3 HIE UKE: OMAHA. .SATURDAY. .TANTAHY By IlELLiriCIA. Friday, January 1, 1914. COCIETY rr-lebratrd New Year' ee at the club and down-town cafes, following the thfatrr. Kverybody was there. yJ . . -At leant, nobody ai raUscd by those in attendance and Kyety ruled In all place where the populace congregated. There never was a larger crowd at the County club and not until 4:30 o clock was the place thoroughly deserted. All the guests wore the evening favors, toboggan caps with Dutch jrirla and tassels gayly decorating them. Tiny whistles In the form of cham pagne bottles were distributed to the guests to bugle the New Year's en trance. -. Following the dancing party at the Field club, th Kuests came down town to the Henshaw with carnival caps end whistles, giving the old year hearty rend-off and a Jolly welcome to the New Year. ( JJ?w Year's Affairs. Mp. and Sfra. Tiny Ralph will cntflrUIn t a family reunion w Your'a (lay. Thwlr itucbU will "Include; Mr. and Mrs. rherlra Own Tttindatl and small am. Jtin'or, of hvaitnn, HI. Mr. end Mrs. J. C. Runrtall of Kvana tor. Hi. Mr. and Stra. William K. Rundati of J.lncoln. Mr. lftr Stephens of Chicago. , I-r. nod Mrs. 4. H. llalnli. Mr. and Mra. Norman Tyson. Mr. anS Mrs. W. O. lllnrlrhs will en- tertln at dinner at their howlf'ty In Kon'c of Mr. and Mrs. R V. Kenncdv of Greeley, Neb.. su-U of Vr. anil Mrs .t. F. j.nne. Mr. and Mra. Kennedy leave Saturday morning for their homo. To Honor Eiidal Tartj. Mis Loulne J'ltinlng entertained at a tea dancanto this afternoon at her homo In honor of the Wolfft-Macrae weildlns: party. The rooms wfr decorated with Christmas areens and holly wreatha. A Irw baalcet of red roaoa ued on tha table In tha dining room. About thirly-iivo 8Jt.aU ere, present. To Honor Visiting Girh. Mr. and Mra. N. H. Loomla gave a re ception today at their horn. In honor of thr.fr house Ktxtsi, Miaa Florence Gedrtta of Cleveland. O., and for Mla Harriet i;illtt of Bhcridan. Wyo., tha guMt Of Mlas Eleanor Mackay, 'and Mlas Helen 1iulm Crosby, wh la visiting at the hotna of M!a Mrlon Kuhu. Christmas Krcena wera uwj In Ux deooratlona throughout tho rooms, and assisting Mrs. Honmla wera: MMm- ; Meadamee J!. W. Hrckenritljr, A. V. Oordan. A. I.. Heed. ... ; M Miee Trunin HnchKtetkf, 1 l-len Smith. ' l-emmr Ms'ksry, Marlon ImiIiii, lrlh Inle. Krna Weet. Mrtor1 llowland, Ann Oltlord, Heln Kpeneier. Joaephlr.o Congrton, KuKfula I'at.teraon. Cinosatn Chb. ranee. Tha Cinosam Dancing club held its sec ond dance at BcoUish Rita cathedral Wednesday evening. Those present ware. MHr. and M"d!neer- Mfears. ana mesuaines Personal Mention. Mli-s Mtrarel Ijiwlnss. )io has been spending tha holidays Willi Mr. and Mrs. M. J. IjiwIpss, will return to her homo In Bt. Joseph, Mo., Kunriay evening, Pioneers Dance Out the Old Year and' See New Year Come Nebraska, pioneers and members' of their families, to the number of aome llnnir like ISO, irsthered at the Tloneers' roonia In the court hous New Year's eve, whera they watehed the old year out and welcomed the nsw one -In. In conducting their wntrh meeting the ploneera followed ths custom of fifty or mora yeara ago. There was dancing, with J. C. Oreen. ii years of axe, hsn- jdllng the flddlo and playlna; tha tunes of ) the long ago, and to the old tunes Ins pl.meera danced as they did when Omaha. i' and Nebrutk wera in' their awaddilng tlothes. Purlng tha evening refreshnienta, con altlng of douehnuta and hot coffee, wera served. Miss Mary Mallahan t Kouth Omaha aan "VVhen l'ou and t Wera touna. Macirlr." with Mrs, Klorenca Ilaaaard presiding at the-piano. T'r. J. '. Bishop, T, (lf) y Hie pen, : Sfionsre Thompaon. V .s flow, V. R. McFarland. .Mii-nes Kulli M lonLld, l! cn 11 Ik by, II. I'. Heed, 1!. 