Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 14, Image 14

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Council Bluffs
Good Resolutions
Minor Mention
Coaacrll Bluff Offloe of
The la at 14 Xertk
stata aH. Telephoae 4S.
Davis. Drugs.
Vletrola, lit. A. Hodx Co.
Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. t
Oerdner rreea, printing. Ml 1st At.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, FkM fl. I
Mutual Bid, and lou Am n. La Peart.
Mar yonr autt cleaned and pressed ba-
Tore New l iu l Coo i cleaning work.
XN Broad war. Fhone 178.
Dr. H. A. Woodbury, dentist, movwd to
Bapp block, phone Black 60S Sanitary
and modem appliances. Modern price, i
The funeral of John Hcdae, the mur
dered Greek U.borr, will ba beld thla
afternoon at tha CutUr chapnl. A print
from tha Greek church In Bouth Omaha
will conduct I ha aervloee,
WILl. O. ESTEP, former well-known
eiUifn and funeral director, has entered
tha (Irm of M. O. Corrtaaa company. Ur,
atrp s ability la wall known to moat of
tha roaldenta at thla city.
David Roach waa yesterday given a
antfnc of. ona day In tha county jail
for violation of a district court Injunction
Krohlblimg him molesting hla wife, who
i aulng for divorce. Ha baa, however,
bora In Jail for about a week aad baa
bad tlma for calm reflection.
Charles Clausen and Johnny We, TT-jriar-old
hoya. Indicted at tha Reptembar
term of district court for robbing mer
chandlva cars, warn arraigned bsfore
Judge Rorkafellow yesterday. Tha West
boy haa bran In tha county Jail forty
w days, hut hla companion only a abort
time. By acrwnvtnt with tha county at
torney th Clausen boy waa fined IX and
West waa discharged.
John McCann. tha Itinerant barber who
attacked August Hopkins, a traveling
an an, whom ha had never Hon ana
whom ba had met (or tha first tlma on
. the etreet bar laat summer and alaahed
him with a raaor. waa yesterday sent ta
tha knorvlUa Inebriate hospital to re
main three yeara McCann narrowly
aaoapad alUIng Honkfns and waa Indlctad
for assault with Intent to commit mur
der. Subsequent conduct Indicated that
be waa wholly Irresponsible and had not
tha faintest remorabranoe of tha occur
rence, Mlse Viola Agnes Kurd, 10-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Hurd,
died at their home, 7M Washington ave
oue, at t o'clock yesterday morning.
Mlse Hurd' a death came very suddenly
and unexpectedly, although she had been
ill for three weeka from liver trouble.
She IS survived by her parents, ona
brother and four sisters. They are
Henry Hurd, Mrs. I A, Krlrkson. Mrs.
I E. Leslie. Mra J. C. Hitchcock and
.Miss Laura Hurd. all of thla city. Mlsa
Kurd waa a member cf Council hlva No,
717 of tba Modern Maccabees.
Police records for tha month of De
cember will show that there waa an
uversne of thirty penniless rr.en cared
for dully at the city jail, given lodging
mid shelter for the night. Thla makes a
total of 830 for the month. When to thla
number la added the thousands who
drift through tha city, finding similar In
allrrmd yards or elsewhere, the tre
mendous movement of the Idle men
through the country la apparent. Chief
of Police V'ien, dlsousxln It yesterday,
aid tha situation presented ona of tha
B res test problems of the century, with
n constantly Increasing demand for solu
t'on. Tha quarters used for their car
were crowded again, last night
Lynn Haller, tha O-ysar-old moving
picture machine operator who waa In
dicted by the September grand Jury for
the theft of a Ford automobile, and who
finally stade a full confession of his
rullt, was yesterday, discharged from
further custody upon the recommenda
tion of County Attorney Capell, largely
for the reason that the owner of tha car
refused or waa vary reluctant to prose
mite. Haller stole tha car from Dick
iorlrJ, and changed It so that Ha owner
failed to reootfnlse It, although It was
driven past hla home for nearly a Week,
He finally recognised It as It stood la
fronf of the- picture theater where tha
young man was employed. Tha car waa
restored to Ita owner and Haller tried to
snake every possible restitution. Upon a
written statement by Morical that tha
boy had made complete restitution and
that he did not want to prosecute htm.
