S TUB BEE O: MAHA, SATURDAY'. JAXPAIIY 2 Wl. Bringing Up Father Copyright, ir Intsrasttonsl Newe Drawn for The Bee by George McManus I I tventNA AND TO MAKE ' MCdE - (r n -AD I FOOfiO - IboochtI L . "THT-GOT ITLU I Ctl.CE OP YOU TTl V 7 I OTTOT Me WE LIVE I J Kv TV S 60L0- g .,W sT TO OinTY?. --J A A rt?V .dT 1 fZT ' t-S-J 1 I ; ; . 1 1 vwr- i i iiiii : 1 1. 1 1 1 I AOMAHA XIYEJTOCK MARKET J Cattle Receipts Light and Pricet I Without Noteworthy Change. A HOGS FIVE UP, CLOSING WEAK T- 1 p IKat Sheep and Umbi Tea to Fifteen r Cents Higher Than Thursday -Trade Qalte Active, at the -Advance, 1 SOUTH OMAHA, Jan. 1. Ml Reoelps were i Cattle. Hoe. Sheep. Official Monday 7.700 4.2M Official Tuesday 4,420 Official Wednesday ,. I. MO Official Thursday 1.529 Five day thla week..l.2W i.TT H.4W .S7 10,227 19.44S 10.M5 41.344 S.1SS 34,&7 stock market for the last few days, with cnmparleons: . 1914. 191S.lS12.iml.l910.11t09.li'8, Dale. Dec. 1S.I 4 94T.1 7 451 I 001 7 61 I 091 6 87 Deo. K T S7V, 7 4i T 0 OM T Ml 1 14 l Dee. 17. 7 00 7 W 7 01 7 Mi K S 34 Pec. 18. 7 02H 7 47 7 02; 90 I SI S SJ Deo 19. t 97 7 45 7 06 & 94 7 67 4 S4 Pec. 20. e 7 48 7 08 4 01 7 48 8 W Dec. 21. 9 9541 7 Ui 06 7 68 1 S 8 Dec. 22. 7 03 7 ) t 2 7 3 i M i M Dec. 23. 702 T (0 7 18 i R 7M IM 5 Dec. 24. 3 7 49 7 IS f 7 11 47 ree. 2R. Holiday. . BE.' JBJMma."-- Dec. 2H. 7 14S 7 07 I W 7 "Of I W Dec. . T 04 7 tt IH if 111 IU Dec. go. 7 04'. 7 M 7 0 I 94 f 7 I H9 I 44 Ceo. SL 7 13 7 68 7 08 7 71 II MW 191S. 1914.I191I. 1915 19U. 1910. 19. Jan. 1 7 7 1H I 24 I Five daya thla week....l.29;i 43.344 4,7 ame daya last week... 9,771 41,893 1S,9: Same daya 2 wks. ao.24,M7 45,679 M.003 Sum daya 3 wka. ao.l9.69 20.6S2 -84 9 Same day. 4 wks. aso.30.208 M.fiw) 49.SB7 me daya last year.. 13.623 17,696 M,74 The followlra; table shows the receipt maha live atock markot for the year U Oate, as compared with last year f . 1U1R 1011 Ir A. attle Inc. 2.044 199 Dee. 601 WIS. 1914 Moils 4.600 4,4M Th follow In -r UbU shows th avraM rlc for hogs t tb South Omaha Liv REAL ESTATE FABM A RANCH LANDS FOR BALK Wlseoaslat. Upper Wisconsin Best uu y and generaj crop state in the union) settlers wanted; lands for sals at ow prices on easy terms, ask ior ww et 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. htate ' acres waited. Writs about our raslnc lands. If Interested in rruit tanas, sk for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land JJept., boo Line ty., Minneapolis, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS Jli lf and tarm loaus. 6, se, per cent. I I I A k 1,1. En.B.aM. WANTfcl City loans. Meters Trust Co. iViNTKU-City ioaca and warraoU. W. I garnam Bmlth at im.. tJa r aroam. Jala HA homes, laat 'Nebraska faima. (If Omaha Natl ' Pougjaa 171a, lul m HO.OuU made promptly. JT. D. Wead, Wead Bid., J8th and Farnam 8U. . MTV fi fl Carlharv fin.. O llu-alU Uruuiuli Theater Hidu. ITT property. Large loaus a specialty. H. Thomas. UA State Bank Hid. EX on hand (or city and tarm loans, W. Blndtr. City Natl. Bank Bid. gi us first U you want a tarm loaa. Waited blates lruat Omaba. Nab, BEAIi ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE A DIRECTOR in one of the most con. servatlvely financed corporations in the west wishes to retire and will axohangit his stock, which ' will pay strong divi dends, for clear western or northern lands or rental property. Give legal numbers and . price in first letter. Ad irvs .Owner, Room . IS, banford Hotel Rk k, Omaha. Neb. . f FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly improved farm of 16a acres. Land ail lays fine and la excellent soil. Will exchange tor food Omaha residence. IIS BraDdel Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douttlas 2914. Sunday, CATTLJD There were not enotrfh cst tleJteie to really make a market; In fact, It feemed more like a Saturday than any otlfer day of the week. The few loads of stock on sale sold for the most part In lair season in the morning, ine marnei was really without any new. or Interest ing features. It might be noted that the receipts for the week to date have been very liberal. showing a large gain over the corre sponding days last week and a year ago. Quotations on cattle: trim yearlings, 18.759.76; good to choice cornfed beeves. g.out(i.7i; lair to good cormea beeves. $7.608.00; common to fair cornfed beevea. J6.ftvij7.60; good to- choice rang beeves. 