T By advertising In The Dee the storekeeper takes his show window Inte the home of every reader THE WEATHER. JLUK'- UfflAMA AJA Fair VOL. XL1V NO. 171. OMAHA, MONDAY MORXIXO, .TAXUAIiV 4. 191."). SINGLE COIT TWO CENTS. Bee ILY RICHMOND HOLDS OWN WITH FIELD FOR SPEAKERSHIP Douglas County Representative at Lincoln Contending Against All Candidates in Race. OTHERS ARE NOT COMRINTNG All Aspirants on the Scene, but Fight Has Not Reached the Stage of Finality. JACKSON AND FRIES TALKED OF Howard County Democrat Mentioned as Having Strong Backing. SENATE FIGHT IS DIGNIFIED Canem of Members "Will Re Held Moaltf M(k(, When Decision Will Re Reached to the Winner. (From a Staff Correspondent.) MXCOLN. Jan. 3. (Speelal.)-There ha been very little change In the speak jership tight. The candidate for the office are all on the around and It Is still the field a sal nut Richmond, with a possible change In sentiment toward George Jackson. However, the change Is small and unless the field unites upon some one who can pull the combined vote of all the other candidates It still looks like Itlchraond. Some of the candidates themselves If they cannot land, are liable to go to Richmond as a second choice, and for that reason there Is not much chance of a gct-to-gether against the Omaha ttateama., unless somo new man Is r.prung, who will not only draw most of the votes of the field, but perhaps draw a few from Richmond. Tho Rich mond line is a sturdy me and it may l ot be possible for the allies to reach the trenches' and scatter the forces with any chance of victory lor themselves. Fries Mar Snrprlse. There Is some Norton talk, but It has not reache-1 a stage where it is strong enough to stand alone. The most for midable dark complexioned animal, which has appeared bo far Is the candidacy of Keren Fries, the Howard county gentle man. It i said that the corporation Influence is behind an effort to put Fries Into the fight at the proper time. It Is also rumored that the Slnk-Uenton com bination is back of the scheme to put ' (Fries across, but so far the scheme is in Its Inelp.ency with Trumble ot Sher man, acting as chief of staff and envoy J extraordinary. Few Combinations Vet. The fight so far" has not developed any very strong combinations, but that may come before midnight tonight. There are rumorj of tie-ups, most of them" so Improbable that.. they . do not get very far. One ."is Jackson and Potts for speaker end chief clerk. Another Is (Davis and Cone for chief clerk and first assistant. Still another says Fries for speaker and Cone for chief clerk. But these are only rumors and have not reached far. The two leading candidates for speaker and chief clerk, Richmond lor speaker and McKisstck for clerk, do not seem to have entered into any com bine with anybody nnd they are still standing on their own foundation and making the fight so far without any tie-ups with other candidates. In the Senate. There Is no chango either in the sen ate fight. If the condition can be called a figAt. Henator Ollls seems to still stand well with .the members, who have ar rived. Senator Kohl came In late last night from Wayne, but says he -a mak ing no fight for the presidency of the senate. Senator Grace had not arrived at 2 o'clock this afternoon and so It fa probable that the scrap for position lr. the dignified end ot the legislature will not reach an undignified state. Howard nnd Keller Arrive. John I. Negley of Omaha was the only member of the Dougiaa county delega tion, whj had put In an appearance to day at noon, except J.-iry Howard, who has been here since Monday. Mr. Neg ley is at the Lincoln, where most of the democratic members arc holding forth, although the Llndell arrears to be the meoea, where most of them congregate after getting their bearings. This Is prob ably due to the tact that the LtnCell is lepudllean headquarters und the members tit the need of the right kind of Instruc tion to siart them out on right lines of legislation. Legislative Program. A meeting has been called tomorrow at ZM In the afternoon to discuss the pro gram of running tho legislature laid down by the legislative committee, ap pointed at the last session. The matter la being much discussed and most of the members are for the simplified new method, which calls for less work and fewer expert assistants. The Weather Fur Nebraska and Iowa -Generally fair; not much change In temerature. Te.mprratnre nt Omaha Yesterday. Hour, t a. m.... t a. m.... 7 a. m.... 8 a. m.... a. m 10 a. m.... 11 a. in.... 12 in 1 p. m.... 2 p. m.... 3 p. m.... 4 p. m.... a p. m.... Deg mm ft- i p. m S i l p. m 2 Comparative Local Record. . 