10 T7TE TIKE: OMAHA, DECEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to fnsnr proper clanslflostlon must b pr Ti(nl before 1J o clock noon frr evening oltlon and 7:30 p. m. for morning nd Pimdar edition. Want ad received after mtrh hour w!ll he under the heading, Too Lt t Classify." ' CASH PATES. sren miMuUvt times, 1 cent a word -h Insertion. Three time within on week. IV cent a word each Insertion. On time, t eerfts a word. . ' CHARGE RATES. Herm consecutive time. I cent a Un sen Insertion Three limes within one week. 10 cent line earn Insertion. One time, t cent a tlrm. Count six averas words to a una. Minimum charge, cent.' An advertisement Inserted to oe ninon tll discontinued mut be stopped tr wrlt teo order. AH claim for error mnt he ma-l within f li teen day f'er th last Inser tion of tba advertisement. Tou can plac your want ad In Tb Be By telephone TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" ' Hundred of other answer bar been railed for nd delivered during th lest week. It ia reasonable to suppose that all of th pex.pl below have made th Ors)re3 swaps, men-tore Ada aura get result. PC SC. SO. SC. m ro tm til 2-7 !f4 J 7 m is i7' n i im ! U"7 l 221 1311 133 It HO i:?14 14 m tn un i 228 ll 1332 i 2 117 1M7 1404 231 124 1338 1407 4 r 1341 14US K7 171 1344 1411 JM 1CJ l.V.l 1412V fc6 2M lfi4 1414 lu U 1361 1410 Be Want B.C.. BC. 1424 UH 1421 IMS 1431 isn 14S1 If") 1431 1441 1M0 1446 lf-45 44( 1W-4 1414 l" 14A l-'-M 14.0 1W0 14.J Uol 1470 lf4 1471 1 141 1597 lava PUtTHI AND Fl'SEBAt NOTICES KERRKLL Joseph, at hla residence, Monday morning, December it, W14, Funeral from' residence. 1911 North Twenty-fifth street Wednesday after noon at 1 o'clock. Interment Mount Hop cemetery. TODAY'S COMPI.ETH MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively la The) lire. oath. FAVORITE THEATER 1710 VINTON. 'n Suspicion, l-reel Ltimn drama. The Profcs-donal Scapegoat. Vita. corn. Broncho Billy's Judcment. Ess. W. dra. OEM THEATER. 12.S HOI TH HSIL Master Kcv No. 8. 1-recI special. Jewel of Allah, Eclair. His Doctor's Orders, Joker mm. ' LTRIC THEATER. 1(117 VINTON ST. A Pas from Life, 2-reel Rex. Hilly Charae, Btcrllng comedy. Srt-narlo Editor' rroam, I'owera. msixKss m ixers YoUK t'Uinrs m nil cKimt quickly sold JIM wit V Y, s ! .-in . will ut y.ni in tne il iu rental iUM. ness wllh territorial rlshta: profits not le than F-n weekly. Philadelphia, Pa. P. O. Itox 84 WK want to hear from l-!c-aake Jrad- mediate huslnos. We pay rommlsalona sn can match anv deal Addrexs Room l,L"nf".r!Liil!!!if!l2rk' r)rnBn. Neh. ICJKT In or out of business) Call on OANOE3TAD 44 He BH, T UTJ. HELP WATEI FEMALE Factory mad Trade. VANTEI A woman to keep hotta for family of two grown peopia and a 7 y par-old boy Would prefer to have woman about M year of ane. The work will be easy. Must hav rcferencea. Ap ply between hours of a and i In the even Iri 1'hone Harney 4f)l or call at 2211 Wrhster street. VANTKI An experienced nurse alrl; references required. .Mr. A. V. Tukey, 123 P. 37th Hi. H. 14... WANTED SITUATIONS WAN l'Ji Hy a yuun man, u k alt ion In Omaha or elsewhere aa Inventory clerk In some bis; wholeaal house or business concern In stock takinu, sales or as cashier, asrlstRiit bookkeeimr mid of fice clerk. Ton years' experience; best of references; willing to start work at a reasorraMe e-fllnry. Adores A-JI71, Eee. LIVE WIHK III' 8 IN ESS MEN OF 01AUA PASTIME. 24TH LEAVEN WORT1L Two Pals and a OaJ, Joker com. Mystery of Heavlew Hotel, t-reel Hex. VENEZIA, 1211 SO. 13TII 8T. Pour reel of Mutual pictures. W es. MONROE THEATER. Kifio FARNAM. The Weans and the End. t-reel Ess. dra. Coupon Collectors, I.ubln comedy. The Hherlff'i Reward, Rells; drartn. BENSON THEATER. MAIN ST. Klnir Raaa-ot In "The Treasure Train.'' W hen Their Hrldea (lot Mixed, Nest. corn. The Youna Philanthropist, Vnlv. Hoy. loanrll Hlaffs. ELITK NO. 2. f4& BROADWAY. The Htolen Engine, Kalem drama. Runny' Lit U Hrother. 2-r. Vita com. The f-evel, Vltagraph drama. ROPEK, HHOADWAY. Call of the Wavea, J-reel. O. Boal. W ho Htole the Hrldesroom. Net, Com. The Rustler Outwitted Ernn.- Isats Oasahsi. PERSE THEATER. S4TH AND N. Pll Orn. The Flying Freight' Cap tive. The Man from th bea, l-reel. The Egptlsn Mummy. MAOIC THEATER. 24TH AND O. Terence O'ltourke, 2-r. Kerrigan Vlotor. Oh, Tou .Mummy! Crystal comedy. The Rustler Outwitted, Frontier. ORPHEUM. Keystone Chaplin. Vaatleviltr. 24TII N STREETS. feature, featuring Char 11 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE OLYMP1A ia shoeing a complete line of Xmaa candles. 161k Harney. GET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. HAZEL Leaf Pllo Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; (0o postpaid; samples free, bberuian A McCnnnoil Drug Co., omana. BIRTHS AND DEATH. Birth-Worley and Lottie Bunch, hos pital, girl; Dennle: and Mary Craven, M Jsorth ThIrty-thtrU. boy; Fred M. and Alice Deweese, hospital, boy; Ed and Carrl Doty, hospital, boy; Albert J. and Cell-ate K. Englitig. 14.16 North Twen tieth, girl; E. and ti. Johnson. 2J08 Nich olas, girl; Will and Ruth Moose. 1130 bou I h Thirtieth avenue, boy; Josef and Antonle Maruch, lm Bouth Nineteenth, girl; David and Jane Warlence, 3124 Maple, boy; R. and Birdie i Richard, 11117 ttouth Seventeenth, boy ; George and Mable Roberu, liSi Ogden, girl; Clark and Anna Spalek, 17( ISouth Eleventh, girl; Ernest and Ruth Llvlngnton, 2M0 North Twenty-filth, boy; II. J. and Ruth K. Wing, 717 North Thirty-third, boy; C. and Maria Auaalone, lo3 Bouth felxteontb, girl. Deaths Edwin C. Veen. tS years, hos pital; Catherin C. Crelghtnn, 80 years, 8Mb Harney; Clarence Le Verne Davis, 1 years, 1617 OUn avenue: Qrace K. J acq us. V) years, hospital; W. P. Murphy. 