2 A TJ1K OMAHA SUNDAY lWA-U UKCKMIiKU 27, 1914. THOMPSON, BEIDEN S CQ Our January Clearing Sale of Women s Wearing Appare Will Commence Saturday, Jan. 2, 1915 This date (the first selling day of the year) is in accordance with our usual custom. Every Garment will be from Our Own Regular High Grade Stocknothing bought for sale purposes. To re-mark and place this great stock on sale takes time. It's for this reason that our 28th Annual Janu ary Clearing Sale will commence January 1, 1915. Wait The Values offered will be worth your while waiting for. REYOLT IN MANILA QUICKLY CRUSHED 1 Ten Thousand Men Had Planned to Attack Four Points at the Capital. MOVEMENT POORLY ORGANIZED Army and Police Officers Aft In toraw la A aad Vw Arreete and One Fight Kb J thf. Affair. THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. A Fine Warm Comfort Decidedly An Extra Value Thesp are fall sized. Superfine Com foriersMed with fine, selected Sanitary Cotton covered with Silkoline in beautiful all-over patterns. A very extra value Monday $1.50. .. . , .. Basement Women's Warm Underwear, Comfortable Moderate In Price ', Women's Fleccod Cotton Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle lengths, $1.00. . i Women's Wool Union Suits, different styles, $1.25. We have a beautiful line of Swiss ribbed lisle Vests, hand crochet top. 50c and up. Third Floor. , THE FUR SHOP Furs are about one-third less in price than lsst year you .make no mistake in purchasing NOW. ' Fur Sets from $7.50 to $250. ACCUSES SILLIMAN OF TAKING BRIBE Mexican Cabinet Minister Says He Aooepted Money to Work for Release of Oen. Xturbide. CONSUL CALLS IT ABSURD OoTtraor of City of Mrsloo Who , Kept Order Drt( Iterlaa Was It.l.M. Reqaeat f Ssarataa-y Bryan. WABinNOTON. Dm Jl Aroerloan Conaal Stllliman at Mexico City reported today that aMrl Palafox, minister of agriculture In tha cabinet of Provisional President Outlerres, has Issued a state ment charging that ha (gunman) Koacisl A gnt ton Canove and ethers had ao-.Bew,d "Pof of trouble In tha Philippine cepted a bribe of 600,000 peos to effect tha ' enpltal, called for a full report of tha MANILA. Iec. Eight Filipinos hare been arrested on the charge of fdltlon aa a reault of an abortive uprising In Manila and It anvlror.a on Thursday night. Further arrests are probable. From army sources It la learned that a general warning was sent to all officers on Thursday stating that fully 10.000 Filipinos In Manila alone were ready tor a concerted attack on Fort Santiago, tha Cuartel Espana, the Cuartel Infentria and the medicine depot The military units were Immediately prepared and a street patrol waa started at dusk. Constabulary agents, who are members of tha secret societies, disclosed the plans for the uprising, thus enabling a fore of constabulary and polloo to disperse gatherings at Bangm Bayan, Pifj and Navotas, near Malabon. At Calucan a quad of American sailors seised chairs when a force of Filipinos approached a dan oe hall In which they were gathered and, using the chairs aa weapons, routed the Filipinos of whom quit a number were Injured. Revolt Lades Leader. The rising waa evidently poorly organ ised and lacked leaders. It was com posed for the most part of parsons Im plicitly trusting the word of Artemio Rl carte, a revolutionary, who conducts a oontlnual propaganda from Hong Kong, to which place be was banished by the American authorities some time ago. Rl oarte. It la stated, advised that the antV Amerlcan attempt be made on Christmas eve. when the American officers would be expected to selebrat the holiday. Reports from the provinces tell of minor risings and occasional vlolenoe, but details from these sections are lacking. The situation today, from all appear anccs, and, according to official state ments, Is well under control of the mlll- Oovernor General Francis Burton Har rison happens to be away on an official visit and Wlnfred T. Donlson. secretary of the Interior, Is In charge of affairs pending Mr. Harrison's return. The Foreign Chamber of Commerce, supported by the Filipino body, has Is sued a public protest against the legis latures' adoption of amendments to the Internal revenue laws Imposing additional taxes. The measure was lntroduoad on the eve of the Christmas recess and was passed wtlhout discussion and also It la stated, without giving the merchants an pportunlty to express their opinion re garding It Representations from the Chamber of Commerce regarding the new law, It Is announced, are to vo today to