THE MVAri'EHS COLVM.N. J INii (AH-TO h. p. international, IM2 ;' "!' I. etrippi-d for racing, with tm I 'i. hood nnd two bucket seats; InRgaco I in rear. Chassis Juki overhauled and h l owrrful .machine; four-cylinder, wnt.-r- 1 "oica, r.. heulcr carburetor. dul tun Hon system, with Splitdnrff magnet, if differential pears, two new Nobby Tread SoxMnch rear tires. . Price lin), anci win consider first riase twin nintor cjcle or late model U rider worxl type writer as part payment, and give you 1 1 best of the deal aa have no place to l;eep tha car at present. Addnsi S. C. 417. Bee. KEAL ESTATE, FAItM A II XII I, 4 MM h'OR SALR 1 f'V SIGNS, showcsrds. Clark 4 Son. D. 1378. FOR RENT A itartmrJMs and Flat. ST. GEORGE apartments, located In sa lect West Farnani residence district; one 5-room suite for rent; heat, wateiv janitor service. Phone Webster 1874. (MODERN steam-heated apartments, near postofflce; low rent. O. P. Stehblns. FLATS. 1813 Chicago, 8 rooms, close In, brick, ISO. 522 N. 24th, corner California, 6 rooms, heated, $36. ' 120 N. 30th, 8-room brick, 132 50. . aril S. 30th. 6-room brick, 125. MODERN HOMES ON PARN'AM LINE. 4030 Hurt, rooms, hot water heat. $.15. 3903 Cass, full 2-story, 4 bedrooms, $H). 1109 a 33d, one block from Hanscora Park line. 8 rooms, garage, nr.. O'KEEFE REAL, ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha National. Douglas 3715. 1212 NICHOLAS ST.. 4-room brick, mod ern escept heat, steel ranpe, pas pla'e, kitchen cabinet, water raid. Rent onlv $17. RAPP PROS.. 108 McCague Hid. tVR modern flat. 2308 S. 24th; 122. Harney 4711. Phona Gordon VanCo. g tl N. 11th St. Phone D 394 or Wb. 1381.' OODEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs. ooml with kitchenette, steam heat Phone 648. SEVEN-ROOM, best residence district, 4160 Davenport, near Farnani car lines. Phone Wnlnut 2i58. VERT choice 5-room steam-heated apart ment on West Farnani St. JOHN W. ROBBIN3. 1802 FARNAM ST. CHOICE. ONE 4-ROOM AND BATH, MODERN APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA: DOWNTOWN: SAVE CAR FARE. SEE JANITOR. DOUGLAS 6237. Board and Koome. 19th. 618 Ec. board, clean rooms A BEAUTIFUL, sulto of rooms, with ex ceptional closet room, plenty of hot water and good heat and board: an ex ceptional congenial homo In the West I'arnam district; In walking distance; to young men with references. Harney 4W1. THE GRAS.MERE- strictly tip-to-date, single or en suite, with or without pri vate bath; excellent board. Phone H. 7"S0. Furnished Rooms. Iji Verna. 1812 Cap, front rms. Stem, lit. FURNISHED room for rent, near ireigo ton university. Phone Doueias 7281. FURNISHED 81s Ave. ROOM, heated, 4til4 North WELL heated furnlwhed room in private family, suitable for one or two persons, rent reasonable, 2710 California. D. 11627 OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam heated rooms. $2 per week. Phone tils. Large. strictly modern. 63S S24D7"7i98T KOUNTZE PLACE, two modern front rooms, $16 month. Phone Webster lS, ' Furnished llonsrkeeplnir Rooms. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HKPG, ROOMS; 13.60 WEEK Hotels sad Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7083. SO hoURe, fenced California. Special acres, Sacramento valley; barn, oranges, pears, walnuts; : m miles from food town. B0 miles from Sacramento City, on two railroads; Irrigated. Will ex change clear for good Nebraska or Iowa farm, or Omaha Income. W. T. Smith Co. D. 2 SI 9. 1112 City Nat. Bk. Bldg, i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Bif Deliveries Are Made Locally of December Wheat and Corn. OCEAN SHIPMENTS ARE LIVELY teasel Room on Various Liars Ar mored For at lllah Prole for F.aportatlone from the Antrrlraa to Knrone. CALIFORNIA. For Pale; In Tulnrn county. California, farm of l,13 acres, two miles from sta tion on Southern Pacific railroad, on oiled maa. iani is all tencod and Is lev Has been in grain, but soil Is well suited to alfalfa, ar.d there is abundance of water. An excellent syndicate or sub division proposition. Price $ino an acre, l28,flPO cash; balance may remain on mort gage at 6 per cent. G. L. PRENTISS. UK Title Insurance Bldg., Lou Angeles, Cal. t IHC tfiO CRAM AMI PKOVI10 Nebraska. SFfTION Kltnhal) Co. Gross. 2101 Paul 40-A ItFl HOM K S miles west of it v limits r Dmh. land lays gently rolling: b acres alfalti. about 8 acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance in cultivation; new C room house and other good improve ments. Price, 225 per acre. C. R. COMBS. 115 Brandels Theater, Omaha, Neb., Douglas 3516. OMAHA. IV . 1K14. Iieceniher deliveries yesterday were JSU bu. of wheat and Pi0 bu. of corn. .,.r .en" w,u' hxllloh last night called attention to the action of the wheat market nn.l saI.I ih. imuu r.f led more than four cents from the hlh point el. ari.l the reappearance of export buvlng tne temper of tha export trade on all good declines. Thev regard the f'Pply and demand situation aa becom ing more favorable to wheat. Corn bulls mm when December Is out of the way they expect cash corn will work nearer the May. The big discount of Member under May cuts no figure among those W'hO retard th ri,rn . TJ . !i "'"count tinder wheat. Thev say that if the country Is wise it will hold Its corn back until the consumption trade increases and stocks are cut down. Demand lor oce.n room for oata fioin Atlantic porta to France is acttva wtth 14'.c per bushel paid. Vessel agents are esKing about 154o per bushel. Room in I nitod Kingdom was taken at Klcrht stea.mer irnvul , .t-o,,.,. yesiernav to loa-1 A FOR SALE Best large body bigb-grada medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradlev, Wol bach. Neb. n. FOR )iargains in ranch lands see Trover brothers, 10T. Omalui Nat. T?;lnk HI rig. Wtn'onatki, Upper Wisconsin Best datiy and general crop state In the anion; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prlis, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant fcjtatt acres wanted. Write about our graalng lands. If iutretd in fruit landa. ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. So Linn Hy.. Minneapolis, klinn. M Iscellaneona. FARM for sale; must sell my Fellsmere farm. 20 acres, muck nrairln lnd. Uphoff, 4H9 Times Eldg., St. Louis, Mo. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMERS Do you need moneyTWe ne gotiate for larm loans, i. vears at A tier cent and 10 years at 6 per cent, dealing direct with borrower; 24 per cent straight commission; correspondence solicited. Ko- liabio agent wanted. Security Farm Loans Asan.. 30 N. .St.. Chlrnif., 111. o CITY and farm loans, S, H, per cent. j. ti. uumont Bz Cu.,HiU3 r arimm, Omatia, the cents. the British government has released very ports vessels used as army trans- Mvtrle of pork and ribs next week. V heat w as lc higher. Corn was unchanged to He higher. Oats were unchanged Clearances were; Wheat and flour. s'Joo bu m, bU-; CC""n' 6,W0 bu-! " Liverpool closing: Wheat, not quoted: corn, unchanged to V,d higher Primary wheat receipts were 1.104,900 Bit. and shipments 9Q2.fKi0 bu., against re ceipts of 6.W.O0O bu. and shipments of 363.. 000 bu. last year. Primary corn recelpta were J.1R.O0O bn. "1 .''i'r"1""" K0-fln hti.. against receipts pf 1,M2.0M bu. and shipments of 84,O0O bu. last year. Primary oata ' receipts were 761.0W) bu. and shipments 781, onu bu., agslnat receipts of S2(i.0i bu. and shipments ot 6!3 ,is.0 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn, Oats Prlees an Hoard of Traae. CH tCA"!, Deo. 30 -l'nealnoa In re gsrd to the export outlook csrrled w heat slues to a lower level The market losed nervous at Tc t. lc net decline. Corn finished Sc to '. down, and oets unchsnged to So off. In provf. rts. the outcome wa the same as last night to a setback of 7H Bearish feeilng as to wheat hinged to a considerable extent on cables telling of a special mMtlus of Urin.h hiirh rr. I ficlala this afternoon t consider the i note from Washington about Interfere e with neutral commerce. The absence of i ny sign inai tne American protest would bring about a material change of Hrltlsh policy had a disuletlng rfe t on holders, and was also tnken advantn:e of by short sellers. At least one promi nent export house here !cnnie consplc uouslv active on the side. It was said foreign demand had again to a large extent flattened out. partlv becaure of vaguo peace tumors. Smallness of farm reserves, esiwclallv In the Dakotas and Minnesota, exercised lor a time aometnlng .f a steady. ng in fluence on the whvitt market, nut the effect wore off. Corn gave way with wheat. Morchsn dlslng conditions wei-e unsatlsfactorv, domestic as well aa f reign iall beliig slow. OoshIp that European govern ments Were bidding tor round lots of osts put temporary tlrmness into that cereal. No liberal ssk-4, lioivtrr. were reported. lower r-ices for hogs weakened pro visions. The bulk of the business was In the May deliveries. Grain prices furnished bv Logan Bryan, office 31S goutli Sixteenth street. Artlclei open, I Hlg h 1 wT7coe.j VeT OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipti Light and Prices Steady to Some Eaiier. HOGS ARE ACTIVE AND STEADY Fat Sheep Are Aroaad Ten feata Lower and Fat I. a rata Ten to Twenty tents Loiter Feeders Hold steady. a number of sales down to $4 75. wlih s few even he,.w that Bulk of the boss was rsshed at a spread of IT.tmir 7.10. with tops at r.IS. these f'gures b Ing Jnsl about the same as yesterdsy. Wualltv was hardly up to the htith stand ard of Tuesday's offerings, and this la partly responsible for any alight off In the average that may be noted. ttepresentsttve sales SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. .), 1PH. I . 'e cell's WPrf. Cattle. Doss. Sheet imioisi .Mondnv 7.700 t'liicial Tu. xii.v I S.H Estimate ednr..dav . 107 iX, 63 fil fit! iCi 88 33 :tf. 34 W6 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. arnam Smith & Co.. 1320 ! amain. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska faima. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglaa 271S. lieu to tlo.outi made promptly. F. li. WeaU, eaa Hide, jhth and i arnam BU. w fc ""-- umaha Natl. Bank. 6 i'IT-Y IRAN'S, C. O. Carlberg Co., u 810-312 Branuela Theater Bidg. CITY W. property. Large loaua a apeclal'.jr. H. Thomas. Six Btate Bank Bldg. DODGE HOTEL' jdern Reasonable. Hoasea and Cottages. MODERN 2-atory house, 7 rooms; never occupied; new furnace; tX. Doug. 6953. ALL sites. 13 per month up. 507 Paxton. FOR KENT Wi bava a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can b seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co . R0 8. 16th St. ELECJA-NT 6-room. moarn DncK apart ment; newly decorated;. 150 per month, M South 29th St. Cottage, 2044 Vinton St.. gas, electrio light, water, toilet. $15 per month. Frame flat, U29 8. 29th St., newly decorated, ISO per month. J. C. 1SH, EXECUTOR. 703 8. 21st Ave. "Phone Harney 243. 822.60 , 30.00 22.50 , 20.00 AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY! Phonea Douglas 6013, or Evenings Wal nut 3037 or Ifarney 2Mo.. o Five-room new cottage Seven rooms, modern, near car... Five-room bungalow Five rooms, modern except heat. Eight rooms, modern, Dundee 6-ROOM, MODERN. 822.60. 962 N. 26th; -etory house, newly deco llated; verv desirable and close in. ARMSTRONG-W'ALSH COMPANY, Tyler l&SSj State liank Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, packs, ships: 8-horso van d 8 men, 81. tt per br.i storage U per t. o. Satlafartory guar. D. 4338 & Ty. 1.10. Fidelity Storage Co fctorage, moving, packing sou shipping, lith i Jackson Sts. Phone Douglaa UmlKpa in all parta ot tha city. " creign i i Sons & Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern 8-rooin bouae, 206 8, 85th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 10H4. Douglas 1214. 7 ii'i -R house, mod., aultuble for two fam ine a. Douglaa 469. Van and Stor age Co. Large van, 2 men, 81 bO il-ii per hr. 1713 Maggard's per hr.; uray. 1 men, Webster. Doug. 14WL J.C. Reed moving t3iage D. 8146. MHNV " ha,ld 'or c,ty and 'arm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. BEE us drat If you want a farm loan. United bitves Trust U.. Omaba. Nab. ABSTRACTS OK TI1XB. REED Abstract, Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. P -ndela Theater. KEHR Title Uuaxaatee and Abstract Cow, a modern abstract office. VJ6 8. litb fit. Phona Douglaa Ugl. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE An elegant ranching proposition; 8,716 acres, ono mile water front on Birdwood creek. 15 miles north ot Sutherland, Lin coln county, Nebraska. An 800-acre Improved ranch, 12 miles south of Basutt in Hock county, Ne brask a, . Two sections of choice wheat land near Billings. Mont. One section In McKcnzlc county. North Dakota. BEN QI.TLL1CK. Sioux Falls, R. D. ,o. a white: 8 cars. 4c. 14 cars, 4c; 4 yellow: 4 1 car, 64Wc No. 2 mixed: 4 cars, M4c: Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omnha Kansas City fit. Louts 'Winnipeg Hales reported today: Wheat-No. 2 K"rd.w,J,tT: ,H car"- 119; L1H. No. 8 hard winter 2 cars. 81.19; 1 car 811R: 2 cars, J1.1S; 8 cars. 81.18. No! 4 hard: 1 ear. 81.17. No. 4 spring: 1 car, l .in. No. 3 durum: W car, 11.36; car, spring mixed, 81. 1. Rye No. 8: l car, $1,044. Sample: l car, $1.01. Barley-No. 4: 1 car. fije. Corn No. 2 white: 1 car. eftc. No. 3 white: 8 cr cu: 2 cars, 44c No. 2 yellow: No. 3 yellow: 6 cars. 4c; 1 car, 64c; 1 car, S4c No. cars, 4c. No. 3 yellow- No. yellow: 1 car. Mc. 2 cars, near white, 64V'; CBrs. 4'. AO. 3 Olivet- i car. near white, M'c; 1 car. near white, 4'ic; 1 cars, 4c. No. . mixed: 2 cars, 3c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, tU'kc. Oata standard: 1 car. 47V4c No. 3 white: 3 cars. ac. No grade: 1 ear. 46c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 nara,; ivo. 8 hard. $l.l7Hwl 19; ao. t hard, 81.12W 174; No. 8 spring iwnue.,; .o, x spring, ll.lSf. 1.2"; Jo. z durum, $1.S74& 1.3X4; No. 3 ourum. n.34Vtfl.si4. Corn: No. 1 white. W6f.',ie; No. 2 white. at'a'k-; No. 3 white, 644?tt4tu; No. 4 white, H44Cg4i'.r; No. 5 white, ttf'44c; No. t white, 3Slt 44c; No. 1 yellow, tf4Miwo; No. 2 yel low, 44iS4c: No. 3 yellow, 64fl44C: No. 4 yellow, 3-WM44o; No. 5 yellow, 434 644c; No. 6 yellow, 34'5tM4c; No. 1 mixed. HIMr.: No. 2 mixed, 44i-;c; No. 3 mixed. 3iff4c; No. 4 mixed, 63W-0 No. B mixed. Kl4ffiWbc: No " fi mixed, tl34(fi53Vc. Oata: No. 2 white. 4'i4?7'47?ic; standard, 474'9'474c; No. 3 white, 4fi1'a47c; . No. 4 white. 4fttf4i,. Barley: Malting, fil(ff70c; No. 1 feed. Mtfi Rlc. Rye: No. 2. $1.04i4jM.0B: No s tl hi ii 1.044. ' ' 4.HjI Il.4'S in.ll 8.007 10. 'XI 1 hree days this wtrk.14.fttl IT.7V Same days last week.. T.'.'S lll.S! Siime days 2 w ka am. .:'...4 .".,.'.1 Same days 3 wks ao..H. WI l.l.n O Same days 4 wks ago. .17..HX 4i.il7:t Same days last ;',nii0 The followtig table shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at the South Omaha lle stock market for the year to uir, as compared with last year; 1814. 1913. t sttle v.a xfi m.sii 'Hogs l!.?17.'fK 2.MJ.4i Mi-p 3,pt.77tf S,214.94 The following table showg the average prl. e for hoga at tho South Omaha liva stork market for the last few days, with i'"mlari.4tna.' 127 1 1 8O0 1 2MI TS-V'4 f.7'l r3Ti!(74 Wheatl ' Deo.l May.l Corn Dec May Oata I Deo.l May. Pork Jan.. Mav.119 30-171 19 M Lard I I Jan.. 1" S74! 10 374! May.l 10 00 10 till Ribs I I I Jan.. 10 10 10 10 I May. 10 60 I M 1 27 I 1 26 1 304 1 244 I 4! 73',' I 49 1 4914 4S4 H'q4i i44 .-J4m 4 I I I 18. I IS .V. ,18 47-50.18 :.:-M IS 63 1 24' 1 274 1 2!4 l 2?s4 74 4'0 734'ii 4 4m rt 634 64 JT.744 13..W 19,131 ll.T'M 40,c:tl J8.624 Per. 'St '.f Vs. n .. 6T... ... 7 .. 7S... 7 .. 1.7... A Rk . 1M .., . ..T .1-1 . 2f- . ..114 ..lit 844 4(1 fr. 4 fS TI, 7 m 1 no 7 7 .in 7 F. ; a. Ne. .. 75. . '." . . St.. till. . in., v.. . . l' i.. -i. .. XXI ... . . 1 ... .. a. ... ...air 4 ,..V4 ... .. rt is ... ... ,..n ... rr 7 li. 7 es 7 ft. T 7 in T 1 7 1 1 I" 7 18', Date. fie. I 1H14. l9li.lt12.,l:ni.lll..ns't.il9 I-ec. 1.1. Deo. 14. 1 884 D-c. is. i : De. K T 7n 7 4 T 09 Deo. 17. 7 (Kl 7 3n 7 till Dec. 18. 7 u T 47 7 021 5 90! Uoo 18. 97 I T 461 1 6 W Dec. . J 7 48 7 OH, 01 pec. 21. 6 ( 7 121 05i I 'oc. tZ. 7 tia v, 7 HO Deo. 23. 7 02 7 60 7 1! 97j fe-. j,. k.iji 7 4 7 j:t 1 Dec. Dec. Dec. I e-. I 'ec. aund;iy. Receipts ami disposition of llvs stock nt the I'ti Ion Stock Yards, riout.h Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o clock yesterday; R El.'El ITS CA ULOA DS. . . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses V .. Al. A: M. I' , Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific ... 1 t'nlon Pacific 7 C. &. N, w east . .11 C. N. W., west..lti ('., St. P.. M. O..10 C, H, & Q., eHst..l4 C, B. oV (J., west.. 1 C R. I. P., east.. . C, It. 1. P., west. I Illinois Central 7 Chicago. Ot. West. I 7 401 7 7.-. 7 74J 7 4f.! 7 4? 7 IN 7 S3' 7 83 li 37 IM 00 19 06 I 19 124, 111 U4 I 10 35 I 10 ,V 10 (.74 10 6741 10 03 10 0741 10 4J4 10 46 I 10 40 10 60 10 ir. 10 V Chtcsgn Cash Prices Wheal : No. 2 red, $l..T4'ai.27, No. 2 hard, $1,264 1.274i. Corn: No. 2 yellow. 4it4c: N $ veMow, H4'(fc. Oats: No. 3 white, 44e; standard. 604''i6o'. Rye: No. 2. 11.12. Barley: Kf)74c. Tlmothv: $6 Mi 7.00. Clover: $i2.60ti 15.00. I'ork: $17. uu. Lard- $10.35. Ribs: .24ffl0.26. EOOW Market higher; receipts, 3.02S cases: at mark, Included, i.'wi4c: ordinary firsts, SldiXV; firsts, 3kri34'ao. POULTRY Alive, higher; springs. ll'c: fowls, 114'(il2-. turkeys. lirtiHc Hun Wit Higher; creameries, 24fitl4c. POTA1X3ES titeaily; nceints. 12 cars: Michigan and Wisconsin re1, 3M140.-; Michigan and Wisconsin, white, 3.Vn4V. OMAHA UEMKRAL MARKET. FOR SALE or trade for Iowa, eaalern Nebraska of northwest Missouri land,; business block In Denver and Irrigated lfio acres in Colorado. 1623 Bt. Paul St., Denver, Colo. A DIRECTOR In one of the most con servatively financed corporations In the west wishes to retire and will exchange his stock, which will Du.v strong ili-. dends, for clear western or northern landa or rental property. Give legal numbers and price In first letter. Ad dresa Owner, Room IS, Sanford Hotel Block, Omaha, Neb. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of Land ail lays fine and la excellent soli. Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMBS. 813 Brandels Theater. Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 3U16. 