Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE HKE: OAILA, Fill DAY, JANUARY 1, 1915.
Jl- I ..ill !! -W-WH!
Fliis January Clearing Sale is of Vast Importance to YOU
CONSIDER Everything offered is from our regular high grade stock. No "special sale goods" of
doubtful character. The prices are remarkable; first, because the reduction in every in
stance is actually true: second, because the goods to be sold are reliable and high grade in every particular.
Come tomorrow expecting unusual values, because we are offering very unusual specials in nearly
every part of the store. '
Our 28th Annual January Clearing
Sale ofWomen's Hand Tailored Suits
Commences Tomorrow (Sat.) at 8:30 a. m.
This sale is an event waited for by women who judge values
by the merchandise offered, not by statements.
Every garment offered is from our regular stock, the style and
quality of which is not excelled by any American store.
In keeping with our policy of a thorough clearance twice each
season, we offer Saturday
253 Hand Tailored Suits (all sizes) at the
Following Prices
$37.50 for Suits formerly $75
30.00 for Suits formerly 60
20.00 for Suits formerly 40
12.50 for Suits formerly 25
Other suits at equally great reductions. No
approvals. Charge made for alterations
Each on of these suits was personally selected by our buyer, and tailored to his
order from the season's most popular fabrics into Fashionable Winter Styles.
"We have NOT purchased jobbers worn-out samples or manufacturers' left-overs
for this sale. ;
Thompaon, Belden & Co. have been reli able since 188(K This sale will be no ex
ception to the rule. '
Watch the papers for particulars of the Clearing Sales of Coats, Dresses, Skirts
and WaisU.
Clearing Sale of Beautiful Dress Goods
Regular $1.50 to $4.50 Qualities, One-Half Price
' Fairy talcs of dress goods values may be necessary when facts are
not plain, but not so here. Notice, please, that .wo state "half of our
regular prices." No inflated values; each reduction exactly as stated.
Wo are going to make this the greatest January Sale of Dress Goods
in our history. Fine imported novelties, diagonals, two-toned suitings,
broche novelties, wool velour cords, novelty coatings, chinchillas, in a
fine assortment of the leading colors
Sale of Wool
Serge Skirts
Saturday our entire fall
line of all wool serge
kirts Bold regularly from
$5.00 to $0.85, will be sold
at one prieo, 0 QQ
only 0JO
Basement; IleaJy-to-wear
Section. 4
Toilet Goods
Specials Saturday
50c, Hvinpre Oiovine. . .35c
Powder dc Riz, 25c a box
"5c Brunette llouge. . .10o
Vanity' lioxe' puff,
t 5c
Manicure S. ts 7iC
Our Annual Sale of Blankets,
Comforts, Sheets, Cases, Sheeting,
and Muslin Starts January 2d
On this annual occasion we present values that
claim fiit attention. Don't fail to come early while
stocks are complete.
Women's and Children's Underwear
Keduced in price. Tomorrow you can buy cotton
and wool underwear for women and children, both
separate garments and union suits
The Importance of the Annual January Linen
Sale Cannot Be Overestimated This Year
The Linen Sale this season will be the most important in all
our history, owing to the present scarcity and future uncertainty
of the linen market.
' We purchased early, and selected carefully. Our long stand
ing pleasant relations with the best linen manufacturers in the
world have proved to be of great advantage, and we got the linens.
We -urge every woman in Omaha and vicinity to take advan
tage of what is probably their last opportunity to replenish their
stocks with really fine linens at reduced prices.
Extra Special
John S. Brown & Sons'
100 dozen $10 Napkins.
January Sale price ..$5
200 doz. $4.75 Brown's
Napkins. January Sale
price ...$2.89
(Limit On Sohi ts a Customer)
1,000 dozen 12V&C Hack
Towels. C 7-.
Sale price. vC 1-axle
(Umlt Que Bun to Onatomar)
Turkish Towels
20c Bleached Turkish '
Towels 45c
25c Bleached Turkish
Towel 19c
. 45o Bleached Turkish
Towels 25c
50c Bleached Turkish
Towels 29c
65o Bleached Turkish
Towels 39c
75c Bleached Turkish
Towels 50c
$1.00 Bleached Turkish f
Towels 69c
300 Dozen $4.50
Bleached Scotch Nap
kins $2.75 a dozen
Crash Toweling
17c Bleached Crash,
at r ...12lo a yard
18o Bleached Crash,
at 13c a yard
20o Bleached Crash,
at .....15c a yard
22c Bleached Crash,'
at 18c a yard
' 25c Bleached Crash;
at 20c a yard
Tea Toweling
15c Tea Toweling,
at 12c a yard
17c Tea Toweling, 15c yd.
20c Tea Toweling, 17c yd.
22c Tea Toweling, 18c yd.
