Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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I I. LI- X.
-.IJI.IUM 11-11 I 1 1 1
Yard for Val. Laces Worth Up to 7ic Yard
French and German Val. Lnces and Insertions. An immense assortment. The
widthe run from ',, Inch to 1 Inch.
.ripevial Lot of French and Car
man Val. face and Inwr-Hons-
H to 1 ' Inches wide.
flpeclal tValrna in I'latt Val
Iare and Insertion A new
lot for Monday's selling. For
Very painty Pieces of Shadow
and Net Top MiIki-a, -Suitable
for collar. to 5 Inches
wide. Positively f
worth 2-"ir yard for 1UC
All-I.lncn 1 Hot and Linen
(Tuny Iace and Inaertln
2 to & inchea wide. Regular
Country Facinj tftw Year with Bet
ter Confidence in the Outlook
for the Future.
lariarp f rat, F.mrnpfmn Con
flict I.nalaar ! Trrmr In t'nlfrd
a Ira Writ Partlcatartr
la Faveree" tr 'rp.
valuta up to lor a yard.
underwear. Values up to
January bit Rata
price, yard
25c. Special, at.
A Very Hpeelal I of All-Linen
Torchon larrs n1 Invert inn
14 to 1 4 Inches wide.
Values up to 10c par Ql
ynrd In thie lot. at. . OzC
Whit and Oram Shadow and
Oriental Iare llnonctng 10
to 18 Inches wide. New and
effective patterns.
60c mine. White
Pale Price, yard . . .
Worth 40e yard for.
i Every Woman Knows What That Means at Brandeis
Bank rlearlnaa. 191 . iM.k7U.
Hark rrarn.
RnllroHd earning. IH4.... 2.117
Rallniad rarnlnn. 111.... S.W.
Oral 'rop value). W4.. .1,,
Oraln crop (value). i.vts
Cotton crop (baleii). 1M4. Hi.
Cotton crop (t.l.ii, 191J. J4,
Iron tluna). ll '1
Ria fron (ton). 1U
Kxporm. 1I4 1'7.
T.xporls. 'l.Uti
Import. 1M4 1."4,
tmiHtrta, IMS. .' 1.4
rommetrlal oefut. lf)4. ;M
Cominorctal defaulu. .rj,
;; an
for, ft)
The news of the greatest importance today is contained in these pages. It is the woman's work to buy most economic
as have been our White Sales in the past, it is of much satisfaction to us to know that tomorrow you'll see Larger Stocks
ExclucJIna linter. Eleven months.
At 45c
After panning, between July and Pacem
I'fr. through nearly every pagxlbla expa
tience of advrritty except that of com
rlete collapa", the new year open with
htlnei In tha I'nltel Plates rlalnf abave
depraaaka and confronting tha futara
wttn Bear conf dnr nd with clear
igns of developing activity. Blnra tha
I'tglnnlnp of tho modern syntoin f cred
lis in the middle of tMa aevenleenth cen
tury there has been a succession, at
resnlar cycle intervals, of financial up
heaval, hut nothing approaching to lo
lenoe and extent the overwhelming n
kulalon tif tha market in 19i4 a tho
result e' the tuildcii outbreak of the
Kuro;con war. Tho United mates, al
though neutral country, autlcred alniusi
a much In a buelncsa way a the huIkioh
Weat la fururtd,
NtBrll, a a reeult of the utrsor
1lnary event ahroad, domistUj trado
uffe-ed aere deprCXDion; bank clear
ings and railroad carnlnic declined he.
Ily; the number of failure multiplied
and unemploymen), with it attendant ,
-vils, inoreaaad VMI the entire country
was affocted certain ser-tlnn atiiferrl
- Ies than ethera. On the whole, tha wt, ;
whtcn was hrtuflttd by tho lt gra.n
rope, notably the reoord-breaklng yield 1
of wheat, marketed at high price, was
moat lavorod. Wt.lle the sooth waa ae- i
vereiy nurt ty the cotton collapaA, and
the by the prostration of fortliin
i'omnu:rce and the suapenalen of Uie
inarkota for aecurltioe. As the year ,
tloaed. howeA-er. to far had tho i
markets adjuated themsetve to a
m ar Utals that the great conflict abroa i !
began to loae rome of Ita overwhelming ;
s.gnlficanee and local domrstlo problems
tame more to the front, fevcral deveU
tpnioma atrwl to mitlgaUi the effect j
ijt the war. onn was the institution of
i the emergency inaue already referred I
, to. Another waa the immediate ap- ;
, pearance of enormous (orelgn order for
American t-readatuff and other auppiins '
inr tne ue of the vontenalng annlus
and their dependent population. Exports
iirew t large proportion every a su
able ahip being preaaed Into' service at
high ratee for frelgltt and the normal
balance of trede In favor of this country
waa re-eMabllahed, rendering unnecesaory
speelal arrantfoment. which otherwlae
would have had to he entered Into to
prevent an escelva drain or gold from
this country. ...
