8 B 1HK OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 27, 1914. SIIOLES ALMOST $25000 VICTIM tTnited State, Attorney Howell Bare Kim from Falling for a Big Land Deal Fraud. 7. W. O'COSmi, 13 ARRESTED Was Already Cade Ullrtaut la Hew Mezlee Vmmd Deal Wm Trylasj te Trade "boles Boa Boa-aa JTortS"". Oa char r ef advising a echerne to de fraud D. V. Shales, Omaha real estate man, and hU patrons of fX.000 worth ef property end of using the malla for the purpose, J. W. 0'ConneIl who until recently was a real eatate operator with offices In the Brandela Theater building, was arrested Christmas day at Verdnn, fieb., by Deputy United Statea Marshal slogan Sfcmmona. O'Oonnell waa already under Indictment tf the fedral grand Jury, and la alleged fcy United Statea District Attorney F. B. Howell to have been instrumental In de frauding a man nnmed Kler of a 1.200 aero lrrUnlol trrct In New Mexico, by trading worth Vt :i tlrada and abatraota to fictitious io-acro farm near Fort Crook, whlrh u'C'onnetl claimed to own. Court decree in New Mexico eet aside the fake trade, Prosecutor Howell aaya. Then O'Oonnell, who held a $3,000 mort gajre on th New Mexican tract, la alleged to bar been an ready to trade hla no tea and inertgages, made worthless by the court decree, for a fine Douglas county farm, B ho lea being almoat hoodwinked Into making the deal. At the laat minute Sholes learned that ID Con nail waa already under Indictment. So promptly consulted Proaeeutor How tl, the alleged faka deal waa oxpoaed Juat In time, end 0Connell'a arrest quickly foQewed. Ho waa taken to Mullen, Neb., for ' preliminary examination before tho tufted Stats oomrniaaloner. Pastor's Wife Gets' . Hat Covered With Martha Washingtons Tho Castellar Street Presbyterian Sun Car school held Ita annual Chrlatmaa en tertainment In tho church auditorium Prtday oTonlng, before an audience of ton eOO people, mostly compoaed of scholars and their parents. A tableau, "Chrlatmaa for All tho World. waa presented by fifty children, costumed aa tho different pooplea of Asia, Semth America and tho United Slate. At the eoncruaion of tho play, Mr. WJll an Knnoid explained that owing to tho war to Europe It would bo impoaiiblo . for tho people of Caatellar to make their usual Chriatmao gift to tho paator. Ha added, however, that they would present Mrs. Meek, the pastor's wife, with a new hat for wearing next apring. A hat, two foot In diameter, covered with ser onty 11 bllla, waa then preeented her, With tho good will of tho congregation. Santa Claua, impersonated by Herman XreJle, paaeed out baga of candy to ISO Sunday achool scholars, v St. James Orphans Enjoy Celebration A delightful Chrlatmaa celebration that warmed tho hearta of 17 youngatera of St James' orphanage waa at Aged at that Inatutution Chrlatmaa afternoon by tho Knights of CoJumbua. A baauufu tree. substantial and ueeful gifts and plenty of wholeeome candy were provided by Santa Claua. otherwleo known aa Quo Rhomr.er. Then a fine orchestra concert was given and a Ols play of holiday motion plcturea waa pre anted by K. M. Borg. Other musical entertalnmenta by the Mlaaea Oottrall rounded out the happy Chrlatmaa program, Aa special recogni tion to tho devoted alatera in charge at tho orphanage, Santa Claua Bounded hla bugle In their honor, and all tho kiddie choored and whistled, t Tho Knlghta of Columbua annually flnaooo and preaent tho celebration for tho little orphans. , Those' In charge thta year Included T. Pi Redmond, chairman : Tom Qulnlan, P. II. Johnaon, Leo Hoff man. Dare O'Brien. J. A. Schall. Pegua McOough, P. O. Bolattd and P. H. Bulll-Iran. R. H. WOODRUFF DIES AT " HOME OF HIS PARENTS Ralph H. Woodruff, formerly edrer ttHlng manager of tho Twentieth Century yarmer, died at 7:10 o'olock Wednesday