Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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! I
1 I
School Set H Returned and Row
Parents Hare Some Time.
tfaay V to California 14 Other
"rtk Milder llmatra for
lap Remalwdrr of tar
W later Mnilki,
orlal alewdnr.
X'NDAT-Mr. and Mm. C. S Diets,
dinner for 1ts Harriet Olllette of
rihertdnn, guest of Ml F.leanor
Mackay. Mr. and Mm. Norman Tyson,
family dinner. Mr. and Mm. Charlea
K Irachhraun, reception for Minn lnte
Ilurae of Memphis. Heuhon-Krank. wed
ding at Metropolitan clirn.
MONDAY O-At-Ka club. Mis Kstherlne
lwleiw, hoMess.
TlKSnAY-Debutanle Bridge club.
Wolfe-Meeraa wedding In Counrll
Bluff. Bridge Ltmr-heon club, Mr. C.
B. Coon, hotea. Tuedy Prldse club
Temple Israel Sisterhood concert at
Temple Israel. Tuendny Morning Musi
cal rlub, Mrs. J. M. Metcalfe, hostess.
Browned Hall, opening of winter terra.
Amateur Mimical club.
WKDNKRDAV-Kuberrtption club danc
ing party at Turpln'a academy.
Wednesday Hrltlge club. Mrs. tl. J.
Ingwersen. luncheon for Mlaa Katheiina
McMillan ef Fond du lac. Block-Meyer
welding tn Koma hotel. Itrownnll
Hall lunrhaon and annual Twelfth
Night party.
THURSDAY Original Cooking club. Mn.
Joveph Barker, hoetees. Vent a chapter,
Order of the Kaslern Star, dancing
party at Chambers. Good Time club,
Mr. O. H. Myers, tififlfM.
FRIDAY Ml Ruth Harte. bridge party
nr Mlaa Henrietta Urexel. Qui Viva
club dancing party at Chambers' acad
emy. SATURDAY Weirt-Knd club dancing
Party at .Chamber' academy. Praliia
Park club week-end dance.
Thle la the tlma of the year whan all
eeera to be making plana for apandlng
the remainder of the winter months.
Mow that the debutantes hare all been
Introduced and sufficiently launohed In the
social realm .and the school act has been
eat back t their books, after two weeks
ef contlaaal gaiety, soma thought can be
given to the members of the older act
Many hay chosen to sojourn tn Cali
fornia, tbo old meeting ground of the
Tovere of flowers and sunshine, nntll tho
eprtag. A few have selected Japan this
xsar. sad others the aver popular Florida
aad fU beaches, Panama and Cuba.
Mrs. F. 8. Owen leaves Tuesday for
bor California homo at Monteclto and
wilt bo accompanied by her daughter,
Gertrude, who returns to the Bishop's
school at La Jolla.
Mr. and Mrs. j. Clarke Colt leave
today for La Jolla, Cal., for the winter.
Colonel and Mrs. a ft. Curtis have en.
tsged passage on the "Caian&res, ' sail
ing next Saturday from New York for
Panama. They will stop In Havana on
the way back and then come north
through Florida. stopping In fit.
Augustine for a tlma
Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur P. Outou aa4
children leave Thursday for Hollywood,
Cat; the former for a month, and Mrs.
utou and the children for the winter,
They will be with Mr. C. It, Oulou, who
has a horns tn Hollywood.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Foster and Mr. and
Mrs. C li. Smith leave Monday evening
for California, where tliey will spend
the remainder of the winter, .
Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Ktdrldgeof Kountae
place leave Thursday for Ban Francisco,
from which point they sail January I
for Japan. Mr. and .Mrs. Eadrtdga expect
to be away for three or four months.
Mrs. Alexander Folia left last week
for Havana. Cuba, te be the gueot of
her son, Mr. Mark Poliack. for several
months. I .
Air. Joseph llayden ana sister. If las
Sadie Harden, expect to leave February
1 for their annual trip to southern all
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford, who spend
their winters In California, leave the lat
ter part of January for Long Beach.