7698.26: lair to gooa range oeevee, head' market steady; lambs, fR.IR4fl.7S: yearlings, KTMjT.eo; wethers, $6,60y4.fcO; ewes, IS.K434.Oi). St. Loals Live, Stoelc Market. ST. LOi:j8. Jan. l.-TATTLB-Recelpts, l.?00 head; market steady; native hef steers. 7.60fi 10.00; cows and heifers. IS.Xxa 9.76; southern steers, $5 76'g)7.!X); cows and heifers, t4.003.0l; native calves, I6.009 S3.76; HOGS Receipts. 7.600 head; market, higher; plga and lights, ffi.2o4j7.46; mixed and butchers. 7.Ka7.60; good heaT. 17.40 r7.P. . . 8HKEP AND LAMBS Raosipts., SOB had; market steady: native muttons. S4.l6ft6.75; lambs, S.?M.; yearlings, I7.267.0. t. Jeeepa Live Stack Marked. BT. JOSEPH, Mo. Jan. 1. CATTLE Receipts, WO head; market steady; steers, f7.OJ4TiO.00; cows and heifers. KJfxtt.00; calves, .C0.60. . . HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head; market, higher; top, 17.30; bulk of sales. I7.1jf7 .. SHKfep AND LAMB8-Relpj,, 600 head; market steady; lambs, S&004J4.S5. ' L4Mal Storka a Boa da. Quotatloaa tiralhe4 by Bums, Brlaker a Co., 44 Omaha NaUooa bank bulldlag: fltork. Km. Ame. Dmm Co- sf4.... ,2 yalnntnt Creemy T r et f4... VW rirmnt frmry I VT seat guar.. '-i 1JJ Mountala Biue T. A T f Omtha a C. B. k. a 8 Omba C. B. St. Kf. rM 7 iu, rrv atonU Yard! afd. 94 97 ve vi ti-mtttw T.Mt&. I m..n.. . ....... f 1. 1 9.Mi lair iv wu irh, , Bocae 16. 757.76; common to fair range beeves, j cair. wye., water M, rM v I6 76i.76; good to choice heifers, 4.00iy , (M.hy Picking C K 134 JH J 7.36; good to choice cows. S&.7634.60; fslr , Oluso Rr. 6a 1M7 tj J to good cows, w.oo6.7&; common to lair tmn i o-n, w.r..u . cows, 4.00f.00; good to choice stackers i" i5 and feeders. r.60ffl.L: fair to good "..9-x..T"- ! "" stockers and feeders, .Kg7.80; common , Rr T' it u iceders. iV'- cur ef Montreal U, ISIT... Onhs C. B. Bt. Ttr. at, 1 OnMba Seheol 1M1 City ot Onaha wlr H. 1M1 HUM of' Calttorala 4a 1M4 I Fteadne, Cl . U. 19U-H44.... Hwlft Ob. M. 144 " orlbncr. Neb., Water lw Bnaerlw, Nb., Wawr la ISM Wichita Union Stock Tarda at, ItU.. to fair stackers and arnck halfara BK Mill: ataOK COWS. 14.76 w.k a.Tl.1 e. im . o.io; siock caivas, e.uwoaw; wiym, r.CffO.00; bulls, stags, etc., tt.0vtJ4.76. Hcprescntauve aaiee: COWS. ' Ha At. Tt. Ko. ' At. Pr. 1 lit 4 te l, i6T S M 1 1010 4 M 1 1140 I . I iios l o t no I at S uto It 14 it) 4 et i mo i at t not in. t c2 1 4 4 trr I to - 17 u n a m Til BULL8. ' I. .(......,.'. 11M It 1 130 4M 1 IH II 1 14 4 - 1..., imo l so l vm 1 .'...121 IX 1 110 I 16 l.......,....mo. as . tALVES. .., L W ill . 1 IM i 4ko i e) I .-. m I . SOI 7 7 BTO. vKKM AND FEEDERS 4 Ml ill U .. tat f SI HOGS There was a fair holiday run here and early offers were hardly as good as yesterday's general trade. Sellers were asKing as mucn as txaiuo manor. 104 10 4.TI M tt 1 , H 11 J it at. SI MM 1st 4.N M.7I ion I let I 10 Omaha Hay Market. ' PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland. 17100(9 11.60; Ho. 1,. fl0.60ll.00; No. 2, t9.oouno.60; No. S, 17.009.00. Choice midland. I1L00; No. 1. HO.OOtfi 10.60; No. t .M.OOtrlO.OO; No. S. fT.oafro.OO. Choice lowland. S10.00; No. 1. IK.00.u9.60; No. 2. t8.OO13O.OO; No. 3, 14.00(9 1.00. - tTRAW Choice wheat Is quotable at 16.00; choice oat or rye, .W.0. ALFALFA Choice pea green, third or fourth cutting. I18.60Q140.0; No. 1, lll.0n3 1J.60; No. 2, Ul.OWiia.00; No. 2. fO.OOigll.OO. '.N 1 . .4 Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., Jan. t Tha Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: "Our and as they refused to sell at tha figures canvass of tha entire country shows total buyers