TIIK IJKK: OMAHA. SATUKDAV. PKOKMUKK lY, 1014. SWAI'PKIVS cot ri V AUKBS-I'nir hip waders, ell 8H. only used tw,i time, to sell or swap. What haxe yon? Address f O. 41. Hi e. WATCH CHAINS Two Gross, new gold watch chains. Rrtnil Rt tl.fo rnrh. Price $:. will exchange for diamond rlnir ur light auto or offer. Address 8. c. 4 U, Hoe. thid plowi'min Axn ivtm John son RKVOLVKII-3J cal.. botn In good shape. Will swap lor a kodak or .C2 s'ev n' repeating rifle or Marlin rifle. Mu:ht rive a little to hoot If your stuff is bri ter than mine. Address. 8. C. 3.M, lie. m:.l kstatk FARM A HtMH I.AM. FOR ALK FOR BENT ( A prtme1 and Flats. ST. OEORQE apartment, located In se lect West Farnani residence district; one 6-rom suite for rent; heat, wuter, janitor service. Phone Webster 1674. The Knickerbocker OMAHA'S FIN F.ST APT. HOUSE. 58th and Jones sts One seven-room apartment for rent. EU JOHNSTON. Harney T1S. or PAYNE ft BIATKH CO., Douglas WIS. 6-R modern flat, J30S S. 24th; IU. Phone I'arney 4711. Moving. Packing. Storane Phone L) 34 or Web. 1W3. GordonVanCo. til N. Ilth St. jQDKN ANNEX. Council Hluffs, ooma wltli kitchenette, ateam heat. Phone 44a. THE HELEN, t M64 Harney Street. Choicely located apartment!". eav Walking distance, S rooms; winter, I4f; plenty steam and hot w.ver. MARIL'8 SORENSEN. Office 214 Harney St. Tel. Dour. 6790. Nebraska. rOOR MAN'S CHANCE. Father and son must relinquish two rood cialms. moderately Improved, within the next tno weeks. Here Is l,lA aoroa only 8 miles from county seat. Uctter than averntte. Price of both, Including improvements. r,v. J. (. eiton, Mjulirn. Neb. PM'TION Kimball Co Gross. 21fl Paul. STOCK RANCH FOR-SALE. ell Improved 4vKacre ranch in Hooker county, with ) acres under cultivation. I must sell. The price Is exceedingly low. Write Kdw. H. Welton, Mullen, Neb. IlKAL KSTATK WKST SIIK 40-ACRE HOME. 5 miles west of city limlta of Omaht; Isnd lays gently rolling-; 5H acres alfalf t. about 3 acres pasture and almut one ace In g-raiH-s. balance In cultivation; new tl room house and other (rood Improve ments. Price. $:?3 per acre. 2!Lr!ran'',, Theater Rids' Doug. JTlf, Calkins & Co. Yuletlde C.reetinR to all their friends. Douglas 1313 Cl,y Nat 1 So A RES. nil In alfalfa, cuts 4 tons to acre, mo acres. 1?) acres in alfalfa; gond house, barn, sheds; all fenced. hoK tight. W-arre ranch, all fenced, . anil 4 wires; house, barn, good supply tank and cistern, m barrels: 1.1 miles from Cuzad: at bar gain If sold soon. Hox 314. t'orad. Neb. FUATS. 1813 Chicago, 8 rooms, close In. brick, $W. r.2- N. 24th, corner California, 5 rooms, heated. p 120 N. ;iOth, 8-room brick, JC2.50. -"l s. jiit n. ft room brick. f.n. n.i.ir;r i: i .au.na.m i.i.r.. 4".' Hurt, 9 rooms, hot water hent. $C. 2 Cass, lull 2-story, 4 bed rooms, tin. lu s. KUd, one block from Hanarum Park line, 8 rooms. r.iihkc. M.'. O'KEEFE HKAL ESTATE CO.. 3"16 Omaha National. Douglas 271.. HEATED APARTMENTS, per month Seven-room apart mefct In Her Hldg., 61 S. liitli St.; heat, hot and cold waier, Innitor service. , GEORGE & COM PANT, 902 City National Pank lildff. Phono Douglas 7."ti. Oklahoma. 8.M0 ACRES. Inrfie and small tracts; nb. solute title; I'ltisburc Co., farming,. pns tiire, oil, coal land; fc to $X per aire. Vrlte J. E. Cavanagh. McAlester. Okl. A I arnnatau ' Upper Wisconsin Beat duy and general ciop stats In tha anion; scalers wanted; lands for sale al low I rKea. oo easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Or ant. Ktatt acres wanted. Writs about our grazing landp If lntereated in fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address hand Dpt. So l.ino Ky.. Minneapolis. Minn. Famished HoaseUeeplnar Itooms. DAVENPORT, 2018 TWO NICE f A" FUR NISHED HKPO, ROOMS; $.1 M WEEK. Board and Hnomi. g lth. tl8 Ec. board, clean rooma. IjARGE comfortable room with hct an! cold water; a splendid home; settled business man preferred. Call H. i4i o. farnlaaed Hut, ma. 21! SO. 25TH ST. Strictly modern, deslr able, reasonable, respectab'e, close In. 1 Vernn, 1812 Cap. front rrns. Stem. ht. Fl'RNlnUED room for rem. near reigo. ton university phone Hondas 7281. I'LEASANT, warm room. 131 N. 31st Ave. Harney 1188. FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North Uls Ave. oODEN HOTJOL,. Council Bluffs, atea-n heated rooms, $2 per week. Phone 'it. J,a Verna, 1812 Cap. front rma. steam ht. Largo, atrlctly modern, m 8. 