Mr. and Mra O. W. Wattles wilt 'not
leave, until March 1 this year for their
California home at Hollywood.
Mr. ana Mrs. John 8. Brady leave the
latter part of the month for Florida to
spend the winter montha at Belle Air.
Mr. and Airs, a IX. Sprague will go to
Belle Air the middle ef this month to re
main several weeks.
Retaining' to School.
The return to school and college began
Saturday with the departure of most of
the Yale and And over bo ye and a num
br of the girls. Including Miss Katharine
Baum, Miss Marjorte McCorA, Miss Vir
ginia Offutt and Miss Ksther Wllhelm.
Monday the Dana Hall girls. Mtas
laebe! Vlnsoohaler, Miss Reglna Coanell,
Mtas Helen Pearoe, Mlsa Ruth Fits,
gerald. win leave, and Mies Grace Allison
lose back , to Ely Court. Mis Elisabeth
Reed, Mum Krna Reed , and Mlsa Mona
Cowell also leave Monday.
Miss Josephine Congfon will remain
ovr until Tuesday or Wedneaday.
Miss Naomi and Mlaa Marlon Towle
I 'av Sunday.
Mr. Thomas Brown, sen of Mrs.
Thomas Brown, returns Monday evening
-to lUcine college, 1 Canine. Wis. He will
spend a few days at Milwaukee with
school friends en route.
Mr. Frederick Hahn, who wag home
with hi parents for the holidays, re
turned Friday te resume his medical
studies at the state university.,
Mr. Joha Brannigaa of Falls City, Neb.,
he has been spending eh
the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Me
Donald, left Saturday, for Lincoln, where
he IU continue hla studies at the UnU
verslty of Nebraska.
Mr. .John McDonald leave tnAmv ...
the University of Lincoln, after apandlng
the holidays with his parents. Mr. aad
Mrs. Henry McDonald.
H Florence Riley returns to Bt
5 Marys. Notre Dame. Ind, Tuesday evea-
4 n'-
Mr. Clarke Riley will leave 'today for
? 8t. Thomas' college. at. Paul. Minn., te
j resume his studies.
4 Miss Gladys Robertson returns this
r evening to Bradford academy, after
I spending the holidays with has
Mlaa. Katberlna Loots, who attends the
U Inlverelty of Chicago, left Saturday
! evening te return te act root
j With the Visitor. '
Dr. aad Mra Peter Clommeaaea ef
Chicago arrived lit Omaha Sunday raorn
; ing to be Ue gueets for a few days of
I Mr. aad Mra P. F. Petersen, lei gouta
-; Thirty-eighth avenue. Dr. Ciemmensen U
one of Otacago's well known surgeons
and 1 also a member of the Board of
Tueiduy Mornina' MuiicaL
The Tuesdsy Morning Musical club will
meet Tuesday rooming at the home of
Mra. J. M. Metcalfe ea Houih Tenth etrvet.
j Mr. Jeiin P, Duf field, assisted Ioutse
, Joneen Wiley, will give the program.
-i For Eelief Fund.
The card j-arty and dance '.Iven by We
j' noim a of tiie Jrlli war "jfferer- relief
u.iiuutue awttej i I'M to f.S. The fol-
a, '' , , I
.; ' J
'-"v. ,
Sa. 'aw'Aay.
Io Angeles, I 'a.
lowing were awarded for the card
game: Mesdaras A. V. Alplrn, Rose Levin
and A. Laserowltf. and Mer. B. A.
Simon. J. Brown and Itildor Rips.
Rajah Club Dancing Party.
The Rajah club entertained at an In
formal watch party New Year's eve at
Turpln'a academy. The hall room was
elaborately decorated In the holiday
scheme, with the addition of mirrors
pi seed around the room, making a beau
tiful effect. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Dels Muffet.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. fciinls.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Oaks
Mr. and Mra. Hugo Arhonal.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Knnpp.
Mr. and Mra. W. llronek.