wore offering the trade dragged mocks of wool on hand and unsold at along for quite a while before anything the cloae of the year 1914 of 69,706,761 moved. Starting with their early shade ( pounds, as compared with a total last lower bids, packers raised values slowly : year of 98.0X3,249 pounds. The Boston until, wnn ma supply finally began to atocks totalled thla year 2B.t40.8O8 pounds, move, tha "market was aoout a nlckoi fc,mt 43,800,640 pounds last year. The higher than Thursday and It was on this tnariit thla week Is very strong, with basla that most of the hogs were cashed. m.dlum .jkJ coarse wools keenly sought Movement was slow throughout and the and Mmewhat dearer. The goods mar. ciosa was the dullest part of the trade. kM( 'fcre Wthout material change, war Prices easing off somewhat at UWs time. .mnii.i h huik f h. j ne laoi .1 mainci, . uuniiiit wm. w niher- . ' ' Bulk of tha offerings moved at 17. IK t.25, moot of the droves landing around 17 m with tons aa hlah as 17.80. Today's prices are higher than any time during December and are about 16c better than last week's close. Receipts amounted to 87 cars, or 4,609 head. It of those coming from another market direct to a local packer. Total for the week Is 43.344 head, being 2.U90 head heavier than the four market days last week, andvalmoat 4.000 larger than for the corresponding week of last year. No. At. 8b. Pr. lea. A. Sa. Pr. . 41 174 ... I 10 15 Ml J H St. I zr 1 1 a 17...... ..24 ... T. 2 T? M 7 M II 2 ... t 0 U 7 business.' in eleaant ranching Proposition: 1.716 acres, one mil water front on Blrdwood reek, u mues norvn 01 uutnenana, liu .oln county, Nebraska. An 600-acre Improved ranch. It miles 1 toutk of Has sett. In Rock county. Ne. ibraaka. Two aectlons of choice wheat land near BlUiuga. Mont. I One section in McKenrle county, North 1 Dakota. : T BEN GULUCK. Sioux Falls. S. D. ',1160 ACRKS Tripp county, S. D., for sale ; V or trada. Will trade for city property, cash or gents furnishing, f or further particulars addreea B 4u2, Bee. V REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE I Am Forced to Sell I. a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house is located In the West Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address. M 213, Bee, or after C p. m. phone Webster 4149. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. RltUD Abstraot Co., oldest abstract of. Iloa to Nebraska. M B -ndsis Theater. KHK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, a modern absUacl office, a M. lilh at Phone Douglas 6o7. LEGAL NOTICES 11. 41.. St.. 91.. II.. 41.. .. ... tot ..xn K is ..171 17, 7W ..117 ... Tit ..ro loo ru ..it w tu Honors Even Between Ahearn and Dillon PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 1. Honor were about even at tha and of a fast stx- rounl bout between Young Ahern of Brooklyn and Jack Dillon of Indianapo lis here today. Ahern conceded the In dianapolis middleweight eight pounds In weight, btit his cleverness enabled him to offset Dillon's aggressiveness. "Ted" Lewis, a lightweight of Eng land, outpointed WUlle Moere. phllade phta, In six rounds at another club. CARNIVAL OF SPORT OH HEY. YEAR NIGHT Four Bozi&g Exhibitions, Two Bat tles Royal and Two Mat Events Make Up Card. TWO HTJVDRED FANS SEE BOUTS Jimmy Dreael, Paetfle Caaet Mlaer, Wlae Decision tram Vna Gar. risaa, Wka (raa the Pall PlTei Raaads. Four boxing" exhibitions, two battle royal and two wrestling matches In cluded tha card of events at the athletic carnival held at tha Armory last night. About 309 Omaha fight tans and wrest ling fang were tut band to witness the bouts. - Jimmy Drexel, a mixer from the Ta dflo coast, who has scrapped with Charley White, won a decision from Young Gar rison of Omaha. Garrison, who, his father asserts, is hut 17 yesrs of age, was ' knocked down In tha first round, but he oame back gamely and etuck through five rounds. Drexel's powerful punches landed time and again, but the youngster was there