20 Acres Clear Will exchanre for five. r.r Iv.mAn. house. Tills Is Jut the plaoe for a truck grower or poullryman. Over twenty northern familiea on our land now. You can grow from two to three crops a year. Cheap fuel and nl.ntv f it im in. uuurs riuo i ruin Memphis, Tenn.; eight hours to New Orleans. THE VOUEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-lti W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha, ieb. bTEAM heat, also 4-room all modern, 7-rooro house; flat $20 No t3d. PARK LiNE $46. Bight-room and garage, 1 block to car; lUJO B. 33d. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 Omnha National. Douglaa 2716. HALF MONTH 8 FREE RENT. 650 8. 26th Ave., i-room. all modern.. $.10. 00 J619 Capitol Ave., 9-rm., all modem.. 23. tJ 114 S. 2th St., 7-room, all modern.. 2u.o0 26.16 Bristol St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat.. 1S.W 221H N. 27th St., o-r., mod. ex. heat.. 12.30 ' RA.P BROS Pi McCague Bldg. SIX rooms, modern except furna.; large shed, $12.60 month. Phone Webster IMS. "V. Stores and Ofilces. 1915 OFFICES FOR RENT NOW. , Don't wait until someone takes the .one you should have. $22.50, $25.00, $30.00. $40 00. THE BEE BUILDING. "The Building That la Always New.' TWO modern steam-heated stores, near poHtofflce; low rent. G. P. .Stehblns. FURNISHED office and telephone for same cost as rent of office. Inquire 630 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $360 Cash Price $3,600 6 Rooms, Full Two Story Corner Lot Located In one of the bet resident districts In tho north end of the city, one block from car line, strictly modern built 4 years; 8 rooms and hall on flrut floor, i rooms and bath on 2d floor. This is an opportunity to buy an actual bargain un eusy terms. Don't overlook this, as it Is worth Investigating. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2.m iniana Nat imi.k tl1. 1. 4m. WANTED TO HUT uFFlCK furniture bought ana sold. I C. Reed. 1307 Farnstn. Doug ui. WE BI'V 3.1-nann .'loihes 1421 X 24lnT SLIGHTLY used pianos. Douglas 2ul7. HAMILTON CO., the only gentile second hand store In Omaha. 171D Cuming. D. 6833. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 on well Im proved ranch consisting of 3.3uo acres a Banner county. Nebraska. Address Hope Brown, Bighorn. Neb REAL ESTATE I' A KM A H t-M li t A.tUI FOR I4LK OUlahaasa. ' '-n ACRES, laige and small tracts; ah solutM title; I'litahurg Co., farming, pas . ue. oil, coal lunl; $3 to $23 pel a. rv. W rite J. E. Cavinagh. McAlesur. Okl. FQll THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS' $3,250- Buys 6-room bungalow, every modern convenience and several built-in features, Is really sacrificing at this price; $"0 don; balance ilka rent; near KounUe GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. 8381 644 Brandela Bldf.-a MUST SELL. New 5-room. all modern, oak finished bungalow. Worth $.2uo. for $2.70u. Will pay or allow commission. Must have $1,000 cash. J. 11. Hanfblt, 2825 Browne. REAL ESTATE SOtTII SIDE FOR SALE By owner, a 7-room house, partly modern, walking distance. Prlca $1,20; $300 cash, balance like rent. Tele phone Douglas 21)4. o REAL ESTATE .MISCELLANEOUS DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story brick bulldiiig and lot. 60x132, trackage available; very easily converted for wholesale purposes or for downtown garage. Price, only $lj,('j. , small pay incnl will handle it ( (i. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Start 1915 In a Home Of Your Own. Pay $30 Cash And Move In This house is located south ot Hans corn park, one block from tho West Hide car line. It is a brand new, all modern 5-room bungalow, well built and very conveniently arranged. I Also Have a Pretty 6-Room Bungalow in a beautiful North fcldo location, which you can move Into a '.er making a cash payment of $33.00 This houae fronts east and Is modern throughout, with principal rooms fin ished in oak. The monthly payments on either of tnese nouses are low enough to place them within the reach of any man who would like to make his rent money do more than pay for the mere privilege of living in the house of a landlord. If you want to inspect theaa houses, telephone In today and 1 will arrange to send a car for you. E. P. WRIGHT Call Douglaa 2938. Evenings: After 8:30 p. m. Phone Wal nut 682. FOR SALE Vacant lots, locuted in Blun ders A Hiinebaugh'e addition to Wal nut Hill, and also In Okahoma addition, both In Omaha. These are desirable lots and will be aold for much less than their value, aa the owner is a nonresident. Will sell separately or together as de aired. For further particulars address, J. 0. Harris & Son, Ottawa. III. o REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 2 Blks to 36th and Farnam For $575 43x132, $10 cash. II per week. Can you beat this? O'Keefe Real Estato Co., liHH Oinaha National . Douglaa 2713. RTTTTER-No. 1, 1-rb. cartons. 31c; No. 2, 60-lb. tubs. 29u. CHEESE Imported. Swiss. SSc; Amer ican Swiss, 2Bc; block Swiss, 2c; twins, lac; daisies, 17c; triplets. 17c; Young Americas, 184c; blue label brick. 17c; 11m burger. 2-lb.. 20c; 1-lb.. 20o; New York white, 18c; Imported French Roquefort, 460. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. i. 184c: No. 2. W4c: No. 3. U4c. l,oins: No. 1. 20c; No. 2. 17c; No. 3. 13c. Chucks: No. 1, 104c; no. t, 9Kc; no. j, no. uouiias: no. 1 134c; No. 2, 124c; No. 3. 114c. Plates: No. I, Uiko; No. 2. 8Hc; no. 3. Sc. FISH Trout. 14c; large crapples, 15o; salmon, 11c; nauout, ia-; cnannci cut fish, 12c: pike, 14o; pickerel, 10c. POULTRY Broilers, 144c; aprlng chick. ana. 11c; bens, &Uc; cocks, 8c; ducks. 10c; geese, sc; turners, ito pigeons, per 00a., wo; aucas, tun leainerca, luc; geese. un reatnerea, sc; aquaus, ino. j. l&i; .no, 1 6c. Market quotation furnished by Gilluskl rru.t company: FRUITS oranges, extra fancy Wash ington naval, sua, Otis, lous, 120s, 112s, $2.76 per box; extra fancy wasnington naval. If is, $2.66 per box; extra fancy Washing ton naval, i's, -, its, ss.ui tier box. Lemons, Keystono Sunklst. 3ouh. :wos, $f...'i0 per box; choice. Red Ball, JKm, 3ik., $6.00 per box. Gruix.frult, Tmb, Ms, 64a, Riis, $2.75 per box. Apptes, extra fancy Wash ington White W Inter Pearmatnes, 82.00 per box; extra fancy Washington 1'esr malnes, $1.75 per box; extra fancy Wine, saps, $1.76 per box; extra fancy Spitsen buras. $1.00 per box; Orepon bltzenhuras. $1.38 per box; Oregon Baldwins, UM per box; Colo, unwrappea Jonathans, 11.35 per box; Washington extra fancy and Fov nutivmn. ... w An-, uva. a. .juiiaiiiaiiM. 