NEWSSECTION PAGIS ONE TO FOURTEEN he- Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XLtV NO. 169. OMAHA, FKIDAY MORXIXti, JANUAHY 1, 1 !M 5 TAV FATY-EKl 1 IT 1(JKS. Oa Trains sad t otel Mewe Btanda. 5 SIXGUi COPY TWO CENTS. OMAHA BUSINESS SHOWS GAINS IN SPITE J TIMES Nearly Every Line of Endeavor Show an Increase Over Last Tear's Big Showing. MANUTACTURING IS BEST Figures Indicate Three Million More Products Made Here Than Last Year. TACEERS ALSO SHOW GAIN Eight Million More is Received for Finished Products Than in 1913. The New Mileage Book GRAIN SHIPMENTS ARE UP Seven Million Bushels More is Sent Out from Omaha Market. BUILDING PERMITS GREATER Iomm Are Small and All Omaha la Looking Forward to a Moat Pro, peroua Season Daring? toe Coming Year. Manufacturing- .9196.318,637 $193,385,671 Jobbing" lb9.W4.4U7 lei,6a,6J3 Keal eat. traua. 8,4tu,tfl! 9,471,301 Pack nee. output lla,4tt4,17 105,oog,ooo Smelter output. 87,141,148 31.414.4uJ drain rac, btt... 66,464,100 68,674,700 Grain ship., bu.. 67.317,800 60,086,600 Bank clearing. .9883,717,101 9908,847,678 Bank deposits . . 61.750.698 61,184,670 Build's; permlta . 4,610,468 4,110,733 XiIVE STOCK RECEIPTS. Cattle (head) . . 936,694 961,381 Hogra (head) ... 8,867,384 8,637,373 aheap (bead) . . . 3,147.434 3,814,640 Notable Increases la business in Omaha over last year are noted In figures in the manufacturing output. In the packing house output. In the shipments of grain and in building operations. While gains are shown in many of these items, decreases In aggregate business are shown in some other lines. On the whole, the business men regard this as an espe cially good year for Omaha, In view of the more or less depression exist ing elsewhere, and In view of the fluctuation of conditions occasioned by the war in Europe. In round numbers the manufac tured output of Omaha's factories during 1914 ran $3,000,000 ahead of the output of 1913. The jobbing business, on the other hand, showed a decrease of some $2,000,000. Building permits isBued during the year wore for buildings aggregating practi cally $00,000 more than In 1913. Some thing over 1,300 building permit were issued during the year, of which nearly MM were for residences. The rest were (or business property. Lumber Baalneaa Gala. A notable gain was shown In the lum ber jobbing business out of Oinalia for tlm year. Nearly $1,000,000 increase is shown here, or something over 12 per cent above last year. This la taken to be significant as to the building opera tions both in Omaha and in Nebraska, as well as in the immediately adlolning states served by the lumber Jobbing Jioiifos of Omaha. The Jobbing of clothing and wearing aprurcl shows an increase of $15,0i0, which, although It is not large, is con sidered significant of Nebraska'a pros- j )-rily in the face of business adversity in some sections of the country. Furnace supplies show an increase of $3,000. Heal estate transfers, according to the figures obtainable in the office of the reg ister of deeds, show a slight decrease. This, however, Is no longer considered significant, as the custom is steadily growing of filing deeds wiUi the mere nominal consideration of "$1" given to make the record legal, when, as a matter of fact, the transfer often involves $100, 00.) or more. Unnk la Small. Decreases were shown in the bank clearings for the year, due, bankers say. (Continued on Page Five, Column One.) VlHERC To . Ill I II , IP WKWmffM urr t . i f mm h ! as ajaw- "vxxvxwx m " l m r s - 1 H - The Day's War News Tlie lews of Great llrltain con crrnlnn tln detention of American e(s('lM by Hrttlsh warships were made Known to Ambassador Phsp by Foreign Secretary (Irey in Lon don. Although llif formal reply to President Wilson's note has not been draft (Mi, Sir Kdward (Irey outlined the position taken by himself and his rollenKues. From the fragmentary and con flicting official reports of the war today two main tendencies are observed. In the west, nlong the entire front, from Alaare to the North S?ea, the allies are exerting steady pressure and. according to their claims, some of which have not been disputed by Germany, they have made slow progress al most everywhere. In the east the defeat of the Austrtans in Oallcla Is not denied and the German forces In Poland appear to have found it extremely difficult to continue their advance toward Warsaw. Ilerlln states that further progress Is being made, but Petrograd believes the Ger man offensive has broken down. An official