TIIK HRK: OMAHA. THL'KSDA V. DKCKMIUiR 1UU. THOMPSON; BELDEN & CO. Full Particulars of Our January Clear ing Sale Will be in Friday's Paper. The Sale Worth , ; Waiting for TEUTONS TRY TO TAKE ST. GEORGES German Official Report Sayi Attack I ii Being Made on Point Pre I viouily Abandoned. i . j FIGHT IN EAST PRUSSIA ' II nnnl nn (milrr Driven Burk T ' vtmrA Itlver Mcmaa Three I Hulllra Kaalna j alan nlMii. BKRM.N. lec. ..-iH Wireless to Lowion.i The offlrlal romrrmnlcatlrtn, ari vn out tcl.-iy hy the cjerman war of fl'e, nays: I "In the etern theater of the war w still 'no fiKhdnif .nr the hamlet of St. ' ;ni to the smith of Nleiipott, which we wnrp compnlli'il to evarunte owing to i a surprise stai k. j "Htorni ami rolil lisve mimed damMt ; tn the poKltiniia of both elds In Flandcrt j and In northern Trance. "On the rest of tho front the day l passed quietly. latalry Driven Back. "In K-t 1'ruesla the Ruoalan cavalry waa dlven back In the, direction of Plll k all en, (four nil lea from the Russian frontier and couth of the Nlemt-n river). "In Poland: On the right bank of the Vistula the fltuatlon remains unchanged. On the western bank of the V istula the offensive to tho east of the .tributary Bzura continue. For the rent, fighting on and to the enat of the Hnwka branch rontlnuea, aa well aa at Inowlxla, and In the region to the snuthwet of thU place. "Reports from outsltfe sourres give the impression that lowlci and Sklernlewlco are not In our possession. We ruptured these places more than six clay ago. Pklernlewlcc la altuated far behind our front." GERMAN OBSERVER ON DUTY From the top of this ladder, screened by a stack of hay, the lookout is enabled to watch the effect of his gunners' fire on the enemy's trenches. alone to exercian the rlghc '. searching and detaining neutral ahlpa. Stntln that the right of search I con certed In the American note, the West mlnater Uaaeltc admits that thla right should he exercised with all possible re gard to the convenience of neutrala. It suggests that It would be well for the British government to aupply dally tn the American ambassador a lint of ahlpa Mopped with a atatemcnl of the reasons therefor, ao that question aris ing lu thla connection might be Adjusted t once. Blmllar. Information might be given to ' American newspaper ronre apondenia in' London. The Westminster Uasette aayi it feels, sure that Inatruc tlona will be given to avoid detention of ahlpa on mere suspicion, ami that if audi j searches aa can be conducted at sea fall .(From- g Staff rorre.pondenO , rev,, yood ground for forcible V Ltir-,JL?t I'm.. w.-icvit.-w SAYS COUNTY JAIL IS A DOPE SCHOOL Hany Pvii, 8ent to Penitentiary From Douglas County Makes Some Chargei. EASY TO SECURE 'THE DRUG Aaaereon,. the ntetrUtator I see Heel ef Sftaa'as Secretion Place . mm rasaea Ji eagle .' . . Areiad. rounty Jail of fJouglas county la a dope school, nooordtng to Information given ly Harry Dnvts, 21 year old, received at tha state penitentiary from that county jesterday. ' Davis arts out In hla story that nhen he was first placed In tho Jail he did not kaow anything about the drug, lie was restless the first few nights and could not sleep. 11 claims that a man namod Anderson, hearing him complain, urged Mm to take shot or morphine and he fished out a lot of stuff and a nedle aid gave htm a done. He slept ao well that he took another the next night and kept It up.