4 years, 1)C1 North .Twenty-first; Amli Oooae, month, i6a Nortb Twenty-o-ond. . MARRIAGE LICBNtlBB. IJcense to wed. were granted to the following. Nam and Residence. Age. Earl A. Mt-Kviiua, Omaha a Kllxabeth M. Wood, South Omaha U Martin TJenkea. Omaha t Lucretia Carey, Omaha 29 William 9. Reuben, Omaha U Minnie Frank, Omaha 23 Frederick C. Miller, Washington, D. C. M Charlotte Hennum, Denver.. . 86 Jena S. G. Nielsen, Omaha. H Katy Bwoboda. Omaha 23 Dome Johnson, Robinson, Kan M Addle Funches, Olenwood, Ja. 21 TODAY'S COMPLETE! ' MOVIE PUOUUAMdi KxciuwlreJ D Tbo lie ilUWB TSWB, CAMARPflONE THEA., 1404 Douglas. The tttoien Engine, Kaient Drama. The Man frum tlie Sea, 2-r. Lubin drama. The Rival Mags Lines, Bellg W, Comedy. I:L1TE NO. 2. 1H11-FARNAM 8T. Ulcarat-Selig No. 8S. The Umugglers of lm laie, featuring Marian Kaia, 2-reel Kal. dra. The Athietio rajuuy, V i-AlCNAM THEATLH. 14J3 FARNAAi. Weekly No: 1U4. Her Mother' Voice, Royal comedy. Flower of the Desert, i-r. Domino era. HLrV XiltAlH.it. Ulh AND liARJSJkX. ' Horn of Paramount Pictures, l AIiK. TllliATAuR, Feature program dally. Keystone Coiundtee. tit N. WflL PARLOR THEATER. lejs DOUULAB. Big SUter'a Xmas, l-reel Rex. Innocent Dad, Jsterllog comedy. ULA4 PRINCE.S8 THEATER. 1317-11 DOUO Master Key No. 7. 2-reel special aerlai. The Fat Girl' Romance, Crystal comedy, Animated Weekly No. 144. Anna. ALII A MORA, 1814 NO. B4TH BT Zip, the lixlrer. Keystone Comedy. OKI Jackson a Olrl. i-r. Than. lrw. biui-u &lasii piM;e, Dra. ALAMO. iHi'H AND 'Oii Ills 1-alher Son. 2-rl Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Life' Morv. Power. CLIFTON. Military Ave. and liuruotl. ruy Again, iveystone comeay. 'ord of ilia l'eoplu, 2-r. iC-ii. drama. !tiirrs tnnuem-e. Majestic drama. MAlluND THEATER. Hit) LAKE BT. Aniiuatea vieefciy. 1 tie rtaron Ur-ar Kceje, LcKo. con. Million Dollar Mystery, Than No. . FRANKLIN. THEA. S4TH FRANKLIN Ills Ne-iixvia. X-recl Kaiein drama. On Muoiu-litne Mountain., Lubin drama. Cause for Thank!vlnK. Vtlayrapb com. Wedding announcements. Doug. l'tg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard 1018 A BETTER YEAR THAN 1914 I a good slogan at this time. It can he made reasonably sure with an office .In The Bee building "TUB BUILDING THAT IS ' ALWAYS NEW." GOOD paving restunrsnt rlcrl., - town; best of reasons for selling; IThjO. GAXGESTAD, Room 404 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 2477. EDUCATIONAL MID-WINTER TERM OF HOY I .EH COLLIXJE MONDAY. JANUARY 4. Day school; night school; complete btis Iness course; complete shorthand or sten otype course; complete telegraphy course: civil service branches and English. BtuL dents admitted Ht any time. Write, phone or call for 1M catalogue. BOYLE COLLEGE. H. B. Ho vies. President. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas L'6. The VanxSant School Stenbgraphy Day school, y.uu to 4.uu. Night school, :1S to ;L5 lth and Farnam fits. four' 6M7, WINTER TERM MOSHEH-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, MONDAY, JANUARY 4. TTnaurpassed classes In buelness, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. tor free catalogue add- Mowher-Lampman College 1th an! Farnam Street. Omaha, Neh. CLASS or private Instruction In EnKlish; wi i",uuuvri KRiiaiaction guaranteed; rati reasonable; best of references Silt laven.oit. H. 6.ssfl. MUST sell all trunk, suitcases, band- bags, half price. Bee HAKKl, Ml w. itn M. F. MOllRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa gilts. a4 Branoei Tne. uiag. COAL-5 baskets, $1. D. 35415. Barker Bros. Paint Co.. paint, varnish, glass and O L A Z I N O. Telephone Douglas 4760. ! Farnam. . Fre Delivery. DON'T cry over spilled Ink. "Iron Rust" ' Soan removes stains of all description. 2Tk tube, by mail Nebraska Western belling Co., 03 Be Bldg.. AUTOMOBILES Industrial Garage Co., Ui t Harney Bis. Ituu forfeit for any magneto we can't re- palr. coll repar g. o. ttaysclorter. m n. it FOH Ra. NT One-ton W hit truck with driver, by week or month. 1L Pelton, ry Farnsm. Call Douglas 33M. FORD car paint d lf; other cars excord Ing to sue, work gtd. Phone 8. lti0. MODEL B- Delrolier touring car witu aalf-aturtar. run lea than fiOO mllaa: gem. me bargain at tsj. The T. O. Norm- wall Co.. 114 Jone Ht., Doug. 17QT. Oreenough, Omaha Rad. Rep. Co.. 1 l'OM sale the following scholarship In a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at th office of the Omaha Hee. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training g.ven for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired, i&u Douglas St Tel. Walnut J27 Maslcal Iastrnrtlon. RA?.JTM!rMP!".no P'" taught In 10 '""tia Chrlstensen K.-hool. 4i?0 Cum ing St. Walnut I37. Call or writ. FOR BALE" Farnltare. 1 Nl -,f7hanAd 'u'''i"'. cash or term; resaonable. Atner. Furn. Co.. 006 N. 19th. WANTEI Girl who in a Rood cook, no laundry, small family. 416 8. 3Sth St. IL 2.. WANTED Good cook at once; reference required. 44.4a Dodge. Mlsellaaeoae. LADIES' A misses roats. stilts, dresses A skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon off's New York Fampie Store, M6 N. Kth. WANTEK resiiectnhle, permsnenl place as housekeeier; w.-nmri of 4fi with boy 1 4 years ol-. No trul, rs. Call or write ?.;40 Third Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. 1. L. Cte-ncnt. 