THH 11KE: OMAHA. TVKSDAV. PIXKMP.Ki: '2'. V.). Nebraska CONTROVERSY OYER BOHDUT BLAIR Objection to Their Registry Made by Nebraska Oas and Elec tric Company. FIGHT OVER NEW LIGHT PLANT Ballots In Fartiaa t'osmty C'ostest Are Receive r " rcretary f Stair, and Placed In Sate krrplai, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, JDef. as. (Sporlal.) Objec tion to registering bonds in the amount of 136.000, voted by Blair for the estab lishment of nn electric light plant by the i Ity, was the cauxo of a hearing before State Auditor Howard this afternoon. Objection was made by the Nebraska Cas and Klectrle company of Omaha, which has several plants In the eastern Part of the state. The company sets out that the call for the election was not advertised the. required twenty days, u prescribed by the statutes, and that therefore the election was Illegal. State Auditor-elect AV. H. Smith was Invited br Auditor Howard to sit with hhn In the hearing; and accented the In vitation. Ballots la Content Received. Two big boxes containing the ballots cast In Furnas county have been received by the secretary of state and deposited in the vault. They will be used In con nection with the contest brought by .1. W. Kelley, democrat, against the seating of J. F. uta, republican, who was elected by a majority of five votes over Kelley. Gavel from ribs, Govenor Morehoaa received today as a Christmas present a gavel made of ebony, with a rosewood handle, made from ' Cuban woods. It was sent by John K. Karly, who now lives in Cuba and was formerly a resident of Saline county, having served aa postmaster under the Cleveland administration. New Hebron Bank. The Hebron State bank has been granted, a charter by the State Banking board. The Institution has a capital stock of $00,000, with R. A. Harvey, pres ident: L. J. Dunn, vice president, and W. H. Rhodes, cashier. Mr. Rhodes was the democratic candidate for congress In the Fourth district Reed Villi tw In Lincoln. K. W. Reed, formerly connected with the Nebraska Railway commission, but now connected with the Interstate Com merce commission' as senior land ap praiser. Is In the city for the holiday va cation visiting his family. His head quarters are n Kansas City, and he is at present working on a valuation of the Kansas City & Southern railroad. Restrain Whims Not the Will of People of the'U. S. . (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dee. 28. (Special Telegram.) The address of President H. H. Wilson of the, Nebraska State Bar association marked the opening meeting of that or ganization this afternoon at the Lincoln hotel. "Tlie Courts and Constitutional Re strictions" w-as th esubject of his ad dress. Ho denied the courts had a right to be criticized. "But tliirty-five times In 133 years have the courts decided that legislation waa un constitutional." said Sir. Wilson. He be Hovd ther should be constitutional re straints upon the whims, but not the will of the people. At the Llndell hotel this evening the Lancaster Bar association gave a com plimentary dinner to the outgoing and Incoming members of th eaupreme court and to the vlsltlnii lawyers. Tomorrow will be the big day and i nthe evening Ihe annual banquet will be at the Lincoln hotel. F. M. Hall will be toastmaster. HYMENEAL tw:---- r,? Tlaaklas-llarbaaaa. STELLA, Neb., .Deo. 28. (Special.) Mr. Clyde O. Hasklns of the Stella Press and Miss Maude Harbaugb were married at 1 o'clock Saturday at the home, of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Har baugh, at Miles' ranch, (our and one half miles southwest of Dawson, by Rev. 8. J, Wilton of the Stella Methodist church Only the members of the two families were present. After the service a wedding dinner waa served. The bride wore a traveling suit of bronze green doth. Mr. and Mrs. Hasklns left Dawson on the 4 o'clock train Saturday afternoon to spend a few days In Kansas City. Mp. Hasklns. aside from his duties as a country editor, is a writer for several larm -papers, and It was while inter viewing Mr. Harbaugh for information for a special cattle article that he met and became acquainted with the latter'a daughter, who la now his wife. Notes front Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb. Dec. 28. (Special.) Mrs. Bessie Zook died suddenly at Barneston Saturday after an Illness of six weeks, aged 23 years. She la survived by her husband and two small children. ) Mrs. A. W. Davidson, mother of Mrs. J. W. Murray of this city, died at Hamp ton, la., Saturday, aged 65 years. The body was brought here Sunday for lu terment. Alphonso Falk, son of M. M. Falk, editor of the Plymouth Newt, has Joined Ihe United States navy and Is now a fire man on the battleship Oregon. Judge Alfred Iiazlett of this city, who has for some months pat been Inter ested In trying to secure the release of Harry K. Thaw, and mho Is opposed to his being taken back to Mattaewan asy lum, received a box of cigars from Thaw aa a Christmas present. This ant Vtrt- CrBlt. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, eacluae S cents to Foley & Co.. Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and bark, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foleys Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persona For sale In your town by all druggists. Advertisement. Nebraska Nebraska Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Chiropractors Will Ask for Bill Recognizing Them i f'rm a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. .(Special.) Members of the Nebraska Chiropractors' association met at the Llndell hotel today to talk over matters pertaining to the ef forts they will make this year to he granted legislation favorable to their profession, which so far has no recogni tion, and which the doctors believe has been unjustly discriminated against. They wish not to be confused In any manner with either osteopathy or the medical profession. They say the general public is rapidly demanding that which has proven their contention, which Is, that Its growth demands recognition. The association discussed In detail the bill to be presented to the legislature that the chiropractors be recognized as well as the osteopaths. "There are some 100 chiropractors In the state today. If there was not n Oemand for them there would not be so many, and It is for this reason that we ask recognition," said Dr. Iee Edwards of Omaha. A committee, rep resenting the Nebraska Chiropractic as sociation, will meet with a similar group of osteopaths next woek to ask the lat ter'a support in order to secure such rec ognition. There are about fifty chiropractors In attendance from the various portions of Nebraska The officers of the associa tion in attendance are: II. J. Foster of H-VKtlnss. II. W. Kellogg of Harvard, J. Tt. Campbell of Norfolk, L. R. Parks of, Dr. Joseph C. Lawrence of Omaha. The legislative committee will meet In Omaha soon. STORK AND CUPID ARE BUSY Births in Nebraska for Year Exceed Deaths by Sixteen Thousand. EIGHT MARRY TO ONE DIVORCE Record "bows More Than Twelve Than sixteen llnndred Legal Reparation. News Notes from Avora. AVOCA, Neb., Dec. 2S.-(8peclal.)-Frank Gress, a well known Otoe county farmer, sustained a fractured arm Just above the wrist cranking his automobile on Christmas day. Ed P. Carper of I'nadilla. who aerlously Injured Leonard Nash lost August, was found guilty of assault and battery and was assessed a fine of $100 and costs by Judge Begley In the district court of Otoe county. Thre wolves were killed In a hunt east of town laet week. About loo hunters participated. Farmers' 1'nlon Bays Elevator. REPUBLICAN CITY, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) The Farmers' Equity union laet week purchased the elevator at this place formerly owned by the estate of J. E. Oosnell. The business mill be run under the name of the Republican City Equity exchange. The farmers are well organized and are now ready to handle grain and coal. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. 2S.-(Ppoctal.)-Thnl the population of Nebraska Is Increasing If the birth and death rate Is taken Into consideration, la shown by the report of Dr. W. H. Wilson, secretary of the State Board of Health. The births in Ne braska from a period extending from Ie cember 1. 1M3, to December 1. 1914. were Si.TM, while the deaths reported were but 10.735. In a fight with the divorce court Pvlnro Cupid put It over on the court heavily, the score being 8 to 1 In favor of Cupid. There were 12,157 weddings In tlie state during the year and I,.'i77 divorces granted. There were 52 rases where the applicant struck out with the bases full and fatk'd to a get a decree. Cruelty and desertion appeared to be the cause for most of the divorces. r:o being given for the former end 4M for the latter. Drunkenness whs responsible for 221. while prohibition scored none. Nonsupport was responsible for 3S2 divorces, while 124 secured their freeilom because the other one loved un wisely and too well somebody else. There were 772 people who took less than two years to discover they had mado a bad mesa of the matrimonial Job; five years, 03: ten years, 4; twenty-fire years, 207; forty yuarg, 25, and forty-five years. 2. Sixty-four people did not know how long they had been married. Of the applicants for divorce 1,730 were women and 429 were men. Douglas county had 636 divorce cases against 2,473 marriages. Lancaster county stood second with 297 cases for divon and 972 marriages. In the state there were 14,oo2 boys born and 12,779 girls, a total of 36.781. There were 804 pair of twins, all of them white, 906 being boys and 004 girls. There were two flocks of triplets, all of them coming from foreign parent, five being boys and one girl. Nebraska thinking It was kerosone. The young woman's cloth,-s v. ere burned from her body and she Inhaled much, of the flame. She was taken to a local hospital, but cannot live. She la a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Pat Moran of Overton. YOUNG WOMAN FATALLY BURNED STARTING FIRE KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 28. -(Special Telegram.) Teresa Moran, 23 years old. was fatally burned today when sho at tempted to start a flro with gasoline. Fairbury Youth Severely Injured While "Hooking On" FAIRBt'RY, Neb.. Dec. .