- Aa evidence that his story is true aJ far as the- drug la ooncerned. Da via body la -u versa with absceasea which lie said resulted from the use of an Infeclud Jiedle which w.n vaed by all the prison ers without being cl-aned. Davla gives the fetowtng version of how It waa used: 'rata it Onto Andersen. ". ' Anderson shot the morphine In and i.fttn naseed the needlo to a number of tha other prisoners In the Jail, lie wmilrt toea the loaded nncdlx to the trustlea and the would tako It down the nxt tier tf cells. rVime of the other prisoners would glva Anderson mirrors, pieces of read - or anything else they hnd for dome of the morphine. Home of theee aorea funned almost as noun d the needle was stuck Into my ekln. The ittr' tended to one of them, but the turnkey told ma to tlx the rest of them myaelf. There waa lota of dope In the jail there 'and It didn't look to me as they mad: muah of an attempt to keep u tent lila In the lied ot the needle stuck 111 Om tcntlon such action will not be resorted to. To prevent Ureat Britain from check ing shipment of copper to Uermany would In effect be American Intervention on '.tho aide' of Germany, thla newspaper (entendn. It absolves Washington from any such' Intention, and points out that If the difficulties are. faced in a spirit of fairness , the two governments by friendly agreement will be able to ease tha alt pat Ion for each other. A plea for mutual good will Is made by 'the Pall Mall' Oasette, which urges that betwerg two English speaking na lions so accustomed to frank discussion ml plain dealing there la bo necessity fot "Irritating; over any appareitt brus- uu're Ju. the "juessage. rl .' ' "i Him newspaper admits fliat the' United Hates U suffering considerable tncon- ytqlonye, ;byt says It la quite evident that the Hermans arc receiving war materials from neutral sources. Ilrltaln, It declares la bound to uphold Ha right to check thla traffic 'and has done everything within ,lts power to mitigate the Incon venience experienced by neutrals. It. I prepared to go still further If the way can' bo pointed out. Ttiff-ICvenlng Ktandard asks America lo-continue ta recognise that tho prime duty or the British navy Is to see that nothing goee to Germany which oaa holp it ' ' ( We, have llttlo doubt of Its willing- ness and may have aa little uncertainty ai to'lhe'splrll of fairness to iieutrala In Which the Crlliah govortunent dt aires to YOLLMER SAYS U.S. . COULD END THE WAR (Continued from Page One.) iiaue must be tried out in the I'aclCic and It may he to the Interest of this country to have a powerful friend at Its side." (asat Beat (erauan. Hcpresentatlve Vollmer emphatically declared: "Germany cannot lie bcHten In thla war. Her people are united and determined to fight to the last drop of blood. If this war continues it will go on until all tha world ia dragged down to bankruptcy. "Do you think the German government expecta us sertouslv to pass such a reso lution aa thla?" asked Chairman Flood. "I believe, anJ persons who have, been In Germany say," replied Vollmer, "that the Germans look with grave "displeasure on shipments of arms to the allies." Representative Bartholdt told the com mittee that by "dollar neutrality" the t'ntted 8late was alienating the friend ship of Germsny and Austria. , Nellngr Neutrality for tiold. "The alliance vL 3reat Britain with Japan la not a good omen for our future In the Paolflc. We are now selling our neutrality for British gold," he said. "Is It your contention that while tech nically neutral, wa are really one of tha allies, supplying tha bullets for the oth ers?" asked rirpreacntative Cooper. ' i 1 vl believe we are partloepa crlinlnlav" said Representative Bartholdt. "In tha fnall.iliig and killing of men. the making f wldjws and orphans and the prolonga tion of tha war." Representative Bartholdt declared ship ments of war munitions alnco tho war began aggregated tlM.OOO.Ooo. "I am convinced." he auld. In conclu sion, "that by cutting off tha exportation ef tho war supplies we can bring the War to a eloso very soon. And tha cutting f MJ i CM M 1 Sill 1-' ar 1 u : 4 AJlll ViM 'M NN-m.u...i,s.iis-Miirr :. pr?iM yrTTSISCjav I i FEDERAL TROOPS LEAYEJOLORADO Troop L of Twelfth Cavalry Ordered from Routt County to Fort Meade, S. D. OTHERS ARE READY TO DEPART Artaal Time of Farther withdraw ala to B Determlaed mr Cel- el Loekett aai erwer A mo as, WASHINGTON. Dec. 30.