'l(hrlMvl) young man, Japanese, di-slres I place as cook; rnn furnish excellent 1 re ference. For particular sddre-s L S4i, care Hoe. WE rent, repair, sell needle and part for all sewing machines. NB BRASK CYCLE CO.. ' Mtcki ," llth and Harney. Douglas 11 EAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten sils. Popular oomblnationa, not Sold In stores. Fsctory Salesmen. Web, w FOR furnace Janitor or caretaker. See Henry Hentley, 11 N. 18th. MANY government Job open to women; list free. Franklin luatlute. Dept. or. W. Rochester. N. Y POSITION wanted as hotel clerk by man of middle nxe; -Xference; best of ref- erences. Address A 2-0. Bee. or call V. I M47. WHERE TO OFF1CB IN 1915. Live wires are dnlly finding The Bee Building most desirable for their business wants. "The Building That Ia Always New" sells service as well ss space. LIVE WIRE III 81. NESS MEN OK OMAHA Star anal office Fix tares. DESKS, safes, scales, showesses, helv ing, etc. V. buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Pu p pi y Co.. 414-14-lt 9. Uth D. TiU. laws aa aoTcar!. B?. M CLARK SON. Ill WTH ST. gteel lelllns. CARTER Sheet Metal Work. 110 B loth. '1 YOUNG women com. ng to Oiaaha as strantters sre Invited to visit the Young Women' Chrlsttnn Asaoclat on I ullOmg ai St. Mnry Ave and lith St., where they will be dtre-ted to s.iltiiMe board. ng places or otht rwlse nlsied. T.cok for our Jrareler'a culde at Union tation. nELP WANTED MALE Clerical aatl Office. SHIPPING CLERK-F.xperlenccd. capable of taking full charge of department for largo business. Very hlph grade man required. This position Is with an excellent firm, pays a good sel.-uy and Is worth Investigating. For Interview call at IZ6 State Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER for out of town, 176; excellent opportunity for rlaht party. Watts Kef. Co., Mil-12 Hrandels Theater. COLLECTOR for city; good future. Ap ply 312 Bee Bldg. CITY salesman; exceptional opportunity for right party. Apply 312 Be Bldg. WANTED Experienced weigher and of fice man In coai yards; must know city and have good references; none other need apply. Address M XH care Ree, HIGH-GRADE commercial positlona WEST REF. BOND AS.4N., 7M Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 4f3 City -National Hank Rldg., Omaha. Neb. Wanted Reliableand Responsible Men W Will trre.llv an,4 during 1915, and we want several men of Btnnrllnir unA nhltltw tnw trnnA Commission agents, who make good, wlli ue ico oeuer positions, write tor par ticulars, giving references. Will only consider men with good clean records. OLD LINE ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY. Banker Ufa Rldg., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Several neat appearing mea for soliciting, Money daily. Call at one. eU Brandel Theater Bldg. AUCTION HALE. Wednesday. December 80, 1914. At 1921 Caas St., commencing at 10 a. m., sharp; W will sell at auction the content ofaii J-room house, consisting of parlor furni sh?! r-U,Kr' A'1.1 n t.alr nt. dining -.r"?".T-rB."rs. com- modes, bed and bedding, hall rack, one I inZKl M itovoL Ul"h, nd cook- Far. ,n utenslla, and other articles, too AUTO clearln, TSua. 'la Farnn. buy. tir'TWDALhl' XAbJffioSUo' and sells u?.-cars. Pone Dougliia aiO. Auctioneer. ' . AUCTION CO , ?!.0-yA-? t."'LjLuj'n'. at 1703 N. 24th7 WANTED Agents and solictor In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either sex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. W rite at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer. Omana. Neb. ' WANTED Agent to handle our custom made to order clothing line and take orders. Liberal commission allowed, Tlch ner & Jacobl, Rochester, N. Y. o. 'INK, expert radiator repair. Din . 2uth. Mutareyeles. HARLET-DA VIDbON MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used machine. Victor Ron, The Motorcycle Men," 1701 Leavenworth. Uli'lNDIAN MOTORCTCLE now ready: baritalna In used machine. utlAnA BICYCLB CC.. Kith and Chicago. D. 372 Uudborg Bros., 2671 Lost. (Flying Msrkle). BUSINESS CHANCES C. M. KATON, Business Broker, 1104 Woodmen of th World. List your bus iness for results. Doug. 19K4. C. J. Csnan can sell your farming land. FOR BALlO-ln town of 2,400. 1 plutura show and 1 theater wen equipped lor pictures and vaudeville; large stage, good scenery; will sell both or either, busi ness excellent: reason tor selling, must get on homestead j cash or no deal; don't answer for curiosity. Address x , nee. FOR SALE Nyal drug store. In good tniulh Dakota town; goon rtx. nusinesa; reason for selling, not registered. Ad dress Y S.1, Bee. FOR SALB Two hundred share Bank er Realty Investment Co. Stock worth 2240: will soli for M0. Paying ay per cent Interest. Lel, Bee. FOR SAI.U Only muvlng picture show In good town of l.luO. Will aland thorough Investigation. Addras all com munication to Y 819, Bee. CKOCKHY el'OKhi for sale, only ex clusive on In Uva town of 1.100, located la western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reason for eelilMg Address Y-M4. er Be. I HAva Bakery, confectionery and grooery ; will guarantea you can clear 1160 per month; i . Grocery and meat market cash sale tuO to 1U) per day; low rent, tea in heat, everything modern; 12,100. - Cigar, notion, confectionary, laundry office, perlodicaia, living rooms In the rear; low rent; HM. 1 WANT A man with t2,0u0, manufacturing, to keep books, to sell goods and act as Uasurer. A man with !.i,oo0, bookkeeper, out of city. A man with l-M.OuO. treasurer and office manager, out of city. Bank, manufacturer or Jobber who needs a man with 13,000 to lo.uuo In the city or vicinity, who has exceptional abil ity as manager and professional account ant; no job too large for thl mat). C. M. EATON, Buslnee Broker. U'J W. O. W. Bldg. - - wn, irrii im, . Jdasloal laatraaae-ata. ELECTRIC Piano Player. Ill w. 18th. TysHttvrltera. 