communication from Petrograd Indicates that ono of the most sanguinary battles of the war, in proportion to the num bers Involved, has taken place in the Transcaucasus. The Japanese Foreign office announces that no nation has re quested that a Japanese army be sent to Europe. The Servian minister to France is quoted in Paris as saying that Servla is planning an Invasion of Hungary BIG OFFENSIVE " MOVE OF ALLIES WAITS BRITONS General Advance on German in West Will Be Postponed Till Ar rival of More English Troops. TENTATIVE THRUSTS FAIL Leaders Think Move Now Would En tail Losses Out of Proportion to Advantages Gained. RUSSIA IS HOLDING ITS LINES Some Activity in West Neaemry to Prevent Germans from Sending Troops to East. NEW FACTORS IN SITUATION Drawn for The Bee by llal Cotfman. SENATORS APPROYE THE LITERACY TEST Upper Chamber Refuses to Strike Mooted Clause from Immi gration Measure. VOTE FORTY-SEVEN TO TWELVE Anti-Mormon Amendment to Bill Adapted Overwhelmingly, Hoahcs nd t'tah Member Only Onea Against It. Six French Sailors Make Victory - Sure by Sacrificing Themselves The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Nebraska Fair; colder by tonight. Temperature at Omaha Yeeterday. ' Hours. Dos-- 5 a. m i A a. in 11 7 a. m 10 8 a. rn 10 9 u. in 13 10 a. m 14 11 a. ni ll 12 in 22 1 p. m U t p. in 2H 5 p. m i W 4 p. in L".i 6 p. in 6 p. m 'is 7 p. m 27 8 p. m 27 Comparative Local Record. iau 1913. U1Z 1911. . 29 2H 44 10 . S 19 . 19 U . .00 .01 WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.-By a vote of 47 to 12. the senate today refujwd to strike from the immoral -ti bill the literacy tent for admission of alliens. Senator Keed then proposed an amend ment to exclude "all aliens not of the Caucasian rare." Senator Iteed's amendment Immediately aroused considerable opposition. Chair man Smith of the immigration committee said he did not think it should bo passed bm it aimed at exclusion, while the spirit of the bill was only restrictive. (Senator Ixidge declared that the amendment would exclude some persons not of the Caucasian race who make good citizens. The latter was defeated by a voto of 43 to 10. Heated discussion was aroused when Senator Reed offered a further amend ment to Hubstllute in the exclusion pro vision for the words "those who admit their belief in the practices of polyg amy" the words "those who believe in, advocate or practice polygamy." Senator Smoot of Utah recounted to the senate tlio original action of the Momum church In forbidding plural marriage since 18110, recalling alos the declaration of President Joseph F. Smith in 18M and denounced the amendment as an ill-timed reflection upon the Mormon people. The amendment to the polygmany sec tion was adopted by overwhelming vote. Senators Smoot and Sutherland of I'tah and Hughes of New Jersey voted against it Senator Hughes said he did not be lleveVny religious belief should be made a teat for admission to this country. 283 SH i 0U .01 precipitation depar- liighest yesterday lowest yesterday , Mean temperature . 1'recipltation Temperature and turea from the normal: Normal temperature IVflciency for the diiy , Total excels eluce March 1.. Normal precipitation leflc Iency for the day Total rainfall alnce March 1., lieflf'lency since March 1 1 leflclency for cor. period. 1918 Deficiency for cor. period. U12 Heporta from atatloaa at T P. M. Station and Stat Temp. High. Kain r W eather. 7 p. in. est. fall. Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. 34 44 U Davenport, cloudy 14 iH-nvar. clear 4X IVa Molnea. floor D IhMlve "I ty, clear 40 North I'lalte. pU cloudy ?i tm:ha. cloudy 27 t lieridan, cloudy :VJ Ktoux city, cloudy 'il ale n Line, partly cloudy. i 1 JL. WELSH. Local forecaster. i SM M inch AC iu'-h 26.81 Inches 3.43 Inches 6.65 Inches 4.31 inches ID t.4 24 50 K4 29 4 22 Moraht Thinks Euss Will Soon Evacuate the Polish Capital BERLIN (Via The Hague and London), Dec. 31. Major Moraht, the military ex pert, discussing in the TageUatt the east ern war situation, says: "AU military authorities, arc agreed that the I'ollsh capital must soon be evacuated. Its value as a foi l 'ess, as Is well known, is Blight, but the strongly fortified position In front of the forts, it must be expected, will be well defended. Nevertheless it would require strong forces to hold them. "It appears, moreover, as if the Rua slan general staff attaches greater Im portance In bringing its main foroea un broken behind the Vistula rather than develop the