( PAItT THREE. WANT ADSECTION PAGES ONE TO SIX. " n n II II II I JttJC Oma HA UNDAY .Bee wM-ADS VOL. XLIV. NO. 28. OMAHA, SUNDAY, MOHN1NO, DECEMBER 27, 11)14. SIN(JLE COPY FIVE CENTS. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for morning and S'unduy editions. Want ads received after, such hours will be under the heading, "Too Late t Classify." V CASH RATES. Seven consecutive times, 1 cent word en 'Mi Insertion. Three times within one week, 1 cents a word each Insertion. One time, t cents a word.. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive Urn en, cent a Una ench Insertion Three times within oca week. 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time, , cents a line. Count ilx averaKe words to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to "ne run un til discontinued must ba stopped by writ ten order. All claims for errors must be made within fifteen dsys after the last Inser tion of the advertisement. Tou ran place your want ad In The Be by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 100ft. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been called for and delivered during; the last week. It is reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have made' the desired owaps tlterefore do not call for the balance of their answers. Bee Want B.C. 1611 1518 1517 1520 1636 1540 IMS 1664 15(5 1567 1571 1571 lbHJ 189 1597 1633 Ads sure get results. SO SC. B.C. SC. ' B.C. TO2 2ri 890 13C2 1424 ?U 27 :t4 Jif74 142S 216 303 1303 1 378 1431 218 806 13CK1 JJX8 34?4 219 8iW 13U7 13W 1434 Z21 308 131J 13S3 1441 23 810 1314 1394 1445 227 12 1331 143 1449 2i8 316 1332 1405 1454 fcfl) 317 1.37 1404 1466 S43 X24 W 1407 14f 4 37S 1312 1408 I4tl K-17 379 , 1344 1411 1470 260 S ' 1361 1412 1471 IA 284 136S 1414 14SS 268 t& 1301 1416 ! DEATHS AND FVNEHAL NOTICKS CRAWFORD Charles K.. at his real denee 2434 South Eighteenth street, De cember 24, l'J14. aged 36 years. Funeral Irom residence Sunday, Decem ber 27, 1114, at 2 p. in. , Interment at For est Lawn oemetery by auto. McKED-Thomaa C, at the age cf 66 years, at Lincoln, Neb., December 24, 1914.- Funeral from late residence, 1413 Grand avenue, Sunday. December 27, 1914, at 8:30 p. m. Interment at Forest Lawn ceme tery. Automobiles. EDMONDSON Harry, at Ogden, Utah. December 26, 1914, aged 25 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Edmondson, 2405 South Twentieth avenue. Funeral notice later. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Rlrtha C. H. and Lilly Meyera, 1301 South Eleventh, girl; Ben and Nora Low, 1136 North Seventeenth, boy; Paul and Freda Consigny, hospital, boy; . Frank and Frances Wlchert, 2220 South Eigh teenth, boy; Anthony acd Mary Dona hoe. 2209 Sherman avenue, boy; A. B. and Mable Crorubmeyer, 2714 North Forty Eeventh, girl. Deaths Mrs. Anna C. Fisher, 09 years, , 3015 South Sixteenth; Giovanne Noble, 41 f years, 1244 South Fourteenth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. License to wed hs.va been, issued to the following: Name and- Residence. '' Harold A. Davis, Sioux Clty Myrtle M. Searl, Sioux City..-. Kdwin D. Peterson, Lyons..., May A. Neville .' Samuel Blankenbeckler, Tekamah. Josie King, Tekamah ... William B. Thompson, Blair Ada Blankenbeckler, Tekamab... E. Alvin Brlirgs, Omaha Marie swanaon, Omaha Samuel Bhaftro, New. York Maude Laurie, New York....... David K. Washburn, Benson.. Hazel M. Sumpteon, Schuyler.., Harvey Ramey, Fremont........ Hazel Thetlen, Fremont.., Age. .. 22 14 ..... aa si 23 89 r 27 29 41 SI 24 20 21 TODAY'S complete; MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Bee Down Town. , . CAMAUPHONETHEA.. 1406 Douglas. The Stolen 1 lupine, Kalsm Drama. The Man from the Sea, 2-r. Lubin drama. The Rival StaRo Lines, Sellg W. Comedy. ELITE NO. 2, 1318 FARNAM. Sunshine and Shadows, 2-r. Vita Dra., Bold Banditti and, Rah Rah Boys. Kal. Com. Saved by a Watch. Sel. W. Dra. FARNAM, 1413 FARNAM. The Best of the Tear, t-reel, ReL Dra. Wild West Love. Key. Com. Hir-i- THEATER. 15TH AND HARNBT. "liom of Paramount Pictures. PARK ,TKEATER. Feature program dally. Keystone Comedies. (IS N. 16TH. PARIvQJt, 1408 DOUGLAS. His Dog Gone Luck. Nest. Com. The Xmus Spirit, 2-reel. Bison. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS. The Submarine Spy, 2-reel. Imp. t'hriatmna Festivities. Joker Com. For the Defense. Eel. Dr. Aor'n. AMTAMRRA. 1S14 NO. 24TH ST. Zip, the Dodger. Keystone Comedy. Old Jackson's Girl. 2-r. Than. Dra. The Stolen Masterpiece. Dra. ALAMO. 24T11 AND FORT. His Father's Son. J-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Life's Story. Powers. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS MSIXKS9 CHANCES CLIFTON", Military .Ave. and Burdette. Million IW.lfor. T." S'm ilndman Mason, Reliance. Z'l.lors. No. 4. IMA AH "D THEATKR, 2410 Lake, liinlrlit Attorney's BrotHer, 2-r. O. Seel. Tuh Rural Demons, L. Ko. comedy. The Wuywurd Son, Victor Drama. lANJvl.lN THE A 24th and Franklin.' Tl'e Senator's Brother, 3-r., Vita. Drama. A Iforve on Sophie. Kssany W. Comedy. The Svai.cuoat. Seliir W. Drama. t;iPi'om;o.viK, 2,ii4 ccaiinu m. !H-rh Kimt on Broadway, Keystone Cum'. Mr. ''inileivlla. Thanhnuser Drama. filoi-H. EhIko 3 in 2 parts. The World Demands Efficiency It despisee Inefficiency, It pays for efficiency efficiency In any on Una and particularly any busi ness tine. It crowds the inefficient back Into the ranks of "the down and outers." And efficiency In not a matter of effort alone. It requires training oinpletn, thorough training. , And the sooner YOtT acquire that training the sooner you will acquire thst thorough-going efficiency that will plaoe you in the ranks of the workers the winners, Monday, January 4 BO YLES COLLEGE offers you an oppe-rtunltr to competently qualify yourself for entrance) into uuBincss tire in eunor me. I" Tl I !-:.Vt ::!, Wth audLothrop. Menri-t ielig No. SO. W'lialsoev'er a Woman Soweth, 2-r. Ess. D. The l'rofetfnloi)w RcupeKoat. Vita. Com. l.ufllKOr, 24TH AND LOTHROP. .wi-"ns of FMth. I-reel Matestlc. Th Man With the Hoe, Thanhauser dr. ' u i-Bwi by His Bean4y. Keystone oomerty. i-oVAL. 24u6"crA LOWELL ST. Matter Key, No. 2-reel. A Lonely Salvation. Victor. vt nen l,izzie (ot 1 lerPollsh. Nestor Com. i'ALACE TUEATEit, 3aca Davenport. Master Key, No. 2. 2-reol special serial. He Married Her Anyhow, Joker Comedy, SI BURBA N. JJHTtKR; 5th and Ames. The iirl at tlio Thnttle, Kal. Dra.; The Place, the Time and the Man, 2-r. Es. lira.; Tl;e MyHterlous Mr. I'avey, Vita. eeath. ARBOR. S-'D AND ARBOR. Varsity Race. 2-reel Thanhauser dramu. in tho tipen, Ameriian drama. Folly's ix'but, KeystiMie comedy. aImxTthkaT LTvvioNwcrn;iiT 'flio l'rice tit Sileuce. 2-r. KHleni, drama. Tim Alt'lro i.f Mui'Kairt. Ita corn, 'lue Siitiift's ICewurd. Scllj W. it. Day or Night school. Boyles College will train you in at Ins; and will fit you to fill a position in business. Our accounting; ann bookkeep retain a splendid position In the account Then we have our salesmanship, Ptl vioe Courses. , And. If railroad work or commenHnl our Telegraphy Department (Official Tr road) ready to aaslst you to efficiency as leiegrapny posiuon. You should sen for a copy of our we have ever issued. enofcTaphy, or elenogrnphy and typewrit the corresoondenca department of any In courses will enable you to gain and in department or any business. vate Secretarial Courses and Civil Ser telegraphy work appeals to you, here is alnlna School for the Union Pax-lflo Rall- a telegrapher and then place you in a Tear Book the most Inspiring catalogue BOYLES COLLEGE Boyles Building H. B. BOYLES, Pres. Omaha. THE OLYMPIA is showing a complete line of Xmas candles. 1D1S Harney. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS. In Jewelry, Watches, eto. Many satis fled customers. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. The afore with the reputation." 204)4 N. Kith and 410 N. Wth. GKTa Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmas. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Wo postpaid: samples free. Sherman tt McConnell Drug Cov, Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard'a MUST sell all trunks, suitcases, band baas half price. See HARRY, 501 N. 16th M, F. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmas gifts. tM Brandels The. Bldg. TODAY'S COMPLETES MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Bee. Boatau COLUMBIA THEATER, 1710 S. 10TH 8T. The Girl of the Open Road. Edi. dra. Scars of Possession. 2-r. Bas. drama. Netty or Leuy, Vitagraph comedy. COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON. A Crook's Sweetheart, t-r. K. B. The Saving Grace. Majestic Among the Mourners. Keystone. FAVORITE THEATER, 171 VINTON. The Plot at the R. R. Cut. Kal. dra. A Recent Confederate Victory- -r. Lub. All on Account of the Cheese, Bio. oom. GEM, 1258 8. 13TH ST. Page of Ufa. -r. Rex. The Mountain Traitor. Eoiair. Genii of the Vaae. Joker oomedy. LYRIC, 1817 VINTON. NOjht of ThrlUa . 1-reel Rex. School Teacher of Angel Camp. Frontiers Their "Dps and Downs. Nestor oomedy. PASTIME, 24TH A LEAVENWORTH Human Hearts. l-tel Bagott. Imp.' 1 1 1 'it VENEZIA, Ull BO. UTH ST. Four reels of Mutual pietursa. MONROE. 2SB5 FARNAM PT. Hope Foster's Mother, 2-r., witli Edith Storey. Fatty and the Shyster Lawyer, Kal. com. Within 300 Pages. Ess. Dra. Bensosb BENSON, 5636 MAIN ST. King Baggot la that famous play, "Hu man HearU," in three parts. Love, Luck and Candy, Joker Comedy. Council Ulofta. ELITE? NO. 1, 64S BROADWAY. Fate's Tangled Threads, Lub. Dra. Hearst-Sellg No. S3. Girl from Thunder Mountain. 