-Troop L. of the Twelfth Vnlted States cavalry, on patrol duty in the 9ak Creek district, Routt county. Colorado, alnce last May, waa ordered today to return to Its home station at Fort Meade. 8. D. Orders for the gradual withdrawal of tha other fed- erai troops sent into woioraao to queu the mining disorders are In preparation. . Tha gradual withdrawal of federal troops la In accord with a plan considered at recent conferences between President Wilson, Secretary Garrison, Governor Ammons of Colorado and Oovernor-eloct Carlson. At that time Governor Amnions said he would replace the regulars by state troop. Tha main strength ef the federal troops la la the Trinidad district, where Colonel Iockett hag tha Eleventh cavalry from Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., aa well as the aeoond aquadron of the Fifth cavalry from Forth Leevnworth, Kan. Troops 1 E and H of the Twelfth cavalry are at I i anon vny, wnne m macnuie gun platoon and troops F, O, t and M of the Twelfth cavalry ar at Louisville. The actual time for the withdrawal of all these organizations will be deter mined at conferences between Colonel Locket t and Governor Ammons, but orders have been Issued for all to be ready to leave the state at any time. got off the rati. One tiain on the othe, side this Place .tuck in the no. making five enm- 1o uaa before the 1 track wa cleared. The Caaae f Bhtaaaatlaaa. is atom.oh trouble. l.V Hvar and . e ranged Kidneys. Try Electrl8 tt Regulate, liver and help, kldnej t work. 50c and 1100. All drugU-AJ-vertiscment. Bee Want Ads Are the Beit Buslnwe Read Dally by People In Pearch of Ad vertlced Opportunities. r Klve KaBlaes la lion. SUPERIOR, Neb.. Dec. SO. (Special Telegram.) A Missouri Pacific wreck occurred today northeast of thla city, near Mount Clair, when an engine sent to help a train back en the track alao WHEN YOU SELECT an individual as your Executor, you not only risk his living, but his ability to serve your es tate faithfully and hon estly. In appointing the Peters Trust Company you make a wise choice of an Executor wlio is not only willing but able to perform every duty promptly and effi ciently. Our charter Is permanent and our facilities adequate. Ask far any defired information. Capital - - $200,000.00 Surplus - - $275,000.00 ,Vjj 1622 FARNAM STRtET off at Just one month of war would mean more to tie than all the profits that the manufacturers of war supplies could make." Harlre Coaawamr Electa Of leer a. BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. 30. (Special.) At a meeting of Company C Tuesday evening G. Otho Sear. wa. unanlmoualy elected captain of the company. A. J. Pethoud and George Freeman, who were candidatca for the place, having with drawn. Hears' name came as a aurprlae to member, of tlte company, and he waa recommended for the place by a commit tee selected to pick a neutral man from the company. The meeting- wa. presided over by Mayer llolllngworth and was harmonious. or folk Milk Ordtneaoe Attacked. MADISON, Neb., Deo. 80. (Speolal.) Swltser Bros, of the Ewlt.er Creamery company, Norfolk, filed suit In tha dis trict court enjoining; the enforcement of the milk ordinance recently enacted by the city council of Norfolk. The city of ficials are made parties' defendant. Jack Koonlgsteln, attorney for the plaintiffs, will appear before Judge Welch In cham bers at Wayne today, asking for a tem porary restraining order until hearing can be had on the Issues aet forth In the petition. Five-Year Term Given Eancher PIEJIRE. S. D.. Doc. 30. (Special Tele gram.) Judi?e McNenny In circuit court at Ft. Pierre today sentenced Herman Sonnenscheln. prominent Stanley county rancher, to five yeara In the penitentiary' on cohvlctlon of the charge of larcency of two care of cattle in that ounty. Sonnenscheln with Ed Carr and Jack Borden, all prominent ranchmen, waa charged with .hipping two cara of atolan cattle from