1915 1314 ISIS 1912 Highest yesterday L"6 21 ) 9 lowest yesterday I'l 14 21 Mean tenierature 24 is 30 4 Precipitation ., Oil T .04 .04 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature , Jl Kxeaa for the day 3 Total excess since March t 577 Normal precipitation A! Inch Ix riciency for the day 02 inch Tutal rainfall since March t... .25.01 inches Ix-M. tency since March i l.cj inches iH-fi.eney lor cor. period. 19U. i t inches Defli lency for cor. peiiuU. 1S12. 4.J7 inches lndl"aU-s below sero. T indicates U ace of precipitation. NEUTRALS WATCHFUL-Swiss Alpine guards on their lonely vigil on the Alsatian frontier. If V v., ', N.,y U s 7 ' i . . -r-S).. JUDGE TELLS JURY TO SET BROOKS FREE Murder Trial at Wheeler, S. D., Ends Very Suddenly in Sensational Manner. COURT -WONT HEAR" REBUTTAL Defendant Charired with Mnrder of William Mejtslp and ' Blanche Slg-aal at t;eddea In Last April. WHEELER. S. D., Jan. S.-Judge R, B. Tripp closed the Brooks murder trial sud denly here tonight by directing the jury to return a verdict for the defendant. Tho court refused to hear rebuttal wit nesses for the state. Both sides then waived arguments and when the Judge arose, presumably to instruct the Jury, he ordered the twelve men to return a verdict of acutttal, ending the case in a sensational manner. The crime for which Robert Brooks was tried the murder of William H. Mensie and Blanche Signal occurred In Geddes, 8 D., on the night of April 16, MUI. the bodies of Menxle and Miss Signal being found in the burned ruins of the elevator company's office of which Menxle was manager. Position of Body. When Menzle's body was discovered it was stretched full length crosswise of the office. His feet were bound with wire snd a wire band was about one wrist the other being free, although the wire had been broken and had originally bound both hands. The body of MUs Signal was found lying in the opposite direction with both hands and feet bound with wire in a similar manner, her hands being behind r-cr. Miss Signal had a hole in her skull about three-fourths of an Inch deep, ap parently made by the blow of a hammer, which was found nearby with the handle burned out. Menxle had a buUet hole In his head and a bruised place on his skull that might have been caused by the blow of a hammer. A revolver was found nearby which showed that one bullet had been discharged and another chamoer blown out, apparently by the heat. One motive offered for the murder by the authorities was the strong opposition of Menxle to the liquor and gambling In terests of Geddes. ! First Service Held In Auditorium of Plymouth Church 1 21 1 torium of ' Plymouth Congregational 21 j church were held Sunday morning In the !; new building at Eighteenth and Emmet 23 street. The auditorium marks the com tt pletlon of the new church built since the jj'j tornado of March 23, 1913, destroyed the 2( old church. Hundreds flocked to the serv 2j Ires Sunday morning and filled the audi J ; torium to overflowing so that many were turned away unable to find accommoda tions. Services have been held In the basement fur over two months. Rev. F. W. Leavltt preached the ser mon. He chose to talk on the subject represented by the painting In the window at the back of the church, "Behold I stand at the window and knock." Seventeen new numbers were taken Into the church during the service. Two children were baptised. It was expected that the ne pipe organ would be ready for una for this Opening service, but this could not be put into shape In time, so It could not be used. It Is expected that It will be ready by next Sunday. M 09 ie GREAT WAR REACHES STATDSOF DRAW "Governing" Germany Said by Some Neutrals in Their Confidence to Appreciate This. NO CRUSHING VICTORY IN SIGHT Belief la High Circles that Neither Tentona Nor Allies Have Chaaeo of Winning; Decisive Trlamph.' (Copyright. 1915. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Jon. S. (Special Cablegram to New York World an Omaha Bee.) According to Information received from two distinctly neutral sources "govern ing" Germany has already come to a realisation that the country cannot con quer In this war. The World correspondent has seen a letter from a Danish banker written to the head of one of the greatest field hospitals and It said that a Berlin magnate of finance admitted to the writer that ruling powers of Germany acknowledged it is impossible to conquer. The exact text of this part of the letter was: "l'n des magnate Berllners de la Finace ma avoue que les Dirigeants Allemands se rendraleut compte del'lm posslbllte de vanere." . People Still Confident. Information from another source strik- ZutZ ?h' , "UtT!nt lr I lent i ntor"" of"p' of a neutral country who has Just arrived In Ixindon after a lengthy visit to Ger- Jnulipm nil Germany, "-. h ? ,B m"lUry ran'" xatlon and the eventual triumph of Ger-! man arms remains unimpaired, hut the military authorities themselves have been obliged to recognise that their chances of a smashing victory arc gone. The view now is that war must result In a sort of military stalemate. The hope of reaching Worsaw is abandoned and even the capture of War saw woulJ not affect the issue. The allies of course would be equally Impotent to Inflict a fatal blow utnn Germany. The allied offensive, accord- ing to uerman calculations, will cost 1.000 men for every mile of ground guined and the talk of an allied march upon Berlin, either from the east or the west. Is mere foolishness. Germane Wla Mnrfa. The present position from a German military point of view la entirely in favor of Germany. Its armies hold hostile country and Its own borders except In one unimportant Instance are Inviolate. While, however, Germans, according to my informant Justifiably claim the honors of war, their military leaders have come reluctantly to the conclusion that a decisive triumph cannot be won by force of arms. Fire Blocks Traffic On Reading Railroad Philadelphia! Jan. i-Fire m Camden today destroyed the large train shed and station of the Philadelphia A Reading Railway company, a coal and lumber yard and several building be longing to the Dialogue Bhlp Building company. All traffic on the Reading lines to At lantic City and all points In so ah Jersey has been suspended. Reading ticket are being honored by the Pennsylvania rail road. The loss la estimated at KWO.OuO. Th targe lumber yard of Charles Kste II Co. in North Philadelphia was de stroyed by fire- today. Mure than .W0 worth of finished lumber wa reduced to aahes. WHITER RAINS ; DELAY ARMIES. ON WEST LINE Flooded River Valleys Render Oper ations of the Contending Sides Difficult in the Extreme. - wabct TW vrrvnVV TW VT-.AftS I nvM1 " , Both Fronts Alike Drenched So that Roadj Have Become Regular Quagmires. SLIGHT ADVANCE IS MADE , , , ! UCrmans wniy xuiwoju ' Day is Capture of tha Town of Borjomow. I RUSS SECURE ANOTHER BASE Appear to Have Won Additional Opening Through Carpathians. TURKS FORTIFYING THE FRONT Feverish Activity In IHreetlen ISot at Present Threatened Indicates 'Fear the Balkan fttntea Will IQntrr the Conflict. LONDON, Jan. 3. The extremely rainy winter, the worst Europe has experienced In years, causing floods In the river valleys of the continent as well a those of England, has pre vented any operations on a large scale, on the western battle front, and has seriously interfered with those in the east. There have been heavy artillery engagements from the sea to tho Swlsg border, and occasioned attacks by the infantry of the opposing armies, which when not repulsed, have added a few yards to the terri tory tn the possession of the attack ing force, but have always proved costly adventures. Ciermans Captnre RorJImow. The French have gained a little ground between Albert and Roye Just north of the point here the line turns eastward, and to the east of Rhelms and southwest of Verdun, where the attempts to make the German positions at St. Mlhlel on the Meuse untenable, . rs proceeding slowly.. ,Thy have also jno.de some ad vance in Atsave. out nave surrered a repulse to the northwest of the . St, Menehould. In the east the Germans have captured the Important Russian position of Borjl mow, but