IS THE RKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, .IANTAKY 1. 101.7 By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, December 31, 1914. LL SOCIETY is thinking nothing else or planning nothing else today Abut' pleasant ay of ushering In the Nw Year. . Wattli parties are most general for tonight. Dancing parties Bre popular, but the theaters seem to be the favored places, fol lowed by supper at cafe and tlub. The Country club Ik making elaborate preparations for tonight's en tertainment. About 300 members are planning to attend the affair. The dancing will begin at K:3rt o'clock and the table d'hote dinner will be served at 1 1 o'clock. . The tea dansante lost something of its popularity during the last months of 19 14,. but It has spoken for first place New Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. C lement Chase are entertaining af: a tea dansante, from 4 until 7, for their daughter. Helena. . Miss LoulM Planing' Is entertaining at a tea datixante in honor of the Wolfe-Macros wedding party. This will be given ct the home of Miss Dinning on South Thirty-seventh strvf. Thase two dannanteH promlne to be the charming affairs of New Year's day and, needles to say, will be most popular. MISS MABEL M'CAL MONT, hospital consult ant, is worth $50 a day to the state of New York. So the department of effi ciency and economy has decided, valuing her serv ices in advising on tho con struction of the big state hospital in Poughkeepsie at that amount. Celebrate flew Year's Eve. Hiss Marie Bteaart of Council Muffs wtll entertain at a. supper-dance tula evening at the Caantry club in honor o the Wolfe-Macrae weMIng party. Covrs will be placed for: Mr. ana Mrs. J T. Ptewsrt Mr. and lr. HaruM I'rln-liett. M ! Marlon Macrae, liTMIIIM )lu. Kansas City; Itiiiw Plnnms. tiwenrioline.WollC; M-rf Clifford Wolff,--Jlnser Keellne. . Imdle-r Woll unaM Macrae,. t Bartlolt. - 8t Joarh; Ml Mcnlfi Uavla. . Kllrabp.h tavl. u Mi hired riuiler, larte rUewart. Mci-r . Dnnuld AtrKerrun, M.k.t? ' . . Fr"! "nrkr, H-n .Warren. WjllarJ Hutler, Mr. an Mrs. Mushier Cotpetwr will entertain at supper this evening at tl Country club for: Mr. and Mn. Olcnn Wharton. ' .. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. lenrfe I'rlns. Mtra Klliabeth ConsJon. Mr. Ben Uallaaher. - ' A "Dutch treat" party this evening for the Orpheum and supper at the Country club will be made up y. Mr. and Mrs. John Hedlck. Mr. and Mrs. lxila itarUe. Mr, and Mrs. .Oeorae ltedU'W.' Mr. and Mrs. John Madden. Mrs harlen W. Turner of Fremont. Mr. Elmer BedUk.- Another party which will attend the Orpheum and later the table d'hote supper at the Country club will be composed of: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bums Mr. and rM. John A. McHhene. Mr. and Mra. W A. Kedlck. Mrs. Arthur Remington. Mr. Lawrence lirinkor. Mr. and Mrs. David Baum will lve a theater party, followed by supper at the Country club. Their guests will e: Mr. nnd Mrs. R. V. Howe. Misses Mlsse-s JlUrturrt O. Bitum. Msrl-m Howe, M.-ssre. Messrs. Benrker. llohert Howe. Indiana nolle; Mr. and Mrs.. Balph Triers will give an Orpheum narty4 this evening. Later the guests will Join a Hutch treat" supper party at the Country cluh. With Mr. and Mrs. Peters wilt be: Silas Elisabeth llckens. Mr. Kenneth l'atterson. , Mr. Ware Mall. Mr. Roger Keellne will alve a boa party thla evening at the Orpheum for the Wolfe-Macrae wedding 'party. His euestJ, who will attend the Ptewart aup per at the Country club will be: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Btewart. anJ patronesses were Mr. ami Mrs. Everett