TIIK OMAHA SFXIUY HKK: JANTAKT X 1ft:. 5-X K: ft I': i! Get Rid of Pimples Quick Hy I'slnjt Ntuaif CaMum Waferv Natural Uttle HhMxt Purifier lhat Work Like a tliarm Pnn't dewair If Jour far Is revered with rlmple;". blntrliPK, liver iri)i. ot your body Im covered In spots wii'i tetter, rash, bolls, etc. Just n SUinrt's Calrlum Wafers for a short time nml see how quickly you will clear up your skin. , ,, , w. ha "It waa only rtnorlnr tha vim- heights. In the village of Mschanka we ples.end Stuart's Calcium Wafara did 'raptured about ".CvO prisoners. Including th,V , ' .. , ,. , i. ' sixty- ipht officers, four cannon and six Pimples and eruptions of nil Mini.- ,,, ,L .... , come flom the Inside. The blood c. is mitrailleuses. The flishtlng 111 Ihia region out the impurities it contains mid th is: still continues. Furious counter attacks pimple boils etc., appear neane the ( wnr, , Mu,my , supported by blood, atop the fwdson rrom ctcvclom . ' , . . . in the blood tissues and pimples v.in armored automobiles, were jepulsed by vanish as if hv iiiat'. 'our artillery fire and bayonet charges. Htuarta Calcium wafers contain in a .., r,ul;(,1na we occupied, after a bat. natural manner the ereatest blood puil-i , ' . . ., J,Vr--t!aUlum Sulphide. tbi. Sto.ozhlnet and I'adauti (just south Calcium Sulphide mi l the other iiiR-re-;of Oeznovlti). We .ilso took eome prls dents of these reuutrkahle liltte uul.is , are Just what impure fclood needs. on , ' . . , , must know that the blood Is rushing I "In Kast Prussia and In the region of through our veins very last. It take Minwa (Northern Russian Poland I we less tnan a minute lur our oioou 10 cov.r the entire body on ran thus readily see that StuurlS to I ftlclum Wafers, when thev enter thu ..d. haye an alniost Inatnnt effect up.m nrme,l ftcar.icrs cannonaded the In all Impurities, no matter where located, ' whether It be the tin of the noir or the fnntry with success. mid. ii f th t . u Bv the use of Stuart's Calcium Wafers vour complexion will t:ike on a fresher hue andi a more natural series of tinlti than ever before. Impure blood is blue or black, rurtry It and it becomes ruby red. This tx.Uu showing beneath the skin 1 the secret of all beatiful complexions. Stuart' Calcium Wafers are aold by all druggists everywhere. I'rlce t'O cents a box.. A small sample packa" mailed free bv addressing K. A. Stuart Co.. liu Stuart Flog. Marshall, .vico STORE of the TOWN Monday morning, January -Mi, wc shall make a gen eral Reduction in the prices of our Men's and Boys' Furnishings Special Items That Should Interest You: Men s $1.50 Shirts, at . 3 ' for $2.7." Men's $2.00 Shirts at l.4.-i 3 for iM.oo Men'. $2,60 Shirts, at !..- 3 for SS.no Men's $3.50 Shirt at 2.:t-"i 3 for $.7." Men's $4.00 Shirts at 2.or S for 7.75 Men's $5.00 Shirts at tUl.&l 3 for .7S 50c Ties ii.Te $1.00 Ties at 5c 2 for 1.5M $1.50 Ties at .v 2 for '. 1.7 $2.00 Ties at $l.:i." 8 for... ........... .fa.50 i $2.50 Ties, at.Ci lUW - 2 for.... .no- 1 $3.60 Ties at 2.15 2 for $MH Men's Flannel Pajamas and Night Kohes, Madras and Silk Pajamas, IJath Kohes, House Coats, Fur Gloves, Mufflers, Sweaters and Leather (joods at 33 Discount Browning, King & Co., GEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. HIPP TH L ATLH Itouglas NtHIIK 15TH and IIAUXKV SPECIAL FOR TODAY A Four-Art Vitagrapb. Drama "The Strange Story of Sylvia Grey" Br CHASIEI L. OASKIUi - -- --- 1 ai i ii iiji JrK-TU" HOKD1T JAN. 4-5 and TUESDAY Evelyn Nesbit Thaw "Threads?. Destiny" A nVB-aCT SKA.KA WIDIEIBAT JAN. 6-7 and TIDUD1T . MAKY PICKFORD "CINDERELLA" nUDAT and JAN. 8-9 SATURDAY EDWARD ABELES "THE MILLION" 'MM THEuDORE HUt.ELT Ka hatsa a nature fakar Dr. Todi Bates half tooth dentiatr7. Yall taatli ctarrv with them the eolor, shace and comfort of your J own. If tha ratnial t'h j called rljDt and tba macaaaical n Ola aU li.W .... . . P- ,.