when the bell rang. Three Merry Rawnde. In tha abaenos of Dutoh Leeder, Dick jntspatrick took on Fred Whorton and merry three-round event occurred. Fits pa trick got tha decision, but his ad vantage was lltUe. Chuck Whlttaker and George Lovelady put on three . two-minute rounds which pleased. Carl Padden of Denver and Jack Reynolds of Butte opened the box- Ins; with three two-minute rounds. As each f the lads seemed a trifle dia pleased with the other the scrap was fast and snappy... .... ... ; Jack Tollhrer undertook to throw Young Gotch ' twice in forty minutes, but had bad luck. When tha forty minutes were fup Young Gotch was still squirming around tne mat, not naving- suiiured a fall. ' Throws Jeffries. Young Braedlove threw Walter Jeffries twtca. The first falV came In three min utes and forty seconds and the second one In nine minutes and fifteen seconds. Tha two battles royal were the most interesting cards of the evening. Kid Spady; a local negro pug, entered tha first battle and proceeded to play the game of the rabbit and the fox. Ha ducked around tha corners, popping his enemies here and there and finally drop ped the last man to remain In the ling. A chubby youth of unknown name won tha second one, Inasmuch as the demon, Kid Spady, was not permitted around. Final Attempt to Lift Lid in Russia on Beer and Wine Fails PIGS. 41 10 ... 19 4 141 ... I WHh;i.i' It being rew Year's not a great many sheep or lambs Were ex pected. There were, however, eight cars, or seme 1.6u0 head reported in, and with the exception of one car of ewes and one of yoariiigs the receipts were all lam he, principally fed westerns front Nebraska and Iowa feed lots. It being a holiday at Chicago there were no receipts reported there. Lest New Year's the receipts here amounted to l.eol head - With a licht suDDly en the local mar ket, nothing at Chicago and a better tone . . h . . n, L it to the general trade on Thursday quite 'um " h h working for. It naturally today a prices nad a strong was tnwrawi itn rugm xrorn in preen and upward tcndeni-v. both sheep and ! dent'a office that 110000 hsd twin anh. lambs being lftari5o higher than yeater- I ,b . ,M day. Most of the good lambs changed , scribed. Tne college lias recently sold, hands at IS.a-ftd.eo, with one shipment 'real estate to an amount equal to that making a top of 18.75. the high mark for it Is felt now that llaru have reachaA ine one loaa 01 ewes on saie 1 . ..... h,Mi.. turn Is tha next step. Ten Thousand More - f or Bellevue Gym Bellevue college has now reached the point where enough money has been sub scribed to assure it of the new gym n as- STOCKHOLDER' MttkmNO. . The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the HAOTINGU AND NORTH- WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven Directors, ana the transaction 01 sui.ii uimr Business as may 1 ,c.. f.i i.mK. oipe before the meeting, will be held at ti, the ornce or A. I. Monier, corner or 16th and Dodge Streets. Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the th day of January. A. It. Xtii. at U o'clock A. M. T. M. ORR. D34dllt Secretary. the week. The one load, of ea'es on sale brought Si 85, top since last week. It did not taKe long tor me pscaers 10 oispose of the meager receipta. The week's trade has been (highly satisfactory from a seller's standpoint, as while receipts have been liberal prices show an Improvement from the close of the previous week. On Thursday of last week, which we practically the close of the week, the bulk of the good lamba found an outlet at I8.25VU&.&, compared with I8.30ft8.7e today. The most of the ewes a week ago want at S6.t6fr60, againat 4.iiu5.86 this morning. There have been few feeder offerings at the disposal of buyers this week, though what have been offered found ready sale at good, strong prices. Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lambs, good to choice. 18. !. 