elsewhere, they have . been unable to make headway against the Rus sians who as defenders of well fortified positions, are aided by the wet weather and muddy roads which hinder tho Ger man movements. The Austrians claim to have checks I the Russian advance near Gorlloe on the south Gallclan railway, west of Joalow, but apparently the battle here has not yet been concluded. The Rus sians, on the other hand, have taken the Austrian's positions near Uzsck Pass, which should open another entrance for them through the Carpathians Into Hun gary, while the Austrians' retreat In Bukowlna Is described by the Russians as a rout. Tarks Cross Border. The Turks have crossed the Russian border In the Caucasus, and, according to their own account, have defeated the Russian garrison at Ardahan. They are, however, displaying anxiety for their re- lhiy fortlfylw the whole coast line, What they fear is not disclosed, for It Is ' ldered hardly p,,,,.,, for h to , . .utflrlet force to proe' J pat. an Invasion from another source. inn"--"". Point to the possibility of th, BalkaB ,tatelf wnoh are ow neuytra. taking a hand In the war. t'rrcre Is Heady. The Greek minister of finance has de clared that Greece Is making prepara tions to maintain the new territory which It gained In the Balkan wars from Turkey and Bulgaria, but that it has more to fear from Bulgaria than from Turkey. It Is not thought that Rumania ran look on Calmly while the Russians are advancing ' toward Transylvania, and It Is expected ! that It will Join with Russia and try to secure the much-coveted eastern province of Austria-Hungary. British Offer Prayers. Throughout the British empire and In the English churches In foreign countries Intercession services were held today for the success of the allies' arms. Many of the sermons embodied exhortations to the young men to Join the army. Kng George attended services in the village church at Bandringham. Twelve U. S, Forts Almost Depopulated CHICAGO, Jan. S.-Calla for Inlted States soldiers on the Mexican border, Colorado, Arkansas and elsewhere during the last two years have depopulated the twelve forts In the central department to a corporal's guard, according to a report today by Colonel D. A. Frederick at de partmental headquarters here. In January, 1913, the number of troops In the department was 19.S29, with 1,107 officers. This year the total Is 7? troops, with forty-nine off kern, just enough to guard the barracks and stable. Of th forty-nine officers, twelve are In Chicago. The remainder are distributed In th Kheiidan. Omaha, Hrtalllng. Wayne, Benjamin Harrison, Crook, D. A. Rus sell, Des Molnrs, Leavenworth, HcKenxle, Meade and Riley fotta. The forts average three officers and fifty troopers each. Berlin Finds Good News Everywhere Along the Extended Battle Fronts lU'Rl.lN. Jan. S (by wli-rless to f:iy- paerl puhlixlie an Interview with the llle. Tun official res bureau 1rda j Ornimn field mnrshal, Kolinar von d.p gave out the following Hems: ,o:i. mllit.rv ..mm..lnt f c"on.tntl- 'The situation In the west is considered by the military critics to be steadily tin- , proving. They bel"ve the Russian conn- J ter offensive In tlallcla has been utterly . shattered for the time at least. "Kvents In the cis(. however, have ', ' broiiiiht surprises, so that predictions aSlila last visit to Constantinople. Herlln ; to the situation there cannot safely be ! Is showing a arateful feeling over the made. "Th small amount of space given by all the newspapers to the western war theater apparently Is Indicative of a feel- , and children at the Tslng-Tau garrison, ing that the central rolnt of Interest still "The official publication of the German la In Poland, and that the stnigRle tn tha socialist trade union, the greatest work west lias settled down into a monotonous men's association, reviewing the year 1!H, endurance test. I "The newspapers profess to have ro- , out and e shall do so. Our confidence reived information that the KngUrh In Is baaed not only on the strength, or thelr recent raid on I'uxhaven did abso- ganlxatlon and execution of discipline. In lutely no damage. It Is lie He veil that four i the Briny, but also on the love of coun- of the Kngllsh aeroplanes were lost; that I the cruUer Arethusa was badly