Reaalta of Aarlcaltar.
" In a year ol reaction In moat Jlnsa of
endeavor, the l.'nited Htalea baa mala
talaed Its supremacy as the greater
Mlnala rrl.'tiliurul k. n i . .1
1 tion In the world, and two of the leading
vrope have eataUIIbed new recorda in j
paint of produc tion. The output of wheat !
--atU.01,,000 buabeU etllpaed ail former
total and the country wa made richer
to the extent of sm.C0,(Mi. while the
S.Gt.ttH.W buohels of corn produced
brought a return of almoat L7M).on(t.
M010 oata waa also harvested thaaj In
1M. and there waa an increase of about
i t.'A.ot.Cco in value; other cropa ahowlng
aatns In both rrpeeta Included barley,
rye and buckwheat. Bo lb hay and to
bacco were grown In larger ajuantltlee,
bet were worth lese because ef the lower
quotations prevailing.
-H..e..,y Cdlt....; i
la finance, aa in everything ele, the
most Important event of lull dated from
the end of le July. 1'rlor to that time,
" inon'tmy affair, both I. ere and abroad.
reenUd, on the irfaco at leaat.
normal aanect; yet with a auddanneas
that wsa atarillnj there created a
ltuatoo wholly lacking In precedent.
There have Uea former ocisctoua, auch
lo IS 7. when certain conditlona ootn.
;' Hoed to disarrange the flaanlcal me-htn-
im of the nation, but nothing In hlntory
parallel the dlaorf anliatlon of the
world's inatketa that w caused by tbe
outbreak ef the devastating war In j
Kurope. Without warning, th economic '
atructura waa shaken to Us very founda-
ilea and a stste ef rhaoa reaulted that ;
lad to extraordinary protective meajra.
aut.penlon ef alterations) en lite leading
foreign bouraaa was quickly f,iowe4 by
. the closing ef the New Tork Utcck ex
1 basse, such action being neceaaary be
tause ef the gieat preaaure ef liquidation
Ironj Europe n hulcW of Amctlcan ae
curltlee, regardleaa of aacrlfleea en!e-V
ratsaaaerelavl Fatllarvn. -freliminsry.
atatisDra of commercial
failure ia the t'nitai r'tatea duilna UI4
. as reported te It. O. liuni A Co. indl-
fate u heevy t apanaiun In tha nountry
bUBlne. mortality as compared with the'
pre-4llng year. Total inwdvenoie num-!
bered IS.(j and involved no es llian of defaulted Uidbu-ln
agalmt li.OT, suspension in 13.X when
- the liabilities were Ui3.ti7ta. As a re- :
. cull of the European war. which caused j
a sharp Increase in the commnrclal death !
rate et the sooth, losses were more nu
merous In the last quarter, while the seo
. ond three ntoatbs ma4a the bvat exhibit,
numerically, although aupplytiuj th lerg
eet aggregate debts of the year because
of the financial dtfflculUea of a prom
inent dry good houc and Its variolic
In the following table failure returns
tor the taut tn yer are compered by
irtera. figurea for the last few days or
lcemtM-r being eetlmuted:
l-'allnre ky Uaarters ar rear.
!I4. ' ' 111
.-.v. 9.1m "11 n ir, o iiaouittee
lul a.'T.M 17-6 fcS.cTK 74
i icJ .1.1 J ;,t Aj w
K.iuS.eo 7i.JJJU 1
Cboicc of an iramonso lot
of Gowns, Skirtu, Corset
Covers, Chomine, Drawers,
Combinations, etc. Neat
lace and embroidery trimming.
At 69
Choice of daintily trim
med downs, Teddy Bear
Combination)?, Skirts,
Drawers, etc. The actual
values are as high as dou
ble the felling price.
At $ 1.00
A wonderful assortnient
if the daintiest of Linger
ies, Lace and embroider'
trimmings, ribbons, tuck
in gs, etc. Sheer Lingerie
cloths, Nainsooks, etc.
And $1.89 ,
An assortment of fine Un
tlergarmentri in crisp white
laces and embroideries,
sheer lingerie cloths. Many
new ideas and new 1 patterns.
To $6.98.
New dainty undermuslins
in select designs and ex
clusive new attorns in
laces and embroideries' N
and sheer delicate lingerie S
Sample Garments and Real French
Hand-Made Undergarments at 11
One tabu
sale at .
of odd lots of very dainty Lndcr-
worth up to $12.50, go . in this
(Choice of a special lot of Real Jland
Made Undergarments odds and
broken lots of Gowns. Combinations
and Corset Covers. The values are up to $2.50.
At 69c
Infants' Hand-Made
Long Dresses
At ji Price
$1.50 Dresses 75
$2.00 Dresses $1.00
$-5.00 Dresses $1.50
Extra Size
A complete assortment of dainty gar
ments for women of stout figures who
require out sizes.
Drawers. .45?, 69 and 81.00
Gowns, 69S $1.00 and $1.39
Skirts. . .91, $1.39 and $2.50
I Ready Made Sheets and Slips, Sheeting, Muslins, Domestics, Etc,
West Farnam
Bleached Sheets and Slips
(J Genuine Dallas
j Bleached Sheets and Slips
Made from extra floe quality domestic sheet
ing, one of the beet brands. Full bleached, soft
finish nd easily laundered, perfectly made and
finished 8-inch heme. Torn and Ironed ready
for use.
81se Actual Value Sale Price
?2f0 Inches T6e Each 00c Each
73xf Inches 78c Each e:fc Each
II 190 Inches. ..... ,79c Each fl.V Each
0.l9 Inches 96c Each 70c Each
42x3 Inchea. ,
4536 Inchea, ,
Pillow Slips
Actual Value
,18c Each.
,20c Each.
Sale Price
lrtc Each
13o Each
Original atandurd make, with the original
West Farnam Ticket. Made from highest grade
bleached sheeting, the renowned "Dwlght Anchor '
make. 3-inch hems, torn and Ironed ready' for use.
Size Actual Value Sale Price
72x90 Inches 70c Each V)c Each
72x99 Inchea .,75c Each. 62c Ercp.
81x90 Inchea 80c Each 6.V Each
90x99 Inches 98c Each 7 He KucU
42x36 Inchea.
45x36 Inchea.
Pillow Slips
Actual Value
, .... .18c Each
20c Each. : . . .
Sale Fric
.l:ic Each
. 1 V Each
Celebrated "Utica"
Bleached Sheets andSlips
This popular make has a nation-wide reputa
tion for wearing quality and cannot be excelled.
Perfectly bleached and launders beautifully. 3
Inch hems; Torn and Ironed ready for use.
Extra Special of
Crepe de
At to
About 80 dozen new crisp gavmei
this sale, at Big Price Reductions.
JL .LF HJJ Chine Corset
Covers worth up to $1.50.
JL 90 Chine Envelope
Combinations worth to $3.00.
!5s"3 ezzeTh For Crer ,l
dSZt t-P Chine Envelo o
Combinations worth to $4.00. .
ISO C O For Crc-ix &
g 43 O Chine Gowns
S Worth up to $6.50 and $7.00. - '
Watch the Papers
For Announcement
Extraordinary q
It s coming soon an
72x90 Inches.
72x9!) Inches.
81x90 Inches.
90x99 Inches.
Actual Value
. . . 80c Kacii . .
...85c Each . .
. . . 95c Each. .
Sale Price
. .65c Each
, . flOc Each
, . "(k; Each
..$1.00 Each 8.V Each
Pillow Slips
42x36 Inches.
45x36 Inches.
Actual Value
. . . 25c Each. .
. . .29c Each. .
Sale Price
. . J3c Each
. .17c Each
n wm
.4 Quarter 1.71?
I Quarter
t'h Vjuar,. KZIX
The Celebrated
Bleached Sheeting
One of the foremost sheetings
manufactured. Clearness of bleach
and excellent weave make it a house
hold favorite.
--Width. Actual Value Sale Price
8- 4 Width... 30o Yard...JWe Yard
9- 1 Width... 33o Yard... Yard
10-4 Width... 36e Yard... 80c Yard
flixMMnrh Illeached Uemetltrlied
Wbecta Extra weight. Klne soft
finish. Good wearing quality. 3
Inch hems. Torn and Ironed, pc
Regular 0e quality; each.. DOC
Fine Bleached Hemstitched PiUovr
fcllpe Made from good quality of
bleached sheeting. Boft finish. Per-
feet wearing quality
42x36 Inchea. HUe Each.
4lx3 Inches. lSHe Each.
72xOO-ln. Bleached Sheeta Made
from good quality bleached muslin.
extra weight. 3-Inch hems. French
seam la center. Regular 3c
values; each
720O.In. Bleached fchet Extra
fine weight and quality. Made
from good quality 4-1 bleached
sheeting. Regular price 50c jf
each. January sale price. . , -ODC
Five Case cf Beantlful "Hill hernper
, Idem Pillow Caava Perfectly
bleached. Deautlful halr-llna cord
ed scam. Soft and positively free
from dresalag. Worth 18c and 20c
each, at the following prices
42x36 Inches, taHe Each.
46il6 lachea. lHc Each.
Fine Bleached
"Sterling" Sheeting
Extra weight and finish. Good
wearing qualities. All widths.
Width. Actual Value Sale Price
8-4 Width... 21c Yard...lTc Yard
-4 Width ... 230 Yard . . . te Yard
10-4 Width... 25c Yard... 3le Yard
The Genuine
Bleached Muslin
Fmit-of-the-Looni 36 iuches wide. Each piece
the genuine and original Fruit Label.
This well-known cotton needs no intro
duction to the trade. Sold regularly at
10c per yard. Special for Mondav onlv,
at .....'
(Ottly 10 yards te Each Cuatonier. and no phoria or Mall Order Killed.)
l)ea ring K
5 yZi I
Genuine -
Bleached Sheetings
Noted for fine weave and soft fin
ish. Easily laundered.
Width Actual Value Sale Price
8- 4 Width.. 24c Yard.. 18 Yard
9- Width.. 2Cc Yard.. 20? Yard
10-4 Width.. 2 8c Yard..22e? Yard
Drown Sheeting, same quality, 2c
jard less.
Special Hale of 4fta-in. and 42x30.
In. Uleached lUlow Slips Made
from good quality bleached mus
lin. Extra weight and good wear
ing quality. Regular price
10 Ho each. Sale price. . . .
10-4 Bleached Nitrating Fine qual
ity. Soft finish. Easily laun
dered. Regular value pj
23c yard, for 1 C
4 Standard "llrown" Sheeting
Comes In large rolls, stands up
right 1.000 yards each. Direct
from the manufacturers' looms
for our January sale.
Worth 25c yard. for. .
9-4 "Ili-own Arcadia" Sheet ing
This old reliable sheeting is al-
. ways dependable for wear and
easily bleached. Janu
ary sale price, yard..
I2-Iicli Tubing Pine nott finish.
Long mill lengths up to 15 yards.
Perfect bleach. Worth -l
15c and lfc yard, for.. lUC
UU-lmh Bleached Muslin Very fine
quality. Soft finish. Off
the bolt. Worth 7c yard
att-liuh Vine Mucliii Ex
tra fine quality. Soft finish.
Easily laundered. Worth
10c yard, for
. Soft
Genuine "Wamsutta" and
"Dwight Anchor"
Bleached Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Tubings
Considered the best made
and nearest approach to linen
for wear, perfect weave and
durability. We have them in
all widths, not stamped, but
otherwise genuine.
Beautiful Tubing 4 2 inches wide.
Sale price)
Width Actual Value Sale Price
43 Inches. 10c Yard. IS", Yd.
40 Inchea. 17c Yard. 14, Yd.
5u Inches. 20c Yard., lit Yard
ti-4 Width. 23c Yard..lf Yard
7-4 Width. J5c Yard..UK Yard
S-4 Width. 30c Yard..iiiaT Yard
9- 1 Width. 32c Yard.. 1 4 Yard
10- 4 Width. 34c Yard.25t Yard
Regular price 30e yard.
36-Inch Bleached Muslin The cele
brated "Hope" brand. Soft finish.
Kourd thread. Worth
10c yard for ,
30-lnch Bleached "Hill Semper
Idcni" MuMln None better. Soft
finish. Worth 12!c yard;
special, at .
ftR-lncb I'nbleaclied Muxlln Very
fine soft finish. Easily bleached
and laundered. Worth o 1
tic yard for 3C
27-luch IllojM'tM'd Muslin Extra
good quality. Full pieces
Worth 5c per yard for,
J7-Inch White Baby Flannel Extra
warm fleecy nap. both sides alike.
Worth 10c a yard: rpe
ctal for
27-Inrh White !inet and Shaker
rianitel Soft, warm and fleecy.
Full pieces. Worth 7c a
ard for ,
es alike.