Secretary of War Garrison, asking him to secure President Wilson's intervention In the matter. Officials DImouI Report. WASHINGTON, Dee, . ft -Officials at the Insular bureau of the War depart ment. .In the absence of official advloes today from Manila. Inclined to tha view that the reported rising there was not serious Earlier In the week Governor General Harrison reported ha could find no basis in Manila for aooounU of a threatened revolt Brigadier General Frank Molntyra, chief of the bureau of Insular affairs, however, la view of re- FOGS INTERFERE WITHFIGHTING French Eeport Says Conditions of Atmosphere Prevents Opera tions in Flanders. FEW ARTILLERY EXCHANGES Ooraaaa Attaek at Chivy I Alsme District, la Repalsed ' Fieaefc Make Proarreas la Up per Alaaee. PARIS', llec. 25. The official announce ment given out by tbe French war of fice this afternoon relates that fogs In the north have lnterferred with the operations In Flanders. Counter attacks on the part of Germans have been re pulsed at a number of points. There was artillery fighting near the sea and Perthes. ProKress was made also In upper Alsace on Christmas day. Tha text Of the communication followa "There has been moderate artillery ex ert an gea on the front from the sea to tha Lys. On the Lys, itself, a heavy fog has made operations Impossible. "Betwen tbe Lys and the Olse we have repulsed several counter attacks of the enemy, notably at Nouleltea, to the west of Lena, at Bolsselle, northeast of Al bert, and at Lihona, to tha west of Chaulnea, where a trench captured from the enemy waa lost, and then recaptured by us after a spirited engagement Oej-tnan Attack at Chivy Repateed. "Betwen the Olse and the Alsne, re ports from this locality declare that dur ing tha day of December 24, a very strong Germ an attack was repaired at Chivy, to the northeast of Sou pi r. In tha region of Perthes the artillery silenced the batteries of the enemy, which were bombarding the trenches recently occu pied by our troops. Two strong German counter attacks were repulsed during the night of December 24-26. "Yesterday, December 25, a further counter attack of particular severity, de livered on a front of LGO0 yards, with lmportaut bodies of troops, waa com pletely checked. "In the Argon ne and between the Mouse and the Moselles there is noth ing; to report Proarreaa In I'per Alsace. "In the upper Alsace, December 25 was marked by perceptible progress In front of Cernay. We reached the outskirts of tbe hills to the went of the town and bere we held our positlrns In spite of several counter attacks. We occupy also the outskirts of Aspa?h. the valley and the heights which dominate Aepach on tbe west "Russia: The Germans, who succeeded In forcing their way across tha Bxura river, to the south of Sochacaen, were driven back after suffering heavy loeeea. The German attack on Bollmow re sulted In failure. In the region of Inow lodx, on the Plllca river, and to the south of this locality, stubborn fighting eon- l tlnues. Along the entire course of the Nlda river and to tho aouth of the Vistula the fighting Is going on under conditions favorable for the Russians." "Zelgler" Is still the largest' felling coal In Omaha, simply because It leaves no clinkers or soot, and burns intensely hot and to a white ash. "Zelgler" Nut Is Ideal for kitchen ranges, and "Zelgler" Lump la unequal ed in furnaces and heaters. Petroleum Carbon Coke The Modern Fuel A wonder fuel, indeed I Any housewife dotes upon it because she doesn't have to lug an ounce of ashes when she uses It It you have some unsatisfactory coal In your bins mix It with Petroleum Carbon Coke and consume It econ omically, for the Petroleum Car bon Coke burns It up and burns Its soot, ashes and smoko at the same time. JS a Ton Our $5.00 Coal Is Good Coal Phone Tyler 1754. 210 S. 17th. Brandeis Theatre Bldg. HOW TO USE A DOCTOR CHAPTER IX. The day la st ban when a physician can hold up his head and feel proud of his profession. Tha advanced guards are genuine, and they ring true every time. "Madloine," says Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, tha accomplished President of tha American Medical Association, "con sists of tha application of aoientlflc dis covery to the prevention and cure of disease. All else which may go under the un of medloino Is sham and t rand." Says Dr. James Alexander Lindsay, P. R. C. P., Professor of Medicine la Queen's University of Belfast, President of tha Section of Madloine of the Royal Academy of Ireland: "Tha publlo must learn that for disease to be countered successfully it must have early recog nition and timely treatment In this matter of early diagnosis wo are largely dependent upon tha Intelligence of t public Wo cannot detect the subtle premonitions of disease If these are dis regarded by the patient Our hospitals are full of wrecks of humanity, which we may. Indeed, often patch up with more or leas success, but which can never be restored to Integrity." Of three thoasaad post mortem exant Inattoas made In the Massachusetts Gen eral Hospital, 45, 6 per cent were found to have been mistaken diagnoses, ac cording to Dr. Richard Cabbott. Borne of us are not dependent upon an anat omlo diagnosis alone. We seek to make an etlologio or causative diagnosis. We detect the cause and teach tha patleat how to re-adjust htm self aooordlagly. Aa a consequence of thl j mode of proced ure, I have been In Omaha nearly sis years without a single death, and a goodly number of my patients had en joyed tha luxury of hospital treatment without benefit There's a reason. .A hint to tha wtse Is ruffled snt. Henry B. Munro, M. IX. MS-I Brandels Theater Bids. Everburn Coal Nut Furnace Lamp Large Lamp $6.50 release of former Governor Iturhlds. Palafox. an adherent of Zapata, Is said to have been eager to see Iturbldo held. The latter was commander of the federal district during the brief administration of Provisional President CarbaJaL but remained after his colleagues bad fled, and took an active part In keeping order Christmas ere disturbances. Officials said today there was at an times more or less disaffection among a restless clement In the Philippines and that shrewd native leaders did what tbey could to capitalise such discontent They process not to believe anything like a rising of serious proportions la Imminent after the Carranaa forces withdraw and ' ln Manila or elsewhere through the U- TURKS THREATEN YANKEE SAILORS eaa asawskaaa Report from Syrian Port Says Crew of : Merchant Ship Was Attacked. '. ZKEEICA5 WARSHIP ON THE JOB Saoreiary Daalela Aaks for Report Isasa Captain Oaiaa am State. bmbI that Ha Tfcreateaed I ta Fire aa the City. panlon were returning from Christmas mass at Marlon when the accident oc curred. Attention waa called to the ao cldent by the barking of dogs and when an Investigation followed Nowatrup was tha Zapata forces entered. Secretary Bryan, admiring XturUde's personal courage. In preferring to main tain order In the city rather than make his own escape, took a personal Interest In tha case and Identical representations were made to both Outlerres and Villa to obtain his release. Iturbldo now Is on his way to the United States, nut re ports from Mextoo City say Palafox an nounced his Intention of arresting him If ha were caught anroute to El Paso. Mr. Bllllman ln his report disolssed tha story or the bribe aa absurd. Ontlerres May Desert Till. The Carranaa agency here announced receipt of tha following message from General. Carranaa' a secretary at Vera Crust "Genera! VUlareal at Monterey informs us that he recently had a conference at I Beltillo with General Alvares, the Outier- rea, governor of tha state of San Luis Potosi. who Informer him that Culalto Ou tlerres had sent him to Inform VUlareal that ha had demanded from Villa that he lands. Condition Exasperated, Sara Qartea Manuel Que son, resident commissioner from the Philippines In congress, declared today that conditions ln the Philippines were being exaggerated by Interests op posed to the pending bill for a greater measure of self-govornment and ultimata independence for the Islands. "I know nothing of the reported arrests for Insurrectionist plots," ha said. I am satisfied that when Investigated they will dlsolose nothing mors serious than what here would be arrests for violations of polloe regulations. The Philippine people know a revolutionary movement would Interfere with Independence. They will be muoh disappointed If the bill does not pass at this session of congress, but failure to paas it will not mean Insurrec tion." A cablegram received in tha Insular bureau from tha Philippine government during the day concerned routine busi ness, but made no reference to any dis orders and did not contain anything, of ficials said, that could be construed as a McAdoo to Represent - Administration at San Diego Opening i WASHINGTON. Deo. K. To represent President Wilson at the opening of the exposition, at an Diego, Cel., is the ob ject of a trip today which Secretary McAdoo has arranged to take. The secretary waa to be accompanied by Mrs, McAdoo, tha president's youngest daugh ter. One of the last official acts of the secretary before leaving was tha Issu ance of a statement In which all shippers who have been affected by high ooeaa freight rates and scarcity of vessels are ealled upon to sand the facts to the Treasury of Commerce department The Information Is called for under a senate resolution directing the two departments to Investigate the subject. Letters already received, according to Secretary McAdoo, show that the scarcity of vessels Is so great and freight rates are so high that American foreign trade Is be ing seriously bandloapped. Do you realize that there la a wide difference between the heat values of different brand of con.1T We knorw XT7XXVBT7B.ST OOAX. to be the best all around soft coal ln this market and the beat to maintain and Increase oar business. Become an Kverburn customer, buy the best ln coal and service. Re. member BTBBB1TBW coal carries our guarantee of satisfaction. Pi Ice - ... ...,.........,.. We Bell tha Bast aajMftXS of UL CMU9SS. $6.50 McCaffrey bros. co. ISO South XTth Street rhone Tyler so. found crushed under the car. dead, and b'uT ha vS LlZl l"' to ,n" ta Mia. Oillen unconscious. Ph. , expected 1 0u.,l. JL .T Z th- reported uprurtng. to recover. No..ru ... m . Uutlerrss Waa disposed to enroll himself ... ' I nd his troops once again under the ban- ti i n l Nowatrup waa U years of Emperor of Austria Thanks American Children for Gifts WASHINGTON. Dec. .-Secretary paniels ealled on Captain Oman, com Kuan ding tha armored cruiser. North Carolina, to report whether threats of viola ace had been made by Turka at Tripoli against American sailora Athens dispatches published today said that an American warship had threatened a tornbardment as a result Tha North Carolina and the Teunessee are both at Beirut today, the Tennessee having gone Jaffa after depositing gold. Beirut Is about forty miles south of Tripoli. One report waa that Turkish authorities sought to prevent the depart re of American,' Brllfch and French onsuls, and that the attack on the American crew of a commercial ship and tha threatened bombardment of Tripoli fey tha Americaa man-of-war followed. Auatro-Huimarian embassy from I forces have removed their -machine guns, I th ne,t ot Vk Admiral Lapoyerere had a today announced that the Aua-' abandoned their front trenchea and are . ,unk whU ttraPtlnS t0 torpedo ONE KILLED AND ONE HURT WHEN AUTO TURNS TURTLE S. D.. Dec. M.Ppeclal' r " w7ur uaie TnuS son or Ian ki m - .u,tuiiuii t. - .n r..---.i...i , PARK BR, Teles-ram.) David Nowatrup, Nowstrap, a wealthy farmer of this icoaaty,. was killed yesU-rdsy afternoon. md Miss Ruth union, a Kpring Valley anfcoot teacher, was Injured, when New-' atrup's ' autSmeUia 'turond turtle on the Nowstnip aad his osa WAKIIINQTON. Dee. 36 tho Vienna trlan emperor had expressed his thanks to President Wilson through Ambas sador Penfleld for the American Chrlst- niaa girts distributed yesterday among children of dead soldiers. The dispatch also explained the retreat and his troops once again under the ban ner of the first chief aad the plan of Guadalupe. Marlsreaa Begtas R.ttriaar. NACO, Arts., Deo. 88. Governor May torena, with bis VlUa forces, began re tiring today out of range of the guns of the Carranaa garrison at Naoo, Sonora. Official reports to Brigadier General Tasks It, Bliss, oommandlng United dlepateh to i States forces here, show that tha VUla Sunk by Austrians Near Pola Naval Base PARIS. Dae. H-The Italian states, according to advices to the Matin, that a French submarine belonging to preparing to retire to the main Maytorena camp, sleven kilometers from Naco. This movement Is In fulfillment of a statement made Thursday by Maytorena to BrUadler General Hugh L. Scott ciuer or starr or the army, who Is nego- Austrian battleships la the Austrian naval base at Pola. The crew. It Is were rescued and taken prisoners. from Kervta aa the result of bad i tlatlng for a cessation of Mexican war. weather aiul names Archduke Eugene as chief commander of the Austrian Balkan fiM-rws. "Official communique asaerta that Aus trian troops, alter a victorious advance, retreated from Bervla on acoount of bad weamer, unbeaten and with unhmku fare along the International boundary. FOUR HUNDRED DIE AS TROOP TRAINS CRASH LONDON. Dec. Year's Parcel Post Business Will Reach a Billion Packages WASHINGTON, Deo. Preliminary estimates by postuffice officials place tha number af paroel post package Christmas rush at IS A TO...,-- Jit - miiwiumb j ... ' ' ..r-K.r uiiru tn, number ar pa courage. Our losses were enormously ex- ''" Warsaw says that 400 men were 1 handled during the aggerated. In the Carpathiana our elUu'ks ll:ted and 0O wounded In a eollisloa be- 100.000.000. and Indie continue to gain ground. " said the die- tween-troop aad hospital trains at Kallsa. patch. Poland. i The troops were coming from Prussia Saallarioas. and the hospital train waa Drooeedlaa tn Hpeciai.j- uermaay wHh wounded o fleers. The Six Persons Burned to Death in Denver Apartment House DENVER, Deo. It. Six persons wars burned, some of them seriously. In a tire which gutted several rooms on the third floor of the Buckingham hotel, a fashionable apartment house early today. About fifty persons were drivsn from their apartments by the fire, Tha prop erty damage was not heavy. TwoHagenbacks . Killed in Battle 0T. WmS, Mo.. Deo. Sa. Word that Lorens and Henry Hagenbaok. tho well known menagerie owners of Germany, have been killed in battle, waa received today by George Dieakman, president of the St Louis Zoological society. FIRE CAUSES A HEAVY LOSS IN ARKANSAS TOWN. LAXB VILLA OK, Art. Dec M. Fire caused a loss estimated at tas.OOO today. Tour of the largest buildings of the town were destroyed and thirteen firms and Individuals suffered loss as. Tha cauaa has not been learned. DEATH RECORD Jokasasj-Maywr. NORTH BFJND, Neb.. Deo. ta.-Bpe- daL) The marriage of Miss Iva Mover of North Bend and Gilbert Johnson of Fre mont took place at noon today at the Moyer home east of town. Miss Myrtle Kdeaae ta Have tilKiEAlUNT. H. D., Doo. X In the special alocUon held In Bdsemoat trains ware runnii.. .r rn .r i Thursday, the franchise granting the ex- they collided. Mora than twenty cart elusive use of the sulphur flow of the . were wrecked. volume of paroel post traffic for 1914 , Moyer and Carl Johnson were tbe attand- wlll total nearly 1.000, W0 packages. ants. Hev. K. u. bweoney officiated. cur well to VtUllam bartlett and J. R. Calier was carried, by a vol 0f St to T. being sustained by an overwhelming ma jority. This means that work will be commenced on Cdgeniont'a sanitarium at once Head tba "For Sale" ads tt r want bargains of tha col aula. An investigation dtecloeed that a rail way switch had been changed at tha last moment The station master, i witch men and others are under areat OlfLT ONB "DROHO UUIXIKE. To get the genuine, call for full name. Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for signa ture of at W. Ocove, Cams a aatd ta ooe Eight Killed, 100 Hurt as Teuton Fliers Shell Rass City PETROGRAD (Via London), Doc St. and In exploding tt killed or wounded vtr- Bight persons were killed and over 10S wounded la tbe town of Sochacsew, Rus sian Poland, today by bombs thrown down from ftv German aeroplane Oae bomb dropped in Us aalddla of a wnksa waa watntitmg tha aviators. tuaily the entire gathering. ice market piace in oocnacaeer and a number of wooden houses were set afire and destroyed. Sochac w Is on the Bsure, fifty sollas WasS ad Warsaw, A miserable joke or worse than joke, is being perpetrated on my daughter ELAINE. There have appeared and are appearing advertisements in the public prints signed with fraudulent initials of which the folio wing is a copy: Information Wanted! of ELAINE DODGE, baBeved ta ba a resident of this City, nasi thought to ba wealthy. In uncovering a case now before as, we would w el coma and pay for any information of bar past and for nay secrets known only to bar Intimates. All communications will ba treated confidentially. Anonymous Utters not wanted. Address O. BL. Box a a,. Oare Omaha Bee. I wish to state most emphatically that I demand that these insinuating announcements cease to be pub lished, or I shall have the law brought to bear with all its force on the scoundrels. My daughter Elaine. I wish to say has no past. She has never had any secrets. Elaine is a clean-minded moral, upright young woman a credit to the commonwealth. What ever is the purpose back of the veiled intimations. I warn the offenders that I will brook no further insult. If there is any connection between this and the troubles of my friends. Fletcher. Haxworth and Sherburne I shall show no mercy on the offender or offenders. TAYLOR DODGE PnsidenS Consolidated Mutual Life Co. Hoatoo, Mass, s .f.t,, 1..."... ?v, i Hi. As well bo out of the world aa out nf cti1 fThe advertising columns ol the Dee constitute a continuous style show.