- .. . m right, then thara ia no logical oompariaoa that either one la rig&t. ABRAHAM LIKCOLN aacama prealdant of tha Valtad States by aatabllahina a logical law fOTaraiaaT tha riaBte of tha people. Dr. Tod la Just aa pa t riot lo la eetabUabina; a loricat law rovarning- afftdancy in daa. tiatry. There balae; a rlfht and wroaa; way of fialaaT taath people ahould laTsatla-ata for themselves aad decide between the old atylt kajf teeth and the aatural ahapa fall teeth. Dr. Tod advocate full teeth for the evolution of den tal eclance. Enter one of the eix doors and Dr. Todd win eaplaiju Offloel 403. 495. 43. 491, 48. 01 r-i.t. lt. RUSSIANS REPORT YICTORY IN GALICIA Austrian Fortification on Height! Near Michanka Destroyed After a Hard Fight. COUNTER ATTACKS REPULSED Muscovites tmitare Three Thauiid Prisoner anil ember of liwne Flantlna In I'olnnd anil I'.nst I'mssle. I'KTI'.OilKAP. Jan. C.-An offl.-ial oom- I nuinkati in given en: by the general staff toniRht recounts the situation In j the various fields of action along the I Russian front. It says: "In Ualli lii we made energetic attack : on the enemy in the region of Gorllcc I (southwest of .Taslo) near Mehanka and I Ttopltza where, despite the extremely i fierce rcxIMancrt which the enemy of .fero.l we ilrslroyed, nfter a bnrd f iatlit. 'their fortifications established on the' tiavn ,l,,l(lt,,,1 attetnts by the Uermans deliver a partial offensive. "On the Vistula, opposite Wyszocrod. Irrlea of Attacks. "rtctneen the Vlstuht and the lower Tiliia tl.e tiermans have begun a aeries of attacks supported by the fire of their heavy artillery. Our troopa in an action on the left hank of tile itxura river near Vitkorltze, we repulsed two night at tacks. On the Rnwka river we repulsed an attack directed agalnat Doletr.k. "On Iecember SI th enemy manifested activity which was particularly Intense j In the. tcRion of the town of Iiawa, where the fighting still continues. "South of the I'illca the action spread out and positions cut off I routcB from Vloatoboro to Kleloe." has the U. S. Oil Tank Ship Brindilla Arrested For Second Time HALIFAX, X. S.. Jan. 2-Word was received here today that the American tank ateamer Brlndlllii, whose arrest by ft British cruiser and detention at Hali fax, last October waa the cause of diplo matic correspondence between the United States and Great Hrltaln, resulting- In tho steamer's relcano. again had been intercepted off the coast of Scotland and taken Into Aberdeen. NEW YORK. Jan. S.-Conflrmatlon of the Brindilla's aelauro was given today at the offices of the Standard Oil com pany here, but it was said that, the ship had been intercepted by a French war ship and taken to - Brest. France. Thia information reached the company, it was stated In a cablegram from Captain Petersen, commander of the Brindilla, by way of London. The Brindilla left Alexandria, Egypt. nbout November 2ii. It Brrlved at Bt. Michaels. Aaorea, to take on a cargo of oil from a German steamer December 12, and was reported as clearing Bt. Mich aels for Copenhagen December 30. Tho Brindilla's first seizure off New York last October resulted in a vigorous protest from Its owners to the United States government. At that time the Brindilla had aboard a cargo of oil and was bound ostensibly for Alexandria, Egypt A Britlali cruiaer convoyed It to this port. The British suspected It car ried contraband for Oermany. The State department at Washington mido representations to tho British gov ernment which resulted In the Brindilla's release after it had been detained at Halifax a week. ROUGH RIDER HAS FEET AND FINGERS AMPUTATED IhDCGUAS, Wyo.. Jan. 1 fSpeclal.)