8-r, Eas.dra. roper. hji broadway; Call of the 'Waves, Vreel. G. SeaL Who Stole the Bridegroom. Nest. Cora. The Rustler Outwitted. Fron. smtfc omaa.au BESSH, 24TH AND N. The Mayor's Secretary, 2-reel. Kal. Dra. A Strand of Blond Hair. Vita. Com. The Man from the East. Sel. Dra. MAGIC. S4THANDO, Ghost of Smiling Jim, 2-reel. Q. Seal. Vivian's Beauty Test Crystal Com. For I Have Toiled. Nest. Ttasrrlltr. OKPHEUM, MTH k H STS. See Zudora here today. Would You Swap if You Had a Good Offer? Since The Bee started the Swappers' Column, thousands of people have used it with considerable profit. It has proven to be a most popular feature. Those who want to swap that which they have for that which they want will fintl many ready offers through the Swappers Column. Bring your ad to The Bee office nnd we will put you in touch with the right people for ar very few . cents. Do it now while you are in the mood. Telephone Tyler 1000 The Omaha Bee Everybody Rmad Want AUs COAL 5 baskets, $1. U. 3546. . Barker Bros. Paint Co.. paint, varnish, glass and GLAZINQ. V Telephone Douglas 4760. 1600 Farnam. Free Delivery. SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; consultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 624 Bee. o AUTOMOBILES The Auto Clearing House, BUSINESS BROKEE, We buy "and sell used cars. "What have you for sale. Write or phone us description of car with your best cash" price. We buy them if your price is right We deal only in bargains. Remember the number and give us a trial. Auto Clearing House 2209 FARNAM ST.. OMAHA. PUNCTURES repaired in one minute. rnw nnvira .iv a irsftn r sa mrajnrsui rsk tloulars free. Write today. Moiintaln- riain, Kflgewater, Colo. 11AVK you bank otock to sMI? If so, and ry purchasing, will It carry with It the position of president or cashier? Write me fully for particulars. C M. Fnton, Husmesa kroner, nuti woodmen of thi World. 1 WANT A QKOCKRY STORK I own &1 ortn aeennA mnrli.u. riii In 1 VA.r. at 6 per cent: the first mortcase Is tl.uM. due In ft years, on 240 acres In Garfield county, Nebraska, win stand the closest Inspection. Also tl,00i In notes at S per cent, payable 0 each month. Would want a good grocery for above papers or for any part. Address 24i Hurt Ht Omaha, Neb. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE GO ING INTO BUSINESS OF ANY. KIND the coming year, call and see us. If you expect to sell your business, don't fall to tell us. QinCK KALES CO., BUSINESS BROKERS, 418 Bee UU1. Rod &2.A t HAVB several parties representing over IM.000 wishing Investment In going busi ness. Do you need a partner or money to finance your business O. M. Katon, Business Broker. 11S Woodmen of the World. I HAVH one young man M and one 2 Each will Invest from ll.ium to 2 000 In a manufacturing business with services. C. M. Katon, Business Broker, 110(1 Wood men of the World. Doug. 19H4. K. B Y B UNITED SALES CO., 811 City National Bank. LIST TOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and squara treatment. QUICK BALKS COMPANY. fi Bee Bldg. Phone Red KM. KOH HAI.K Karnllare. Public Auction Household Goods of a 9-Room Home 1907 Clark Street Monday, lecemher 2. at i p. m., we will sell at auction to the highest bidder tho following hlah grade goods: Four rugs, size 9x12; 1 hall and emir carpi t; i oressers, several snvvll rugs, rocking chairs, 3 Verms -Martin beds, springs and mattresses, 2 commode, 4 sanitary couches, I hair pads, 1 dining tnblc, 1 set dining chairs, 1 set portieres, laoo cur talus and window shades; a lot of pic tures, table linen, sheets, pillow slips, bedding, 1 gas stcve, linoleum, cooklngi utenMls. dishes, refrigerator, and hun dreds of articles too numerous to men tion. lon't fall to attend this sale. Dowd Sale & ; Auction Co. Auctioneers. NBWSPAPEH For sale, a well-established newspaper In town of J.B00. Have large rural list, well paid up. Well equipped Job plant. Dont answer, unless you have cash and mean business. Ad dress T 2SC, Bee. AUCTION SALE. Wednesday. Deo. 80, 1W4 At VBl Cnss St., commencing at 10 a. m., sharp. We will sell at auction the contents of an eight-room house, consisting of parlor furniture, rugs, hall and stnlr carpets, dining table and chairs, birtfot, dressers, commodes, beds and bedding, hall rack, one steel rsn;, gas stove, dishes a-l cooking utsnslis, and other art clea, too numerous to mention, all in good con dition. DOWD 8AL12 AUCTION OJ.. Auctioneers. Masloal lastrwsaemtB. BL10CTRIC Pianos Players. U N. lbth. IlOLlDAY BARGAINS in new and used p.anos, such as the famous Henry F. Mi.ler, Strlch and Zeid ler and other standard makes of grands, uprights and playor pianos from 10 to 41 pi r cent off regular prices. This Is msde possible by the fact that our rapidly In- creasing number of satisfied customers are our only salesmen, hence no snlarlna ;or commissions. 1m1 P.unos from $100 up. I .1 Tr LTl UU Ul 1 MA 'VI Third Floor Boston Btora Bldg. b. 8M7. 