24. D. 71ft8. Hotel SBd Apartment. ' CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Week iy rates 11 and up. louas 7i8a DODOE HDTEL- Modern Reasonabla. Honsea and ottatcea. SIODERN 2-story hoUBe, 7 rooms; never occupied; new furnace; 820. Doug. 653. ALL. sizes, 83 per month up. 507 Paxton. ELEflANT 6-room. mooern DricK apart ment; newly decorated; $00 per month, !4 South 2!th Bt. Cottage, 2044 Vlr.ton St.. ftas, electrlo light, water, toilet, $15 per month. Frame flat 1129 S. 29th St., newly decorated, f: per month. J. 0. 1SII, EXECUTOR. 70S P. 31st Ave. 'Phone Harney 243. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; (-horse van ard t men, $1.25 per nr.; storace $2 per It o. Patiafactory i;ar. D. 4338 tc Ty. FOIL KENT We nave a complete' list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list tan be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storaae Co , 80s 8 Mth Ht Fidelity Storage Co Ktoraae, moving, packing anu shipping. lth A Jackson 8ts. Phone Douglas ZM. UOUSeS creigh Son A Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern 8-room bouse. 306 b Kih Ave. Inauire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 10M. Dounlas 1214. J-R house, mod., suitable for two fam ilies. OouKiaa a. Van and Stor age Co. Larae vun. 2 men. 81. M Der hr . oray. 2 men. l.a per nr. 17U Webster. Uoug. 14W. per hr . oray, 2 men. T C Reed f&i JV Au J207 Farnan & atorauc Farnam. D. 614. :TEAM heat, all modern, 1-roora house; also 4-room flat 220 No tad. 1301 8. 3-d St., 10-r., all mod., tw. 619 N. lth, -r., all mod., $40. 4S18 Underwood Ave., 7-r., all mod., $35. -0s S. 22d St., 9-r., all mod., $!0. i7W Ruggles. 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $ln. ill 8. 2 iii M.. -r., part mod., tJ. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 4-3 Bee Plug. Douglaa 633. Store and Offices. $22.50 per month 2916 Sherman Ave., room lox&O ft., good basement. Itl.OO per month 2U08 Cuming St., room 20x60 ft., full basement. y0.00 per month 707 S. Wth St.. very de sirable storeroom, opposite new hotel, JOjiW ft., ateam heat. fsi.00 per month New, modern storeroom In Harley Hotel llldg., 2uth and Far nam Sta. Very attractive store front, full baaement, steam heat. We also have some very desirable space at a low rental, for light manufacturing In the Webster-Sunderland Hldg., Wth and Howard Sta. CJHORUK & COMPAN Y 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas J.". Douglas Street Store UriLDINQ, 22xU2, vacant January U make early inquiries, as this Is centrally located. BTRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. WANTED TO UVT OFFICE furniture bought and sold. 1. C. Heed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. i46. WE BI'Y ?l-nano .'.nines 1421 -V 24th. SL'IUHTLY used pianos. Douglas 2017. WANTED TO DORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 on well Im proved ranch consUtlig of 3,300 acre in Banner county. Ne'oraaka. Address Hope Brown, Bighorn, Neb. REAL ESTATE. FARM HANOI LAND) FOR ALB Btlaawtorl. FOR BALE 400 acres choice N. W. Mis souri corn land; well improved; eay term. Address Y 111. Be. $j DOWN, $j monthly buys 4o acres, grain fruit, poultry land, near town, healthy location. Pr.ce only $220; W luonthly ous V) acres. Bo 425 J. Cartuage. Mo. CsTliforala. FULL and authentic information regard ing California land fur the asking. NO EXPEN.-E to you. You deal direct with owner. Let us help you in your planning; for a home, away from cold and snow. California clluiau needs no word from ;s. Wa have a Urxe Hat of satisfied customers. Go on one of our excursions and look over our colony lands located near Sacramento City and be convinced Save your railroad expenses by dealing v nh us. Yls.t the exH-!ilon, combining pleasure with your business. Tracts of all aize. improved and unimproved. Very little raxh recpilred. Write today or call. W.T .-M1TH COMPANY. 