Lantry to Chicago. The cat tle were stopped at Mobridge and re turned to their owners. Bonne nacheln la convicted principally on the evidence of Carr. Borden la a fugitive from Justice. Sonnenscheln Is at liberty on an appeal bond of S7.6U0. IO ouC .Aurtnaon kept lila In the lie. hla shoe and bad llnin of hi. shoe aha was bis wife nwtrnhtn. T her fcc onoe. no waa srreeie.i on a inar.e 01 ,nnnt YVIlaun lilmse f hints thera are nun. ueed ra?.."ril. International law' god It. obll- her nlvr it to Mm ' nations." says the Standard. "Aa Presl- ind paid a flno and gut out. ahoplKUng I guess. At the county Jail last night It was asserted that Harry Davla waa a loie Pe in Aiueika who complicate the sit uation by taking a lea. rigid view than their government." ' Globe ae Ma. .fiend at the time he enteied the -county Tlin comment In the Globe la rharac I Jail, pecember I, having come there On a j terUllc of that ncwiapttr'. attitude to convktloa after a trial for breaking- and ! ward American affairs. I entering. -The jailer assorts .thut when ins Amerlcun government In effect 1 he compelled Pavls to take hla bath at j the eoualy Jail he- discovered that his . left arm showed number o ai made iiriuniidM that we should renounce In the interest of American profits our most potent weapon agulnxt our enemy; a ay tlroe after their Incarvaratlon. 'by tho needle used In Injecting the co-.'hat we should raise the blockade against cai.. enemy's auppllva," saya the Globe. ' Officials at the Jail denied that they 1 It contends that the American govern. .have any knowledge that dope la spirited I remained silent In the face of vlc I lata the place, or that any Is n the poa- I iRllon of all the conventions adopted at J aesdoa ef prisoners, or used by thoin at; imgue, and the "Indefensible out- ragea Intilcted on Bolglum." It contin ues: , . "The voice of the great neutral nation nieii seeks to be the .final arbiter to 1 illlUlluii la raised for the firm time, I not on any questloli of higher morality, bill tfl l" V Tifmm In . u a , . .1 ,tt riniT aTrtrmn . ...r ul me ,ai l uiat 1 1 I K WlliKUN -NUl tl Breateu war In the history of the ENGLAND WAITS FOR FULL TEXT 1 IfMF VJait for the "Barnum ailey" of Ail Sales! My semi-annual Half -Price "Dol- 1 lar-Do-wn" Sale starts Saturday, January 2, "Watch this paier Friday night for full details. Big ger and better than ever this year. DEDDE0, 1417 Douglas . (Continued from Pago One.) lenient attitude adopted by the UrtltMi government toward American cotton, which, they aay might easily bo regarded as contraband, because of Its extensive use 1st- gun cotton, but which has nut been put on the contraband lUt. They say thla leniency toward cotton, how ever, 'ha a been abused by shippers who used tl to conceal copper and other contraband. Advice erle. The1Vashlngton communication to the British government holds the first place, not only In the news and editorial col umns, of tha newspapers, but wherever the war and Its attendant ramifications are dJsousaed. It Is contended everywhere that mutual good will surely will bridge thla difficulty and ollvlaU further Irritation-' "We have no right to reel aggrieved be cause 6f tha American endeevora to miti gate the losses which the war inflicts on tha an4rch.nta and manufacture! s of that country," says tho Westminster Gasettc. Thla newspaper, more than any other, re flect the vlewa of the government. It contend, that It Is to the lnlereata of neutrals, as well as belligerents, to HhortfH the war, and that, tberefoie. neutiala should submit to any reasonable restrictions, a hkb are likely. to have this effect. ' ' "Why doin t the foiled States address !ls:remeustraace to ciraai and Austria Instead of Great Britain?" akt the West minster Gasette; and answers Its own sjuutton by explaining that command of the aea yorian frauca and Great Britain I orld has Interfered with the oimortunt- tlrs of