- Wilham (Jerky Bill) Clayton, for years a famous rough-rtdsr with Buffalo Bill' show, today calmly watched Dr. A. II Cant 1 11 amputate his right foot at the ankle and his left foot at the heel, the meanwhile discussing with the physician and his assistants the details of the opera tion, lie also will Submit to the amputa tion of all bis fingers. No anesthetic waa given Clayton prior to today's operation. Dr. Cantrll em ployed the "nerve blocklnif" system for deadening pain, and Clayton, although full conscious, did not suffer under the knife. The operation was made necessary by an accident to Clayton recently when he was thrown by a horse and lay out all night with tho temperature at degrees below aero. Ills hands and feet were f rosea and for tlni It vj believed ho could not iurvtvai For Five Years I was Troubled with a Chronic Disease. Peruna Cured me Sound and Well. Mrs. Maggie Durbln, SOS Victory Et, Little Rock. Ark., writes: "I waa troubled for five years with a chronlo disease. I tried everything I beard ol, but nothing did me any good. Some doctors said my trouble was catarrh of the bowels, and some said consumption of the bowels. One doctor said he could cure me; I took his medicine two months, but it did me no good. A filend of mine ad vised nie to try Peruna and I did so. After I had taken two bottles I found It was helping me, so I continued Its use. and it has curid me sound and well. I can recommend Peruna to any one. and if any one wants to know w net Pt-runa did for me If tbey will write to me I will answer promptly." sassSavrMeMaaaaaBi 1 k A.- Six Millions of Men and Seven Billions in Money is War Cost (Copyright, 1H, Tress Publishing Co.) NEW YORK. Jan. 2. -(Special Tele gram to New Tork World anl Omaha Ree.) At the end of the old year for eign statisticians computed that five months of the greatest war or history had Cost tho nations Involved 6.WM0 men (killed, wounded and eaptuid, arid IT.'W.Wn.o). Ioasea subdivide t Is followa: URfrAT HRITAIN siW officers klllel, W wounded; men. l.v.000 killed, SO.OiiO wounied, J.V.iliip missing. rrtANCK Total casualties, l.ino.Otw, Of Whom ISn.OOO have been killed. Rt'PPl A-Totl casunltlxs, i wdx 00" of whom :fi,Cii hue been l.llle.l. BKI.UU M SO.Ocrt killed, .o wound el. .(i0 captured. SErtVIA-Total casunltlea. ITO.floii; said by Austria to have been raptured, .0"o. OKR.MANY killed, SM.m wounded, iO.'Vi mlsslii. IMPLEMENT MEN HERE TOMORROW (Continued from 1'sa.e One ! closes. i mis me convention cates are January 5. S and T. The convention res slons Will be held on the Auditorium staif" back where the noise of the machinery at work will. not bother. Many Visitors t:xevteil. A large delegation of Implement men from a number of states Is eipected. The bureau of publicity has co-operated with the officers of the association In an effort to bring In a large delegation. The bureau of publicity has sent out nearly S.OXl personal Invitations to the various Implement men In the territory calling thfcir attention to thia convention and urging their attendance. The opening session Tuesday morning, January 5. will be given over largely to reports of president, secretary and treas urer, and to the appointment of com mittees. Kd Lelimguhl of Wahoo l. serving his second term aa president of the aanool otlon; B. K. Morse. Murin, la.. Is vice president. James Wallace, founcll Bluffs, secretary, and C. A. Wagner, Omaha, treasurer. The board of directors in composed of six Implement men from Nebraska and Iowa as followa: Oscar Kyetrom, fUromsburg, Neb.: W. II. Waplea, Cast ana, la.: A. K. Tunberg. Hooper. Neb.: C. W. Davey, Hamburg. Ia.; Martin Nelson. Ilartlngton. Neb.; J. W. Patterson, Kearney, Neb. Speaker to Disease Problems. Speakers from varioue states will dis cuss varloiiai phase of the Implement business, particularly tho problems of the retail Implement dealer. Various Joint sessions are planned, when tho Jobber, manufacturers, retailers and traveling, salesmen are to meet to dlscusa their com mon problem Also they will discuss tho respective fldda each should cover with a view- to arriving