4 AH make typewriters rented. old, terms. Butts ps writer. ISO., r arnam. O tkMl. RENT-An i Oliver typewriter. 1 month for K The Oliver Typewriter Co.. ix RENT Remington. Monarch and Bmltn Premier of their makera Th Reailug ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchaae, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Rale, three month for 16 fur undersiroke machine or (J per month fur latest model visible writer. 6PKC1ALTY salesmen In and out of city; expenae daiiy: call evenings. Fast Selling Household Specialty Co., Room 12, Crounse BU., Ii9 No. 111. WANTED Salesmen for U oifice sup plies. (2) boiler supplies, (8) advertising novelties, (4) docks, aluminum ware, etc., to; sorgnum. mm isee mag. WANTED Men to take order, new tor fixture, no competition, every store need from on to several machines, great opportunity, big money, no ex perience necessary. For full particular address 418 N. 11th St.. Beatrice, Neb. EXPERI EN' 'El children's nurse wants position. Best references. Harney tiA. EXPERIENCED young man desires work by month on farm. Harry Johnson, Vail, Ia. WAXTKI Hy midule-agcd lady and CAUxhtcr hotel or housework; i-omiie-tent and good cook. Address 1-3 37B. llee. MAN and wife desire farm work; can furtilsh reference; German nationality. Address F 377, Bee. SITUATION, wanted by experienced clerk In countty town store, best references; spe.ik German and low German. Address M 2S5, Bee. CHAUFFEUR wants position. Six years experience. Best of reference. 640 W. Washington Ave. I'hone Council Bluff, Black 1S. NEAT colored girl wants to do chamber work. Dmiglas SHU Call for Lena. A GOOD sober reliable plumber, having both master and journeymen license, wishe work. Have had eight year experience. Good all around handy tnnn. Will consider any reasonable offer. Call Douglas 84' -4. . YO'Tng girl wtints position to assist with housework. Phone Duuglas 3H66. live stoci: ron sale Horse anal Vehicle. FOR SALE Team of mares, weight 2.300 pounds, 1150; team of mares, weight, S.2O0 pounds, 1125; good broke single and double saddle horse. $11'5: good work horse, lio. Call South 302S. 3X22 Harrison St HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagon harness; large stork A attractive prlcea Johnson-Danforth Co. 1,'29-33 N K.th St. MANY well-matched tennis; voung mare; some In foal. Call at Brewing Co.' saloon. 1214 So. 13th St. FOR SALE Two teams of young, chunky mares, weight 1.3&0 lbs each, sound and gentle for children, well broke. Call residence, 601 S. 20th Bt. accoantaat. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY. i:?J-8 City Nat. Bank Bldg Tyler H10. E. A. DWORAK, account aud ted, open ing and dosing books. Installing modern of I Ice and cost accounting systems. Ad dres 4113 Ramge Bldg. Phone D. 744. Adillnaj Slacblaea. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 8. 15. D 144. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6.4a. Architects. Everett 8. Dodds, 112 Paxton Blk. D. JTSt Attraetloaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain. Anto and Mnunrto Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. D-2418. Anctloneera. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red 32 Bine Printing HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., 802 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barbers. It Chairs, 10c shave, neck share. 1617 ar. Bras Foaadrirs. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta Clalera and Well Digging:. NEED well or clste i cleaned or dug? SCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. 6831 California Leads. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 1319. Coal Dealer. 4; Johnson's special, also Victor nut, .bO.OU k op Phone D. 1702. Chiropractor. L. Gedd.a, D C 22S Bee Rldg. Doug. 4291 tsls I'alntlag. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4942. Civil Fnarlaerra. M. J. LACY, El BEE BLDG. DOUG. 471S. Cream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co.. 12th Farn. Clock Repairing. EXPERT clock repairing. Web. 131. Decorators and Paper llnngexs. - BILGER does It. Phone Walnut 1622. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST 8H1P live stock' to South Omaha! Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stuck Consaalastoa Merchants. MARTIN BROS, ft CO., Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUNT) OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost aome artlcl would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway company U ascertain whether they left It In th street car. Many article each day ar turned In and the company I anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Egln gold watch with IniUal "S" on case and name In case. Finder please write Mis Minnie Sievers, Gretna, Neb., and receive reward. Reward Breastpin, pearl setting. H. 2295. LOST From Benson-Albright car, De cember 28, traveling bag containing ladles wearing apparel and toilet article, also Masonic charm. - Wnl parties return or notify owner by calling Benson 727. LOST Gold ribbon fob and charm. Ro ward. Phone Walnut 2806. CORPORATION manufacturing food product want experienced specialty man to work retail trad In city. Answer tula morning, giving phone number. USta, Bee. WANTED Three young men of neat ap pearance for city. Apply Room 128, iumuu iioiei, iiin ana iiowaru. lVFk.tthlTI-.Hii sold Central Typewriter Exchange 307 ranted, repaired. 