11.10 per box; fancy Colorado Wcaltbya, $1.10 ier box; fancy Coloiedo Mc.Vlahans, $1.10 per box; fancy Colorado Utters. JUu Jer box; rancy v oioraao Maiden Blush, 1,15 per box; Idaho fancy Grimes Golden, $1.60 per Pox; luano cnoice urlmea Golden, $1.26 per box; Washington fancy Grlmea Golden, $1.60 per box; Idaho fancy Jona thans, $1.26 per box; ma ho fancy Fulton. 81.26 Der box; Idaho fancy Wolf Rivor $1.25 per box; Washington Wagner, $1.26 per box; New York Baldwin, $3.00 per hbl.; Russets, $3.00 per bbl. Grapes, California Emperors, n.uo per .11111.; California Em- nurors. !!.(. rr crate: extra f: Malagas, $6.o ier bbl. Pears. Anjou, $ per box; Jersey, $2.25 per box; Sheldon, $2.25 per box; Lawrence, $3.00 per box; eosco, so ,k., Mairr, tc.ta per dox. Bananas, $1.76 per bunch to $3.60 per bunch. VEGETABLE! cauliflower. 3.oo 'nrr crate; cucumbers, $l.W per box; celery, J umbo. 76o per doxen; celery. Michigan. 33c per rtoaen; neaa lettuce, $1.00 per doxen; leaf lettuce, 40c per doaen; onions. yellow, 2c per lb.; red, 2o per lb.; white, 24o per lb.; rabhago, 14c per Ih. ; pop. pers, 600. per basket: tomatoes, $4.00 ner . 1 . 1 1 . . 1. r.l . . . crate; nurse. suinn, .. ier uosen; garlic, Italian. $103 per cas;-; squash. 14c per lb.; pumpkin, mc per lb. Potatoes, Idaho, 70c per bu.; Red River Ohlos. 5c per bu.: Minnesota Wiittes. 00c per bu. Kweetpo tatoes, Kansas, $2.26 to $2.50 per bbl.; Jer aeys, $1.76 per hamp. MISCELLANEOUS Nuts. No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts, 18c per lb.; filberts, 13c per lb.; pucans, 124c per lb.; pecana, Jumbo, 18o per lb.; Brazils, 124c per lb. Figs. 12-12 ounce, 83c. nr box; io-8 ounce, $2.t per box: Seven Crown, Imported, IHo per lb.; bulk. 7c per lb. Dates. Drome, tlary. $3.00 per box.: Anchor, $2.26 ner box; sugar walnut, $1.40 per lb.; Hallow!, 8c per lb. Shelled popcorn, 4- per lb.; al monds, 20c per lb.; limes. $1J6 pr box; crackerjack. $3 50 per case: crackcrjaclr one-half rase, $1.76; checketa, $8 50; rheck ers. one-half rase, $1.75. Honey, $3.75 pef case, cider. New Yorlc cider. $3.30 k.g; New York, one-half, bbl., $4 00. Cocoa nuts. $3.75 per sack; cocoanuts, 75c dosen, Casaba gems, $"-) crate. 7 i 1 loliday. w.; 7 0441 7 rsi 7 23 27.1 ' 7 681 7 22 28. 7 14r ' I 7 07 2.! 7 04' 7 86 '. i 7 0441 7 68 T fi "1 6?, I 6 32 I 7 RSI 6 74 1 441 6 8 7 6 $ 09 5 ;7 T M 8 14 6 80 7 601 8 26 1 6 34 I 8 Eli 6 ."3 T 67 6 34 7 4S I SH 7 68, 8 2i. 6 8S I 7 C3 k 08 j 6 34 I 7 7 8 111 6 47 6 Or! 7 73 I 6 0 6 Wl 7 78; 8 30 6 K: 7 70 8 SO' 6 88 5 Wj 7 681 8 St I 6 6 Mwl 7 871 8 8H1 6 4 Total 83 1H 1 1 I 1 11 1 20 W 6 1; f ! ., 1 i. 1 4 8 '.! 10 142 4.T "l 402 474 440 18 !XI 40 23 l.!7l 3,311 il.'kVI C18 46 .315 t 466 2.8.-7 , . Caftlo. Hogs. Hheep Morris Co 271 1.313 74c omrnnv .... Cudahy Pa king Co.... Armour & Co Lincoln Packing Co.. Armour, Routh H. 1'aul Benton, Vansant Lush Hlil A Sons F. B. Lewis .Huston Co. J. H. Root V Co 42 Rosemstock Bros 4 McCreary A Keilogg .. 27 ... Werthclmer Q Degen .. 3 ... . H. F. Hamilton. 12 , Hulllvan Bros 10 Rothwhlld 10 Mo. Kan Calf Co. .. 8n 4:hr1atie. ,, 31 iHlgglna 4 ; Meyers 1 ... t-l Baker, Jones & tmlth 32 ... Tanner Bros 1 ... ... John Harvey 0o D. A F ;t Kline , 20 ... ,. Other Buyers 237 ... 603 M ... no 10 ... i Bo NHKRP A llh.'.nl run today of m.rrfn head had the natural result of bearing prices when the reeelpts for the week thus far have been too large to keep the trade on a steady basis. The packers were out In fair season looking for handyweiaht desirable .f afrings, but were una tiling to huv nv thing unless at a decline from veil.-rdav's relative high schedule of prices. While lal trad.) on lxnihs vestenluv vas nr. 1 tlvc, with a hlrher trend to bi Ices. Chi. ago reported a slump r lofljic, and Kansaa City h slow market. The o,tialltv of the lambs this morning was alK.nt as rood as on Tuesday, with the best kinds of handywelght on sale selling al a dime tle.-lln and the !rns desirable grades, hesvy, but fat. showing prices iu2iV lower. Most of the laml s found an out let at $s. 1 unit. $0. with eome making a top of $a.t A few feedings Ismbs were In good demand at steady flxures. t nce trade was under way the market was fairly ac tlve and the clearance at a reansonable hour. What applied to lambs would applv eq'ially as well to nged sheep. . hliiir Tn, "l'lly of ewes was not mu. h different from yraterday either as to 7. . ""J"V r the otrerlngs. The best kinds were shout a dime lower and the heavier and the In-between grades showed possibly little mote decline. A ship ment of light Mexican ewes brought 8S.70. The hulk of the fed westerns moved at $."..40.11 5 Ml. Todsv's receipts of 10..VH head wer- against 3, ,63 a Wek ago, 6.3.,n two weeks ago and 7 11 a yea- ago. For the week to date they amount to 27.744, compare. with 13.620 last week and I8.1J1 two weeks ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: ljxmhs. good to ehHce, $H 40u.i; Ismbs, fair to food. $8.0iti.40; feeders, fair to good. r.rJi7.i: yearlings, good to choirs, 7.40: yearlings, fair to good, K.Vktr. 00; yearlings, feeders. SY7,itig.2fi: wethers, good to choice, $H.2,"!J.60; wethers, fair to good. 8H.HVjrg.2f,; wethers feeders. $4.4H$ 6.t; ewes, g.wd to choice, $5.gvu6.70; ewes, fair to good, $3.10ffW 40; ewea, feeders. $4 26166.0(1 Roptcaentatlve sales: no. A . NEW YORK JiTOCK MARKET Smallest Amount of Buiineti for Full Session for Many Tear. MOVEMENT NARROW ONE Total Kales tome to Barely Flftr Thensand aarea mn Thl, Small Oataat Largely Limited ts $"avorltea. lambs..,. lambs lambs,... lambs.... 184 fed 143 fed 1H3 fed 107 fed 100 culls 81 fed lambs 121 fed ewea 167 fed ewes 167 fed ewes 41 fed ewes 1M fed lambs 112 fed lambs fed lambs , M fed ewea 10 culls 17 fed ewes 248 Mexican Isinhs 8M fed lamb 201 fed lambs 2l8i fed lamba 4 fed ewea 218 fed ewes 118 , 110 110 108 si , M 80 lOl 08 IIS !H 86 V" ml 101 id Pr. H 0 8 SO 8 Ml X 7 .VI 8 60 6 0 6 00 6 tiO 5 Oil 6 45 H 4.. 5 4i 6 HI 4 00 r. ;i 5 70 8 ,vl N 40 8 60 0 .. 