Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Saturday, January 2, 1915
Will Mark the Beginning of Our
28th Annual Clearing Sale
Reliable since 1886.
This sale will be no
exception. No goods
have been bought for
sale purposes. This
is a Clearing Sale in
the true sense of the
You will not be disappointed.
! Comptroller Williams Kaket Some
fiecosunondfttioai in Hii An
cual Report to Conp-eu.
Bmjm Many Bank Plrewters Fall
Dlroet l II Weald Insist
They Attend a Majarttr
of the Meetings.
during the stress at the outbreak of the
European war. ' He covers practically the
am ground as Secretary MoAdoo did in
his recant report to congress. Tba re
mainder of the , comptroller's report le
given ovsr to statistics.
There were J6.766 bank reporting to
tale and federal officers In the United
Btatee at the close of business on June
90, Thoae banks, Including all kinds, bad
aggregata resources of l,71,t,0t)l.
showing aa Increase of more than ll.KO,-
OfiO.OOa In the year. There were 7TJ morV
Official Report of Parii War Office
Tellt of Number of Minor
Report Ala Tells af Tfelsat Banc
I baraseat af Positions from Lys
te wine ly oniM
Flchtla faAlaara.
PARI, teo. .-Ths Trench official
statement on the progress of ths war
given out this afternoon refers to com
parative minor French successes and
mentions violent bnrnbsrdment of csrtaln
Fr nrh positions by German srtlllery.
Ths French have occupied a village in
Pelglum; they have gained ground In the
Argonne and they are Investing Steln
bseh In upper Alssce. Ths test of ths
communication follows:
"In Belgium the village of St George's
has been occupied by our troops, who have
established themselves In this location. .
"From ths Lys to the Somme the
enemy has bombarded our positions
rather violently In the vicinity of Rehelle,
at Staubln. at LeQuesnoy and at Pou
eholr. to the northwest of Roys.
"There ties been calm along the front
between ths Bomme and ths Argonns.
Calm Sosa Grsass.
"We nevs gained a little ground In the
Argonne, notably la the. forest of La
Grille. In the forest Bolants snd In ths
forest Courts Chausaee.
"On the heights of the Meuss several
German counter attacks havs been re
pulsed in ths forest of LaBouchot, which
Is northeast of Troyon.
"The forces of the enemy which hsd
occupied our trenohes In ths vicinity of
the redoubt In ths burned forest to the
west of Apremont, hsvs been driven out
after three successive counter attacks.
"In Upper Alsace, following a violent
engagement, we ara todey rlosely Invest
ing Stdnbaoh end or forces havs taken
possession of ths ruins of the Chateau,
which Is located to the northwest of this
Answer German Report.
A second efflclal announcement was
made by ths French military authorities
this afternoon. It Is ss follows:
"An official German communication
datsd December W snd transmitted gen
erally to all stations where wireless tele-
banks reporting than ths yesr previous.
Ths banks showed loans and discounts ; grams are copied, refers to the fact that
amounting to $lB.a.357,l. with Individual I It happens that the ahslls used by ths
deceits subject to check without notice German field srtlllery do not explode,
amounting to f,MM'3,744. They held gold ' At the same time the ststement is mads
coin snd gold certlflcatoa totaling more that these shells were taken by cspturs
WASHINGTON, Pec .-Comptroller
."Williams of ths currency bureau sub
inltted his annual report to congress to
day. It covers the beginning of the
transaction from ths old national bsnking
systsm to tho new federal reserve sys
tem, as well as the operations of mors
than 1,009 national banks which havs be
coots part of, ths new system since his
last annual report wss made.
Aside from reviewing the provialons of
ths new bsnk laws and ths steps by
which ft : wss put Into operation, ths
onmptreller makes sonis recommenda
tions for new legislation. They ares
1 An amendment to require uniform by
laws for natlonaf Ssnks. In that con
nection ths comptroller declares many
sanity 1reotors fall to direct, and says
anyiTsctor who doea not attend. a ma
Jorlty of board meetings In a year should
bs ineligible for re-election.
Aa amendment to permit signatures on I
national bank notes to be printed Instead ,
of mads with psa and Ink, which would
permit the bills to be wsshsd and re-'
stored to circulation. j
That ' national banks be required to j
limit their deposit to ten times their '
remained capital and surplus.