1(. llnker, ' V. UratiCotU, It. F. Howe. '!. K. McOilley, ;eorff K. Mlckrt, W, il. Thorp. Misses--1'HnHr raulacn, koff. Mesara. V. K. llarmnn, . A. U HeynoMf. " BABY TEST LEAYES FOR SA1ITA FE 1I0I.IE f , Accompanied by Father; Lientenant Fred C. Test, and Aont, Mn. Irene Hanghey. STATEMENT ISSUED , BY BIXBY rarpoe of Kraaa'naresjta rarttally Areompllhr4 ar rrenl Im mediate DrsisTsi f Bskri Saya I-eUer Slvard hy F. A. Hlafcr. ' Haw t fare CSrlpD I'oaaih "Couisha that hang on" demand treat ment Stop and think! Renson and com mon senna tell you that It la folly to Vrln and bear It." Those racking la grlppa coughs that wrench the body and cause aorenesa and pains in the lungs yield more quickly t- Foley's Honey , and Tar than to any other treatment. Forty years' record of successes proves this, for couRhg. colds, croup and other dis tressing; ailments of throat, chest, lum. larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare wlla this re liable remedy. Sold by all dealors.-Ad-VertlsemenL ' Jo Janalcne. Test, 7 months old, moth erless baby, concerning whose custody a legal contest wsa waged between her father. Lieutenant Fred C. Test, and her grsndpsrenta, Mr. and Mra. F. A. IHby of Omaha. Is on her way to Hsnta Fe, X. M., her father'a home. She left Omaha An the car of IJoutenant Teat and his sister, Mrs. Irene Hatighcy. Following his victory In a habeas corpus suit started by him. In1 which Mr. and Mra. Rlxby wera defendants, hi spent several days Vbecornlng ac quainted" wllh the baby. , A atatement, in which it la declared tho grandparents partially accomplished thctr purpose by preventing Immediate removal of the baby, baa been Issued by Mr. lxby. It follows: We have hcen torired to mk a. brief statement aa to the mlsunderstanolna; lotwecn Mr. Test and ouraolvea per taining to the baby, Jo Janalcne Test. In complisnce therewith and lo prevent misconceptions have decided to do s. Briefly, the bsby was born at e-snla !, N. M , May J, 14. Her m"lher paused away I he same. day. Mother Jo was brouRhl hers for burist, Mrs. Hlxby, with Fred, bringing anl caring for bsby, which wsa about two days old. Mr. Test was Jn Omaha for about one month before returning to ftant Fe. During that time, ha gave tha baby to ua without reservation, as far aa wi know, to raise her to young woman hood. ' v bad no conception other than this Prior to December 8, .when we re- roivaii a - letter from Fred, smonj many things, saying ho had -decided ti tske. his baby, and that his s sler. Mra. Irene Itaughny, would stop for her, aha being on her way to Manta Fa to vl tt him and his mother, who has been there tor several weeks. ' , '"', ' , ii and telrarrams wera exchanged wo trying to show him that he could not Care for nor ralsa her aa wa could and ,..,.M hut (Inallv 'decided thaU aha be in. Ma lnhv. he beinv much alone anl suffering greatly from Vh. lost of his wife,. It mlaht.be best for him to have her, and wrote him' accordingly, -. Wa also Informed him thai, owing to tb hahv'a condition tdurlng tha week prior to Christmas), and In aecorda.noe. with Dr. Met lannahan's advice it would be dsnscroua to turn her over to strang ers during entrems weather.