County Attorney Capell recommended the
r discharge and Judge Rockafellow acted
In accordance) with tha recommendation.
I M -V T M i
"vn come- n
"The WVTe. WGon
a "The first or
Thc YeAR.,
rOK MC FIE.- inc.
Predictions Are
For a Very Dry Moon
Tha Full Moonera do not get their beer
back. If those who oppose the organiza
tion can prevent It Under tha decision
of tha Jury In tha criminal, prosecution
of Oeorga B. Wright of the Fall Moon
organisation and chairman of the enter
tainment committee, tha bear would ba
returned to Moon land, or at least tha
two kegs alleged to contain beer would
ba returnable, but tha return waa frus
trated by the notice served yesterday
that tha case would bo appealed, Chief
of Polio Vlan said ha had orders from
thoa responsible for tha prosecution to
appeal to tha district court, and. as ha
tad no option la tba matter, ha will have
la obey.
The vaudeville entertainment staged
and presented In the office of Justice
Joseph. Wednesday, waa still tha talk of
the town yesterday.
The prosecution of tha knlghU has
omewhat Interfered with their program.
The January moon will ba full tomorrow
rlfht a&d la accardaac with aatuxal
law it should shed Its radiance In Moon
land, but It baa been found necessary to
defer tha monthly reception of King
S'lesUoutue until Friday night. January
C Than people la Mills. Fremont. MonU
evoraery and other points In southwestern
aowa will be shown tha wonders of tha
nystlo realm and will endeavor to help
tha ganlal king discover the culprits who
tola "The King's Treasure," tha nuge,
tut tractable. Hulda. "tha big 8wede
The fountains In Moonland that ware
steelgaed to gush gubleU of pale beer to
ravtva tha visitors whan the Journey Mds
kftar 11 o'clock may ba dry. but there
iwlll be something to let tha visitors knew
that all of tha electric life haa not died
out of Moonland and that there are etlU
numerous live wires there.
Ho nef?e spchdimg-
coofMT THE.
yj . r4.
in . v r .if -i.r... av
" fWmniMitumillk I MM m)
toy -zpoi- y .
TJ 'sfjrr J i i.'.-'Z. awl r t 'V'-stv-
v Council Bluffs
Tax Books Complete and Beady to
Bo Turned Oyer to the Treeinrer.
Move) Than One MUlloa Dollars to
Ba Celleeted la tba Coaaty
Dart as; tha OosalaaT
Tha assessors have fixed the total ac
tual value of all real eatat in Potta
wattamie county at (72.M7.S44. To this
is added moneys and credits valued by
the assessors from tha information given
than at 13,981,01. For taxation purpoeea
one-fourth of this property la assessed,
making tha assessment valuation ap
proximate H8.SS.W1. Tha total amount
of taxes yielded by tha property thus
sessed Is U7,&tt.24. which mutt bo
collected through tba office of County
Treasurer Chrtstensen during 1915. Tba
total laat year waa ll.lU.S65.7i
These figures were shown by tha tax
books that were yesterday oompieted
and to ba turned over to tha county
treasurer January J Tha entire value
of tba property In tha county la con
siderably greater than the figures Indi
cate. Farm lands, although raised by
tha Stata Taxing board a par cent last
year, are still valued around $70 an
acre, while tha actual average value ex
ceeds Hot) per acre.
Tha tax collected each year haa stead
ily Increased until now it is twice as
much aa it waa leas than tea years ago.
Tha amount this year is by far tha
largest aver collected In one year since
tba county was organised. There la no
parUaular reason for hoping that there
will ba any reduction next year.
Of tha U7.LU taxes to ba collected
la IMS. tha state exacta $56,1177.17 for ita
general fund, for Ita oapltol ex
tension scheme, tha same amount for tha
stale luaUtuUooa and the agricultural
college at Ajnea, In addition to tha stata
university and other state-aided schools.
Tha levy for tha coanty's general fund
produces 171,892. U, and tn.MaU will ba
collected for county bridges. 118, 474. K for
county roads, and Ml,7.7 for roads.
Tha largest altigle item, however, is the
public school funds. Tba county treas
urer will collect fOT.UlB for tha
teachers' and M,7u&.44 tor the contingent
funda Tha taxpayers will contribute
t3t.Mt JS to provide for tha poor during
the year, ia addition to maintaining tha
county, farm.