Mr. and Mrs. Hdward McCsrthy.
Mario O'Brien,
V. McCrann,
Margaret loyle,
Alice Mahoney,
T. Flanagan,
J. Dougherty, '
M. Welsh,
Uladys Ambler,
Dorothy Myers,
Janet rtees,
Kay Chamberlain,
A. Jacobi.
Maudo I.lghtrop,
Marts Adolph,
Fanny Uladwing,
Anne Vedergrln,
tether froner, .
Lottie Frankln-
lone Fogg.
Helen Detweiler, ,
Margaret Hunt,
Alice Johnson,
Vlra Barry,
Ada Ba'k,
Nina Uarrelt,
Irene Tracy.
Ruth Caaatdy,
Dorothy Fleming,
Avis Tyreil,
Margaret Fife,
Lot lie Oilier,
M. Martin,
C. Donovan,
Helen Korensoa,
M. Wahosky.
Margaret Hlack;
M. Mulvahlll.
Myrtle Ituslln.
Myrtle Hayden,
K. Martls.
Hannah Tata,
Helen McMartin,
Abby Howee,
Stella hprague.
10. Dugher,
Brodfuehrer ,
of Columbus,
adle Noonan,
Jrene Murphy,
Ksther Connelly,
W. Donstiue,
Rmtna King.
Rose Whalen,
M. Murdock,
Maude Parker,
Bertha Tobias.
Anna Parlowa,
O, Larre.
Helen ttlnelalr,
. II. Bushman,
Alva Or sham,
M. Rushuuid,
llasel Larson,
Jessie McDonald.
Martha Fitch,
Ksther Ooodwln,
F. Bunion,
I Ijtngdon,
Kmlly Mackett.
M. Button,
Krma Hwlft.
A. Sinclair,
I malley,
M. Robinson,
of Lincoln,
Bonnie Warren,
M. Tucker,
Hasel Caramello, -Mine
K. Wads worth,
K. Mansan,
Maria Hell.
Alma Krebs,
K. . Ryan,
Margaret Bridget.
Ruth Betty,
Helen O'Brien,
Klla Noonsn,
Margaret Wagner,
lUvelyn East.
ltta Cartnr,
Fanny Uddel.
Katherine White,
Ruth Kay.
K. Gallagher,
Ruth Gentleman,
Sylvia Hrandes,
M. Hoffman,
C Nelson,
tlrace Cummlnga,
M. Ryan,
Fsnnle Kollcr,
K. F.nirllah.
Wslo PJerrou.
Rita Carpenter,
Mary C. Swift.
Helen McCaffrey.
E. CM alley,
1 V. Ryan.
Dave Ruurke.
AV. tl. Bedford,
'. Hamilton,
F. dward Whaler,
Ted llanck.
a. La Vlolette.
Ray Tlerney,
J. Hartnett. .
Arthur Beck.
v, I e France,
J. Halplne,
Harley Deems.
J. R. Williams.
A. Jamieson,
Kdward Lowe.
Paul Irvln,
F. J. Kubltachek,
Kdward Welch,
Geore-e Button.
A. Obcrreuter,
Glenn Lamb, ,
.1 , MuMarttn,
C. Kane.
Harold Bell.
F. O, Hroan.
J J. McCarthy,
V. Bailey.
George Davis.
John Peacock.
A. Maher.
1'. Samuelson,
James K el ley,
Percy Hell.
Joe Martin.
A 1.. Hradley,
J. M. Coffey.
N. A. Tlerney.
Jack Lacy,
Ted Israel,
BUI Holbrook.
F. Flambeek,
Jvid i'rawl,
F. Williams.
Ralph Dunn.
Iu-k Dusdale.
M. Webber.
Jamea Dusdala,
II. KaamuBeen,
AV. K. Wolfe, ,
Rats Unwell.
Harry Welach.
Harry Cummlnga,
Sid Schall.
Robert burns,
I lay Traynor,
Frank Dlnean,
Victor Black.
