! RKAL KSTATK r.nM a. r n i-iMx row BALK Arkanaaa. JlO.MKfTEAD ViH'll FARM IN TIIK dZAIlKS. 1 ndT recent n t of rotmrrsa the bind In the Ciark National 1'insl ran nmv l.f h-mcsteaiod in tracts not excluding p'! ores. Nik section ;f ! M., N. A. 1. has brought tli.' section within the reach of the market. No mnl'irta 1.1M nnundanc of nt ri iik wnlcr. A rhanci- of a 1 1 IX I in. We help y u lociitc 1'nltr.l states land of flip here ictii1 ;".( for etnte map showing reserve mnl t klcts explaining. A. srtiRS. LOCATING F.Xi JIN KKII, t. A N. A COU CO.. Harrpmn. rk GRAIN AND PROLUCE MARKET rsn i white 3 car, fMe. No. 4 white: 2 ,c- Nn grads: I pur. 46c: 2 euro. NC. Kyr-.Vn. a: 2 car. t.Oft; No. 8: 1 Or. ftl.O.',1,. Vlllihln! 1 .-.a lonrn mloHl Increased Outside Interest is Noted "onn.ha rh mce-wheat: No : hard. 31 1!W1.:1: No. 2 hurt!. Si.lHi 1 3: in the Wheat Pit. , Kehraaka. PPCTION Klmhnll Co. Urns. !1n Paul. 40-ACRE Il'OMK. S miles wmI of nty limits of Omnht; land lays gently rolling: f.' acres airaU, bout 3 acre pasture and about one ac-a In (rrapes. balance In cultivation; now 4 room house and other good Improi a ments. Price, V-T per aire. C. R. COM IIS. FOR SALE Htat iMif bodv hlgh-grad medium-priced lnnd in Nebraska; very little money requlied. c. Bradlev. Wol bach. Neb. D MU. I-AND ni'VKIt, HtJKK IS A SCHB BARGAIN. .11 JMI.KS 1'RoM HUITH OMAHA. 110 acres In Cass county, Neb.; 60 acres fine plow land. 60 ncros rolllnr pasture, Kmnll Improvements. 2-ncre orchard, 2 Jnlles from Koiith IScnd. Owner nc,,,la money: will sacrifice for J.:,900 cash. S2.60O mortnaur, running lor 4 yenrs. at 6 per cent (lood man will make the 9and worth SUM per acre In two yearn. J. B. Rop.lNst 'N, Phone. Douglas K.1. 41." r.ee Bldg 8,000 ACRES, large and small tracts; ab- tore, oil, coal Ian J: $5 to $J. per acre. Writ J. K. Cavanagh. M.'Aleatrr. Okl. Wltronita, Upper Wisconsin Bl Uaiiy and general crop state In th union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low prk.es, on easy terms. Ask for book let 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. 8tt acres wanted. Write about our (rasing lands. If interested In fruit lands, uk for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. So Llna Ky., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL. KSTATE FOIl EXCHANGR An elegant ranching proposition; 3.715 acres, one mile water front on Dlidwood i reek, 16 miles north of Sutherland, Lln tc.ln county, Nebraska. An fcoO-arre Improved ranrh, 12 mllea Fouth of Bassctt, in Kock county, Ne braska, Two sections of choice wheat land near Killings, Mont. One section In McKenzle county, North I'akota. HEN OV1.1ACK, Sioux Falls. S. 1). A DIRECTOR. In one of the most con servatively financed corporations In the west wishes to retire and will exchange his atock, which will pay strong divi dends, for clear western or northern lands or rental property. Give legal numbers and price In first letter. Ad dress Owner, Koom IS, Sanford Hotel Plock, Omaha, Neb. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of i5o acres. Land all lays fine and Is excellent soil. Will exchange for good Omaha residence, C. R. COMBS. 815 Brandoia Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 29M. REAL ESTATE LOAXB CITT and farm loans, i. bVfc. i per cent. J. H. Pumont A Co..lfr)a Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmith 6c Co.. liCu l-arnam. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O K.EEFE RKAL. ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas J71i 100 to SiO.OUO made promptly. F. I). Wead, Wead Bldg., Itsth and farnam Sts. GAKV1N BKOS 1" ' O ail-312 Hrunnolu Thoot.r P.ir1a 6 CITT property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, tat State Bank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W; Binder, City Natl. Bank Hlrig. GEE us first If you want a farm loan. United State Trust Co.. Oraaba. Neb, REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Property We have the best thing you ever saw in a lb-acre tract of land, with a lease hold privilege of about four more, mak ing In all about l1") ucres. juod 4-room house, fulr outbuildings. There are about lour acres in orcnard and vineyard in lull hearing. Thia property is only three lourtha of a mile from city limits of South Omaha, and In Sarpy county, whero taxes uro low. The land lays practically level and a very homelike place. Tnls will surely please anyone looking for a suburban home, as well as a money maker. Would consider a resi dence up to 23,000 as part payment. 1'rlce. $7,600. O 'Neil's E. E. and Ins. Agoy. Ij06 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1QM. LEGAL NOTICES ROPOSALii FOR Fl'RNISHING PAPER FOR T11K IT BLlf, PRINTING AND BINDING. SEAX.ED PROPOSALS will he received until 10 o'clock a. in.. January S 111."), at the room of the Joint Commltteo on Printing, in the Capitol. Washington, D. C, for furnishing the paper for the pul 11c printing and binding trom the 1st day ot March, K15, to the lath day of Febru ary, la 1 6. The proiHjaals will bo opened before and tbo awards of contracts made by the Joint Committee on Printing to the lowest and best bidders for the in terests of the Government whose bids are In conformity with tho requirements f the proioalH. The committee reseres the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid or any part and reject the other part. If, in Us opinion, such action would bo In the Interest uf the government. Blank proposals containing the Instruc tions, schedule, and speci!ica(inns, ac companied by standard samples, may be obtained by addressing Cornelius Ford. Publlo Printer. Washington, D. t. Contracts will be entered Into for sup plying the quantities required, whether mnre or less than the cHtijimtca. The approximate estimated quantities set forth in detail In the schedule com- ' prise: X10.000 pounds news-print paMr: i;,n:'.."i. ftC.OOU pounds machliie-i inl."h printing pa per; 4A.01M pounds antique machin.