Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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i r a t
Ex-Preiident Tells Committee that
Self-GoTenunent Cannot Be
Oiren Any People.
9m avr Tn Mere GaTtlas (
B4)eatlaa Wet arr Oaaa-ed
HI. Tlew After He VI
fte lalaads.
The Most Notable Trade Event of AH Occurs at Thos. (
Kilpatrick & Go's. Monday, January 4th, at 8:30 A.
Again we wish friend and foe
A Happy New Year
We Keep Open House from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.
You Are Invited to Take Lunch With Us
Caterers Mr. and Mrs. Cobb.
Thousands break bread with us each year. To these we say : "Hall,
guest, we nsk not what Iboti art; If friend we RrtN-t thee hand and
heart; If Mranger such no longer be; If foe our love Khali conquer
5 ':
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 It will take
mora than on feneration and probably
mora than two to prepare- tha Filipinos
for eelf-government. In tha opinion of
William 11. TaTt. former proaldant. who
today faro Ma views on tha admlnlstra
tkn bfll for ultimata Independence of tha
Philippine fcafora tha adnata committee
worklna on that measure.
"I'm at laat In a position wMra I can
aar Just what I think." aaid Mr. Taft.
"Tou called mo here. I'm golne" to tell
you Just what I know about thlnga"
"Wa cannot," tha former president aald,
"give tha Philippines self-govern meat, be
cause It cannot ba fivea. Wa canaot
present tha Filipino people with a char
acter. It muit be acquired. On war to
acquire It la through hard knock, aa tha
Ancle-Bason race eeaulrrd It.
Ofcjeet Lema la Uofraoieo(.
"When wa went to tha Philippines wa
tried to give K to them hy malntalnlat
a constitutional form of government aa
an object lesson and by educating tha
people In tha language of freo Institu
tions. We tried to kave the novenmcnt
participated in. but not eairtrolled by the
"Now, what time do I think will be
necessary to train tha Filipinos for self
government 7 Tha time that shall give
to those people an opportunity to learn
English, so that they shall ba aa English
speaking people. That wtH take more
than one generation! and probably mere
than two. If you count thirty years as a
generation. You can't educate ail af the
people you haven't got tha money. .
How II Changed Ilia Vlevr.
"When President McKlnley sent me to
the Philippine I told him that I thought
wa ought not to b In tha Island. II i
aid to ma that we had tha bear by tha j
tall and that we had to stay. But thai
Idea then waa that we would get aut just
as soon as we could. Our first purpose
In being In there Is to get out.
"Democratic promises of Philippine In
dependence," Mr. Taft aald further,
'"have been the great obstacle in our
own work over there. Even now It la
causing trouble. Ttal man Rlcarte, who i
la charged with fomenting tha present i
disturbance, la a professional revolution
ist, coming down from my time In the
Islands. He lives In I long Kong on funds
he collects for revolutionary purpose In
the laiunds. Thla present outbreak Is
- the result, undoubtedly of hi agitation
In trying to Justify hi collection. He
probably argued that democrat In the
United Btatea promised Independence at
fixed time; that the time has now been
postponed, and that the promise has been
Monterey is Badly
in Need of Food
pnd Warm Clothing
WABKINQTON, Jan, t-The American
Red Cross wa today appealed to by
Consul General Hanna at Monterey, Mo.,
for aid In relieving upwards of 2,000 fam
ilies who are suffering from hunger and
cold In that section of tha revolution-torn
Consul General Hanna'a meeeage was
sent to tha Red Cross through tha State
department. In It he says that the food
situation 1 worse than In Europe and
that In addition to those now needing
help, several thousand probably will be
uf ferlng befora the and of tha month:.
"I now have 600 families on my list
In Monterey who are being furnished
corn, bean and rice twice a week," aay
Mr. Hanna. "Thar are 1,000 more fam
ilies who want ticket ta the relief sta
tion. There are probably mora than 1,000
families In Monterey who need help now
. and the prospect ara that several thou
sand will be very hungry befora January
1 past.