-(Ppeclal Telegram.) Lewis, 10-year-ohl son of K. J. Nelson, barely averted death at the Rock Island depot when he was run over by an automobile. In company with sev eral other companions, he waa "hooking" on nnd when turning a corner his sled skidded and ho was struck by an auto mobile. It passed over his neck and chest His chest waa crushed, but no bones were fractured and his physician enter tains some hope of his recovery. His companion barely escaped a similar acci dent, but his sled was caught and was (mashed to pieces. JEFFERSON FARMERS REFUSE TO SEE HORSES FOR WAR FAirtHl-RT. Neb.. Dec. 28. (Special. -"No horses for the European war." Is the alogHn of Jefferson county farmers. Tills was brought about Saturday, when Tiud White ,a Topcka horse buyer, adver tised extensively for horses and mares for eavnlry and artillery purposes, to range In ago from 6 to 10 years and weigh l.OMl and pounds and be fat and sound. The buyer announced he would be at Ellsworth A Fmlth's livery barn, rain or shine and would buy and not Invoice. However, he did not have a chance to do either, for no horses showed up at the barn and he left Fairbury without mak ing and purchase. He claimed he had a couple of carloads at Roodland, Kan., already bought. Many of the Jefferson county farmers have expressed themselves decidedly op posed to seeing their faithful horses off the farms being shipped over to Europe to he cut to pieces by cannon balls and bayonets. 1 MISS BR0DST0NE ARRIVES AT SUPERIOR FROM AUSTRAL SUPERIOR, Neb., Dec. M.MSpeclal Tel egram.) Miss Evelyn Brodstone arrived thin week from Australia, where she so journed for six months, being COO miles from a railroad In the Interior. She was the first white woman ever seen that far Inland, the war having been declared three weeks before It was known there. HASKELL 15 CHESTY OYER CHICAGO GAME Staff ' Offer of Contract Makes In dim Team Management Chortle a Little with Glee. SOME FROG BAM FOR NEXT YEAR Iteds Have Take en Notre I Hi me Mad I tope fa Amtt Cinme V4lth Ike, l alveralty of llllaols. IAt RENCi:, Kan.. Dec. tS.-t.'peclal.) Santa Claus arrived on scheduled time at Ihe big government Indian school, with Prof. Alonso A. Ktagg playing the rolo of the good PL Nli hols. When Manager A. M. Venne looked In the foot ball stock ing In thn wee small hours of Christmas morning he found there a contract for a foot ball game between the. Haskell Rraves and the representatives of the University ot Chicago, said game to bo played at Chicago on November 6, Attention from All Hides. A great many of the followers of fool ball here. In this foot ball crasy town, be lieve that the Haskell Indians are in a class by themselves when It comes to a demonstration of the great college spoil, and It Is evident from the way the mem bers of the "Rig Nino" -have been shower Ing recognition upon the Kcdaklno, that there are other people who believe that at least. Haskell can furnish them a practice game. Not that Haskell defeats all comers, or could even boast of a challenge against Harvard, aa did their once big northern rival, the "Cornhusk crs." Like to Pla Haskell. Those In authority at Haskell know very well why tlio members of the big teams like to play Haskell. First, be to use the Indians are, naturally and by training, the best sportsmen In tho world. The native American loves to a In, to be sure, and puts forth every legitimate ef fort to attain that enl. He la scrupulous however, about his conduct to his oppo nent, and he knows that the real victory lies In putting forth bis best and hla all Into the work before him. It has been these characteristics which has won so much honor for Haskell In the south, where one would expect and dors find a better attltudo toward athletics than In the northern schools. Indians fioort Plarhtem. Haskell always fights to the finish, even If It Is their finish. And It Is this characteristic ot thn Indians that has won them a place for the second time on the Notre Dame schedule, a place on Chicago's November schedule, and an Invitation to meet both the universities of Illinois and Indiana. Conflicting dates compelled Manase- enn to drllne In diana, but thn Illinois game is still a possibility. It now s mis likely that Haskell will add to this, one member of thn Missouri conference. Rasy Krama Ahead. This with the southern games and a Jew state contests will give