25c Tea Toweling, 20c yd.
Great January Clear
ing Sale of Silks
Prom now until the end
of January we are going to
make very low prices.
Many lots will not bo ad
vertised at all; these will
be shown you at the coun
ter. It will pay you to
come Monday and watch
tins section each day.
January Sale of Tablecloths
$2.50 Table ClothB. .$1.75
$2.75 Table Cloths. .$2.00
$3.00 Table Cloths. .$2.25
$4.75 Table qoths..$3.50
$6.00 Table Cloths. .$4.00
$7.50 Table Cloths. .$5.00
$10 Table Cloths. .. .$6.89
$12 Table Cloths. .. .$8.89
$15 Table Cloths $10
$20 Table Cloths $15
$25 Table Cloths ... $17.50
$30 Table Cloths... . $20
$50 Table Cloths. . .$37.50
$100 Table Cloths. .. .$75
January Sale of Napkins
$1.75 Bleached Napkins,
at $1.39 a dozen
$2.25 Bleached Napkins,
at . .$1.75 a dozen
$3.50 Bleached Napkins,
at $2.75 a dozen
$4.50 Bleached Napkins,
at ........ .$3.00 a dozen
$5.00 Bleached Napkins,
at $3.75 a dozen
$6.00 Bleached Napkins,
at $4.00 a dozen
$7.50 Bleached Napkins,
at $5.00 a dozen
$10 Bleached Napkins,
at $7.50 a dozen.
$60 Bleached Napkins,
at . . . .$45 a dozen
Fancy Unens at One-Half Price '
' ' Madeira and Cluny Lace Doilies, Centre Pieces, Scarfs,
Table Cloths, Napkins, Real Italian Filet Centre Pieces and
Scarfs, at just half price: .'..
$8.75 Madeira Napkins,
at $4.38 a dozen
$10.00 Madeira Napkins,
at $5.00 a dozen
$13.50 Madeira Napkins,
nt $6.75 a dozen
$20.00 Madeira Napkins,
' at ...$10.00 a dozen
$50 Cluny Lace Table
Cloths, at $25
$85 Filet Lace Piece,
$65 Filet Lace Scarfs, -at
$25 Clunv Lace Cloths,
at . $12,50
$15 Cluny Lace Cloths,
at $7.50
$25 Madeira Cloths, $12.50,
$1.50 Madeira Doilies, 75c
$1.00 Madeira Doilies, 50c
25o Madeira Doilies, 12ac
January Sale of Table Damask
$1.25 Bleached Damask , $1.00 a yard
$1.50 Bleached Damask $1.10 a yard
$1.75 Bleached Damask $1.25 a yard
' $2.00 Bleached Damask ...$1.50 a yard
Hand Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases
$3.50 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases $2.C0 a pair
$5.00 Knibroiderod Linen Pillow Cases. . . .$3.89 a pair
$6.00 Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases. . . .$4.38 a pair
$7.50 Embroidered Linen Hlkrw Cases. . . .$5.89 a pair
January Sale
Wash Cloths
500 Dozen Turkish Wash
Cloths IVjC each
500 Dozen Turkish Wash
Cloths 2o each
500 Dozen 5c Turknit
Wash Cloths, . .2 VaC each
500 Dozen 8Vac Turknit .
WashCloths 3c each
1,000 Dozen 8V3C Turknit
Wash Cloths 5c each
January Sale
Guest Towels
100 Dozen 40o (luest
Towels. OCrp
Sale pncefcolJtU
200 Dozen 50o Guest
Towels, Of -
Sale price
January Sale
Huck Towels
18c Huck Towels. . .12V.C
25c Huck Towels 19c
45c Huck Towels 25c
50c Huck Towels 29c
75c Huck Towels. . ,50c
$1.00 Huck Towels 75c
$1.50 Huck Towels.. $1.03
Brown and
Bleached Crashes
4,000 Yards 10c Brown
Crash. , 5c a yard
2,000 Yards 10c Bleached
" Crash. . . 5c a yard
(Uaali S Tds. Mk e a Customer.)
Our Great Reduction
on Men's Furnishings
Wool underwear, sweater coats,
bath robes, outing flannel
towns and pajamas, neckwear,
shirts (alt styles) mufflers,
etc These are all from regular
stock, standard makes, prices
Business in This Department of Sys
tems Shows a Remarkable In
crease During; Last Year.
ft I ages t Pay at Barlfaarea gtaHea
Transfer la Faarteea Haaared
Kafka, w!4fc Flfteea Pack
ages Average for Eaeh. .
It Is probable that there was ae de
partment of any business In Omaha that
shewed a greater Increase last rear tban
tho railroad end of the parcel post. While
the returns are net all complete, it Is
estimated that the business for Christmas
week was 66 per cent creator than dur
ing the corresponding period of one year
go. The real clearing house for the rail--road
parrel poet mall of Nebraska Is the .
station at the Burlington passenger depot.