-lininh iprlnting paper; &40.K0 jiouuda wove ma-chtne-finltth printing pai'tr; l.Wi.uml . pounds iized and suixrculcndcred rint- 4ng paer: IIJO.Ooo pounds coated hook pa- 'per; 23.000 pounds tablet wrilin palxr; pounds while French filio paper; fiTO.000 pounds writing paper, machine-1 dried: w'.ait.un) pounda writing psixjr. air or loft dried; f,ti0o pounds tine while writing paper, lofl dried; l:.: l pounds safety writing paper; 130, -"0 intunds map pap-r; 7', t pnunj bond paper; l,wu ik.iiikIs onionskin I paer; i,MU pounds purchnicnt deed. 116. OiO pounds second-class ledger pax-i : n.'."..! pounds first-class ledncr paper: ,V)i pounds rv.ilroad inanila paper, riile.l. 2,nn j Pounds tissue paper; J.0i pounds ci"nm and white stereo tissue paper; ,'."i.n pounds cover paper: 7r.,0i pounds lunul a ! f"ii. Hunus nil I wrapping pa per: 'SD.fi pounda manila tympau paper; i:io,O0O pounds manila board; ZZ,MH pounds cardboard; 7ti0.0mi pounds brlstol board; ".'..OoO pounds index brlstol board; 1 am) pounda white para fine paper; ISO pounda noncurling gumiucd paper; l'.'.in P'.unds blotting paper; ll.Cio pounds stereotype molding paper; Uo.miO pounds monotype keyboard and castlnu-ma hlne paper: 11.000 pounds orfset palier: i .0JO pounds plats wiping pais-r for embossing preaaes; ft.OuO pounds lining and stripping Paper: ISO reams marble, comb, and lin ing paper: 300 reams carbon paper, coated one and two a dea; 2,000 pounds red pressboard: 1.0 sheets parchment, l.'.xil inches; 1.000 pounds news board lUvOOO pounds Mrs w board: Ktt.000 pound nip noarn; ihu.um pounda box board, lined: b3ii.uui pounds binder's board; COjO pounds trunk board. In cases where more than 1.000 reams fie called for proposal will be received f r l.Ouo reams or mor. By direction of the Joint Committee on Printing: CORNF.I.1C FORD. labile I'rlnter. WASHINGTON, D. C, December l, Wt LOJU CORN HAS EXCELLENT TONE Irllotr ereal Is Polatlasi Vpward o lltaher I'rlees, nltk Domestic llernaad Fair Oats Are. Also Looking; l a. OMAHA. Dec. 2S, 1914. i nere is more outside business la wheat ,ur several Weeks. The outsider fa ois a bull market. The spot offerings OI Wheat rniltinn mull K. ,.l.,u,. ances from the seaboard from week to ... .j . ""ailer than they otherwise under more favorable condl iii-iis More spot wheat Is wanted, and no. .in.. nm tonnage would Improve the ait nation greatly. There are many millions ".""""i" ot wncat sold to go abroad in cannot i.e moved because of the lack or vessels. Tonnage, la said to be quite scarce in Argentina,' but with ample vea io ilhl. n,ovcment out of that country "in m iieavy ior a time. Corn has inn -r. ..r.ii -4 conditions point to h.gher prices along the whole line In tho event of good buv Ing by foreiKners. The export trade shows signs of Improving and It is gen erslly believed that In case the Argentina fdilpmcnts are held down to present levels rore.Kners will be obliged to come to the niieq Btatea lor a good part or their supplies. The domestic demand for corn Is fair. The war situation unnlte in a measure to corn owing to the general In fluence of that factor. The country is ki u.iini.-iy peing separated from Its corn i present. The outside trade In oats has been iari;er and the export business has In r reason somewhat. Speculation is ex- i' '"I iu improve alter me first or January, as a good part of the cash oais Dougnt to go abroad has been moved out ard exporters are again expected iu enirr mo market on a large acsle. Conditions surrounding the provision market Hre somewhat better The finan cial situation in the south Is better and mat section Is expected to again become iioerai nuyers. Foreigners have boucht lard more freely, but their purchases of .... . o.i.inup on a Hunt scale. purum wheat was 4c higher. Hard winter wheat was vlc higher. t.orn was tifrlc higher. Outs were unchanged to c higher. Jlverpool closed; Wheat, not quoted corn, 'id hlRher. Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansaa City. St. Louis W innlpeg CARLOT RKCKIPTS. N heat. Corn. 2S3 , 4! ISO 260 Ml 1M US in Oats 174 The foltowina raan nalns m..r rtA today: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 5 cars, S1.Jj4: 1 car, $1.20. No. 3 hard winter: 8 rars (turkey), il.i0H; S cars. $1.2o; H car, 1.1. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. 11.18; 1 car. !! !'! J l'ar- ' -17- No. 3 mixed. 1 car. Sl.UVh. No. 2 mixed durum: 1 car, $1 39. No. 4 spring: 1 car. $1.17. No. 2 durum: 2 cars. $1.40. No. S durum: 1 car, $1.39 No grade; l car (durum mixed. $1.14. Corn No. 2 white: 5 cars Sic; No. 8 white: 1 car, c; 6 curs. 64c. No. 8 yellow: I car, fi"'4c; ltt cars, tKc. No. 3 yellow: 17 cars, tiic. No. 5 ye'low: I car. 64'c. No. 6 yel low. 1 os r, 64Hc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 64ic: 7 cars, B4sc; li cars. 4Uc. No. 8 mixed: IS cars. 64c; 3 rars, 63V. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, P4c. No. fi mixed: 1 ear, 64'c; 1 car. KINr. No. mixed: 1 car, 83Hc: 1 car (near white). 64V4C. Sample: 1 car, 64Hc. Oats AIU4TRACTH OF TITLJB. Rt.lCD Abstraot Co., olaest abstract of flee in Nebraska. SO P "ndets Theater. KEKK Title Uuarunlee and A b a tract Co a modern abstract olfice. M aV lHh ttt Phone Douglas Us7. REAL ESTATE WEST HIDE I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house Is located In the West Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four biocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this bouse at a big sacrifice. Address. M 213 Bee, : after p. in. phone Webcer U4S. LEGAL NOTICES stock mold Kits m keting. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bank ers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nebraska, will be held at Us home office In the Cltv National bank building In said city at 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday January 20, 115, for the election of di rectors and Uie transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. R. C. WAGNER, Di:-r!.a J.-.-12 Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Stockhold ers of the HASTINGS AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven Directors, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohler. corner of ICth and Dode Streets. Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 4th day of January, A. D. 1W. at II o'clock A. M. T. M. ORR. D24dl1t Secretary. NO. 4 barn. 111?, ill N'n 1 serin .hit. 1 li'h l.ldS; No. J spring, northern, $1 lViil No durum. $1 3.o I 40 ; No. 8 durum. $IV11.1. Corn: No 1 White, .ffftt.V,e No. 2 whit. 44ftc; No. 8 white, 4'-,iH.is" : No. 4 white. VifiVc; No. 5 white, MWIV; No ti white, tWSfl M,e; No. 1 yellow, ,VfrR.M,e; No 2 vel low, 4fiS',r; No. 8 yellow. 4Vfi'; "No. 4 yellow, ViiUr: No. S vellow, 4ff 64Hc: No. yellow, MtrM'tc; Nl0. 1 mixed K4V.t4Sc; No. 2 mixed, MffV ; No 8 mixed, Mi4.fiMV4e; No. ft mixed. v;Voi9c; No. mixed, iSl4e. Oats: No. 2 white. 47Hf47Sc: slandsrd, 47i4v4Tltc: No. 3 white. 47f4Ti,e; No. 4 white, 4U4'rNc Barley: Malting. MffTOr: No. 1 feed. W Mi". Rye: No. 2. SlOCHm W; No. S, $1.0T 1. f1. CHICAGO GRAIN AJtD TROTISIOXS Would You Swap if You Had a Good Offer? Since The Bee started tha Swappers' Column, thousands of people have used it with considerable profit. It has proven to be a most popular feature. Those who want to swap that which they have for that which they want will find many ready offers through the Swappers' Column. Bring: your ad to The Bee office and we will put you in touch with the right people Cor a very few cents. Do it aow while you are in the mood. Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee Evryhod, Rtadt , Wan Ad 7 Stock for Sale An omaha corporation In active fcuat naae for twenty eaxe offara for sal fifty shares guaranteed seven per oeul preferred stock redeemed from forme twuara. No ssenta Will sell dleot. sV 17 Car ! In, Feat a res of the Trading; and rioalnc PHeea nn Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. 3S.-Heavy proflt-tsk-Ing by large holders. Including a widely known "peculator, gave the wheat mar ket today a sharp setback after a de cided advance. The selling was Influ eneed to some extent by fear that Argen tine offerings would cut considerable figure In the near future. The market rlosed unsettled at a decline of iv,e to lVfiTtn net. Com finished l'ufll-Vc to IVj off, oats down V40 to VoSc and pro visions unchanged to a drop of 2V. Wheat quotations did not begin to fall In earnest until announcement was made that the Argentine exportable surplus was now estimated at in0,o,),X bushels, a total much greater than the trade had any previous reason to look for. More over, the quality of the Argentine crop was said to be exceptionally good. Sales here that ensued amounted to millions of bushels, and led to the most violent bearish reaction that has taken place In weeks. The downward sweep of prices was all the more sensational on account of an earlier advance to within half a cent of the higheat level since the begin ning of the European war. I nusual buying force at the outset in the wheat market was In a measure due to reports of anxiety In Great Britain over prospective delays in the forwarding of January and February shipments from Argentina. , r.nlarged stocks here and at other centers had a good deal to do with pull ing the prtoe of corn down. The early bulge In the wheat market had only a Bllxht effect on corn. Oats followed the course of other grain, hardening at first and then undergoing a sag. Shipping sales were largo, In cluding 1,350,000 bushels for export. I'sjckers and other stock yard Inter ests sold provisions freely. In conse quence, all gains resulting from higher prices for hogs were completely w Ipcd out. Grain prices furnished by Iogan A Bryan, office SIS Houth Sixteenth street. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Large Increase in Cattle Receipts Over a Week Ago. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS UP Fet gbee.p and I.aaaha Very Act We fellera at Prices Pnllr Streaa te Tew to Firteea Coats II later. .0f.4 4.107 i?.7i 20 4..W :. V.'.SSM u.mri SOUTH OMAHA. Dec IS, 1914. Recelps were: Cattle. Hogs, eheep ".-main .-Monday 7 ( 4 "0 ,-yime day last week... 2.042 Same day t wks ao... .C1T Kame day 8 wks ago... 6 410 Same day 4 w ks ato... .0!t fame day last vaar.... &.o me roiiowlt g table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Bouth Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year; ,,, M14. IMS, Dee, ',0" 2.::'h.i;ii 2.fd4,iv9 ?Mn ""P S,lKt,4;'2 S.l!.n9 im.277 The following table shows the average price for hogs at tho South Omnha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: inj.inm.iimi.htii,iiiiio.'i'i. late. 1 )il4. 1 , . , . - . . . j-rc. iv w I Mi I Ml I 1 ' ilA ! I'T T 4s 7 SI 6 S7 Dec. I. SL 7 W1 7 INI I Wi 18- 7 7S 7 W p. 14. 1 MS 1 U I U 1'ec. J6.1 (H 7 4f, Dec. K 7 071, 7 421 7 0 Deo. J7. 7 00 as i in ee. 7 (Tu 1 III 1 K Ol Iec. ). JX-c 21. I'ec. J2.1 flee. 21 lec. J4 I ec. 2f. j ec. Dec. L'7. Deo T 471 7 03' ft SOI I 4.1 . Oh ft W 7 7 Ml 8 3-il ft M I 8 W S 41 7 b.n 1 u ;u s 77' I t 881 ft 74 S i& 7 441 ft M ( 0UI 7 M S 09 ft ( 001 7 Ml S 14 ft 30 7 SU k & b 34 73 6 M 1 n si "I II I ST O jwai - I 7 40 7 0 6 0l 7 4H 8 Id I MSI I 7 13: 061 7 5i S e 1 Mi 7 M 6 IK! T S 8 (IN I im I 1 II II 1 m Hit 7 49 1 IS, I 7 7 5 J 7 08 7 Mi 7 ll 0 7 56 it W 6 M Ul ? 19 til I 7 t-l 111 ft II Holiday. I C4l 7 Ml 7 231 0T 7 73! ft 0 I 7 hS 7 ltl b Hi I ',Ui ft l .! 7 14S 7 07 ft W 7 TOU in Artlclsl Close. I High. Dow. I Close. I Hat'y. 1 28J 1 aiVsl I SO 1 1 'i 1 iWi 1 fflH .1 iMii 73 1730731 I I 40V,1 4911 Wheat! I Dec.. 1 28 May. 1 3031 Corn I Dec. I (TP4 May.l74HS: Oats f Dec. I 49 May.l64W;SlViW'63.e'siM'Si .org Jan.. I 18 70 IS 77'i 18 18 2'x 18 H Mav.119 46-401 19 4u 1 19 2u 19 20 I 19 2-'W Lrd I I .1 ... I Jan.. 10 50 I 10 50 10 42HI 10 43Vi; 10 424 May.ilO 75-72! 10 76 10 i I 10 60 I 10 7' Ribs . . I I I .. Jan.. 10 as-ao 10 so 110 20-211 10 so-:) 10 zi May.l0 6-45l'i 10 7i In f .J4j 10 ) 10 so 1 27, 1 ) Chlcano Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. H.2Khl.29; No. 2 hard, 81.2KHfTl.29'.. Corn: No. 2 yellow, ViiWv ; No. 8 yellow, SiYcefiHo. Oats: No. 3 white, 4Sif 81. li. Barley: '1'r74c. Timothy: 'ss.Bofl7.Oo.' Clover: 3l2.6om'iaoo. Fork: iii.uu. ltlbs: 89.7&S10.87it. BUTTER Higher; creameries. 