at' a better understand ing aa to the exact limits that should be placed on the Belling activity of the whole saler atnd where ahould be the rctaller'a legitimate business. Various Implement houses of tha city havo already decorated their places of business with & view to entertaining the delegates when they come. Many ordnta I are always placed at tho wholesale houses by the delegates before they leave th city at these meetings. It Is the oppor tunity of tho year for thm to spend a week in Omaha, and they Improve that opportunity to look over the various lines of implements In tho wholasalo houses and place their orders for the aprtng stock. - Much Business RejiaKe. Thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of business was done In thia way during the several days of the convention last year. Omaha's wholesale Implement district la so fortunately located that it takea the minimum amount of walking to cover th district Kvery afternoon dur ing tha convention hundreds of Imple ment men wander through th district from one establishment to the other. placing their orders for the various kinds of machinery. Tho salesroom of the International Harvester company at tha. Harveatir building. Eighth and Capitol avenue, haa been attractively and uniquely decorated for tha Implement dealers' convention to be held here next week. Natural and artificial autumn leaves, flags And bunting were used profusely In the decorating, . together with sisal and manlla fiber used In manufacturing binder twine. Flvs different styles of tractors, corn shelters, engines of all slsea and stylet will be lo actual operation or motor drlvsn so as to ensble the dealers to see what and how the machines work In operation. Deerthg and McCormlck binders and mowerg attractively displayed will bo the main feature of the InternoUonal's exhibit at the Auditorium. Germans Withdraw Six Army Corps from Front Near Warsaw liONDON, Jan. 2. The Warsaw corre. spondent of the Times aends a report that six German army corps have with drawn from that front, supposedly to guard against tha rumored plans of the Russians to make an attack across the Vistula across tl.e line of communica tion between Lowlcs and Thorn. mark llllle Pioneer la Dead. RAPID CITY, 8. D., Jan. t-(Speclal.)- Hcart failure caused the death here of Colonel James A. Clark, pioneer and vet eran mining man of this section, aged nearly 67. Colonel Clark, who was widely known throughout tha atate aa a "It pio neer of the Hills, was also a pioneer of Nebraska early days and a native of Mis souri. He resided near Keystone, In this county, and mado and lost numerous lor tunes in the mining buxlnesa, being known by the nickname of "Big Hat" Clark from the headgear be wore. He leaves a widow and three eona, two of the latter being somewhere in Colorado and another aome- whera In Minnesota, and a daughter, lit was a Mason, Elk and Grand Army of the Republic veteran. Stanley Be Id Call. LEAD, a D., Jan. S. (Hpeclal.) With the new year there were changes In the local never paper situation. John Htanley of Hot firings, a veteran newspaper man, took poaeMi!on of tho !nad Daily Call, which he purchased for fX.Ont from Mr. and Mit. C II. Grace, who have con ducted It for tha lust seven years. He has not made any announcement aj to a change of policy. Trc Lead Dally Fair play, sUrtsl a little over a year ago by Fred A. Mix of Tort Pierre, suspended publication. Bt Want Ads Trotfacs itatuita. AfSTRIA- Total eaaualtles. l.r-V.OOrt. of whom lMi.no have been killed Kxpenses are subdivided as followa: (iRKAT HRITAIN - fc'.0no,o(y a month, or l,."i."