- chanea her food, all conditions surrounding her, knowing not h Ins. of her car, her little atiimM anil fNnc.es. i Fred at 111' Insisted the change Should be msde and awotit Dcember Jl his atatar arrived. Informed us she was Mre to tuke tho baby. We Informed her we had decided to atve Fred his baby, to take her to him when aha waa better and the CIiristiansen-Tombrinck Wedding. The wedding of Miss F.!isahtb Tom brlnck and Mr. 'Harry A. Christiansen v celebrated Tlru'sduy at the home of fie luiilc. Ri v. M. W. llalvoiacn per- foimcd Hie teremony, tislus tha. double I ling aervh-o of tha l.utlw rati ihuruh. j Tho tu'ld wore a dainty 'feun of whit ci( do meteor, tilmined with ptarls. j The- long t'iito veil wss held in plaoe with i a tisnd of leal line. iHo carried a hhowcr lxiUfiiict of briilo's lo8 Jind j f'viri. Following the ceremony a wed- JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OF IDlRjrkPlEIRIihsS t Begins Monday, January 4th Not an ordinary clearing sale, but offering it wonderful assortment of perfect merchandise from the past season. at prices from one-third to one-half under regular. . . . I.ace Curtains from $1.25 to fS.fjO, per pair.. Lace Curtains from $3.95 to $5.96, per pair. . l.ace Curtains front $8.60 to $1C.50, per pair. Tard Goods from 25c to 60c, per yard...... Cretoonfs from SSc to 85c, per yard . 84.05. i;ng breakfast was served to the ra- ij.tltS. - TliC houe aa decorated With palms end frrna. Fink rosea and jiink slmded (Biidlca eie used In the dining loom, After a southern irlp. Mr. and Mra. tlisiattanseu 1H b ftl home, on Mr. tirinuaiuieu a rancli, nesr Whitman, NcU. Tha out -o(-to ti guttM wera Mr. ;..-.d ?.trs. Ilarsr.am ot Ecatrice, N'b and Mr. William, Chrlstensrn' of L'ons, Xeb. c. IcciuTir' Pst, Harvey Jackson entertained at ft 1 o'clock luncheon st her bom Thursdny. '.' S c d i Oration ere in red and whit and pi jtrr-t.vo of tha new year. I'liura were loiil fcr twelve guests. The Ia Flasoraa club gave. a mock teJitli:g entertainment Thursday en xni All iha rlnclplca In til cueinony era jounjf nu n. Tlilrly-five guent i wera i-l-f-M. lit. Th W. W. club as . cntortaiped Vv rineariay siternonn at the home of "r- K. M-virH. Mrs. Ctar-cr.ee Brew-r'.-r a . J lira. Guild wett l?i( sucsts of tt.e vl.ib. .Tho cl-ib will ba entertulnd to rvv, ucrka by Mrs. i.'harlea Uruenljj. ii-icili ittut frc: m P.'ianies Sfesdatnes i f J-". 1 ! ti-nbai kri'Geui ;c linnii ti'iv i i.ruiiiij, a i tin. '. H-,rec. . iianipu-u. J. J. Ilep. I'. HllleouKcr, K, irt'e. 'i'coi';.c Kivcboiia. U ki. tcwlt. Hundreds of other Items showing similar reductions. Watch Sun day papers for full particulars. ' ' t'ale T), r 'Rrcs'n Wc8lnS Monday, January 4th. Big reduc- t 1)1 XU-tt-X)i do tions oa China, Lamps, Brass Goods, tc. Orchard Wilhelii Co. IT T . It si . 111 -MIES- 9 I it . r .. t . 1 n . l ?!r. and Mrs. I'aWd Paum rccid in ! iiii -tiiy today, from i until o'clock. In , , . .,.r e.f Mi-, bi;, j j.;. Batim of j . . -i.;. ii I'liinsitls and Christmas .. ! ia Huh r.d shjili-4 vand.ct were ua4 t'-e ' hi atHnis tin outilio jt, lUo rooms. .