lliuikeTl a busy season. It stems likely that only onn trip will be made t the south this year. Tho distance is so great that thn school authorities object to the day or mine that the hoys would miss their classes. Tho Texas A. M. game will be played at tho Texas state fair at I'allas. and this Is not a hnvd trip and ncssltates but a half day's loss of school. Oklahoma la still silent on another game. Perhaps tho Sooner think thry had better quit while their credit la good. Haskell hope to finish the season with Oklahoma, and It may be that the game will be scheduled for either Itwrence or Norninn, a step that will further mark the return of the college, game to home t, rounds. Tho big southern trip to Austin and New Orleans to meet the state universi ties of Texaa and Louisiana will not be made. l fclnemen Held. .lKlt.HKY CITV. N. J., I- W-jJix t'lwncnien were arrested early today in a (.rand Trunk railway freight ear In thn Ktln railroad yanls here and lo.ied up on charges of violation of thn ex clusion a t They will be arraigned be fore I nlted Slates Commissioner Car penter tomorrow. The police say iho oar came through from Vancouver, B, i; ACCIDENTAL DEATH MYRTLE CASE VERDICT ASHLAND, Neb , Dec. 28. (Special Tel egram. Coroner Edward I. Rlggerstaff of Wahoo held an Inqueet this morniirt over the body of Frank Myrtle, a Sarpy county man who waa Instantly killed shout 5:30 Saturday evening on the Omaha main line track, half way between Salt creek bridge and the Sioux City division wye. a mile east of town, by Burlington passenger No. JL A verdict of accidental death was returned by the Jury. Engineer Hutchinson of No. 3 testified that .Myrtle crossed and recrossed thn track of the rapidly onrushlng train, ap parently unaware of Its near approach He saw the man too tate to stop the train in time. Myrtle waa fid ye-srs of age and leaves an aged mother at Bowen, III. He was divorced from his wife, who resides on the Sarpy county side of the Platte river. Mate TDnfis E(ssliiftiim for AM JVheveClSy I have been living so closely to my occupation in the paist that I have found it impossible to find time to keep fully and reliably in formed of the big, vital news of the world of the constant changes, developments, and advances in Politics, Science, Invention, Lit erature, Art, Religion, Drama, and Sports and the lack of a talking knowledge of which has caused me embarrassment, and is liable to stamp me as a " back-number " before my time, be it. therefore Resolved, that there being only one salvation for me and all other busy men and women who must keep abreast of the world's thought and action with a very small expenditure of money and time, I shall commence to-day to spend 10 cents weekly and two hours' spare time, reading me lie w ALL NEWS-DEALERS FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY, (Publisher, of the Famoui NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK Welcome the NewYear with a bottle of Italian Swiss Colony 4 ill rNwiirt Golden State Extra Dry California "Grand Prix' Champagne EQUALS THE BUT in Purity. Aroma, Boil gu at. Flavor, Color an4 SarU At ill Grocers, Clubs, Cafes and wine Dealers aociDifSliaoEZDic 0 HOE To ELAIN DODG I E i E 1 I can help you. Your letter in yes terday's paper, made me feel for you and want to rush right out and help you. I imagine you are pretty much upset, from what you say and want to hear without delay from anyone who can help you and your father. Now, I would not be of much good myself, Miss Dodge, but I am very close to a man, who I think, is the greatest detective that ever lived. I know I can persuade him to help you, for he is the aid of the weak and oppressed always. And I will! Indicate how and when I can meet you with my friend and we will be there. To show you that I am sin cere, and I mean you no harm, you may have a policeman with you. Respectfully yours, WALTER JAMESON Dear Miss LAME There is a very simple help for you one that never faila. You can help yourself. What I mean to say, is that by thinking deeply and refusing to admit that there is harm about you, that all harm will dis appear. We are peculiar beings, we humans: as we think we an. And wo can frighten ourselves into im agining we are in all sorts of danger. Think you are away from harm, and you will have no harm. E. A. B. To Elaine Dodge My Idea la that someona Is playing a great Joke on you. However, If you will write Bid. Jenkins. City Hull, where to reach you,- I will come ui axiti protect you. S. J. Elaine Dodge (Personal) I am a detective, and will be pleased to handle your case for a reasonable fee. I believe that I can be of real be! p to you. P. O. Box TIS. Omaha. To Mist Elaine Dodge Ws tl have ottr troubles waen yonag. ao lust pick up courage ana lam sure eerythin will be si rujht. II Ihe help of ao old lady wUl ke aay goad. let us know - - HUttnia HUAi.dtet 10) Boi 130