That the .comptroller bo empowered to
remove, with the approval of the seore
tary of ths treasury, ' any director or
officer of national bank, guilty of vio
lating any of ths mors Important pro
visions of tba bank law, and direct that
suit be brought against them in the nam
sf the bank to recover for ths results
pf any malfeasancs la office.
Of the fodsral reserve act and what It
9a expected to accomplish for ths flnanoa
nod aouMwerc. ef the country the corap
ItrolUr says:
"The federal reserve act Is designed
Bet snty te aura weaknesses and defects
of tba nrraney system under which we
fcavs straggled, snd sometime, staggered,
fa toe past, as we havs outgrown the
condition and passed beyond the clr
rmstscces which It was especially pro
wtdod to meet, but to offer to the people
f tats coon try many nsw advantagee
and opportunities, whfts emancipating
Ibaslnesa from many evils, difficulties snd
trouble, with which It has been burdened
Ad from which it has found no escape.'
At sum length the comptroller recounts
Pi. nativities of governmental agencies
to aid the fmanctal snd business world
than tnu.000,000. Within the year ended
October U, ill, the comptroller says, Jl
applications were received from persons
wishing to organlss nstlonst bsnks.
these K8were approved.
from the French or the Belgian.
"Ths Germans, who dally havs excel
lent opportunities to observe the efficacy
Of i of the French artillery, have now dis
covered a new quality In our guns.
"This Is that they are dangerous only
when operated by Frenchmen,
-"bet us believe thst this Is only more
At? If MINT KIN riDC of tha romantic tales painstakingly
U" lliUUlWftin UnTO . spreal abroad by the German wireless
(Continued from Page Ons.)
liliUes have been conspicuously er
ratic. Trench Fl.htlnsr In Weal,
.Elsewhere in the eastern arena of the
war little changs has been recorded,
while on the western front the slow snd
tedious trench warfare goes on uninter
rupted, with only slight gslns on either
The British press concedes ths Im- 4 tlonal convention of the Intercollegiate
portnm-S of the trenches near llollebeke. I prohibition association. Two hundred and
Walsh Presents Resolution Calling
for Record in Contraband Seizure
WASHINGTON, Ic. .-When the
senats convened Senator Walsh Intro
duced a resolution calling on the presi
dent. If not Incompatible with the public
Interest, to submit to ths senate copies
of all correspondence with representa
tives of fonign nations with relation to
the selsure by European belligerents of
shipments of American copper consigned
to neutral countries. , Kenstor Walsh
gars notice thst hs would speak on It
Vigorous critlolsm of the adralnlstrs
tlon's policy in Msxlco and an endorse
ment of the protest to Great Britain
sgslnst ths selsure of American neutral
vessels were coupled In a speech In the
house by Republican Leader Mann.
"Our rights on the high seas," said Mr.
Mann, discussing the protect to England.
"milat be upheld with dignity snd form
ness. t commend the administration for
the position It has taken. ,
"Ws wish to keep out of this
European war, but we do not intend to
keep out by saying to the warring na
tions you may do what you please with
out regard to our rights. There is no
danger If our being Involved In this war
by protecting our lights. England can
not afford to go to war with us Neither
can Germany. "
Referring to the Mexican situation,
the republican leader said.
"If there wss a proper conception of
our duties, we could easily bring order
out of chaos In Mexico and that 'without
war. I favor tho Monroe Doctrine, but I
am not in favor of turning Mexico over
either to anarchy or the . control of
Official Carried Screwdrirer in Fear
of Being Locked Up In Vault and
Makei Way Ont
Man Dre-eeed as Miner Eaters Utah
Institution, Holds Vp Three ail
Wets Bl.hten Thou
sand Dollars.
College Students
:Talk Prohibition lu'WhTS
TOPEKA. Kan.. Dee, . Assembled to
further the right sgslnst liquor through
a systematlg . campaign by college stu
dents; nearly a thousand delegates took
psrt In the opening hers today of the na-
south of Tpres, which have been taken by
ths Germans, and points out that the
strategic value of thess positions has
been emphsslsed recently In a dispatch
from fir John Frenoh, commander-ln-chlcf
of ths British forces on the conti
nent. They command an Important cross
ing of ths Lys river, to which the Ger
mans have been holding tenaciously, Ths
taking of these trenches gives them a
stronger foothold.
