TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY ltKK: lmTMUFM 1:7, 1!U4. 7-rA Sunday, Dec. 27, 1914- -BURQESS-NASH COMPANY- -STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY - -BURGESS-NASH COMPANY. -Phono Douglas 137 Announcing for Tomorrow, Monday, What We Have Every Reason. to Believe Will Be the Most Wonderful AftirIhiirn8tiniuao Sal ff Wmnu9 MadYtWair Apparel Ever Recorded in the History of Merchandising in Omaha ITS our first After-Christmas sale of ready-to-wear carefully planned from every viewpoint the merchandise the service the values. A sale that ia not only timely, but notable fo Ita true helpfulness and will bo recognizee as the premior merchandising occasion of tho yoar. For weeks past our buy ers have been on the alert sensing the trade conditions and had first choice from the lined of many foremost makers with tho result that thore is assembled hero ready for you Monday a won derful assortment of the most desirable winter apparel, including Tailored Suits, Coats, Dresses, Costumes, Evening Wraps, Waists, Children's Wear, Etc. TO BE DISPOSED OF AT BUT A FRACTIONAL PART OF THE REGULAR PRICES TIIE IMPORTANCE of this After-Christmas sale of correct apparel cannot be overestimated. Most every apparel nerd is embraced in the vast purchases and every garment offered measures fully up to the Burgess-Nnsh standard of quality and is authentic in stylo. HUNDREDS of thriftwiee buyers will find her articles which they have boon contemplating and will be among the throngs of shrewd shoppers who", realizing the import of this event, will be here early Monday to participate in the marvelous savug opportunities. These sketches were made from the garments themselves in our Ready. to-Wear Department on, the Second Floor. tl t U j NrlLJ Bro . JiM 9 M . i n rhia S4S.6A Talonv TM $39.60 data Coat, 934.7 Coat, 917.M Id f 1 1 1 j n u" " -.gjcavssr-. i q uj This Watt TO sa.TS 4s.m Ma re ais.rs Women's Smart Winter COATS at z Price and Less $35.00 to $45.00 Ooats, $17.50 High class garments in a variety of fine mate rials, all, lined with silk or satin, belted effects with largo collars, intended to t f m C A price Women's $15.03 Ooats, $7.75 Deautiful rlbellnes, also mixtures in a splendid variety ot desirable styles and colors. Belted effects, velvet trlmnied and lined throughout. Intended to sell for $ 16.00, tor T.7S $19.50 Curltex Ooats, $9.50 Tho season's most favored material, lined throughout with yarn dyad aatln. Very latest models, Intended to retail for $1.60. 8ale price 99AO $45.00 Ooats at $22.50 ; Wonderful values. Tho very latos styles in plush, Persiana cloth, broadokth and Imported mixtures, fine silk and satin lin- Aaa CA ings. Intended to sell for $15.00, JJ)Z"- $25.00 Ural Lamb Ooats, $12.50 Baits best coat material, in a variety ot th moat fav ored models, satin Unsd throughout. Coats Intended v. retail for 125.00. Bala prloa Monday' 10.50 $29.50 Arabian Lamb Ooats, $14.75 Beautiful new creations In tie Fox Trot model, lined wWh guaranteed satin lining. Intended to retail for 29.60. ' Sale price Monday 914.70 Sealettd Plush Ooats, $17.50 Genuine Saltz, sealette plush ooats. First quality. Jet black, guaranteed satin linings. Belted or flaro styles. Extrome rj jJQ vttiuua, wwimjT) js j , Misses' $20.00 to $35.00 Ooats, $12.50 All blgh-class garments lo a variety of styles, materials and colors. Coats that were Intended to retail at l0, 86, 30 and III. Monday f 12.50 Children's $7.50 to $10.00 Ooats, $4.50 ' A big assortment of coats tor children. . Fine slbellnas, mixtures and boucles; velvet trimmed, blue, brown, tan, freen, etc Intended to retail for IT.B0 to 10..9.5O Tailored Suits and Evening Wraps Wonderful Values in Fur Coat $35.00 TaUored Suits, $14.75 Late short model Buits, plain and fur trim med, including such materials as broad cloths, gabardines and chev- i 7C intja' all colors. Intended O H J O 'to retail np to $35.00. Sale price Monday $55.00 Velvet Suits $19.75 New short models with new model skirt3f beautifully trimmed with marten fur. In tended to sell for $55.00. Monday. .