Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Helativei of Slaughtered American
Hunter Call Verdict ia Case
Mowajrs frost Hrmkrn of Xmltfc
Fstaally Declare Klllla Rtck
Ias, lahamaa aad Oa.
rich lloaalrldr.
brrrxvo, n. t.. d, a. Reiativs
of Waltr enilth. who was killed by Can
adlaa militia at Fort Erie, are not satis
fled with the roroner'a Jury verdict of
'"accidental shooting." and through their
attorney have takes steps to bring about
a mora thorough Investigation through
the Department of Bute. Further evl
denca. H m announced, will be taken
before Vlee Consul Curtlse at Fort Erla
within a day or two and ttila report will
ba filed with Stat department official"
at Washington. '
Wire Concreaiima.n.
Tba following telegram waa ent today
to Congressman Charles B. Smith by the
attorneys for the Pmlth family:
"Testimony of witnesses, Smlth-Doraoh
matter yesterday shows that civil officer
neither called, signalled or attempted to
arrest before calling upon soldiers; .that
repeated volleys were fired after men
had thrown up their hands and told the
officer they were coming to shore; that
soldiers fired" the shots that killed after
civil officer had told them to cease, and
In no event to hit; that on account of
repeated volleys from soldiers In the
faoe of the offer to surrender, men end-savored
to get out of range, but werei
Immediately shot, one fatally and the
other possibly so; soldiers admit firing
without taking aim or sighting gun. .
Verdict RtdlcsJoas. -
Verdict of coroners jury of accidental
shooting ridiculously. Have no hesitancy
In crowding cam. 'It waa reckless,, in
human and outright . manslaughter. ' We
will take wttnesaea before American con
sul In & day or two and forward furthor
evidence) to you."
Although the verdict released the three
militiamen as civilians, they are still de
tained awaiting the official release frum
the military authorities.
(Continued from Page One.)
f '
: t
to a slight deprewiioD la the general busi
ness for the year. Taken as a whole this
decrease la not great, however, as it la
in the neighborhood of a 11 per cent loss.
The bank deposits show a loss of about
16 per cent compared with the deposits
last year. This la based on. the October
call this year as compared to the Octo
ber call last year. V
Bunkers explain this shortage of de
posits by the fact that the, wheat crop
was not marketed as early as usual this
year. Last year, they hold, the wheat
was largely marketed early In the year,
and money was flowing Into banks before
the October bank call. This year when
October came the farmers were atlll hold
ing the wheat for a dollar a bushel. After
tie October- fcatik call, 'wheat went to a
dollar a bushel. The farmers marketed
it; and Omaha' bankers say money began
te flow Into the banks a? once. They
stlmate that the deposits today show
fully 16.000,000 more than they did at the
time the last bank statements were la
sued In October. 1 .
Aside from this faot, the money the re
' gional bank at Kansas City took out of
Omaha Is estimated at about 11,000,000.
This is not lost,' but la simply held in the
regional -reserve bank Instead of In
Omaha as formerly,
i " Grata Shipments More.
Grain recelpta fell atltUo below those
of last year. This Is explained also 'on
the ground that the grain was not mar
keted as early as usual this year. The
vast bulk of the 1914 crop has not yet
been marketed.
The shipments of grain, this year are
greater than they war a year ago 'by"
7,000,000 bushels. The shipments are
greater even thanthe receipts for the
year, which Is accounted for by the f set
that the first of the year 'much grain Was
In storage here, and was shipped, out
daring 1914, when as a matter of fact it
had been received in 1913. .
Thovgh the receipt of live stock dar
ing the -year were lighter than last year,
the packing house output In doUara and
cents is greater than last year. This la
accounted for largely by the Increase a
thM. nrin. nt meats which brought the
grand total of value of the output above
that of last year.
WhUe there Is a loss shown in tn
isMn business for -'the year. It la
pointed out that this lose la accounted
for almost entirely In. the coal and
coke Jobbing. Thla Immediately finds
aa explanation In the fact 'that th win.
ter waa practically an open, one until
two weeka ago, and that lltjle coat or
coke was eonsumed thus far. yLaat year,
on the other hand, winter set In rather
early, and some severe weather early
in the season caused a rush on the coal
and coke , products which resulted In
the laying in of auppllea for the winter
before the end of the year. -
Uttle difference waa shown In the
jobbing In the line of agricultural Im
plements. .