London Fears Aeroplane Raid
Fear of a Zeppelin raid over London,
which recently has more or less subsided,
hss been replaced by the possibility of a
raid German asroplanes. The compara
tive ease with which English airman
reached Cuxhaven has driven home the
Idea thst a retaliatory visit would not
present any grester difficulty.
All the mschlnery to most sir Invaders
hss been tightened'up. The official warn
ing as 'to ths beat steps to circumvent
danger, heretofore Issued only In coast
towns, la now being circulated in London.
LONDON. ' Dec, The Olasgow
steamer Gem, a small vesssl of about too
tons has been sunk In ths North sea as
the result of striking a mine. Two of ths
rrew were rescued, but the fste of tha
others aboard ths Gem Is unknown.
Office Furniture
1 . Deilo Chairs -Settees
Typewriter Furniture
Globe-Weriicke Sectional Filing
Calioeta and Business Systems
Office Linoleums, Regs, Mattings
Doer Mats
fifty schools and nearly every state In
the union were represented.
After addresses of welcome and brlsf
talks by workers In state and nstlonst
prohibition movements, speeches were to
be begun In the biennial national oratori
cal contest of the association. Tha con
testants are winners In stste and inter
state contests and are students of col
leges In California, Michigan, Tennessee,
Nebraska, Oregon and Kansas.
The convsntton closes Friday. '
MIPDUTBtTRT. Vt. Dee, St. Dr. Don
A. Blebee. a druggist of Bristol, who was
arrestsd after the deaths of thirteen men,
supposedly from Wood alcohol poisoning,
was placed on trial here today on four
charges of manslaughter. The prosecu
tion alleges that ths dsaths resulted from
drinking liquor which Blsbes Is charged
with selling.
Bend tss "For als" ' ads if you want
bargain, of tha minute.
BINGHAM, Utah. Dec. .A man who
gives the nsme of Bert Hsasted held up
Csshler Earl Randall, two men and a
boy at the Bingbsm State bank at I
o'clock today, took $18,000 In gold and
currency and was arrested without re
sistance soon sfterwards.
His quick capture was due to the fact
thst the cashier carried a screwdriver
In his pocket to bs used, he said. In case
he were held tip snd looked In the vault,
as was done with the cashld In enother
Utah bank robbery recently, and as' wss
done with himself today. ,
Heasted was dresed ss a miner and
entered the bsnk without arousing sus
picion. Locked In Vaalt.
lie msdo the three men and the boy
In the liank lie on the floor, bound them,
locked them In the vault and then took
the moneyi Randall used his screw
driver to open ths vault from within snd
wss able to escape and give the alarm
In a few minutes. Policeman J. H. White
overtook Hessted, arrested him without
trouble snd found all the money In the
man's clothing. Heasted says hs came to
Blnghsm from Colorado about a month
ego. Another man,' who had been ob
served with an automobile in readiness
for two dsys past, hss been arrested on
suspicion of having been a confederate
of Heasted. , '. , .
Oklaheina Bank nobbed.
CARNEY. Okl.. Dec. .-Two men to-
dsy held up the Carney State bank, ss-
12.WU. 1 wo Danit
customers who were
In ths building when the robbers entered
were compelled to march wttn ine oan
dlts a quarter of a mils from town, where
the two climbed Into a. waiting convey
ance snd escaped. .... - .
More Terre Haute
Men Caught in Net
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. .-Four
mors men. Including E. F. Tslbott. city
comptroller of Terrs Haute, and George
Ehrenhsrdt, a member of the Tcrte
Haute board of public works, were ar
rested at Terrs- Haute today by federal
authorities bn ths Indictment returned
December 3. charging conspiracy to cor
rupt the election of November. 1 last.
Ths arrests today bring the total made
since the dragnet wss set Christmas
ntirM to 10
Hilton Redman, Sn attorney, and son
of Circuit Judge Etl H. Redman, who
was arrested and released on I10.0C bond
Saturday, surrendered to the - federal
authorities, and the fourth man taken
In custody wss Frank Klser, a saloon
keeper, who was released on 12,600 bond. ,
roatssastevr at Ksnaard. '
WASHINGTON, CeC. 29. (Special Tele-gram.V-Mtss
Charlotte Berry has been
apiolnted postmsster at Kennard. Wesh
Bngton county. Nebraska, - vice C. 11.