damaged ,nd another cruiser somewhat damaged I by German bombs. In addition. It Is be lieved two British torpedo boat destroy, ere were damaged. "The Tanlun ta Constantinople news- ARTILLERY FIGHTS GIYE FRENCH LEAD Demolish Several German Fortifica tions on Plateau of Touvenl from Oise to Meuse. REPULSE THE PRUSSIAN ATTACK Two Uermaa C'hnrsrra Near I.a Urnlre Are Failures and French F.asllr Maintain Former Gains la l'pper Alsace- Region. PARIS, Jan. S. The French official statement Issued this afternoon says: "During the day of January 1 we strengthened the position to tha north of the I.ys gained during the preceding days. The enemy has shown activity only In the region of Zonnebeke, which he has violently bombarded. From the Lys to Arras there Is almost complete quiet. "There was an artillery engagement In the region of Albert and Roye. and our Infantry advanced some 500 meters near La Bolsseile. Demolish Fortifications. "From the Olse to the Meuse on the plateau .of Touvenl our heavy artillery has demolished several fortifications from which the enemy was harrasslng our sappers. . "Spirited artillery duels have taken place to the wesit and east of Craonne. Near Perthe-Ies-Hurlus we have pro gressed about 300 meters. Near Beause Jour there has been Infantry fighting' In which we have Inflicted serious losses on the enemy. . "The Germans have launched two at tacks without success In the forest of La Grulre. On all this portion of the front tho artillery ha shown everywhere great activity. "In the region of Verdun and on the heights of the Meuse there wus an ar tillery duel. We have again gained a little ground In the forest of liuuehon, northeast of Troyon, and In the forest of La Pretre. northwest of Pont-A-Mouson. Ooconr Enemy's Trenches. "In the Vosges we have occupied one of the enemy's trenches. Artillery engage ments have taken place In the Dan lie Sapt and In the valley of the Kave. "In upper Alsace our former gains In the region of Thann have been main tained. We have bombarded a German train In the railway ststlon of Altklrch and caused some damage on the railway between Csrspach and Dlerssiach, to the southwest of Altklrch. "In general, the perceptible abatement which can be noted In our active offen she should be attributed to the Incesnant rains, which soak the ground and make operations everywhere almost Impossible, Weather Contlnnea Rnd. The following official communication was issued tonight: "According to the latest advices re ceived here, there lias lieen no al teration In the situation. "Tho weather continues to be ery bad on fclmnst the whole front." Turkish War Office Reports Capture of Large Russian Town CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 3 (Via Lon don, :10 p. m.). The Turkish war office today gave out the following statement: "Our troops took Ardahan (a Rusnlnn fortified town In Transcaucasia forty-five miles northwest of Kars) on January 1. Ardahan was defended by Oeneral Zachen with 3.000 Infantry, l.ono Cossacks, six field guns snd two machine guns. "The battle for the town, which com menced December 29, ended In the flight of the Russians, who lost heavily. "Our troops, in conjunction with Persian tribesmen, hve completely defeated 4.0J0 Russians, who had more than ten cannon, ten miles northwest of Haonjbiilak. Four hundred Russians were killed and they lost six cannon. "According to leporta from Erxerum. Turkish Armenia, great transports of Russlsn prisoners from the latest battles are on the way there." Turks Take Ardahan, In Russian Caucasus LONDON. Jan. 3 "The Turks have oc cupied Ardahan. penetrating fifty miles into the Russian Caucasus." says the Constantinople correspondent of tho Ex change Telegraph company. Ardahan is a fortified town on tha Kur. forty-five miles northwest of Kars, in Transcaucasia. Fighting between the Turks and Russians has been going on ia the region of Ardahan for several days. PETROQRAD, Jan. t (via London). Ottoman troops are showing renewed activity In the Caucasus, the Turks hav ing crossed the Russian frontier at three points. tiople and acting TurklHh minister of war. tthu expresses confidence over the out- look fur Turkey. In the lntei ov Field Maishal von der Units declares the Turk- M army lias made ureal progress since