Aatoaioltlle I acreage.
The'auluinoblle Jobbing shows an in
crease of nearly !,0o0,00u, or 20 per cent
increase. This is looked upon, as one of
the beat evidences of prosperity In the
district, as It shows that money la not
ao tight aa In many-places In the coun
try. The automobile bualnera represents,
perhaps more fully than any other line.
a. strictly cash business.. A' total of
over I12.0O0.COO worth of automobiles were
Jobbed out of Omaha during the year.
A gain in mamifacturel products is
shown, especially In the way of those
products consumed . by the agricultural
districts. Kor example, the - very first
item In the lint alphabetically Is alfalfa
feed. This shows an increase of 1160,000
In round numbers. The manufacture of
art glasa and mirrors has doubled. v
The increase in the value of beer out
put is some J0.0uO. The output of break
fast fooria lias practically doubled dur
ing the year. The manufacture of can
din has Increased about 13 per cent, li
quofs show an increase of fJO.000.
What Joasea In manufacturing , bust-
nns were sustained are those la the
lines where the tightening of the money
markot is first to be felt.
Thirty 'One Cargoes pf Copper for 1
rs ' Neutral Lands' Seized by British
WASHINGTON, .' Per. $1. Thirty-one
ships bearing 1,3R0 tons of American cop
per, wdtth t&.fc'OOOO, destined to neutral
nations, have been detained and their
cargoes seised as eontrahant since the
European war began, Senator Walsh of
Montana told the senate today In a speech
reviewing Interruptions Id American com
merce, and highly endorsing the 'Amer
ican government's recent note to Great
Four ships were consigned to Holland,
fourteen to Italy and thirteen to Sweden.
he aald. and at Gibraltar .850 tons of
American copper "have been piled up."
After giving statistics to show that
Italy and Great Britain were among the
greatest normal consumers of copper.
Senator Walsh aald :
"The British govornmenl might well
avoid a course calculated to make it ap
pear aa an offensive act. There Is no
sentiment of hostility or animosity In
the United States toward Great Britain,
save In sporadic rases of no consequence.
In the sum total of the national disposi
tion. God gralnt that our relations may
always remain friendly. The feeling en
gendered by the agsjreealons complained
of is akin to the su prise and regreat ex
perienced by one who has been cruelly
wronged by a friend and who remains
confident that a personal explanation
and Candid conference wiU wipe out all
differencea and brtng a speedy repara
tion. ' It Is In this ' spirit the American
people await the result of the well-timed
note of the president."
"What is needed now," continued Sena
tor Walsh, ''Is the' release of every de
tained shipment against which a prima
facie case of guilt cannot be made out.
carrying with It an assurance to the
trade that as long as It ' Is honest It Is
"The Amerloan people will be ver pa
tient with reapect to the rase or rases
so much talked of and written about, ot
copper bars concealed In ootton bales.
The I.Ono tona of copper now at Gibraltar
were not coneaaledln cotton balea. The
conaisnmenta all allow on the ship's
papers. In the regular and usual way, as
did one unloaded at Marseilles, likewise
much advertised as being underneath a
cargo of oats.
'Copper Is convenient ballast and goes
regularly to the place where It will best
subserve that purpose. So our people will
wait with patience the determination ot
the question as to whether copper can be
made by the Ipse dixit of any single na
tion, absolute contraband. That ques
tion will arise In some rase In which the
proof establishes that the destination
shown by the manifest and bills of lading
was simulated and that In fact It was
Germany or Austria, but It does not ap
pear that the prise was for warlike use.
The claim that It. may .make It such Is
put forth In good faith by Great Britain
and we must await the slow process ot
law and diplomatic negotiation to try It
Senator Waleh submitted the names of
twenty-nine copper laden ateamera held
up as follows:
Kroonland and Taurus,' both American;
Belgla, German; Rotterdam, Potadam,
Weaterdyk and Sloterdyk, all Dutch;
Palermo, Regina d' Italia, San Giovanni,
Italia. Dura Dl Genova. Verona, Kuropea
and San Gugllelmo. all Italian; Tabor,
Norhclm, SIf, Slgrun. Antares and Tyr,
all Norwegian; Ascot, Francisco. Idaho,
Toronto, Marengo. Galileo and rerugla,
all British, and Ran. Swedish.