8. i itn. Miscellanea. SfvJ 00 Buv bet coai for the money; try It Web. &4K. Harmon A Vteeto. 6x7 OHAKLLX newspaper camera, with . 11 plate holder, carrying case for cameia and carrying case for plate hold, era. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain tor the lot it tUU. Address A i.u. Bee. 7 CORN cob for kindling. 3enco Mills 6 BASKETS, tl. WaerTsOl N 16th St 1-liana men. Grosa Vv reck i o.. 21 k t'euT! FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kind; eaay payments. The Urunswlok- Baike-Collender Co.. 4V7-401 a), luth St HIGH grade upright piano; leaving city; 176. Sl-2 N. 16th SL T OFFICE- SPACE. with Mrvice back of It Is what you need FOR 1916 BUSINESS. THE BEE JJU1LDING, "Th Bullulng That Is Always Nw." HELP WANTED FEALYLE lUPl-ODlUiME. ',1 CUMING tel. liigh spot on Broadway, Keystone Com. iir. Ltnaerella, '1 hail tiu user Dlsina, Zudora, iiplsoJellii I part. IT TH EATER. loTIl AND LOCU6T lleleu 'r Sacrifice, Kaitm drama. 1 ue Prince Party. 2-r. Eesanay drama. The t.'urtng of Myra May, V.ta. ooui. lirr H HO v7 24 T H AN1) LOTHRO PB TdT In trio Open. American drama. One .Master, l-reel K.-U. drama. Toe Bad Mistake. Comedy. Loyal, 24- caldwell t. Tcrencjj ORourke. S-r, el KsrriKau Vic. J.Uilo'e Fortune. Sterling comedy. W lttiin the Gts of lJuradie. Imp. PALACE THEATER. iK4 DAVENPORT. IVFeet of Father, Joker comedy. The Silent Peril. I-ieel Bison. SUBURBAN THEATER. MTU AllLi How to Do It and SMiy, 2-r. Vita. com. 1 lie buffer. Earsnay drama. Saved ty a Watch. Sellg Western drams, uatk ARBfR. 22!) AND ARBOR 8T8. 4Jne of the inAcard. 2-rml K.-B. drama. 1Ua lion niiufKier. Relianca diaiua. Mux's ioney. Roal coinrdy. AloI.lA T H -A,, is; LEA V EN V oltTH. Tle l-:-t at the Railroad Cut. Kul I w. 'J. it Old Huts Player, it-rorl. Vita. Dra. CMUei.M s it-loiin Hits Ess. W. Com. r I A M h 1 A. 17 liT f o U Tl IT0T I Cst Tie 'id t the Tlii.jttle, Kalem drama 1 l.u Lure o' tne Wir,iiKU, J-r. iv-lig dra. eo-i X"B. HRIKer. KSIclll com. 4 UiirOlff, 141)1 AND ViNToNT A 1 HiU'l'l Sweetheart 2-r. K. B Tim fcuvlrig Grace. MJetio. Aiauii(j li. Muurneis. Keytone, I WANT A GROCERY STORE I own Sl.iM) eocond mortgage, due In S years at 6 per cent; the first mortgage 1 tl.Ooo, due In 6 years, on 240 acres In Garfield county, Nebraska. W ill stand th cloaeat innpectlon. Also ll.ttv in note at per cent payable M each month. Would want a good grocery for above paper or fur any part Auure itm uuri di Omaha, Neb. K B Y B UNITED SALES CO, 811 City National Bank. with us LIST YOUR HUBlNKdS tor quick action and ailuar treatment QUICK BALES COMPANY. 411 Bee Hid Phone Red 1!M Clerical svsl Wiflv. OFFICE assistant and stenographer: will cencluer a beginner; will pay good alary -to right iiiy. iai-iu Woodmen of tne World lldg. b'l'ENoGRAPilERS and ofloe clerk. See Watts Ref. Co., eo Bramiets '1 hea. Bl K. Now It A 111 EH and utile asutstant who sueaka aud ertie tne Bonuunaa languase. Law and abstract work. Ad-viti-i 1-10 Bee, Ageai 4 galeasvasaesu WANTc.i Aaeut and oiicuui in every locality lor The Twentieth Century Fajriuut-; ellner sex; all or spar time, tin axpurlouc ueceasary to earn big money. Vvm at once tor a.cucy. Aduioaa t. Reel, care 'Ahe iwtiuitin Ceuiuiy Farm. er, Omaha, Neb, 'ieiepnone Tyivr luuU. t- aclury a-ua Tradeav. LEARN halrdrelng. Oppeatoeira Parlora Haasekewacra aa Deatvstlca. Tllh. bertaul olrl Probloiu aoivad. Th Be will run a servant unl Wauled Ad FKEk! until you get tn desired results. This applies to rea.uents ot Omaha, bourn Omaha and Council 1. lulls, bring ad to The Bee ufilc or telephone Tyler lmio. AiTf.u A aii I lor general housework; small family, best Wages; J4S a 4tth Ave. Harney 24. GOOD oiwnJng for live wire salesman. jppiy iz ute mug. Factors gad Trade. Drug store snaps. Ions. Km.ti. Bee Bldg WANTED A partner for moving picture opeiating scnooi at once. 1W4 Farnam. WANTED M EN TO LEARN THE i . iii.i.-i, th i nr v i .i i . . , .AiiDi.il a i v. . ia, ruoiiivniy trie oeat trade of th kind. Can prepare you in lew ncriiB. , wiine irui inn . upen to everyone. Call or write. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th St DRUGGIST wanted, married man, reg istered In Nebraska. Jerom Drug Co.. York, Neb. LEARN BARBER TRADE. B Independent; wagea and tooi given. Electrlo massage. Strictly modera Big demand tor barber. - Call or writ. . TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Do ugla Bt. Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. NEliASKA AUTOMOBILE" SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. Special holiday offer. Writ for par ticular. W hav th larsest and bat equipped shops In the middle west 14,0n0 feet floor apace, 1414-16-17 Dodge bt Phone Douglas 8041. Send For Catalogue C. LEA HN TO BE A MOVIE OPERATOR. MOVING P1CTUKE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 1904 FARNAM ST., 2D FLOG R. WANTED Machinist-operator first of year; must be sober and capable, man with newspaper experience preferred; salary 26; write experience in lull at once. The Times. Fort Morgan. Colo, PRINTER WANfELWImmeiliatel'y, A 1 Job and ad man for city office, union: good opportunity for man who can In vest few hunu.-ed dollars. D. H. Murphy, F.ldon, la. MUcrllastuii, PHONE Web. 8S1 for basket coal OMAHA lUllwey Mall Clerk Examine lions coming. 