11 KM WAXTEIsMALK Clerical and rflre. TUFi NEW YEAR It lis much In store for some. It hss little In store for others. WHAT IT HAS FOR YOU or anyone depends upon individual ef fort, coupled with the use of brains. EVERYMAN has two vital functions to perform In accomplishing his ambitions to progress. FIRST . The absolute qualifications on his Ttrcsrnt poult Ion. SECOND The management of his abilities and powers, to the end that they ere placed where they are used to the fullest en tent of prolurtlons at all times. TUB Al J5RT CAPABLK MAN I reds no suggestion about the first, but the majority do need suggestion nnd assistance in tho second. OUR OFFICES txtriul this assistance to you without Interference with your present position. During the last twelve yenrs thousands hive used It advantageously why not you. WKVT. 'WEFKRKNCn ft BOND APS'N. Originators of the Reference Business. 7J2-4 Omaha National Hank Bldg. r'hlcago,KBnas city. AtK you out of a position? If so, come to us, talk over your case, tell us your experience and we will endeavor to sub mit you where your ability will be ap prwelnted. Bee us immediately about tho following: City salesman .' 170 Office clerk, good penman I"5 Insurance man for good position In office, Business Men's Reference Aesti, 1318-20 W'HKlmiin of the World Hid. HUM M AXTKll MAT.H Aaeata, nlrmira and got let lore. WANTKD-AN KXPKHIKNCKD TRAV ELING CLOTHING HALKSMAN FOR NKHRA8KA, IOWA AND ROIITM DA KOTA; ONLY MI'N WITH AN Ef TAHI.ISHKD TRAHE AND BK!T OF RKKKltKNCKR NKKH TO APPLY; TfK ARK MAKKHS OF POPULAR PRICED MEN'S, BO Y f AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. KET.IX ROTI1HCHILD Ae CO., 3J0 fXJVTll .FRANKLIN ST., CHICAGO, 1T.U o WANTKD Rellahln men to market In dustrial commodity In western territory; attractive, useful, necessary article; used In enormous quantities by all automobile owners, railroads, shops, households, farms and factories; over 4.000,00i) made and sold In America every yesr and ,00O. ooo In Kurope. This article will practically, i do the work of all others In use. Entire output of different kinds consumed every 4 months. Covered by the strongest patent" ever Issued on similar article. Simple, easy to handle, no experience necseeary. only small amount of capital required; 110 to (20 a day ran easily m msde In ' farming districts alone. Write for pros pectus and contract. European-American W. T. Co., 426 Denham Bldg. .Denver, Colo. WANTKD Traveling and local salesmen to sell tallored-to-meaaured shirts to the Individual wearer: splendid paying! proposition: l.oon samples to select from; liberal cash advances against commis sions. A special proposition will be made to experienced shirt men having an es tablished trade and who desire to sell In, their own name, their own brand or label. Address Direct Cloth and Mfg. Co., St. Louts, Mo WANTKDSaiesmen of ability and nest appearance to call on merchants In their territory: stilarv and commission to i hustlers. IKolmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.' ONE or the best retail bakeries In the city; no competition. Call Web. 7CK4, or address K m. Bee. Patents That Protect and Pay Books, advice and searches free fend sketch or model for search; highest of references: beat results ureu, tt etaon u. -cieinan, ratent L,e w yer. m V Bt. N. W, Washington. D. C o SIGNH. show cards. Clark ft Bon. D. 137. TO GET In or out of business). Cell on TO BUY, sell or exchange property or business, any kind, anywhere, address Northwestern Business Agency, Dept. 1, Minneapolis, Minn. o THEATKR S Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1408 Farnam St Douglas 197. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. JIM WRAT. Sioux City, OTHER business puts my Interest In a well paying office business on the mar. ket $600 will buy same. Address K S3, Bee. Industrial Oarage Co., tOth A Harney 8ts, 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'if. O. Baysdorfer, 21 N. U FOR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. H. Peltoa 2?0S Farnam. Call Douglas H301. FORD cars palnt'd other cars accord ing to slse; work gtd. Phone B. S590. MODEL B-fi'Detrolter touring car wltlj self-starter, run leas than ECO miles; gem ine bargain at ti. The T. O. North wall Co., 014 Jones St., Doug. 1707 Oreenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 20M Far. 1611 FORD touring car, good condition, to exchange for south Missouri land. 1021 No. 84th St., Omaha. AUTO clearing house, 22vS Farnam, buys and sells used cars. Phone Douglas M10. FINK, expert radiator repairs, 81 a 20th. - Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 2708 Leavenworth. 