' To replenish tha city's funds, tha
county treasurer will collect $339,111.11 for
tha general, and (37,181.71 for special im
provement funds.
Real Keao Traasfero,
Tha following real eatata transfers filed
Wednesday were reported to Tha Bee by
the Pottawattamie County Abstract com
pany; .Anna Emerlne and husband to Will
lain Orr, lot 14, block 1, Hvans
hconl Urtdsa addition, w. d iTjen
Franks famlui and husband to John
N. Olson, lot 1. block 7, Ueaaun s
fcocond addition. . w. d ljra
J-Mtg Waiksr and wife to Elmer
. ..."""n' ' ,ot Wot u.
liall s adiiuion. w. d 77. toe
Treasiirfr to 1'ttinler Knox. kt li!
I.lock K. Maredoui. t. w. d s
N i :ini K Kirkuer t' Napoleon
t.luio, si neV aw'4 i-74-43. w. d... 1 ft
'miirin Uilketis to Peter Wilkens.
w'. 6-.7-i5. w. d i
4' sitiia 11. liaugbraan to John F.
i .Ktiiiia at aL, part of lAi-ii,
W. d.....,,,H....,,M,M.,,.M.M...,.
( Seven transfers, total ......t,M
Marriage Lleease.
xlsrrUge llcensas were Issued yesterday
1: tiie following nsmed persons:
Name and Adlres. - Age.
I'ludiio 1 4 isis, 14nc4,ln. Neb J7
iit en )-. Itobiiison, Lincoln u
J uli.ia O. I iIspo, Ne.-la, la SI
Jl iiirn e It, t Isrk, .ela
hat Want AOs 1'rvduce Kesults,
Babies at Doors of
Some West End Homes
People residing la tha western part of
Council Bluffs believe they have dis
covered grounds for tha suspicion that
their aelghborbaod is being used for the
distribution of new-bora babies that
origtuata la soma Institution in Omaha,
and they also believe that they have got
a Una on tha baby farm.
Three babies, all unclothed and only a
few days old, have been dropiwd at the
doors of three west end homes within
tha last fsw weeka la each case an
automobile was uaed and ia all of tha
oasea tba procedure waa Identical. Tha
hemes have been selected la advance by
a woman who. It is now recalled,
visited tha places under some prettnae
and managed ta get a statement of the
attitude of the families toward aban
doned children.
Comparison of notes ahoas this woman
haa visited many Maces and that aha has
recently been la the neighborhood. The
belief In Council Uluffs now Is that she
has a list of several places where It may
ba expected that babiee caa ba safely
dropped In the future. It ia known that
this agent of the baby farm lives In
Omaha, and the assumption Is that she
I directly interested In its product.
Italy's Occupation
Of Avlona Arouses
Austrian Discontent
(Copyright, mi. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Deo. sL (Special Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
lies.) The Daily Chronicle correspondent
in Roma cableai "Italy's momentous oc
cupation of Avlona and surrounding hill
country has aroused intense Irritation,
and discontent in Austro-JIungary.
"The Becalo correspondent, telegraphing1
from the Austrian frontier, says Ger
many has intervened In Vienna In an en
deavor to prevent a possible Austro
I tall an Incident.
"Count Betchtold, the Austrian foreign
minister, had a lengthy conference with
Emperor Francis Joseph on the matter.
On returning to the foreign office tha
count at once sent for the Italian ambas
sador, who is said to have been asked
to procure from Rome a fresh statement
of Italy's declaration in October last to
the effect that Its latest move was merely
a police measure for tha tlma being,
applied in virtue of tha London confer
ence, which guaranteed the independence
of Albania,"
Life Term of John
Dietz Commuted
MADISON. Wis., Deo. Sl.-Tha llf terra
of John K. Diets, theoutlaw of Cameron
dam, convicted in JKU of murdering Oa
oar Harp, a deputy sheriff of lawyer
county, wss commuted to twenty years
today by Governor McGovern. I'nder the
parole law Diets may now ba released la
four years. Petitions have been coming
from every stata ssklng for his pardon.
Diets shot Harp when defending him
self against arrest by a posse of deputies
sent to his cabin on the Thornapple
river. The dam, ha alleged, waa the
property of Mra Diets by virtue of a deed
to tha land auroundlng IL The courts did
not uphold thla contention.