Wsed. ',
Hearing- Goes Orer Indefinitely at
Reqnest of Jndg;e on Account of
tho Plaintiff's Health. , ;
Plaintiff and Defendant Acre
Jadac'a suggestion and Illnta nt
Reconciliation of Con pie
Aro Renewed,
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Doc . (Special
Telegram.) Because of the 111 health of
William L. Tetter, president of the Tet
ter Wall Paper company of Kanaaa City
and pmaha, ths divorce esse In which he
Is the plaintiff, was postponed Indefinitely
late yesterday afternoon, and it was
again Intimated that the couple will be
come reconciled. .
Judge Seehorn, who IS hearing the tes
timony, caused the postponement. "I
have had Mr. Tetter examined for my
own sstlitfactlnn." hs announced. "Dr.
W. F. Kuhn, to whom I took him, re
ported to me that Mr. Tetter Is Inino con
dition to continue with the trial of the
case. He says that while he is sound
mentally, his nervous condition Is such
thst he needs a rest. Mr. Tetter has had
In view a 'visit to his father In Cali
fornia. He Is going there until he Is well."
' It wss st the end of the testimony of
Mis. Yetter thst Judge Beehorn called
the plaintiff to his dcek. He told Mr.
Yetter of Dr. Kuhn'a decision. He then
called the wife to the desk snd told her.
Both expressed gratitude to Judge Bee
horn and agreed to do what he said.
The postponement came just as Mr.
Yetter was to take the stand to refute
the testimony of his wife. iShe hsd been
on the stand for two days. The wife on
cross-examination was forced to with
draw her eharges of Improper relations
with other women. The purpose of the
cross-examination seemed to be to prove
thst Mrs. Tetter attempted to belittle her
husband In the ifimds of his business
assoclstes. Plie denied the charge.
Berlin War Office Report Says Rus
sian .Attempts to . Advance
' Are Repulsed.
Freaeh Defeated Near Btesambol.
and Onlna M4 Near Ysrn and j
Nleosri -Ne Chnagw In
Knot Prussia. .
BERLIN, Dec . (Br Wireless to
LONDON.) The German official state
ment given out In Berlin today says the
German . attacks In Poland have made
progress' and' that Russian advances have
been repulsed. . '
In the west the Germans claim gains
neir N leu port anl Tpres, they defeated
the French not far front Stemenehdld;
captured ' a trench weet of Apremont,
and repelled attacks elsewhere. The
text of the communication follows:
"In ths western arena of the war we
gained- some ground after relatively un
important engagements near Nieunort
and to lit. southeast of Tpres.
"Several strong French attacks to the
northwest of Btenene should have been
repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy.
Ws captured S00 prisoners.
"An advance In the Bured forest, to
the weet of Apremont, led to the cap
ture by us of one fortified ' French
trench and three machine guns.. French
attacks to tho west of Sennehelm have
been repelled.
"No changes havs taken place In the
situation In east Prussia.
"In Poland, on the right bank of the
Vistula, on a branch of the Bsura and
on tha Rawka rivers, our attacks have
mads progress. In the region south of
Inowlods strong Russlsn attacks have
been repulsed.'"
ST. LOUIS, Mol Dec a. Henry M tiler,
general manager of the Wabash railroad
has tendered his resignation to become
effective January 1, according to an an
nouncement made here today.
Pure, Rich Blood
Made by Hood's
Pure blood enables the stomach, liver
and other digestive organs to do thMr
work properly. Without It they are slug
gish, there is loss of appetite, sometinvs
falntnees, a deranged stste of the Into
tines, and. In general, all the sympton.s
of dyspepsia.
Hood's Sarsapartlla makes pure blcoil,
snd this Is why It Is so very successful
In the treatment of so many ailments.
Get It today. Advertisement
Vihy Risk Loss
by Fire or T. cfl?
It is not wise to leave
your' valuables in
some antiquated safe,
desk or bureau. Give
them the Protection
that is Abso 1 u t e.
Our Fire and Burglar
Proof Vault is the place
for all valuables. Safe
Deposit Boxes for rent
$3.00 per year.