"Tha Mexican autoorittrs are interested
in doing what they can. but after four
years of war, after which the field have
been neglected, tha crop are very short
and, tha local supply almost exhausted,
i "I need for Monterey and nearby towns
two cars of corn and a carload of rice
and beans each week. Wa wish j
' every town In the cotton states would
buy a bale of cotton blanket and aeud
. O.etn to Mexico, for these people have '
very little clothing. It la awfully cold, j
roe rood situation Is evidently wore
her than In Europe, where big harvest
Were gathered laat fall."
Carranza Takes
San Luis Potosi
WASHINGTON. Jan. t -Capture of 8aa
Luis Potoal by Carraasa forces waa re
ported In advloaa today from Galveston
1o the Carraasa agency here which aald:
" Semi-official report by wireless from
f eraptco aay forcee under General Comb)
Hobelo entered San Luis Potoal yesterday
efUr e sanguinary battle General Kobelo
, belongs to the command of General
Pablo Gonxelea, who yesterday also drove
the rebels from Rodrtguea station, alitr
ftv mile east of San Lul Potoal.
Captain Nile of the Carranae avia
tion oorp and Major Saunas, Its ohief,
flying a French monoplane, yesterday
ebove the battle ground reported Car
ransa troops as far west a Apam, which
! aUty mile east of Mexico City. How
ever, targe number of rebel atlll are
doggedly resisting the advance of Obre
ejon'e army. The movement on Puebla
from Amosoc ha been completed and
the actual bombardment 1 expected to
fccgla la the morning.
THE wonderful White Sale which thous
ands wait for, opens with a whirl on
Monday morning. People come from scores
of miles west of us and many miles east of us
to celebrate this yearly event. Year by year
the sale grows in interest and magnitude.
Those who have shared the glory with us in
recent years know how difficult it has been to
take care of the business. Not half space
enough, and impossible to crowd enough
salespeople into the contracted space to wait
on you.
This Year Witnesses a New Departure
From the moment that you enter the portals you will be In WHITE AVENUE. Every
square on both sides of the main aisle clear to the pillars will be laden with white merchant
dise priced so low as to make this avenue the most popular one in Omaha and a fitting
entrance to what will be by far the most magnificent collection of Linens, White Goods
and Bedding ever shown by us and we believe the best aggregation of values ever pre
sented west of the Big Muddy. JUDGE YE! WE WILL AWAIT THE VERDICT.
night-hand side a you enter
10O Dozen ef Hark Towel
at 5g each.
We rnrns the rlfiht to ref use . dealer
and limit the quantity t any one cus
tomer. . .
I leg u Lap 7 5c value German liuck Towels
49t "'b
These wilt not lat tana; notwithstanding
liberal stock. ,
A large rarlety of Dresser Scarfs
304 Instead of 83c .
- limit while they lent-
40e and BOe All Linen German Iluek
Towels, Hemstitched and Scalloped
29 ach.
Odd Cloths and Break f ant Cloths, Nap.
kins and Lunch Cloth Note Reductions:
8x9 Cloths
91.08 Instead of $2.50
812. 75 Instead of $3.5
8.75 Uwtead Of $4.5
S 1.30 Instead of $3.08
81.50 Instead of $2.23
81.08 Instead 1 $a.Ta
ft c
3 ft
o C
Jt f
ft B
q e
w n
M 0
Left-hand side as you enter
Counter covered with big lot Pure
Linen Embroidered Scarfs
7fC ach, worth $1.25
Liable to be all sold by noon.
800 dozen All Linen Handkerchiefs for
Women, 3 for 10.
3'S each Not less than S to any one
customer, nor more than one dozen.
Bring even change, please
SAO dozen All Linen Handkerchiefs for
Men, 8tt each, 3 for S5
Not lees than S to any customer not more
than 12 to any one customer.
Heaped high with Bath Towels and Huck
Towels 25? ach
The best we caa buy to sell at a quarter.
You go down stairs here to the Bedding and
Sheeting Sale.
This Is the Square where you lunch with
us Mr. and Mrs. Cobb lu charge. A
dainty luncheon served free to tired shoppers.