24W14o. KGtlS Ijwer; receipts, 3.0K8 cases: at mark, cases Included, ZMv'iSc; ordinary firsts. S0fi-3!"ie; rirsts, iwnasHc. POTATOES Steady; receipts, 22 cars; Michigan and Wiaconsln red. .ttMlc; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 3V(j45c. POULTRY Alive unsettled: splines. 11 He; fowls, He; turkeys, 14c. 1Y8SW YORK GEIVEKUl, MARKET Qaotatlone of tae Day oa Varloaa Comaaodltfas. NKW YORK, Dec. . FL.OUR Steady. WHFAT Spot, weak; No. S red. 81.34: No. S hard. SI MM, all rail. c. I. f track. export; No. 1 northern, Duluth, S1.2SV; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, S130H. c. I. f., Buffalo. Futures, weak; December, S1.34H; May. S1.8H. CORN pot, easy; .-so. 3 yellow, 77c, c. I. f., to arrive; Argentine. 73c. nom inal, delivered. OATS Spot, steady; standard. WrWWHc; No. 8 white, 64H$bdc; fancy clipped white, 67W7H- HAV Firm; prime. 11.15; No. 1. 31.10; Nft. 2. 81.00; No. S. 96c; shipping, 75'Akfto. HOPS 'Steady; state, common to choice, 1914, 17cit28c; Paclflo coast. 1911. lOKlfto; 1913. Hfi'lOc. HIDKS Steady 1 BogoU. 31 32c: Central America, 29Vx(iiAV. IjEATHBR Firm; hemlock f rsts. 31 Sic: seconda, 3031 c. PROVI8IONS Pork. steadv: mesa. 819.6020.60; family, $22.(Kij2r..Oil; short clear. S:'l.G0i?24.O0. Beef, quiet. Mess, S2UW2S.00: family. 84 00W26.00. Lsird. steady; mlddlewest, S10 .SuoriO. 70. T A L.UOVV Steady; city. c: country. eVioi&sVt special, tc. WOOL- Steady: domestic fleece. XX Ohio. SOfrJIc. BUTTER Firm: receipts. 11.618 tuba for three days: creamery extras .92 srorinsi 3fi'sc; creamery (higher scoring), 3i?i:wc; creamery firsts, 3Ka34Hc; seconds, A3oc; process extras. SMrMVic! ladles, cuirent make, nrsta, zJVW-c; seconds, UK; pack ing stock, current make No. 2, 21Wi2U: CHBKMi hteady: receipts. 1.874 boxes: state whole milk, held, specials. l&tfl.lc: slate average fancy, ..ViftlMtx; state fresh specials. 15r; stste average fancy, 14Vtft14Sc: skims. 3VW'l34ii. KOO8 Firm; receipts. 18.B10 cases: fresh gathered. 'extra fine. 39T(i40c; extra firsts, 3Hc; firsts, 37c; seconds, ZVoMc; ttte. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery wnates, fine to fancy, 47fl9c; gathered whites, 35 4i47c; hennery browns, 41fe42c; gathered browns and mixed colors, J7i940c. IOl.'DTRV Dressed, firmer; western roasting chickens, 14fl8c; fresh fowls, 12V&l7o; turkeys, 12jro. Uve, firmer; western chickens, 13c; fowls, I3Vttl4Sc; turkeys, 1SK-. 1 1 1 Ksaisi City Grain aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Dee. 28. WHKAT-No. 2 hard, II flVfil 22; No. S red. 81. II; May, tl ZlH'Tl 21H; July, 8U34. COItN-Nn. S mixed, W( e; No. 2 white n;(kHc; May, 7'.'V'c, Je July, TlHflHc. OATS-No. 2 white, 49862c; Tto. 2 mixed. 474''i4c. HI'TTKR Creamery. 31c; firsts, 2c; seconds, 3Ac; packing, 3(Uc. KtHlS-First, 31c; seconds. 22c. POl'l.TRY liens, Hc; roosters. 8V4c; turkeye, 15c. Mlnneapolla nrala Market. MINNHAPOL.IS, Minn.. Dec. 28 WHK AT December. I1.21H: May, 124i; No. 1 bard, SI No. 1 northern. t.XlK i;: No. 3 northern. 8U8ttl.23V FLOCR Advanced; fancy patents, $6.40; first clesrs. SS.S0: second clears, S4.2"i. HARl,KY-o9flc. nn'K-3i.07. HRAN-S22iO. CORN No. 3 yellow. 3'fl4v. OAT8-N0. 8 white, 47tft-47Hc. . FLAXSl-ftTtri Liverpool Crala Market. I.IVFRPX)U Dec. 2. WHEAT Snot firm: No. 1 Manitoba. 10a 84d; No. S, 10 d; No. 8. 10s 4.1; No. hard winter. 10s d. Futures nominal. CORN Spot nominal; futures quiet; January, 6s 3'4d; February, 4d. FDOCR Winter patents. 8ks. HOPS In London ( Pacific coast). 1 10suJ4. . . : I. toais uraia Market. ST. lriS, Deo. 28 WHEAT No. S red. l.afl.ia; No. 3 hard, 81 aSWtjl.ao; December. SI 234; May. SLM4J1 3b-. CORN No. hard. CTc; No. 2 whit, 68Hc; December. 6c; May. T34e. OATS No. 8, H: No. S white, 61c. Dry Ueods Market. NEW YORK. Iec. 28.-DRY GOOEW Raw silk advanoad from 7Vfco to 10; per pound. Notice waa renewed from Una--land that fine men's wear for fall would be offered at id per yard lower than last aeaaon. Cot Ion goods and yarns were quiet and steady. Read the "For Sale" ada If rail want bargain ot tha minute. Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock I the I lllon Ntnck V.r. iinmi, ........v.. .Neb.. tlr lw,niv.lm.. I. a.. .. Ji . .. o clock p. ic, December V, 1914: KtiJLll'Tn CA RS, Cuttle lloiH rliect.ll scs 23 .1 L'l n 1 19 19 2 I II 7 3.. 17 2 24 ft 3 ' '0 4 2 27 4 :: 27 3 272 "2 '."M "1 -HEAD, attic. Hogs. Sheep. 607 l.al ll 652 !& 3,119 DM l.i.) .H.ivH, 471 1.M.2 I.uuo 4.7l.l lii ISO 9.1 2M 74 00-i 1M lift .SI 60J , 217 ' m RSI 170 1 .... . . . . 2 141 ll7 2W I 1M I 1W u2i .... 4I0! C XI. .xt. Wabash Union Pacific C. N. w east.. C er N. W.. wet.. C. S. P., M. 4 o. C. B. A Q , east.. C., H. & west.. C It. I. & p., east C. K. I A p., west Illinois central Chicago Ot. West.. Totaj receipts.. Morris Co Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... !o. Omaha Pack. Co. W. H. Vansant Co.... llenton, Vansant & U II ill Ai Son F. H. Lewis HiiMon Co J H. Root c Co .1. II. Hulla I. F. Huss Kosenstock Bros ftlcl'reurv k' llno. Werthelmer t Degen.' puiuvan Bros Rothschild Mo. A Kan Cuir Cn Christie Hlggins Huffman Roth baker. Jones & Smith Tunn.'r Itrns Jchn Harvey I k Kiltie Other buyers Totals 6.920 9.8M 9.041 CATTL-K The day s tattle run waa tho largest lor a Monday since two weeas ago, and with that exception, the larg est of any recent week, being larger than a year ago by 2.MW head. Tbo arrivals consisted largely of stock cattle and feeders, with quite a llneral sprlnkllnt of butcher cows and heifers and a very moderate showing of beef steers. Ad vices from other selling points were not especially favorable and tnat, together with liberal receipts, created a slow and lower market. Beef steers were steady to 10c lower than last week, while cows and heifers ero generally all of lOtrlftc lower. Htockers and feeders were aiso lOgluc lower, and In some cases possibly as much as ir2rs; lower when It came to the less duairablo kinds. Quotations on cattle: I'rime year, lugs, 3S.7iih9.75; good to choice cornfed beeves, H.0(i'ii.7S; fair to good cornfed beoves, i;.jiS.00; common to fair cornicd beeves, 6.li(7.