evening at Pols, III., tho home of hla parent. Mr. Woodruff waa compelled to leave Omaha nearly a year ago be eauco of 111 1 health. The newa of hla death waa a great aurprlaa to hla muv Omaha friends, because the laat report received hero waa that ha waa Improving although It waa known by hla more In timate frienda that ho wag a very glck PLAN ORGANIZATION TO ENCOURAGE MANUFACTURERS F, A. Brog an, a A. Goae and J. A. C. Kennedy have been appointed a com mittee to determine upon the legal status of an Industrial association the Com merelal club la planning to form for the purpose of encouraging the location of new industries In Omaha, This com mute will be asked to go over the pro posed articles of Incorporation and see that the plan meets the legal require ment. NATION FARMERS' CONGRESS MAY BE HERE IN SEPTEMBER The laat week of next September la tentatively agreed upon aa the date for the big meeting of the National Farmers Congress la Omaha- W. I. Ames of Oregon, Wis , has notified the bureau of publicity of this tentative date. H states that the delegations from the east will be large and that many expect to go from Omaha to Ban Francisco for the exposition befCfe they go back home. MANAGER KELLEY GIVES DINNER TO PILSEN TROUPE I'erry J. Kelley, owner and manager of 'The -Prince of Pilaen" company, that is playing at the Branddla theater, enter tkiiicd n: embers of the cast at the Rome Intel, following the evening performance oa Christmas day." After the giiesta had j urtaWu of a sumptloua banquet, the oe mm' " Jiour were pfit in dane ing. w-.-u the company, numerous HJc.il from tlie outslile accepted luvlta-"-.,,1 ttaJ Julned in tho fur r. I A: ""-; '--;V A I X (r-' f V- -i I "hi y xq Mii ( v i . , . .." r-v i- i ii aaaaaliswF , 2 f,F t 1 ' I ' ' II ; f -Tii.. "wt. . r - L"--r-iiiii- f Helen IZroiieJr OW, that the areaaed weeK te fore Chrlatmaa la passed, and tho rising tide of business Is being featured In all other lines, maybe the theaters Will perk up a little. Tho book ing aheet for the month of January at tho Brandela ahows some things of in terest, with little In the way of novelty. But these plana were made aome weeks ago, and It ia within the range of poaal- Jrtllty that before the month la out aome welcome announcements will be heard from the office of that house. The Or- pheum Is sticking to ita established policy, and is furnishing quite a worthy feaat each week, the aame being well lookad after by tho local patrons. Mana ger Johnaon la going along with the Oay- ety.on an oven keel, the standard bur- esque attractions oomtng to that house with more Ufa than ever. Manager Bur gess has equipped hla Boyd theater com pany la such i fashion aa la winning for it golden praise from everybody, for it ia a real acting organisation, and with ita strength Is presenting atandard plays In way that merits approval, which the publlo la not slow to bestow. Thus, Omaha may yet have aome pleasure at the theater during the second half of the current aeObn. At the Brandela the tuneful and familiar aire of "The Prince of Pliaen" will be heard again tonight for an extra perform ance. The beauty of theee songo, auch as "The Meaaage of tho Violet," "The Tale of the Sea Shell," and 'Stein Song." with ita awlniriiig Heidelberg refrain: The .Sung of the Citieo," , "Plcturea In Smoke ' and others, have served In large measure to maintain a lasting popularity for this entertainment This year there la an enormoua alistar revival of "The Prince of Plleem" and Its oaat embraces the names of John W. Ranaone, the ori ginal In the star role Eda von Luke, Edward T. Mora, Dorothy Delmore and others. (. Maurice Maeterlinck's fairy fantasy, The Blue Bird,' comes to the. Brandela theater for three daya beginning tomor row night, matinee Wednesday, having carried its iheasage of beauty and happi ness literally around tho earth. This gorgeously beautiful spectacle of Fairy land, which ran for KS days at The New Theater, New York, and which has never had a No, I company, has mado a trium phal tour of the larger cities and comes with the wonderful production and won derful company which has made It one of tho greatest permanent aucoeaaea In years. 