j IT-ll.'l . Illl II tllV lllll-Ill l'Pl UTrMT'l i here say la being given by the German I..L. .1.. I . . I . . residents In China to the destitute women says: 'We know that we have to hold) try that unites all Germans without ex- 'cepllon. If the war keeps on for months or for years It years It will merely forge tne na tion Into more united solidarity and In crease Its forces Immeasurably. The Ger mans will emerge from the world war the strongest of the belligerents.' " GERMANS WIN WEST OF YISTULA RIYER Succeed in the Taking of Specially Strengthened Point in 'Appui of Russians at Borgimow. CAPTURE THOUSAND PRISONERS Rnsalnns Attempt tn Retnke l'osl tlon In Three Msht Attacks, hat Are Driven Rack, Ballerina Heavy Losses. BERLIN, Jan. 3 (by wireless to London, 130 p. m.). The official statement Issued today by the German army headquarters Ays: "Western theater: Home of the enemy's ships, accompanied by torpedo boats, ap peared off Westende (Belgium) yesterday afternoon, without firing. "On the whole of the western front ar tillery fights took place. An Infantry at tack by the enemy followed to the north of Ht. Menhould (In the Argonue forest). It was beaten oft with severe losses to the French. "In East Prusals and In North Poland there Is no change In the situation. Take Russian Position. , "To the west of the Vistula river out troops succeeded in taking a specially strengthened point In the 'Appul of tho Russians at Borgimow after several days of very hard fighting In which we cap tured l,0n0 prisoners and six machine guns. In three night attacks th Russians attempted to retake Borgimow, but they were all driven off with h'avy losses. "To the east of the Rawka river ourjmina throwers are trumps. Instead of the attack is proceeding steadily. soldiers" legs. The mine throwers are "The Russians several times have re-j particularly effective although the heavy ported successes In the vicinity of Inow- artillery is handicapped by weather con lods, on the Pilica river seven miles eaatidltlons and the short days which make of Tomassow. These are pure inventions. Russian attacks In that district were re- pulsed with heavy losses to them, and yesterday they ceased to attack the post tlon. "On the east of th Plllca river tho situation Is unchanged." Conscription is In Sight for the Men of England LONDON, Jsn. 8. A hint that the British government contemplated the In troduction of conscription for Increasing the army and navy was dropped by Th6maa J. MacNamara, parliamentary secretary to the admiralty while speak ing at the Browning settlement this aft ernoon. Referring to the fart that there were many thnusunds of young men In the t'nlted Kingdom without dependent who had not answered the call to the colors, Mr. MacNamara said: "If they think they are going to enjoy a life of freedom at the other fellows' expense, they won't enjoy It much longer." The lecruiting boom which commenced after the holidays continues. As the re sult of six open air meetings at Cardiff, addressed by wounded soldiers, there was an extraordinary rush to the recruiting offices last evening and the recruiting officers were kept huy until uu early hour this morning. At one meeting alone, 6.u0 men bared their heads when the nutlonal anthems of the allies were sung Bullet-Proof Armor Of No Value at All viun i ti, ...r.i .t. Ing the Eighteenth Herman army corp. I "r(1"n "" machine guns, has, according to the Paris Temps. Issued . Mlern ntlng continues the following notice to his troops: "lon of Oorllce. In the region "Bullet-proof armor, of which various i ' ColuJok occupied Austrian positions, models have- been placed on sale and where w touk "'"" 1000 Prisoners, actively advertised, does not give at all "T,le Au"l'lan letreat in Bukowlna be the protection promised. On (he contrary. ! fore ,he dHvo of onr rn lias taken th upon exposu:e to tiro It Is .shown that the armor, Inatead of protecting, becomes Itself the csuse of grave wounds to thoso lllZ make the suldier's work more difficult. ; It la necessary to Issue this caution against worthless purchases." j Blease Opens Pen Doors "Some More" OJA'MBIA, S. C. Jan. 3. Governor Blease today Increased the number ot his holiday pardons, paroles and commuta tions to 170 by acting favorably in thi