&0; good to choice range beeves, S7.7am.J5; fair to good range beeves, it.7bW.7f; common to fair range beeves, S.i.75ti4.76; good to choice belters. Stf.OOtt 7.26; good to choice cows, 8.7iti.90; fair to good cows, J5.00tH5.75; common to lair cows, 84.0O-ft6.00; good to choice Blockers and feeders, S7..0'oS.l: fair to gooa lockers and fcudois. 36.80ri7.60; common to fair stockers und feeders, $5.7n2i7o; stock heifers, f5.25ipA.2ft: stock cows. 4 7o ft.76; stock calves. 86.0tyii8.00; veal calves, 87.00(9.00; bulls. sUgs, etc., S60jj7u. Representative sales: BEKF STEERS. No. At. 1'r. No. Ar. Tr. 4 7t i 76 li;i ie II K'1 7 li 40 1J4T S 1ft 13 11W 7 ft II 1)1 ft l STKIiRS AND HEIFERS. 3D 1444 8 M COWS. trade was not large enoueh to make any Important rhanse In quotations After better than half of the hogs had been sold, trade eased off s that the greater number of Ihe less deslrab.e hcg, as well as some of the good loads, sold Iste at prices that aero no more than Jckloo higher The market rlosed up slow, and It waa rather late In the fore noon before a clearance was finally made. Taking the market all the wav through prices can be quoted a gen erally a dime hlshcr. The discrimination against llsht stuff was especially notice. sbln this morning, as there was no ship, ping demand to speak of, and packers ware even more particular this morning lhan they were Inst week, when a fair share of the offerinrs was being bought by shippers and speculators. Quotations on sheep and lamba: fmb. good to choice. S&Soilfa. lambs, fair to firfd, M.ouruX.; feeders, fair to good, r.MV(l7.90; yearlings, good to choice, 86 HO h7.3f; yearlings, fair to good. ft &MJA.90; yearlings, feeders. Sfi 7Mm 2ft; wether, good to choice, ft" l.yirs Ml; wrthera, fair to good, $6 0Hi4.3f,; wethers, feeders S4.40DP 5.01); ewes, good to choice, 85.40170. ewes, fair to gooj, S6.1HiS.t0; tutu, feeder. S4.2" tif' 00. Pulk of all the sales was made at S7.10tr7.3f. with tops at 7.l,.. I'urrant prices are tho highest for tha month to dsto. Representative sales: No. Wt, Tr. 129 Utah lambs 71 8 W 271 Utah lambs 70 8 60 7 fto S ft c. ft a NEW YORK J5T0CK MARKET Recovers Much of Ground Lost Last Week. IMPROVEMENT ALL DAY 47 fed ewes 80 20(1 fed ewes ll 317 fed ewes 108 ftt fed ewe .1 61 fed lamb 85 197 fed lambs 1k9 fed ewes 99 liii fed t'wsa I7K fed ewe HH 175 fed ewes 112 144 fed ewes 113 :. fed ewe Ill IK fed lambs 147 fed lamba M 169 fed lambs 8 Trad In a oa Larger goal Than at Alasoat Aay Tine glnee. Re saasptlna of Open Deallaae. NEW YORK. Dec. .-The sto k mar ket today recovered much of the ground lost In last week 'a declining movement, improvement began at the outset and was maintained to the very end. at which time the day's prices were recorded. Trading was on a larger scale than at almost any time alnr the resumption of open dealing, with activity most pro nounced In the International group. Net gains averaged slmost two points, with sharp recoveries from their minimum by such Important shares as United States Steel and Southern Pacific. The rise extended to a number of spe cialties Including equipment stocks and Bethlehem Steel, the latter not only re gaining all Its recent loss, but mounting to It 4 beet price of the present move ment. A few of the less active stocks, including Chicago A Northwestern and t.heaapeake A Ohio foil ax.hu.K... 8 4flLprlces. "V Much of todav'a hllvlns m Im i.. s 4 4 60 6 ! 6 60 6 60 5 60 8 40 8 40 8 40 riltCAtiO 1,1 VK STOCK NARKKT Cattle Firm Ilea I asettled Sheep gtrona. CHICAOO, Dec. 2$. CATTLE Receipts, 19,000 head; choice, firm, others weak; native steers, S5.HOV10.2H; western, 85.16& 00; cows and heifers, S3.i5ftf!.29; calves. r7.2MiH.T5. IK Hi Receipts, 32,000 head', market un settled; bulk of sales, S7.1Mj7.S5;, llaht. 6.3P7.3ri; mixed. S7W7.40; heavv, S6.9.'4i' 7.3ft; rouah. 86 9MI7.10: pigs. S&.75i7.30. SH REP AND LAMllS-Recelpts, lft.OiiO head; market strong; sheep, ftft SMi.W; yearlings. K1XK.7.H5; lambs. Si.0Wl9.00. m fto 7 IW to . 1470 t 40 ..UJO li M 111 )t entirely out of (Jin game, the local irket ora'ned out with the better I M ltd 4 M 6 1 s M IS t 12.15 ft SO 7 M III 3 10M 8 It 3 1IM1 4 U) pr. i I, i SMI 4 4S 7 1)l ft "4 I W0 4 00 ( ici 4.1 ! 1144 ft 14 3 W.6 V 7 1010 ft 40 HEIFERS. 8 t'S ft 75 7S9 ft ft 1 664 6 1ft BULLS. 1 110 t M 1 1 17U0 4 0 1 CALVES. 14 890 ft M 1 STOCK EKH AND FHEDEH.-4. 8 4J W ft T1 t to 3 HI IW 97 474 7 10 9. 413 U 34 till T II IM J 1 1143 7 14 2 ISO 4 75 HuOH Receipts were moderate, some, thing like sixty-six cars, or 4.400 head being reported in. ' Thia la less than half the also of last Monday' supply, and is aiitchtly ainallcr than a year ago. Prices In Chicago were shandy higher this morning, and In spite of the (act that shipper and speculators were al most mn grades of butchers and heavies selling at prices tnat were nwrirvc higher. Representative sales: No. Ar. Hk. I'r. No. Av. Bh. 4i 44 lo 7 09 M 107 ... M 1H ... T 71 MS ... 7 ITU 74. IN ft ! ... t U I7 ... 7 04 44 Jl ... t 91 171 ... 11 4 i J t Ui M Ill W lit 4 3tb ... 7 2 M 37 4S 1 li'i m ... J K 177 ... f II ftl JUt ... 1 li HHEEP-Ai compared with a week ago and two weeks ago a pretty good run put In appearance this morning, there being, all told. 8.3U0 heud of sheep and lamb reported In On the corresponding Mon day a year ago the run amounted to 12.697 head. Today's receipts were about equally divided aa to eye and lamba, and Willi do strictly good lamb ut bandy weight were on hand, tha quality of tli w was good, there being aome here aa good ss has been seen In some time. The opening of the market indicated a better feeling, and thia waa helped along by th report of light receipts at other Kints anJ a atronger tendency to prices, cally. fat ewe, though In liberal sup ply, were the first to sell, with the bulk of offerings moving around 35.5iaU6.70, the latter figure being top for the day, hav ing been paid for fed westerns. The gn eial market on owes waa strong to ltttrlftc higher, with everything at all desirable clearing early. It waa a little hard In getting action on lamb during tii earlg hour, due largely to th fact that no good iamb of handywelght were available. While most of the lamb showed pretty good flesh, they were a little too heavy to suit packets. Consequently trade waa In clined to be alow, though in the end, quality considered, lamb showed about a much Improvement a . Mct of th sales were made at SS.303.fta. If strictly good offering had been here tboy Plight tiav sold to SS.tw. Th feeder Kansas City l.lve stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dee. 28.