full strength wcat thereof. However, the plana of the Russian staff are unknown, and hence it Is not impos sible that it still Intends holding the re gion west of the Vistula, with political prnstlge as the factor, despite the dangers attending such a plan. "At any rate, the raid of the Russians north of the I'ollca will settle the fate of the army operating; la Uallcia." PARIS, Dec. SI. How the heroic self sacrifice of six French bluejackets made possible tlio capture of St. Georges, a town less than two mUes from Nleuport, is described by the Matin's war corre spondent In Flanders. He says: "The attackers had driven the Germans from the advance trenches, but taking refuge in the houses In the village, the Germans soon placed their assailants in a difficult position. The situation of a force of Belgians isolated on a strip of land surrounded by a flood became crit ical and the artillery alone was t bla to effect anything against the enemy. The Britlfdi batteries at Ramscapelle tried, but their, shells burst over the French. "Six IjIlu Jackets then loaded a three inch gun on a lurge punt and poled along the canal behind the village, running the gauntlet of the German rifles. Aa one was hit another took the pole and con tinued until he In turn fell. Tlie sixth man was mortally wounded as with a last puBli he sent the punt to the bank where the Fronch advance guard was waiting. "The gun was quickly loaded and a few shots at 3X) yards brought the houses on top of tho Germans, who retreated Into the arms of a battalion of Belgians. The latter completed tho enemy's rout. "Meanwhile the French column tri umphantly took possession of tho heap of ruins which was formerly St. Georges and before night tho engineers had es tablished a bridge head, enabling the al lies' artillery to debouch on the right bank of tho Yser." NEW INDUSTRIES LOCATEJN OMAHA Over Three Hundred Men Given Em ployment by New Concerns Which Come to City. TWO MILLION OF CAPITAL PAGE HAS LONG TALK WITH GREY Ambassador and Foreign Minister Have Extended Conference on Wilson's Note. VIEW OF CABINET IS EXPLAINED British Diplomat la Able to Olve Opinion of lllmavlf and Col leaaruea na Developed at Wednesday's Council. JAPANESE TROOPS NOT-ON JAY WEST Tokio Denies Report that Army Has Started for Europe by Way of Siberia. NOT APPROACHED ON SUBJECT France and Russia Are Hnld to Be Favorable to 4far. Project, bnt England Hesitate to Ask tor Help. . LONDON. Dec. 31. Walter Hlnee rage, the American ambassador, held an ex tended conversation this afternoon with Sir Kdward Grey, the British aecretary of foreign affairs, on the subject of Pres ident Wllxon's note of protest against the detention of American shipping by British warships. As the note had been discussed by mem bers of the British cabinet yesterday, the foreign secretary was able to prehent to the ambassador the combined views of himself und his colleagues. The official information bureau this afternoon gave out the following state ment: "An anawer to the American note will be drawn up aa aoon aa possible. It will be in the same friendly spirit in which the American note Is written." Kaiser Wishes Us All A' Happy New Year BKRH.V (By Wlreleaa to Indon). Deo. il Lmperor William lias sent from the army headquarters a message to Presi dent Wilson, conveying his wishes for a happy Now Year. The emperor also ex preuaea hla beat wishes for the welfare of the United State TOKIO, Dec. SI. In its denial of reporta that Japanese troops had been landed at Vladivostok or any other place, en route to Europe, the" foreign office Included this statement: "Japan has not been approached by Great Britain or any other country to aend an army to Europe." It is learned from other aourcea here that France and probably Russia are favorable to tho project of sending Japanese troops to Kurope, but that Kngland heeitatea to ask for Japan's help. The financial phase of the matter. It is stated, could be arranged, but the economic and political questions involved are difficult. Meantime, frequent meetings are called in Tokio by partisans of the project to awaken public enthusiasm In this direc tion anl there is an active' discussion in the newspapers supporting the plan to dispatch volunteera. It la stated that the assistance of Count Oku ma, the premier, has been solicited by supporters of the project. List Doe, Not Include Borne Firms Which Have Jnat Incorporated, hot Which Have Not Bnllt Their Plnnta Here. Now lndustrleslocated In Omaha dur ing the year outside of retailers show an Investment of capital aggregating $1,79"!, BOtl. They employ ft total of .115 employes. There are twenty-oix of these new in dustries employing from one man to sixty-five apiece. The list does not Include companies just Incorporated that have not yet built their plant or are not yet located. Fol lowing Is the list as prepsred from the Information in the handa of the Commer cial club of Omaha: Name. Capital. American Tire A R. Co.... J 2.. Mullock Mh. Ii Sup. Co.. 3I.