1112 City Nat 1 Bank HldK. D. ',?na Omaha. Neb. Miscellaneous. We have a patty who own a half sec tion of land thnt Is nil fenced and has 240 ai res broken and ready to put in snrinir i-iain crop. Another parly x ho hits 200 ai res that nre tinier cultivation, which can be nut In fprlnii piHln. such as wheat or oats. This land Is all level, within 4 miles of one town and two miles of another, lo cated in Weld county, Colorado, which i in the nnrthensetrn part of the state. In a locality where there Is a great deal of small grain raised every year. This land can be rented very reasonable, or sold on a small payment down. Here Is an opportunity to get atarted to own your i n l:ind on a small cash payment, or It can be rented for one year or more. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. o REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANTED, GOOD EASTERN NEBRASKA OR IOWA FARM FOR .FINE CATTLE RANCH. One of the very best cattle ranches in Nebraska. Not a foot of sandy land, all good, hard soil; best of all-ycar-roun.1 pasture: lota of wheat grnsa hay. Fine natural shelter, good water, plenty of cultivated land to raise roughness; can raise alfalfa. New right-room house; new 64xt'4 barn, corrals, windmills and tanks. Ranch lenced and cross-fenced ; 14 miles from railroad town of l.fiOO people. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LAND SPECIALISTS, Ware Block. Omaha. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of 153 acres. Land all lays fine and Is excellent soil. Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMBS, 15 Brandels Theater, Cmaba, Neb. Douglas 3916. A 600-ACRE ILLINOIS CORN FARM FOR CATTLE RANCH A well improved corn farm, only W miles from Chicago. Black sandy loam, very smooth, well drained land. tlood shipping facilities. About half In cultiva tion, balance tame pasture. Every acre tillable. , PAYNE INVESTMENT. COMPANY, - LAND SPECIALISTS, Ware Block.. Omaha. WANTS CLEAR LOTS OR LAND for modern home; easy wa'lc to heart of Omaha, near car lines, . schools and churches. Ideal for large family or high Class rooming house. To .nan who will assume $H,uO0 on easy payments, tig bar gain Is open. O'KEEFE REAL E8TATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat l. Dovglas 2715. WELL IMPROVED IRRIGATED FARM IN THE FAMOUS SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY Will consider good Omaha residence property or an eighty-acre eastern Ne braska Improved farm in part payment for this line lCO-acre farm. Improve ments are very good. Land all In culti vation and Irr. gated from the U. S. gov ernment Pathfinder reservoir, under a tystem which provides more water than can posslbiy be used. Soil very fertile, producing big crop of alfalfa, sugar beets, grain and potatoes. big money maker. Price, $116 per acre $18,400. Encumbrance, $2,600. Will carry back additional reasonable PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LAND SPECIALISTS, Ware Block, Omaha. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of floe in Nebraska. 206 P -ndels Theater. KERK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, a modern abstract office. 305 8. 17tb Bt Phone Douglas 5487. REAL KSTATK LOANS CITY and tin in loaua. 5, irt. per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Ac Co. 132U rarnara. OMAHA homes. Eat Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTAT& CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2718. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. $luu to llu.iAio muue prompt. y. F. D. vVead, Mead Bldg., im ana farnam ni. !AIVI' MliOSt Loans, $ M and un. tic, CITY 1XJANS. C. O. Carlberg Co., ' Ilu-312 Brunuels Theater bidg. CITY properly. Large loaua a special'. W. H. Thomas, 22 State Bank Bldg. MoNEY on band for city and farm loans, H W. Binder. Cltv Natl. Hank Blrtg. SEE us fimt if you want a farm loan, t'uited State Irus: OmaLa. Neb. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern bouse, recently purchased by DM. This hoiiae Is located in the West Farnura district, one block from Leaven orth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, whii enamel bath, sleeping porch, eul. ful lawn. You can buy this bouse at a big sacrifice. Address. M 2if. Bee. -r after g p rn. phone VV,v.er M4 Armstrong-Walsh Co. Extend their best wishes for a Merrr. Xmas and a Happy New Year to all their customers and friends. Tyler 1536. Stata Bank Bldg. With best wlahes to all of our friends and custo mers for a very Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year. Harrison & Morton D 1 ti Omaha National Bank Bldg. I a- xjiocns to 36th and Farnam $575 43xl!, $10 cash. $1 per week. Can you heat this? O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., ION! Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 2715. A Winter Bargain To sell these lots now the owner says sell for $.V) rash and $10 per month. You will find that this location Is fine These lots have water, sidewalk and sewer: are on the southwest corner of 44th agd Dav enport While these lots face north. If you would rather have an east front, we can well them that way. It will pay you to see these lots. Creigh, Sons& Co. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Italy and Great Britain Are Both Heavy Buyers of Wheat. CORN AND . OATS MAKE GAINS ( ash ates of ll tiralns Are Heavy and l.arare Proportion of Par rliaaes Are ( onalaneil for Importation. S OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET m rteo Mdff. Douglas 200. REAL ESTATF NORTH SIDE 7-Room House $40 Down $40 Month North Side. Good location. t blocks to car. IrKc lot. Cemented cellar. Furnace. Oak downstairs Dotihle stairway. 4 bed rooms. Path. Window shades. American Security Co Douglas 5013 or eveninus. uinut 3037; Harney IVto. FOH THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buys 5-room bungalow, every modern convenience and several built-in featurea. lark OMAMA. Dec. 24, 1HI4. Italy and Croat Krltaln were pur chasers of hoth casli and future, anil the. situation mis one of great activity, and cons dernhle strength was s.,o u nearly all day. There were some In too wheat market who had paper profits to their credit, and in an endeavor to t ana fer the paper profits to actual mone the market olsplu.ied more or leas weak ness, and resting spots for the day were a, net losses of Hiiic. It was a difficult matter to learn aa to the amount of cash wheat taken In all positions, hut the general imprtaslou here was (hat the total saics wer; around H.lVm.tnj hunhels. A cahle trom l.lvcixol snys that mar ket Is Inclined to trail on after tne price changes at Chicago. The situation lucre. i waa aitcctcd t.y the upturns lo re of Tuesday, hut this was offset In a mcaa- , ore by Increasing otters from Inula anil Argentina and hotter weather In the tat ter country. Corn was up Hft'ic, and oats showed gains of Vo-Hc. hoth of these grain:, showing more or less actlvl.y. Tho iasi, sales heie were itlO.uuo tmshels of corn, with 175.WO bushels for export, and l.llfi.noo bushels of oats, with l.OoO.vOJ bushels for export. Provisions were active with a good share of buying on outside orders. I ack ers sold May deliveries freely, and this pressure closed prices lower. U Is said that tho price of hogs and products rhow a good "cutting" profit, and this will account fr hedging sales by packers. Cash trade in lard was active, but In meats slow. Durum wheat was 1c higher. Hard winter wheat waa uncharged to Vc hlKln-r. Corn was V' to c higher. Oata were unchanged to V' higher. Clearances were: heat and flour etpinl to l,t'77.ti bushels; corn, K.WW busheln; oats, ('1.00r bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat, not quoted; corn, a higher. Primary wheat receipts were l,4r.S,X bushels and shipments !'K,0v0 bushels, against no receipts or shipments last year on account of holiday. Primary corn receipts were l.M.nwi bushela and shipments 797,000 bushels, ayainst no receipts or shipments last year on account of holiday. Prlmarv oats receipts were 743.000 bush els and shipments Mn.Oifl bushels, against no receipts or shipments last year on ac count of holiday. CAKDOT RFyCEIPTT. Wheat. Corn. r..;,e: No. 2 yellow, fv1if'c; No. .1 yeh low. KJV'oX'l, : N. 4 yellow. ti-'S'-fstc ; N. 4 ellow, :')M,.'i1c; No 6 yellow, Ut t-"to. iso. i mixed, i.juvV: No. 2 mixed, - it.iS'.'Xr; No. ;t mixed, S2V,Si;Hc: No. 4 I mued, no 5 mixed. i vic jFat Cattle Generally Slow and Weak ..v. ., ai.11-.,, ,.i .y,,-.. , i 'till.. .lu. d W 111. 4Tii47'.o; stanoatd, ITc; No. 8 w hite, 4;'.'ii.o; No. 4 white. 4i.uV,c. Ilailev: Malting, Wf?"c: No 1 feed. Wifxe. live: No. $l H'.(J I tk'.V,; No. S. ll.OIVtfl.ik.. and Others Steady. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF "wi.er is really sacrificing at this price; yX down; balance like rent; near Ko untie GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. S3SX C44 Brandeia nidg o Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 OMAHA NATL. BANK BLDO. DOUGLAS 498. Wishes its many customers and friends a holiday greeting. When Xmas Is over, see us for bargains in homes on the. easy-payment plan. To buy a home would be an exceptionally good way to begin the New Year. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE KOR ONLY $2,750.00 House in good order; has hardwood floors; corner lot, with afreets paved. Vacant lot, 4Xxl69, fronting Hemls Park, Just west of 3319 Cumins; St., for only $1,400. Well located to improve. W. H. GATES, $47 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Dou. 1294. REAL ESTATE SOUTH STDE The Byron Reed Go Extends to all its custo mers and friends the best wishes of the season. ' With the Season's best wishes and for a Merry Christmas. Creigh, Sons& Co. 508 Bee Bldg. TO WISH YOU A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR D. V. Sholes Co. 1 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Uaade. Buy For Xmas Big Sacrifice On Dundee House $700 cash buys a $1,400 equity ln practi cally new house In Dundee; 6 targe rooms besides bath, and extra large sleeping porch, full two stories and attic, oak floors throughout, large living room, ar rangement with fireplace. The house is well built, and only 1S4 years old. Full lot on high ground, 1 block to car; good garage with easy access. I'rlce, $4.1tO; $7oU cash, balance 6 per cent, payable $100 every three months. Glover & Spain 913-30 City National. Douglas &C2. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS We wibh all our patrons A Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year. Toland & Trumbull 448 Bee Bldg. FOR BALfa. A Vroom house, modern exc.pt heat; large corner lot, 140x70 ft.; cement walks, nice lawn; centrally located; a bargain if takn at once. Write or call, Kib and L, Cta.. Fremont, Neb. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL OUR FlUENPS Birkett & Company iZi lice IMi Douglas UjJ. Chloaro Minneapolis Imluth Omaha Kansas City Ht. I.oula Innlpcg 17J S! 41 liU air, 3 r.i 131 .11 livs Oats. i47 Theae sales were retorted today Wheat : No. 2 hard winter, 1 c:tr. $l.l!x; 8 cars, $1.19. No. 3 hard winter. 2 cars. $l.lVi; H cars, $1.1!); 4 cars, $l.l; cars, 1. IJiV.. No. 4 hard w, liter, 1 car, $1.17. No. $ spring northern, 1 car, $l.l'i. No. 5 mixed, 1 car (white) $1.16. No. 2 durum, 2 cars, jl.3.1. No. 3 durum rnlvcd. t cars, 2 cars, $l.tf. No. 3 durum m.xed, 2 car, Rye: No. 3, 1 car, $1.05. Corn; No. 2 white, 2 cars. iKISc No. 3 white, 4 cars, WViC. No. 5 white, 1 car, 63c. No. 2 yel low, 4 cars, KIVjC. No. 3 yellow, 9 cars, Sic. No. 4 yellow, 1 car. Bile; 2 cars, Wi-c. No. 6 yellow, 1 f ar, tL'c. No. 0 yellow, 1 car, ti;'4ic No. 2 mixed, 1 car tnear white), 63c; 3 cars, 62,c. No. 3 mixed, 3 cars (near white), 6.'4c; 1 car, &;; 8 cars, &Wc. No. t mixed, 2 caia tnear white), !2',c; II cars, tvi'no; 1 car. tUc. No. mixed, 2 cars, fc-'c. Oats: No. 3 white. 2 cars, 46c; cars. 46lsc. No. 4 while, 3 cars, 4ii'c. No grade, 2 cars, 46c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard, $1.18Vrl.20; No. 3 hard, $1.171 1.1HV4; No. 4 hard, $1.11&1.18; No. 3 spring, white, il.ltitoftil.17Vi; No. 3 spring, northern, $1.17',i &1.1M; No. 2 durum, $l.34iil.35; No. 3 durum, $1. 3.1ft 1.34. Corn: No. 1 white, 634 e-Vc; No. 2 white, 6:iV.13i4c; No. 3 white, 2t2i3c; No. 6 white, Vv5i.1c; No. 5 white, tttViiljttfc; No. 1 yellow, C3V4ff REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS DO NOT WORRY ABOUT RENT DAY. DO YOU? Mr. Salaried Man, can you keep your family as you feel that you must keep Uem in tho city and save enough out of your salary to support you in your old age? Have you seen any old farmera living in OU) PEOPLK'H IIOMKU? Not on your life. Why not put that savings bank deposit that Is bringing you only a small rate of Interest into a productlvo Irrigated farm? We will sell you one on easy terms. Oo onto this farm and be Independent for life and give your chil dren a chance to live In the open and grow strong and hearty. Whlie your farm is making you a living, and more, It will be increasing ln value every day yuu live and will make you rich. You lose money every day you put off this move. Come In and see us about It today. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, FARM SPECIALISTS, Ware Block. Omaha. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS BKHT INVESTMENT IN OMAHA. 2;i-8 Jackson bL I'riee $6,I0. Kasy terms. Dock at it, then call C. U. Moaer, Walnut 176tt. o IWALHTATBTKA NSF 'ERS.- Deads (114 tor record Dfrimhir 24, 1914: CUuda U Talbot and wit to Knna K. Llh. lot i. Kins' ubd t, Alrena Juhanoa and huaband to E. L. Datlr, lut 121, blmk 1, Hustings Hryiteo'a add. En.clta j. Hkosman to Jamea J. Tuhba. part of lot I, block I, Boulvard Terrac 7, Claud L. Talbot and wife to John V. Den ni. lut t. Kins' auo.1 Harry A. Tuker and l(a to Jobn D. I'rclfh lua. Dii aec. Ho-l'12 James H Adam and wlf to Marihall C. pi I Ion. lot 3, block I, Padduck l'la 0irc H. Prewr and wife to William Aid rup, lota 20 and Jl, slosk S, Albrliht'a An w a. Mary I Morton and husband to William t larka, lot 1, bloik 12. Halcyon HIM. BankaiV Hlty Investment company to Ed ward P. Wright, lot 7, illnneyhuret Bankers" Healty Inveatment couipaur to Al bert C. bullork. lot 4. Blnneyliurst Kdward P. WrlKit and wlfa to liankera' llaolty Inveatment company, lot 7, lilnuey hurat Albert C. UullcKk to Uankers' Really In vestment company, lot 4. Blnoeyhurst tint ti.o .Rti it rMtviita I'rlera nn Hoard of Trade. ( HICAOO. Hoc. "4 - Wheat showed goo.1 rallying power today alier the tact Ucame etloem that Kuropean demind had not materially fallen olf. ilr Ho Argentine ailvi lavorlng tho hear sl.le The market rlosed steauy at a shade decline to 'ao-V' adance. compared aim lam night. Corn wound iip with a gain of dk:c atid oats of V- Tho outcome) in provialuiia us umlinmiM to lOc higher. i-.xport houses watched their chance anil promptly took oflers of wheal as soon as the market had undergone n set back. The down turn desired hv the representatives f foreigners came earlv at. a result of a decline of Jo at liuenos Ayros. where. In addition to laorahlo weather for harvest, estimates of a idg I'Ximrtahle surplus bad caused depression, which was loci eased by almost prohlol tlvo rates for vessel room to Europe. On the other hand, tho bullish reac.lnn here was accompanied by announcement that export clearances from the I iil.ed Mates during the last two davs had amounted to as much aa 3...00.fM nushels. File nils ,,f high prices weie gratified over the fact that durum wheat today al Mlnncap.d a touched $1 4o a bushel, over topping all previous records. The American supply of this grade Is said to be now virtually exhausted, tho result of Immense purchasing for Italv. It was estimated today thai the Italian government had bought In the l ulled Mates M).o.i0,0i.) bushela of all k.nda of wheat so far this season, and would need aa much more in the near future. l'leoictions of unsettled weather helped to broaden the di iniind for corn. Ktiml offerings continued to be losa free than was expected. Oats hardened wllh corn. The chief feature was the buying of May by cash honsea, ln provisions the call from outside In terests more than offset hedging sales by packers, liraln concerns led the buy ing. Oraln prices furnished bv I.ogan Bryan, office 815 South Sixteenth street; t'at Sheep and I.ambs la Arthf De mand a aa Advance of Ten In fifteen Cents ttrer Wednesday, SOCTII OMAHA. Dee. ;t. 1114. 1tcetn w. ..i n official Monday Official Tiiesdav ... Official Wednesday Kiliinute Thursday.. fnttle. Hose Sheep , . . ! 042 n ;.s0 2.'iiO ... S.lll .7T0 t;.47 .. 2.?; 13.i);l 3.7k! ... i,'i" s.;tiio week to date being very moderate. fn the neighborhood of only some 1H.730 head have been reported In, against 2. 34 last week and ?V4..'J head two weeks ago. Qnointlons on sheep and lambs: Lamhax g I to eho.ee, $ A'uVtn: lambs, fair to good $7 !VF Ti ; feeders, fair to good. $7 0 ft ); yearlings, good to choice. $s SOfJ1 7 3S; veaninga. fair to good. $ w3ti.l0; yearlings, feeder. $r..7Ti'q1.2n: wethers, aood to rholca. $; louM wethers, fair to good. $ litTl 10; wethers. feeore. $4 4" jSnn; ewes good to choice, $fi.30ff ); ewrs. fa'r to good, $o.0h.30; ewes, feed ers, $4 Q6 .00. rillCARO L1VR STOCK MARKET Anlrle; t.'pen. I High Uw. Closed Ves y. Wheat Dec. May. Corn Iec. May. Oata lee.. May. Iork Jan.. May Lard Jan.. May, Ull s Jan.. May 1 1 2fV t 1 29 6V 1 2f.V,l 1 l aw l 2i lifc'g Iial7j74j(fi i, l"ioi 4 M'.il 4! 