cases of seven! y-oue state prisoners. To day's list Included thirty-three prisoners serving life term for murder. Two were pardoned, three paroled and the sentences of twenty-eight commuted. Within the last four years the governor has granted clemency In 1.S14 cases. The state penitentiary and state convict farms have been almost depopulated. SLOW BALL BOMB TERRORIZES RUSS, CAN SEEIT COME Mine Thrower Used by Germans in Poland Most Terrible Weapon of All to Victims. MISSILE JUST WOBBLES ALONG Projectile Can Be Plainly Followed with Eye and Tension on Men in trenches Dreadful. THOSE HIT ARE TORN TO BITS Associated Press Correspondent with German Armies at Posen Describes Fighting. ; SAPPING THEIR WAY FORWARD j Struggle Along Heavily Entrenched Line of Field Fortifications. OPPOSING FORCES CLOSE Rattle "tatloanrr la Mans- Place Along; Front In East. Rapid Movements Not Now Char acterising Warfare. POSEX. Germany, Jan. 3. (Via Herlln and The Hague to London.) The battle la now stationary at many parts of the long front tn Poland. The rapid movements of the army forward and backward, with kaleidoscopic changes In the situa tion, which hitherto hav character ised tha warfare In the east have given place, for the Urn being at least to a stiuggle along a heavily entrenched line of field fortlfcatlons. resembling those in Franco. The German and Austrian allies are In close contact with th army of Grand Duke Nicholas, but they are engaged In sapping Instead of maneuvering their way forward. Fight .Foot by Foot. Iurlng the fortnight which a corre spondent of The Associated Press spent at the front attached to the staff of one division In the battle line along the Hawka river, the operations were marked by advances of from to to twelve miles In a few places, but In general the In fantry Is fighting its way foot by foot with the aid ot artillery support. ' In these operations the ariillerv .( observations and the direction of the fire possible only for short periods, the i minute mine throwers are busy day and nignt nuning projectiles of 300 Dounds of high explosives from trench to trench at a range fiat Is very effective Wobble Thronah Air. During the comparatively short time one of these huge missile is In view, wob bling through the air along an erratic parabola, the sight is most Impressive. The projectile can be plainly followed with the eye. and the tension upon the men In the trenches as the bomb comes nearer and nearer is beyond all compari son to the effect caused by heavy artil lery shells, which are unseen until the explosion throws up a column of earth and scatters the fragments of th shell in an directions. Russian prlsloners, of whom there is a constant stream moving through the Ger man lines, stated to th correspondent that the leading of each mine causes a catas trophic in the trenches and their vicin ity, as Its victims are torn to bits. Austrian Retreat Takes Character of Rout, Say Russians PETROGRAD. Jan. S.-Th following statement was Issued today by th Rus sian army headquarters: "On the Bxura and Rawka river we are continuing the successful repulse of German attacks In spite of the enemy1! heavy artillery fh and bomb throwing. "On the road to Wlosxcsow in the Klelce region, at the village of Lopuszno, on December 31. German troops after a stubborn battle took possession of a por tion of our trenches, but a Is ter counter attack forced the enemy to abandon all the trenches previously occupied. During II, ! utfmlr v. .... . .. 1 . .... . "v"i"i swverai nunareu ! inaracter or. a great rout. ' i..,... ' SITUATION IN ALBANIA REPORTED MUCH WORSE I .ON DON, Jan. 3. -The situation in Al bunla is much worr. The Insurgents are said to have occupied Derat and to be marching on Dlbra. This statement Is mnda by the Athens I correspondent of the Reuter Telegraph company, who also aends the following: ! "The authorities at the Dardanelles have expelled all the consuls of neutral countries and also those of Austria Hungary." TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND AUSTRIANS CAPTURED PKTROGItAD (Via London). Jan. S. The Rubslan army under General Radko Dlinlt-leff has captured 12.57 Austrians and forty-five machine gun during th last fortnight, according to an IfloiaJ aa- nouncement gives out here.