Triple Poisoning ,
Case in New York .
Reveals Double Life
NEW YORK, Dec Sl.Investlgatlon of
unusual circumstances under which Mrs.
Ida 8. Rogers took poison and gave It to
her two babies lsst Tuesday waa begun
today by the district attorney, Francis
Martin, of the Bronx. One of the chil
dren, t months old, Loretta. died yester
day. Mrs.1 Rogers and John, the t-yoar-
old child, are near death in a" hospital.
; At Mrs. 'Rogers' bedside there sits Ixr
lis Elton Rogers, a well-to-do lawyer of
this city. ' Apparently he is distracted by
grief. Neighbors of Mra. Rogers, who
lived In the Bronx, knew him as her
husband and the father of the children.
Prof. Franklin H. Giddinga of Columbia
university knew Rogers as the husband
ot his sister, who waa Miss Caroline
Giddings. Rogers and Miss Glddlngs
were married in 190. ,
Detectives and an assistant district 'at
torney have endeavored In Vain to obtain
from the sick woman Information as to
her relatives or maiden name. Jit is said
she is a member ot a good southern
Mrs. Carolina Rpgers and her husband
lived until a rnoauh ago In a -fashionable
apartment on Riverside Drive. Mrs. Ida
Rogers and her two children lived In a
modest house In the Bronx. , -
Stock Quarantine -'Placed
on, Part if.
" One County in Iowa
Citv and New Tork county were Quaran
tined today by the Department of -Agriculture
because of the foot and mouth
disease in cattle.
FVileraJ Quarantine also was placed on
Jessamine, county. Kentucky; Shelby
county, Illinois, and that portion ot
Cedar county, Iowa, northeast or tne
Cedar' river.
An order was tss'ied releasirfg other
localities and modifying other quaran
tines. .
It releases in Montana the counties of
Richland and Wibaux, and that portion
of Dawaon county west pf the losth
medldlan, and those portions of Custer
and Fallon counties south of the forty
slxth parallel.
It permits Interstate shipment of live
stock after bureau, inspection and certi
fication for Immediate alaughter to places
where federal, state or municipal Inspec
tion is ' maintained from all portions of
the quarantined area In Montana, ex
cept within five mile radius, of Infected
premises, 'ranches and trains.
Thirty Warships Are
Firing oil' Austrian
Naval Base at Pola
COPENHAGEN, Dec. SL-Vla London.)
A private dispatch received here from
Berlin says that over thirty French and
British warships are at present engaged
in bombarding Pola, the Austrian naval
base on the Adriatic, and also the seaport
of Roulgno; about fifteen miles away.
Bee Want Ada Are the Wtat Business
F.t-ad Daliy by People la Search Of Ad
en4 Opportunities.
A Celt is Dasgcnsi.
Break It Row.
Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for
coughs and colds. Soothes . the lungs,
loosens the mucous. Only 2ic. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Chicago Society's
Hotel is to Become
Place for Homeless
CHICAGO. Deo. SL fit Caroline I'nnrt
hotel, which forty years ago' was the
center of many of Chicago's select soclnl
functions, wilt become a shelter next
week for unemployed and homeless men.
It was announced today.
The famous hostelry Is richly decorated
In marble tiling and art work imnnMai
from France. Marble stalrcasea,. a ro
tunda with art-glass windows, inlaid
wood and art work in th bull mnm
sUll remain to. recall the old-time s pen
dors of the structure.
The use of the hotol has been donated
to the Christian Industrie
plans to provide free lodging to aa many
men as sarely can be accommodated.
Mattresses and blanket will be provided
for 800. Shower baths also will H in
stalled. Coffee and rolls will be given
tne men every mc nlng without charge.
The hotel will be maintained by funds
given by churches.