American traders to make money out or. the neceavltlcs of bcllliierent." The (llobe concludes Its comment as follows: There Is only one uosnible .answer to the American demuud: No." : Will I'rlal Teat er ute. W.VMUNtiroN. Doc, 3u.Adniinl.tra tlon officials and all offl.h.1 and dip lomats Washington were deeply Inter ested lolay in reading Umdona views ou Uie Amerlcun note, but there were no "' aev uii.ments In t in .n .... Home of tho neutrni dli)lomaia here have ben auvWled with tho of f I. ial mrmor end uni sumii. arising the contents of the paper, and fair Cecil Surlng-lUce. the BrltUh ambacador has received a conv It as stated officially, however, that It would nut be publiKhed here. YOUTH SUSTAINS BROKEN LEG WHILE "HOOKING ON" KCPERIOK. Neb . Doe. 1. -(Special Telegram ) Karl I'arnons of Oulde hock, who was coining around the busiest corner in rAioerlor "hooked on" to a wagon, was wtinj Into lr. Mitch ell's auto and bad his leg broken. Urilalaed na Priest. ' IIATIN. Neb.. Ie. . Sp.Wl .Telvgra.ni V 1 1 1 j 1 a. Hanks of liold rege was ordained prk'ft In the Kplsooral church today, the Kt. Rev. TJeorge A. Beecher. bUhop of Western Ncbiasks, condocUug . the ceresuoay, asslated by vlfltlng clergymen. U will lmmodla.taly beconta rector of tbg Chadioa pariah, Be reassured ! You are safe ! My friend, Mr. Jameson, has informed me of your great upheaval of spirits, and has re quested me to see you and inquire into the nature of the case. 1 v From a casual investigation I have made into the cases of Messrs. Haxworth, Fletcher and Sherburne, whom you mention in your adver tisements, I think the same parties are respon sible for your annoyance. But you need not worry. The detection of crime, Miss Elaine, in these modern days is all science. Finding a criminal is not more difficult than working out a chemical analysis. If, by any chance we should miss you at the proposed meeting place at City Hall, I will watch for your announcement in tomorrow's paper. CRAIG KENNEDY Third Sled FREE This Week The picture of the Sled will be In The Bee every day this week. Cut them all out and uBk your friends to save the plcturea la their pa per for you, too. See how many pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee office. The Sled will be given Free to the boy that ends di the most pictures before 4 P. M Saturday, January 2. AMUSEMENTS. Matinee Each Day mmmi r 1 1 ADftSEHEKTt. f MARYF.COOfER School of Dancing 19th and Farnam 1CABT r. OOOfXB Behaoi ef Pyx ing. Beantlfal new studies, ltl anu Farnam 8ts, Clasaes tn ball seam, MtheUo and national daneingj, fie elasaea for ehlldren aa4 duU be formed after January 1st, 9M attention to ortvata cluua wis ihlng ln itructlon tn social dancing, bMMran rioueated to enroll In eleaaes h-tore January . ' rill ll CO mata Loew .floor, H. I IlluLU M Balooay, fl, T5o, BOet sag JUner rioor, tl.ftO. SI I BaL. Too, aOOi gaL. S5. SBATM I1UUK1. Gun., Jan. 3. .llo" SEPTEMDER MORN Msteleal a? how 4th ll VV E E K BOYD, our'" w 'Tonight; Mate. Bew T.axa. at., a&e. Burtat Prtees S9 ft 60 BOT0 ni4Tta STOCK CO. Wtta Fref. cnaaabers' ruplls in CINDERELLA VBKBOB Ulu ' ObUIII VT7B OBBTrBB1 m .. T7 1 DmitY acat. ls-se ( Bvao-a, la-a-M-T.. K.reS a Bran aTew anew T.ma CVDvV II II fit sensual 7:oOPEn'S " ftorlei'ioe Tom -Btinoks" M'.Rae and II other fun t.ra Beauty Cnorue of Fortune Tell Sri. Pla Novel'y Burnrlss i at . Xtfa aim. rite Show starting at llild N.w ar'., bABzar nB scat, win bats, CtafVVlaO ABTABOBO TAODBTXZ.Ua, Ij.IIt M.iin. i m msu, sits J-keete Bang Us bat Aironx.a IClaaae OtUlaawter B41k Iirrt s w. ThU weak i Owit ivtalu, Muk A w.u .r. PniK'. Annul Ctroa, Kit. hoi.n4 ijui Lou " BoU. br r. OffcrtS lT.it TlkiT: mfc ii. test m .mm lanvt au. a.4 Sob- aihc a at a ih. ItedpAth Serie No. T THE BEN GREET PLAYERS TOXIGHT 10-la-SO cents to holders of meml.ei sbips. Reserve seats at Box Offlie tuUav. Also 6ee4 Season neeerratioM Tet Avails ale.