DENVER, Colo.. Jan. X. -Troop U
Twelfth United Stetee cavalry, peased
through Denver today ea It way to Fort
Meade, South Ukots, lu home post. The
troopers Vert Oak Creek. Colo . leaf nUht
tm a special train consisting f two sleep.
las; cars and sis stock car for the mounts
end eqqJpcoent. This is the first troop
tnovemeet from Colorado following th
military occupation of th Coal strike dis
trict laat April. It la expected that all
th soldiers ! be withdrawn from the
State in th next few days.
Perhaps We Can Finish Shopping in the
Basement Before LunchLet's Try
6c cause 4 He
7He rmute H
18e game hc
HHe gauie . .. 10e
15c gauss 12ttc
American Beauty
H Brighton
tt Brighton
. . 10c
. .lOc
. .20c
. .22e
AOe for what were 85.
MOe for wkat were $1.25.
91.29 Initial for what were f 1.50.
$ 1.9ft Emb'd, (or what were $2.60.
$12.75 Emb'd. for what were $3.50.
9-4 Pepperell f..10o
9-4, waa 82c, Monday 27c
94, was 36c. Monday 80c
9-4, was 4 4c. Monday 3tfc
9-4, was 47c, Monday 42c
You will find readily many
more bargains.
36-inch bleached 5c
36-inch Coiy Corner . . . . . r . . .00
36-inch Hope 7Ue
36-lnch Lonsdale 7)ic
36-ln. Fruit of the Loom ...7Hc
36-inch 3000 12Hc
You will get the branded goodrf.
36-inch, 10c Instead of 20e.
42-Inch, lHc Instead of 22c.
42-inch. 20e Instead of 24c.
42-Inch, 21c Instead of 25c.
46-Inch Selkirk, 13Uc, was 21c.
?-lneh Carina:. 15c, was 18 He.
You get what we say you do.
Made for us warranted by us.
T. K. Special Oceanic Astoria
and Waldorf, all widths and sites.
101 each sheet leos.
You get what you buy always
at Kllpatrlck's.
X velvet finish. Otic bolt Instead
of $1.20.
XC finish, $1.15 bolt Instead of
XA finish, $1.35 bolt Instead of
XE finish. $1.65 bolt instead of
XD finish. $1.05 bolt Instead of
Rare values in dependable goods.
SHEETS Note the Dimensions.
3000 72x99, 37,c instead of 60c.
Normal 63x99, 55c lustead of 65c.
Superior 72x99, 75c Instead of 80c
Rugby 81x99. UOc Instead of 90c.
Superior 81x99, 70c Instead of 95c
Century 81x99, MOc Instead of $1.,
Brighton 81x99, 08c Instead of
Notice the Triangle line.
36-ln. Lonsdale Cambric, yd, lOc
36-ln. Nainsook finish, yd. ..VPc
36-in. Berkley, yard lOo
36-ln. No. 100 . . . . 120
Most of you are familiar will
these brands.
8 He quality Monday 7 He
10c quality Monday c
K",4c quality Monday 11c
2.V for half wool, waa 30c.
42 He for all wool, was 60c.
Ac for extra fine, was 60c
55c for extra fine, was 65c
65c for extra fine, was 75c
In the Side Aisle on the Main Floor
Many Items priced wonderfully
low in keeping with the main at
8 LOTH in Trimming Aisle will
attract If at all Interested. ONE Mismatched
sets of Embroidery, Nalasook ana
Swiss Insertions and Edges a
few colored and Madeira effects,
15e yard. Worth up to 75c.
MMllKIt TWO 27 and 4 5
Inch Swims Embroidery Flouncing,
mainly small patterns. There is
corset cover embroidery, an odd
lot of Insertions, Nainsook and
I Swiss. 33. Many worth $1.
XI' Ml! Kit THREE Here's a
fitting lot to end the story with.