-ii sini Hid. t'ii i ii c 1 1 1 cute gave c. ii . ilarmanie lhil afternoun at thair ! , fi.nii i until 7 o'clock. In honor - t.cu J.;at hi ,-r, J.li.i ll.'lena fhe ,.!ty K - rc tin jlKllltiCSS liftll n . . f t.. !nii a t. 1 :ie Affairs. - I.uuif.) !i.jr uf Mt;iiphl. 1'enn.. "- ' K-f l i-f Mm erna Kitachbraun. .'ir iciiior .Mr. etui l-rm. 4'iiaH . m wiii n-.ei,e Informallv gai- : i-it -mi it tin ir lif'tne. i ; ,'(. i.i vv.iiff. i;i mi a dinner at - i n- jiut luay tKitlug. Wlirii liie , i b Hie iiii-nilieis cf tb 'oifa- i '' wt d.lniif aty. '. A .1 I iced will rniartsin ' s iliiiiHiif jmrty loini.i i ,,v tun,r,( ' r i v ilnuijiii.-r, Mi.-a Kin. i,u i, i f tl Ill.lCJSVK. . 11 ' ' ill Attain ialii-n fill Kiv r. i , ..ii :-,,HnJy at irn. ii.,i. i .. " - .. t i.i lili .4 I- i,t.ii.. .,,.( "It is true that the rzozt danserotia dirt is un seen; that is; it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Especially is this true of milk In order to have clean milk there must be care fend watchfulness all the way along the line, from the dairy farm clear into the city homes. Milk is easily spoiled. It ab-. sorbs lilth and impurities when exposed to-the open air." From Chicago Department of Health Bulletin. When cities like Chicago and every other progressive city in the country are spending thousands of dollars a year in maintaining health departments under the direction of the most capable physicians to be found, and these physi cians constantly warn against the danger of disease germs found in raw milk, isn't it best for you to be guided by their expert opinion? - . You can protect yoursell against disease-laden milk. Cottage Evaporated Milk answers the question. For evaporated milk is not merely a question of convenience and economy it is a question of health. i r r - a ; sJ """. t it I 'EVAi'oii A.X i:d i J 4.ui i- feu J JLA V.a' W. 4 W J Unsweetened h the milk that overcomes all danger of the transmission of disease in milk. It is perfectly sterilized and never exposed to the air until you open it. It is made from fresh cows' milk, carefully Inspected, with no preservative and nothing aJJed only part of the water taken out by tifaporaUoru Made Iresh every day in sanitary, spotless confJcnscriea In the bt-st dairying dibtricts of the country. Delivered duect to your grocer. at Ho lit. i;l .'. t ' a- in) . Cottape Evaporated MiSk is good for any purposa where you are row uoirig raw imlt( or creain. It t,a mora tltao twico tha food value mf botUa bulk. ,l!uy a can. Try a can. The Milk Without th Cooked 7cf In Two Sizes 3 and lO Cents At All Good Dealers AMr..ti CAN MILK COMPANY, Chicago Nobnut. f.''fi Tfi '' ("ft 2UBraf-i'ntrafcU. jJ'',r'i"W 'aJWaaWfc ! I i 1 Anrtnr a1r1al, nA irava !ir all of our trtr rMnni jar not wanlinc hr movd at thle tlrn. flha rrlti1. rrrilp of thl. in ImmrrtiatiMy tahlrif tha t-aJiv. Mra. HiKhy at thla tlnva waa working undr an awful rnwtal atrafn. nd that aha mirht ha amonc tni fri'mJa, not bm tnnoynl, und '-ur qulot, rt and f"l tha aoiciirttf aha mo rotirh n. I en4 hr to Lin coln. Krl Informed t that bo could not and would not bo hero for tho holi dava. Wo ran undoratand how a. man lahor ina; iimlr abnormal prwaiira and much. trlir. who hnnwa nothina; of batir life or