-OATTDK Receipts, .1.500 head; market steady to weak; prima fed steers. .Ktt 10.25; dressed beef steers, 87.36tl9.00: western steers 7.iKVrf9.00; slorkers and feeders. 6.008.00; bulls, li.tiKijViO. valves, JloOw 9.50. HOGS-Receipt. 6.100 head; market higher: hulk. 37.107.40; heavy, 17. 30-07.40; packer and butchers. S7.25Jt7.40; light, 87.1017.80: pigs. S&tHj.ri. HIIBKP AND IAAMHS-Recelpts. 4.210 head: market higher; lambs, S9.oofM.73; yearlings S 75437.65; wethers, 85.SOfc.50; ewes, S5.4osi4i.ao. St. I.onls 1.1 re Mtork Market. ST. T,Ot-IM, Pec. 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.100 head; market steady; native beef steers, 87. 50ni 10.00; cows and heifers, S.'i.oni9.i!5; southern steers. S5.T67.7&; cows and heifers, 4.00'(foo; native calves. t60) 7(9.00. IHK1S Receipts, 13.800 hesd; market higher; plga and lights, SH.an-d7.35; mixed and butchers. 37.iye7.40; good heavy. J7.25 17 40. MHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 1.200 head: market 25c higher; native muttons, 14. 50-115.50; lambs, ls.iMrS.T5; yearlings, 85.50 7..i0. enori inieresi. mat faction having evi dently oversold the list last week, but ac cording to report the rise was aocelerated by Investment buying from out of town. The rise In fteel and Amalgamated cop !', directly traceable to specialist In those Issues. Heaviness of Northwestern was asso. elated with the road statement for November. which showed a net loss lightly In excess of ftouo.Oui). while the Hnuthern Railway suffered to a similar xtent for th same period. The Atchison system, however, despite a heavy Increase In operating expenses, made a net gain of 8173,000 for that month. Foreign exchange declined to the bot tom price of the rear, cable and sight drarts on Ixindon being quoted as low a 4fft and 4 85, respectively. In ordi nary times these rates would be near the gold Import stage, but no such movement Is probable under existing circumstance In London. Time money also touched the minimum figure since January lsst, loans from ninety daya to six months being made at n per cent. Incidentally mercantile paper of the better quality, wa easier. Honda were equslly firm with tha atock list, some of the Investment Isaues show ing marked gains. Total sales par value were Sl.33O.00U Cnlted States government bonds were unchanaed on call. Number of sale and leading quotations on atoeka were: Most (llr 8IOUZ CITY. l.lve Stock Market la.. lec. 28. CA TTI,E Receipts, 3,000 head: market 10615c higher: native steers, S.0onis.50; hiltchers, 35.2506.75; cows and heifers, S4.75tf3.C0; canners, S3.75tiA.CO: stockers and feeders, 35.0114,7.00: calves. 84.600 8.60; bulls, stags, etc., S5.00p6.10. HOOS Receipts. 2.0(0 head: market 10c higher: heavy, S7.O507.1O; mixed, 37.0043 7.05; light, 36.90tf7.l; bulk Of sales, Si.tU 7.10. MHKKP AND LA XI B8 Receipts. 1,501 head: miurket 10c higher; ewes, S4.004.45 lambs. Ss.Mia9S.40. St. Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. ?. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,209 head: market lower; steers, S7.0fXii9.7ft: rows and heifers, 84 25(i.0O; calves, S5.0fyrf9nO. HOUft Receipts, 4,500 bend- market higher; top, 87.35; bulk of sales, 17. liny 7. .H. SHEEP AND LAMBH-Reoeliits. 1,700 head: market steady; lambs, H,00i6.65 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 2K METALS Trd, quiet at S1.i54SS.HR: Ixindon, (19. Kpolttr, quiet, at Sft.5Mj6.6fi; London, 1M 12 d. ST. IAJU18, Mo., 1 tec. 2ft. METALS Lead, firm at 83.6033.624; spelter, nomi nal at S5.5Wirt.ii5. Tin firm at 833 50 34.25. Copper dull; electrolydlc, 12.7i 13.37 ; castings, S12.75(ir 13.12. Iron quiet; No. 1 northern, Si4.5-, 15.00; No. 2 northern, S14.75: No. 1 south ern. 814.2614.7R: No. 2, 81 l ?fif 14.78. At London Spot copper 56 12s 6d; futures, a 57. Kpot tin, 148 loo; futures, 145 15. Lead, 19. Alaska 1I4 Amltna4i corper ... Airerlosn Bset 8ur. ... Amerlosa Co Amsrtrsa a. a n. Amerlioa . R. prd... Am PXisar Refining Anrln T T An.erlfsn Tstsiiw'o Ansnnnd Mining AichUoa Riilllmnrs .. Ohio Srooslva Haet6 Tranrtl. (Vilirotnla )'Mrnlun ,,, "ndia Pacific Oniral ImDw 1'beasso Ohio nhlesno. nraat Western.. Chiracs. Mil. a St. P . chluga am Nnnhweatvr. ')ilno Cnpper VIrlo rust Iron.. Oilnrarto a Houthern Kanvor A lllo Oranda... nnr R. O. prd Maimers' Prcurltla .... Krl Ganaral a:ia.trln l Or.at N'nnhera ntd orsat No. Ors ets Onsteobelm Rxploratloi. 1 1 II 00 la Castral Inlf rhorouth-Mal. put ... iMsplrmtlon (loppsr Iniamailnnsl lUrraater.. Kanraa Cliy Bouthera.... liahlgh Valley Ijrulavllls a NcahTllla.. Mexican Patrolsum Miami Cppt Mo., Kansas a Taias ... Mo. PajMdr National Blaeult National Laa Nevada Coppar N York fantraJ N. T.. N. H. II Norteik a Wastsra Nortihrn Ha. ino l-arltlo Mall Parlho Tal. a Tal. 1nnj ivanla Pullman Palaea dr.... 4v Cam, tkaipar Heading Itepublln Iron Htoal 'Reck Island Co Hark laland Co. ptd ... M. I a H. V. M ftt. Hunihern Paotflo HM-.lliarn Rallwar .... Tannaaaaa tpaisr Taxa i 001 pan y fi.lnn Parlflr 1 nlnn I'srUlo nfii 1'Dlta4 RUiiaa KimI ,. V. . Siael phi Vtsh C'oppar Wabarh pfd Waatsrn 1'nlon Wratlnthoaaa Klantrlo , 0(faiii6. . Dir. 14.4HO 4.4(l 1 m SOD ill", tt fto4 4isi 111 ins 7H0 I." xo mn an 1. ftl HI IS l.l"0 100 ton 704 8, M0 1,109 ton (U 8. 80S Ml t.tKM ftoa l.aet 4 n u I 14 i;.ji, 7H 41 10H4 li1 1SS 4'4 ivt 4Hi i;.4 S7 40 l"la "7", 113 12 l.ftOO isno 8. so M,il tOl) (04 "t'.iH ... lftlm KO ... La "'ion a,.., ..... 324 21s S014 "jo" 164 1 iwii iss 'H'h 'if" (14 un 10 SS, "ii'i soft : Ml 91 M MS ioiii 104" iiii 'ii" 144 142U. 1IH 14Si '" 'ti'vi 14 14 11 ilH a,,,, , 4S 44 141, 144 41' 4IH 'iiii, 'iii'ii 44 47 M s la Ml )m 1I71 :i7s a B 4S II.