63H 4 63 IS 2o IS (B-4BI 10 30 10 00 1) 10 I IS 3R 1 18 r.1 ! 19 00 I 18 K I 63 IS 18 io aisi io so 10 53 I 10 (0 10 17il 10 10 32V, 66 10 10 45 10 60 10 42HI 10 474,1 1 2;' 1KSH 71VJ' 4S', 63.k IS 35 I 1$ 85 10 80 10 47V4 10 10 10 4A ISO 1 60 1 (00 000 ISO 1 Cash prices: Wheat. No. 2 red, Jl.lTi's Oil.DbV: No. 2 hard, $1.2u4t1.2&; No. 2 northern, $1.23. Corn. No. 3 yellow, 14'fir 67c; No. 3 yellow, 6fiVif(Wc, Oats, No. 3 white. 484fMi.V-; standard, 49 il0c.. Bye. $l.UVi. Harley, ti7io. Timothy, $.Yrirr7.2ii. Clover. $12.iWii 15 00. I'tirk, $17.00. Lard, $10.37. Itlhs, $.7rg 10.37. HUTTIOR Firm; receipts. 3,446 tubs; creamery extras t3 scoring), MH?3to; creamery (higher scoring), SoH'iWo; creamery firsts, 3l34c: seconds, aiKI0c: pioccfs extras, 2&VMVp; ladles, current make, firsts, 234jffiI4o: seconds, 23c; pack ing Htnek. current make, No. 2, Zmfafc. 1'OUETKV gulet; western roastlnic chickens, Itti'lHu; fresh fowls. 124j(t17c; turkeys, 12iit'Je. Live, steady; western chickens, 12412Vc; fowls, 13S'14c; turkeys, liUjlfic. 11 1'TTER Higher; creamery, fi4ff33o. EOOS Higher; iwelpts. t.Mo cases; at mark, rases Included 22fi34c; ordinary firsts, Sl'nsac; firsts, SW36o. BOTATOEH Kecelpts, 8 cars; un changed. IKJUI.TRY-Allve. lower; springs, 11c; fowls, lOVxC; turkeys, 16c. NEW YORK QEKtlAt. MARKET Onofatlons ( tha Day oa Varleas Com mod I Owe. NEW YORK, Dee. 24. FI-OUR-Flrrner. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $.f"i.15; choice to fancy, $I.2ii'ii.40. Cornmeal, firm. Buckwheat flour, quiet. BARLEY jtilet. WHEAT-Spot. firm; No. 2 id. $1 34V4; No. 2 hard, $1.344, all rail. c. 1 f. track, export; No. 1 northern. Uuluth, $1.36, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.47, c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures were without tvana sctlons. Bxport sales were eat mated at 1J0 loads. December, $I.34M,; May, 1.374. I U'l'lS Easy ; state, common 'to choice, lal4 crop, 17&2Hc; 1'a. if io coast, 1914 crop, IPfilBc; 11113 crop. KdlOcr. HIKEH-steady; Bogota, 30i&31c; Central America, a"ic. WtX)l Steady; domes tio fleece. XX Ohio. Soti-tle. CORN Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 7Vc, c. I. f.. to arrive; Argentine prime, i3c, nominal, delivered. OAT Kpot, steady; atsndard, MViiTJfJicj No. H white, 61c; fancy clipped white, 67c. HAY Firm; prime. $107V; No. 1. $1.05; No. 2, ti 11.00; No. 1, WifDOc; shipping. 7uX. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, S10 !2c: seconds, SOgSlc. PROVISIONS Fork, steady; mess. $13.50 (iZO.Ofl; family, $21n.00; short dears. IJl.MHi 00. Beef, steady; mesa, $:i or)r) 23.00; family, $24 AtVfiK.nu. Lard, steady; middle west, $10.6i I0.H6. TALI.OW Quiet; city, 6c; country, 6V4 4j6T4e- special. ti CHEESE Steady; receipts, $.308 boxes; state, whole milk, held, specials, l&VUloc: same, average fancy, KiVaftloVtc; same, fresh, specials, lfc; same, average fancy, HVufUc; skims, 6HH13VTC. KOOB Steady ; receipts, 4.3M cases; fresh gathered extra fine. $!tr40c; extra firsts, S7n3xc; firsts, STtf3ne; seconds, 30 34c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery whites, fine to fancy, 47'(4Ue; gath ered whites, 3f.'&47e; hennery browns, 4hf 42"; gathered browns snd mixed colors, SbVfj40c. Four dnvs this week. H.SJS Ki.fiSii l.7ai) Fan d.iys last week..2:t,sv4 37.4b.i J'.:i,-4 ."nine dnys 3 wks. ago 17.7SH 17n7'.i 2M.M fiine days 3 wks. aKO.lH.4r5 4H,:':I7 44.;i4i Pame daya i wks. ago.13.014 :'4.4i.l 4J,;C7 Same days last year.... ti.OKi 1!,4 W45 The followli g table shows tho receipts f cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last yer: 1B14. 1913. re. Cattle !:J.:iu2 MH,. 27AI7 Hogs 2.214. 400 2.Wi.ir7J 3M.S;2 eheep 3,tn.Ui3 S,IH6,2I2 Plfi.lS The following table shows the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for tho last lew nays, wllh comparisons : Late. Pec. .. Pec 7.. lea 8.. l'co. . Iec. 10. I'ec. 11. Oec. 1.'. 