Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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TWO BADLY HURT' ! Omaha Grain Marc
uoing uacK 10 lis
Clerk Knox and Proprietor White of
Oxford Hotel Are Pehapj
Fatally Injured.
Coaeaaeloa Throws Oae Gaest from
Bet Wlilowt Arc Blow Oat
Il4 On Vmi Fulls Dowi
Step la the 8tame.
Ady Knox, elerk at ths Oxford hotel,
south went corner or ElvMh and Far
aam atreeta. and Anthony White, proprie
tor of the establishment, are both per
haps fatally Injured from the results of
an explosion which took plate when the
former lighted a match to find a gas
leak on the second floor of the structure.
Both men were Informed bjr a guest of
the hostelry that the gnu was leak In.
They traced the smell to the end of a hall
la a bath room, and when Knox struck
a light the escaped vapor Ignited and
nearly all the windows on the second and
third floors were blown out. The de
tonation was heard and felt two block's
away. Quests were frightened and a
regular stampede resulted.
Knox, burned all over his body, rushed
to the street, closely followed by Vhlte.
There they collapsed and were taken a
few minutes later to Ft. Joseph's hospi
tal, where not much hope Is held out for
Knox. -
In the rush out of the building Mlae
Lula Shay fell down a flight of stair
and was ptlifullr. if not seriously, in
jured. Mrs. Lillian Hughes, who was asleep In
a room adjoining the bathroom, from
where the gas was escaping, was knocked
out of bed and suffered a severe scalp
Fortunately, most of the escaped gaa
seemed to have been exhausted with the
explosion, and the rush in of free air
through the buildings .ikely saved the
structure from a bad Mase,
Practically all of the plastering on the
two floors was peeled from the walls.
Crea sil Cowan Remedy.
Dr. King's New Discovery gives almost
tnstant relief; first dose helps; best remedy
tor coughs, eolds and lung trouble. Mo
and JL All druggist. Advertisement.
Beed the "For Sale" ad If you want
bargain of the minute.
Normal Condition
Following the ChilRtma liolldiy,
Omaliasprnln receipts are getting back to
the normal, there being eighty-five earn
of wheat, 12S of corn and thirteen of oats
on sale. Wheat prices were J to J cents
lower, the sales being around 11.17 to
11.18 per bushel.
Durum wheat did not experience the
slump that hit other varieties of the
cereal, but continued to make Its dally
gains. Ihe high price was ll-MVa per
bushel, with the bulk' of the sale a
couple of cents under this price.
Corn was down one-fourth to three
fourths of a cent, the sales being at from
634 to 64 cents per bushel.
New Granite Rate
Into Effect Friday
An interlocutory order of the federal
district court, asked by New England
railroads, to temporarily restrain the In
terstate Commerce commission from put
ting new freight rates on Vermont gran
ite into effect January 1, was denied
Monday afternoon by United States Cir
cuit Judge Walter I. Smith and Federal
District Judges Thomas C. Munger and
James D. Elliott.
rtefusal of the three judges, sitting to
gether, to grant the temporary Injunc
tion leaves the petition of the railroads
to he heard later on the pleading for
a permanent Injunction. The new rates,
reducing the tariff on monumental gran
ite, will therefore go into effect Friday,
A motion by the government, which was
made a defendant in the suit, was filed
to dismiss the case. The Judge took it
under advisement. If granted, the case
will be ended in federal district court,
but may be appealed.
Borne fifty Omahana, said to be repre
sentative of the European nation now at
war met at the Paxton hotel Monday
to discus the proposed Hitchcock bill
to prevent exportation of munition of
war to foreign power and to plan a
mas meeting for a declaration of publlo
sentiment relative to that bill. It was
decided to call a mas meeting for
January S. Jerry Howard acted a chair
man of the meeting and Val J. Peters
Omaha Florist Hruban, Now Ameri
can Citizen, is Called to Ann
of Hit Fatherland.
rarest ia Old Coaatrr May Be Mal
treated If ftoa Does Tmt Retara
Observes Neutrality ana
Employs a Servian.
To be still on the roll of reservist of
Austria, to be a naturalised clttzcin of
the United States to have been notified
now to report to the colors to fight for
the fatherland, is the predicament of
Albert Hruban, florist, and proprietor-of
the green house at Twenty-ninth and
Dorcas streets. Hruban is worried over
the situation, a lie say he hae refused
to report on the grounds that he is an
American citizen, and that In spite of this
he ha .heard that the government at
home is making life miserable for his
father there. This is said to be a means
aotne times employed to bring reservists
back to abuse the parent of the emi
grant reservist or to make life a burden
for some of his close relative at home.
Mr. Hruban came to America a number
of years ago, but was a reservist when
he came. Ho wa naturalized in America
am years ago and ha for many years
pursued hi dally task, secilre in the
sense that he was an Amerlcancltlsea
like those about him. ,
Conaal ('all Him.
Then came the call from the Austrian
consul at Chicago. Hruban wa notified
to report to the colors. While he ha
refueed and ha heard that hta father ia
In danger of great abuse at home If he
does not report, he I awaiting further
development. He was married in this
country and ha a family of American
born, children.
HrafcM itrletly Ventral.
HI striot neutrality in the whole Eu
ropean conflict 1 strikingly shown la
the fact that he ha in hi employ a hi
trusted man a helper who is a Servian
by birth. With the fatherland of both
these men at each other's throats these
many months, the Austrian and Servian
have worked side by aide, and the Aus
trian has paid his wages regularly to the
Servian. The Servian ha brother in the
Servian army fighting against Hruban'
fatherland, but that make no difference
to Ilrubsn. The Servian has Just received
a letter from his brother at the tr f t
saying he hss been wounded by a shrap
nel. The soldier tells of the terrible
explosion of shrapnel, stating that
soldiers nearest to the explosion had
their eyes actually thrown out of the
sockets by the concussion. In some cases
the surgeons were able to set the eyes
back In place and In others this wsa Im
possible, and sight was wholly lout.
Thieves Take Cash
from Woman as She
Appears on Scene
Mr. Sarah Mongol! n. 1811 North Twenty-first
street, beard a noise In the
kitchen of her home early Tuesday
morning and, grabbing her purse contain
ing $100, rushed toward the sound, two
men were quarreling over some Jewelry
which they had Just helped themselves
to in the other rooms. '
When Mrs. Mangolln appeared, they
took her purse from her, extracted the
$100, handed the empty article back to her
and left the house. Mrs. Mangolln ha
furnished the police with a good descrip
tion of the men.
In a tussel that ensued between Mrs.
Mangolln and the intruders, they threw
a lighted oil lamp against the wall and
set the room on fire. Several neighbors
answered the woman' call for help and
extinguished the blase.
Nearly Thousand
Gifts by Parcel
Post Await Owners
The number of Omahan who expected
certain Christmas gifts by mall and did
not get any, la certainly large, according
to Foreman Edward Hoag at the post
office. He says that since The Bee
published the fact than many package
In the hand of the local postal authorities
were undellverable, because the addresa
tag or label had been lost, ha haa
been awamped with phone call from
people who wanted to know If such-and-such
a package Intended for them might
be tn the pile.
Nearly -1,000 such parcel are awaiting
the attention of the "Nixie" department,
which trie to find the consignee of pack
ages not undellverable. Edward Boles,
head of the department, aayg that many
of them will eventually be delivered to
the proper persona
iifftn if i iiftm ttm iiflhri rfiffi f sflifi nf ruatAsff f mrf it is"ft 11 it H -f H r"l if Itiili f" 1 ifT -f 1Ti if T 1? tl ifllfi rial rflft aflia ifl iff sits sfla sflsa Am
We are first to ibow every
thing new. Daring the season
w carry the largest stocks and
moat complete assortments. At
the end of tit) rear we clear
out ail the small lots left.
, a" , ,v
"Mfsimiiiiii-iwg.iimrii in -rVf.Tinvmjinji.i i.r it. no;. .nurm -. )! m siniasiisMilaliMiia,niUiTiiniii mi liiir
People know, by over 30 years
of experience, that after Christ
mas we sacrifice all lines of fall
and early winter merchandise.
They wait for these sales and
take advantage of them. Get
your hare. Come early.
- 1
Xf? AfS) rh (
-awdaaSJaWkaaaaSM at
- - . ............... t
It mil pay you to ehop all over the store, to look carefully in every department, be
cause there are thousands of small lots here and there that we are sacrificing at the most extremely low
prices. These lots are too small to advertise, but it is all good, fresh and desirable merchandise, represent
ing what is left of the immense assortments we had at the height of the season. Tou couldn't put a day to
better use right now than to shop carefully all over our stores both in the old and in the new building
and take advantage of the merchandise offered In our Year-End Clearing Sale. "
Fancy Goods
Stamped Lunch Clothe On
Irish linen, 64-lnca alga, neat da
si sua, French or eyelet am broid
ery, actual 2 value; offered ia
E..!?. 1.00
Japanese Print earfs &4 Inches
Ions, two-tone tola; e q
39o value, tor 1C
Ertiaird & Arastrcrj'i Best
Wish Ealroidsry Silk
AH the good color. Ragulaiiy
priced S skeins for lta. Ooarlof
ale prlew
3 Skeins for Sc
Mercerised Crochet Cotton Bern
only. In Coate's, Perl-Lutta and
Klostersllk. Values 10c and 16c
per spool. Clearing sale f
price, choice at DC
Blankets, Comforters,
Robes and Pillows
Full Wool-Filled Double Blanket
Large else. White, gray and tsn.