Stilt, when the Mississippi River Log
ging company attempted to take control
of the dam. Diets took Up his rifle in its
defense. He waa finally captured after
his cabin had been riddled by bullets.
PETROGRAD, (via London), Deo. tL
Alexander J. Gutchkoff, president of the
Russian Red Cross, stated today that
aa Investigation undertaken at the re
quest of the Spanish ambassador Indi
cated that tha eldest son of tha German
chancellor. Dr. von Bothmann-Hollweg,
waa not among tha wounded In any Rus
sian hoapltal.
A Paris dispatch on December 14 said
it was reported there from Berne that a
son of the German chancellor had been
Injured seriously at Pictrkow, Russian
Poland, and that ha had been captured
by the Russians. A Berlin dispatch oa
the following day said that tha chan
cellor had been Informed that his eldest
son. a lieutenant of cavalry, had been
France Builds Two
Great Air Fleets
To Invade Germany
NEW ORK, Deo. 31. Franca is build
ing two great fleets .of aircraft, armed
with cannon and bombs with which to In
vade Germany in tha spring, according to
Pedro Chaps, a Mexican aviator who has
been in Europe for tha last four years
and who arrived hers tonight cm tha Cun
ard liner Carpathian.
Hundreds, of armored biplanes, each
carrying a small cannon and bombs, and
numerous monoplanes equipped with
bombs and steel darts will ba ready to
sweep across the Qerman frontier when
winter la past, he said. The monoplanes
are intended mainly for scout work and
will make a speed of 120 mllea an hour.
All tha aeroplanes will have a cruising
radius of 130 miles from tha frontiers.
said Chapa, and their attack, will not
bo in the form of raids by a few ma
chines as hitherto, but by large divisions.
Tha aviators to man these machines are
now being trained in several large schools
established for the purpose, ha said.
Conspiracy to Smuggle Contraband
Foodituifi and Clothing Out of
Country Unearthed.
Search of Itease of One af Sasweeta
Reveale Ha Waa la Close Teach
wltk the German
(Copyright, 1911, by Press Publishing Co.)
ROME, Dec, St (Special Cablegram ot
New York World and Omaha Bee.) De
velopments are announced In connection
with a contraband scandal in connectlo
with which Dr. Flora and Slgnor Cast
rlgnano, a customs official, have been
Money for Rice.
Search of Dr. Flore-s nouse by the po
lios revealed that he had been In close
touch with the German embassy, and
that the embassy officials had organised
contraband traffic. Several of these offi
cials have been required to leave Italy.
It is said that rro.eoo has been sent
from Germany for tha purchase here of
rice, which la largely replacing wheat in
breadmaUng In Germany.
Signer Clatlgnano, it Is charged, at
tempted to bribe a customs official, with
the , object of smuggling rioe through
Italy, and offered him $30,000.
m Plot Unmasked.
(Copyright, 1914, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Dec. SL (Special Cablegram
to New York World and Omaha Bee.)
The Dally Chronicle's Milan correspond
ent reports that, through tha vigilance of
tha minister of commerce In Rome, a
vast Austro-Oermaa conspiracy haa been
The plot had ramifications all over
Italy, particularly In Naples, Genoa,
Florence and Milan. Its purpose was to
smuggle contraband foodstuffs and
clothing ta soma small port ia tba
Super-Zeppelin is
Wrecked in Raid
1 GENEVA (Via Paris?, Dec. SO. News
haa reached Omanshorn from Frledriehs
hafen that during the recent Blitsh aerial
raid on Cuxhaven one of the largest su-per-ZeppcIlns,
which was oompieted two
months ago, was entirely destroyed in its
sheds by bombs dropped by the aviators
and the another Zeppelin escaped only by
rising rapidly In the air.
Trial of Dakotan
For Girl's Murder
Now on at Wheeler
WHEELE-R, & D., DeC Jl The trial
of Robert Brooks for the nrurder of W.
IC. Menile and Miss Blanche Blgnal, at
Oeddes, last April began today with the
statement of the prosecution. A Jury
waa secured lata last night
Dr. F. B. Fyle of Oeddes, who examined
tha bodies shortly after their removal
from the burned offloa was tha first wit
ness called.