1.6 per month, pull un necessary. For sample questions apply iniiiirumirij. l -T 'a it"V. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who make himself an auto I n.rt . Wa l II'. aviisrl n . . - ' ' . . vrvmm. w I I II 1 Into the auto busjiak from her. Best an 1 finest equipiied collexe. Opportunit e beat here now, ever have been. Writ for list of opening. Free catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, iiiipBrmm or, umaha LOST-Gold filigree pin set with two coral rose duub; rewara. fnono Harney 6151. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for. book on eectal disease with tetli"onlal. DR. fc. K. TARKY. 140 Bee. RllTltllTP Cured In a few day without uuutuic patt call or writ Dr. Wray. Ml Be Bldg., Omaha otabiuhed 1894. o MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 106 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids W'e muit hav 697 subscriptions to The Ladles Horn Journal.... 11.60 Th Saturday Evening Poat..,. 11.60 Th Country Gentleman : 11.60 In January or the 17,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contrib ute iOo or mors toward th up . port of a core of Invalid who have received pension checks for nearly two yeira. URGENT PHONE D. 718S OR MAIL. Gordon, the. Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. YOUNG women cominj To Omaha as strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will b directed to suitable boarding places Or otherwaie assisted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so llclts your old clothing, furn.ture maga Elnea. We collect We distribute phone Douglas 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our uew noma, 1U0-U12-U14 Dorice St. Please send me twin doll , picture. Jacll Hart Flqrenc. Florencex 232. I, FRED RISSI, will not be responsible for any bills rontrscted by my wife, Mrs. K. IUI, from this date on. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED l.tus) men lo eat ham and ess, 15c. Cutfle John. 14th and -Capitol. NK WSPAPttlt For sal, a well-estab-liaiied newspaper In town of 2. MM. Have lurxe rural list well paid up. Well equipped Job plant Don't answer unless you hae cash and meaa busineaa Ad dles Y 2a. lie. WANTED A wwnsn to keep house for family of two grown people and a seven-year old boy. 1 Would prefer to hav woman about fifty years of age The work will be. easy. Must have 1 re I ere nee. Apply between hours of and In th evening. I'hone Harney 4.1 or call at &'H Webster street. WANTED A competent girl for general houkewurk; no w sailing. I'hone uiwrtt liiK. H. 16U2. ONE of the bet retail bakeries In th rlty; oo competition. Call Web, ?tft4, or Adress K Sal. ltne. SIGNS. sliow.rrt-. I'lsri. s.. I l7 THEATEUS Buy, leas or aell your the ater, ruachloa and upllrs. through Theater i k change Co, 14ut Famaia bt lHjU.iaS ln7. HAVE FOUR MEN WHO HAVE MONEY TO I WEST IN GOOD BANK ING OH MOitTOAGE AND LOAN Bl BINl- SS. Till Y HAVE FltOM 110 14 WANTED A girl tor geneial house w oik. U: &. 21st bt WANTED Reliable foreign, girt Xor geg- tal housework. 11. 4o, WANTED At once, middlo-agil woman, or high school girl, to assist with light housework for room and board and com pany; husband away part of the time; three In family, husband, myself and -year-old daughter; within few block of Hanscom paik. Address K ix) B.. iM'Pt itATtVK HKK, CO.. 1 "VVANTKl-biiiiu ku iu .rk for Umri VVA Vr- a Atat4V.4AU UAVaT IWUI V.- . , VkA, 1 fA 1 11 U l OO, ' Wanted at, Once MEN to learn th automobil bualmsi tb demand Is great tor our graduate we have trained hundreds of men; let u tralu you. Writ for fre booklet Nat '1 Auto Training As 1 N. 2uth St.. Oman, Neb. HELP WANTED MALU A.NU rtkiLB. GOVERNMENT Jub open to men and woumu; 6u6 to tle moiun. Writ imme diately for position list Franklin Insit tuu. DeiJt, W Rnchaater. N. Y. CTEkEOTYPE matrices make the beat end cheapest lining fur poultry houses. Ihey are 17x23 Inches, stronger and -more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75e a hundred at Thga,Bo oft ice. POULTRY TOPICS. Lincoln. Neb. tells how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial subscription 10c. PET STOCI- BULL IHX1 Fine young bull dog, months' old. Sell reasonable; leaving city. Address S. C. 4li3, Bee. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF 05LAHA A B C of .Omaha WANTED SITUATIONS Lli watches, diamonds and Jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST Quitting Jewelry business. VEST- ERN WATCH AND JSWELRT CO., Room 217, Karbach Block. A Defectives. INVESTIGATIONS carried out tn any part of United States, Canada or Mex ico. 609 Paxton Blk. D. 1373. Walnut 1520. torn Mashes and. Door. Wctrloh Co. Quick delivery. Webster B77. Tawel Sapalle. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 62H. Traaka and Ka I teases. FRELING s BTEINLE. ISfeJ Famara St Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDER YOU. 1M N. 15th Ft Q. QLSEN It CO.. 612 B. pith Bt. 2d floor. Veterinarian. DR. Q. R. YOUNG. 402 Center. Wal. n!5. Window Shade Cleaner, aad id far. LD hade mads like new. Mldwt Shade actory. 4010 Hamilton. Wal. 8191. OLD SHADES made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wat 8191. Wan and Liquors. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. 13th St. Wines. - Hi "org, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 tb 8. 10c. Globe 11-iuor houe. 424 N. lf.th; California wine, 11.25 per sal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIOUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein' Liquor House, 622 N. ICth. Douglas 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobil bargains see th ."Automobile" class Ifl catlon. AUTOS A FINE FIVE-PASSENGER White Steamer, In perfect condition, for land or lots; not at any Inflated price." 