Burkina-ham, Mr. and Mra. per rlgo, Mr. and Mra. A. I rtrs and Mr. and Mrs. 1). K. Knilth. Those present were: Misses ' .Y!lse- ' ' 'lHlys Hohcrlmin. Iri-thy Klpllnrer, M'weuce Hohh, llHrrlel Ch.ippln, Mildred li t,.ri'-. Iiorothv Ilnllinch, Dorothy fa,vanuah.lVlla Mallnn of f r.eanor McOllton, Wahoo, i:i Ktors. Hetrl,.e Mrks of KHthenne Davenport Lincoln MUdle-l TooIm. I.nta Itnhliln. Winnie Porter, .N'arda coit, nrenra Kuase, Ituth McCoy. UMoil.y Myers. Gertrude Donovan, KMxnheth Murlevant Mai the Nnhle, 'iiTtrudf Owin. Kvelyn Keel, I.llllim Chapmnn, ' Kilim Itlley Helen siicpnrd, Hornier- Nllen. OrM'V (irnke, I'lorence Ullcy. '- Helen Dimler. " Morion KiinhhoiiScr, Francpg Wntermnn,. Jnecr Alien. fnrii)vn HolriKikilm, Jltniletiit Hrexel, . jiaraarei inmls. t Itarlotte Medwell, Vlrnliiln. Hiuhlm, Mrv MT, Hertha Hathke, Helen. Jnhnaon, ' . Jrace Harte, lHirothv Cnrns, A'lella Vnnce, Mildred Colllna, Kalhryn liould. Helen Kcklea of Lincoln. Pllth leder - Marion Pcarnall. oreichen Lnndqn jnvaara.- , Anne.hele Hlnolalr, Alice Itii.shton. Kllaabeth 'arr. Crirrlnne Klllott,' Helen Mller, I'hoebe Folaom, , Mnhel Allen. Iiulde Bedwell, . lorothy Halmcin MarUm Weilcr. Klixiiheth Crawford, . Floreni e Bedwell,. Margaret Hofmunn, Meaars. 1 Thonipaon Wekeley, R. li, Hyde, Wyman Hubhlna. Maurleo lxximis, henyon Smith, Hay Bradley, Kuncell I'etera, Kflnar WeutrveU. Holier! Dui'klnlhim (;nrn Ullav Kdward Chemberlln, Harry .Mnold, I'aul Klothow. lolrt McHhane, Kobert Booth, Baymond Durkee, , W ayne Hoi by, Harold "Thompson, KdwarJ I'ayne. Ieter KloiV Arthur Wakeiey, White, WiuiHni Harte, Herman Harte. Hlevera Diminan, Harvey Nelson. Alexander Crawford, tllchard Balllnian, Krix-nian Penney, Wallace Hhepard, Kllnworth Moaor, Kalph fowell, -.lohn need, Itoy llould. tiworKo tlrlmes, .lek tiwnrd, Harold hhepard. rraiiK Camplell, Malcolm Baldrige. I Jtwrence Ortman, Harry Kvan. William Hay nee, Werren Howard. Morton Wakeley, Churlea Perrlgo, Howard Hrandcn, no nnru -e)ers. Walter .lohnaon, Kooeit TallHjtt, , Philip CJIImore, Ilohert IxomlK, Kimene Knowdcn,' Kdwln Oould. H. H. McVlcker. Walter Chamherlln. Hpencer Kilnt. Ucrnle Holimiulat. Jamea Oardiner, Miaxea Uwendollne Wolfe, Mildred Butter, Marie Stewart. Meaars Cltffor.1 Wolfe, D(nalri Mcrac, lh'imld McKcrion, Chk-nsu; MllUM Marlon Macrae. . l-oul DIonlnK, Jxule Haas. Kanaaa Cliyi hfford Wolfe, )aymonl I .owe, ludly Wolfe, Hen Warren. 1 red Cliuke.. . One of the. line parties this evetitnf at the Orpheum will Include: Mr. and Mrs. Harold JUtchetl. Mloaca Miaara :incalMth Davla ' Menl Duvl. Meeara. i . .Mennrn. M Martlett. WUUrd Butler, Ht. Joeei-h. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Loomls will give a supper at the Country club thla evening for their gueat, Mli-a Klorence Uedrtne of Cleveland. Covers will be placed for: Mr. and Mrs A. W. Oordan. Mr. and Mrs. Looinle. Mlaaee Ml"sea Vlorenoe Oeddne., Martha Dale, Jowphlce Cuvadon. MeeJira '. Meaare John liOotixla. W arren Brecken Alexander l-oomls. ridge. A dutch treat supper at the Country club tonight will be rompoeed of; Mr. and Mra Charles I".. Mets. Mr. and Mrs. Italph Pctera, Mr. and Mra. Ben Wml, Mlaa Ellslelh llckcna. Mr. Kennel h J'alc raon. A eta party tonight at the Country club will be made up by: Maeara. t Messrs. Varrf Hamtlton, Herbert Connell, John Cbailwlik. Newman Beitaon. 1'UiUlp Men. I MclShane, Herbert Heea, Krtinund Booth, Jack Knwen, I'mnk Kelhy, Bhllllp Payne, Walter Klupp, Arthur Klotm. . t-orlnir f:illiur -iiitiii miKse,. I 'avid llei vey, Ml hard Jonea, I'avld Bowman, laaaa Carpenter, Herbert Ityail, Harry Claiborne, Merle Howard,' Henry Howea. Huaeell ltrnion, I'rank Walker, I.vman Phllllpa, Claire Moore, CI i arte U a nil pee, H. P. White lohn Looml. Haydn Myer. illlhert U.onils, Will Noble. 1. W. KsKers. . John HraiuilKan, , . Stephen McDonald, Ionld Klpllnirer. Herbert Davla, Kuaaell Philips, I la nil 1 Thomas, John Thomaa, Kilward Burke, Charlea Onrdlner, Kmerson tSoodrloh, Harold Insdon, Donald Hhepard, l.eello Putt, Fred Eyler. Wilbur Kullsway Maurice Northwall, t'oy I'ortcr. Roiemere Lodre Home Party A imuvc party will be given over New Vear'e at the country home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles All!son, Roaemere lodge, at i Calhoun. Tho guests left on the 2:'li I o'clock train this afternoon and will re- turn" hnuie Friday noon. The party will I III' In Jc Ml.'aoe flin'-e Alllm.n, Naoiiil Towlc, Kmlljr Ki ller. Vlmmla Offutt, (terlriiile Owen, Mnry l ullrr. M !!-. Charles AIIIon, Joaeph Millard, MlHaei- Katherlne Baum of Phil tdelphia. Marlon Towla, Helen batman, KeKlnu l oniicll talher Wllhelm. M eaara. Huroeiie Klrkendall. Kay Ml i la re. Pdwsrd Dauglirty Phillip Chave, Paul Hhirley. Charlea BurKOSS, Jai via Offuil, Charlea Hall. KrUa Bui holt. Watch Parties Tonight. .Alias i-lliel nel will entertain at a watch party thla evening at her home in honor of Miaa Gladys Kloka of Un coin, uot of Miaa Carol K"enne. Chr at mas decorations will he need and the evening will be spent In games and mualc Thoae preaent will he: Mlaora Mlaaea Cllailva Klnke. Carol Kuen:ie, arpare toitin, I ucy tar'io, 2 o'clock at the home of the bride, SU North P.lghteenrh street. Only near lelatlvea were preaent at the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. Bomemeler will be at borne In Alvo, Caaa county, Nebraska. At the Orpheum Theater. -Mr. and Mra. i H. Tate entertained at an Orpheum theater party Wednesday evenmg; in honor of their daughter, Mlsg Katherlne Corey, who Is home from Bt. Msry s academy at O'Neill. Those pres ent were: Mle Mleaea Katherlne Corry, Marte n Hons. Floreni e Dow, Martha Fmalley. Jrsn I ow, j Mr. and Mrs. U H. Tate. Sorority Luncheon. The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority en tertained at luncheon at the Commercial club today. A number of out-of-town immtxrs were present. Covers were placed for; Mefdames Hohert (iantt. .1. K. Morileon, Wehrter Mills. Hubert Om-cn. Arthur Pancoast. Tlieoiloro Kobinson of Waterloo. Miller of Fremont, -T.loyd Wilson. (Jicnn BCnnctt. MlHSca , Mlenf Anna .McCauo, Fsl'h Ie Unci, Nell Rnndnll. Marie Hodge, blla wirt. Class Reunion. The eraduatlng class of 1914 of the Omaha Hlli acliool, was entertained on Wedneedav evening; at a taffy-pull at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Marry Eastwood. The rooms were decorated with orange and black, the elaas colors, and thoae present were: , t Mlsaea Mesdamea Katherlne Windham of Plattemouth, Vlralnla Iwla, Taeniae Northrup, Katherlne Dodge of Fremont. On Ire Do vey of Plattamouth, Parah Weaton of Beatrice, Teniae Bedwelt. Charlotte Bf -Jwell, l.ula Mae Coe, l.oa Howard, lioulse Parr, Eva Mill) r of Fremont. Mildred Turk. Katlicr Dennleon, Measrs. Porter, William Thompson, About thn-ty, members f the Vounr set will be present. . , ..'.- Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Fairfield" will give a dancing party 'this evening; at their home In honor of Miss Wynno and Mlaa Betty Fairfield. iThe rooms will he dec orated with Christmas, greens and red roses and about', sixty gum I a will , be present. t, . , 1 Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. ChurW-s K. Mayer of Lincoln announce ' the -engagement of their daughter, Mlaa Jeanette, to .tr. Herbert F. Arnateln of Omaha. Nd date has been set for the wedding. Pleasures Past. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Crosby entertained Tuesday- evening at their home. Their guests were; ..... , ' Mr. and Mre. U. M; Croaaniun. Mr. and Mra. C. 11. Muxwcll. Mr. and Mrs. I7 B Compton. Mra. Florenua Chi-iatlansen. Mlnsaa Mlaaea ' Lui-lle Dodder,- Fein Schonborn, Alice Ramednh), , Dorothy B-honborn, Kdna Hartlctt, Janhel Ostenlierg of Adali Klopp, Mead, - Florence Hathaway, Liilu Murtagh. 1eah Hchonborn, Messrs - Messrs. Arthur Murtagh. 'William Oatbreath, Itnz Harris, Urrno Dodii-4. Mr. and Mra; P. M. Lango entertained the .dlcnn, Parlt Card club at their home Moudey eve n Inf. Three tables were placed for the -game. Prises wore wen by Mrs. r. M. Lange and Mr,. W. Janke. Mrs Murray waa the guest of the club. The members preseht were: ' Mr. and Mra. R. Weir. .' Mr. and Mre. W. Janke. Mr. and Mrs, O. Hofmunn. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Scldl. , Mr. ami Mra. B. Mini'. Mr. and Mra. Roy Ralph entertained at bridge Wednesday cevalng for their guests, Mr, and Mra. Charles Owen Run dall of Kvanston, HI. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Owen Rundall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webater, Mr. and Mra. Norman Tyaon, Dr. and Mra. J. B. lUli-b. Mr. and Mra. Jeromn Arpelquiat, Miaa Florence Deverell. To Honor Miss McGilton. 1 Miss Eleanor McOllton, who Is home from Smith college for the holidays, will be honor guest at a bob-sleigh party, followed by a dance at the home of Mlaa Harriet Kherman this evening. Preced ing these affair Mlaa McOllton will be entertained at dinner at the home of Mlaa Urate Slabaugh, when covers will be placed for: . Misses . Misses- Rleanor McOllton, Grace Blabaugh. Ruih Blabaugh. Mesara Messrs. Morton Wakeley. Will Kllet, Arthur Loomls, The gueata at the. sleigh party and dance will Include: . Misses Naomi Hawkey, I. a ura Ax ford. I, onlne Raabe, Messrs. I.eo Hnrdner. Anatln Owini, Henry PihillU, Columbus Club Dance. ' The Columbus club entertained at a dancing- party Tuesday evening; at Metro politan' hall. The following- were present: were used as the table decoration and covert were placed for. M'eae Misaea Oeraldlne .tnhtisnn. Dorothy Klpllnger. Florence Blley, Beatrice Johnson. Hasel t'pdlke, Dorothy Cevanaugh. Dancing Parties Tonight. The Coronado elub will entertain at a dancing' arty tonight at Chambers' academy. McKlnley lodge and ladles' auxiliary f B'nal B'rith wtll celebrate New Year's eve with a dancing party at Metropoli tan ball. The Rajah elub will give a dancing party at Turpln'a academy thla evening;. Luncheon for Mrs. Baum. Mrs. John A. McPhane entertained at luncheon today In honor of Mrs. J. E. Baum of Philadelphia. Lilies of the valley were used as a table centerpiece and covers were placed for: Mesdames Mesdamee . J. K. Baum. - Herman Kountse, F. P. Klrkendall, Arthur Hemlnirton, F. A. Brogan, W. A. C. Johnson, Barber, Holiday Visitors. Mrs. Leonard Abercromble and Miss June Cox of Houston, Tex., are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Charles O'Neill Rich, and Dr. Rich, for the holidays. Mr. Hugh Weed returned to 8t. Louis Punday. Mrs. , Weed will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Totter, for a longer visit. Future Affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyson of Benson will entertain at a family dinner Sunday, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rundall snd Mrs. and Mrs. C. O. Rundall of Evanston, 111.; Mr. William Rundall of Lincoln end Mr. Lester Stephens of Chi cago. Miss Nell Carpenter will entertain the membera of the hlish school class of 19ng Saturday evening at their seventh annual reunion. Mlxs Carpenter will be assisted by Mies Minnie Pratt, the president of the alumnae. . Messrs. J. J. Houlton. . C. F. lUley. W. A. 1-ea.ry, Art Cnllen, XX r. Cullen, .lake Murphy, J. E. Fltspatrlck, . James McDonald. C. J. McDonald, Misses Mary Houlton. Katherlne Houlton, R. O'Donnell, F.llen Larson, May Mulvlhlll, DeLlma Pulllvan, Stella Miilvlrlll, 1 -a lira Bruch, J, McDonald. Messrs. T. P. Curran, F. J. Rossback, M. B. Otlffln, F. J. Collins, A. A. Arnold. ' K. J. Waters, W. W. Hoye, Y.. W. Harklmt, J. . Pulllvan, . J. - Orinsby. M lasea Irene' Downev, Mary Knglish. Ruth Hunxlker. lluth Gentlemen, Margaret Foley, Mario Hoye. Theresa Heye, Agnes Lynch. Margaret Shields, MuiKorct Gross, Harmony Clujj. The Harmony club will thla evening at. a watch home of Mr. and Mra. Those .present will be: Messrs. and Mesdames .i. j,. Maker. k. n. R .1. Dinning. 8 H. t. R. Kelley. ; J. W. O. B. Bates, ... D. V. J. F. Dale, H. M. Norrls Brown, P. A. F 8. McCoy, A. W. W. s. Bt-lby, i ! Luncheon at Omaha Club. Miss Dorothy Cavanaugh, daughter of Mr., and Mra. M. W. Cavanaugh, gave a luncheon Wednesday at the Omaha club. The luncheon waa followed by an Orpheum- party. American Beauties be entertained party at the D. V. Bholea. Pollard, Kwlng, Roberta, B holes. Wood. Benson, Scrlbner. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Louise Flanders of Denver is vis iting at the heme of Mrs. W. W. tfrigor. 2224 Dodge street. Mrs. Theo. Oavctt ot St. Louis Is visit ing: at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bllngerland. Mrs. Edward Pottelger and son, Charles Edward, of Odebolt, la., are spending- the holidays with Mrs. Fottelger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Boyce, at their home at. 31S2 Amea avenue. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Ke.itnef are visiting at the home of the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Slingcrland. It is the ex pectation of the Keltnera to remain in Omaha several weeka. ,. Personal Mention. Registering at the Hotel McAlpIn, New Tork. from Omaha during the last week have been Mr. Edgar D. Hurford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Llpkln, Mr. H. R. Miller. Miss Mary Cooper la In Chicago, the ruest of Mrs. Madeline Burtner Haselett, first asalstant to Challff of the well known dancing academy In New York. Miss. Camellia Chase left Wednesday evening- for Chicago, after spending- the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase. Miss Chase Is doing secretary work, under Miss Jane Addams of Hall House, Chicago. LICENSE MONEY IS TO BF RETURNED TO HEIRS The saloon license of Oscar Johnson, 703 North Sixteenth street, was revoked by the city and the license money ordered returned to Johnson's relatives, for two days after the granting of the license Johnson died. ' ' WOMAN IS HELD IH WHITE SLAYE CASE Mary Denton, Arrested at Toledo, is Wanted Here for Bringing Girl to This City. BENNETT IS-' NOT WANTED Faraaer Oauka Mas Haa lka He Had AathlatT te Da with' TV kite Slave Charge . . . Woaaaa Had Evaded Her Bead. TOLEDO, O,. Dee. . Special Tele gram. Mary Denton. 40, for twenty-five yeara a resident ot Columbus and a fu gitive from justice, waa arrested by Hugh . Bartley, deputy United States marshal, Wednesday, charged with white slavery. She was arrested at 1706 Adams street, where aha and M. H. Bennett of Omaha were living together aa maa and wife, being- registered as Mr. and Mra Buck. Bennett recently built several lanre building at Columbus. Mrs. Denton Is charged with trans porting Eva Hlle from Columbus to Omaha for Immoral purposes in August. She waa Indicted In Septembet by the) federal grand jury of the United Btatas district court at Omaha, Charlea K. Fuhrer of Grand Island and another aon-ln-lw of Bennett were Induced to ar range a $2,000 bond for Mra. Denton. She jumped thla bond and fled with Bennett to Toledo, arriving here In October. Fuhrer and hla brother-in-law traced the runaways to Toledo as a result of re- reipt of telegrams from a Milwaukee firm urging Bennett to superintend con struction work. They arrived in Toledo Tuesday and instituted search for Ben nett anA Mrs. Denton. ' Marshal Bartley succeeded In locating the pair and ef fecting the arrest of the. woman, She admits Eva Hlle accompanied her to Omaha In August when she went west at the Instigation of Bennett, but denies being a white slaver. No plea to the charge agalnat her was entered by Mra. Denton when arraigned before Frederick W. Gaines, United States commissioner, late Wednesday. She went to jail In de fault of 12.000. Her hearing is set for Saturday noon. John '. Pratt, aaslstant county attorney, wired for a eopy of the Indictment. : ' - Eva Hlle Is said - to have deserted a husband and two small children wben she went to Omaha with Mrs. Denton. Fuhrer will remain here to urge extra dition of . Mrs. Denton. ' Hla brother-ln-law left for Omaha Wednesday night. . ' Sea a-h t by BoaeHsHT Conapeusjr. United States District- Attorney F. S. Howell says that the arrest of Mrs. Denton waa the- result of efforts of the Lion Bonding and -'Surety company and the relatives of Bennett, to trace-her and Bennett, Prosecutor Howell waa going to have the 11.000 bond declared' forfeited, when the bondsmen moi Bennett's rela tives offered . to find the fugitive and atand all . expense if alio wind additional time, or else to forfeit the bond If they failed after making such effort. The bond waa given by the bonding company for Mrs. Denton's appaaranoa before) tho September grand jury, after she had been held to the grand jury by the United k State commissioner, who gave her a preliminary hearing last Au gust. The woman disappeared, before) the grand Jury indicted bar.. Girl ItUI Here. . . Eva BteL the girl for whoaa transporta tion to Omaha Mra. Denton waa Indicted, Is said to be working as a wsltress In Omaha at the present time. Attornev Howell dec lares she has only one ch-M Instead of two and that she did not deerr her husband, as the Toledo dlspatc , states: When extradition proeeed'.nss are com pleted at Toledo, Mra Denton win be brought to Omaha for trial, Mr. Howell says, and win be prosecuted under the Mann art. Bennet, the former Omahen. with whom she was living In Toledo, Is not wanted here, the authorities say. He waa arrested her originally with the woman, but waa released after the pre liminary hearing. Be.aaett Uveal Her. Bennett is Mose H. Bennett, who lived In Omaha at the Boquet hotel and wa employed by tho Fairmont Creamery company for some time as superintendent of construction work and Installation of. machinery at the various plants. He left last September, about the time Mrs. Denton Jumped her bond. Officers of the Fairmont firm declare that Bennett was not concerned In the alleged white alave matter In any way, nd haa always had a good reputation. The eons-ln-law of Bennett are said to have netped ' locate Bennett and the woman, la order U clear Bennett's daughters, their wlaa af any stigma re sulting from Bennett's connection with the case. They assert that although Ben nett has been living with Mrs. Denton, ho had nothing whatever to do with the alleged - white slave case. Y. M. 0. A. Holds Annual Reception New Year's Night The following program of muslo will be given In the Auditorium of the Touna Men's Christian as sortition Friday even ing at 8:15. in connection with tho annual reception and open house: March In Close Array Sharp Association Band. Soprano SoloA Birthday Woodmsn Miss Helen Howell. Ever Be Happy, from the Enchantress. Balfe Association Olee Club. Soprano obllgato by Mra. Roy Flanagan. Solo Selected Mr. Hugh Wallace. Solos (for cornet and baritone) The Song that Reached My Heart.. .Jordan Mr. Knudsen and Mr. Dubansky. Hearest Thou Mattel Association Olee Club. Solo Selected Mrs. Hugh Wallace. Refuge, (a medley ot sacred songs) , Bennett Association Band. The Lost Chord .Sullivan Association Olee Club. March Lion Heart ...Billings The Association Band, which is con ducted by Mr. A. A. Wedemeyer, will also give an Informal concert from 7:15 to S o'clock tn tho lobby. - MIDLAND GLASS AND PAINT COMPANY MEN BANQUETED A banquet for sixty of the employee of the Midland Glass and Paint company waa given Wednesday evening at the Rom hotel. Frank; W. Judaon, manager of the concern, noted aa toaatmaster and distributed little Chrtatmaa remembrancer to thoee present. A number of good fel lowship talks were given and among the rrasknrs ware W. B. Baxter,. W. "V. ai r w lr vl- T n eAU-,. . v 1 1 Ward and Benjamin Bwansoa. Vocal se lections wars sung by Messrs. Schuller and Jndson. The feast terminated a four-day con vention that had been la progress for the salesmen of the company. Be Want Ads Produce Results. fsawe.sasBjrMiWf'M f,)sjl l ii.tititaayasg. wwejrP, illWJPlii'S 'in i ' t nnnTunr in"i V--. .-- ' - -..M....1.,i.yM.J. With the School Set. iruo14 lliakoy Is librae frunt Uie Uni versity of lllinoi, whcie he la studying tnecHantral englnct-rint. .' I Phillip Sonea, who rpetit I be holld'US with his , parent. Vf. kiuf Mia." J. M. Jones, 0l return .to, the 1'nlverelty bf Nebraska Fundav. ' '. ' ' - Barton Js'h, who has been borne for the holidays,' lll return to Denver Tues day. ! Miss Call ftuward ot Lhicoln hi holne for the hullday vacation. lwlght Kmiis is home from Ames Agri cultural colli kc for the holidays. At Pr&irie Park. The annual 1'rsirie Talk 'children's Christmas party was given by lite women of the Needlecraft guild at the club houae 'Tuesday afternoon. The ' parlors' Werv' elaborately decoruu-d with holly, svsiw lireea and mUltrioe and the children eu Joyed games of various kinds. About aeventy-tle, children were present. ' The committed tn cttarge ot the arrangements consisted 'of Mrs. B. J. aVannrll, Mra A. A, WedemevW, Mra. R. C. ConU-y and Mrs. B. Q. King. Bridge Meeting- 2"ntponed. - , The New Year s iiitx-ling of the Ii'rMay Auction Bridge cul had fcven vuettxjued vintfl January If. Mr. 'einl- Mrs. C. 'K. MeJVea Hjili eiterlaln the lubvit that date. '. ' J 1 ' . . . . .. tv..: . , .; Lei Hiboux Vincnf Party. The Les Iilhoux club' of the Cent isl lliitx chf;vl.,Tve it rlifhth annual Uotlnj; iiari y at the Rome hotel hal) room Vedenadiiy ev.-nlnK. The hull was decumled la the ilub iuloi!jr aid tUt.k--nd a Utkc oal hung at one end itf lti Lull room. Many of the ruuplcsf )jrM-ut icr univeiitliy fulka now atM-nd-U'i lUe huliUsys at home. The patrons slarjnrlo Mvtiold, .uriilt.