$19'.75 $49.50 Broadcloth Suits, $24.75 Imported chiffon broadcloth suits, new short models, trim med with fur. Intended to retail for 149.60. Sale price Monday, very special, at $24.75 $25.00 Evening Wraps, $9,75 Hand some chiffon broadcloth evening wraps in light shades of blue, pink Cf7C rose, eto. Silk lined throughout V&il " Intended to retail for $25.00, J Sale price $30.00 to $35.00 Evening Wraps, $12.50 Imported broadcloth in plain white, light blue, lavender, rose and maize, all silk lined, plain or with' fur collar.. $30.00 to $35.00 ralues for $12.50 $40.00 to $45.00 Evening Wraps, $1175 Fine materials with large muffloon fur collar, all silk lined, light evening shades. Intended to retail for 140.00 to 146.00, for 14.73 $30.00 Caracul fur coats in the sale Monday for. . . .$10,00 $40.00 Russian pony fur ooate, choice Monday for. .$19.50 $65.00 Squirrel lined cloth coats "with fur collar for $29.50 $90.00 Marmot fur ooats in the sale Monday for. . . .$39.50 $98.00 Tiger cat anto ooata in the sale Monday for. .$49.50 $100.00 Brook mink fur coats in the sale Monday at. .$59.50 $115.00 Nearseal ooats in the sale Monday at $6950 $195.00 Hudson 6eal coats in the sale Monday for . . .$97.50 $'250.00 Hudson seal coats in the sale Monday for . .$125.00 $300.00 Hudson seal coats in the sale Monday for . .$l5bT00 Women's $12.50 Dresses, $5.00 Cloth and Cordu roy rrHfn, In a variety or style., trimmed with la'o coIIht ml velval Itltu-'k. white anU . colors, choice Evening, Afternoon Gowns, Party and Street Dresses $25.00 to $35.00 Afternoon Gowns, $14.75 Made of charmeuse with laco and chiffon velvet, intended to retail for $25.00, J 7C j.on ru i iff -w i Sr m la !KU.UV HUU O.KFJ, JJ 4 iui ............. $45.00 to $75.00 Afternoon Gowns, $25.00 Exquisite Bilks in the new do pi gnu. Intended to retail for $45.00 to $75.0(1 $H00 special Bmo price r uuuuaj ...... v. $7.50 to $12.50 SKIRTS for $5.00 Skirts of broadcloth, chuda and men's wear serge. A great variety of new 6tyles in one great lot Monday. Intended to retail dr AA for $7.5, $10 and $12.50. Choice . .,. .? JeUU $5.00 to $7,98 WAISTS for $2.48 High-class eilk waists of Georgette crepe, crepe de chine and charme,use. Wide variety jo A Q of models. $3, $G.5() to $7.98 values . .$aa40 Handsome $65.00 Evening Gowns, $32.50 Gowns of charmeuse, with lace bodice, in shades of light blue, make, rose and pink. Intended to retail at $65.00, for $32.50 Charming $50.00 Spangled Robes, $24.75 Spangled robes in plain black with jet and crystal trimmings. Intended to retail for $50,00. Monday $24.75 Women's $29.50 Party Dresses, $1175 Dainty creations of chiffon, charmeuse and lace, in pink, light blue, maize, light green and white, $14.75 Beautiful $95.00 Evening Gowns, $34.75 ' Rich flowered gold eilk, with bodice of chiffon and panne velvet, rose and tjj O f 75 green. Intended to fl , retail for $95, for. ... $15.00 to $25.00 Dresses, $9.95 Velvet, serge and cor duroy dresses in com bination with silks and charmeuse. Intended to retail for $15 to $25. Monday ....$9.95 ECONOMY BASEMENT "JSVE RYD ODYS STORE" Women's $15 to $25 Winter Coats, $4.98 A MOST remarkable collection, all late models, plain or belted back styles, most of them lined through out rlusn, Curltex, heavy weight d eponge, Arabian lamb, double faced Eng- y ash robe materials, eto. Intended to retail for $15, $20 and $25, choico Women's Winter Ooats, $1.98 Warm, serviceable coata of persiana cloth, mixtures and plain heavy winter weight materials. Odd styles and sites J f fry from lines that sold to f 11.60. Salo prlco Monday. . V X ! O Women's $15.00 Chinchilla Coats, $3.98 Fine chinchilla coats, belted effects in black, navy blue and a-ray Coats Intended to retail for $18.00. Sale prlco Mon- Jo nn day In the basement, only PaJ IO $15.00 to $25.00 Party Dresses, $4.98 Chiffon party dresses and spangled robes in shades ot malse light blue, pink and white. Intended to retail for d A O $11.00 to 115.00, for 4.yS Children1! $6.50 Coats, $2.93 Made or fine Quality slbellne and boucles In bine, tan and green. Slses S to H years. n nn luteodod to retail at tMO 3H.0 phildren's $1.98 Coats, 95c Children's curly bear coats, for aes J to 5 years to tan. blue, gray, red, white, etc. Regular n r tl.93 values, for 7a3C BargMs-Vaak 0JBataat.