Three Men Killed by '
. Dust Explosion in
Mine at Flagler, Ia,
fcNOXVILLB, u., Dee. M.-Threa men
were Irfstintly killed and fmip In(iitu1
two of thra probably 1 tally, ut y eater-
d, u lid. Niji.ufj.rju m a
eoal mine at Flagler, a mining town near
here. "
The explosion, which was caused by
"whjdy shot", literally blew the men from
the mouth of the cntrv and thma whn
escaped death were brufced and burned
almost beyong recognition.
The dead:
Ernest Clark and Carl Fortjier are be
lieved to be fatally wounded. Clark and
Cooper leave families.
Monterey Said to
Be Short of Food
LAREDO, Tex., Deo. M.-Food for less
than ten' days remains at Monterey, Mcx.,
and adjacent territory, where the situa
tion In some respects Is aa bad aa Eu
rope, according to unofficial 1 reports to
day from American Consul General Philip
C. Hanna of Monterey. Relief Is fur
nished twice weekly ' to the poor, who
Include once prosperous families which
revolutions have made destitute. Flour,
shelled corn, beans and rice are the
foodstuffs most needed. There Is also
need for bed clothing. The American
consul has given much aid.
Admiral Howson
Dies at Yorkers
YONKERS, N. Y.. Dec. M.-Henry L.
Howlson, rear admiral United States
navy, retired, died at his home last night,
aged 77 years. About three weeks ago he
waa operated upon in a hospital for an
Intestinal trouble and upon . his re
moval to- his home he was believed to be
recovering.'- Today he suffered a relapse.
He held such Important posta as com
mander of the Paclfia squadron, presi
dent of Ji (steel Inspection- and light
house boards, first captain of the battle
ship Oregon and commandant ot the
nay yards of Mare Island and Boston.
We Lava 31 kinds of Sunderland's Certified
Coal, from which yon may select the kind and
price which suit you beat. Here are two of
This has been for many
years our leader. It is
suitable for every pur
pose, lasts long and Is
truly economical.
Lump, K'gg, Nut
' Price 5G.50 .
ULLormoxE coal
Here is a sootles Wy
oming Coal, especially
good for furnaces ,jcd
fire-places. "
('Iran,' durable,
Prieo 97.00
ataasy back gwaraatee. CerUfioate
Atteousd tt itot ttliftif ticket.
tete Bank aaUdiaa-,
B, Cur. 17ife eaa utay.
S'fcou bougies tbJL
Berlin ,War Office Reports that the
French Effort to Take Alsace
Village ii Repulsed.
Kntlre Frrark Coaapaay la Anni
hilated at North F.4 ef 1.1 ae
ytteatloa In Kast Praasla
and Poland I'aehaagea.
AMSTERDAM. Holland. Dec. Sl.-(Vla
London.) What Is described as an un
official telegram, but which, nevertheless,
waa Issued today by the German army
headquarters, has been received here. It
"Our troops In Poland are pursuing
the enemy.- After the bottles of Loda and
Lowlcs we took more than 7,ooo prisoners
and many cannon and machine guns.
"The entire booty sinco the -beginning
of our offensive in Poland In November
totals l.TS.ftoO prisoners, more than 100
cannon and over 900 machine guns."
BERLIN. Dec. .81. tBy Wireless to
London.) The Oerman official statement
given out In Berlin this afternoon re
lates that In the village of Stelnbach,'
In Alsace, house after house waa de
stroyed by the French artillery, but that
the community la atlll In possession of
the Germans. An entire French company
was annihilated on the northern' end of
the line, French attacks south of Rhelms
were repulsed; In the Argonne the Ger
man occupied several French tenches
and raptured 2b0 prisoners, and their
artillery broks down French attacks In
upper Alsace.
The situation In east PruKslu. nt'th of
the Vistula, and on the Pillca river. Is
described as unchanged, while- 'east .of
the Bsura river the fighting contlnuea.
The text of the communication follows:
"In the western arena of the war yes
terday passed comparatively quiet on the
coast. The enemy dlreoted their fire on
Westende and destroyed parts ot cer
tain houses there, but without causing
any military damage. -"An
entire French company waa anni
hilated when we Mow up their Una near
the Alarr farm.
'South of Rhelms, strong French at-
tarks north of Camp Chalons were every
where repulsed.
"In the western Argonne region we
K lined considerable ground, capturing
several trenches situated behind ens an
other aad taktng tM prisoners. French
attempts to attack In the region of Fllrey,
north of Tout, failed. .
In upper Alsace, In the region to the
west of Sennehetm, all the French at
tacks broke down under the fire of our
"The enemy's artillery systematically
destroyed house after house In the vil
lage of Steinbach (Alsace), which Is In
our possession. Our losses are slight.
"It Is reported from the eastern war
arena that the situation In East Prussia
and Poland to the north of the Vistula
river, remains unchanged.
Hast of tho Bsura river the battles con
tinue. Ia the Rawka district our offen
sive has made progress. On the eastern
bank of thariUca the situation remains
St, John Predicts
Liquor Amendment
Within Six Years
TOPE K A', Kan., Dec. SI. If the liquor
traffic Is a state and not a national Issue,
why does the government Impose a heavy
tax on It and grant a license to people
to engage In the business T" That was
the question John P. St. John, the first
prohibition governor ot Kansas, put to
the national convention of tho Intercol
legiate Prohibition association here to
day "If It Is purely a state matter, why
does a government official carry the
keys to the dlsllllory?" continued the
former governor. ' "The contention that
the liquor question Is purely a state la
sue has no foundation In history.' Justice
or common sense, ' .
"A prohibitory amendment will he
adopted by congress not later than 1917,
and three-fourths of the' states will have
ratified It not later than IPSO. And rive
years thereafter the liquor politicians and
the liquor press will be ready to swear
that they. were always for prohibition."
I t
Storo Closed All Day New Year's Dny.
A big reward for
everybody who waits
Will open the doors
of this store to
Nebraska's Greatest
S Friday Night Papers for FuJJ Particulars. ',' .
fi t J&gm-4&'2M
lit! wk
is! I t..yj
nVN'i, m nil $
II r:-f X sZJUi.. . N. 1 1 lit' III lltll It C
' wm mm:
i : v f -vin ure .w i 1 11 m ill h is i is t m u t . r
CIERISTMAS has dropped down tho horizon. ; Tlie New Year ,
of Nineteen-Fifteen is-dawhitur. ' .
Bat before we tarn over the fresh page to write down our
New Year's resolutions a word about this big Btore as a public,
factor may not be, amiss. ,
Do y-ou realize how definitely this vast institution, with its
s splendid resources and facilities, exists for your service!
Have you ever given thought to its principlca and policies, its
J unique methods' and unusual achievements and considered what special
$ interest they should arouse in you f i
Burgess-Nash Company is typically "Everybody's Storb." It is
of the people and for tho people in inception, in development, in public
service, in civic influence. With a business foundation principle of
RELIABILITY AND INTEGRITY, in other words, a squaro deal.
Always Uvlnr up to our prbmisee, making good for any mistaken with our
thanks to the customer that brought our ibortcomlnga to our attention. Never per
mitting any customer to keep any merchandise that ig not perfectly satisfactory.
Truthful In the advertising of our merchandise, giving back the money or allow
ing the credit whenever asked. I"
Lending every helpful service store cart give to all customers aad rlsltors.
Always looking for a way to serra you better and make this itora come more cloeelj
to your Individual idea of what your store should be, . ,
And now, aa we write down our New Tear'a resolutions, let us record : "
We hope to make It the greatest year In the history of th store.
We hope to make the store's service and usefulness bigger, broader and better
than ever before. But, at the same time, we take a fresh grip on the Burgess-Nash
principles of storekeepla to which we have pinned our faith which are:
Complete stocks at all times.
"Only frustworthy, dependable merchandise.
"Ihe lowest prices consistent with quality,
--Truthful advertising of all merchandise.
The most careful service. ' j
--The greatest service to the greatest number.
No transaction complete until the customer is
perfectly, satisfied.
We are confident that you are going to help along onr plant for the
new yeai- because the plans we have In mind are ail along the Una of still
better service and greater usefulness. They are worthy of rour help. So
we stick our peg to a YEAR OF GRKATkli HtLPFULXESS, and we know
. !. - 111 ....-,11.1. """l
That you may have a VERY HAPPY AM) PROSPERorS NEW YEAR
' - Is the wish of .
January First,