55 Totals CATTLE Receipts rnly 100 cars being til I r.l of tlieni did not arrive uatll lii tho morning. For that reason ...2.SK9 9,673 9,896 were light today. reported and one. lata the irauo was aiow and nun. as buyers are atwaya Inclined to wait until everything la 111 a.gnl before filling orders. At tha aamo time early advices from Chicago, where recoiids wore large were by no means reassuring, In the end beef steers aold at prices that were steady to as much aa loo lower. Cows and hellers wero In good demand and they sold anywhere from ateady to loo lower In spots, tha trade being ex tremely uneven. There were not many stork ers and feeders In first hands, but there were a food many In the yards carried over 10m yesterday, and day before by traders so that the total supply was ptentv large enough. The market did not show very much change from yesterday, but the ?;eneral run of medium stockora and eedors ara fully 16t26c lower than last week. The beat fleshy feeders have not shown quite so much decline as other grades, owing to the lighter supply of that anrt. quotations on cattle: Prime yearlings, S.7f.'a9.76; good to choice rornfsd heeves, $S.(KWj8.76; fair to good cornfed beeves. $7. 601 8. 00; common to fair cornfed beeves. .DWf.i; gooa to cnotca range beeves, $7.7.Vg8.26; fair to good rang heavea, $ti.7f'fi'7.76i common to fair range beeves. $5 75Q4.75; good to choice hellers. $6.0ntjS 7 25; good to choice cows, $5.7iti4.t; fair to good cows, j.00'(3(&.i5; common to fair cows, $4.onji.o0; good to choice stockers and feeders. $7.50iii8.1.: fair to aood stockers and fecdeis, $8.807.60; common to lair storkers and reedors. 86.7'a..r.; stock heifers. $3.25l.2&: stocK rows. $4.7i (.75; stock calves, $d.OO4r800; veal calves, I7.00r.iruu; bulls, stags, etc., f6.i$ti.75. Kepreeeniative aalea: Representative sales: stCKF bTKEKB. CHICAGO LIVM 8TIM K MtRKFT Cattle Weak, Hosts Slow, Karen trona. CHICAGO. Dee. 30. CATTLE Re. celpts. is.coo head; market wesk; natl.'e steers,, tr.44sy!.So; western, $r..tkti70; cws and heifers, $j.ooflH.lO; calves, $,.10hS0 HOGH-ltecelpta, i,M1 head; msret slow, 5iftl0e lower; bulk, $T.0(iti7.l.".; lUlil, $H.70'a7.10; mixed. .. lt".lH); licavv. h.0?f 7.20; rough, $8.sivfig.!io: piRs, $-..40jjr.o ttit.r AND LAMBt-Re(l,,is. 1...0O) neaa; marKet strong; sheep, 5.7..ftil.i5; yearlings, .i.7.'kfi7.8j; lambs, $.7'-rt8 7... Kansaa City l ive gtock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 30.-CATTI.R Receltits, 8,400 head; marKet ateadv; prime fed steers. I'.i.oulflO.Oo; dressed beef steers, $7.2Aj1.n; western steers, $7.0"mi 9.00; stockers and feeders, $8.26-a.00; bulls, $.r..2(.ij.l; calve.4. $B.0iKal(i.0i). HOG Receipts, 10,000 head; market lower; bulk, $7.0Mf7.26; heavy, $7.157.2.'.; packers and butchers. $7.Kiftf7.274; llgnl. $0.sfi7.174; pigs, $H.2MtIS.6ii. 8HEEP AND LAM11H Iteocipts, 7.C0) head; market lower; lamba, $8.2.VftS.tO; yearlings. $8.601.7.50; wethers. $5.5tvw.fO: ewes, $5.266.W. St. Louis Live Ntock Market. HT. I3U'I.S, Mo., Dec. :w. CATTLE Receipts. 4,(kmj head; market steady; na tive beef steers, $7.5i& 10.00; cows and heifers. $5.00u.26: southern steers. l,V7fw 7.76; cows and heifers, $l,0tK9.(io; native calve, $8.0nrc. ,a. HlXiS- Receipts, 12,500 head; market lower: pigs and light. $6.ooi'7.25: mixed and butchers, $7.00.7.!5; good heavy, 17.11 lh7.25. bilEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 2,000 head: market steady: native muttons $4.7A5.76; lambs, $4 2Mi.ti;.; yearllnss. .7.26O.7.80. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern bouae recently purchased by me. This hvMise Is located in tha Wcat l district, ona block from Laavanwortb car and four biocka from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, while enaoial bath. Bleeping porch, beautiful . lawn. You can buy this nous at a hlg sacrifice. Address. M 213. Be. aftar p. 111. phoua Webcar 814s. New York 4iearral Make. NEW YORK. Dec. .A-BUGA R Raw, steady; molasses, 3VH3.43c; centrifugal 4.014.080. Refined, steaay; cut loaf, 5.86c; crushed, 5.76c; mould "A." 6.4o-; cubes 6.20c; XXXX powdered, 6.10c; powdered. 6.06c; fine granulated, 4 96c; diamond A. 4.86c; confectioners' A. 4.W; No. 1, 4.70c. BlrTTER Easier: receipts, 6.587 tubs; creamory fcxtrss, Kl scaring, oC ; rream ery, higher scoring, ::ti4i73i'c; creanierv, firsts, 3-"nT.c; seconds. 2Hr(i.10r; process extras. 2iV(2';4 ; ladles, current make, firsts. 234424c; seconds, : packing stock, curient make. No. 2, 'ilWi'S-i: I CHEESE Steady; rwelpta Iri;' lioxes; 1 state, whole milk, field, specials. 15.. m 15V; state, fresh, specials, 15c; state average fancy, 144tHc; skims. Ziu 134c. E;GS Hteady; receipts, 4,152 cuses' fresli gathered, extra fine, 41aic; vtra firsts, ic; lirsts, 87ih;-18cj iseconds. S3tHlc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby lien nery whites, fine to fane v. 4T,j!.,.. gathered whites, 3&if47;; hennery browns! I 4U42e; gathered browns and mixed colors, J?S4oc. ItjlLTRy-Uressed. qulat; western luwBiuis ciii.-Hcns,; fowls. 124ft . u.m, n..i viiicseiis, 14c; fowls. Hi 154c; turkeys, 20c. LEGAL NOTICES STOCK HO LDERa' MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the HASTINGS AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven Directors, and the transaction of such othor business as mav line lietoie the meeting, will ke held si the office of A. I Mctil, r, corner of lath snd Ixjdge eitieela, Omaha, Nebraska on Monday, the ith day of January. A D 1!15. al 11 o'clock A. M. ,. ... T- M ORl D-dllt Secretary. Ms. 4 . . ... II... 37... J... ... ... .. 4... 3... ... 2.'.'. I... I. .. IV... ... 10... It... 13... 10... ... ... 1... 4... 1.!! 1... 1... ... ... 4... A. .. 10 .. su ..10U0 ..llfcrt ..1U2 Pr. 7 on T 8i 7 10 T 85 7 89 No. 18 li 1 1 II.. sr. ...1M1 ...1110 ...10M ...114 ...1431 8Thi'..(K AN.'t.1.. 703 60 XI MS COU9 IH.IM IH 18 WM ...... t na in pes o 11M i.7 H loit -.. ;2 co . 7ii 140 878 7 a itso 1241 14 W 1 MS 142 4t 141 tit 8TO 73 431 4 40 4 Kl 4 t 4 M m 6 fr) 8 IS 8 16 8 S i 28 I 3r, I 4U 14 4 1 31 It 41 4 7 7 24 li 34 1... ... ... 