Dr. Fyie's evidence was Intended prin
cipally to show that there had been no
relations between Mentle and Mlsa Sig
nal which might have acted aa a motive
for a suicide pact
Frank ' Humphrey, yardman . for . the
lumber oompany, occupied the staad dur
ing tha greater part of the afternoon.
He described the positions the bodies oc
cupied and the finding of the two claw
hammers and the revolver pear, tha bod
ies. It Is apparent the state will try to show
a conspiracy and premeditation on the
part of various Interests and Individuals
located In this county and throughout
this section and that the murder was ac
tually committed by Brooks and other
gunmen, who left the scene of the mur
der In an automobile shortly after the
alarm was given and the lumber office
found in flames, and that a false alibi
was contracted to protect Brooks and
attempt to prove that he was In Nio
brara tha night of the murder.
WILMINGTON. Del., Dec. .-(SpHal
Telegram.) The -trl-State Stsmp Vending
company of Omaha, with a capital of
11,000,000 was chartered at Dover, Del., to-"
day. The Incorporators are W. H. Os
tenberg. W. W. Turner nnd W. H. Balte,
all of Omaha, snd Frank Turner of this
city. The concern will operate stamp
vending machines In New York, New
Jersey and Delawsre.
Prefer Trenches to
Idleness on Outside
SAINT POL, Franca. Deo. !. (Via
Paris.) The French soldiers, without ex
ception, express a preference for work
In tha trenches, rather than remaining
idly at their billets. While tha men are
beld la reserve at tha rear, they say that
aalda from tha tlma when they are sleep
ing off fatigue each minute seems an
hour. The postal service Is uncertain.
They rarely receive news.
Along the battle front, ia tha region of
Arras and fit Elraoy, tha position 'of the
troops has scarcely varied a foot from
the glgzag Urea which have been occu
pied for three months.
Merveaseata of Ocean Steamers.
Port. Arrtv, Ballet,
KEW YORK.... Oupathla
NEW YORK...... TBsmlsteetei.
KEW YORK LsilUnls.
NEW YORK . Adriatic
NTffW YORK lempalla.
MARfCrLL.Kfl.. BrtUsnia
OSNOA Caaoalc
Dr, Banister is to
Talk at Woman's Club
The health conunlttee or tha Omaha
Woman's club Is to hold aa epea meeting
at I.SS o'clock aest Monday afternoon at
the club rooms at Metropolitan ball. On
thla occasion tha committee will ba ad
dressed by Dr. J. M Banister, for yeara
a member of the army medical corps,
but now retired. He will speak on the
"Part Played by Ineecta in the Propaga
tion of Disease."
At thla time Dr. Banister ta Instructor
U: the department ot tropical madlcln
In tha Nebraska Medical college. The
addresa will begin at 1:40 o'clock.
Eighty Armour
Men at Banquet
Armour and company's traveling aalea-
men and office men, eighty strong, ban
e'jeted at the Rome hotel last night.
aang songs boosting themselves and tba
products they sell, praised their bosses,
roated each other and altogether con
sumed an. enormous lot ot food.
Liquid refreshments were rather scarce
at the banquet
. "We're coming to realise that too much
drink knocks a good man out" said Dls
trict Superintendent "Rufe" E. Harris ot
South Omaha, who waa chairman. "Still,
wa don't object to drinking, aa you see,"
Tha salesmen were representative of
tha Omaha district Several Chicago
men, among them C. J. Engemaa. H. E.
Cragln. IL B. Bogg. J. 8. Franks. M. D.
Harding and J. B. Cass attended tha
meeting. ,
Cabaret entertainera helped tha diners
while away tha time.
The dinner was tha compliment ot tha
company to its traveling men and is an
annual affair. The traveling salesman
of the Omaha district are now In conven
tion here. They are. exchanging "ex
periences" and taking some post gradu
ata wark In the lMaf etJ.''
To Boost Suffrage
In Massachusetts
Mr. and Mra James Richardson, who
did active service in tha recent suffrage
campaign by means of automobile tours
through tha state, together with Mr. and
Mrs. W. 10. Hardy of Lincoln, also en
thusiastic suffragists, Mrs. Hardy being
stste treasurer, will tour Massachusetts
next summer to assist la tha campaign
there and gain experience for tha next
campaign la Nebraska.
Mrs. & A. Capea, president of the
Omaha Buff rage association, has an
nounced her Intention of aervlng two
months next fall la suffrage headquar
ters la Nsw York City for the purpose of
becoming mora familiar with, campaign
Ship with Supplies
For Allies Stranded
ARMOITTH. N. a. Deo. B. - Tha
steamer Navarre, a St John, N. B. ves
sel, bound for France with a full eargo
of hay, oats, automobiles aad army sup
plies for tba British, struck Holmes
Iiedge, Tucket Island, la tha Bay ot
Fundy last night aad probably win be
a total loss.
The crew wss still an board at last
Bee Want Ads Are the Beat Business
Read Dally by People la Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
Phone D. 2397
113 S. 16th St.
YPctroIcam Coke
$,59 $RM $3H
J Ton v tTcn Hon
"We have just received a
brand new supply of this re
markable furnace fuel which
is rapidly taking the place
of coal. '
Why?' Because it makes
more heat and leaves no
ashes, clinker or slate and
makes no smoke.
Try at least a small lot
Cor. 14th acd Dccgks Sts.
stand Friday Baa.
One person cannot make a Ufa in
surance company. It requires tha co
operation of many. Nebraska people
can co-operate with the residents of
New York. New Jersey, Massachusetts
and other eastern states and develop
tha companies of these states ot they
caa co-operate with and develop Ne
braska companies.
Turn 'tha above thought over la your
mind and set down the adVantagrea In
co-operating with and developing a
Nebraska company. Then rack your
brain for one good, substantial reason
for patronising an eastern company,
whose assets' are already so large aa
to be a financial menace to the people
of the west. If not to the whole coun
try. When equally as good Insurance
and better service can be had by co
operating with a Nebraska company,
why not do it.
N. Z. 8NELL, PlltlDRHT
stun. ROM-raxnaPiTiHfi un uguhabce ohxt
CinlllL sGINTl! 6I0R6I OROCKIn,
f A.rlHNIT AND l.iKUSOItlllfl
CAPITAL, $501,000.00'
DEPOSITS, $6,500,000.00
f Typowrltoro $
I For Ront
any mate you want
: $1 and Up Per Month
Central Typwlter Exchangi
Tad. - '.
-807409 South 17th. - "
, Phona Doug. 412L.
President Vice-President
AMuUnt Cathier AasUUnt Cashier
Visit a Modern Plant
New Tear's Day, spend part of your time vUlt
in and Inspecting the new, modern, dairy home ot
the Alamtto Santlary Dairy Company at J 6 th and
Leavenworth Streets. Come any time between
10:00 A. M. to S:0A P. M.
Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co.
Doug1. 409 '
Third Slod FREE This Wook
1P ;v,Y
The picture of the Sled
will be In The Bee every
day thla weak.
Cut them all out aad
ask your frlande to save
the pictures la their pa
par for you, too. See bow
many pictures you can
(at and bring them to
The Bee office.
The Sled will be liven
Free to tha boy that
v-r u
ijri .rUswl.isVta-.sai
lUlPC? lkts iower .floor, S3,
nlUCO tuo slooT. 11, Bo, BOo
aad Sat. Iovr moor, 91 -BO, SI I Bal
7 So, boo; QaL. 88a, BEATS uuua,
A Snappy
Musical Show
School of Dancing
19th and Farnam
aCAJBT r. COOKS School of Danc
ing. BeeatUal asw atadlos, lth and
Farnam Stu. Classes la ball room,
esthetic and national dancing. New
classes for children and adults will
ba formed after January 1st. Especial
attention to private clubs wishing in
struction In social dancing. Children
requested to enroll In claases before
January 6.
a'S rat OM-MTXWk-
siau. lB-Be-aee,
vaga, IS-M-eO-TSs.
Here's a Bread STsw Skew
Tom Brnose new ana outer ma
sters, t
i) Its Bhoi
1, U A
iaaxxs' does
&jayZVJ ski
Bore's a siraaa sis
fctmoae" McRas and SI other fun
Beauty Chorus of Fortune Tell
)lg Novelty Surprise at Xtra Mid.
how starting at 11:30 Nsw Tear
asvAiiMitf va.gjSTix.X.B.
nn ., Ms: Kttkt. s:l
sax iiauiLl I mow
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