All our flue St. Uall Embroideries,
colors on Crepe, Organdy and Ba
tiste, a few insertions and all
overs, slightly soiled and mussed
from handling. Sold as high aa
$1. One price Monday, yd-
NOW UPSTAIRS Take a Bite and Sup
and Then .the LINEN FEAST
We hare lecn In the linen business almost the span of an ordinary lifetime. We never gathered bet
ter value. Never were we so ready. We cannot, help pleasing you. Think of it, the dust had scarcely
settled front our lat big sale, until we were laying otir plans for the next one. ("THIS") How old Time
docs sxed after we have reached the summit of the hill and are going down on the home stretch. How
ever, wo are having a good time.
I Brnycre wrote: ".Men never deceive for a good purpose." Treitsrhke does not quite agree with
that, but all will agree that "KNAVERY ADDS MALICE TO FALSEHOOD," and the motive must be
reckoned with. Our motive to gain your confidence and he worthy of keeping it, Monday we will add to
our list of friends.
5c AbBorho Cloths. 2 for 5c
5c Turklah Cloths, 3 for ....lOc
7 He fancy Cloths 5c
10c Turkish, 3 for . . 25c
Of these w-e have a very large
5c Towels, 3 for 10c
7 He Towels, each 5c
10c Towels, each 7Hc
12 He Towels, each l(fc
15c extra large Towels, ea. 11 He
15c extra heavy, each 12 He
12 He hemstitched, each . ...lOc
17 Ho extra heavy, each ..13 He
20c extra heavy, each 15c
10c Glass Toweling 7He
12 He all Linen, brown Oc
17 He washed Crash ... ...ISHc
20c washed Crash 15c
15c heavy Linen 12 He
17 He heavy Linen 15c
20c heavy Linen lOHe
25c heavy Linen 17Hc
60c 18-lnch fancy 89o
60c 20-lnch fancy 49c
20c Russian Crash 15c
25c Art Crash .21c
80c Art Crash 25c
45c Art Crash 83c
75c Art Crash 50c
$1.05 for 84x98, usual price $2.25.
$2.75 for 88x98, usual price $3.75
$2.05 for 88x98, usual price $3.50
$:i.75 Mltchelline, usually $4.50.
$:i.l5 Satin, usually $4.50.
$4.25 Satin, usually $5.00.
$5,00 T. K. Special, usually $6.00
$0.25 Satin, usually $7.50.
Please notice the size and the
construction. Not ordinary.
10c plain white 7 He
15c plain white 12 He
20c plain white 15c
25c ribbed weave lOc
25c colored border 10c
25c plain white 10c
30c ribbed weave 25c
30c fancy border 25c
30c all white 25c
35c extra heavy 20c
60c extra large 42He
60c hemstitched 47Hc
75c Snow Drift 62 He
$1.00 Snow Drift 85c
$1.25 Snow Drift 05c
$1.50 Snow Drift $1.25
65c quality for 45c
$1.00 quality for 70o
$1.25 quality for 08c
$1.50 quality for $1.15
$2.50 quality for $1.95
$4.50 36-lnch round, at . .$.1.25
$6.50 45-lnch round, at ...$L05
$7.50 54-inch round, at ...$5.75
$7.50 27-inch Madeira $4.75
$15 45-inch Madeira $0.05
$17.50 45-lnch Madeira ..$10.50
$22.50 45-lnch Madeira ..$15.00
$30.00 54-lnch Madeira ..$17.50
$45.00 54-lnch Madeira ..$24.75
$50.00 54-lnch Madeira ..$32.50
No space to mention all the
bargains in Doilies and Scarfs,
Napkins, Ovals, Squares, etc.
$5.25 86x97, formerly $6.60.
$0.25 90x99, formerly $7.50.
$7.25 90x99, formerly $8.50.
$8.50 90x99, formerly $10.
$0.5O 90x99, formerly $12.60.
$11.25 8Gx97, formerly $13.50.
$12.50 90x99, formerly $15.00.
2oc German Towels 10c
30c to 35c German Towels ..85c
4 0c German Towels .29c
50c German Towels ..30c
75c German Towels 40c
$1.00 German Towels 79c
$1.25 German Towels 08c
Not likely to have any more of
above for eome time.