74 ...12-0 ... S8 ...10X1 ...lan ...iOH ... IM ...1144 .. in ...lll ...11411 UVl ND 1 Pr. 1 to 8 n 8 00 8 ir. 8 ii 7 It I M I M 6 If. i M i 8 71 I 86 I to 6 Kl tr. s. 01 " o laax City Live fttock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. :).-!ATTLE Recelpta, $.200 head: market 10jjc lower; native stesrs, $.5is.76; cows and heif ers. $4.76'a6.56; canncrs. $3.75t4.o; stock ers and feeders, $S. 597.76; calves, $8.00 8.60; bulls, sUgs, etc., $4.50KU0. HOG44 Receipts. 4,600 head; market 5c lower; heavy $.Vrj7.00; mixed. $! 8.95; light, $.85jm.90; bulk of sales, $ 9ir $.95. e'HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, $010 head; market steady; ewes, $5.50; lamhs, $..'iO'ii4i.6o. 1 St. Joseph Lira Stork Market. ST. JOHEPH, Dec. 80. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,000 heed; market steady; steers $7.00110 00; rows and heifers, $4 .26c.00; calvea, $6.00f.6O. IfOGK- Receliits, 11.500 head- market, lower; top, 87 25; bulk. $7.001 7. 20. HHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1600 head, market steady; lambs, $&.ou$t.6A, Kaaaas tlly (iraln and Provisions. KANHAS CITY, Dec. .-WHEAT-No. 2 hard. $1 2or,. I.204; No. 3 red. $1.11111.22: May. $1,214; July. $1,134. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 7ifl8i:: No. 3 white, 84e; May. 724c; Julv, 72tt73c. OATH No. i white, 4FH7c; No. 2 mixed, , u',. ,.c. UUTTKR-Creaniery, 38c; firsts, ! seconds, 2Sc; packing, 2ti4c j KtiGSFlrsls. 83c; seoonds, 22c. mi i.TitY urns, 114c; roosters turkeys, 15". I ! HEIFERS. S40 10 t 74 4 M a i mi' : I 6 6 7J 8 K I rl 4A 7 4 1 11 UL...1. 1 , 1 1 1 8 ALV Eri. 1 1 . 13 . : . .t .1420 . .M . 4m . bmi . 4.11 21 170 IS Z4 m Ik. U.I " wi I OS I -l i, 3I j Mea Market. , NEW YORK. Iec. 30 il ETA I.S 1 jad , (Julet, 13.75413.85; lm.l .n. i'19 2s il' 1 Spelter , uulct $5, London. 127 10s' Tin dull; S 5fttt3.1.50; Ixindon, spot, i.147 IBs; futures. itx if. Copper, dull; elee- trolytic. Illii'n 13.874; casting, 112 754V . j.i.".. ijh.ii, siot, scs ls fc.l, futures, 1 57 Iron, quiet and unchanged. ST. IX)t IS, Dec. id METALS Iad, iirm. ii n-it. ourr, (luiet, B0.o.rra..b. Il Mlnaeapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS .Minn.. Dec. : WHEAT December. $1.21; May. $1 24i No. 1 hard. $L2V No. 1 northern. $1.22 s.a 1.264; No. 2 northern, . VJit 1.234. ruuuiv-Auviwxa. rancy va tents $8.46; first lears. $5.35; second clears $4M; shipments. 1,1. (fid barrels. BARLEY 2fiI7c. RYE 451(4i.rt.u7. BRAN $J2.50. COM N No. 8 yellow, CI4c. OATS No. 8 white. f!'Alf'..e. t FLAXlMl-iOV. Liverpool iirmtu Market. IJVERPOOL. Dec. SW.-WHEAT-Spot steady; No. 1 Manitoba, loa Wd' No i! 10s tsd; No. 2 bard winter. 1J Jd. Ku tures nominal. CORN Spot nominal. Futures steady January, bs 34d; February, 6a 4'id. Bes Want Ads Produce Results. AND FEEDER M Tl a) r7 -i io Ti u W7 ti 10 M 7 o t7 ;u llu 10-J4 7 ss 13 UO M 64 11H0 7 li 70 40 46 1048 7 ,0 W t.S'1 L.i.s&. J. W. Ramsey Colo. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 49 steers . ..1077 T II 45 steers.. ..1027 7 15 8 steers.. ..1127 7 15 1 cow 900 6 75 HOGS Receipt remained fairly liberal thlH morning, about lu cars, or lO.tluO head, being reported In. Ten cars of these rams direct to a packer from an other market. For tha three days re ceipts total 2S.7S3 heads, being 6.500 shott of last week and more than 1.O0D aniailar than last year. Chicago Iroks rather sharply again today, and tha local market opened alow, with early packar bids generally 643'10o lower than yesterday. Nothing sold at this time, In fact values braced up a good deal before anything .was cashed, and while a few of the earlier sales looked a shade easier, the long snd of the offer, inga aold at prices that wars steady with Tuesday's aveisge, so that the general market Is very nearly steady. After tha first few sales had been mails tha move ment became fairly active and most everything was cleaned up In good season. Shippers and speculators bought rather freely thia morning, but at that lights remained In puor request and there were Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dae. 30.-COTTON Spot iiiiet; middling uplands, 7.8uc; no sales. ' The cotton market closed steady at a net advance ot i points on January, while other months were 2 to 0 points lower LIVERPOOL. Dec. .-c:(iTTO.'Hnn. I limited business; prices steady: American middling fair; 6 Rid; good middling, 4 id middling. $2d; low middling, 4. 15d; I good ordinary, J.Md; ordinary. $.01. Sales, I 5,1100 bales. . Lonla Grata Market. ST. LOUIS Deo. 20. WHEAT No. 2 red, $1 JWJ1 No. 2 hard. $1.2&4l.h December. $1,234: May. $1.24. CORN-No. I, 74c; No. I whita. $84c: December. 7c; May, 74fJTJ4c, OATS No. i. 44c: No. t white, 53c. Dry Gaada Market. NEW YORK. Dac. 80.-DRY OOODS Cotton goods and yarns iulet. Worsted yarns wars mora active. Wool serges tor the fall of 1915 were being aold from stock without advances. Burlaps were kctive and higher. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts NRW YORK, Iac. S8. EVAPORATED APPLFfV Quiet. DRIED FHUIT-Prunsa. firm. Aprl eota and peadiea, dulL Ralsius, firm. 1 Bank tTnartaaT. OMAHA. Dac. 80. Bank clearings for Omaha today were $3,884,173.1, and for tha corresponding day last year. $2 791. 179.11 NEW YORK". Dec. . Operstlons oil the stock exchange today were marked by tic itnullct amount of business for a full si.n since Fehrusry of I188. Tntsl nlrs smoinited to hardly 50,)0 shares and this smiill nutpitt wss largely lltnl'.ed to about a score of so-called favorites, the mure obscure Issues being almost completely neglected. Tin movement was narrow throughout with a lowering trend, leaders yielding ss mini as s point st the outset, but making ge-.ersl recoveries on settlement, of short contracts. Tho list drifted aim lessly to an apathetic hut firm close- ot" all the Important slocks St. Psut failed to rcKSln Its decline, the weakness bring ass... late.l with inmors of an Im pr piling b.m.l i r note Issue. These sam rumors apnlied to other tallroads as well ns Industrial companies whose pressing financial n-nulicinnt were matters of general knowlclae. Allswrturl, KunsMs A Texas praferre.l nas the only addition to ti e list of stocks touching their minimum despits a favor sble statement of earnings for Novem ber. Restoration of the regular "Pan handle" preferred dividend was received with Interest because the company Is con-t-olled by the Pennsylvania company. w hi h recently made n drastic cut In Its dividend. A sllaht advance In the prices of cer tain flnlrhe.1 products was hailed as an Indication of betterment In the steel trade. Un the other hand, there were no signs that the railroads wete llkelr t , buy beyond their pressing need Other Uns or hnslness showed further Indica tions nf recovery, chiefly aa a result of war cont met. . An additional gain of almost $e,0M,(Vo U I I w as the statement, the moderate loan decrease more than offset bv n 1'irge decrease In discounts. London iiiBikct wa steady, w'lth exictancy r gnr.llnr next week s resumption by the stin k exchangr. The I.hsI bond market wag Iregula. wlt'i renew d weakness In low grade Is su.'s. Total sales, ymr value, aggregated ll.frMMI United Stntes government coupon 3s gained S per rent or call. Number of sales and leading quotations 011 stocks were: Aln.1.1 Onltl Anulsini'ed copper ... Am. ts,i huir An,erl an Cin n g tt Am f It. plrf s.iftsr Itenntnx Amsil.'in T. S T Tobaera Anamnrta Mlnli. At.'hlMn galllmm A- Ohio Ilnrnkhn l.aplrt Tr ralllnmla fyirokuin ... i snailian Pa.-ltlc t'ratial l.esihr - 1 nappa.' s .Ihio 1 hleatn tl. W Itilrauo. ,M. s Ml. f... 1 hi. Jo 0 N. W l.h.o i opp-r , i'lors8 Fuel ; imn.,, f'elnrarti, A Ho.ifhern Henvrr 4 I! In U.-anrt..., rvnvs-i 4 n. O. pM 1 t ti 1 1 lr tip.-urtiira .... MMe Oeneral Klertrlff tlrsst Nwrthsrn p:4 ' ll pftt N. llr rlfa ,. ... ilunenhelm Kiplnnitloa.. Ililnnis ('antral lnt..rhor...ih Mel. ptd... inspirsilni Pepper intrrnatlnnal Harvaaisr.. Kan-an t'liy Houtharn... lhlth Valley 1-ouI.tiii, Na.hrllla. Psirolaun Mlml lVppr Mlasourl. K. T M Ipnnurl I urlrto National lllaruli Natlnsal Is4 Navada fJvpper Ne York I'entrsl , N. V.. N. H H S- Wratarn Nnrtharn I'hlKIu Pa.llli! Mull rarlfle T. T Pennsylvasla ,. rnllman 1 alses Car Ht ". (,'oppsr Keillii Heiuhlw nn gtael... Rcx'k I, land ( It's'l. Inland Co. ptd.... HI. I., a tv P. M ptd... Southern l'a.-lflc 'Mniiihain Railway , TrnneFspe Cnpftar Tsa Compsnf t'nlnn Partite I n Ion pH. ltln ptd t'nlied Htaias Hteal V. 8, Hlrwl afd , I'tah C.sipar Wahaah p;d Wastarn t'nlon Weatlnshnuao Elric .. Total Ml for the day, V.x) sharea. al. Hlfh. Low. Cm. 'J I no a.4 4. son mi, f, n ,.i.i ri to 3', I'M :"' 361a 2 ,,,. ,,,,, s 104 Ji ll 11744 111', 317 m iM, 4s iHHi nil a u 6m s'4 i, 9 0 MS t, a, TOO 14 1X4 H4 O0 ;,T 3S"4 44, 401, 2'Ki ;4 . , 123 Hon C3' .ia.. M ,,, .... i'i ..... ..... p'j ,., ,, S 114 1.WI0 !' 21S tl, ) W 1314, IMP, l.) IIIH 111 112', l 44', 101 .nt 4114 pint ((114 218) 14', lt 84 at 800 1J1I4 1JSH, Iji. lit 49 K J7 17 H.T, 84, V, ll' 43 40 11 114 111, 83Va 400 44 ti, M'a '.' 80 lfxi atlVa, 91', , 14 1.400 1044 1044i 1044 1MI'4 16t 8,700 14.14 14IS4 lt, loo UW ls4 m, 400 H S S " 14 14 JS 'i.'toi '114' .'iii, ni ' 14 1.000 it 814 ' "i us 4.200 n4 11114 li7 78', 4,411 4' 4844 4-m 400 1MH IO414 104", 1.W0 4 414 48 14 100 7H 7 87' 100 88 8 4 Xrvr York Money Market. ?K- V0' .-MBBCANTlLK PAPER-4Tf44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGB-gtteady: sixty-day bills. $4 7150; for cables, $4.7576; for demand, $4.8516. MONEY-Call. firmer, high, 3 per cent: low, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; last loan, per cent; closing bid. 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time lnn. easy; sixty and ninety days. 3W?M per cent; six months, 8 ner cant. SILVEK-Bar. 44c; Mexican dollars. 274c. ' BONDS Government, firm? Irregular. LONDON, Dec. 80.- per ounce. money I per cent. Discount short bills. 24 per cent; three months J4W2X per cent. CluKtng Quotations on bonds' follows- C. 8. rf. im, rag.. 87 do coupon IT f. H. 1. reg 104 NT. Y. railroad, SILVER Bar, ai do coupon . IT. 8. 4a. rf...i.. do oupo.n.. ... . Panama 80. raupoa.. Am. bmtltars ... A. T. T. er. 4Sa. Arnioue S Co. 4i,a At.'liUon rB. 4s... IU.I. 4a fibtn 4a 1 fin. Ohio 4H r. B. Q. J. 4... I M 4 P 1 44S. Mi H. I. a I', e. 41 Mo. Pan. or. Is... 40 N. Y. O, s. IU... 71 city lisii..i04 11 w. T. fjuite 4Va....l "t n. 1.. n. H. 4 k, H ev. s 1314 No. I-aoltla 4s Mu Vo, 4 T. a T. 6a 4 '4i Reading io 4s w. .. " L. A g. r. n s bo. rsa. . s..... H ' do ret 4 a.i7 M4 "do er. 6a. a . 5T, ... si, ... 4S ... ...1S1V, ...MO . ST.' K. C Ho. rW t . ail W it.,.. 1 ... . ... ...... ..-a nvai. -m a,, ar -j lac 4a. li Bid. Ottartd. rtolo. la. r. 4 W So. Railway 1. 4V H. a. ret. 4a 43 f nlon Farlfie Fris gen. 4 68 do er 4s ttaa. Klaclrlt hm. ...1024 v. g. HaMMr it. No. lat 4-.. MS, P. g. HtMl 6a III. ( an. ret. 4a. .. S wahasti 1st aa Lire. is. 88 , M Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. JO. COFrEE A further decline of 1 l-ld in the rate ol Klo exchajnse on London and continued talk of an easier cost and freight situs. Jion seemed responsible for some further ll'iuldatloii In the coffee market todav. but after opening at a dec Una of 8 to I points the market steadied on covering or trade bu ing, and closed net un changed to 6 point lower. Sales, 17 760 hags. January, 6t42c; February, ,00c; March. .loc; April, 4Y20c; May, i.JOc: June. ii.30c; July. 7.13c: August, 7.20c; Sep tember. 7.16c; October. 7.82c; November. 7.SNC. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7. 74c; San tos No. 4, 94c Private reports circulat ing today indicate that 55o.Q0o huaa e ,h. slock of valorisation coffee amounting to about l.OM.Ooo bags neld in Hamburg at the beginning of the war have been sold at 144c for good average Santos. Rio and Santos markets unchanged. MRS. DAVID WHITNEY DIED LAST WEEKjN CALIFORNIA The death of Mrs. Ellas, C. Whitney, ona of tha pioneer women ot thia city. occurred laat week at Orldlsy. Cal. Mrs. Whitney can.e to Omalia from Applaton, Wis., In January, lttti. aud has lived here continuously since, that time until two years ago. when, after tha death of her husband. David Whitney, she want to California to join her son. Mis. Wh.tnvy was g sister of John M. Marston of this city snd of Mrs. Samuel Bdtuerman of Denver. She la survived by a son. Burt II. Whitney, of Grtdley, Cal. Her only daughter. Mrs. Minnie TV. Clark, who was well known tn Omaha, died one ear ggo. 1