(M) Cudithy Refining Co. (Huo- cessoi's to dm. Oil Co.).. De Vaiighn-Werter Seed... ".( Klec. Feature Film Kx ... . FamoiiH K. Clean. & D... M Fernery, Thn l,i Friend? V. W. Mfg. Co 3.iO General Merc. Co Mo.OoO German-Am. State Bank... Mi.ftm Holly Auto Trimming Co... 2..VJ0 1-uke Side Ice Co l(M,lio lewls, Joe h.(t lyal Power Co lli.ucO Mei Jraw Co., The Morris Cash & Credit Reg- iHter Co l.oot). nnn Omaha Cut Glass Co hn.ttm ( Mini ha Sash & Poor Co. .. l'. Oimiha Trunk Factory 10i O'Meara Belling Co 5,fA Oti F.levator ( 'o fiverlani Omaha Co lO.Ortl Shepherd. G. F.. Florence.. , Simpson Wind Mill & Ma chine Co In on Skinner Mfg. Co lysmat C H. Wall Paper Co 3, Kin ployes. .1 14 4 H rt 10 12 I ti 4 4 N 40 .1 'I :U3 FRENCH MEASURE ADYANCEBY YARDS Report of War Office Reads Much Like the Account of a Foot Frll Game. HOUSE TO HOUSE FIGHTING One Village lu Alsaee Held Half by tierman Troopa and Half by French Troopa Mora Artillery Rsrhgngra. PAIUHf Dec. S1.-THO French f.fTlclal announcement given o"t in l'ar!s thli afternoon relatea a continuance of ar tillery exchangee with the enemy and further advances, messuied by yards, of French soldiers at various points on the line of battle. Counter attacka of the enemy were driven baCk, and in Alsace a certain village ia held half by German and half by French troopa. The fighting here has been from house to house, and It continues today. The text of the com munication follows: "From the sea as far as the Alsne yesterday passed with relative calm. There were artillery exchanges on so mo points of thn front. In Champagne, to the west of the Alger farm, which is north of Slllery, In the section of Rhelms, the enemy during the night blew up two of our trenches and then delivered against these positions an attack which our men repulsed. "To the north of Mesnil-Iios-Hurlus we occupied certain position on the enemy's second line of defense. In this same re gion, at a point to the north of the farm of N. Beuusejour, we also occupied some trenches. Tho enemy delivered a counter attack, but was driven back. We then resumed the offensive and we were sue cessful in gaining some more ground. "In the aamo lone, and further to tho east, certain German forces, which were advancing to deliver a counter attack against us, were brought under the fire of our artillery and dispersed. "In the Arifonne and In the vicinity of Fontaine Madame, we exploded a mine and occupied the resultant e vacation; tills gate us a slight advance. "Between the Mouse and the MosUe, In the region of the forest of Mortemart, about 1j0 yards of German trenches fell into our hands. "In the upper Alsace, French troops have entered the village of Stclnbach and have occupied with house-to-house fighting one half of the community." Two or Three Smaller Nations Prob ably Will Enter the War. RACIAL UNREST IN AUSTRIA noamantan Subjects of Francis Joseph "aid to Be mt Point of Rebellion More Afr Raids Are Probable. -r LONDON. Dec. 31. Tliera kt In creasing Indications In the opinion of British, observers of events on the continent that a serious allied offen plve movement against the whole German line in the western arena of the war will be postponed until such time as larger contingents of Lord Kitchener's new army take the field. The loam of the allies sustained up to the present time In the tentative thrusts forward here and there have been heavy In proportion to the gains achieved, and it is understood that the various leaders unite in the opin ion that the sacrifices entailed by a general advance at this time would be too great. The turn of events In the eastern the ater of hostilities, whero Russia appears to ba more than holding Its own, neces sitates, nevertheless, continued hard pres sure against the German linos In tho west to prevent them from moving any more of their troopa to tho eastern fluid. Uerutans Fortify La Hasarr. "In thn weat the town of LaBasnee, still held by the Germans, Is proving to bo one of the