Bell regularly op to M nn
pair. Clearing sale ?le70
Fine Three-Quarter Wool Blanket
Good, heavy, toft wool blankets
for Urge beds. Bell regularly up
to $4.60 a pair. Clear- f o yn
lng sale price 7UJ
Cotton Blanket Double blankets
for and single bed. White,
. gray and tan. Generally priced
, up to 75c a pair. Clear Of),
lng sale price... )lC
Imported Italian Raw Silk Slumber
Robes Beautiful colorings and
patterns tor couch throws and
table cover, worth up tonr
13.60 each. Clearing sal.. HOC
Sllkolln Covered Comforters
Large sUe for double beds. Pure
hand-carded cotton filling. Regu
lar $2 value. Clearing f - r
cale price
Bed Pillow Sits 18x25. Weight
Zx pounds each. Fancy tick cov
ering and filled with all clean
i feathers. Worth up to tl.
Clearing sale price, each..
7omcn,g tiis5cs, Smart Apparel
Rdac9d to Pricts That SctnAlmott Unreasonable
fSS.09 Gown, dealing
Bale Prlee ,
- Gowns
tts.09 Gown, Clearing " Ann
. Bale Price ,. j?7
I7B.0O Gown. Clearing '
Sale Price t$.D
$51.00 Gown, aeartoc for
6aU price afKtW
Fur Coats
Beantifnl Silk Dresses Worth to $39.00
$128.00 Long Mall&e
Coat, at ...
$115.00 Fancy M aline
Cost, at............
$96.00 Long Nearseal
poet, at. J
$59.00 White Gooey.,
Ooat, at.
Very handsome garments, in Velvets,
Silts and Laces, at about half actual val-
Fur Muffs $1 .89 Fur Scarfs $90
At to $4 Values, at.... t M to $ Values, at. . . .
Velvet loose Vela
to $10. at
Children's tweeter Ooets
$1 and $L0 values, at. . . . v w
Black Sateen and Gotten Petticoat
S.1.!;. 69c
Children's Serge and Corduroy
Dreesee $3 values,
Children's Bsarekln Coats a1
II and $1.60 vml.. at pl
Women's and Mlaece' 8Mrt IS
to $6 values, special
Bilk and Serge Dresses
$10 to $16 values, at..
College and Sport Ceate
$10 to $16 value, at..
Many books become) more or less soQedl and damaged
by the) enormous crowds that handle and look at them during
our Christmas book sale. These and many others that we
wish to close out quickly have been gathered up and placed
oa tables
off off tVa off
NEW. YEAR CARDS now oa sale.
Large auortmenL
Fine Quality Dreee Percales 88
Inches wide. Light and dark
colors. Neat dots, stripes and
figures. Worth 10c per yard.
Clearing sale price, 1
Wednesday .2C
Sft-lnoh Genuine Amoeksag Fleece
Down Flannel In plain shades
and white., Worth WViCqi
yd. Clearing sale price... O2C
Fine Drees Zephyrs In all the
leading stylea. Neat checks and
stripe. Remnants up to 15 yards
long. 10c and ltttc Qoal- 1
tty. Wednesday, yard . . . , . OjC
36-inch Bleached Maslin,
For 5c Per Yard
Extra fine quality. Soft finish.
Off the bolt.
Comforter Covering In all the
leading shades. Neat oriental
and Persian designs. Values 6c
per yard. Clearing sale j
price 4C
27-Inch Fancy Striped Outing Flan
nel m a choice assortment of all
the wanted shades: pink, light,
blue, gray, etc. Values 10c per
yard. Clearing sale ' 1
Price 0C
CUrkO. NX Mercerized'
Crochet Cotton, 7c Ball
MWa Meek BaaS Special,
each ,
Iaiaata Oae Paata Ifro and
ike values, pair
Larare-Sta Hair Neta All shades;
worth up to (0 per doaea.
ClearlBs; sal prloe, doaea,... V
SlJte But rersas atse.
Choice Thursday at
Gee Nlckel-Platee Safety
Itaa a dosea (or .
SaaJtarr A ere Large atse.