..i0ii.OOO at the end of the vrsr. ntANCK-fiw 100,009 a month. total of JI.MO.enrt.ort. Ri ssi A- Uro nw.OOO a month, a total of H.Tve.nrv.mio. bKHM NY-Trtf.,ont a month, a to tal of $l.50ii tvo.oin at borne. In addi tion to paying the expenses of her all'', Turkey AI STRIA-Kstlmated to total 11,000,- OW.OHrt. In adlltloti. all the warring nallona are shM to have lost a much as they have api tit by the parnlyration of eom merco and Industry. Owing to this tre mendous cost, financial authorities say that tho war must end within the next five months. PRESIDENT OF MT)-WEST IMPLE MENT Dr.-U.FJIS d Lehmkuhl Trade Relations With Argentina Show Improvement NEW VOHK. Jan. 2. Business relations between the Cnlted S'tates and Argentina have shown a mnrked improvement dur ing the last two months, as the result of the Eunpran war and the evidenced de slm of American forms to stimulate trade, aald Alberto M. D'Alkalne, secre tary of the Argentine commission to the Panama-I'aeiflo exposition, who arrived here today on the steamship Vestrls. "The shock to business created by the war." said Mr. D'Alkalne. "Is fast dis appearing. We have every indication of a prosperous year before ua. Our grain crop Is una of the largest In years, and the bent of feeling exists between the 1'nltrd Htates and Argentina that we have ever known." Two Argentine transports, the Tampa and the t'hao, have left Buenos Ay res for Philadelphia and New York, the secre tary aald, carrying full cargoea of exhi bits for the ranama-raolflc exposition and a full complement of offlcera and men for the Argentine batttoShlp Moreno, re cently built at Camden, N. J. Neutral Countries Side With Wilson on Shipping Note IluMK, Jan. 2. The Tribune, comment ing on the American nna to the Dritlah government regarding interference with Its ohl; ping at sea. aaya: 'America, the ftcandlnavlan countries and Italy are united by an Informal un derstanding which might become formal If the abuses continue. They only de sire to aee their commerce protected and demand that International rules, Instead of arbitrary belligerents, reign over he aeaa. "The American note, or similar views from other neutrals, must not be taken aa an expression of irritation at tha In jury to their commerce by the Inconsld erate application of International rights.' DEATH RECORD. Former May or of Beatrice Dead. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 2 8peclal) E. R. Kogg, a pioneer of Beatrice and wno served as mayor of the city In 1892-3, died at his home here Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Fogg was born In Port' land, Me., on November 10, 1K38, and In the spring of 18) settled In this city, where he practli ed law. In 1883-4 he had charge of the land office here and was the last man to serve the government in that capacity In this city. In Wt he was appointed receiver of the Pnople'a Na tional bank, which position he held for five years. He was elected mayor of this city on the democratic ticket In 18se and served one term. He Is survived by a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Rose Moore j of Ftlllwater, Okl. HYMENEAL Krosr- hrlateaaea. 1 Mlsa Marie Cbriatensen and William Kroger of Iyona, Neb., were married by rtev. Cliarlea W. Bavldge Saturday after noon at 3 o'clock. If a trillion-II a ft thorn. Miss Daisy Hawthorn of Stewart. Ia., and Homer Hutchison of Guthrie Center, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldgo Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. V prf :;;';.l j EW YEAR'S SPECIAL PETROLEUM CARBON COKE Ihe Kind Tou'vt lud and Heard to Muck About For Emmcdialc Delivery Q 110 2.0C8 POORDS PER TON KAKD $CREERED..tt "" ROSENBLATT .9KVcI COAL CO. 113 Nicholas Street Tel. Douglas 630 a 4 1 GERMANS REPORT REPDLSEOF FRENCH Statement of Berlin War Office Con tradicts Faris Reyiew on Nearly All Points. PROGRESS IS MADE IN ARGONNE Attempt f Alllea t Take tiermaa Trenekea Jieae Mewpart ta Re palaed Attaeka n teln bach Alao Repelled. TtEnLlN. Jan. S.-(Py Wireless to liondonl-French attacks m the vicinity of Nieuport, Uelgium, were repulsed by the Germans yeeterd.iy. according to tho official atatement given out today by the German general headquarters ataff. Oensan successes are claimed In the Argonne forest. In the Hols rt rules and to tho southwest of Saarburg. while violent attacks directed by the French to the north of the fortress of Verdum are said to have been repulsed. French reports of progress In the Alsatian village of Reln- I bach are denied by the Germans. I IP the eastern tone of the fighting the situation In Ksst Prussia and Pouthern Poland la said to have undergone no change, but the tiermana claim to have made proKiesn on tho Haw ka and Umira rivers, which flow through a region about forty nillea to the west of Warsaw. Teat of Statement. The text of the communication followa: "In tho western theater the enemies attacks ngalnst our positions In and near the dunes at Nlepport wei-e repulsed. "In tho Argonne region we made fur ther progress all anong the front. "Fierce attacks to the north of Verdun and also against the front on the line of Allly-Apremont. north of Commercy, wero repulsed with heavy louses to the French. Thirty-three officers and pin men wero taken prisoners by us. On this oc casion wo succeeded to taking tho entire Hola Urules (burned forest), for which we have been fighting bo stubbornly. "Ixss Important engagements southwest of haarburg had the desired result. "Ijitcly the French have systematically bombarded the villages situated behind our front. Thay succeeded In killing fifty Inmates f one of the shelters of one of our divisions. 'The French official reporis stste that the French are making progress step by step In Ihe village of Stelnback (Alaaoe). Not a single house has been Inst by us In Stelnbarh. All tho French attacks on this village have been repelled. 'It is iciwrted from the raatern theater that tho situation on the Kast Prussian frontier la unchanged. "East of the Hanra and the Ttawka branches of tho Vistula river our attaeka have progressed under somewhat more favorable weather conditions. In Toland to tho east of the Plllca river there have been no changes In the situation." Part of Human Torso Found Imbedded in Ice at Coney Island NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-Examlnatlon early today of the torso of the human body discovered last night Imbedded In the ice In a marsh near Coney Island led the police to believe it was that of a man The torso waa wrapped in two burlap bags and patrolmen and detectives searched all night In tha Long Island meadow where the two bundles were found In the hope of locating the mlaslng parts of the body. The police were es pecially anxious to find the head that the Identity of the supposedly murdered man might be established. The discovery of the dismembered body recalled to the detective bureau the find ing of the mutilated body of Anna Aumul ler, who was murdered by the Rev. liana Schmidt and the fragments thrown upon the Jersey shore of the Hudson river. The. discovery of the baga waa made by a boy who waa passing near the spot. The boy led a detective to the place, who ripped open the exposed top of one of the baga It contained the mutilated upper part of a human body, from which the arms had evidently been removed. Ixwer parts of the torso were in the second bag. PENNSY RAILROAD ASKS BID FOR BRIDGE STEEL PHILADELPHIA, Jan. I. The Pennsyl vania Railroad company today asked the steel manufacturing concerns1 of the coun try to bid on 17,000 tons of structural steel for bridge construction during 1D16. The company also asked for bids on 1.270 tons of steel for use In reinforced concrete work. Plttahwrch Bob I face Bankrupt. rTTTSRlTRGH, Pa., Jan. 2.-P. P. Henry, well known as the owner of Pittsburgh hotels, today voluntarily filed a petition In bankruptcy, giving his llaMI Itles as 11,603,137 and aaseta aa n.4U.72. Among the acknowledged claims are those of the atate of Pennaylvania for $18. OH taxes snd the Mutual I.lfe Insurance company of IW9.6G2 and the Kq ill table Assurance Society of New York 'JH,(XX), money borrowed. 