Pianos For Rent
$3.50 A MONTH
Free Tuning, Insurance, Stool
and Scarf. Rent allowed ou
purchase price If you decide t"
buy. .
Schmoller& Mueller
Piano Co.
1311-13 Fnrnntu Kt.
Doug- 1023.
Losses to Scandinavian Vessels 4
Through Mines Nearly $10,000,000
(Correspondence of The Associated Frees.)
STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Dee, 11 Total
losses te. Scandinavian shipping through
mine disasters worn as follows up to mid
Sweden, s'ght" ships and slaty Uvea;
Denmark, sis vessels and sin lives; L'or
way. five vssseis and sis lives. To this
to mi must also, be added Holland with
three vessels and fifteen lives.
The tots! financial loss for ths twenty
two ships anU tbeir cargo will reach
nearly llOttOOO. . .
LONDON. Dec. 1A.-During ths first
four months of the war fifty-four Brit
ish foreign -going ships, valued at 111.'
409,000. with a cargo worth llS.MO,ooo, were
captured or destroyed by the enemy.
Thess are official figures of the Liver
pool and London War Risks Insurance
According to these figures the losses
for four months were LSI per osnt of ths
total number of vessels. Its per osnt of
their total value and ,K per oeat of ths
total value of cargoes carried;
This would indicate that vessels oould
have been Insured at a rats of .ST per cent
monthly and their cargoes st a rate of
.M per cent. The rates fixed by the gov
ernment at the beginning of ths war
were .11 for vessels and LS4 for Cargoes.
This shows a snog margin ftt profit tor
epoidalbSe Tail g at m Frie
To Close Out Winter Suitincs and Keep My Tailors Busy
. . . . . a. m, m mm mmm sa SSSw SJ SI X sWs M
Any c,o ci IT MY SMfl and Msdo AnX55r SHI I M l
r- nqq UU 1 ti U 1 1 UUU m AMntiA OT Ma3L vwn
Ws VjJVW I si wiiinim - - -r
Style, Fit, Linings and Workmanihip Guaranteed I Cut the Price Not the Quality
an. rsx jo ra
l aW l m ST .ew-
American Wounded
Near Batnm by Turks
. . . ; .,. " , .
(Correspondents pf th Associated frees.)
LONDON, Dec. ls.-m the Invasion of
a British copper praperty near, Batum
by the Turks, the American manager, B.
T. White, was wounded, but managed
to escape with the other fcrelgn officials
of the company. Some of tho officials
have arrived In London.
The 1,500 . employes were completely
outnumbered in the fight snd left the
property as soon as the enemy with
drew. As the company produces 24.000
tons of copper monthly, the Russian gov
ernment Immediately took steps for re-
occupylng the mine.
525,530, $35 and up
Extra Pair Trousers
We will include an
extra pair of trousers
Gives Poison to Self
And Her Two Children
NEW YORK. Dec. J9.-Mre. Lorlys
Rogers, wlfs of a local attorney-at-law.
administered poison to herself and her
two smsll children iiers todsy. All three
sre In a hospital. Ths children are sx-
pected to dis. Mrs. Rogers, who Is a
prtsonsr charged with attempted suicide,
may recover.
with your suit order
this weekfor the
price of the -suit alone.
"The extra trouaers .
from tame material as j
suit or other fabric or '
equal value as you may
Full Black, Blue, cr Grey Che
viots, Worsted or Thibet Suit
with extra trousers ft OC
tame or striped material y"J
Bctttr Plac Yetr Order Tod yt '
NICOLIv TheTatilor
, "Wo Jerrems' Sons a
200-211 So. 15th St,
During the Holiday Shoi'P "
Season you can increase the lim
for making your purchases a i.
will feel better by getting quie.
service and pure food at one o '
Tito I'll re Foo:! Sim.
Qnickserv Cafctrri.t -
Cnfctcrla lth mid Homey ht .
City Nafl nook BIdg. IKmnsUU .
Lunch nooms--1 11) S, lClh Si.