Special, each
Saattarr Belte Made of elaa
tto. He values, for.......
BaabreMetr Stlasera Oood quality.
Worth to ts per pair. 1 en
dearing sale price .'. ."
Wash Ecaee 4-yard bolts. Faat
colors. Worth lta per belt,
Laree Slse Beste Mate Ptaa C
bueclal. dosea
Ums aa Cartea Tape Beet
quaUUjr. for olt.
Next Monday, January 4th :!
i is
Wait for it.
It will pay you. It will be the btesrest in all our history. Unusual con-
-""J ditioiis, of which we have taken full advantage, will enable us to offer you values l iTl
-. that, will make it worth your while to stock up for many, many months to come.
v f -i. ve e iP a
Don't Miss Our Great Pre-Inventory Qearance
Boys' and Children's
Overcoats Ma'ckinaws
at Just Half Price
Boys' and Children's
at Just Half Price
V, !
'. 4
Throngs of delighted customers took ad'
vantage of the wonderful batgain oppor
tunities offered Monday and Tuesday in
Our Great Half Price Sale of
- . M i
Women's and Children's Apparel
Wednesday we offer not onty the Suits, the Furs and
Dresses, but a wonderful line of beautiful Chiffon
Waists, Shadow Lace Waists,
Crepe de Chine, Silks and
Fancy Velvet Waists, val-
lie nn tn $7 Zfl nt
Will bo surprised if thia lot of waists lasts more than
the one day, so select as early as possible. Plenty of beau
tiful Suits, Furs, Cloth Coats and Dresses at just Hajf
Regular Worth. .
All Silk Crepe de Chines $1.50 q q
and $1.75 values; Wednesday, yd. "OC
" 40-in. wide, in a full line of most popu
lar street and evening shades, values sel
dom ever before equaled.
your measure from choice of 100 pieces of
new plaid wool fabrics. Perfect fit and
workmanship guaranteed. Inquire at
Dress Goods Department.
Pre-Inventory Clearance
Specials, Domestic Room
E0c 68-ipch Mercerized Table
Damask I 35
38c 68-inch Mercerized Table
Damask . ,...25g
.72x90 Sheet, E9c value,. 45
72x90 Sheets, 75c value, 5St
81x90, Sheet, 69c value 524
12 He 36-in. Silkoline. . . .$)
85c Stitched Cotton Batt, 3-lb.
for ...654
65o Unstitched Cotton Batt, 3-
lh. 55J
6 He Pure Indigo Blue Apron
Gingham 3
lOe value Bleached Muslin 5
Pre-Inventory Specials in
the Linen Department
Pattern Table Cloths, full
size, bleached, $1.50 value,
each $1.00
Hemstitched Napkins, 17x17
, inches, slightly mussed,
worth $4.00 a dozen, six
for... .....$1.00
Dew Bleached Satin Damask
Eerariants, in 2 and 2V2 yd.
lengths, worth up to $2.00
a yard .. . .. .. . $1.00
Towels, assorted lot In Turkish
and Huck,-values to 16c at,
each .. 10
Pre-lnventory Clearance
Blankets and Comforters
112.50 Wool Blanket or Down
Filled Comforts $9.48
$10.00 Wool Blankets or Down
or Wool Filled Comforts,
at S7.50
$7.50 Wool-Blanket or Corded
Cotton Comforts . :..$5,00
$4.95 Wool Filled Blankets,
at ... $3.80
$3 95 Wool Filled Blankets or
Comforts $2.90
$2.75 11-4 Twill Cotton Blan
ket or Comfort $1.98
$2.00 large Blanket or Com
fort'.. ..-$1.48
$1.50 large Blanket or Com
fort . $1.15
$1.00 slse Blanket or Com
fort .89
Great Pre-lnventory Grocery Sale $20,000 Stock Reducing Sale Before Jan, 1st.
Quality Goods and a Sauing of 25 to 50 Per Cent for the People.