tho thlna-a nooaaanr for thlr riKht care, who frala tho baho will fill a' void In hia life, can reason aa ho did. . We aro mora than alad he hs tho affection for tho baby that he haa. la itolng to tha courts wo wera flKhtlnt for tiroo rr.oro than anythlna; olno, with tha poaaiblo chance that tha J'ida;e might confirm rlghta wo clalined to hr. Thia tho court did not do. hut we did ecromnllxh about what w aurood to do a:ot the baby and her father together, ao aha will not at art with stranirera. Jn tha ineontlmo .Fred haa learned much about her care and her little baby nottnna. Wo hovo been (roverned all tho way throtitrn by what ecemed to ua beat for the baby and Fred'e ood. Wa hold him no III will and aro readv to mako any aacrtflco for elthor'o ood in tho future. Tours truly, F, A. BIXBT. Jim Callahan Dies V Suddenly at Hospital "Jim" Callahan, associated with Pat Crows, and who waa tried and aoultod in connection with tho Cludahy kldnan rtnK cao, died ouddenly ywatrday .aft ernoon at PC Joooph'o hoapital. where ha waa taken hy tho police after he waa found violently III m Hugo Bllta'a saloon at iFpurteenth and Douglas atreeta. Callahan, who baa boon living- In Cotio- cil Bkiffa for the Iat few yeara. cama to Omaha yesterday and after taWna a few drlnka. ant down ot a table. Bilti noticed that ho looked ill and railed In Polico Rorreant Tony Vanoua, who waa paMrinf. Polico Surgeon Tamlsea afterwardo pronounoed him In a critical condition, and ho waa tfeken to the hog ptlal. where he died a few minutes later. Callahan waa about ti yeara old. toa tho Chll'a tMfWIti "ertooa. Croup and whooptnt cough aro chil dren's ailments. tr. Klng'a New pis eovery Is what yon need It kills tho cold terms. All druirgtatji. Advertisement. Eegin it TO MOEIEOW in the o i Of ELAINE'S troubles, her victories, the budding: of her love you are to be told beginning tomorrow." . - . ; Of the Clutching Hand's awful persecution of the beautiful millionaire girl, you' will be told beginning tomorrow. , ' ' . , ' Of the Scientific Detective, Craig Kennedy, and how he hunts the criminal, you will be told beginning tomorrow. r T Bo' ;'EEEE RTHUR is the author of tha "Exploits of Elaine," nd this fact sJon is stufH dent to malt 1,000,000 readers of the "Cosmopolitan" Mej;zlne eager with expectation 1,000,000 readers who for two years have demanded more more more of his great detechre stories. Thus will 250,000 readers .of "Hearst's" Magaxine . who have enjoyed his gripping style, rejoice at this further treat. And, no doubt, so will the 2,000,000 readers of the Saturday Evening Pest, o whom Mr. Reeve is so familiar. In the "Exploits of Elaine," Mr. Reeve has woven a powerful set of adventures about his greatest creation, the renowned detective,. . , : - ' rr if .a a,- - ?1 i BaUEDY i Charles W. Goddard is best known to the American public for his . masterful story, ' "The Perils of Pauline," which held them . enthralled for so many months. tDut Mr. Goddard is one of our greateet of the younger dramatists. , His "Misleading Lady," and the ''Ghost - Breaker", were among the cleverest productions &f years. . Mr. . Goddard as collaborator on the vExploits of Elaine" has'declared that Elaine is a thousand times greater than Pauline, and whatx more could be said by such a man ? op ' I i 5 I . I I n .