'The Blue Bird" protraya a quest of happiness, the heart's desire. Tho cur- tlu rise oa a small brutlter and sister. Tyltyl and Mytyl, who are asleep In their beds in a woodcutter's cabin. They are awakened by the Fairy Benflune, wh I bids them start on the quest of the Blue Bird, the aymbol of Happiness.' She en trusts Tyltyl with a marvcloua green cap 1 with a inagtc diamond, the mere turning of which allows them to see the hitherto unseen. The adventures of thehtidren through beautiful lands and regions of despair are made the basis of a aerie of gorgeous apectaciea. Lovely mualo from the works of Debusay, Mauaenet and Blset enhancea the charm and there are many group dances by largo numbers of young girls. ' The cast of 109 la noted for its trained boy and girl actors, notable among whom are Jack bavla. who ptaya the hero, Tyltyl, and little Harriet Mandei, the girl companion, Mytyl. Among the elder membera of tho company are many clever character . actors, among whom are: Thomas K. Oorleaa, who will be eeen aa the sly. conspiring Cat; Gwen dolyn Valentine, tha. dancer, aa sinuous Water: Iaabelle le Page, aa. timid Milk; John Sutherland, aa puffy. Important Bread; and Oeorge Sylveeter, as honey, fugling Bugar; Henry Duggan as Tyte, the Dog; H. Morgan and Ethel Brandon, as Daddy and Mummy Tyl; Martha Mes senger, as the beautiful Light that guide the boy and girl la their quest of the Blue Bird; and Mary Rehaa, as Night; Elisabeth Evans, who will be seen as the Fairy Bvryiune; and others, like Angelo Romeo, the whirling dancer and imper sonator of Fire, and Do re Davidson, be nign and peaceful Old Father Time. lng achooL with' the reault that "Tha Ham Tree," which cornea to the Bran dela theater for two days, beginning Jan uary 1, wtth matineea on New Tear's day and Saturday, 'proves a rattling good show. Measra. Mclntyre and Heath are real actors. Earn presents a dlatlnot type of the southern darky. Mr. Mcln tyre aa Alexander, the livery stable hand, and Mr. Unath aa tho aomewhat pompous mlnatrel performer, offer a'bll of human nature which stand as nothing leaa than a dramatic achievement. In short, they are not overdrawn pictures of the impos sible Ethiopian, but individuals who truthfully exist. Tho character drawing aa executed by both actors la too well done to bo dismissed aa mere "coon stuff." In his revival this year John Cort has given "Tho Ham Tree" a mag nificent production and surounded his stars with a notable cast, Including Ed ward Wade, . Arthur Barry, Of to John son, Edward 8. Ho Id en, Norman Wood-' ward, Mildred Beverly, Mabel Elaine, John Lorens, Jack Bell, Winnie and Jack Crisp. "September Morn" will be the attrac tion at the Brandela theater for one day only, matinee and night next 8unday. Tha society drama, "Today." will be presented at tha Brandela theater for three daya beginning January 5. Oeorga Broadhurtt and Abraham Sohomer are the authors of Today." , Philip Bertholomae'a musical play, "When Dreams Come True," will be the attraction at the Brandela theater for two daya beginning January 10. Thuraton, the magician, will be the at traction at the Brandela theater for three daya beginning January 14. The Brandets theater haa for its attrac tion on January IT, 18, Vt and VS. "Peg O' My Heart," one of the greatest successes produced ( on the American stage in a decade. To start the new yeur In the proper