K. McCaffrey,
T. Cullen.
K. J. Brown.
C. MoCafirey.
C Shields.
M. Burka,
Mary PJerroa.
U. Craig.
Merle Watt,
Edith Mahaffey,
Uladys Crocks,
M. Martinson,
Helen Belael,
Myrtle Rroufe.
8. Brandela,
W. Fotat.
Messrs. '
J. Brennaa, .
K o Nelll.
H. Unahan.
A I Ooodwln.
F. Kribes.
L. Marshall.
P. MoCrann.
J Young.
Sam Hndeen,
Joe Creadon.
K. P. Hamilton,
C E. Kmitli,
C. J. McDonald.
J. L. Bailey.
W. II. ltogers.
J. W. Lewis.
William Kleael,
F. C. Balrd.
Frank CumlngS,
U. Cleveland,
C F. Benjamin,
H. McNamara.
F. Carpenter,
t). H. Hleth.
Peter Luck.
C H. Lovejoy.
Frank Kearney,
W. Barr.
Harold Hteere,
S UUain ttitt.
Paul Howland.
John Boraholt.
W. K. Honeche,
A, VotiDoland,
jrm aiartui,
H. C. Rye n.
H Mulvahlll.
W. K. Hanker,
Jeff Htlberg.
Altert lioale.
J. II. BeverUlge,
tl. W. Bayde,
Paul Moore.
Kdward Krans,
Hank Howe,
li II. W hkklaad,
J. Muldonn.
P. M. Tel.
t. F. Noonan.
Ocorg Kettert.
P. H. Wtlllaine,
D. Munroe,
P. Medley.
II. Wentierg.
Bart Kmsrr,
I. eorge West.
W. A. Yeung.
Tom O'Brten.
(teer Banksr,
U C. Psrk.
Ir. O. Csrroll.
Harry Collins.
1onard rioll,
W. Maher.
Tom Roach.
Future Affairs.
Mrs. C. U. Coon will be hostess at the
meeting of the Bridge Luncheon club
Tuesdsy afternoon at her home la the
Angelas apartments.
The tteat meeting of the Thimble club
will b Tuesday. January U at the home
of Mrs. J. F. Carpenter.
Mrs. O. II. Myers will entertain the
members of Good Times club Thursday
At Browuell HalL
Brow no U liall wul open for the winter
term Tueday, January L On Wednes
day, January . the Christinas service
will I held la the ihaM of M. Matllilaa.
An addrex will U then by tho Right
t S
lUr. A. L. 'Williams. Luncheon will fol
low the service and Immediately after
luncheon the annual Twelfth Night party
will take place. All alumnae and "old
girls" are clrdlally Invited U be present
at the celebration.
Pleasures Fast.
Mr. and Mra James Manning enter
talned at their home Friday evening In
honor of Mr. Jack Skelton. Those pres
ent were:
Mary J. Manning,
Grace HoKan,
Delia Wltkershsm,
Lillian Bugrue,
Gretchen Godfrey,
Charles Kelpln.
Jack Kkeltnn,
It meet Frenoli,
Noble Drummy,
There Manning,
Kllzatwth HrouKhan,
Kathlmn Fluarth,
Alice Manning,
James Hatton,
Martin Nollalnger,
John Manning.
Mr. and Mrs.
C. Leydecker gave a din
ner party at their homo New Year's eve.
Those present were:
Mr. an4 Mrs. Benjamin Spieler.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hale.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lcydecker.
Misses Mlsftes
Mamaret Dlneen,
Loriene Hale.
Christine Leydecker.
Jr. j. n. Albert of St. Cloud,
eri. mm.p.
Vincent Grace, Huxh Johnson.
Ray Leydecker. Frank Levdecker.
Mr. George F. Englor left Wednesday
to spend New Year's in Chicago. He will
return early this week.
For Younger Set. ,
ror Miss Helena Chase. Mr. and Mra
Clement Chase gave a tea dansanto Fri
day afternoon st their rssldVnce. The
guests were:
Peggy Reed.
IioiitHe Fort,
Kalherlnn Carlan,
VirKlnlu Crofoot,
Dorothy lmrlow,
Virginia Plxley,
Kituly Burke,
Joan hlne Marple,
Mary Wattles,
Margaret Wattles.
Mary Richardson.
Charles Burgess,
Denman kountae, .
James Reynolds,
Robert Daug'ltsrty,
lame love.
Donald Hall,
Harkncsa Kountae.
More Palmer,
Douslas Peters.
Charles Allison,
Byron Wilcox.
Helen Hmlth.
Grace Smith.
Betty Fairfield.
orothy Judawn.
Winifred Hmlth,
Rather Sinitn.
Betty Rlngwalt.
Katherine Bonier.
Josephine Wllllains,
virainia orrutt,
K.litabeth Barker,
Ludovio Crofoot,
Floyd Smith,
David CaldwelL
tleorve Voaa,
James Wyman,
Kooert llurkley, .
Tlarrv Burkley,
Itlcherd I'sire,
F.dlson Vlnsonhaler.
Arthur Rlnewalt,
Liouts tmrgesa.
Etecaba Club.
Ktecabe club held Its business meeting
Friday evening at the home of Mr. Joha
Morris. Those present were:
Roy Moore.
James Lonswell,
Robert Christie,
Bruce Fldrlge,
John tldrlRe,
Ralph Henderson,
Gerald Brltt.
John Morris.
'red Ht'durd.
Oliver Nirklson,
I Huff.
Dan Long well.
Reuben-Frank Wedding-.
The marriags of Mlaa Minnie Frank,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Frank, to
Mr. William Reuben of this city, will be
celebrated today at the Metropolitan hall.
Informal Dinner.
Mr. and Mr. C. p. Coon gave a bridge
dinner Wednesday evening at tbelr home
la the Angttus apartment. . Red and
.Ml".-! ftAI.PII K t'l'NXI NGIIAM,
Nee Virginia; Mik1J.
I 1 C- ' f rVen
i vd
. -1
white carnation decorated the table and
covers were placed for:
Mr. and Mr. Kdward Johnson,
Mr. and Mr. Jl. Marlev,
Mr. an l Mr. 11. O. Wllhrlm.
Mr. and Mr. John Bottln.
Mr. and Mr. Gonte B. Derr.
Judge and H. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn.
Theater Party and Dinner.
Prof. Ernest Raymond Mlsner enter
tained a number of the faculty and stu
dents of York college at a matinee party
Thursday afternoon at the Orpheum.
The matinee was followed by a dinner
given by Mrs. 8. Dector, the doan of
women of York college. Those present
F.thet Clarke,
Helen Sailing,
E. R. Mianer,
L. N. Tryon,
Mrs. a Rector.
Mles "
Gersldlne Palling,
Elizabeth Olds. '
L. D. Waldorf,
K. L. M liner.
Coronado Club Dance.
The Coronado club will give Its first
annual grand ball at the Rome hotel,
Monday evening, January 1L This will!
he the most elaborate party of the sea
son and several new feature will be ln
troduced. One hundred and twenty-five
Invitations have been Issued.
Costume Party.
A costume party was given New Tear's
eve at the home pf Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Lsetovlca. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lantovlca.
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Flxa.
Mr. and Mr. J. L. Hawk.
Mrs J. i'. Urow-n
Anna Flxa,
Mary Brown.
Marie Mlnchka,
Mollis Kohatck,
Agnes Busek,
Mary Laslovica,
IIlen IastovH a.
Frank Gosplrhal. .
Frank Lantovlca,
Leu La s to v lea,
Adolph Lastovica,
William Lantovlca,
jCharlea Lastovica,
Stanley Flxa of
Kan Francisco.
Clara Brown.
Kmlly Brown.
Matilda Novak.
Thomas Potter,
Julius Brown,
Adolph Urown.
Charles Dusek,
John Flxa.
John Kose -Hawk,
Alfred Misohka.
Fire Hundred Club.
The members of the Five Hundred
Luncheon club were entertained at a
watch party Thursday evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. EJ. Parsons.
The guests were:
Lucille Cart-enter
of tit. Joneoh.
.Tosale fcteere.
Flolse Kreymborg.
Margaret Fordyce.
of Chicago,
Roy Brownell.
I sonars Dennlsnn,
Helen Kreymborg,
Clarence Parsons,
Frank Parsons.
Willis Blnk
Mr. and Mrs. James Oreeves,
V. and Mrs. W. B. Ftordyce.
Mr. and Mra. B. F. Bralley,
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hawk.
Mr. and Mra. T. Cahlll.
Dr. and Mra KraUx hbll.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Parsons,
Mr. and Mrs. Kreymborg,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Khlrlock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kteere,
Mrs. Carpeter of Bt. Joseph.
Mrs. Kink. .
Heturnin? to School.
Mr. Herbert Davis, son of Dr. and Mrs.
B. B. Davis, who has been spending the
holidays with his parents, returns to
Cornell today.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Meyer have Issued
cards for tho wedding of their daughter,
Iluth, and Mr. Ike M. Block of Atlantic.
la. The ceremony will be performed
Wedneaday evening at the Rome hotel
by Rabbi .Frederick Cohn of Temple
Israel in the presence of about fifty
friends. There will be no attendants.
Following their wedding trip the young
people will bo at home lit the King apart
ments at Atlantic after February 1.
Mr. Frederick Hahn leaves Sunday for
Chicago, where he wUl resume his medi
cal studies at the University of Illinois.
Pupils' Recital.
Pupils of Mlsa Ruth Partridge gave a
recital at her home Wedneaday afternoon.
Mr. Will Hetherlngton gave vloUn num
bers. Those taking part were:
Mlsaes Mlsaes
Margaret Brown. Ruth imiimn.
Ruth Itibbel, Helen Murgeon, '
Alice Kjarsaard, Carolyn Kedrwick.
Marie KJaigaard,
Marian Perkins,
Laura Redgwlck.
Norman Carlln,
Francis McTea.
Hedwicka Kexuichek
Helen terv las.
Mast era
Richard Armstrong,
Cryital Wedding- Celebrated.
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. BUs entertained at
dinner, followed by a musical, at their
home New Tear's day la hoaor of their
crystal wedding anniversary. Covers were
laid (or:
Mr. and Mra J. F. Bill. sr.
Mr. gnd Mrs. J. Thiete.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. ill la '
Mra August Thlele.
Misses Misses
Helene Wis. Beetrloe Jlofroana.
Vlolette ltufmann,
Messrs. Messrs
K. W. KUs. F. F. Hofmann.
Fred Thlele, into BUs.
LuUI blls,
Engwg-ementa Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. M. HarUberg announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Ida Hartsber. te Mr. Davtd Fteln of
this city. No date has been set for the
Mr. and Mra C. J. Lyon announce the
engagement of their daughter. Miss
Edith, te Mr. Myron C. Buck of Water
loo. Ia. formerly of Omaha. The wed
ding, wlj take place In February.
Mi. and Mr. A. J. Mi ad announce the
rngiigemvnt of their c'augliter. Irene, and
Mr. Francis E. Llndberg of Ploux City,
la, formerly of Omaha. The wedding
date will be announced later.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cox announce
ihe enairment of their daughter, Flor
enc May. to tWald K. Beats of White
tilver. S D. the wedding to 'take rlace
January 14 at the Row bud Indian agency.
Announce Engagement.
Mr. and Mi. Thornns Buchanan Mr
Phernon announce the engagement of
their daughter, Marg;irt. to Mr. Clement
Kdward Gardiner. Jr.. of New York City.
: Tho announcement oine as a surprise
and la of much interert to the many
friend of the family.