76; lambs, fair to good, .0w.fl.6O; leaders, lair to good. J7.6iu1.90; yearling, gcod to choice, 17.26 t7.75; yearlings, far to sood, . t7.OOiar7.25; yearlings, feeders. to.76d4.26: webers, good to choice. 14. 2563.60; aethers, fair to good, 14 0. &.; aethers, feedera, t4 40 tji.OO; ewes, good to choice, to.iwa.; ewes, fair to good. to.2&&5.50; ewes, 1 sed ers, tt.aosxo. Representative salsa: No. Av. H fed lambs .. 49 15 fed lambs - 47 238 fed lambs 81 S3 111 fed lambs 9 I fed la mis M 98 fed lambs 76 t led ewes HI 117 fed ewes US Al Norton Winner Over Tom McMahon KANSAS C1TT, Jan. 1. Al Norton of Los Angeles won a decision over Tom 'McMahon of Pittsburgh In a - ten-round bout hers today. Norton apparently had more speed and for the first five rounds tabbed McMahon'g face with a left al most constantly. McMahon apparently recovered In the latter part of tha bout. but wss unable to overcome Norton's lead. Tha mea are heavyweights. merloan Telephone f Telegraph Company dividend of Two Dollars per share 111 be paid on Friday, January 16, 1916, 1 stockholders oT record at the close ( eusmesa ou Thursday, December 31, 1914. ti. D. MILNt- Treasurer. 9- SMITH AND LEYINSKY FIGHT TWELVE TO DRAW t m WATERBURY, Coaa, Jan. L la I .) featureless bout, Gunboat Smith and I o Battling Levi nsky, heavyweights, fought a aa rounds to a draw here toblg ht 7: There wss considerable clinching. The 1 71 crowd hissed the men frequently, ssv peclally at the close of tha bout Kaaaaa City Live ftook Market. -KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. L CATTLE-. Rectipls. l.ouO head: market higher; prune fed steers, XJ.UO& 10.00; dressed beef steers, t7.BV&.0. western steers, 7.VKi 9.26; stockent and feeders. 84.204.00; bulls, t.x..7; calves, aaSJte 10.00. Pa R0URKE SECURES NEW IN FIELDER FROM NEW YORK That Infielder Breen has been released by tha TJtlca club of the New York Stats HOGS RecelDts. 2.800 head: market leasue to Omaha la a reoort tn tt.i. Ll..l . k . . I .- I L f. . . . . V"- . ' " " r ""J-. T- Fa Routs refuses to cooflrra the in riTTight. rT:..Ps.raa,",,' 6t. u..u. Hob,de.ua. b..t fcllt-LP ASl LA 61BS Receipts, 600 is a class o orfsniaallon. J iiFis .....v Pennsylvania Wins All Four Points m Chess Tournament NEW YORK,- Jan. 1. Pennsylvania, winning sll four points In ths semi-final round of ths Trlangulsr College Chess league here today, tied Cornell for first piace with a total score of nine games won and three lost. As on Thursday, Brown was defeated. I to 0, by both Cor nell and Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania reversed its score of yesterday with Cor nell by taking two games from the laths cans, thus wiping out ths New York ers two-point lead. Brown has not yet won a game. The fourth and final round will bs played tomorrow. The annual meeting or the league was held today, resulting in the election of the following officers: President. Prof. Iaaad L. Rice New York; vice president, J. P. Palmer,' Brown. '16. of Stock bridge, Mass.; secretary. Herrmann Nelms. New York. , It was decided to play ths snnual team match with Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia In New York In the Easter vacation, en a day to be agreed upon. rKTROGRAD (Via London), Jan. 1. The laat appeal against Kula'a prohibi tion decree failed Thursday, when the oounclls of Petrograd and Moscow ( re jected a petition to authorise the recom mencement of tho sals of beer end light Wines. The recent final order to disoonr tlnue the sale of all alcoholic drinks was leauad with the reservation that ths city councils should have the light to appeal for an authorisation of the recommence ment of tha sale of S per cent beer and light wines. . Ths final prohibition order was so un expectedly Issued that there was no op portunlty to provide a stock against tha coming period of abstinence. Between and S o'clock In ths evening ths mer chants received Instructions that next day there would be absolute prohibition and (hence there was no chance to giva warning to eager ouatomars, who on a false . alarm - previously spread