spirit the Orpheum la bringing to Omaha this week a duo of stellar ottering, in addition to five other' excellent vaudeville acts, with also one of the most Interest ing aeries of world views In motion pic tures that the Travel Weekly has pre sented. One of the atarllne attractions Is to be Mfss Ray Samuels, a singer of engaging ifersonality, who waa one of the stellar lights who Illuminated the Zelg feld Follies. Another pf the dominant features of the bill la to be contributed by Claude Qllltngwater and Edith Lyle, who, with a company of five people, pre sent a one-act episode, "Wlvea of the i Rich." Another feature of the- bill will be the act offered by Oeorge White, aa aiated by Isabella Jaaen, In- a pleaaing ar rangement of aonga and danoea "An Every Day Occurence," la the title of the aklt to be offered by Wilbur Mack, the popular song writer, with his engaging partner, NeUa Walker. One of the most Interesting acts of the bill is the animal circus to be contributed by the clever dogs of Charles Prelle. It is the most unique of dog featurea A diverting melange of song, dance and story la to be contributed by Rita Boland and Lou 'At Me Jtay Samuels f - i -7 Jrxs . wA ihe 'Cajnttl City Trio Dale Turner will give a' program of her own selection, singing between the acta. Mrs. Turner la one of "Omaha's . best vocalists and will be th eftrst of a aeriea of, local singers and instrumentalists to appear at the Boyd in connection with the a took company. ) The first . performance of "Cinderella" will be at thelmittnee thia afternoon and the bill will run all week, with tho reg ularsnatlneea on Wednesday and Satur day, and a special holiday matinee un New Year's afternoon. .;'.. The attraction "aTtha popular Gayety theater for the week beginning with , a matinee today will be Blutch Cooper's "Gypsy . MaWa," with Tom McRea and Belie Mallette In the principal roles, and a auporlor aupportlng cast and chorus,The entertainment la said to be one of 'the brightest, and ' cleanest of these to play the Gayety thia season'..! The Immense Holts, both of whom were formerly mem-! uoc f the extra or midnight per nors of the Elsie JrfMa company. To round out thia except! on si bill cornea Harry Do Cos, who doea all manner of durious things with tables and chain. " This week at tho Boyd theater Manager Burgess has prepared a gala revival of "Cinderella," to be presented with all the spectacular featurea and ef foots needed to make this favorite fairy story live. In all its colors and llghta In addition to the regular company, more than 100 neo Pl will be employed, among them a apo dal ballet and solo dances, arranged by Prof. Chambers. Helen Kroner, well known In Omaha as aa . advaaoed pro fessional dancer, will lead the ballet, and witn nor will work Mildred House, an- f ormance staged at tho Gayety ' last sea.- son on New Year'a eve. ' at 'which 'time every seat In the theater w as-filled and scores of others satisfying themselves with the next best thing standing room has prompted Manager Johnson to an nounce still another of these novel per formances which will start at 11:30 Thurs day night, about, a halt hour after the regular evening performance ' Is over.' Both performances by the "Gypsy Maids" on New Year's eve will be Identical '. in every respect, with tha exception .of ,a big surprise at the stroke of 13 the time you will be wishing your neighbor ."Hap py New Year." At lust five minutes of U the action of the entertainment will be halted to permit of the Introduction' of (something said to be thoroughly, typical Other of Prof. Chamhara' utniwt-J .t...n these dainty dancers appearing la solo f t,"ah of m n1 ,he blrUl of mi- movements aa well as In the ballet Ail Added to the genuine .delight created whenever Mclntyre and Heath appear