Mlaa MrPhrrann attended Rrownell Hall
and the Cathedral orhool at Garden City,
j Ixuig lalni.d. She h very talented and
has taken leading tHrta always In local
I theatricals for . hnrltahle benefits, many
j of her frleni'.a havInK planned a stage
career ror her. .Mi Mcpherson studied
vocal music in the cant and was with
Mrs. Mnry Muchhoff abroad one year,
and during that time continued her
studies under Ml Munchhoff manage
ment. Mr. Gardiner came on to spend
ChiiMmas and the holidays with hia
No plans have been made as yet for
tho wedding.
Fremont Engagement Dinner.
Mrs. A. D. Ino of Iremont, formerly
of Omaha, announce the engagement of
her daughter. Mls Ruth Elizabeth Lane,
to Mr. Franklin Perry Smith. This an
nouncement was liiad at a dinner given
New Yesr eve by .Me. Siul Mra. Charles
E. AIlott. at their home In Frrmont
Miss Lane attended Brownell Hall in
this city and Kemper Hall at Kenosha.
Win. Mr. Smith I tho youngest non of
the late Joseph Towner Smith, formerly
one of Fremont's prominent dtlxens.
lie Is a graduate of Culver Military
academy, a former Student of Neliraaka
university and a member of the Sigma
Chi fraternity. The wedding will take
place In the spring.
Wedding Annoancements.
Announcement is made of the marriage
of Miss Bess Verbln of Fremont, Neb.,
and Mr. Samuel Rose of St. Joseph, Mo.,
the wedding having been celebrated.
Tuesday at the Baltimore hotel In Kansas
City. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are now on
their weddlag trip and will be at home
In St. Joseph.
Wolfe-Macrae Wedding.
The wedding of Mlsa Marlon Macrea.
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Macrae,
and Mr. Clifford Wolfe, will be oclebrated
Wednesday evening at St, Paula Epis
copal church la Council Bluffa. This wlU
be a large church weddlna-. followed hv
reception, at the home of the bride.
Holsapple-Peck Wedding.
ine wedding of the Rev. Lloyd B.
Holsapple and Miss Mary L. peck, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra Wlllard Peck of
Hudson, N. T., will be celebrated Satur
day, January', at Christ's church at
Hudson. It will be a verv oulet affair
- ,., ,
a iHyisiBLei
The special feature of this new Nemo is the invisible self-reducing strap, that
means comfort and support to the wearer. Both models are made of the reliable Nemo
coutil, long over hips, with six lastjkops garters attached. Very specially priced at $3.00.
We are show
ing an excep
tionally laics
and fine assort
men of L Val
Here for our
January sales.
Lottla Pcrleotler
Di amend Rlr
This ezqvUlt Pl.moiK
Ping ttsad alone at
the mo.t pcrivct snd
popuUt ring ever pro
duced. t Ladies' Diimoed
King. Kk solid
Lattis "Perfec
tion" mounting.
tl a Month
IUJ - U Vallier.
ens solid gold.
iftuwi oavs cca
r4-Solid Gold Locket,
kose ani.h. tpace iur
lo Di.
ajan4 ia Star t I Q
iKlUDf Special, "
Ii a Meata
ter, pearl
see ui.moaa; rota
let wits 14- t I K
uses cnaia. ... i
S1J Meala I
i tt .
r hi as as
Saae'el Bargain
eros & co.;;;.
with no attendants. After a short wed
ding trip Rev. Mr. Holaapple and his
bride will return to Omaha, where they
will reside
Jacobson-Beecher Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Clara Beecher,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Frank Iieecher,
and Jame M. Jacobaon took place
Thursday evening at the home of the
brldo's parents. Rev. C. C. Meek of the
Caatcllar Presbyterian church officiated.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will be st home
at Woonaocket. 8. D., after February 1.
Stork Special.
A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs.
John MeCucue, jr.. New Year's day.
T. P. A. Dance.
Omaha post A. Traveler' Protective
association, is making arrangements for
Its annual party at the Rome hotel Sat
urday night, January 16. It is expected
that fully l.fXO people will attend this
affair. The party Is In charpe of the
Post A officers, Mr. N. Stanley Brown,
prealdent, and Mr. George H. Lavlriire.
chairman of the entertainment commit
tee. Masquerade Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot gave a mas
querade ball Wednesday evening for their
daughter, Ml Virginia. The rooms were
thronged with a gathering of gaily
dressed knights, ladies, toreadors, peas
ants, cowboys and representative char
acters of nations.
Miss Virginia Crofoot was a charming
and youthful French marquise In pow
dered hair and patches. Her aunt. Minp
Frances Nash, kept everyone guessing
as to her Identity. 8he appeared in Un
dress of a little girl with her hair hang
ing. Miss Pore thy Judson and Miss Helen
fmith wore complete Turkish costumes,
with Turkish trousers snd harem veils.
Mle Grace Smith was a fetching Wat
teau shepherdess, and Mtas Betty Fair
field made a handsome peasant girl In
pink and black, with Normandy cap and
embroidered linen bodice. Miss Helens
Chase was another shepherdess and Miss
Here we will show article of rarity such as have never before been
displayed In Omaha and you will be surprised how comparatively reason
able in price they are. Come in tomorrow and acquaint yourself with
Omaha's exclusive gift shop.
New Nemo Corsets
Models 341 and 342
At $300
Nearly every woman, no matter how
slender, needs the physical support that
the right corset gives. Our fitters are at
your disposal. There is no extra charge
for fitting, and it will pay you to give
us a little of your time.
A r J 1 I 1 B f Special Value. I
HllMB in Men'. M M t
ii - .
RIGHT "oVeo".?"
Our Annual January Clearance
galea are the event of the year,
and afford you an opportunity to
buy Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
at a rery great aavlng. The beet
resolution you can make for the
NEW YEAK la to "Save a Dia
mond" on our easy payment ilan.
Every pajtuent luade on a dia
mond la so much money saved.
Diamonds Increase In value 10 to
20 per rent a year, and this in
crease alone makes a diamond a
Kilt-edge Investment. Open a
charge account with ua NOW, and
you will find U a great conven
ience all through the year. Extra
apecial values In every diamond,
watch or other Jewelry In this
great aale. Come TODAY and se
lect anything you may need for
future wedding, anniversary or
birthday presents. By the time
needed you will have them paid
for and never mlaa the money.
staisT Tt.ooM crrr va-novax. bajix block.
C4 U. 1st St., Corner lath ft Kaxaey Sts, Omaha,
Opposite orgsse-Vash Co.'s Department Btore.
Virginia Marke! wore a Swedish peent
costume. MIfs Kstherine Barton ni
Kolly, with pretty blue anl yellow cos
tume. Morse Palmer wore a beautiful
white satin Pierrot costume. Floyd
Smith. Jr., was Rohln Hood. Harry Purk
It. Jr., msde n lively professor In can
and gown, and George Voss was a brave
(Continued on Pag Four, Column Two.)
The Year of
Will find the stora of
OOMUS better equipped and
better fitted to comply with
your wants than ever before).
Our Spll Shop for spe
cial make-up orders Is al
ways ready to serve you
promptly and satisfactorily.
Jf you want service and
quality merchandise make
this Btore your store all
hls year and every .year to
16 87-
mc susv
We wish to announce to our frlenJs and patrons
that we are now located and ready for business In our
new shop at
Second Floor
Sale of
Young Man's
M Sctrl Pin, tolid
gold. English aaiih
-aetha- Q
stoad I W
tl a Moata
Ml-Mtt'i Diaraoad
King, prong Tooth
mounting, 14k CQK
olid gold
f.M a Montfe
Ladies' Ftaey
Belcher OUaiofid
tt a Month
Te Uea's King, Flit
Belcher, kali engraved,
14k tulid sold, fja
Cat Ditmoad .... Wf
UN Meat
Tie CUa.
selid gtud....
rboao Douglas 1444 aad Oar Bales
am aa WlU Call.
Call or Writs for Catalog No. iS.
Open Daily Till 8 P. M.
Saturdays Till 9:30