36-Inch Genuine
Lonsdale Cambric
That soft, beautiful underwear mua
liu. Worth Uc a yard. Special
for our January White Q 1
Sale, yard OC
Berkeley No. 60
Fine Cambric
That excellent finish muslin for fine
lingerie and children's wear. Soft
mercerlied finish. Worth nl
UVjiC a yard for OC
These Low Prices on Wli
saaassBBaassaBJMwsassBaasjBjBa AjjBviHBaaaMsBavawBB sMaajBaaaBaaamjBBasaaaaw amiaaaaw assaaBaasaassaaaBBaaaaaSBi
Enough Bargains -
Fine White Goods for Dresses,' Blouses. Chi
ful values in imported and domestic white fabn
tured especially for our January White Good -1 ;
of the year and never (except in our White cn
one-third to one half; in many cases the vulue Pa
White Seed Voile 40 inches
Worth 75c yard. White
Sale price
Xub Crepe 32 inches wide,
45c per yard. White
6ale price
White I-'laxon Satin Check Novelty
40 inches wide. Worth 35c a
yard. White Sale 1Q
price XSC
)' i-i.
White Pique 27 Inches
Neat Jacquard effect.
40c a yard. White
Sale price
White Klaxon Rica Cloth 40 lushes
wide. Worth 30c yard. if
White Sale price 1 O C
Plain and Seersucker Crepe '."-Tft.
wide. Worth 20o yard
, White Sale price
We Highly Recommend and Advise the Purchase pi.
"Pointer Brand" Imperial Long Clot)
As absolutely tne Dent tongciotn manuracinrea. coining nut me iiu
est select cotton used In Its manufacture. It contains no filling. It is
snow-white and will not turn yellow in washing. Note the special prices
on Pointer Brand Imperial Longcloth for our January White Pale: '
12-Yd. Bolts 36 indie. Wide, according to quality, at following priceif
89c, '1.18, '1.45, 1.55 and 1.79
12-Yd. Bolts 42 inches Wide 12-Yd. Bolts 45 inche; Wi i
at1.98 at2.59
White French Crepe
40 Inches Wide and
Worth $1 per Yard
beautiful fabric offered
Januarv sale, Monday
60c Yard
White Russian Corrlh
27 Inches Wide and
Worth 25c pr yard
Splendid fabric for dresser,
skills, nurses' uniforms, etc.
1 5c Yard
Lace Curtains and DraperitfC
" 1 irtl "lg 1 I iJM tj aat s wa.ia. v U a IIVO .aV V - "
e, Swiss and Muslin Curtains and Draperies as we I
ring yon in our January White Sale:
Nowhere else will you find sueh wonderful values offered, i
in White Lace
are now offeri
ai UndKTdsL1 Curtains, Over 200
long. Plain and figured ngri Paffa,
r. Ktr snecial. each vv vl raiief
Very Fine Lace Curtains
Worth $150 to $4.00 Pair
About 350 pairs. Only two and three
U Royal Elnglish Longcloth
ri Ileautiful soft finish. For children's wear
jjL and ladies underwear. 10-yd. 4tTa
bolts worth 75e ea. Sale price. . .3C
Lockwood "B" Unbleached Sheeting
Genuine, 'M inches wide Worth C'Ag
10t yard. Sale fi ire "yC
(Only 10 Yards to Each Customer. No Phoue or
Mall Orders rilled.)
Ladies' Choice Longcloth
Sti-lnch Fine ' Soa Island" Longcloth No. 2o00.
Soft Chamot finish for fine Ol'
underwear, etc. Worth 12 4c X n I
. yard for u
paira of
ary Whit
30 Pieces BO-tncli Plain Marquisette
Kegular price 4 &c yard f
January White Sale
price "wv
2H1 Pair of Swlaa and Muslin Binl-
tuoiu rartain rlalu
. . J ' wr i I In I, ,,U '
Sale price, pair
Ail Our Fine F.laiulae.
and Voile Priced reg
ularly at 4 0e per yard.
January Sale price
Fine Quaker Lace, Cable Net. Frt'ct,
Net. Duo Net, Etamlne and Novelty! ,
$1.98, $2.98, $3.98 Pr."
Your Choice of Any Bungalow or.
Novelty Net Regularly pt
priced up to $1.00 a yard. tihP
January Sale price ""V
Swiss and Muslin Cartaiir:!
Worth $1.00 Per l'airt
An immense lot for our Jan
uai) Sale, special, st,
Xsar, ..U4 JKtM,(i U.0S7 II.Zt71.tM JO
3111 ID