8 C, Bee. No. 429. BASEHURNER Hard coal baseburner, slightly used: to trade for what hav you? Address S. C. 430, Bee. CAMERA Ono minute postcard camera and outfit, new, coat 244.9U; will ewap for medium-priced horse or anything I cpn use; nlso open-faced watch, good time-piece for revolver or paer banger's outfit. A.ldroFS, s. C. 4S4. Pe. CAMERA A leather covered 4x5 East man camera, best of lens, for auto casings ami tubes, second hand. Address S. C. 425. Hee. CHICKKN9-Bome Buff Cochin Pullets for exchange at their true value, from a poitltryman' standpoint. Address S. C. 42S, Bee 1 CLOCKS A 245 French bronxe clock, in perfect condition, for anything that man or beast can cat. Come snd look at It and make offer. Address 8. C. 42t, Bee. JAMES ALLA' 212 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all case. Tyler 1136. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any . one on new high-grade piano, address. j until Jan, l, b. c. 42. Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1, S. C. 422, Bee. THE Henntng Secret Service. Phon oougins 7usn. Address L 39. Bee. Drag. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on ill orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mc Cnnnoil Drug Co.. Omaba. Neb. Dancing- Academic. Turpln' Dancing Academy, 2Rth A Farn. CHAMBERS' Academy. claslc. D 1871 Mackle's Academy, now open. 1811 Har. Dentist. Dr. Bradbury. l: pain. 1508 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandel Bailey, the Dentist, 7" City Nafl Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Dnugla. D. 21S8. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flekes. 724 City Nat Bank. Dressmaking. Terry Dressmak'ie college. 10th Farnam. SKIRTS to order, 11. oO up. 612 S. 16th. MISS STURDY. 241 Cass. Red 7320. WATSON A LUND. 1911 Douglas. R. 6101. Electric 8 applies. LEBRON Eloc Wk., 818 8. 12th. D. 217a Everything- for Woman. Woman Exchange, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 491Jf A OCnnniAW mlA. bnlf. Bi.nK.iM. 1 i pleating; covered buttons, all also and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 100 Douglas Block. D. 1M6. 1x7 GRAKlEX newspaper camera, with 11 plat holders, carrying case tof camera and carrying case for plat hold era Tb outfit In good condition and a big bargain for tne lot at 1110. Address 6. C. 1611 GAS RANGE tor grafonola, or what hav you 7 S. C. 421. Bee. Farrier. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. 24th St Web. 7777. Florist. A. DON AG HUE. 1822 Harney. Oi'PORTUM'l Y Here is a chance for someone to get into a money-making little business without money 1 1 have 6o0 sticks of mending cement, Mend any thing and sells rapidly at 15c per stick. Stock on hand and recipe for manufac turing for what have you? Other busl ness keeps tne from working It This Is no junk, but absolutely good. Address 8. C. 420. Bee. OFFICE DESK-Will buy win good second-hand desks; must be cheap' tor cash. Address S. C. 284. Be. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, ontll Jan. L S C. 4ii2, Bee. POP CORN A new large sanitary 1360 self vending, artlstio pop corn machine; latest invention out and a beauty; a money maker. Purchaser was to take It to the California Expd., and has changed his plans. Will exchange for a " runabout auto or any personal property. Aanress a. s. rsi.oee. LAYER MUSIC Have extensive assort ment of lateat DoDUiar and classical .'rolls for 88-note player piano. Will give good value- in music lor vietroia, Kodak,--vi.-ib.e. typewriter er anytnlng 1 can -use. ' Give full description of what you hav and ofier will be given prompt considera tion. Address S. C. 418, Bee. 1 Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1M04 Farnam St Florists. HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam 8t L HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1A Mtmber Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. 1811. Ladles' Tailor. LADIES' suit tailored to measure; popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Breeder Co., 612 So. 16th. Phone Doug. Vm. Lighting Fixtures and Wiring. THOMAS DURKTN Electrlo fixture and uppllea, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Live Stack Besaedte. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 B. ISth. Red 4261. Mask, Coatwmea and Lodge Supplies. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. Th largest atoclt of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben Son, IU4 Howard. D. 411. Maaaeases. Miss SCHMIDT, mas., else, bath. D. 713, Open eve., 1 p. m. ; Sundays, 10 to 2, MISS GIBSON, massage; downstairs, 1711 Dodge. Hn. 10 to Sunday 12 to 6 p. m. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Doug. C7. Hours to 1; Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Lee. bath and massage. Doug. 875L MASSAGE, 109 8. Kth St. Mrs. Steele. Mies Flutter, mass., elect, treat. Red 603. 4 ASSJAnF, 620 BEB BUILDING. WiVOOAUHl uoUGLAS 63T2. CORA BELLING Y fiVgnu'c: satisfactory eastern treatment; bath, dally and evening. 107 S. l.'th st N-.Uoe: Private entrance, basement, cor. of bldg. Kathleen Mack, maaaagv t bath. D. 7582. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1S02 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 8751. Open evening and Sunday. MISS WALTON, bath, mas. Tel. D. 4297. Hour 9 to 9; Sunday. 11 to 8 Violet Kay, masa., 4J Bee Bldg. D. U2. Millinery. 