1916 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready) bargains In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CC.. Wth and Chicago. D. mi Lindborg Bros.. 2672 Leav. (Flying Merkia). BUSINESS CHANCES 16.000.000 avails bie for immediate Invest ment in industrial, mlnlug, railway en terprises. Address Bankers Alliance, 11 Southampton Row. London, Eng. o. C.M.EATON BUSINESS BROKER 1106 Woodman of the World Building. I want a book store from 600 to $1,000; also, a man with $2,000 to Invest in a manufacturing enterprise, that will be sure to grow, who will lake full charge of office and be wlllinjr. for a few months, to work for ITS a month C. M. EATON, 110ft Woodman of the World Bldg. C. M. BATON. Business Broker, 1108 Woodmen of the World. List your bus Iness fo results. Doug. 1984. CAN you Invest $1,000 to 12,000 and take charge of a business that will pay $3,000 to $5,000 per year? Then it Is worth your while to answer this ad. C-375. Bee. C. J. Canan can sell your farming land. ESTABLISH ED manufacturer wauts stato manager. High class article. Should pay $10,000 annually. fciOO to $1,000 capital. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. References. Hales Mnnager, 575 Old Colony Bldg., it'hlcago. $2,600 WILL buy nloa little insurance busi ness in small town; nets $1,400, 10 com panies represented. $1.I0 buys going, profitable mercantile busings tn Omaha, first rate location; nets $31340 annually. $6,000 for lea business In. small town with icehouses, pond and complete equlp- $8,000 to $26,000 In very profitable manu facturing business and two capable men needed. Owner of cattle ranch wants partner with $10,000 to Join htm In grasing and feeding. WALLACE'S CO-OPERATIVF) REF. CO. 1016-M CITY NATIONAL. FOR SALE Fine old violin. Y-ilS, Omaha Bee, Typewriters. All mskes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. I""" fn-esm t smi PR1VATK secretary and steno., must have knowledge of lsw; a splenlld op lortunlty for capable young man, $7i to start. Hecretary and treasurer, large corpora tion, some Investment. $1M. Office manager, Investment, guar anteed $126. Manager for farm mortgage Co., with Investment, $ioo O.-OPKRATIYK RTCFERB:NCB CO., 101S city National. RENT An Oliver typewriter. $ months for $4, The OUver Typewriter Co., IX 1. UK N'T KemlnKtons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited if you purohass. and cnly very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, three months for tl for understroke machines or $1 per month for latest model visible writers. TYPK WRITERS sold, rented, reoaired. Central Typewriter Ktrhsnge .107 . j7tn. SIlaMllasiaaas. 4 (fi Buys best coal for the monsy; try O.UO ,L Web m Harmon A Weeth. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspair camera, with 11 plata holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case for plate hold ers. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at $110. Address A.Sio. hee. CORN cobs for kindling. 31encoe Mills, raaflKETa, $! Wagner, Ml N lth BtT 2-hand mch. Oross Wreck Co.. 11 PauT. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket blll'ard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 407-418 9. 10th 8t HIOH grade upright plane I leaving city; $T. 22i N. lUth St. HELP WANTKD FESIALE Clerical autd Of flee. STENOGRAPHER and offloa assistant who speaks and writes the Bohemian language. Law and abstract work. Ad dress V-10 Bee. . WAis ittu loeni, write ror nac oi in- i vantions wanted by manufacturers and , nvla nff.M fn, Invanllnn. On. tnn, ' foks sent free. Patents secured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans fc Co., 127 Ninth, Washington, D. C. o WE want to hear from wide-awake trad ers. We can put you In line for Im mediate business. We pay commissions and can match any deal. Address Room 47, Ranford Hotel Block, Omaha, Neb. Bookkeeper nnd stonographpr, Iowa. .$73 Comptometer operator, Temp $3 day Stenographer VJi Typist, Wahl adding $W WBST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS N., 752-1 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Investments. Our Nebraska farm mort gages are not affected bv LV Euronean wars or panics. i r Amounts $400 to $20,000. We M SS collect sll interest- and sr principal free of charge, 30 ears in the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANY. $01 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Omaha.. Roonslasjr Honsas tor Sal. BEST offer takes paying rooming house; must ba sold at onoe. 409 so.. 26th Ave. EDUCATIONAL MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEOD ' MONDAY. JANUARY 4. Day school; night school; complete bus iness course; complete shorthand or eten? otype course; complete telegraphy course; ctvu service branches and English. Stu dents admitted at any tune. Write, 'phono or call for 1914 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEOE. H. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas lioo. IF you are-a good, -competent stenog rapher, It would pay you to look us up; also clerical help needed. Watts Ref. Co., M0 Brandols Then. WHY KXPERIMENTT Qoma to us In the first plaoe. We are 1n touch with the very best firms In Omaha, who tell us their wants because they know we deal fa'rly with the em ployer and employe. We want competent men In all lines of business; men who are ambitious. We especially need the higher grade of men at this time. Oet in touch with us at once If you want action, WATTS REF. CO.. $10-12 Bran. Thea. BRldilT boy for pleasant office: good chance for advancement. Apply at once, 626 Plate Hank Bldg. SALESMAN Grocery and glassware ex perlence. Call 628 State Bank Bldg A areata, ftaleerae and Solicitors. NO classification; liberal contract: new policies. Mutual Benefit Health nnd Ac cident Association, 42$ City National Hank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Apply 62 State Bank B'g 1 GIRL for general office work. Call at 131-20 Woodman ol the World Mldn." Aetata ana IHlMnomts. WANTKD Agents and solicitors In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmur; cithur sex; all or spare timo; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. Address J. W. Reel, care The Twentieth Century Farm er, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Tyler IQUO. factory aaa Trade. LEARN halrdresslng. Oppenhelra Parlors. Alosise keepers ss UoaiMttss, . THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired resulta This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A girl for general housework,' 1329 H. 31st Bt. WANTED Reliable foreittn girl for gen eral housework. H. 4;S. EXPERT lady sienoi'rapher will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training g.vcn for bus. nest ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4824 Douglas Bt Tel. Walnut 2S27. WANTED Good girl for general house work; references required. Harney 817, or call 102 8. SMh St. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school) :$0 to 4:00. Night school. 1:16 to :13. ' 18th and Farnam Sts. Doup'u 4647, WANTED At once, a competent cook. Mrs. M. B. Updike, 3014 Jackson St. Harney g'.'M.. . SECOND girl wanted. Mrs. Dcgen, VM& Woolworlh Ave. , l' I VTI'I I X clr) tfr ffenarul a ,U J Mis. Dcgen, 8.i0i Woolworth Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work, references required. Mrs.- D. F, Baker. 102 So. 3Kt h 8 1. H srney 317. WANTED A good girl tor-general house work at once. 4H43 Dodge St. Does Your Trade Use ' Punch ; Boards? TEE K & S. SALES CO., (Not Inc.) Invites correspondence from salesmen who are making their trado regularly. The most remunerative side Una no samples no collections commission paid as soon as order is shipped. ( We want only first class men.' Inquiries to receive attention must state line car rial and how long, class of trade called on, territory and how often covered. THE K.&S. SALES CO., (Not Ino.) '.")4 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. Wanted Reliableand ResponsiblerMen We will greatly extend our agency force during 1916, and we want several men of standing and ability for good position's. Commission agents, who make good, will be -given better positions. Write for par ticulars, giving references." Will only consider men with good cloan records.' OLD LINE ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY. ' Bankers Life Bldg.. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Several neat appearing rasa for soliciting. Money daily. Call at once. kill Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED Agents and sollctors In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; althor sex; all or spar time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer, umana. neo. WANTED Experienced salesman with established trade or wide acquaintance to represent large Bt Louis shoe manu facturer in Kansas and Missouri. QTva age, experience, shipments, references and full Information. Address "Floren-k" Progress Station, St. Louis, Mo. WINTER TERM M08HEK-UMPMAN COLLEGE, MONDAY, JANUARY 4. Unsurpassed classen in business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Pisces pro vided for young people to work for hoard. ror free catalogue, address 181 MOS! IE R-LAM PM AN COLJ.EtJE. th an J Farnam Street. 0'nan. Xel Miscellaneous. i YOUNG women com ni; to Omaha ss j strangers are Invited to visit the Young ! Women's C'hrlntiun Assoclut.on liiill.llng m 1st. Mary's Ave. and litli St.. where they ! will be directed to suitable I hoarding plsees or otherwise asslmei. T.orilt fur out' ! tiavelr'sgulde st Jb'nlonstatlon. ; LADIES' misses' conts.esults, dresses & i skirt eamplfs st wholesale prices. Hnn offs New York Sample Store. Ion N. Ifith. FOR SALE In town of 2,400, 1 plr.tura show and 1 theater well equipped for pictures and vaudeville: large sta. food scenery; will sell both or either; busl- I nesa excellent; reason for U1iik. must ' get on homestead: cash or no deal: d m't answer for curiosity. Address Y 300, Hee. I FOR BALK Stock In a corporation hav ing $160,000 paid up and not a dollar in debtedness. Stock Is being sold to ex uan business. Have an order now for 100.000 articles at 48o each.