Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1914, Image 1

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    Advsrtlstng Is t-i Ufa of Trail
walk thrssgh Te Bee
omara, yonr tMmlt HMmHi
rw poasiai
VOL. XLIV NO. 166.
Oa Trtlni end at
otsl ITews RUnAs, 5o
One Instantly Killed and Another
Seriously Wounded by Domin
ion Border Patrol.
After Birds Out of Season and in
Canadian Waters in the
Niagara Barer.
Soldiers Fire on Poachers as Latter
Head for U. S. Shore.
Vice Count Declares No Arrests
Have Been Made and that Vic
tim Wr In Wrong
BUFFALO. N. T., Dec. 28. One Amer
ican wu Instantly killed and another
seriously wounded by Canadian troops
patrolling; the Canadian border at Fort
Erie, Ont., opposite this city today. The
men were hunting- ducks out of season
in the Niagara river and in Canadian
Provisional Police Officer Thomas De
laney of Port Erie ordered the men to
stop shooting;. They declined and Do
laney called upon a corporal and two
privates of the Forty-fourth battalion of
the Canadian militia for assistance.
Ordered to Come Ashore.
The corporal ordered the men to come
ashore. Instead they headed their boat
for the American shore and were beating;
a hasty retreat when, at the order of
Delaney, the soldiers fired upon them.
Walter Smith was shot through the head
and killed and Charles Dorsch was seri
ously wounded in the shoulder. Both re
sided in Buffalo. "When the hunter top
pled over their boat the soldiers put out
In a boat and towed the hunters' craft
to shore.
Secretary of State Bryan was notified
of the shooting; by Vice Consul J. B.
Curtis of Fort Erie.
"Whether or not complications will re
sult Is a debatable question,' said Mr
Curtis. "While two Americans were shot
the information available indicates that
they were shooting ducks without a
Canadian license and were in Canadian
waters, where they had no right to be
under the circumstances. No arrests have
been made as a result of the shooting."
Inqnlry Ordered.
OTTAWA, Ont, Dee. 28. Major General
Samuel Hughes, minister of militia, to
day ordered an immediate inquiry into
the shooting of two American duck hunt
am at Fort Erie by Canadian guards.
"I greatly regret, the occurrence and
Will have a thorough Imreatlgatlon made,"
aid General Hughes.
Consderablo nervousness baa been
caused along the border by . reports of
raida and stories that dynamiter have
planned to blow up public property In
Canada. Blnee th eopenlng of the Euro
pean war tha International boundary has
been strongly patrolled by militia guards,
who have orders to detain for examina
tion all suspicious persona.
Organized Relief
Morehead's Plan
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Deo. ZS. (Special.) Tomor
row, responding to a call issued by Gov
ernor Morehead, mayors of the different
cities of the state, or their representatives
will meet at the state house to organize
a state relief committee, which will han
dle all funds and other donations made
"rom out in the state. In many instances
people have not known where donations
could be sent, and it was the large num
ber of letters coming to the governor
asking for Information along these lines
which prompted the executive to make
the call for the meeting.
Governor Morehead would like to see
the formation of a committee with head
quarters somewhere, so that parties may
forward goods to a central point, and as
fast as a carload is complete it may be
sent to its destination.
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The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha. Council Muffs and Vicinity
-Partly cloudy.
Teapeimtar at Omaha Yesterday.
.'.r.".r. si
Comparative Local Record.
1914. 1913. 1813. 1911.
Highest yesterday 82 32 64 S3
Lowest yestercay 20 16 82 4
Mean temperature K 24 43 20
Precipitation T .CO .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 28
Kxceas for the day 3
l'otal excess since March I S7S
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. 28. W inches
Deficency since March 1 3.36 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913.. 6.48 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1L2 4.26 Inches
Re aorta from Stations at T P. M.
Elation and State Temp. High- Rain.
of WAthr. V n m. -r 1 1
inyenne, ciouay 2
Davenport, cloudy 34
Denver, clear 84
Dea Moines raining 84
Dodga City, clear 28
Lander, cloudy 28
North Platte, clear 20
Omaha, cloudy ti
1 ueblo, clear 42
Rapid City, cloudy 32
Ball Lake City, snowing 32
'?anta Fe, clear 2b
Khertdun, cloudy 30
,-ioui City, cloudy Sti
Valentine, rart cloudy.. 22
'f inaicaiea true or precipitation.
I A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
84 .00
84 .00
44 .00
84 .01
84 .00
i .00
30 .01
33 T
60 .00
40 .00
3W .00
so ,uo
3i .00
2X .03
31 .00
COMMANDER EVA BOOTH of the Salvation Army
giving out baskets of food to the poor in New York on
Christmas day.
an .tov. m .
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Judge Sears Orders Street Railway
to Famish Court Physical Value
of Its Properties.
Order Inclndea Making Public, of a
Largo Amonnt of Information
aa to the Bnslnasa of
the. Company.
The Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street
Railway company Is directed to furnish
to the court a "fair and reasonable
physical valuation of all its property,
both real and personal, with a state
ment of what it consists by an order
Issued by District Judge' Sears. . The
court's action is in connection with the
company's Injunction attacking the
eeven-farea-for-a-quartor ordinance.
The order also compels the street rail
way company to glvo tno following ad
ditional information:
Gross revenue for each of the last
three years and the amount of fares re
ceived in Omaha for the same period.
Salaries of all officers and employes
for the last throe years.
Receipts and expenses for the same
time. '
Amount of bonded ' indebtedness and
Interest charges.
Any other Indebtedness and rates of
8um set aside for reserve and depre
dation, if any.
Amount of revenue after demands have
been met.
Tracks are In Omaha.
What the trackage In Omaha ?, com
pared with the company's properties In
side and outside of Omaha.
The court's order gives the street rail
way company two weeks In which to
comply with Its directions.
The order was issued by Judge Sears
In allowing a motion of the city's at
torneys that the company's petition be
made "more definite and certain" to sus
tain its allegation that the proposed rate
would result in confiscation of its prop
erty. ,
The company enjoined the operation
of the new ordinance on a large num
ber of grounds, all of which were
thrown out by the court except the one
charging confiscation of property,
which Is- forbidden by the constitution.
A temporary restraining order was
granted, holding up enforcement of the
ordinance. In order to secure a perma
nent injunction, the company must show
that the seven-fares-for-a-quarter rate
would not allow a fair profit on the
capital invested.
Three Judges in Federal Court Deny
Petition for Injunction Against
Their Legality January 1.
Funds of Miners '
Unions Used to
Buy Arms Charged
CANON CITT. Colo., Dec. 28-David
Robb, a national organiser of the United
Mine Workers of America, spent between
1300 and 8400 of union funds for arms
during tha week preceding the attack by
strikers upon tha Chandler mine, accord
ing to Robb's own testimony today In
the trial of seven ex-strikers charged with
the murder of William King In the
Chandler battle of April 26, 114.
Robb, one of the defendants, was called
to the stand for cross-examination when
the trial was resumed after the Christ
mas recess. He said the money expended
for arms had been raised by the six
local unions of miners in Fremont county.
The witness said the guns were secured
for purposes of defense. He denied that
he had incited the strikers to organize
for the attack upon Chandler,
Same Sehcdnlo for Mannaaoat Grai
Ite aa Bnlldlna- Variety Deamaadetd
by Interstate Commerce Com
mission to Become Law.
A motion by eastern railroads to enjoin
a new freight rate on granite becoming
effective January 1 was denied by three
Judges sitting in the local federal court
yesterday. The tariff had been ordered
some time ago by . the Interstate Com
merce commission and a stay of execution
had been asked by th e rail ways affected.
Circuit Judge Walter I. Smith of Coun
cil Bluffs presided. With him were
District Judges Thomas C. Munger of
Lincoln and James D. Elliott of Sioux
Falls, S. D. Attorneys H. C. Shurtleff of
Montpellcr, Vt, and W. D. McHugh of
Omaha repreaent the Central Vermont.
Montpeller & Wells River, Boston
Maine and the St Johnsbury River
Lake Champlaln railway companies.
The 'Injunction sought was an Interlocu
tory order, preventing enforcement of the
new rates on granite until the railroads
concerned can present their. case to the
Interstate Commerce commission. Form
erly there was a ..distinction between
monument granite and granite for build
ing purposes, the former taking a higher
freight rate. On suit of . the tombstone
men west of the Missouri river, the rates
were equalized.