abroad, lined the streets for hours awaiting their turn to queue into the crowded wine hops.. Ths liquor dealers, restaurant keepers, wins brewers and distillers brought all possible Influence to bear on tha city oounclls for authorisation to sell beer and light wine, assisted by theorists who. whlls spprovtng ot general sobriety, thought that , abstinence ihould corns mors gradually snd thst the sudden, ces sation of ths use of all alcohol would have an Injurious effect. MANY MOHARCHS GREET JPRESIDEHT New Year'ji Messages Come to Pres ident from Heads of European Governments. . THANKS .HICMQ ALBERT Cordial Note from Klasr Gears? Con- eye Good Wlskea for Welfare . and v Prosperity . of ths ' United States. WASHINGTON. ; Jan. L-Nbw Year's greetings Jo President Wilson from ths rulers of other nations snd from many Americana, poured into the Whits House today. . ; King Albert of Belgium. Bent ths fol lowing' message from his general army headquarters: "On tha occasion of the New Tear I send you my most sincere congratula tions and wishes for ths welfare of ths great American nation, whose generosity to Belgium is of so much help in this time of distress and sorrow." King George of Great Britain ept the following. . - "It affords me sincere pleasure to con vey to you on ths commencement of ths New Year tny good wishes for personal happiness and for the welfare and pros perity of tho United States ot America, to which we are united by such doss ties of friendship and Intimacy." Ths following ' message' was received from King Oustav of Sweden: "I beg you to receive best wishes for a happy New Year." King Haakon of Norway eabled as follows: "On ths occasion of Nsw Year's day I express my most sincere good, wishes for you and tha American people." Count Bernstorff, German ambassador to tba United States, sent ths following; ' Please accept my most sincere and respectful wishes for a very happy Nsw Year for yourself, your family . and country." Greetings similar in tons to those re ceived earlier In the day cams to Presi dent Wilson tonight from Sultan Ahmad Kadjer of Persia, President Bertrad of Honduras, President Jimlnes of the Do minican republics snd President Estrada of Guatemala. Cline Outpoints Mars of Cincinnati COLUMBUS, O., Jan. L-Petsy Cline of New York outpointed K. O. Mare ot Cincinnati in a twelve-round bout hers today. Both went strong to the finish. Cline hit almost st will. Mars struck mors seldom, but with greater force. They boxed at 122 pounds. FILLMAN ARRIVES AT BEATRICE FOR CONFAB BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. l.-8pecta! Telegram.) Johnny nilmao of Joplln, Mo,, who was recently sleeted manager of ths Beatrice ball team In ths Nebraska Stats league, arrived hers this afternooa to confer with ths directors of ths bai ball association relative to ths work ef ths eomlng year and ta get s tins on a few plsysrs. Daffy Oatpalata Mobtdeaa. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Jan. t -Jimmy Duffy Of Lock port outpointed Sam Robldeau of Philadelphia ini a ut round bouc hers today, tack man scored a Knock down. New York Basket Ball Players Are in Search of Games The New York National Basket Ball association team is another of the crack eastern fives which are after games In Omaha. Ths association la- st Rock- swsy Beach. New York, and has mads several trips through the west In former yesrs. Like others, the Kockaway Beach men are going to the fair to participate In ths athletics there and are anxious to taks on sn Omaha quintet. W. F. B run ner, Jr., manager ot ths eastern five, de clares his team has won fifty-eight and loat one game so fsr this year. Ths Nsw York National association Is one of half a dosen New York teams which want to play hers snd arrangements will bd prob- ably mads In an attempt to schedule them with ths Townsends. Unemployed Battle With Police in New . York City Streets II II Bl NEW YORK, Jan. 1. Unemployed men snd women In this city begsn ths new year with 