-4 . S7H 4"W imva ", in U'4 93 8P, II 34i 111 ltJH ?4'a 44 107 io; '4 M 3P4 l-o, lift 42 17 I 1 41 S3'. ftl H SH ll-i K 1114 H lftK, 111, 1131, im s s 14 31', 1)1 l''4 71-4 4S I'M I, 41 44 Railroad Makes Christmas Present to City of Sheridan SHERIDAN, Wyo.. Dec. 28. (Special ) The best Christmas present th city of Sheridan ever received cam' from th Burlington Hallway company In the shape of a reduction of GO per cent In the freight rale n moving sugar factory maohlnery from Monte Vlrta, Colo., to this city. When the deal was about complete for tho removal of the factory from Colorado to this city the Burlington was approached for rales between that place and this city. The first figures submitted by the company were between 840,000 and 343.000 for merely hauling tha machinery. Tha , amount appeared very large to the Com mercial club of f-herldan and that organ ization In connection with the Fan Luis' Valley Beet Hugar company, too up with the officials of tha railroad, com-. pany the matter of a reduction.' As a result th news ram on Christmas that. 4?ut of 60 per cent had ben made, which will bring th cost of transporting th machinery to this place to a tittle rrr SW.ftXi. Consequently, all Sheridan and Fhcr Idsn county are exceedingly Jubilant Hofh have worked hard for months to secure the remov."; of the hg plant to, this elty. The cultivation of about s.ias.i acres In sugar beets has been asftUreM and th city will donate a site for' the factory, th coming of which Is now a certainty. President Wilson Has Anniversary Ml ' (A. WASHINGTON. Dee. 28. -Practically all democrat lo senators In the city and many representatives called an the presi dent to congratulate him on this, his fifty-eighth birthday anniversary. Th president told his callers that he had never felt better. Th president's cabinet arranged to call on him In a body at S o'clock this even Ing to pay their respects snd congratu late Mm. Other government officials left cards or sent letters of congratulation during tha day. In continuation of his plans to got ss much rest aa possible during th holidays. President Wilson contemplates . seeing few caller during the week. His plans call for a conference with Representative Underwood of Alabama, the majority leader In the house, on the admlnlstrs tion legislative program, and reception to a delegation of Sunday school pupils from New Jersey. Stranded Americans . Still Seek Relief 1AJNDON, Dec. 2S.-The American re lief committee today renewed the lease for It present office for a period of six months. The demand on. the committee continue to be heavy and It still has so much to do that It la not possible to movo 119 (.ffleea to the American em bassy. j The aveiage number of Americans al I aisled by tiie commission weekly Is now I shout twenty-five. These reached t,on j don chiefly from the continent. Further more, unsettled shipping conditions leave many American seamen stranded In Eng land, and the commute- ornces are crowded every day with Americans seek ing passports. Of the 3300,000 appropriated by the 1 Fulled Stales some months ago to assist . Americans stranded in Europe on account 'of tha war there remains tcliy about SlOO.OlW. Kvaporated Apple aad Dried Frail IV KW YORK, Dec, J8. EVA PORATMD APPLES Quiet: fsncy. 7Miilftc: choice. S'.We; prime. H-96S DRIED fruit prunes, steady; Cal ifornia. 4VWjimc; OresTons, SUIla. Apri cots, quiet; choice. 94j0V4c; extra choice. 9Vd10e; fsncy, WVfrllc. Peaches, steady; choice, tvHfl'ic; extra cnoico. !.(: fancy, 7&'7Hc. Raisins, dull: loose roue sate Is, ftVWAC; choice to fancy seeded. 7'4fYAc; seedless, iWii'c; London layers, 81. 4531.3a Bank Clearings A. t. rtunk elenrlnes In the T'nlted Stales for the deew ending December 24. a reported Armm t,2 to Hradstreet's Journal, New York, as Airhiasn n. as.... tiu. gregat 82,624, 8O2,O0), aaalnst 32,!i;,437.fiiO Halt, a out ta s last week and ::.tiO,,t.uuu in tnis week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate 8184,759.009. as against SU4.543.uOO last week and Sl63.100.OUO in thia week last yar. Following ar th returns, with per centages of change from this week last year: Kew York Money Market. STERLING EXCHANOIJ-Steadv: sixty uerUdlV fr C'- ' siLVEIt-llar. 484e. Mexican JTMie. HONI)8-3-vermmnt firm. LONDON, Dec B ll-16d per ounce. honey-1 per rent; discount rates, " 1 ana mree montns, x per cent. ( losing quotations .hi bond were follow- tr. a. rf. 3.. rag... 94 st. K. a . it 4.. 17 o civupon 44 aMr). p., . .. .,, " N. T. O. S. 3Wa 1 do roupoa ion N.y. city 414- iu in! ! 3 onupua. e. Aa i0j esj. wmrnmw M....IVI' Nn. Par II Am iu T. er. 4H4. M K Pariria a aJ Pae. T. a T a. ajr dollars, steady; railroad. . BILVEIt- Bar, nt rates, cent, were g llank ot France Declares Dividend.. PARIS, Dec. 28. The Bank ot Franc declared a dividend today for the second aemeaeer of th fiscal year of 90 francs (SIM net a share. During the preceding fiscal year dividends amounting to 9)3 francs, 33 centimes, were paid. n.i. a? unt a m Pan, so. m M Ohas. Ohio 414a. M Raadlo .eu. 4s..." 114 R. i p. . 4. a a B. n. 4Ha . tn O. aV R. O. rat. fta 46 CITIFS. Amount. Iae. Dec. New York Chicago Philadelphia .. Roston Ht. Douls Pittsburgh .... Kansas City ., Han Frncloo Baltimore Detroit Cincinnati Minneapolis ... Cleveland Ijom Angele .. New Orleans . Omaha Milwaukee .... Atlanta Louisville Seattle Buffalo Portland. Ore. ftt. Paul Denver Indianapolis .. Providence .... Memphis Richmond Fort Worth ... 8t. Joseph Washington, D. Nashville Albany Columbus Halt Iako Savannah Toledo Dea Moines Rochester . Hartford Duluth .. Hpoksn Norfolk Macon ...m.. Peoria Oakland Sioux ;lty Jacksonville, Fla . IHrmlngbara Wichita I i rand Rapid .... New Haven Hyracua elcranton V Hprlnsflald. Mass.. C. City. 1,504. 751,0wl aS9,35.i,(MI 154,277,000, l,lt.iun 79.lll.OiiO 47.3V.,0"0 '2.979.0HOI 46.37ift.00ri 81.6,lW Ift.ft-t.OuOl S8.M1.ii0o 3U,4n,O0fi 2l,15!i,OU0, li.2ftl.00O 19,107,000 17,079.601 16. 163.0001 15.593.0il0... 11.363 00 h; 10. J 9.9is).i9j 9,2.4,0001 12.K76.Oi0 9.663.000 if.i'JI.OUO 6.9,5,1"' 6.97ft.aiO 9 IW OOl s,601,00T 4.991,000 7.35.I.OOU ,47,OHi) 6.045,00 6.834.UUO .768,OOi 6. 