0 sib aria P Bailcw Sanatorium Tblf Institution u the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated In their own ample grounds, yet entirely dia lect, and rendering It possible to classify cases. . The one building bslng fitted for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others bo lng admitted, the other Rest Cot tsge being designed for and de .ed u tue tiAcluaive treatment of select mental cases "squiring for a time watchful care and spe r ial nursing. c "Berg SuiU Me" HALF PRICE All Our Broken Lines of "Kuppenheimer" Society Brand and Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats And Other High-Grade Garments That Sold From $15 to $40 NOW i$7.50, $10, $11.25, $12.50, $H.50, $17.50, $20 THOUSANDS TO Men's $1 Shirts 55c Two - piece Underwear Cotton Rib. Cotton and OC Wool Mixed, Worth 75c &d EnuBtttaiaZia r T - i-i V which should be in every home FA VORITE NUMBERS IN BIG DEMAND HORrK "The Victor More" HAS THEM 1. Lullaby from JocHyn John McCortntvck-Frltg KrcUler Nr. 88483 $3.00 2. OonM d'llnffmamn-Ilaurarolle) Alma Gluck-Loulse Homer, No. 87202 $2.00 B. Ctolle tvalti. Hesitation; nmmuu waits. Hesitation Castle) House Orchestra. No. 36373 i 4. Lucia Sextet. Victor Opera Sextet, No. 70038 3. Aloba Oe (rferowell Kong), Hawaiian Quintet; Kun Home, Hawaiian quintet, No. 65348 75 1 6. It's a Jionjt, Ixmsj Way to Tlppfrarj American quin tet; ttoMlers of the King, March, Pryor'g Band. No. 17639 75 7. Sllrer Thread Among the Gold Violin by Maude Powell, No. 64489 $1.00 8. Mighty lk' a Hose, Walts, Hesitation, McKee'a Orches tra; Mllllcent, Waltr, Hesitation, McKee'a Orchestra. No. 36395 1 SI. 2 5 0. Herause By John McCortnack, No. 64430 SI. 00 10. Vnrter the Double Eagle, March, Sonne's Band; Light's Out, March, Sousa'e Band. No. 16960 75 Hospe'g U the place to hear the new Victor Records for Jan uary or any other number. Come In any time. We'll gladly play any record you wish to hear. A. HOSPE CO. 1318-1515 DoukUs Street. The Victor Store and the Store of Good Victor Berrice. Lit AU MAT, rf Far Toa. go ABC Petroleum EVEL.. ' Coke All Suae ' cuAJf atoT xAararo Per $5o Srivars TOXX V Scralng Domestic' McCaffrey Bros. Co. PffisT' ortampsonNut $r-oo lwMirsrai$i5o $10,000 MAN WANTED We want PI strict Distributers real, live-wire business men capable of earning $10,000 yearly and upwarda. Xysanlte. the absolutely natural American Mineral Water, has become. In Just a few weeka, Chicago's biggest seller. He pest orders are now coming In far In eaoess of our expectations. Now that the auceesa of Nysenlta Mineral Water is assured In fact, already achieved t want to branch out and place our product before the people In every city In the United Htates. Our pUn Incltidea salsa and advertising campaigns, such as proved so successful in Chicago. To this end. we want big men to take the right of exclusive dlattibutlon In aa h such district. - A small Investment, accord ing to aiss and location of territory selected. Is required. Are you looking for a good business? One where profits are big enough to Justify every effort you ean put forth T Wall., here It Is tha chance to get in on the ground floor of one of the strbngest, biggest, most succesaful propositi one . that haa beea put over for soma time. Write for our proposition today as good territory Is being snapped up quickly. All rtpllas treated In strlcteat confidence. Silverwood Mineral Wells Co. SVT So. La Salle St, JUL CHOOSE FROM Union Suits vTtt0T 85c Boy's Suits and Overcoats $1.95, $2.85, $3.85, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95. VaJuei from $3.00 to $12.00 1 ( I -iir - (outhara 9 50 4UiraHe) Per Tea 1 . P w-a V v taaUTerr BERNICE u COAL Comfortable roraaos Thorough Screening 1 Obloago, HI.