'sn outdoor demonstration which culminated In a fight with police men who interfered when sa. attempt was made to hold a parade with objsc-Uonahly-worded banners flung aloft. About 70S Idle men and woman gathered In Union square to listen to dlseuselon In several languages of thslr problem of welfare through, the winter. The polloe did not Interrupt the meeting, which was orderly throughout, but later ordered ths dispersal et marchers who apparently Intended to parads to ths Harlem head quarters of ths "League of ths, Unem ployed." The inscription ou on banner read: Homeless Men, Revolt." ""7 ' Another announced: "To Hell with Charity." This banner George Druer. S3 years old, a cook by trade, was told to haul down Ths police said Drur was reluctant to comply. Witnesses asserted ths polios clubbed Druer. ' Hs was arrested, charged with assault and . disorderly conduct. Men and women attacked the polios In an effort to liberate Druer, but were driven off by reserves. JOHNNY KL1HG MAY RETORHTO GAME Former Catcher Says He Has Re ceived Offer from Reds and Sev- eral Federal Clubs. I l ass, was TO PLAY WITH CrNCI IF AT ALL Says He Will Visit City Within tha Nest Few Days and Then Will Decide, Whether Hs Will Rack. ' SPRINGFIELD, Ma, Jan. L Johnnls Kllng of Kanaaa City, until two year ago catcher for the Cincinnati Nationals, may return lo th base baU diamond during the coming season. ' Kllng mads this ststement While visiting frlonds here tonight. "I have received an offer recently froto Cincinnati and several from tha Federal league," he said. "If I ' sver return to base ball It will be to play with Cincin nati. I shall visit that city within the next few daya to confer with owner of ths Nationals, snd shall decide then whether or not to play again." Couple that Jumped Big Bond Captured ' ; After Long Search NEW YORK, Jan, L-e-FrancIs II. TJrlf fin, an attorney, and his wife, Clara II, Griffin, who are under federal Indiotroent on ths charge of having .defrauded ac quaintances of high social standing out or di ween saiu.uw , and 1400,000, were brought back from Colorado Springs to day, whence they fled about a month ago, forfeiting ball bonds ot 137,600, They were locked up In ths Tomb. Ths pair were at first thought t have ried to Canada, but they wsrs located through a country-wide aeerch Instituted by ths federal authorities. ' The ' Grif fins wars arrested last Msy la Oroton, Mass. Mrs. QrtfTln operated a steno graphlo buresu in Nsw York City and It was charged that through represents lions that the bureau has obtained lsrgs contracts for government stenographic, work, ths couple obtained large sums from tswyers. Judges, member of clubs to which OH f fin bolonsjed. snd several women, giving their notes therefor. They failed to ap'pear when their case was called for trial December 14. Whitman Warns . . Against Growing Disregard of Law ALBANY. N. T.. Jan. J. A warning thst ths spirit of lawlessness In all Amer ican communities goes unchecked, wss one of thS striking utterances In Gover nor Chsrles S. Whitman's Inaugural ad-, dress today. 1 ' "Disregard of law. Impatience with legal and moral restraints, contempt for the Judicial and exeeutlve ministers of Jus tice, ars ' phenomena obeervabla In all. American communities and all classes.", hs sdded. "No material proeperRy. no abounding wealth, no progress In the soie noes), csn savs us from moral deced ents and ultimate decay If this spirit of lawlessness and contempt for legal authority shall continue. , "Ths public opinion that tolerates law lessness, whether ' ft be the lynching; or tho negro, or the murder of the obscure, , or the vtolenes attending nearly all dis putes between 'labor and capital, will In evitably engender a fatal malady unless the quickened conscience of ths American . people shall call a halt. "There Is but ons way ef meotlnf the danger, and thst Is through the creation of a dominant and pervading public sen timent In support of ths enforcement of ths law. 1 Where that sentiment Is want ing 110 devices of ths law can make up for It" Oovsmor Whitman advocated tho sdep tlon et ths budget - system in state, finances. "If public expenditures should Increase In the future at tho same rate a in the past," hs declared, "It will be only a question of time when we shall drift Into bankruptcy." ARMY-NAVY GAME PROCEEDS TO CHARITY I 1 ami PHILADELPHIA, Jan. l.