911. Hl S.3i9,0OO 4.464,000 3.716.000 4.4i7,OMH 6.367.ftH 2.655.( 4.101,000 3.851,9001 3.O40.0IU 2.169.0M1I 3.169.0001 215.0uOI. 3.3OS,0(iOi 3.Vi0.i"iO 2,ft9ft.a'3i 3.279,1 2.g7!i.no! 3.i64.0i Uf 8,4J6.0uo 8.11 6.8 'il 12.11 8.6 M ft 26.7 10 6 S2.7 3 4 241 T.8 12.4 31.01 86.9! U.t is' 4 16.7 3.b; 18.8 .3 13 3 S3 4.9 14 3 4 i 23.7 Kris cn Van. Klanlrlr (It. No. II 111. rntt I K. C. g. U N. us. Bid. tterad. fta .. 4 '4a. t. . rt. 6a.. S4 la .a Be. Rallewv Lm iiu L'nloa I'aa. 4. a-, 1. i"t o ev. 4a Ma Vft'. n. nnheer a....ioii; 5 !L Ht - ""i " .n as, aa , Si tlU5M. Psion 4 Vis. ,. S71 Waat. Glae. c. It.. 90 13.8 19.7 12.81 16.01 16 26. o) 39.0) .1 10.8 2 8 47.6 16.7 32.1 12.4 24.0 ail :::c: i.s 8 S 14. ft 29 I I "i!s Last week's. toffee Market. NEW YORK, Dee. 28.-COFFEE The coffee market waa firmer today and after opening at an advaace of ft to ( point future closed at a aet gain of 10 to 14 points, aa compared with tha final fig ure of last Thursday. The trataa selling, which waa considered largely re- mnaioia ior ina pr-nounay reaction, but waa not In evidence during today's trad ing and the market wa Influenced by a few buying order In the absence of prompt seller. Sal of 10.350 bsg wer reported. Including switches. I eomher. 6.09c; January, 8.0c; February, t.loe; March. -2Sc: Aprils, CSftc; Jlav. 8.47o; June, 8.36c; July. T.Sfto; August, 7.ilc; Sep tember. 7. tie: October, T.47e; November, 7 65c. Hpot, quit: Rio No. 7. 7He; Santos 4s. 10c. Rto 124 rets lower at 43305; Santos unchanged. CoMaa Market. NEW TORK. Dee. 2S.-4"mTON-pot, quiet; middling uplands, T.fttte; ealea, louO bale. Future closed steady; Isscember, 7.42c: January, 7.64c; March, T.ICc; May. SOlc; July. g20c; October. 113c. Th cotton market closed steady and from ten to fourteen point net higher. Four Buildings Blown Up With Dynamite HYMEKA, Ind., Deo. 38. Emmie of Walker Wilson, a saloon keeper, ar be lieve by tha police to have been re sponsible for an explosion of dynamite which arly today demolished four busi ness buildings her. Two saloons, on of them Wilson's, anl a meat market wer destroyed and a dosen other buildings damaged. Wilson recntly was named In affidavits filed before a Juatlc of th peace charging th saloon keeper with operating hi p'.ac Illegally. OMAHA UEH KRAti MARKET. BUTTER No. L 1-lb. cartons. Sic; No.. 2, 60-lb. tubs. 29c. - .... CHEESE Imported, Bwtss, 8ci Amr loaa Swiss, aki; block Bwlss, 2io; twins, 16c; daisies, itc; triplets. 17c; Young Amncs, 18'c: blu label brick, 17o; Urn burger. S-lb c; 1-lb.. 80o; New York white, 18o; imported French Roquefort, lb). BEEF CtXTB-Rlbs: No. 1, 18'jc: No. 2, 16; mo. j, ll4c Loins: No. L 20c; Ne. 3 17c; No. S, lJc. Chucks: No. 1, lSc; No. S, M,c; No. 3, 9o. Rounds: No. . 1. 13c: No. 2. 1214c; No. IP40. Mate: No. . 9Ao; No. 3. Sc. No. S, Sc. VFX1ETABLE8 Cauliflower. 33.00 per crate: cucumbers. 81.60 per box; oelery. Jumbo, 75o per doseai celery. Mloldgan. 360 per dosen; head lettuce, 31.00 per dosen; leaf lettuce, 4lr. per dosen 1 onions, yellow, So per lb.; red, 2o per lb.; whit,. 3S9o per lb.; cabbage, 1S4C par lb.: pep per. 6O0 per banket; tomatoes, 84.00 per crate; horseradish, 60c per dosen; garlic, Italian. 816 per ce; squaah. lo per lb.; pumpkin, IS90 per Id. Potatoes. Idaho. 70c pr bu.; Red River Ohio. 66c per bu.f Minnesota Whites. 00c cer bu. 8wetp tatocs, Kansas, 8i lo 12.50 per bU.; Jer sey. (1.75 pr ha nip. riBU Trout. 14c; larga crapplsa. 13c; salmon, lit; halibut. 13c; channel cat fish, 12c; pike, 14e; pickerel, pic. POTJ LTRY Broiler. 144o; apting chick, ana, 11c; hens. 711o; cocks. Se; ducks, 10c; geese, 8c; turkea, Ita ptgaona, pt dog.. 90c; duck, full feathered, 10c; geeH. full feathered, ic; squab, No. 1, J1.60, o. S. 60e. Market quotation furnished by Qlllnskt Fruit company 1 FRUIT Oranges, extra fancy Wash Ing ton naval, sos. 96a, inua, XM, 112a. v.7 per box; extra fancy Washington naval. 150s, 82.56 per box; extra fancy Washing ton naval, 176a, 2ud, 216s, 35.00 par box.. Lemon. Kyston bunklst. 300s. t60n. 85.50 per box; choice. Red RaU. 300s, Soils, 85 00 per box. Grapefruit. 86. 64. 64. 80s, 32.76 par box. Apniee, extra fancy Wash ington White Winter Pearmalncs, U.O11 per box; extra fancy Washington Pear malnea, 81.75 per box; extra fancy Wine saps. 3175 per box; eitra faaicy Spttsen burgs, 1160 per box; Oregon Spltsenburgs, 81.36 per box; Oregon Baldwins, II. til per box; Colo, unwrapped Jonathans, 81. 35 per box: Washington extra fancy and Foy Hoovers. 3140 per box; O K. Jonathans, Si. 10 per box; fancy Colorado Wealthy. 81.10 per box; fancy Colorado McMahana, 8110 per box; fancy Colorado I'tters. 11 10 per box; fancy Colored? Maiden Bluao. 81.16 per box; Idaho fancy Grlmea Golden, 81.50 per box; Idaho choloe Grim Golden, 31.26 per box; Washington fancy Grlmea Golden, SI 60 per box; Idaho fancy Jona thans, 81.86 per box; Idaho fancy Fulton. 81.26 per box; Idaho fancy Wolf River, 8186 per box; Waahlngton Wagner. 81 2i per box; New York Baldwin. 83.00 per bbl.; Russet. 83.00 per bbl. Grapes. California Emperor. 8-1-59 per bbl.; California Em peror, 8176 per orate; extra fancy Malagas, 8 00 per bbl. Pears. Aajou, 83.25 per box; Jersey. 12.26 per box; Sheldon, 32.25 per box; Lawrence, 85.00 per box; Bosco. S2.S6 per box; Baster, 82-28 per box. Bananas, St-75 per bunch to 83.60 per 'MISCELLANEOUS Nuta, No. l Cali fornia walnut. 18 per lb.; filberts. 16o per lb.; pecans, 130 per I.; pacana, jumbo. I6g per lb.; Uraalla, UHo per lb. Flga. 1S-U tunes, 860 per box; 60-4 ounce S3. 00 per box; neven (Town, imported lftc per lb.; bulk. To per lb, ite. Drome. dary, S3 00 per box.: Anchor, S2 26 per box; sugar walnut. 81.40 per lb.; HallowL so per III. nuaiiru iuiMirn, ac paf in,; CJ41- monds. SOc per lb.; lime a. 81.7 ft nnr K. crackarjack, 3iW per case; crackerjac.-one-half case, 81-76; checker. S3 60: check r. one-half rasa, 81.76. Honey, 3 T6 per raaa. (iw, rwr iwi cioer, va.&ii kea New York, one-half bbl., MOS Cocoa, nuts. 88.7ft per sack : eoroaauta. 15c dmu. Caaaba cams. t2.oo crate. i