1406 Douglas S-' 108 Farim r
PIERRE. S. D., Dec .'-(Speclal Tele-
gram,) The jury in tha esse against
Herman Bonnenacbsln. tha prominent
Stanley county . stockman , on trial at i
Fort Pierre, charged with' the theft of:
two cars of cattle, brought In a verdict. ,
of guilty of grand larosny this avsning. ;
after being out about an hour. )
Two cars of csttle were shipped from j
Lantry for Chicago, but were stopped at
Mobrldge as stolen stock, and by the
confession ef Ed Carr, Sonnenscheln was :
connected with ths desl. Sentence will i
be pronounced tomorrow by Judge Mo
' PIERRE, 8. D.. Dec IB. A couple of
tons of n' 1"- was the outcome of a
reoeat rabbit hunt In the vicinity of
Ottumwa, when two parties dsvoted a
day to hunting, with tha losers to par
for supper and danca folio wing the
hunt. They gathered In about VOW rab
bits for tha days work, and is Is alleged
that there Is no visible evidence of a
Hnrtjre af tha rabbit cron in that sec
tion since the hunt. The rabbits wars j
loaded into a wagon and hauled to tha
railway at Midland by a four-horse team
and shipped to a commission firm at
WASHINGTON, Doe. C Tha first esse
in ths supreme court. In which the valid
ity of a "blue sky" law, la at issue, was
docketed today, on an appeal from ths
decision of ths Iowa federal courts In
that stain, holding the Iowa law of ltU
regwUting tha sals of stacks uncoaatltu-
U U UsSI Uas) B
Italy Ktagt Wires Wis lea.
WASHINGTON. Dec. King Victor
Emmanuel of Italy today eabisd Presi
dent Wilson congratulating biro on bis
bifiy-elshth birthday aor.ivsrsary. Mss
aeges from many of the nations at war
havs been delayed because of cebte dlfft-
Robbing the Bottle
That's what yon do when yon take
the cream oil ths top of us milk
bonis. Thsrs's but little food value
left in rhs bios gsilk
Colin qo
TOO AT, Stat. 8:30
Zvsnlns; a tSO
Z.ast Two Tim.
aiAJiTxsz.nrorB wold tamq.?
7 AIRY 1
Original Company and production
OaL 9Se; BaL BO-75Q-I1I Or?h. Sl-il.Sj
Hew Year's Altractiort
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 1 and 2
, Mitinoe Each Day
t ' ? ? !"i Y 11 '
lull Cv Sbts I. a wss Sioor, 2.
and Lowf Floor, SI. 50, gl Bal..
Tttc, sOo K aoo. HSW BBI.I.ISTO.
is risk ana cream to the Ust drop.
Yon can ess pari ef U fall strsa2ta
W crsjua sad dAntc the rsxt for
coating purposes and always kav
the f roper food valna.
Cottsge KfDh Is psrs. rich saOh wfrh
snsc oi ths srater takes out sod wuh
SMhiog added, it lasts ssnWInhaty.
Ce a suwary eodsy and ssa hss
Mpansr it is to beast ntlia. ' .
In Two Suet
G and IOC
Or rtiowe
OsUlen brehsrng
- Dousisa 44lt.
tit brandels
Theater building,
ouista, nsn.
AmucAN mixes.
ssasssnou-.ii. israna
BOYD Pouf'M 1t9
Vonlght, All Week Mats. Wsd
Srw Tear's aa Sat, gso. Tha
Boyd Theater Co., with
Urof. Obamssrs' ViiHls lA
toes, aae 4 Oo-
stbxt week rmisrca xaki.
tA- BvagS lS-8-0.76e.
BCsrVa a Brand Hew Shew
BlVTOtC fiYPal MAICS tn,c
COOVKB'B ls "miss Boriesue
Tom "ttmoke" McRae and 1 other fun
sters. Beauty Chorus of Fortuns TeJt
ers. Big Novslty Surprise at Xtra Mid.
ntte Show starting at 11;1S New Year..
ni'i.m i m Misac. a t
w . iuit i I This wk: Gsorst
SKIIW Jtm CtRSS. Hits BoUnl
IW U' Moli." Barry P . 0vhs TtswI
wsit. rtto-. sl, f.iir. l ; b m
tumt Sst. ssS Ss- sisst. !. SH.sSa.tas.
In Bhakeepeseaa Oosaedy
Bicuau si
X0.1S-SO cents to holders of member
snips Keservs esate at box
Offlcs, Deo. II. a. m.
sjss) Oooa Ihwi Bssesvatienn Tss