$1.25 Irish Embdy. 8e
$3.60 French Towels .....$2.BO
$4.00 French Towels ......92.95
$5.00 French Towels $3.50
$7.60 French Towels $4.95
20c Baby Bath Towels 12 He
50c and 65c Fancy Turkish Tow
els 89c
75c, $1 Fancy Turkish Towels 49c
Great bargains in this lot.
Domestic and Foreign
$1.25 Superior 8e
$1.75 Restful . ...$1.29
$2.00 Corondo $1.65
$2.50 Manor $1.95
$3.50 Mltchelline ..$2.05
$4.50 90x10 J $3.75
$5.00 Satin $4.25
$6.50 Satin ...$5.25
$7.50 Satin $6.25
Special values la 3, 3H and
4-yard Longcloths.
$1.25 36x36 now 95c
$1.50 36x36 now $1.15
$2.00 36x36 now $1.59
$2.50 36x36 now $2.10
$2.00 45x45 now $1.45
$2.50 45x45 now $1.45
$2.50 45x45 now $1.95
$4.50 54x54 now $3.45
$5.00 54x54 now $3.98
It mnst bo obvious that we can only touch lightly our extensive
stock. We could go on and on nntil we risked tiring you and strained
the bank, for it costs a pretty penny to tell you as much aa we have.
If we could In some way place samples before you, what a crowd we
wonld have. A worthy description, meager as it Is, will, w trnst,
( There will always be a vast number of women who will prefer to
be adorned in dainty pure white muslin underwear. In all the years
of onr business we have aimed to place before you well made garments.
We have been particular to buy only where the surroundings were
clean, sanitary and wholesome. We have never roamed Into under-
ground cellars, reeking with filth and odor to save a few pennies In
price. Our clientele wants quality, fit, workmanship and CLEANLI
NESS AU of these you get this year and more VALUES. Added you
find the extra inducement of intelligent, courteous help to wait on you.
Come then Monday confident that we will live
up to our reputation.
696 tor Gowns of Crepe In
delicate pink and blue nainsooks
as well cut high and low neck.
08c Unusually large assort
ment In Crepes, similar colors to
above; Nainsooks and figured Ba
tistes, high and low neck.
Sl.OS Gowns trimmed beau
tifully with laces and embroider
ies. Similar qualities have sold
as high as $3.50.
S2.9S Gowns handsomely
trimmed with lace and embroid
ery. Poorer qualities sold at $5
and over.
Brassieres Made from all
over embroidery with cluny lace
trimming, 39 instead of 60c.
pique, embroidery trimmed, oth
ers of Cambric and Nainsook,
some with double front panel.
08 the price, worth $1.50.
AT S1.88 Exquisite white Pet
ticoats trimmed with lace or em
broidery. The usual price would
be $3.25.
AT If) Corset Cover neat
ly trimmed with Cluny, very ex
ceptional. AT 39 Corset Covers of
Nainsook or Cambric, various
trimmings. The value Is 75c.
AT 81.88 Aa especially
good Corset of figured Broche,
pink or white, new model. Ordi
narily would be $3.00.
A big lot of Skirts. Muslin
Drawers, Princess Slips, will be
sold at a discount of 33 1-3 per
Monday in the Children's Section
Will Be a Record Breaker
Infants and Small Children ran be supplied with outfits at prices
representing in every case A REAL SAVING. To facilitate matters
both for your convenience uud ours we have divided the goods
into big lots. We quote Just a few of the sale prices and make no
comparisons leaving the actual savings for you to discover. Don't
pay to stitch and stitch when uch little prices buys such well made
Children's Drawers, 10c, 15c, 10c,
25c, JJOc.
For Big Girls and Misses, 49c, COc,
70 08c.
Children's Crepe Bloomers at 20c
Petticoats 30c and 50c
Children's Nlnht Gowns, 89c, '50c,
70c, 08c and $1.39.
Priocess Slips, all sixes, COc, 98c,
$1.30, $1.79.
Mlssea' Combinations 08c
W hite Rompers . . ,30c, UOc 98c
1(0)8 Wah Suits, Colored, 2 to
tt years 08c, $1.48, $1.08
Children's and Misse' Outing
Flaunel Pajamas 08c
Ijang hand made $1.08,
Long machine made 08c, $1.00,
Short machine made 98c, $1.98,
Short hand made $1.08 and $2.08
Gulmpers, 20c and 50c, worth 3
times as much.
Kid Boots, 2.'c instead of 50c.
Long Baby Coats A cleanup
sale. Silk lined, others all silk,
sold up to $18.00, for $8.75.
Long HOe, 08c, $1.30, $1.08
Flannel Skirts 0c, 98c, $1.30,
$1.08. $2.08.
Ideal Waists, 37c Instead of 50c.
Wash Middles .98c
Short Baby Coats In Wash
Corduroy and Wool materials,
$2.50, $3.08, 8.75.
Two tvats of White Fur.
One was $18.00, will sell at $10
One was $25, will sell at $12.50
We have a lot of Colored Cot
ton Dresses for Children. You
would do well to anticipate spring
wants the savings are large
the prices are tiOc, 08c, $1.30,
$1.98 and $2.50.
Store Opens at 8:30 Closes
at 6.30 P. M. Monday
Employe will lunch in the store. You'll be
assured of prompt and good service all day.
Come lunch with us and spend the day with us.
This annual affair has been called Kllpat
rlck's Great New Year's Reception. It la that
and more. KwcognUed as the great trading
vent of tha year YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO
MISM IT. Most of your friends will be there to
meet and jrreet you.
Pattern Cloths
Some 10 months ago orders
were placed for these prices than
ruled much lower than now in
deed the difference would la Itself
be a marked reduction. As we
buy bo we sell, when lucky
you get the benefit and so
the prices at this sale will be
much lower than that difference.
We illustrate to give you a clearer
Idea: ' ,
$3.60 8x8 Cloths for, each $2.50
$4.00 8x10 Cloths for, ea. $3.15
These are Number 14 00. '
Napkins to match
$4.00 5-8 size, dozen $3.15
$5.00 3-4 size, dozen ....$3.05
Number 847,
$4.00 8x8 Cloths, each ..$3.15
$4.75 8x10 Cloths, each ...$3.75
Napkins to match.
$4.75 5-8, dozen ....$3.75
$5.75 3-4, dozen ., .$4.50
943 Number
$4.75 8x8 Cloths, each ...$3.TS
$5.75 8x10 Cloths, each ..$4410
Napkins to match.
$5.00 5-8, dozen $8.95
$6.00 3-4, dozen $4.75
AH other sizes up to 10x16 all
reduced. 7 complete lines to draw
from and in addition German
and Austrian lines whose like you
will not soon see again.
Lunch Napkins
$3.50 Damask Napkins, dos. $2.95
$4.00 Damask Napkins, dot. $US
$4.50 Damask Napkins, dos. $3.75
$5.00 Damask Napkins, doz. $425
$6.50 Damask Napkins, doi. $4.95
$7.50 Damask Napkins, doc. $625
$9.00 Damask Napkins, doi. $7.60
$13.60 Damask Naps., dos. $10.70
Odd Napkins
$1.50 17ttxl7H, dozen ..$1.19
$2.00 20x20, dozen $1.50
$2.25 20x20, dozen $1.75
$2.60 20x20, dozen $2.15
$3.60 21x21. dozen $2.75
$3.75 22x22, dozen .......$2.05
$4.00 22x22, dozen $3.25
A very extensive line to show
you and all our linens are not
only from recognized makers but
the HALL MARK of the Kilpat
rick 'name as a further guarantee.
60c Renfrew Mercerized at , ,80c
75c Imported Mercerized at . ,55c
$1.00 All Linen at 79c
$1.25 Fine Irish 08c
$1.25 German Silver Bleached 08c
$1.60 German Silver Bleached,
at ft.29
$1.75 heavy Irish at $1.49
$3.00 Scotch, at $2.20
Can match many damasks with
lxr Wast JkA i'ttmuc tteaulis.