing until
daybreak, southeast of Raws, where we
succeeded in dislodging the -enemy from
some of the trenches which they had
previously taken. '
"South of the Pillca -river, fighting took
place at Metalrle and Gasrhek. west of
Inowlods .and also southeast of Mal
gosscs, near Volmine, .where, we .repulsed
all attacks of the enemy, ,'..
"In Gallcla, the fighting around Gor
lice and Kaklicsyn continues.
"In the region of the Ussok pass and
Rostokl (south of Llukoj we mave made
progress. We drove the enemy, who fled
in great disorder. We captured 2,000
prisoners and some mitrailleuses. Sev
eral companies of the Aus)rians surrend
ered In a body. In their retreat to Csok,
the Austrian abandoned arms and am
munition. v
"Our offensive in Bukowlna continues.
(Continued from Page Cne.)
tion. Hcott of Hamilton moved to table
the resolution, and after some discussion
the motion carried, S7 to 22.
A committee on employes will be se
lected consisting of three, one esch from
the eastern, central and western parts
ef the state.
Saffraalsta Appear.
Suffrage lobbyists have beguri to ap-
, pear on the scene, and It is evident that
the members will enjoy the privilege of
being buttonholed during the session by
the women who desire equal rights with
men on the voting and holding cfflce
On the republican minority side there
Is little doing.
For floor leader in the house on the
minority side, John II. Mockett ar.d C.
P. Peterson, bot hof Lincoln, were after
the place, while the names ef James
Nickols of Madison and Dennis Cronln
of O'Neill were frequently mentioned. In
the senate B. K. Bushes appeared to be
the choice of the republicans.
Breaks a Cold,
Opens Clogged
Head and Nose
Relief comes instantly.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses are taken, will end grippe
misery end break up a severe cold
either in the head, chest, body or limbs.
It promptly open! clogged-up nostrils
anj air passages In the head, stops nasty
discharge or nose running, relieves sick
headache, dullness, fsverlshnsss, sore
throat, snsealng, soreness and stiffness.
Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling? Ease your throbbing
bead! Nothing else In the world gives
such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Com
pound," which costs only 15 cents at any
drug store. It acts without assistance,
tastes nice, causes no Inconvenience. Be
sure you get the genuine. Advertisement.
V ,.''. . . - 7
New term begins Monday. January 11th. Adult beginners Mon
day and Thursday a P. M. Adult advanced. Tuesdays 8 P. M. (Only
new dances taught Is this class.) Pupils joining class January 11, 12
and It will be given s reduction of $1.00 on tickets. Application re
ceived now. Phone Harney SliJ. Private lessons daily. Up-to-date
' dances.
WASHINGTON. Jan. -Representative
Gardner, urging his proposal to Investi
gate the military preparedness of the
nation, told the house mtlitsrr commit
tee today that the entire field ormy.
mll!ti. legulsrs and all of the Vnlted
.tstes would Just shout garrison Parle,
and the fnlted States today owns "little
more than half of the number of guns
Rtidala had st the bsttle of Mukden."
Mr. Gardner had a series of lively pss-
sages with members or the commiuee.
which he srrefgnod for not summoning
Major Generals Wood snd Crosier te get
their a on preparedness.
He quoted figures to show that th
combined force of re&ulsrs end nations!
guatdemen would form a battle line sixty-five
miles long, two-thirds of the way
around Greater New Tork, and that com
pared with European nations the equip
ment of field guns of the United State
srmy was negligible.
Mr. Gardner said he understood a con
fidential report at the War department
from one of the observers In Europe said
some of the French field gur shot away'
600 or 600 rounds n day. Klght American
field guns, he Fald. could shoot away
mmunltlon as faet as government ar
senals could make It. Secretary Garri
son, he said, had directed army officers
not to volunteer any statements and tbsl
he doubtless was acting In sympathy
with "the White House ideas." Want Ads rroduce Results.
Kept. Getting Worse. Very Sore.
Inflamed and Unsightly. Itched
and Burned. Used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. InShortTimeWell.
Routs No. 3, Bos 27, Frederic.
"About a year ago, pimples and blackheads
broke out on my face and kept getting
worse and worse. At first my face was
covered with blackheads and In a short time
small red spots appeared here aud there
which Increased very rapidly. My face
became very sore and inflamed. The erup
tions were very unsightly and disfigured
me badly. At times they itched and burned
so I had to scratch them and alter that tbey
got still worse. '
"I used two different remedies but got
no good results. I wrote for a free sample
ef Cuticura Soap and Ointment and that
seemed to give good results so I bought three
Cakes of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuti
cura Ointment. They stopped 'the burning
at once, and in a short time I was entirely
well, and all disfigurement was gone."
(Signed) Gunard Friberg, November , '14.
Beauty of sldn and hair promoted and
maintained by daily use of Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Ointment. 1
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 33-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boa
toe. 7 Sold throughout the world.
Tonight, Wsd.
ana Tbursaey
With "The Perfact
ryioes, Mat, 850-S1 Kvgs., 8So-gl.&0
BOYD CoHglat
Extra Attraction Alice Virginia
Davis, ytaalst Betwsea Acts, and
Kata Wednesday, Saturday, 8 So
ms-fcts. 85o iu Sue
BTsxt Week The Bis; Bensa
tloaal Drama TM nOBT,
-OKAHA'a rtrar osrria-
Dally Mat 15-81 -Soa.
Bvngs, lS-gs-eO-Tse.
Ths Style Skow ef MriVVKQ Ufinnwe
sCualoal Burlesque "" uiwvHW
Mr. Max Bpetgel's proudest offering. ;
Must Korgeously gowned and aumptously
sta-ed production of the season. Has '
the l look. Wrenlc Beauty Chorus of
framing, Pouting pets.
Dour las
M e.rtrad Other Acts: Lambertl.
CorhTeV l"Ho'ee. the Great," Ash.
I ,. cognian ,ey & Canfield. Kalmjr
A Brown. Martin Van Hersen, "Llttli.
;ieoM Qascolgns, Orpheum Travel Weekly. -
lira.: MuiBM. utnarr. iw; (ri.
evt Katunur tua fiuaasji). SScj alibis. tM,
15th and Xaraey
X.ast Times Today at 11, 18:15, 1 :30, ai5.
4:00, 5:18, S:30, 7:40, 8:50, lOaM
And Bar Son, Basse!! William Thaw, la
Wad. Mary riokferd U "ClaaereUa.
Classes Friday Bight. Ladies Monday,
. m.1 Children, Saturday, 8 p. m.1
Private Lesaoas by AppolaUaeai
Phoae Webster ease.
Baalasat Swiss Pianist, T. W.' C. A, Au
ditorium. Thursday Bvenlag, Jan, V.
Tu-kets. 60e, tl.ou and II 60, selling at
Hayden liros. Jliet Music Departmsnt.