- Dwubt 'hae. ,. Harry Mem Id. ' Krneat llarrla. Walla. Ueri ir. . Vesta chapter. .Mrirlon I'rown. . Mekkrt l.e.iliu WUllnins, Ullbert ilclntyie of .'hli'iwc. . James liiittWell . . Order of tlw i Eastern ttar,: will give a card rarty and dance ac .Hie Masonh) temple- lonllit. . High flvo nj wlitt will he th rani Kme.' Mlsa Adah Klopn will entertain sixteen guesis at a yrau-h party at her home In Dundee, flis evening. ' Winter Plani. Dr. and Mrs. I P. I-e Itt and Miss Anna ' Jenkins left Thursday to Send the a Inter In Loo-Angelee, Cel. . . ' With the Younger Set. Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davla a 111 enter tain at a dancing party thla evening at their home for their eon Herbert, who Is home from Cornell for the hs!'.2.ys. ! Mlsaee Kleanor McO'llon. Ruth-Crawford, Mantarel Williums, tlrace Hahaugh, IhiIs Kobblns. tiher Carter, Messrs. 'W yman Kobblns, Charles I'l-rrlgo, Will Kllet. F.dward i'erley. idsoa Siiulres, ... i Misses Corlnne Klllott. Kvelyn Ledwlch, 1 Ilea nor Austin, Huth rilabaugh, Harriet Silierman. Mrs. T. Roiue. Messrs. Arthur Ixnimls. Morton Wakeley, John Hrotherton, Kred Carter, Hollln rilioiiiian. Bornemeier-Ostertag Weddinff. Rev. and Mis.- F. Ostertas announce the marriage of their daughter, Clahio Mr. Herman L. Bornomeler, which was .celebrated .Wednetay afternoon at TI1K . WELLINGTON CAPE 1H17 Kariiam Ht. Sortea a Special NEW YEAR'S DINNER 50e ri-um 12 t 3 and t t H P, M. Kqual to dinners served else where for 11.00 or $1.60. I Wait for : Our January Clearance Sale of OIRAIPEIRIIES BEGINS MONDAY, JAN. 4th . Lac Curtaina, Curtain Materials, Upholstering Materials and Draperies of all kinds at astonishing reductions. - VS . UiuKlneda af gift piece 13KIC-A-BRAC wmMl rvila,tluns Moiulay, Jan. 4th. ' 5for Clofd all Jay Nw Year' Day Orchard & Wilhelm Go. . Closed All Day Friday (New Year's Day) THE PEOPLE OF OMAHA will read with pleasure that our husiness for the year 1914 showed a very big increase over our business for the year 1913. This success means to us that we have measured up to the expectations of the people of this city and surrounding territory who patronize us so generously almost unanimously. This will be an inspiration to us to make still greater efforts. The people of Omaha take just pride in the lirandeis Stores. There is not a parallel to these stores in any other city pt the size of Omaha. The Immensity of our Stores, the Completeness and Variety of our Stocks and the high efficiency of our service is the wonder of commercial men who visit Omaha. The Brandeis Stores speak well for Omaha. They typify the thriving spirit that is characteristic of Omahans and Nebraskans generally. The. Brandeis Stores are usually compared with the very best 6tores of New York and Chicago. That there should be such a large and well-equipped merchandising institution in the City of Omaha carries an inference of wealth and progress for Omaha and Nebraska. That the year just dawning be one of prosperity, peace, happiness and health for all U our fondest wish, and to our array of faithful employes, whose loyalty has been our strongest help in achieving our success, we extend our sincere appreciation. We will start the new year with a merchandising event that will benefit every home in Omaha and for hundreds of miles around: . Our JANUARY WHITE SALE . It will bp the bigcest in our history, so far as quantity of merchandise is concerned, but what is far more important to all is the fact that we have brought the immense pur chasing power of our stores here and in New York to bear upon prices, and by buying in enormous quantities we have obtained concessions that will mean considerable saving to the people, who wait for this 6ale every year to stock up on all white merchandise.