6WITCHE8 from combing. 11.60. Psyche free. Mr. H. M. Eck. 3W9 Marcy. H. 6646. Meeagejr aid Transfer. WHITE LINE. 20 8. 11th. Douglas 2311 MaTlag. Storage nad Cleaatag. W. C. FERR1N. Uth and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ueallst. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Ds. McCarthy. Hll W. 6W. Bldg 4teonathle Pk relets as. Dr. Rerucha. 208-4 McCague Bldg. D. 262a. Dr. Peterson, ul Brand, Is Bldg., D. 2141 Prlatlag. WATFRA-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. mtallty printing. TeL Doug. 1190. "4 S. ISth St I-OUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Ioug. 6H. COREY A M KEN'ZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. B, IKS-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1W Capitol. D. 1 1 01 CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754. Pateat Develanaseat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. Uth St Patenta. H. A. Sturgea. 38 Brandel Theater Bl 1 g D. O Pnrnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red TH7 JUNK W ar th oldest Junk buy er la the west W rite for price list on scrap metal, rubber and rasa. L. Harding t eon. D. fc.11 ibui Cum., omaba. YOUNG uin wauU place to work r. ! board wtili. attending Boyles' cvUcgaJ IViei'llllDt liuuiftl 11MS. HaTrDKITSSING: all branches; combings to uiUtr. Apt 81, Wnnlit liik. R. W ANTED Employment by iiiidd!-aged mail, ' severai - years, railroad and oflice expurlence; prfer position as traveing ssiesinao or ofrlc woik; raa lis Ui-ewnur; ao( g Uou. -K, k4, Lt. t. N EW and second-hand electrlo fans and motors. Lebrun ElectriQ Works, .! 8 Ulh. Douglas 2176. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2m7. Reuovate feather aud mattiease of all kinds, makes ftelher niattrease and down covers. ACUUM cleaner for aal. Vacuum cleaning doiie In th home, taiiltarjr Urvic Cos, u fi bldg. Falatlag aad Papering. HUGH M'M ANT'S. 417 N. 0th. H. 6728. Plaasea Reaavated. PLUMES flower made over, cleaned dyed. Berth Kruuer. 42 Paxton. D. K&4. kernes Auateraalnatar. B. B. B Roach powder at your druggist Safa aad Tim Uk ISaperta. Opened, repaired, comb. id. r'. E. Daven- M Dodge. D l. SAFES kit ttenalrlag. Klectrjo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1W St Mary Av. i-RlEXMAN UKOa ho riix. (U a. It PIANO An almost new Chlckertng up right piano for 2160. Address 8. C. 424, Bee. PLAYER PIANO Aocount of death, we will sell or trade our new, high-grade player piano, with 20 roll of music, or sell same on payments, aa we are going to leave the city; a bargain for someone. Address 8. C. 423. Bee. RACING CAR 30 h. p. International, 1912 model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood and two bucket seat; luggage box In retu-. Chassis Just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, water cooled, Schebler carburetor, dual Igni tion system, with Splltdorff magneto; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread 36x4-lnch rear tiros. Price 13u0. and will consider first class twin motor cycle or late model Underwood type writer as part payment, and give you the best of the deal as have no place to keep the car at present Address 8. C 417. Bee. ' RADIOPTICAN, ETC.-A radioptioan and a safety Waterman fountain pen, both good as new. Will trade or sell. Prefer a .22 repeater. Address, B. C. 413, Bee. BIONB. ahowcards. Clark aV Bon. D. 1871 SHOTGUN Beautifully engraved, 12. gauge Marlin repeating shotgun and case; cost 240; to exchange for chickens; owner has no use for it Address B, C. 41. Bee. ' WADERS Pair hip waders, sis IW only used two time, to sell or swap. What hav youT Address a C 416. Bea. , FOR RENT Apartnse-jsts aad Flat. ST. GEORGE apartment, located In e lect West Farnam residence district: one 6-room auite for rent; heat wateJt janitor service. Phone Webter 1674. MODERN teara-beated apartment, neat poetofflce; low rent. O. p. stebbiua. Warm Comfort .CHOICE STEAM HEATED HOMES Standard Flats Full modern. -r fine finish and dec orations. Private halt, bath. FREE HOT WATER. Janitor. Good location close In. Plenty of heat AT HALF OTHERS AlaK. "vw Summer 11 to 121 Winter, STEAM HEATED 129 to 13 NOiiUNG t u.i PARES WITH THEM. See them at once. T. J. HOOK. HOT N. 18th St k-R modern flat. ZMH 8. 24th; 122, Poena Harney 47U. Moving, Packing, Storaca. . Pbon D 294 or Web. 1383, GordonVanCo. lit N. Uth St. 'I ullUKN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, oom with kitchenette, steam heat. Phnae 14. SEVEN-ROOM, beat realdeno district uavenpon, near r-arnam car line a Phone Walnut loaa. VERY choice 6-room steam-heated apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1N8. Is02 FARNAM BT. CHOICE ' ONE 4-ROOM AND BATH, MODERN APARTMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA: DOWNTOWN: SAVE CAR FARE. 8EB JANITOR. DOUGLAS 6237. Board aad lumu, lfth. 1 Exe.. board, clean roams LARGE room with hot and coid water; a s, lend id home; settled business man preferred, ttwa Marcy. Call H. 6t46. o A BEAUTIFUL suite of rvoina, with x cept.onal closet room, pienty ot hot water and good beat and board; an ex ceptional congenial home In the West Farnam district; In walking distance; to young men with references. Harney 498L . Famished alaaaxa. La Vema. 1811 Cap, front tmi. Stem, ht. FI'RNIaHKD room toi lent. Mar i raigae too university t'horx fiousls 711. Fl'KNISHED ROOM, healed, 4ui4 North 11 Av. WELL heated furnished room ia private family, suitable for one or two persons, rant roasv&abi, fu$ CaUtortua. 1. sUI, . y.