hardest problems the allied forces have to aolve. The Invaders have thrown up exceptionally strong" earth work a around LaBaasee. and have two army corps quartered In the city. To take this stronghold by direct assault would mean a terrible loss of life, but its taking Is essential to any ooncerted move for ward In order to afford protection to the communication of the allies. All the newa reaching London from the eastern field leads to confirm the rout of the forces of Austria, which now ap pear to be endeavoring to make their way laooiiousiy over J no iarpainiuns. Nmnller Nations May Knter War, There are Indicationa in London that tho entire continental political situation, which Involves Greece, Italy, Iloumanla and Portugal, la developing day by day. Kveu the participation, in the war of at least some of these states aoon will be come a reality, according to ttbe view of certain British commentators on the situation. Among the factors contribut ing to this situation la Italy's occupation of Avlona and the reported racial unrest In Austria-Hungary, where the Rouman ian subjects of Emperor Francis Joseph are said to be on the point of rebellion, ' as well as German's continued aggression ! in Angola, the Portuguese possession in western Africa. More Air Italda Probable. The German air raid on the channel port of Dunkirk in France gives basla lor the belief that visits of this kind wUI be more frequent from now on. It would appear that the British raid on Cuxhaven aroused In the Germans a spirit of retali ation. England. Judging from the expres sions appearing in the newspapers, la Just as anxious to deliver blow for blow in this reaped. Total l.T!),r) No additional capital; Increase due to change in company or organization. Asks Stadt Musikant for American Cities Boone County Man Shoots His Niece And Then Himself ALBION. Neb., Dec. HI. (Special Tel egram.) Martin Louden, living ten miles south of Albion, , killed his niece, Anna Berney, wlih a shotgun last even ing. Ho then went out In the paature. stuck the gun under his chin and killed himself. Thn Hons. Met at U a. in. After an hour's filibuster to cet a quorum the portal appropriation bill was taken up. Foreign affairs committee continued hearings on resolutions to prohibit ex ports of wsr materials and Kepreaonla tive Toaner Introduced another resolution for that purpose. PITTSHVRGH, Dec. 31.-The creation of the office of official musician In the nation, state and municipality was advo cated by Peter W, Dykema. professor of music in the University of Wisconsin, at tho convention of the Muslo Teachers' National association here today. The es tablishment in this country of what is i known in Germany as the 'Stadt Mutth kant," Prof. Dykema said, would be at tended by benefits to the whole people. "The American community as a whole." he added, "has realised that health and recreation are not merely matters of in dividual concern, but that tliey have defi nite social and civic aspects." STA TISTICAL REVIEW, showing progress of Omaha for the year 1914 along Social, Political, Industlial and Commercial Lines, will be found on Pages 22 and 23 of this number. Necrological Data for the year will be found on Page 21. ' Level of Live Stock Prices is Reduced WASHINGTON, Dec. 3I.-Althoiigh the European aar has enormously increased the volume of food products exported by the I'nlted States In the last few months, the level of prices of meat animals In this country lias declined as compared ith prices a year ago. An official tabulation of prices issued today by the Department of Agriculture showed that on November 15 the average price of meat animals, including hugs, cuttle, aheep and chickens, was 10.80 per hundred pounds, a decrease of just 14 cents per hundred below tho prices which prevailed November 15 last year. The list showed that during the month October 15 to November 15, ISM. the prices paid producers for meat' animals de creased i i per cent, against an average decline for the same period for the last four years of 4 per ecnt Looking Forward We arc wiser today than wo wore a year ago. We. have cnoountiTcd new proMt'ins and learned how to meet theru. "We believe, the now year will be a busy and prosperous one. Wo are Kiun to push for every dollar's worth of busi ness there is. AVe are jjoinj? to advertise as we never did before. 1 At the end of 1915 wo are go ing to say, "It's the best busi nessyear we have ever known." Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee