T1TE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1014. WANT ADS Warn ad received at any time, but to tnsur prenar r1slfr atlon must b pro vnted before 12 o clock noon for evening Kilt 'on and T: p. m. for mornlni and Punday edition Want ad received after rm-h hour r lii be under lb heading, Too Late t Clssslfy." , CASH RATES, consecutive times, 1 cent a word ai-h Insertion. Thro times within on weak, IV cent a word each Insertion. On time, I ivnta a word. CHARGE RATES. Beven eoneecutrV time. I cents a, Una ai-h Insertion Three tlmea within one week, 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, 4. cent a line. Count 1x averse word to a Una, Minimum charge, 20 cent. An advertisement Inserted to b rim un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. All claim for errors 'must h mad within fifteen day af'er the laat Inaer tlon of the advertisement . Ton ran Place your want ad In Thai Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 100O. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have ba called for and delivered during the laat week. It la reasonable to suppo that all of the people below have made the dealred swap, therefore do not call for the balance of Ihclr answer. Be Vi ant SC. ir.ll 1M3 ir.17 1639 l'A) 154 1545 1M It 1AM 170 . 1571 IWi 1W i;7 IK Ad aura get results. PC BC. BC. SC. B.C. 4 K0 Ml 11 1424 ru tn :t i:4 u.'t til Xt 1308 137$ Kit r i:wa 1 K'l Ii 1S"7 rco 1 221 M jsit 1382 14il t t 310 1314 ' 14 144 E77 3 LI 1831 11 144t IIS I'M J45 144 2 117 1337 14f4 2.13 ?4 133$ 1407 144 4 rt 1341 1408 14-8 47 r 1344 1411 1470 250 13 11 1418 1471 (M , IM 1414 14 lu8 $i Utt 14if 1 TODAY'S fXiriKTK MOVIE PlUXiRA.MS Exclusively In The He. 24TII ORPHEUM, Sea Zudora here today ft N BT3. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE OLYMP1A la showing a complete line of Xmae candles. IMS Harney. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS, tn Jewelry. Watch, etc. Many tatls fled customer. GROSS JEWELRY CO 'The aror with the reputation." 104 V N. Kth and 410 N. 1th. for SALE New A- M-haiul f nit ore . i ash 'r errri. reasonable. Atner. Furn Co.. W N. llh. eTOVEHam1 fiirn. at cot.17n3 N. 24i"hT Maaical laalraaaraita. EI.T0CTR1C Piano a Player 114 N. l.'th. RAO T1MIC piano iiainir taUKt In 20 lcon Chrlatenaen frhool. 1 "0 Cum ln St. Walnnt C37. Call or writ. old Foil HA I. K l ine Omaha H-e. violin. Y-315, Tya'w-wrltera. All make typewr ter rented. old, trm. Mult "e,'prltr. K""m n H GKT a Y. M. C. A tk-aet for Xmaa. HA7.KI, Leaf Pile Cone. Heat remedy for ItchlnR, bleeding- or protni'llna; pile; M)c poatpald;-aamplea free. Sherman McConnrll Drue Co., Omaha. Weddlna announcement. Dour. Ita. Co. Ll'CKY wedding ring at Brodogaard a. MUST aell all trunka, anltrae, hand baaa half price. Bee HAHRT, 501 N. ltrt M. F. MOHKILL. DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa gift. 824 Brandela The. Bldg COAL 5 baskets, $1. D. 354ti. Barker liro. Paint Co.. paint, varnlah, gin and O L A 2 I N O. Telephone Uougla 4760. 16i Farnam. Free Delivery. RENT An Oliver typewrite, month for M The Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. tri. hF.NT Hmiratiina. Mor.archa and Pmlta Premiere of their maker. The Kerning ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Doug) 12M. Rental credited If you purchaie, and only-Very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Rate, three month for U for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest model visible writer 1 VPKWKITKHS sold, rented, reoalred Central Typewriter Fxchange rfl7 S. 17tn. Mlaeellaaeaaa. Art' Buys het coal for the money; It. Weh try 1x7 QRAKLEX newiptwr camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case tor plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and a b:g bargain for the lot at tUO. Addreaa A y.u itee HELP WANTFIe MALE M teeellaaeoae. WANTrTD An elderly man to work for hoard and room Call Harney 1407 or rall2!l( fit, ZZ4 Ave. WANT Kl J 1 .Oft men to eat ham and eggs, lf,c. Coffle John. 14th and Capitol. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand 1 gTeat tor our graduates, we have trained hundred of men; let u train you. Writ for free booklet , Nat'l Auto Training Aes'n, 2S14 N. Ailh bi.. Oinaiia, b. LIVE wmic BUSINESS MEJI OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha A LL watchea. diamonds and Jewelry A at actual WHOLESALE COST , Quitting Jewelry buxlness. "VEHT ERN WATCH AND JEWELRY CO.. lt'-nm 217. Karhach Block. OK We are the oldest Junk buy ers In the west. v r.te for price list I on scrap merai, runner ana rage. u. j-iaraing at ?-n, if. ti.t iwi tutn., uniRna. J HELP WANTED M A LR AND KUMAI.E. GOVERNMENT Job open women; ts to iuv month. to men and Write imme diately for position list. FrankUn Insti tute. Dept. it W., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man want place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Telephone Douglas )&. AUTOMOBILES Industrial Oarage Co., 1h A Harney fits. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar g. O. Baysdorfer, li N. 11 FOR KENT One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. H. Helton. rr Farnsm. Call Douglaa 3101. FORD rare paint d 122 ; other car Kcrord Ing to lre; work gtd. Ph,one B. loHO. MODEL R-6 Delroltcr touring car with aelf-atarter. run lee than 600 mile; gent In bargain at 1790. The T. O. Norili wall To.. 1 4 Jone Ht . Doug. 1707 Oreenough Omaha Bad. Rep. Co., 2014 Far. l!ll FORI) touring car. good condition, to exchange for aotith Mlesourl land. IWI No. 4th ft., Omaha AUTO clearing houae, 2'A Farnam. buy end eel used car Phone IJouglna imiu. DRATII4 AND Ft.NKHAL JgOTICEi EPMONDKON Harry, at Ogdcrr, Utah. Deoemtwr 2ti, 1!(I4. aged 26 yeara, eon of Mr. and Mr. A, i. Edmondson, 2406 South Twentieth avenue. Funeral notice later. Motereyelea. HARLKT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In tied machine, victor Rio. Th Motorcycle Man," tlifl Leavenworth. Il INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready: used macninea. 'jmaiia lindborg Broa . ttTl Leav. (Flying Merkle). TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOURAMS Exclasivelj In The Be CAMARPHONETHEA., 14!V Douglas. The Stolen Engine, KAlem Drama. The Man from the B"a, 1-r. Luhln drama. The Rival Piaffe Lines, Pellg W. Comedy. M. EATON. Buslne Broker, 110 Woodmen of th World. I. let your bus iness for results. Doug. 19M. ELITE NO. 2, lUlh FARNAM. Runshlne and rihadowa', t-r. Vita Lira., Bold Banditti and Rah Rah Boy. Kal. Com. Paved by a Watch. 8e1. W. Tra. FOR BALE In town of 1.400. 1 picture how and l theater well eauiDDed cor picture and vaudeville; large stage, good acenery; will aell both or either, busi ness excellent: reason tor selling, must get on homestead; cash or no deal; don't newer for curiosity. Address Y aw, liee. FARNAM, 1413 FARNAM. . ReL Dra The Beat of the Tear, l-reel, Wild West Love. Key. Com. lliri- THttATUH. it, i ti AND UAKNEX Horn of Paramount Picture Ft)H HALK-Only moving in gooa town or i.xtu. pli-tur aliow Will st ami thorough Investigation. Addreag all cum munlcetlon to Y 81$, Bee. PARK. THEATER. Featur program dally. Keystone Comedies. eit N, UTU. OROCKRY fTOHE for sale, only ex clusive on In live town of 1.100. located In western loWa. Doing good business. Will par to Investigate. Oood reasons tut selling Address Y-334. rare Be. PARLOR, 1408 DOUGLAS. Ilia Dog Oon Luck. Nest. Com. The Xmae Spirit, t-reel. Bison. PRINCESS, U17-1 DOUOLA9. The Submarine Bpy. t-reel. Imp. Christmas Festivities. Joker Com. For the Defense. Kfil. Dr. I WANT A UKOCERY BTORK I own 11.000 second mortgage, due In 8 years at per cent; the rim mortgage is xi.ooo. due in t yeara, on 240 acre In Garfield county, Nebraska, w in stand the closest Inspection. Alio SLOW In note at 8 per cent, payable K0 each month. Would want a good grocery for abov papers or ror any part. Address . hob Burt Bt umana, iNee. ALHAMBRA, 14 NO. 14TH ST. 7-ip, the Idger, Keystone Comedy. Old Jackson Girl. t-r. Than. Dra. The Stolen Masterpiece, I'ra. ALAMO. HTM AND FOltT. Hi Father's Son t-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Llfe'a Story. Powers. CLIFTON. Military Ave. and Bmdett. Million Dollar Bride, K. Com. JHadman Mason, Reliance. 7,ulor. No. 4. 1'IAMOND THEATER. jHIO Lake. DlHtrli't Attorney's Brother, 1-r. U. KoaJ. The Rural Demons, L. Ko. comedy. The Wayward Bon, Victor Drama. ' RAN K LI N THE A 24th and Franklin. The Senator's Brother, 1-r., Vita,. Drama. j iiui h on noiiiue, caiany v. comedy. The Scapegoat, Sellg VV. Drama. JHPPODHOME, 2614 CUMING ST. lllfch Sixit on Broadway, Keystone Com. Mr. Cinderella, Thanhouaer Drama, y.udora, Ki lo l I In 1 parte. JT THEATER, ltith ajidLothrop, Hearst Sollg No 80. "Whatsoever . Woman Soweth. t-r. Fas. D. Hie i'roreionel scapegoat. Vita, t'om, lXJTHROl 24TH AND LOTHROP. Slgna or faith, I-reel Malesllc. The Man With th Hoe, Thanliauser dr. Cursed by His Beauty, Keystone comedy. LOYAL, No. 840 CALDWELL UT. e, z-reei, Master Key. A Lonely Salvation. Victor. When l.lsle Oot Her Polish, Neetor Com, PALACE THEATER, IX Davenport faster Key. No. t. t-reel special serial. Me Married Her Anyhow, Joker Comedy. Bl'bL'KHAN THEATER. 24th and Amea. Th Glri at the Throttle, Kal Dra;; The riace, trie Time and the Man, .l-r. Ess Dra.; The Mysterious Mr. Davey, Vita. C, oatk. ARBOR. im AND ARBOR. Varsity Race, t-reel Tlianhauacr drama. an ins upn, American Iranit. Katty'sDehut, Keystone comedy. Al-OLLO THEA. J4 LEAVENWORTH. Th Price of Silence. J-r. Kalem.- drain. i ne Aieuioos or Margaret. Vita conv The Sheriff Reward Sellg W. dr. COLCMblA THEATER. 1710 S. WTH ST. The Uirt of the Open Road. Edl. dra. fvurs of Possession. 2-r. Ess. drama. Kelty or I-tty, Vilagritph cnmwly. COMFORT. 4TH AND VINTON, A Crook's Sweetheart, t-r. K. B. The Saving Grace. Majestic Among the Mourners. Keystone. j7AV7mTEf HEATER.' 1T1 V1N1X1N The Plot at the R. R. Cut Kal. dra. A Reoent Confederate Victory. 1-r. Lull. All on Account or the Cheese, Bio. com. 12&8 S. 11TH ST. GEM. Page of Life. t-r. Rex. Th Mountain Traitor. Eclair, (ieiill of the Vsse Joker comedy Lyric .Nik hi U17 VINTON'. of Thrill, i-reel Rex. Hcliool Teacher of Angel Camp. Frontier. Their t ps and I Kiwni Nestor comedy PASTIME, MTli LEAVENWORTH Human Hearts, t-reel Bagutt Imp. VENEZIA. UU BO. UTU ST. Four reels of Mutual picture. MONROE. . V FARNAM ST, H pe Foster's Mother. I t., with EdIUi Storey, ratty and the Shyster Lwer Kul. rem. VMthln luu fiusn. fie. 1 llrswa BENSON. M38 MAIN BT. King fcHot In that famoua play, lin man lirarta. tn three parLS. Ixne, l.uik and 'sn1y. Joker Comedy (-aril tlletCa. EUTEJ NO 1. 64 BROADWAT laic's Tangled Thread, Lull. Dra. llturnt-StHt No. fco. :irl from Thunrler Mountain, t-r. Ess dr. Lol'KH, UR BROADWAY Call of th Wave. I-retl. U nwal. ho Wole the Hi ldeKioom. Neat. Com. Th Rustler Outwltte.d. Vifn. Ilk OMka. ITSfK, 24TII AND N. 'i im iluyor" Secretary, S-reei. Kal. Dra. A rtiiuj f.f Biofid Hulr. Vita. Com. 'I Im M..H tioui trie Kuet. SkI. D: a. .M Ai.lC. 2ITH AND O. 4,i,ot t-i h:i;ilii,g Jim, 2-rel. U. b-al. 1,'i.ui Leaaly Tat Crystal Cow. i ur 1 Have 'J.u?JL Nrst INK, expert radiator repnlrs. 81 H. 20th. bargains In ICYCLP! CC.. 18th and Chicago. D. 3728 l!PIl cope fr k Indllng. 3lencoe Mt 1 1 a t BASKETS, 11 Wagner, dot N 16th St 2-haml mch. Uross Wreck Co.. 21 Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kind; eaay payment. The Brunswick- Belke-Collendcr Co.. 407-4"9 8 Kth St HIOH grade upright piano; leaving city; 175. 2122 N. luth SL HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER and office aaeistant whu apeaka and wrltca the Bohemian language. Law and abstract work. Ad cress Y-H10 Bee. Aateait aleawaaeai. WANTED Agents and solicitors In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmur; either sex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. N rlto at onco for agency. Address J. W. Reel, care The Twentieth Century Farm er, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Tyler lOQO. ' factory . ana Trade. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppenhetm Parlor BUSINESS CHANCES Housekeeper aad Dome ties. THE servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result, Thl applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tylor looo. WANTED A girl for general housework. IU P. 01 St ttl. J. Canan can aell your, farming land. WANTED Reliable foreign girl for gen eral housework. II. iM. WANTED Good girl for general house work: reference required. Harney 317. or call 102 S. SMh St. WANTED At once, a competent cook. Mrs. M. B. UDdlke. 3014 Jackson St. Harney 2!M. - K B Y B UNITED SALES CO, (11 City National Bank. list vniTH tinaivir.fl with im for quick action and sxiuar treatment QUICK SALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bids. Phone Red CT4. NEWSPAPER For sal, a well-estab lished newananer In town of 1.&00. Have large rural list, well paid up. Well equipped Job plant Don t answer unless you have cash and mean business. Ad dress Y 28C. Bee. ONE of the bsst rela.ll bakeries in the city; no competition. Call Web. 76U4. or address K t)7. Be. 8IONS. show cards. Clark A Son. D. 1378, TO GKT In or out of buslneea UANGEBTAD 404 Be Bldg. . Call on D 477. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxehang Co, Mot) Farnam St iHviKiaa iiwi. YOUR business or reui estate quickly old. JIM WKAT. HIOUX City, OTHER business puts my Interest In a well paying or rice business on th mar ket ft00 will buy am. Address K 86H, Be. WE want to hear from wide-awake traa era. We can put you In line for Im mediate business, w pay commissions nd can match any deal. Address Room 47, Sanford Hotel Block, Omaha, Neb. Reeaaiaa; JHaaa fr gal. BEST offer takes paying rooming house; niun urn ein- at once. bo. xiio av. EDUCATION A L MID-WINTER TERM OF ROYLE8 COLLEtJB MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Day achool: night school: comnlete bus Iness course; complete shorthand or aten otyp course; coinplet telegraiihy course; civil service branches and English. Stu dents admitted at any time. Write, pnon or can ror ivit catalogue, H. B. Boyks. lreident, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Tel. lxuglas lVfcS. ; EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit Ing, spelling, punctuation, etu., taught and complete training given lor business ca reer. Private instruction If dealrad. 4624 I'uugias m id. vt ainui Sv7,. The Van Sant School ; Stenography Day achool. (.0 to 4:08. Night school. 4. IS to 8;li 1Mb and Farnam Bts. . Douglas 47. WINTErtvTERM mosher-lampman coi.leoe. Monday. January 4. ITnsurDaased clasiuaa In bualnesa. ahnrt. hand and English branches. Graduate guaranteed good poalitone. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. ror tree catalogue, son re as mosiikk-1-ampman colikoe, lth and Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb, FOR sale the following scholarships in . a Iirsl class Omaha Business College; One Unlimited -combination business and short lis nd course. On unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One thre months' busiues or eteno (Tilihle rourse. Will be sold at a discount at the Africa 01 the Ulnali liee. CI-ASS or privet lnstructluo la English; , lady Instructor: satisfaction auarauteed: rau a reasonable: best of reference. 3U5 Davenport 11. 6M0. SECOND girl wanted. Wool worth Ave. Mrs. Degen, CltS WANTED A girl for general housework. Mr. legen, Woolwortn Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work, reference required. Mrs. D. F, Baker, 12 Ho. 8xth St. Harney 317. , WANTED A good girl for general house- wora m once. unus di. Miscellaaewas. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary s Ave. ana lith Ht., wrier they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. onk for our travelers guide at Union station. LADIES' St misses' coats, suits, dresses skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon- orra (New Torg unmpie More. w N. mtn WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can use typewriter; not a steno. K 333, Be. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic wlshss tKisitlon; best references. Tyler 1585. N EW and second-hand e:ectrlo fans end motors. LeUron Elecirlo Works, il H H 12ih. Douglas 2178. LIVE WIBE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Patent Development. AMFRfCAN Machine Co., 110 B. 11th Bt Patent. If. A. Pturge. fi Brandela Theater PH g. IV O Bnrnell. Paxton Bl'k. Tel. Red 711T PatatlaaT anal I'aperlag. lU'OII M M ANUS. 417 N. 4"th. Tf. em Plamea Heaovated. PLUMES flower made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kroner, 429 Paxton. D. RT14. Hoars Exterminator. P. B. B. Ro.ich powder at your druggist. M AHA PILLOW CO. 1W7 Cuming. Doug. Z4T7. Renovate feather and mam esses of all kinds, make feather mattresse and down cover. 0 V ACUL'M cleaners for aal. -cleaning done in th home. Servlco Co., 3ft Be Bldg. vacuum Sanitary w lfilhj W gate nan Time Lock Experta. O A TTCC Opened, repaired, comb. 0P jtLwl char.gid. F. E. Daven w w port. HU"1 Dodjte. D 1S21. a hoe Hepalrlag. v Electric Shoe Rep. Co., IS07 Pt. Mary' Av. FRIEDMAN BROS , hoe repair. 2U S. 14. rent, repair, sell needle and part for all aewlnff mAchlnea. NR. URASK CYCLE CO.. "Mlckela" 1 l&lh and Harney. Douglas lasi. EAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten sil. Popular combinations, not sold In stores. Factory salesmen. Web. WANTED By a young man, a position In Omaha or elsewhere as inventory clerk In some big wholesale house or business concern In stock taking, sales or a cashier, assistant bookkeeper and of fice clerk. Ten year experience; beet or leference; willing to start work at a reasonable salary. Address A -373, Bee. WANTED To work on farm, man and wife. Address Mlk Blagovlch, 167 8. 23th St., South Omaha. RESPECTABLE, ml Idle-aged woman, good cook, housekeeper. work for daughter's board. No laundry. Address PJ 878. Bee. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, can cut meat References furnished. Webster W73. SITUATION wanted by young man, mar tied, as chauffeur, and wife as cook. Address F 377, Bee. WANTED resectable, permanent plao as housekeeper; woman of 45 with boy 4 years old. No triCl:rs. Call or write 2440 Third Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. D. L. Clement REFINED young man, Japanese, desires place as cook; can furnish excellent reference. For particulars address L 845, care Bee. FOR furnace. Janitor or caretaker. Henry Bentley, Oil N. 18th. See POSITION wanted as hotel clerk by man of middle age; experence; best of ref erences. Address A SS9. Bee, or call D. 8347. EXPERIENCED children's nurse wants position. Best rei'orences. Harney 6548. LIVE STOCi: FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR BALE The best team of sound mules; 4 years old; gentle and well broke; will guarantee to any purchaser. Call private residence. Lady owner, 2421 Dodge. FOR SALE Team of mares, weight 2.300 pounds. $150; .team of mares. Weight, 2,200 pounds, llZi; geod broke single snd double saddle horse. (125: good work horses, 125. Call South 30ZS. S122 Harrison St HEAVY teaming gears,, farm wagon A harness; large stock Sl attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1529-83 N. irfth St. MANY well-matched -teams; young mares; some In foal. Call at Brewing Co a saloon, 1214 So. 13th Bt. PAIR of hob sleds. f30 Underwood Ave., end of Dundee car line. Walnut 335K. HAVING completed a ccntract and hav ing no other proapecti for the future, will offer four large teams of mares, weighing 1,450 to 1,500 lbs. Well matched, all good mares, right out of hard work, 6 to 7 years old. Wheel scranera diimn MANY government lobs open to women: wa9n' double narnesa. will sell either list free. Franklin InstHuts. Dept 658. W. Rochester. N. Y. article separate. 2503 Farnam St HELP WANTED MALE Clerical nasi Of flew. HIGH-GRADB commercial positions. r. r-1 ult, os own o iE-n 751 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Two team of young, chunky mare, weigni l.aoo 10s eacn, sound and gentle for children, well broke. Call residence, 608 S. 20th BL Ageats, Salesmen as Solicitors. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nab. Wanted Reliableand Responsible Men W will greatly extend our agency force during 1816, and we want aeveral men of standing and ability for good position. Commission agents, who make good, will be given better position. Write for par ticular, giving reference. Will only consider men with good clean records. OLD LINE ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE COMPANY. , Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Nb. WANTED Several neat , appearing ma fur soliciting. Money ' daily. Call at one, tag Brandela Theater Blag. WANTED Agents and solictors In vry locality for Th Twentieth Century Fanner: either sex: all or spar time: no experience necessary to earn big money. w rite at one iur agency. 1 wemiem Century Farmer, Omaha,' Neb. SPECIALTY salesmen In and out of city; axuenaes . daliy : call evenings. rast- Seiltng Household Specialty Co., tolt Douglas St , WE CAN, us high visas salesmen for th following lines Paste, Ink, carbon paper. Graphite, boiler supplies. The best line of advertising novel ties. Including th newest poster stamps. - (4). Clocks, aluminum ware, casseroles, etc. iM. Pure country sorghum. NEBRASKA WESTERN SELLING CO., Ino. Wi Bee Bldg. (1) WANTED Meu to take order, new store fixture, no competition, every store needs from on to several machines. great opportunity, big money, no ex perience necessary. For full particulars address 41 N. 11th St., Beatrice. Neb. Factory sal Trade. Drug store anaos. oea kh 1 WANTED A partner lor moving picture operating school at once. 1S04 farnam. WANTFIV-MKN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Positively th beat trad of th kind, can prepare you In fow weeka. NS axes while learning. Open to everyone. Call or write. MOLEH BARBER COLLEGE. 110 B. 14th St. LEARN BARKER TRADES. Be Independent; wagea and tools given Electric massage. Strictly modern lilg euiana mr ouroers en or write. TKJ-CITY BARBER COLL.fc.OB, I1M Douglas et. Om Iti3t St.. LJaeola. NEBASKA AUTOMOBILE" SCHOOL ' NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. . Sneclal bolidav offer. Write for bar tlcular. We have th largest and beat equipped shops la the middle west. l,0i feet floor space. H13-it-17 Dodg St t'bon Douglas 9U43. Send For Catalogue Q. FOR SALE fsrsltan. AUCTION KALE. Wednesday. Dec. HO, lull At 1W1 Cs St , oonunaiiclng at 1 a. m . sharp. We will sell at auction th contents ot an elKht-room housa, consisting of parlor ruriiUurv. rugs, hall and stair raruvts, dining table and chair. buMvt. drosaera, coiiiinodes, beds 'and bedding, hail rack one ul ranse, gag slum, dlalie a n J cooUtng utc-nilia, and other art .ie, iuj numerous to mention, ail In good con dition. DOWD bALE AUCTION CO., AuiWuuceig. LEA KN TO BE A MOVIE OPEHATOR. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. :H FARNAM 8T., 2D FIAH1R. ' Ml PHONES Web aeellaneaaa. KH1 for basket coal OMAHA Railway Mail Clerk Examina tion coiuing. (76 per mouth, pull un-noc-sary. For ampl question apply Imn-eaiateiy. v-'j me. "GOOD FUTUUE FOR YOU or anyone who make himself an aute expert. We give expert work. Go righ Into the. auto bu uess frum here, bes an-l fine.: eu.ulip-d i-olleKe. Opportunlt ea best Imie now, ever liava been. Writ lur Hal of 'ienlngs Free catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ZIJJ Farnam St. Omaha, ' Must sell right away. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your conaten- ments receive prompt and careful atten- tmn. Live Stack osaaalsakoa Merchaata. MARTIN BROS, at CO.. Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha r Council Bluff Street Railway company U ascertain whether they left it In th Street ca raw Many artlblca each day are turned In and th company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4S. LA ui whf look pocKetooog in Haydon uri I. 271 N. done. Accoaotaata. MELVILLE D. THOMAS ft COMPANY. 1237-38 City Nat. Bank Bldg Tyler 110. E. A. DWORAK, accounts aud led, open ing and closing books. Installing modern of 1 Ice and cost accounting systems, Ad- Ores 433 Kamge Bldg. Phone D. 7406. Store and Office Flxtarea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ehelv. - Ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4I4-IB-18 S. K'th D. 2724. Signs and hhowcards. E. M CLARrC SON, 113 S. 1TH ST. Steel tellings. CARTER Sl eet Metal Works, 110 H 10th Storm Washes and Doors. Welrlch Co. Quick delivery. Webster 2577. Adalaar Muklm. Dslton Adding Machine. 411 B. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wale), W. O. W. D. 68. Ad Writers, v APPLEUATE writes ads, booklet, cir culars, on request. noom Mttft, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4177. Architect. Everett 8. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 1SSL Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Dong. MoUon picture machine and film bargain Aato and Magneto Ite pa Irian". Magneto repair work a specialty. D-2418. Auctioneer. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red 32 Bine Printing;. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., t08 Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Barker. 12 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1817 1 ar. Bras Foaadrlea. Pexton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta Cistern and W'el Digesting;. NEED well or clsteen cleaned or dugT BCHAFFER doea It Phone Web. 663L California Land. 1 W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 2819. Coal Dealer. fl Johnson's special, also Victor nut, SpO.OU M phone D. 1702. Chiropractors. I Oedd's, D. C. 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. Towel Sappllea, OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 R 11th. D. 628. Trunk and Sal teases. FREEING ft STE1NLE. 1106 Farnam St Tailors. CHAB. C. LANDERY01T. 108 N. IBth St O. OL8EN ft CO.. 612 8. 10th Bt. 2d floor. Veterinarians. " DR. O. R. YOUNG, 4M2 Center. Wal. 3025. Window Shade Cleaners and M fairs. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Shade FactoryjlOlO Hamilton. Wal. 31DL OLD SHADES made' like-new. Midwest Shade Factory. 4010 Hamilton. Wal. 3IH1. Wines and Liquors. ALEX JFTES. 201-3 S. 13th St. Wines. llnuorg, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to 8, 10c. Globe ll'iuor house, 424 N. 16th; California wine, $1.25 per gal. Write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIOUOR HOUSE, 1 fit h and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's - Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Douglas ISO;). SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains se th "Automobile" classification. tslas Palatlaa-. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4948. Civil tSaarlneera. M. J. LACY. 518 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 471S. Cream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th ft Farn. Clock Repairing-. EXPERT clock repairing. Web. 1311 Decorators and BILGER does It Paper Hanaro-. Phone Walnut 1621. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mex ico. 608 Paxton Blk. D. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLA" 818 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1186. THE Hennlngs Secret Service. Phone Douglas 760. Address L SO. Bee. Drag;. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on (10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ' Danemar Academies. Turpln's Dancing Academy. Wth ft Farn. CHAMBERS' Academy, clsslc D. 1S71 Mackle'a Academy, now ouen. 1816 Har. Dcntlsta. Dr. Brsdbury. Ko pain. 1150 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandela Bailey, the Dentist 7H City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglaa. D. 21 Six. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fl.-kes. 724 City Nat Bank. Dmsmaklag, Terry Dressmak'" college. 80th ft Farnam. SKIRTS to order. 81. 00 up. 618 S. 16t MISS STURDY. 24W Cass. Red 7320. as. store, containing watch. Initialed O. G." la known. Belter send It to 23th av., ana nothing win be FOUND letter and ladles' sliver purse, Sfith St Owner can have same. 1724 Bee. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. -R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal alaeases wun ihiw'sohus v a- sv TARRY. 240 Be. MOEY TO LOAN NF.KD MONEY T See us. Quick service. Hair usual rata kkuaule ckkoit CO . Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. PERSONAL $7,000 To Penison Invalids W must have 14S subscriptions to v " Th Ladles' Horn Journal.... (1.60 Th Saturday Evening Post.... (1.60 The Country Gentleman (1.60 In December or the (7,000 cannot b earned for THE INVALID'S PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contrib utes 60c or more toward the sup , port of a score of Invalids who have received pension, checks for nearly two years. URGENT PHONE) D. 7163 OR MAIL. GORDON The Magazine Man OMAHA, NEB. WATSON ft LUND. 1911 DougJaa. R. glOL Electric Sapplles. LEBRON Elee Wk.. 818 9. 12th. D. 117 Bverythiag fer Women. Women's Exchange. 431 Pax. Blk. It 4911 ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, bog Dleatlng: oovered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal piestlng Co. zui Douglas biock. u. isiao. Karrlera. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 14th Bt Web. 7777. Florist. 1 A. DON AGHTJB. 1821 Harney. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 104 Farnam St Florlat. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam L HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Mtmber Florist Telegraph Del. D. 12-1 Assn. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R . Balrd Bldg. P. 1611- Laalra' Tailor. LADIES' suits tailored to measure: popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecber Co.. 612 Bo. 16th. Phone Doug. 69g. Llcktlna- Flxtnree and Wiring-. THOMAS DURKIN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 251S. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 B. 13th. Red 4268, AUTOS A FINE FIVE-PASSENGER White Steamer, In'perfect condition, for land or lota; not at any inflated price. S C, Bee, No. 4a. BASEBURNER Hard coal baseburner, Rlishtly used; to trade for what have you? Address S. C. 430, Bee. COTTAGE Nearly new, well built, ti-r. "nHae'Ai oa-lll nlr. at srnwrl niann r vvwMsfjtij V4 in .a,nx3 aa a,vvu yintiv ass trade and take balance payments same aa rent. Phone Walnut 1518. CAMERA A leather covered 4x5 East man camera, beat of lens, 1 for auto casings and tubes, second hand. Address S. C. 425, Beo. CHICKENS Some Buff Cochin Pullets for exchange at their true value, from poultryman's standpoint Address S. C. 428, Bee. CLOCKS A 146 French bronze clock. In perfect condition, for anything that man or beast can eat Come and look at It and make offer. Address 8. C. 426, Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, aaxuess, until Jan. J, S. C. 42, Bee. FOUNTAIN PENS Gross of fountain nena. retail at 13 each. Drloe (288. Will exchange for diamond ring or auto. Don't answer unless you will trade. Aaaress S. C. 415. Be. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on 'new high-grade piano, address. until Jan. 1, 8. C. 42-j, Bee. 6x7 GRAFi-EX newspaper camera, with camera and carrying case for plat hold -. I - 1 1 . , w.A rra. -in oumi in inm kwhuimuu mnw m big bargain for th lot at 1110. Address S. C. 1611 OAS RANGE for grafouolav or what hav youT S. C. 421. Be. HAVE dandy 7-roo4Ti strictly modern horn In Omaha. Mortgage (1,850. Will trade my (1,700 cqui'y . for auto, land, grocery, mdse. or lots, hotel or country town property 4110 N. 28th Ave. o. OFFICE DESK Will buy soma good second-hatid desks; must be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 24. Bee. OPPoUTUiMTYHere is a chance for someone to get Into a money-making little business without money I I hnv 5U0 sticks of mending cement. Mends any- mmg una sens rapimj m xuu ir aum. Stock on hand and recipe for manufac turing for what have you? Other busi ness keeps me from working it. This Is no Junk, but absolutely good. Address H. C. 420, Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1, 8 C. 42, Bee. PIANO Excellent piano and cash for farm land around Mobile or New Or-' leans district', would like 40, 80 or 120 acres or more; am buying for myself; will give some one an excellent trade for good land rightly priced; 1 am not look ing for high or fancy priced land; want to raise stock. Address 8. C, 412, Bee. POP CORN A new large sanitary (0 self venilng, artistic pop corn machine; latest .invention out and a beauty; a money maker. Purchaser was to take it to ' th California Expo., and has changed his plans. Will exchange for a runabout auto or any personal property. Address B. C. 427. Bee. PLAYER MUSIC Have extensive assort ment ot latest pupuiax aim cituiBicai rolls for 88-note player piano. Will give good value In music for Victrola, Koduk, . lTlU.D 11 J, 11,. ... . , ' J 1. ... 1. , 1 u Give full description of- what you have ana unvr win u I'l'uift iwub.uc Uon. Audress S. C. 418, Bee. FOR RENT Apartment and Elate. Gordon VanCo. & III N. 11th St Storsua. Phone D 3W or Weh. 13X.V y OODFN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, ooms' with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone j4k. 24S4 Harney S'reet Choicely located apartment. easy walking distance, 6 rooms; winter, 4o; plenty steam and hot w-er. MAfUL'S SOHENSEN, Office 24H Harnoy St Tel. Doug 6790. SKVEN-KdOM, best residence ilistrlct 41t'4) Davenport, near Farnam car lines, rhone Walnut 2C,. VERY choir 6-room eteam-hcated apart ment on West Fnrnam St. JOHN W. ROitRINS, 1.S02 FARNAM ST. Famished Ilo..ms. 211 SO. 2FTH ST.-Strlctly modern, deglr able, reasonal le, resnectsb e, close In. I -a Verna, I si 2 Cap. front rms. Stem. ht. FURNIXIKD room lor rent, near Creig.i ton university phone Doticlia 7281. LARGE, pleasant room, steam heat one or two gentlemen, z.,54 leaven worth 8t, FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4til4 North 8ls Ave. 'GDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, stean heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone 6K Large, strictly modern, 58 S. 24. D. 7198. Hoard anil Kimma. fl 19th. 818 Exc, board, clean rooms. Fnrnlahrd llooaekeeplnar Rooms. DAVENPORT, 201S-TVVO NICELY FUR NISHED HKPG. ROOMS; 83.50 WEEK. MODERN housekeeping .aulle; running wator; also furnished rooms. HI 2i. 20th .St. Hotels and Apartrueai. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and Calirornla. Weekiy rates tl and t.p Dntigias 1083. DODGE HOTF.ly Modern Reasonabla llonsea and lottasre. MODERN t-etory house, 7 rooms; never occupied; new ftirnaie: CJ. Doug. 6H58. ALL sizes. (3 per month up. 607 Psxton. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all house, spartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co . SOU 8. ;6th SU ELKHANT 6-room. modern Dries: apart ment: newly decorated; $00 per month, f46 South 29th St. Cottage, 2044 Vinton St., gas, 'electric light, water, toilet. (15 per month. Frame flat, 1129 8. 29th St., newly decorated, $30 per month. J. C. 1SII, EXECUTOR. 703 S. list Ave. Thone Harney 243. WARM HOUSES FOR WINTER AT RE DUCED RATES. 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rms., mod., CO. 15ij0 N. 2oth, 6-r., mod. ex. furnace, (18. 2016 Seward, 6 rooms, (15. 106 8. 2Sth, 5 rooms, $10. 2718 Howard, 6 rooms, modern, $20. 270 Farnam. 8 rooms, modern, 850. 410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, modern. (45. 124 N. 24th, 10 rooms, modern, $35. 2552 St. Mary's Ave., 14 rooms, mod., $40. Others Rlnswalt Brandela Theater Bldg. 6-ROOM, MODERN, (J2.60. 962 N. 2th; 2-atory house, newly deco llated; very desirable and close In. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; (-horse van ed t men, (126 per br.j storage (2 per I. o Satisfactory gi:ar. D. 4338 & Ty. 2.10. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing ana shipping, H'.lh ft Jackson St. Phone Douglaa 2sg. H mi una m all part of the city. IIUUSC'B crelgh SonsA Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern s-room bouse, 203 B. 15th AveAInqutre T. J. O Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Tlarney 1094. Douglas 1216. I-R. house, mod., suitable for two fam- II leg. Douglaa 459. , Van and Stor age Co. Large van. 2 men. $1.50 per nr.; dray, 1 men, (1.2e per hr. 171J Webster. Doug. 14S6. Maggard's v "w- i n-- ,-. I KPffl TacW-ft moving facklng - ft' atoiaM )7 Farnam. D. 6144. STEAM heat, all modern. T-rooro bouse; also 4-room flat 220 No t3d. JUST completed, 5-room bungalow, strictly modern.' 27th and Manderson Bt. Webster 129. ' Stores and Offices. TWO modern steam-heated stores, near postoffice; low rent G. P. Stebbinsi WANTED TO HUT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J, C. Reed. 1207 Farnsm. Doug. Ii46. WK PI'Y in-hand in'hea I4.". N :'4tnT SLIGHTLY used pianos. Douglas 2017. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 on well Im proved ranch consisting of 3,300 acres In Banner county, Nebraska. Address 'Hope Brown, Bighorn, Neb , REAL ESTATE. FARM ft RANCH LANDS FOB BALD Arkansas. HOMESTEAD YOUR FARM IN THE OZARKS. ' Under recent act ot congress the land in ' the Ozark National Ft rest can now be homeateaded In tracts not exceeding 300 acres. New section of the M., N. A. R. has brought this section within the reach of the markets. No malaria and abundance of spring water. A chance of a lifetime We helu you locate. United 'states land office here. Send-. 25c for ! state map showing reserve and booklets ! Pl!P.,.n?X , A. Bfr-lxvo, ijut.rtiiti uint.i,ii, M. & N. A. COL. CO., Harrison. Ark. PIANO An almost new Checkering up right piano for $160. Address a C. 424, Bee. Mask, Costaates and Lodge Sappllea. MNFR of lodge regalia and costume. Th largest stocli of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Tbeo. Lleben ft Son. L',14 Howard D. 4116. YOUNG women comini o Oraaha a stranger ar Invited to visit th Young Women s Christian Association building at 17th SL and t-t. Mary s Av., wrier tney will be directed to suitable boarding plao Or otherwiae assisted. Look (or our trav eler aid at th Union station. THE Salvation Army Induatrtal horn o-Ut-lts your old c kittling, furr.itur maga tlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 41 Si and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect out n noma. 1110-1111-1114 Dixla St. Maaaeosre. Miss SCHMIDT, ma 718, Open eve.. 1 p. lec. bath. D. ; Sunday, 10 to 1 'MISS GIBSON, massage; downstair. 1711 Dodge. Hr. 0 to 8. Sunday 1$ to 6 p. m. MISS JACOBS, masa., manicuring. Phone Doug. 4-H7. Hour 1 to 8; Sunday 11 to I Clara Lee. bath and mage. Ioug 8751. MASSAGE, 10a S. lth St. Mrs. Steele. Mis Fisher, masa.. elect, treat. Kd 6i)3. MASSAGE f Hcf LAsUx2DINa' CORA BELLING Y fir, .TO satisfactory eastern treatment; baths, dally and evening. 107 8. 17 lb St. Notice: Private entrance, basement, cor. of bldg. K athlen Mack, massage at bath. D. 7b2. BATH kal massage, alcohol rub. I.aura Wilson. 1S02 Farnam. K. 2. Douglaa H75L Open evenlt g and Sundaya. MISS WALTON, bath, masa Tel. D. 4297. Ilreir to : Sunday. 11 to 6 Violet Kay, mass.. 4o6 Bee Bldg. D. 6112. Millinery. 6WITCHE8 from combing. 11.60. Psych free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. yvs Marcy. H. 6645. Mraaenaejr and Trssilsr, WHITE LINE. ICS a 11th. Douglaa 1311 kfvlng, Storaar and Cleaalaa. W. C. FERRIN. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1808. Please s-nd nMt twin doll pit lures. JacU Hart' Floranoe. Florenc POULTRY AND BUPPfTES fcTtltfcOTYPE matrios make the beat and cheafieat lining for Poultry bouse. They ar Ux2g Inchus. stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The rite office. I-OULTRY TOPICS. Lincoln. Neb., teUs how to make money with ioultry. Ttiree tuontbs' trial gubacrtpUa 10c, Ucnllata - Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathia Pkrsiclaaa. Dr. Renicha. 8-4 McCagTie Bldg. D. 3C. Dr. Peterson. 64 Brandela Bldg.. D. Q4tT PrlntlntT. WATFRS-B ARNHART Ptg Co.. niiallty printing. Tel. IVug. 8IW. ?4 H. 13th St I-Ol 'Ol.AB Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. CORKY ft M K F N Z1E PTO. CO. D. fc44. RIFR-HALL Ptg Co., IJ0 Capitol D. 1102. 'tUillOL PiOUli-Sa CO. DO UO. Sl-A. PLAYER PIANO Account of death, we will sell or trade our new, hit,n-grade player piano, with 20 rolls ot music, or sell same on payments, as we are going to leave the city; a bargain for someone. Address 8. C. 423, Bee. - . - Missouri. FOR SALE-400 acres choloa N. W. Mis souri corn land; well Improved; easy term. Address Y 111, Be. RACINAj CA R 30 h. p.. International, model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood anil two bucket seats; luggage box in real'. Chassis Just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, wator cooled, Schebler carburetor, dual Igni tion system, with Splitdurff magneto; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread 35xt-lnch rear tires. Price (3u0, and will consider first class twin motor cycle or late model Underwood type writer as part payment, and give you the best of the deal as have no place to keep the car at present Addreas 8. C. 417. Bee. Nebraska. POOR MAN'S CHANCE. Father and sun must' relinquish two good claims, moderately Improved, within the next two weeks. Here Is 1.2S0 acres 1 only 8 miles from county seat Better , than ayeraga. Price of both, Including : Improvement. $6,000, J. JI. Weiton, Muiien, rstp. FW'Tlov Kimball Co. Gross. 2101 Paul. SIGNS, showcards. Clark ft Son. D. 137s. SHOTGUN Beautifully engraved , 12 gauge Marhn repeating shotgun and case; cost $40; to exchange for chickens; owner ha no us for it Address S. C. 419. Bee, WADERS Pair hip waders, size V only used two times, to sell or swap. What hav yu? Andres 8 C. 416. Bee. 6TF NOT Y PE New, in the best of con dition. Used less than four months. Will trad- for anything of equal value, or what caeh offer you will make? Ad dress 8. C. 400, Bee TOYS, ETC. A wlreies telegraph ta tlon, Radioptican. electric motors, fih aquarium and other thing to trade for .21 repeater or will selL Addreas a C. 41$, Be. ' - WATCH CHAINS-Two Grou, new gold watch chains. . Retail at $1.50 each. Price $2Sg will exchange for diamond ruig or Uh'ht auto or offer. Address & C. 414, Bee, 4 FOR RENT Apartment and rials. ST. GfiViKOE apartment, located In se lect West Farnam realdanee district; on 6-rouii suite for rent; heat, water. Janitor eervle. Phone Webster 174 MODERN steam-heated aparimenta, near postoffice; low rent. G. P. Stetbma. THE ALMA 27th Av. and Harney; very choice 4-room apartments, (jO and $37.60. H. 01. t-K modern flat, &w S. Jln; UX l hoa Harney 4711. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. Well Improved 4S0-acre ranch in Hooker county, with M) acre under cultivation. I must sell. Th price Is exceedingly low. Write Edw. B. Welton. Mullen. Neb. 40-ACRE HOME. ( miles west of city limits of Omaha; lend lays gantly rolling; 6V acres slfalfx, about 8 acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance In cultivation; new t rooin bouse and other' good Impror menta. Price, $.'25 per acre. C. R. COM US, 815 Brandel Theater Hklg. Doug. 8514. 60 ACRES, all In alfalfa, cut 4 tuns to acre, 110 acre, 120 acres tn alfalfa; good house, barn, sheds; all fenced, bog tight 900-acre ranch, all fenced, i and 4 wires; house, barn, good supply tank and cistern, MO barrels; 13 miles from Cozad; at bar gain If sold soon. Box 314. Cotad, Neb. MR. LAND BUYER, HERE IS A SUKifl BARGAIN, 20 MILES FROM SOUTH OMAHA. 110 acresln Cars county. Neb.; 10 acres flue plow land, 60 acres rolling pasture, small improvements, 2-acre orchard, 1 miles from South Bend. Owner need moneu will sacrifice, for $6,500; H.imO caah, $2,600 mortgage, running for 4 year, at per cent Good man will make th land worth $H4 per acre In two years. J. B. ROBINSON, Thone Douglaa stu7. 442 Bee Bldg. Oklakosaa. t.dvO ACRES, laige and small tracts; ab solute title: l ittsijuitf Co., farming, pas ture, oil, coal land: $5 to $J per acre. Writ! J. E. Cavauagh. McAlt-ati-r. Okl. Wtaeoaetia. Upfrer Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop state la th nnlou; settler wanted; lands for sal at low prices, on aasy terms. Ask for book, let 84 on Wisconsin Central J -and Grant kiaU acres wauled. Write about our grazing lauds. If Interested in fruit lanua, ask for booklet on Appl Orchard 1st Wisconsin, Address Land Dept., bo Lia. 11 jr.. Minneapolis. Minav