- Profits esti mated at per cent net. Try and think of something anywhere near ss good. C M. Eston, Business Broker,' 1106 Wood ri'.n of the World r'OR SALE Only moving picture show in good town of 1,2i0. Will stand thornugli Investigation.. Address all com nintrations to Y 81, Bee. ill ROW rich in business of yor awn. j. t out of the'wago earners' class. Your co-operiition with our factory starts Ivou with little capital during spare time I in your own home. We manufacture ; ex 'lusive articles. No canvassing. K.x ; r1cnce unneccssnry. Write for booklet nnd lunpoe'tion. Address Pease Mfg. Co., I IH-pt. D ..' liuffulo. N. V. ! r.noci'RV .Tnsi' rr .,i. ...... ... elusive one In live town nf 1.100. located Id western Iowa. Do'ii good buslnesa Will pay to inell?at.i. flood reasons for sclli'ig Address Y-231. care Bca FOR sale the following scholarships in a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. Ono unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno- Krnphlc course. Will be sold at a discount at the of fl e or the oinur.a He. CLASS or private Instruction In English; lady instructor; sausiaotion guaranteed: rati s reasoualjle; best of references 3115 Davenport. H. 680. Maslcal Iastraetloa. RAG TIME piano piafmg taugtit tn 20 lessons Chr'stenser School, ''9 Cum ing St.. Walnut ;. Call or write. I MANY government jobs open to women: list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. VI ( RnAhMl., Ni V I ASK for- Information regarding salary paid solicitors. Address Business j Woman's Mavszlne, Box A. Ames Ave, I Station. Omnhs. lADiry-Jmrnciliutely, tilling and label- n rtfil. . I IMK i'.. ii. 'in.' -,riiiiifci.. 5 orii. e steady, no nxper epce; 12 weekly; no cunvat:slng' i r-'i-Heiit opportunily; en- ingllsh; 1 close etamp. Erina Bpi-clalty Co., To- i ronto. out." NEW 'Household Invention Just ready. A sale at every house. New priced, perfect shear and k.tchen knife sharp ener. Needed In every home every day, Nothing else like It: If per cent nroflt. Grinds perfect efige jn 10 seconds. Works likj mans!". Child inn use It. Women buy on sight. No talking, $400 a month. Territory now open. County free. Busl iubh supplies capital. Highest oppor tunity ever offered to agents, ' gnerul sg-nls and managers. Write today. Send iiostnl Willi name and addrees for c'iiii.'eM Information. Qutekedne Sham ener Co., Dept. 603, at 215 W. .chiller St., i mciiuo Li - SPECIALTY aaleeinen in and out of city: exiwnses daliy; call evenings. . Fast- Bailing Household Specialty Co., . 2019 Dm'glsa Bt. ; WK CAN use high class salesmen for the following lines: ? tl). Pasta, Ink, carbon paper. (. Graphite, boiler supplies. - (i). The best lino of advertising novel ties, including the newest poster stamps. . .. (4) . Clocks, aluminum ware, casseroles, , eto. . (5) . Ilire country sorghum. NEBRASKA WESTERN BELLING CO., Ino. liOS1 Hee Bldg. THE LUTHER line of tool grinders gu- Ing to the retail hardware trsde i open for Kansas end Nebraska. Stralgl)U commission proposition, 0 per cent. Man must finance himself or give bond. An excellent chance for a Uve'wtra with no limits to . possibilities. Luther Grinder Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. SALESMEN wanted. Have a goodi $6 spe cialty for the right man making tha retail trade; good money maker as ' a side line. Address Y &), Bee. - o. HARVEST HATS Specialty side Una. In great demand. Few openings for hust ling salesmen with good references In certain territories. Liberal commissions. . Caradtne Harvest Hat Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. o. AGENTS make big money and beon) sales inannKcr for our goods. Fast of fice seller: fine profits. Particulars and sample free. One Dip Pen Co., tila Dally Hocoril, Baltimore, Md. EVERY household on faun In smalt town or suburbs where oh. lamps tare used, needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantlo Lamp, burns common coal oil llieronene); gives a light five tliaes as bright ss eleolrlu. One farmer cleared over $0"0 in six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning $100 to $300 per month. No cash, required. We furnish capital ti reliable' men. Write quick for wholesale prices, territory and sample lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 70S Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, II!. AGENTS Would you be satisfied to take in $6 a day? Write at once for our new proposition. Territory going fast. Don't miss this chance. Lincoln (Supply House, Lincoln, Neb. ' ' CHEWING Gum Sell to dealers; biggest Una manufactured, meet an y competi tion; send for price list ana samples. ine Helmet uum Co., Cincinnati." i NEED branch managers for my world- widev mall order business oparata from your own home In spare tirue. Na canvassing or peddltnaV Experience un- necessary. You should make $60 waaklx. Butler, 248 Factories, Toledo, p. WH have an eaKilv cm r led sme-llne selected calendars for route good man. R. V. Smith Co.. ltenver. lo. o WE PAY $i! a week and expenses to men wilh i Iks to intioUuoe poultry com pound; year'ii contract, In!erlal Mfg. Co., Dept. 78, Parsons, Kan. o MAKE $: to i weekly selling our new 300 .candle power gasoline lantern. Also taolo and hanging lamps for homes, stores, halls, churches; no wick, no chimney; costs 1 cent per nlglit; ex clusive territory; v.o loan you sample. Sunshine Safely Ump Colnprtny, s!S s'Mctorv Bldg., Kansas Cltv, Mo. o PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour servlaa on prints and flntuhed woik. Vrite tor cata logue. Roberts Artists, ICO McGee, Kan sas City, Mo. o WANTED-Resiionslbln party to take charge of busineas in each county; newt automatic comb. nation tool, combined wire fence stretcher, poet puller, lifting lack. etc. Lifts or pulls t tons, weighs 44 i pounds; sells to farmers, shops. tam- ste, s, etc. Descriptive catalogue and terms) ilium request. Harrali Mauu(aoturla Co,. Box K. Uloonilleld, Ind. o Sl'EClALTY salesmen wanted; good sal ary or commission. We are old estab lished company manufacturing large line; sell easily every business man,, every town. Write Warren Refining 6V Chein leal Co.. Clevolund, Ohio, WANTED Salesmen calling on roar chants with our advertising novelties, exclusive or side line; good proposition. We are manufacturers. Scent lasts Bo li ven ir co., ia h. j e t ferson. Chicago. EARN i0 weekly sailing collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free sam- flcs. Savers Co., IhU Laclede Bldg., St. oiils. Mo o. FOK EXCHANGE. FOR BALE or trade, meat market; splen did location, good business: will take land or residence property apd pay dif ference; have other business that re quires my time. Write Y-aifi, Omaha Bee. FOR BALE Csrsllsrc, New tc fd-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable Ainer. Kurn. Co.. 'i N. 16th. S'lOVES and fuin. attTl70jr N. " 2 1 thT WOMEN to sew at home, all rnsleilnf furnished and delivered prepaid to your door. We. want reliable workers; to such we offer gonl money, steady work, no canvassing. tnd stimped envelope for prices we pay. Vnivertul Co., Dept. 1, Walnut St.. Pti'ladelphls. Pa. HOI SEKFEPER and girl for office work. Call German Doctors, Main and Broad way, Council Bluffs. HELP WANTED MALE Clerleal Offloa HIGH-OHADB commercial positions. WKST REF. BOND ASSN., ' 7.SJ jf)inahsNat. Jiank Bldg. N, grocery specialties, for Lin coln and nearby towns; this position Is with a good firm, pays a good salary and haa excellent future possibilities. For full particulars and interview call at Uj State Bank Bldg. SOMETHING ORIGINAL Approved by tha Insurance department. $j,oiiu, principal 1 sum, yearly increase 10 per cent. . $lii a month for months. $100 funeral benefits. $hm) emergency fee. This hea.tu and accident policy costs you only $10 a year for any accident or sickness. Liberal commission and perpetual re newals to agenta Exclusive territory to the man that pro duces results. GREAT EASTERN CASUALTY CO., 460 Omaha Nat. Bank. Omaha, Neb. o GARTSIDE'B IRON Rt'ST SOAP CO., 4i64 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Gartslde s Iron Rust Soap tU. 8. regis tered patent No. &77) removes Iron rust, ink and all unwashable stains from clotli ii g, marble, etc., with magical effect. Good seller, big margins, liouae-tc-house agents and store salesmen wanted. The original, t.o a tube. Beware of Infringe ments and the penalty for making, sett ing and using aa infringed artlcls. a SALESMEN wanted; very skillful, oom-i pelent to sell big pperlaltv; $3u0 weekly to new men selling as many aa our best salesmen. Rush, Box Jn3, Iowa City, la. A D V EKTltSINO novelty salesman wanted! everywhere for . llilo; complete Una of new and patented specialties; whole or psrt time; outfit easily carried. Dept. 1$. G. Felmenthal & 'Sons. Ert. 1878, M 8. Jefenmn,Olilcago, ill. EXP. SHORT account rrflster salesman; new aluminum system, best In the mar ket:, pays largest commission. Wirt 'ale Book Co.. Chicago, SALESMEN We lay $1,600 to MiUiO yearly to men represi ir.in ua in western cltlea and townr; no s;ui;ples. no selling1 or collecting; cull only cn ail manufacturers, wholesale and retail merchants, banks! and doctor.; experience helpful, not necessary. W e pay every Thursday. 6uott full IniitructUil.s furnished that Suocnna Is assured; rare opportunity; write promiuly. It. O. Jones, Secretary, Uf Kchwind Bldg.. Dayton, O SALkSMt'N Agents. Competition killed. Electric flashing sign; over M different display arranKeinenu possible with 310 three and six-inch letter combinations, In colors; .0-lnch model $10. Sample to producers. Multiform, Manhattam Bldg., Chicago. MORE Morey for Salesmen Turn every spare hour into $10. Others are doing it wliu our BpiH-lal new side-line stunt. Beautiful clever, useful advertising sp c'allles that sell to all lines of business. Commissions averuge s to $10 eaoh saia. Small riat Una that goes' in auitcaaa, frea to good men who send full particulars about themselves and territory tn first letter (confidential). Baker AdvtirtWnjt Co.. 4-ta Cent mi, Puelilo. Colo. tCuullnued on IaT Tore Culunta Ow4