-Ths Univer sity of Pennsylvania committee having charge of tbS Army-Navy foot ball ams Is this city has turned over to ths army and navy charities U8.862, ths receipts from ths sale of Pennsylvania's share of the tickets for ths game played last November. This makes a total of tl56.4oS which ths charities have received from Peanaylvanla for ths sale of tickets since the games nave been played on Franklin field. Nerwe Steamer Wreaked. HARWICH. England. Jan 1 (via Lon don). A torpedo boat brings the news that the Norwegian steamor Ode nee nee struck a reef aoon after leaving Rotter, dam on Friday morning and probably a 111 be a total wreck. Its crew of furty- iwo was Bsveu. 1 American Note to Britons-IVIakes Good Impression in Italy ROME. Dec. SL The American sots is Great Britain protesting against ths In terference with merchantmen haa ' pro duced an excellent Impression here, not only because It may tend to avert ax. actly ths earn, difficulties encountered by Italian Commerce, but else because It Is hoped Uist it msy lead to a more con crete set of International rules protecting ths commerce of neutrals in thslr tights while still safeguarding ths rights of belligerents. The American ambassador hers Is working most earnestly to secure an amaloriaikio of conditions Interfering with American com me roe. Feeling that the Interests of America snd Italy ars In unison In this matter, he has used svsry effort to relieve the situation. JAMES I JONES. WHEAT KING, JCILLED BY SON CLOVIS. N. M.. Jan. l.-James U Jones, known as ths "wheat king sf the southwest." wss shot snd killed last night by his son Frank, 20. at the Jones ranch. Ths boy then walked twelve miles to Clovis and gavs himself up, claiming self-defense. Hs told ths offi cers his 'father I had tried to kill his mother and himself. First Arrest Made Under the Arizona, Prohibition Law BI6BEK, Arli., Jan. 1. -Fifteen minutes after midnight had 'proclaimed Arisona a'. "dry'1 state, L. A. Brown, proprietor of a saloon here, wss arrested on a charge ot selling I per cent brew beer and his placs closed. Brown was released on his own recognisance. The arrest probably . will form tho bssls ef a test against the new law. 1 TUCSON, Art.. Jan. L For selling- a. pint of whisky early today after Art-; one's prohibition law had gons tnto effect Louis Gherna was arrested. Hl violation of law and Immediate arrest wss try previous arrangement for the purpose of testing the self-executing tea-, ture of the prohibition law that the con stitutional smendment should go into e fsct todsy. Seven Are Killed in Railroad Wreck in Suburb of London LONDON, Jan 1. Seven persons were killed snd many others Injured In a train collision this morning on ths Great East era railway near llford, flvs miles, from London. Some of the railroad cars were reduced to splinters. Ths victims ot the accident ars mostly city clerks Jim riyaat lo Licked. ROCHESTER, N. Y.. Jan. 1 -r-Tony Roe. of New Castle, Penn., outfouxht Jim Flyno of Pueblo, Colo., thi after noog la a ten-round bout. Thla is Bad Month. The Indoor life ot winter, with lack of outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load on, ' the kldneya Nearly everybody suffers from rheumatism, backache, pain la sides and back, kidney and bladder allnMints. A. oacaacne may not mean anyming aerv ous, but it certainly does not mean aay thing good It's better to bs on the safe) side and taks Foley Kidney nils tu strengthen snd Invigorate the ktdnejs and help them do their work. They heir' rid the blood of acids snd poisons. SuM by all dealer. Advertisement. (