20 lb, beat Granulated Sugar $1.00
48-lb. sack bst hlffh grade Diamond
H Flour nothing- finer for bread,
plea or cakes, per sack S1.40
10 ,1b. best White or Yellow Corn
meal for .lSe
I lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal .S3o
lb. Choice Japan Rice SSo
.The best hand-picked Navy Beans,
per lb So
4 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca.... SOo
5 6o can Cottars Milk (the milk of
quality 1 BSo
4 li-os. can Cottage Milk S5o
cana Lu, Lai Scouring; Soap it beats
the Dutch See
The best Domestic Macaroni, pk. 7Ho
Gallon can Golden Table Syrup 38o
Grape-Nuts, pkg. 10
Corn Flake. lOo pkr So
All regular lOo Cookie, per lb., SHp
All regular HHe Cookies,, per lb.. 10o
All regular 16o Cookies, per lb., 1BV40
Parker Itouae Cataivp, bottle. . . ,TH
8-lb. cans Hominyi'Pumnkln. Squash
or Baked Beans 7H0
can Oil Sardines BSo
Snider' s Tomato Soup, can fio
,8-lb. can Yellow Freestone Peaches,
for loo
7 bars Klectrio Spark Poap. . . . . . .BSo
( bars Omaha Fainliy Soap. ..... . 95a
6 bars Feia Naphtha Soap .85o
6 cakes Sllexo Scouring Soap SBo
10 bars bst brands Laundry Soap 83o
Her.they's Breakfast Cocoa, lb. .'.SOo
iGolden Santo Coffee, lb SOo
Tli Best Creamery Butter, carton or
, bulk par lb. ....A.... 84a
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, per lb 3So
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, Seo
2 lba. good Butterlne 85o
Fancy Table Butterlne, lb .SOo
Fancy Full Cream N. Y. White, Wis
consin Cream or Young America
Cheese, per lb. 80o
.16 lbs. best Red River Early Ohio
Potatoes .804
12 lbs. Fancy Cooking Apple to ths
peck .' 804
Demand your weight -th law re
quires it.
Hubbard Squash, per lb 8e
01,r Beets. Carrots. Turnip or Pars
nips, per lb .......So
Fancy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb. 1H0
Fresh Beets, Carrot. Turnlpe, Rad
ishes or Shallots, per bunch. .... .
S larKe Soup Bunches ,..10q
S large Green Peppers '....10a
2 staaks Fresh Celery fio
2 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce So
Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7Wa
Fanoy Cape Cod Crinberrlee. q.t. 7Vo
Fancy Head Lettuce, per head...7Ua
The best Mixed New Nuts, lb ISo
Red Jacket P.ure Apple Cider, gal. 88o
it vnw MAvncrme cincT it
f!JS IUB MliirtL m bw Esai I M W I IUQI
t 3 -Mi
r. 5
I 1
ock Springs oal
Mined by the Original Producers, Sold by the Following Dealers
Peoples Coal Co.
Union Fuel Co.
Updike Lumber ft Coal Co.
West Omaha Coal ft Ice Co.
Dworak Wrecking; Co.
Havens Coal Co.
McCaffrey Bros. .
Nebraska Fuel Co.
Jeff W. Bedford
Henry. Foley
Harmon ft Weeth
Howell ft Son
O. W. Hula Co.
C. S. Johnson
Keys Lumber ft Coal Go,
Lucas Coal Company
Nebraska Distributers.
Dr. Tarry' mild system of treatment cure Piles, Fistula, and other Rectal
diseases. In a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or
any other general anaesthetic used. A cur guaranteed In every case accepted for
treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal dis
eases containing testimonials of prominent people who have been permanently cured.
un. X .-Vlkltx IWfl .miming irnana.
Hotel itelrn
"As Iletel Wbare Cuert are Maae
v to Feel at Home'
Not too large, yet laree
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
$0$ RmuMointt baaaaraat Oarf
Slaal KeaaM Hrk tuonlnt Witt
Slagls Kasats i;k Tak or Shovw
Dacbk) Kaoais wlik luaslnt Vsmt
12.00 m S4.0S awday
Oeatl Roas vttk Tk or Skewr
ti.UO to 14.00 Pr day
EDWARD C. FOGG. Unmimw Pirwcf
' . Before ssttltiur
Vautioa lttnsmnr for tit Win tar.
m elairu ti im
Ma Twlleus Sea vaael
Ma gorelsa IbmitwImmI
Ma rear ef War's Alaxaul
Ideal Winter Rendezvous
( easily aenwible. witk a.liehtfni rllmati
eoiuiluooa au4 lurkua surrwuulutaa.
Bt. A wiiUh i ranee de Lwd si
(krafeviid-oa-the-Maiiras i
I'alu. huk ibrakers and !
nd Aleanr
Reyal Poinciana
Koyml fain
...... ...... Tba Colonial
lmu Ktti ....Anldral fkhmt Cainn
Ua.ana, t nbai Via Kay Was aad . A O.
a. s. c
Tn Ovar Saa Railroad witk Pullman Rr-
vie allows swp oS priviHwaa at all princitisi
htaakr 8yetai
M rifth Ave.. NY. 10 W. A dam 8C Cakac
oi. aufiHtma x brua