Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Governor Morehead Will Deliver
Inaugural Address to Mem
bers Thursday.
K.ircatlre Dora Hot Cmrr for
FrlTltr mA So Indicates o
Those Who Arr Making;
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. S. (Special.) Tuesdty
at noon the gavel will drop and the two
housea of the Nebraska leglnlRtur will be
railed to order. In the senate Lieutenant
Governor McKelvIe will preside until
Lieutenant Governor-elect James Pearson
lias been sworn in, which will be on
Thursday afternoon at the Joint session
of the senate and house after Governor
Morphea 5 has delivered his message.
Over In the house Secretary of State
Walt will open the ceremonies and after
the formality of electing the speaker and
other officers chosen by the democratic
inajtty the night before has been con
cluded will turn the gavel over to the
new speaker.
One tiorernor'a Message.
On Thursday, probably In the afternoon,
the two houses will meet In representa
tive hall and listen to the message of
Governor Morehead. As the governor suc
ceeds himself, there will be but one men
sage, and that will probably be short and
to the point, as the governor has already
expressed himself In favor of a short,
message and will follow tho program of
President Wilson of going after one thing
and artviiig it and then go after another
when the first la completed Instead of
recommending several things all at ono
Mew officer to Be Sworn In.
The new state of fleers will then be
sworn In by the chief Justice. Charles W.
Pool, democrat, succeeding Addison Walt,
republican, aa secretary of stato; George
K. Hall, democrat, succeeding W. A.
George, republican, as treasurer; William
It. Smith, democrat, succeeding W. V.
Howard, republican, as state auditor; A.
O. Thomas, republican, succeeding J. K.
Delzell, republican, as state superintend
ent: Willis E. Reed, democrat, succeeding
a. G.- Martin, republican.' as attorney gen
eral; Fred Beckman, republican, succeed
ing himself aa land commissioner; Thomas
L. Hail, republican,, succeeding himself as
rait way commissioner, and James Pear
son, democrat, succeeding 8. R. McKelvIe.
republican, aa lieutenant governor and
presiding officer of the state senate. In
addition to these, Conrad Hollenbeck. non
partisan, will succeed Judge M. B. Raese,
republican, aa chief Justice of the supreme
There will be no Inauguration ball. Gov
ornor Morehead believes In Jeffersonlan
simplicity and really does not believe he
would cut very much of a swell dancing
the tango and other modern dances, and
so to save himself has) called off the
Hotel in Beatrice
Suffers from Fire
. .. ,.- . '
BEATFICE, Neb., Jan. 3. (Special Tel-gram.)-Flre
this evening partially des
troyed the Interior and the west end of
the Butler hotel at Third and Court
streets, driving the guest Into the streets.
The firemen succeeded In confining the
flames to the part of the building, where
the fire broke out. The cause or me lire
is unknown. The loss la placed at $3,000.
covered by insurance.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. S. (Special.)-W. F.
Prists of Des Moines ha been appointed
state chemist in connection with the pure
food department of the state to-fill the
vacancy caused by tho resignation or a.
I. Redfern. who has filled that position
for many years and who accept a similar
position with the Iowa pure food depart
ment at a substantial Increase in satary
Mr. Frlsbee haa been second In charge
of the state chemtsfa department In Iowa
for seven years and is a graduate or xaie
wwa Notes of Colambas.
COLVMBUS. Neb.. Jan. S.-(Speclal.)
The installation of the new officers-elect
of the Grand Army of the Republic took
nines Saturday night as roiiows: c. .
lltckok. commander; John R. Brock,
senior vice commander; J. H. Galley,
onartermaster: J. R- Blodget. Junior
vice commander; A. M. Clark, chaplain;
K. J. Cleveland, guard; W. A. McAllister,
adjutant; B.. R. Blsson, officer of the
Two more candidate entered Into the
ran. fnr nostmastershln thta week. The
list of candidates now Include S. J. Ryan
s. K. Marty. Max Ellaa, Louis Zlnnecker,
James Haney and Dan Kavanaugh. No
time ha been fixed for the primary yet
by Congressmasn Dan V. Stephens, but
It Is expected It will be held seme time
this month.
At the annual meeting of Columbua
Omhiui society the following officers
were elected: John H. Hlnkleman, presl
dent; W. J. Gregorlus. vice president
Anton Vogel. treasurer; Loul Held, sec
retary; O. W. VlerguU, manager; Alois
Frischola. trustee; William Schwader,
clerk of trustees.
Patronage Fight
Causes Squabble
In Hotel Lobby
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
USCOIjN, Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.)
For over an hour this evening Charles
W. Bryan and Representative Fred
Hoffmelster engaged In a heated dis
cussion In a remote corner of the lobby
of the LIndell hotel, at times the waving
of arms and the shaking of fingers '' i
dlratlng that the discussion was Inter
esting. The trouble was over the appointment
ot a postmaster at Imperial, the home
of the representative from Hitchcock
county, the latter objecting to Brother
Charlie butting In after Congressman
elect Shallenberger had been given the
right to name postmasters In the Fifth
district. Bryan Insisted that Campbell,
the Shallenberger candidate, was not the
right kind of a democrat, while Hoff
tnelstcr Insisted that the people of Im
perial were able to do their own select
ing without the aid of Prince Charlie.
At the close of the argument both men
said the argument was a friendly one,
but It was noticed that the representa
tive continued considerably excited when
talking about the matter.
Conference to Be Held at State
House to Talk Over Flans to
Bring Change.
Need of Shorter lln an Its F.ffU
rarr Compared with Present
System Will Be Theme
' peeled that the conference will appoint
I a committee to work with tho legists
' Imp,"
Usllot mul tho Hallway I ASKS U S. MINISTER
Tho lord mayor received a telegram to
nUht from Mr. Van Dyke, the American
minister at The Hague, saying he was
doing everything possible In behslf of
"The Short
"The Short Kallot and tlie .lu,licUr ."
"The Short Ballot sn.l Ij-gls'.ntK lie
form." "The Short Ballot and Count v orNres"
"TI.e Merit Svstem of Ainw.lntn ,-nt s n
Corollary to the Short Ballot."
"The Direct Primary und the Short
The purpose of this conference, says
C. A. Sorensrn. secretary, "Is to rrtsl-
llse the rapidly growing sentiment In
favor of the short ballot. It la ex-
Joe Berger May Jump
To Federal League
i ROCK ISLAND. III., Jan. J.-Joe
Berger, utility Infiolder of the Chicago
Ainericnns, who was sold recently to the
Yankees, may Jump to the Federal
league. Ho received a visit and an offer
today from Otto Sllfel of the St. Louis
Federals. Bergpr said the offer waa
considerably more than he received last
year from the Chicago club.
I "But If the terms offered me by Rup-
pert are what I expect I will stay with
Organized base ball," he added.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. S. (Special.) A short
ballot conference will be held at the
state house, Lincoln, January 1a. This
conference, which is said to be the first
of Its kind ever held In this state. Is be
ing promoted and will be held under the
auspices of the Nebraska Popular Gov
ernment league.
At the afternoon session the discus
sion will be led by Victor Roscwater,
editor Omaha Bee; F. L. Bollen. Crof
ton, former state representative and
chairman of the Popular Government
league; L. E. Aylsworth, Lincoln, pro
feasor of political science. University of
Nebraska; F. A. Brogan, Omaha, former
president of the State Bar association
and W. L. Locke. Lincoln State Journal
At the evening session J. N. Norton
Polk, state representative; R, Beecher
Howell, Omaha, republican national com
mitteeman: E. I Havelone, Beatrice,
treasurer Gage county; A. E. Sheldon,
Lincoln, director Legislative Reference
bureau, and'C A. Sorensen, law student
and secretary of the Popular Government
league, will lead the dlscusslou. Sen
ator Kerria haa written that he will at
tend If he can possibly get away.
,iom of the subjects which will be
discussed are:
"The Need of the Short Ballot In Ne
braska." "The Application of the Short Ballot
to State Offices."
I 1.PKD3. Knislsml. .Inn. 3 (Via Imndon)
1 Lord Mnyor Bedford hns appealed to the
American minister at The Hague, Henry
: Van Dyke. In In-half of Pilvate William
Lonsdale, an Knglish soldier who has been
I sentenced to death In O-rmanv by a su
perior court-mat tlal for attacking one of
the guards at the prisoners camp at
I lHelierlt. Iinsdale's home is In Ieeds.
AMSTERDAM. aJn. t (Via lndon V
According to a statement In the Nord
deutsihe Allgrmelne Zeltung. a summary
of whhh was given out today by the offi
cial press bureau In Berlin. Germany no
longer consider binding the exequaturs
of consuls In any territory which has
been occupied by Germany during the
Chicago Marriage
License Clerks Busy
CHICAGO. Jan. S. Cupid started tho
New Year with a rush her today.
marriage license bureau with three extra,
clerks employed, Issuing a permit a
"Best resolution you could make." was)
the greeting of louts Irfigner, chief clerk,
to the first embarrassed couple which
came to h'.m.
Read the "For Sale" ad If rou want
bargains of the minute.
Notes From Omaha's Suburbs
t.aae foisty Ships Floor.
BEATRICE. Neb. Jan. 3. (Special.)
Gage county's carload of flour for the
Belgian sufferer was shipped Friday
from Blue Springs to New York. The
car, which contained 900 sacks, was con
signed to W, c. Edgar, publisher ot the
Northwestern Miller, who la promotor of
the movement to send flour to stricken
Thomas Search, an old resident of the
Barm-ston vicinity, died Thursday night
aged 12 years. Heart trouble was the
lause of his death. He is survived by
a widow and two children.
Jacob WWbe and Miss Helen Tiahrt
were married Friday afternoon at
o'clock at the horn of the bride' par
ent. Mr. and Mr. Henry Tiahrt. near
lloag. In the presence of nearly 2U guests
Rev. John Penner. officiating.
Cheek Year BnrlnaT t'oaah.
Dr. Bell Plne-Tar-ltoney wui slop
your cough and strengthen your lungs.
Oet a bottle now. Only ate. All drug
fc-UU. Advertisement.
Miss Carrie Seabark has gone for a
short visit to Schuyler, Neb.
Harry Rivett and Francea visited rela
tive in Lincoln last 'k end.
Mr. and Mrs. James McClung visited
Lincoln friends during the week.
Mrs. V. R. Shelley entertained at a
large watch party New Year's eve.
Corliss Totman of Lincoln visited local
friends and relatives the lust week.
Miss Lillian Stelger went to Plattsmouth
this morning to visit at tho Smith home
J. M. Orlngdulnh of Wlsner spent New
Year's day with his daughter, Mrs. J. N.
Nebraska university students have re
turned to their work after a two weeks'
A. N. Bliss of Miller. Neb., was a guest
at the William Butler home during the
last week.
Mien Madelyn Horton ot Clarke, Neb.,
has returned after a two weeks visit
her parents.
Mrs. Earl Priestley of Fremont Is spend
ing a week at the home ot her daughter,
M rs. ' Forney.
Oeorge Bpeedie of Nellgh. Neb., has re
turned home after a visit at the home
of his brother.
Mrs. William Butler entertained at Sun
day dinner for the Washburn-Sumptlon
wedding party.
Mr. F A Dover and son are visitors
this week at the Harnett home. Fifty-
ninth and Main.
Frank and Albert Bellls of St. Joseph,
Mo., are visiting this week at the Grove
home on Bensonhurst.
Me mil Mrs. N. H. Tvson are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. Charles O Randell
of Chicago this week.
ntrt-ai narilea durinc the week were
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Liljenstolpe
of Scott's Bluff, Neb.
xtr mnA Mrs A. J. Keneer have returned
to Ashland after a visit to their daugh
ter, Mrs. W. H. Loechner.
win Wllunn of ltavraonil. Neb., vis
ited Benson friends on Wednesday, while
on a business trip to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Davis, late of Ne
braska City, formerly of Benson, nave
returned here for future residence.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tindell and W . H.
Tindell, sr., have returned to t-nicago
after visiting old friends here for a few
Miss Mao Nichols and Miss Edna weK-
ley of Valley are spending a few days at
the L. P. Byars home on t my-sevenm
ui.u -ior Vordlev and June Grove
return this evening to their work at Wei
levan university after a two weeks vaca
tion here.
it i Atkinson was called to les
Moines Wednesday by the death of her
sister at that place. Mr. Atkinson went
to the funeral baturday.
The services of the various churches
today are on New Year' topics. Sermons
and music by tne cnoirs are u n '
of New Year's resolutions.
Ed A. Stelger has returned from a ten
days' visit to his brotner s nome si
Thayer. Mo. He i porta a fine time ana
good hunting in tne uixi.
Mr mrA Mrs. Albert Otto and daughter.
t oii ir New Year's a-uents at the C.
Uteicer home. They are en route to their
home at Bloomlngton. in., aiier a visit.
at Aurora. Neb.
The following Bensonltes were licensed
to wed this week: David Mllner of Ben
son to Miaa Goldle McCabe ot Kockford,
:. Lourence Thorsen of Irvington to
Mary Schaefer of Benson.
T KatiiTviv evenlns- David Washburn
and MIh Haxel Sumption were married
at 5 o'clock by Rev. Mr McClung of the
Presbyterian church. Tney were anenaea
by Dr. Glenn Bliss and Miss Dorothy
Llndberg of Sidney, Neb.
Bruster, Minn., where she was called by
the death of her sister. Mrs. Henry
Mr. and rs. W. O. Chandler, who
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A
Taylor, returned to their home at Wal
nut, la., Monday.
R. E. Harrington and family of Lin
coln returned to their home Tuesday,
having spent the holidays with the H. W.
Harrington family.
The Florence schools will open Monday
morning. Two weeks will finish the first
semester and then the pupils will enter
upon the new year's work.
J. H. Price spent New Year's at Mis
souri Valley with his wife and daughter
returning Saturday. Mrs. Price and Mlxa
Florence will return today.
The following teacher have returned
from their vacations: Miss Krlsl from
Lincoln, Miss Meyer from Sutton, Miss
Meyers from Beatrice. Miss Cole from
Norfolk and Miss Klrkpatrlck from Lex
ington. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Graff of Great
Falls, Mont., are rejoicing over the ar
rival of a daughter. Mrs. Graff, who waa
formerly Miss Lillian Bondeason, came
to Florence about two months ago t'J
visit with, friends and relatives. .
Monday will see the university students
from Florence back In their places. Miss
Lula Mae Cue and John Butter, and
the following will return to the state
farm. Helen Ltovsky, sen uonergan
and Will Boettger.
The Ponca Kensington club met with
Mrs. O. Dlnklns. Wednesday. All en-
Joyed a very pleasant afternoon, and the
next meeting win oe neia at me nome or
Mrs. Krenxer. Those present were
Mesdames Morln. Sachs. Krenier, Bro-
dersun, Jasperson, Alback, Lelovsky and
Mrs. F. 8. Tucker I reported on the
sick list.
Mr. J. B. Brisblng, who has been very
111, Is able to sit up.
Mr. B. O. McCloud returned to Chicago
the first of the week.
Miss Kmma Davis spent New Year's
with her friend at Peru, Neb.
Miss Kems and Mr. Walter Kerns have
returned to their home at Stanton, Neb.
Mr. C. B. Llese and son of Csj-thage,
R. D. were guests or Airs. m. a. ruani
Mr and Mrs. L. E. Steyer were called
ti Freeport. 111., by the death of Mr.
Steyer1 s father.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver u. mass or Mann-
ville. N. l., spent me nuuaays un snr.
Chase' parents.
Mrs. T. A. Lmon ana aaugnier rave
returned from St. Louis, where they
spent the holidays.
Mrs W. B. Grosvsnor was called very
suddenly to Bloomfleld. III., by the sud
den death of her slater.
Mrs H. J- Witt and daughter re
turned Wednesday from Iowa, where
they have been visiting.
Mr and Mrs. J. F. Mcl-ane and family
have returned from their holiday trip
spent at Lincoln and Cere", Neb.
Mrs E Johnson and Mrs. John Olsen
of Council Bluffs were guests of Mrs.
Swa Anderson Wednesday evening.
Miss AUie Houston and Mis Alice
Cleave of Chicago were New Year guests
of Miss Corrin Armstrong la Omaha.
, Alia. CerrtU Jennsen left Sunday tor
West Ambler.
Mine Ethel Hammond has had a her
holiday guest Miss Carol Bauman of Fre
Mrs. Charles Buarmar was the New
Year's guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mrs. S. C. Campbell and son, Walter,
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. U.
Haatlngs on Friday.
Mlsa Lillian Givens and Mrs. H. 8.
Miller have been confined to their homes
with severe cases of tonsllltis.
Mr. and Mrs. William McDonsld left!
for Los Angeles on Sunday, where they j
will visit relatives until April 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Wllner Blackett had aa
their New Year s guest Mr. and Mrs.
Coral Miller of Monmouth Park.
Mrs. M. McGrall of Ashland haa been
the holiday guest of her mother, Mr. M.
Moore, on South Fifty-first street.
The young people of West Side rare a
surprise Watch meeting party for Miss
bmma Welsenberg New Year eve.
The meeting of the Ladles' Aid society
of Jennings church was postponed on
Thursday on account of cold weather.
Theodore Wright waa the guest of Miss
May Blackett at her parents home on
South Fort) -eighth street for the weekend.
Mrs. L. Durllng and family of Walnut
Hill were holiday guests of her eldest
daughter, Mrs. C Boyland, near Griffin
Roy Christlanson of West Center street
gave a reception at his home to the Bap.
tlst Young People s union on Tuesday
Miss Marie Carlsen. having spent the
holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ola Carlsen. here, leaves Monday for
western, rcu.
Gladys and James Shandy Tlave been
the week s guests i their grandparenta.
Mr. snd Mrs. I. Shandy, at their home
on the Heights.
Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harrv Adaiiifc, Is very low with heart
disease at the family home, Forty-eighth
and Wool worth.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Parker bad as
their week-end guests her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Stults, at their new home
on west Vinton.
Robert Morsn. whose death occurred at
a local hosiiiial, was burled at Forest
Lawn Wednesday. He was a brothoi
of Mr. G. W. Arnold of Omaha.
Mrs. John Blake will entertain the
Women's Christian Temperanoa union at
Its semi-monthly meeting at her home in
Echennen on Thursday afternoon, Jan
uary 7.
Mia Filiabeth Long, who has been
spending the holidays with her mother,
I . V . T . U W XJr. I K'
returns Sunday as teacher of manual
training In Miller Park school.
Mrs. M. Chambers, who has been ths
guest of Mrs. rank IMinn In West Side. !
left Saturday for Onlbashee. la., where
she will spend the winter with her daugh
ter, Mrs. . C. Mead, and family, for
merly or west niae.
George W. Ie of Oklahoma has been
visiting friends In this vicinity the last
Mrs. R. T. Propst and children spent
Christmas witn relative In Plaits-
Mia Margie Taylor departed for Plain
view to spend the holidays with her par
ents mem.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Tavlor and I
family of Wankoiuia, Dkl., arrived this
weea lor a visit wun rem liven
Mrs. William llownid gave au after
noon tea Thurudny at her home. Qulla
a number fusis were invitee.
Here Are Some of the Proof s-The Reasons Why
the Hart-Parr "Little Devil" Oil Tractor
Is So Positively Reliable and Durable
In a previous announcement we told you, in a general way, what the
"Little Devil" is and what it does. In this advertisement, we give you positive proof
that the "Little Devil" is more reliable, more durable, and far superior to any other tractor on the marm.
Frame This is the arch plate girder type. Hot riveted throughout,
giving the stiff est, strongest and lightest form of frame construction known.
Gears Only seven gears and pinions used in getting two speeds for
ward and two speeds reverse. No differential gears with their multiplicity of parts
to cause trouble; no governor or cam gears. Just a total of seven gears. All are
spur gears not a bevel gear in the outfit and all are made of toughest steel-all well protected and well lu
bricated All except two encased and running in oil. That's why there's no chance for gear breakage and
mighty little chance for gear wear in the "Little Devil."
Heavy Duty Ball Bearings Throughout except engine and rear
axle bearings. You know how ball bearings work. They do away with friction
need no adjustment. They wear longerwork smoother will stand more abuse and
run longer, without oil, than any other bearings known. They are expensive but they are the bestthe most re
liable most durable. That's why we use them in the "Little Devil.' '
. '
The Motor Has no cams, cam gears or push rods. No valves, valve
levers, springs or flippers of any kind no valve timing. Just two, smooth, substan
tial cylinders, with some holes in them of proper sizes and in the proper places-not
one thing about them to adjust or to get out of adjustment. Nothing but the two pistons and their connections
that even move consequently nothing else to wear. You know what causes the trouble in motors the cams
pound the puBherts the Jolnta Ret loose the springs get weak the valves hammer the valve seats and pretty soon evemng
starts to near-gets loose clatters and bongs. The valves get out of time your engine loses power you har. to .stop to adjust
It or something breaks and you are laid up for repairs. The "I.lttle Devil" motor has none of the claptraps about It Just om
hole! bord in the cylinders. It can't get out of adjustment. There In nothing to get loose there is nothing to break. The hole.
tsv richt where thev are nut you go right along, day after day. with nothing to bother you and you get Just aa much powtr
?rom the "UttTe DevU" a! the end of the day. as when Vou started. The motor la covered with a neat, substantial hood, just Ilk.
an auto. All other vital, moving parts are thoroughly well protected from dust, dirt and grit.
Two Complete Systems of Ignition One standard magneto, the other
dry cells. If one system gets out of order, you can go right ahead on the other,
without a moment's delay.
Simplest Form of Carburetor Known has positive feed injection,
without fuel or water pump. No air valves or springs, nothing to adjust, nothing to
get out of order.
Lubrication Positive, automatic, force feed lubricator. Just pour
in the oil and the lubricator does the rest.
Automatic Liquid Cooling System The cooling liquid is furnished
with the tractor and lasts for years. It can't freeze or lime up. It cools the motor
perfectly in hottest -or coldest weather and requires absolutely no attention.
If you're a farmer, you want a "Mttle Devil" on your farm. You'll need It for getting your spring plowing done and your
rrons started on time. It does all the work three or four good teams ran do even cultivating growing crops and it does It better,
Quicker and cheaper than hoibes. In addition, it will do all your belt work, for which you now use one or more stationary or
portable khh engines. But don't delay. "The Little Devils" are. going mighty fast. And the sooner you get your order In, the
more likely you will be to receive your "Little Devil" in time fo'r spring work. The prlco is only
Just $1C0 per horse, equivalent horse (&7Cirii
power. ONE-HALF the price of horses 'r '"
U you're a deuler, don't overlook the golden business-building, trade-cementing possibilities which will be yours If you handl
the "Little Devil" In your locality. Don't let your competitor beat you to It. But get in touch with us at once and close for tha
territory you want. If It isn't already taken.
The "Little Devil" is now on exhibition at the Auditorium. Conie and look it over. See for yourself why this wonderful farm
power sensation appeals to every farmer. Then get In touch with our representative at "Little Devil" headquarters, 118 Paxton Hotel.
Watch This Space Tomorrow for the Reasons Why Every Tanner Should Let the " Little Devil" Do His Work
Factory and Main Office. Charles City, Iowa
..J. JL J.. !.