before an audience is me of the best musical comedy chorusea that waa. ever graduated froui NtKl Waybura'g "finish. tha special scenery and atage equipment for pauture effecte baa been provided and the production will be -complete In every detail. In the cast Miss Mc Henry will appear ' as Cinderella. Mr. Lynch as Prince Charming, Miss Dewar as the fairy queen. Mr. Bliss aa Pi cot. alias Thomas and Miss Warfleld as the wicked sis ters and tha others in suitable rolea. A special feature will be . addl fur Tuesday evening only, aheu Mrs. rJeulttb, Just what it la cannot be ascertained that's the secret and the surprise but that It a to be staged at tha. Gayety U sufficient assurance that It will be not only worth while, but entirely out of the ordinary. There will be ex traj car service on all llnva after the conclusion of the midnight chow, which will terminate at 1:45 a, m. Matinee every day. New Year's day matinee at I O'clock. . . iivauing the bill at the Empress this week la the f'Capltol City Three." ' These three boys were formerly the matn sOsm of the Capitol City Four, which sanfand amused audiences at the, Empress, this summer. They are tho possessors of very melodious voices and a rare rich humor that baa pleased Omaha .audiences be fore. ' Henry St Adelaide : offer a novelty song . and danoe number. The Mualoal Geralds will offer sonvt new aonga and popular bits In- their own, original way. Tho Mardo .Trlo In "Tommy Atkins on Duty," an acrobatlp novelty, will complete .the bill with some rapid fire acrobatics on the triple bar. 1 Since the assorted pro gram of photo plays haa made such an Impression on the audiences, the manage ment has arranged a special and selectedl bill of pictures. .In order. to see th pic tures, arrange to see itb am bef or 2:00 and 7:80 and after, the S0 and :00 Volook vaudeville performances. . . .- -. . d . . , For -one 'day only, - Sunday, December Zl, the Hipp theater has secured the five part Broadway vitagraph' attraction, "A Florida ' Enchantment." Monday and Tuesday, December 28 and IS, Max Fig man and Lolta Robertson will be seen at the Hipp theater. In "Tha Hoosler School master." ""The Sign of the Cross" has been , filmed by 'the Famous .. Flayers' Film company, with ..an extravaganza of scenio and spectacular effects and . will be shown at tha Hipp 'theater two days, beginning Wednesday, December 9. Dus tin Farnum, In "Cameo Klrby," will be the attraction on Friday and ' Saturday, January 1 and 1, at the Hipp theater. Btoa Test Ceigk Dr. King's New Discovery will do Iff get a bottle today ; quick, safe, sure cough and cold remedy. Wo and 11.03. All druggists. Advertisement. ; Big Film Company ;is Sued as Trust by New York Concern NEW YORK, Deo. ML The Greater New Tork Film Rental company, an ex change for the circulation of moving picture films In New Tork City, filed a Phermen law auit today agatnat the General Flm company. Its offlcere and component companlee, for 11,800,000, three times the amount of damages alleged to have been caused by the defendants' acts. It Is charged that the defendants have combined to operate and conduct an un lawful buslneaa "under thai cloak of the so-called Edison license agreement. '' The plaintiff aaeerts that It bad built u by January, IMS, a business which bad a valuable good will and waa a profitable one: but that Ita business has become practically worthless since that date cause of the acta of the defendant. The extent of Injury to fixed at WM0.009, and the amount sued for Is asked voder that section of the law which presorlbes threefold damages. be- AM ' Revised I rover be. Any umbrella In a storm. Consistency doesn't buy Jewels. A patient waiter Is no refuser of ,ttpa. A little learning la a dangerous thing but the same amount of Ignorance beats it. Boston Transcript. AMUSEMENTS. ANCIEHESTI. AMUSEMENTS. W5K SUNDAY 17 Tha Capitol City Three Forxaerly bo Capitol . Olty roar he Boyal Batertatnen Tho Geralds Mosloal sTorelty oa Tae aaaade-phoao arioTr.o, Comedy Aerobata Henry end Adelaide oaf aad Baaoo BTovelty Aa Assorted lrogrem of PHOTO PLAYS . Comedies, Dnuatasv Zduoatioaal t aad STrwa Weekly ' 10a ADMISSION Qfi Beserred Seats lOo Extra , CORNELL I'USICAL CLUBS AMERICAN Tomorrow THEATER Night, Dec. 28 box orrica brsxT 10 A. x. -1.AO, ai.oo, aso. DRANPE1S THEATER y,1?. T O IM I O H T I T H EI I EXTHA TIME PRINCE OF sPiiEiV ' With XOHW W. UVROIB, tho Original HAITI WaCUTXXV. FJtlCXB OaUery. 8 So) Balcony, BOe, T8o and tl.OO. Orchestra gl.ga. TOMORROW, TUES. and WED. DEO. 28, 29 and 30. GALA HOLIDAY MATINEB WEDNKSDAY. Tlie FAREWELL nnd GOODBYE of Maeterlinck's World-Famed Fairy Fantasy hp m pi ...I.. .mm, ,. 1 1 lu ii,,,,!,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,!,,,,,,.,,.,. WIESENTED BY THE MESSRS. SHITRERT. The Wtmdrrfal Drama Spectacle and Wopderful Companj" Wblch Hna Delighted Everybody Prom Coast to 'Coast. .Drama Comedy Music-Dances ORIGINAL $150,000 PRO- ni y "V sCPWZ DUCTION AND CAST OP 1WU lJI 1. HisTC3 j NOTE: THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A NO. 8 COMPANY PRICES EVENINGS AND MATINEE, 25o TO $10. M"J VEAfTS ATTOAGTIOq. strvslrln-exr Snl .Tmn 1 . ' Mattnejej - "e e Each Day r AiiCa nrn ' r 71 "sm mtxr 1 in I VJ III i I II 1 1 -"i 1 4 GiEATqI 0" sooK.etGcoR.oe v hob art. urics bt wiuiaii juope. nunc vt jvut tewwuz sTZOBTIl Ziower Floor 92, UO; Baloony, fl, ego, SOo OaV IlCCSZ ery S- MATHTEi:a, new Tear's aad Batozday, Xwr Floor, fl.SO, fl Baloony, T5o, SOO Oallery, a 5c SBATS sTBUXBXk s Daily Matinee 2:15 Night 8:15 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE New Year Week ' Starting Sunday, Matinee, Dec. 27. . Tele phone Doug-. 494. Ray Samuels The Blue Streak of Vaudeville Claude Gillingvater Edith Lyle & Go. In Mr. Gilllnrwater's Own Thrill, lnr Dramatic Play "WIVES OF THE) RICH" George . Wp Assisted by Iaabelle Jaaen In An Arrangement of Songs, and Dances Charles Prelles'Aniina! Circus Introducing the Robbery of the OYerland Express Harry Da Goa J The Man lth the Tables and , . . Chairs Wllber KalU . Usck & Wato In "An Every Day Occurrence1 Rita Boland Lou Holfz i In a Melange of Song, Dance - - and Story . ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY The World at Work and Play Around the World With the Orpheum Clrcult'a Motion Picture ' I'liotographera lYlrea Matinee, gallery, lOc. .Beet Seat .(except Saturday and Sun day), 25c. NlKhts,.10c, 25c, 50c and 75c. BOYD DOUCLA3 1919 Oonuneucing Sunday ' Mat. and ail week. Mats., Wed. and Sat. New Year's Matinee, ' Friday. All Matinees 25c. Ths Boyd Tkeater Stock Company In conjunction with Prof. Willard Cham bers and Pupils, fn mr Prodm tlon of iCDBBBLU i , bSbbSbbbI Soce 100 People lOO Children Fairies , Children Special feature TuesM . ... iety Nifiht Be tween Acts Krs. Bsulih Call Tamer IN SONGS. Nest Week: fjipp THEATER-D.tlSJ . j5tn and Baraay. Sunday Only, Dec. 27, 1114 Ths Vitagraph Co. - Presents Xdlth atorey la A Florida Enchantment Monday & Tuesday Dee. 28-29 The Varamonnt restore mm Oa, Vreaeata tax rigmaa la Tha Koosier Sctioolmasler Wedfand Thurs. Dec. 50-31 Daniel rrohmaa Preaeata William Parana la Tb Sip of tha Cross Friday end Saturday Jan. 1-2 Jesse L. Lasky present Dustin Farnum ; j. -' Canco Kirby i a an GYPaY maids Dally Mat- l-8-oOe. s(i,( is-aS-M-TSe, i sMa a. Biui mm-m m.t.nW BT.wivn T.VPaV MnlM aloal COOrfia'l niuriseqae Tom "Smoke" McRae and St ether fun- stera. Heauty . norua or r onune ieu- v... i .. ... . . -4 - . . v . ... v , A rs. 1)1 K u r Hi ew, i - nit Show larUntf t 11:30 Now TmWt Kv. IaSIXI' SOU SCAT. WMMX SXT.'