There, during the six days preceding
Christmas the receipts averaged 20,000 per
day. One day 1.400 sacks, averaging six
teen packages each, were handled. Dur
ing the week forty men were employed,
they working In shifts of eight hour"
each, thus a force being on duty each
hour of the day.
Three solid trains, each loaded with
mall, came each day over the Burling
ton, and one duy an extra train of twenty
cars was added. At the Burlington depot,
where the parcel post mall waa trans
ferred to and from the other roads, the
sacks end packages wsre routed and sent
on their way. And one of the most le
markable things about the handling -of
this mall was the rapidity with which It
was gotten out of the way. Every ehlft
cleaned up the mail arriving en its time,
o that when new shifts went on duty
the men found nothing to handle, or work
over except mall that came In or went
out on their own time.
Hiini wai jiaaaiee.
Though cramped for space to handle the
vast increass In the mall, the officials
feel that they got away with the business
in good shape. Fowls, meats and perish
able stuff that came or went had special
attention and was kept la cool rooms
until sent out If mall of this character
arrived and was consigned to parties -within
the Omaha free delivery district.
It almost Immediately went out by spe
cial messenger.
Packages that contained articles that
were fragile or liable to be broken were
placed In compartments by themselves, er
with packages of their kind, not being
sacked and stowed away with the great
mass of articles contained In the sacks.
Increase le Baoera.
For the fifty-two weeks ended Decern
ber 26, 1814, the following mall was dis
tributed In these terminals; . ,
Pkge. Sacks Baoks
of of Parcel
Letters. Papers. Post.
Council Bluffs 89S.7&4 300.1B1 l:,82!
Omaha (Burlington). 198.1M 44.S1T 157.71s
Omaha (Union) ...... 150,664 i.34 63. la;
Denver 285,620 81,232 1T8.899
Pueblo 180.487 62,568 ' 78.08J
Total i l.ra,l 44,814 004,8M
The averas-e number ( Wt.n . In . .
package is forty, of papers la a sack
sixty, and of parcels In sack sixteen.
The Union terminal at Omaha was
opened August IP, 1914, and the others,
with the exception of Council . Bluffs,
were opened in the early part of Decern-
ber, 19U, so no comparison with previous
years is possible.
But the following comparison of the
number of sacks of parcel post, distrib
uted during the two weeks before Christ-,
mas, 1913. and the like period in 1314 shows
the Increase In the Christmas mails at
this, the second Christmas season since ,
the parcel post system was Inaugurated:
1818. . . 1914.
Council Bluffs S,193 16,74!
Omaha 14,870 21.&W
Denver i 8.889 ' 12.80n
Pueblo S363 .- 8.42
Totals ss.H tf.m
Increase of 25,278 sacks, or B per cent.
Sanko Arrives Home
Just in Time to Save
Family from Death
Overcome with the fumes of coal gas
from the kitchen stove Mrs. Nichols s
Sanko and hsr two small children nar
rowly eecaped death and were barely
saved by the arrival of the father, who
had been Just rslteved from duty, 'The
Sankoe live at 4911 North Fourteenth
When Sanko arrived home he found
his family unconscious, and realising the
trouble at once .threw open the doors
and windows of the house and applied
emergency treatment, while a neighbor
phoned for medical aid - -
Drs. Harris, Kennedy and Edstrowi ar
rived a short time later and managed to
restore the unconscious victims. Out
side of the temporary ill effects csused
by Inhaling tha gas no serious results
sre expected.
Carl Liebknecht
Says Many Germans
Are Opposed to War
LONDON. !ec. Sl.-Csrl Liebknecht.
the socialist member of the Genu an
Reichstag, who attracted attention early
In December by being the only member
of the Kelchsiag who voted against a
new war credit, haa seat a New Tear's
message to British socialists. In which he
calls upon the workers of the world to
unite in a war against the war.
This communication is published In a
newspaper called the Labor Leader. Mr.
Liebknecht declarea that the masses
everywhere loathe this wsr, and he aaya
that among German workers there Is a
much greater degree of opposition to It
than generally has been supposed.
San Diego Show to
Open at Midnight
SAN DIEGO, Cat, Dec It The Panama-California
exposition, San Diego's
twelve-month celebration of the com
pletion of the Panama canal, will be
opened at midnight tonight, when Presi
dent Wilson In Washington will pre is
an electric button that will turn ea the
lights In the buildings and grounds.
preceding the formal opening will be'
the dedication of a music pevtUe and
nt.mtnnth niM araran Dresented ta tha
exposition snd the city by Joaa D.
WUUain HcAdoo. secretary mt the
treasury, will represent Prestdeat Wil
son In tonight's ceremonies.