The railroads were fighting to re
tain the extra revenue formerly derived
from hauling the fancy monument
granite. They point out that the latter
lb not In competition with building
granite and requires more. careful hand
ling, aa it is of much better quality and
Is more nearly finished and polished.
Stephens Selects
Two Postmasters
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Representative Stephens of the
Third district, today recommended for
appointment as postmaster W. H. Hard
stick of West Point to fill a vacancy oc
curring January 15, and E. II. Bishop at
Central City, the preeent incumbent's
term of office expiring February 16.
N. II. Loomls of Omaha, . general so
licitor of the Union Pacific, is in Wash
ington, to appear tomorrow before the
subcommittee of the Judiciary committee
of the senate, of which Senator O Gor
man of New York la chairman, on the
senate bill providing for a recession ot
the Union Pacific right-of-way to set
tlers. The Norria bill reduces tha right-of-way
granted the Union Paclfio under
the act of July L 18J, from 400 feet to 100
feet, thereby favoring property bolder
along said railway to the extent of 800
T. J. Nolan of Omaha is In Washington
on legal business.
DETROIT. Mich.. Dec. .-Petitions In
bankruptcy woro filed today by the Krlt
Motor Car company and Krlt Sales com
pany, both of this city. The liabilities
of the motor company are said to be
SUil.233, with assets amounting to 8622.U3.
The sales company liabilities are, accord
ing to the petition, 1:34,84, and the assets
$2&4i,8H. Lack of business due to Uie
European war Is given as the cause of
the failure.
Germany Formally Notifies State
Department to Withdraw Num
ber for Present.
Belated Freeze in Poland Expected
to Bring On Decisive Engagement
American Representatives in Con
quered Land Have to Be Agree
able to Military.
Joffre's Energetio Offensive Has
Everywhere Been Success
fully Resisted.
PKTHOC.ItAn (Via London). Doo. I..
The brlatod cold spell reported In Poland
Is expected to preclpltatn a definite re
sult In the Clormnn ToIIkIi campaign,
which Is now practically at a standstill,
despite daily predictions of an Impending
crisis and decisive battle.
The weather factor, always Important,
has become paramount in this theater of
war since the whole Herman Invasion of
Poland Is predicated on the freezing of
the soft, miry ground, which Impedes the
transport of heavy guns and favors Rus
sian trench digging. The ground usually
freezes hy the middle of September.
Thus thwarted by mild weather, the ac
tivities around Mlawn have reached a
complete lull and after unsuccessful at
tempts to cross the Hzura river tha tier
mans are still resting on the left bank
of the river near Cochncxew. They have
In the meantime shifted their attacks
southward toward the River Plllca near
Rawa. where the ground Is not marshy.
The Austrian activity In the Klelce
region and along the River NUla, Dona
Jee and both sides of the upper Vistula,
Reverses English Suffer at Festhu
bert Gladden Teuton Hearts.
Constantinople Officially Declares
that There Waa No Bombard
ment of the Dardanelles
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. The
German government has formally no
tified the American State department
that American consuls In Belgium
must be acceptable to the German
military authorities and that it is de
sirable that some of the consuls be
withdrawn for the present, at least.
More Confidence.
BERLIN, Dec. 28. (By Wireless to
Sayvllle, L. I.) Among the Items given
out today for publication by the official
press bureau were the following:
"Dlsousntona of military happenings
around Christmas indicate that the feel
ing of confidence has gained support
here. General Joffre's energetio offen
sive as announced In an army order of
December 17, It is pointed out, has every
where been successfully resisted, and the
defeat of the English at Festhubert leaves
the allies In worse shape than when the
French offensive started.
Chief Interest In Poland.
"Chief Interest continues to center In
Poland, where the position of the Ger
mans and Austrians is regarded as prom
ising. Thar la a feeling hare that Im
portant developments are probable In Fo
land within a few days. ' While the out
look la th Bsura and Rawka region la
satisfactory, it la believed the most
promising point Is southeast Tomassow.
"A Turkish official bulletin reports vic
torious progress on the Caucasian front,
without specifying the operations in de
tail. "Turkey also officially declares that
last week there was no bombardment of
the Dardanelles.
"A dispatch from Warsaw says Polish
revolutionists have blown up there a
monument erected in 1VU to the memory
of Poles loyal to Russia."
Rube Dickenson, a
Lincoln Actor, Dies
In Fall of Scaffold
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Dec. 2S.-Walter
8. Dickenson, a vaudeville actor, was
killed and five others dangerously In
jured when a scaffolding on a hotel In
tha oourse of construction here collapsed.
Dickenson's skull was fractured when
he was caught under the falling structure
aa he was walking along the street. All
the other injured were workmen on the
Sanders Kenner, a negro, one of the In
jured workmen died late this afternoon.
Theatrical friends of Dickenson, among
whom he was known aa "Rube," said his
home waa in Lincoln. Neb. He was mar-
lied there laat summer. His wife Is now
in Danville, Va., where she went to spend
the Christmas holidays.
Farmer Shoots Wife
In Accidental Way
HARVARD, Neb., Dec. 28. Special).
A distressing accident occurred at the
farm of Frank Hobbs. nine and one-half
miles north of this city, yesterday after
noon. Mr. Hobbs took his gun out to the
Doghouse to shoot a cholera hog. His
wife accompanied him. As he was climb
ing over a partition his gun caught In
some way, and was discharged, the con
tents lodging In his wife's back Just above
the hips. She had started for the house
and was at the outside door about fifteen
feet away. Medical assistance waa at once
summoned, but It la feared that the In
Jury will prove fatal.
KANSAS CTTT, Mo., Dec 2s A pro
tective tariff which protects the em
ployer, but falls to protect the em
ploye. Is worse than useless, according
to Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the
United States Commission on Industrial
Relations, who spoke at the Labor temple
here tonight.
'"The legislative body which grants a
subsidy to the manufacturer can Just as
easily and legally make sure that the em
ployes of that manufacturer share In the
benefits supposed to be derived," he said.
capable of taking full charge of de
partment for large business Verv
hlgh grade man required. This posi
tion la with an excellent firm, paya
good salary, la worth investigating
lor farther information about
thla opportunity, see toe Waat Ad
s actios of today's Bee.
If t!ie colli which lias now act In lasts,
freezing the Vistula. Maura and I'lllca,
the Ocrninn attacks In the neighborhood
of Sochaczcw, How and Hollinow will, In
the opinion of Itusslnn military author
ities. Immediately recommence and the
Austrians attain will attempt to rross the
upper Vistula, where It narrows and Is
The new year. It Is expected here, will
thus usher In the long awaited definite
clash between the Russian and German
armies, upon the result of which may
hlnxo the outcome of the whole war.
In contrnst to a report that Oormany
has seventy-nine, army corps, of which
about twenty are operating against Rus
sia. It Is stated here that Germany's total
army consists of fifty-nine corps, of which
twenty-nine nro operating on this side
and that the Austrian forces aggregate
between forty and fifty corps.
The Russians expect that the Germans
will bring heavy guns from Thorn and
Kallsz as soon as the ground Is hard, but
they doubt If this will materially Im
prove the German chnnces ot taking
Warsa w.
Battle Lines on East and West Fron
tiers Now Seem to Be
Nearly Stationary.
Offensive Movements of French and
German Troops Momentarily
Show Lack of Vigor.
Will Be Year and Half Before Case
Comes Up in Regular Order
Before Court.
Joatlce Aaaerta that High Tribunal
llaa Never Passed on Issnma
Raised In the Trial of
WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. -Justice Lamar
of the supreme court today granted an
appeal from the decision of the Georgia
federal court, which refused to release
Leo M. Frank on a habeas corpus pro
ceeding. Frank la under sentence for the
murder of Mary Phagan, an Atlanta fac
tory girl.
Attorneys for the condemned man have
been fighting for weeks for the appeal
which waa once previously denied them,
although on another phase ot the pro
ceeding. Araraments for Frank.
In the present proceeding Frank's at
torneys argued to the federal court of
Georgia that state courts In which Frank
had been convicted of murder had
Jurisdiction over their client because he
had not had a fair trial and had been
oonvlcted in an atmosphere of violence.
They asked the Georgia federal court to
release Frank on a habeas corpus writ.
Justice Newman refused and declined to
grant aa appeal to the supreme court
The appeal to Justice Lamar granted
today permits them to bring their case up
for- hearing In Washington. Justice
Lamar, in a statement explaining why
be had granted the appeal, said the ap
plication for the appeal presented an
entirely different situation from the ap
plication for a writ of error, which be
had declined to grant some time ago.
The case will be heard by the full court
In the ordinary course of business in
about a year and a half, unless the' state
of Georgia should ask to have It ad
vanced. Meanwhile Frank's execution Is
New laanea Involved.
Justice Lamar concluded his statement
by saying:
"Tho supreme court of the United
States has never determined," ho said.
whether on a trial for murder in a state
court, the due process clause of the fed
eral constitution guarantees the defend
ant a right to be present when the ver
dict is rendered.
"Neither has it decided the effect of a
final Judgment refusing a new trial In a
case where the defendant did not make
the faot of his absence when the verdict
was returned a ground of the motion, nor
claim that the rendition of the verdict
In his absence waa the denial ot a right
guaranteed by the federal constitution.
"Such questions are all involved In the
present case and since they have never
been settled by an authoritatively ruling
by the full court, it cannot be said that
there Is such a want of probable cause
as to warrant the refusal of an appeal."
Georgia Will Ask Early Hearing.
ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 28. Solicitor Dor-
sey, who conducted the prosecution of
Leo M. Frank, said ho hoped to have the
oase heard In the supreme court within
sixty days. Frank was sentenced to be
hanged January 23 next
Honduras Consul
in San Francisco
Charged With Arson
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 28. Fernando
X. Somaxa Vivas, consul general here of
the republic of Honduras, waa arrested
today and booked on a charge ot arson.
He had been under surveillance by the
police since laat night when firemen
found that his burning house had been
liberally sprinkled with oil and turpen
tine. Bureau drawers In the bedroom were
found filled with paper saturated In oli,
carpets had been sprinkled with Inflam
mables; holes had been cut through the
ceilings of closets for flues and streamers
tied from the rafters to guide the flames.
Vivas was found partially clad on the
sidewalk shortly after the fireman ar
rived. At police headquarters he asserted
that his consular position as the repre
sentative of a foreign nation made him
Immune from prosecution.
LONDON, Dec. 28. The London official
bureau this evening made the following
"The naval and military authorities call
the attention of persona using the streets
to the danger from fragments ot shell
and from bullets from the guns used
against hostile air craft attempting a raid
on London.
"The civil population are warned to
keep under cover, preferably In base
ments, upon bearing the sound of tiring
by guns or of explualves."
The Day's
War News
The Russian forre which have
been attacking the Uallclan fort
ress of Cracow have been driven
back fifty miles, and Cracow Is
now free from Immediate menace.
It is asserted in Petrograd that
the Russians have Improved their
strategic position by falling back.
The rapture of Cracow, however,
long has been sought by Russia,
being regarded as an important
step on the way to an invasion of
Germany across the Silesian
The initiative in military opera
tions apparently has been left for
the tlmo being to the airmen.
Aerial raids across the English
channel to the lower Thames, over
Frieburg, Nancy, Metz and Sac
haczew, Russian Poland, and on
the German naval base at Cux
haven, Inflicted considerable dam
age In the aggregate. Details of
the Cuxhaven expedition are still
lacking and although Berlin as
serts that the British aviators ac
complished nothing, it is said at
Hamburg that some damage was
done. It is evident, however,
that the heavy fog prevented the
British from carrying out fully
their plans.
Activity on land and sea appar
ently la diminishing. Kven In Rus
sian Poland the fighting is be
coming less severe, without a de
cision having been reached.
Vienna admits that the Austrians
have been compelled to retreat
before the Gallclan Carpathians,
and in Berlin It is said that the
attempt to cross the Bsura river,
in the advance on Warsaw, has
been abandoned.
In the west, the onslaught of
the allies would seem to have been
checked by the counter attacks of
the Germans.
Armies of Czar Fall 'Back Fifty
Miles, but Retreat Declared
to Be "Advantage." '
Retirement Raid to He Doe to Dis
covery of Austrian Plan to Cot
Muscovite Forces in He.
Ion In Two.
PETROGRAD, Dec 2.-tVla London)
The Investment by the Russians of the
Austrian fortress of Cracow has again
been raised. Following the discovery of
an attempt made by the Austrians to
divide the Russian forces In Gallcla the
Russians retreated eastward for a dis
tance of fifty niilos.
The Russian Gallclan army, which a
short tlmo ago was in touch on the south
with tho Austrian garrlsou defending
Cracow, moved back to the Ulala river,
which Is some fifty miles east of tha
former Russian position.
Notwithstanding the fact that the Rus
sian retrogression completely relieved
the Investment of the fortress of Cracow,
South of Vistula River Germans Are
Merely Holding Position
Already Taken.
Reinforced Army of Kaiser Takes
City of Mlwa.
Forces of Dnnl Monarchy Forced e
Give Ground In Anerrina Car-'
pathlana, According to Re
port from Vienna.
U -
PETROGRAD, Dec. 28. (Tha
London.) Russian forces, accord
ing to advices received today from
Gallcla, have succeeded In crossing
tho Biala river and in taking posses
sion of a twenty-mile atrip of terri
tory south of Tuchow, thereby sep
arating the two Austrian armies. The
forces of General Boehm-Ermolll,
the Austrian commander, ' are
claimed by the Russians to be re
treating precipitately an the west
ern Austrian army is said to be badly
LONDON, Dec. 28. On the battlt
lines on both the eastern and west- -ern
arenas of the war, onward move
ments seemed today to have lost
something of their headway. On the
western front the allied offensive
has momentar'ly shown a lack of
vigor, while General von Hlnden
burg, the German commander, teems
to have come, to, standstill ca the,
Vistula. At the same time Vienna
admits a check to the Austrian forces :
stationed along the Gallclan Car-
pathlans. ,
French troops during the laat few days
have made minor advances, Judging from
the official communications given out in
Paris, but apparently not at the game
rate of speed as a fortnight ago. Fog ac
counts In a measure for thla slackening
of efforts. With the exception of the cap
ture of certain Anglo-Indian trenches
noas the Lys last week, most of which
the allies claim to have recaptured, tha
efforU of the Germans to send back the
allied line ap.asar, in the opinion of Brit
ish observers, to have been generally
North of the Vistula river, in Russian
Poland, the Germans, again reinforced, '
have retaken the town of Mlawa, hut
south of the river they stUl stand on their
old ground. In southern Poland, where
the German rlsht Joins the Austrian left,
there has been some fierce fighting with
slight gains for the Austro-German allies
Judging from the reports coming from
Berlin and Vienna.
In the Gallclan Carpathians, the Aua- '
trlans have been compelled to give
ground, according to an official statement
Issued In Vienna, and Petrograd declares
also officially, that Russian foroes are
pursuing the Austrians Into the Car
pathian mountain, after taking many
thousand prisoners.
niOENIX, Arl.. Dec. 28.EIght we-.:
t iraina, marooned
In southern Arlxona by tha floods lat
! week, left here today with 800 passengers.
- " -oeen stalled sin on '
Christmas. .
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
Cruiser Tennessee
Takes Refugees from
Jaffa to Alexandria
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28,-The cruiser
Tennessee, with the permission of the
Turkish government and at the request
of American Ambassador Morgenthau, Is
transporting M0 refugees ot various na
tionalities from Jaffa, Syria, to Alexan
dria, Kgypt.
Captain Decker of the Tennessee re
ported the departure of his vessel from
Jaffa In a message filed last night gni
received today at the Navy department
Secretary Daniels sumnuarised the report
In thla statement:
"The Tenneaaee la transporting about
500 refugees of different nationalities
from Jaffa to Alexandria. These refugees
were unable to get passage from Jaffa
by any other means. Captain Decker
states tha,t hla action was taken at the
request from the consuls, which requests,
approved by the ambassador to Turkey,
had been made after permission had been
given by the Turkiah authorities."-
Xow'a an appropriate time
to swap Xmas presents. Just
bo honest acknowledge that
you have some presents you
don't want.
Simply swap with others
in the same fix and the
chances are that happiness
and satisfaction will be
'Tis an easy method and
costs little enough. Place your
advertisement TODAY.
Telephone Tyler 1000
The Omaha Bee