1-ec. 13 I 'wo. 14 OeC. K.. I'ec. M. I'ec. K. I'ec. IS. I 'ec 19. I'ec. Jl I'ec. 21, I'ec. 22 I'ec. 23. I'ec. 24 I 1(14. llvU. nun. uvu. 11119. llt.llKt. 60S K2S 1 MS 6 77 4 V'.J MP I ti !4'i i I ; 7 no i I 7 2V! b 8 30 7 W 7 67 7 441 7 44 7 4 7 401 7 i 7 V1J I 7 02 ' li 9.1 V 8 71 a 7 6 7 Mi I Sll 7 in 7 3i 7 74 1 82 7 4.', 7 42! 7 7 3D' 7 '1 7 47' 7 02 7 V.i 'i tii) 7 4S 7 (N 7 13! 7 o 7 Wi 7 11 7 4'' 7 13 6 32 4.(1 5 97 t) 01 a 6 971 u V it 37 0 261 ia.il 6 00' I 3 90! 6 I'V Vl OAI II O.'l 5 97, k 4i, I 4, 7 32 7 4:. 7 SSl 7 44 7 to I 7 .H'l I 7 571 7 48 7 6-s, 7 ;'., 7 Ml 7 67 i 7, 7 64! 8 221 H 30 8 33 8 35l 6 788 C 31 6 1 6 41 6 48 6 ii 6 41 5 32 6 74 6 68 5 3l 5 30 8 f S 14 8 2ft I H . mi & r: 6 34 8 ii! 8 2!i 8 i s o;t 8 111 6 ;M 5 34 5 3i 6 4i Sunday. CATTLE Receipts were not very heavy this morning, either hero or al any market points, but trey were plenty large enough to meet the requirements of the trade. Aa noted before In these columns the demand for beef is always limited at all market points during the holiday season. No one Is looking for anything like a brisk demand for cattle untk after January 1. The tew beef steers here this morning; moved aiowiy al prices that were cer tainly no better than steady and it any thing a little lower than yesterday, espo claily on the close. The best beeves here were good enough to bring $8.6u, there being nothing good In sight. Cows and heifers generally commanded good steauy prices, but the market rlosed weak. There were not enough storkers or feeders to cut much figure In the trade and prhes were without noteworthy change. All the live stock markets of tho country will be closed on Christmas day. Quotations on Cattle. Prime yearlings, $3.76u4.76; stood to choice sortifed tieevte, ticOi'us.io; fair to good cornfed breves. 7.6o(j S.tiO; common to fair cornfed beeves, $3 OtKUTftO; gooi to choice range beeves. $7.5ou8.flO; lair to good range beeves. $7.00 4V7 50; common to full ranKe beeves. $6,750 7.00; good to choice heifers, $6.UM'7.U; good to choice cows, $5.6otfi-85; fair to good cows, $6 OiVjiO.o-t; common to fair cows, $3764r&.00; good to choice Mockers and feeders, f7.4vti 7.7f.; fair to good Block ers and feedera, $.76ij'7.40; common to fair Mockers and feeders, $6.00ri.7.; stock heifers, $&.25gp6.2; stock rows. $4 75$&.76; stock calvea, $i.0O(Q7.n0: vest calves. fi.OOM $.00; bulls, stags, etc., V5.00jr476. HOOS Receipts were ratr this morning;, about 123 ears, or 8.SU0 head, being re ported. About sixteen loads of these were consigned direct. For the four days tha run totals 3H.6HA head, a gain over lut wevk of 2.000 and 10.000 larger than a year ago. The fact that the Christmas holiday came on Thursday last year Is partly responsible for the big gain noted. The market opened out dull this morn ing, and as other points, especially Chi cago, reported anarp oecnnes, tne local trade opened with shippers and specu lators buying at 6uloo lower prices. Packers' early offers were even worse than that, being; In most Instances a flit dime off, but by the time a general move ment atarted they had Improved until tha lag end of the offerings finally sold at a 64fl0o decline. Trade remained dull thmtlarhollt. Tho bulk of sales was made at $o.90i(f IK. with quite a sprinkling at $7.00 and a ton of 17.05. For the week to dato prices ara around a nickel lower. Pack era have been bearish all through, but heavy shipping; and speculative buying helped to hold values up. Lights, which huve been ln poor request, probably show the most decline, but It has been noticed that the big, rough, packing grades have not sold so readily aa they did last week. SHEEP The packers were food com petitors for another light run consisting for the most part of lnmbs and a sprink ling of ewes. The demand fur killing lambs was so Rood that sellers were able to realise prices strong to KWflnc higher on lambs and fully steady on ewes. If anvthlng tho general quality of the lamb offerings was not quite as good, though some pretty good lambs were on tne market, there being sveral loads good enough to command 18.65, with the bulk going at $M.jib4i8.40, the most Of which were on the wheatfleld order. Most of the ewe nn sale brought $6.80(35.60, wl'h the quality In many respects Ilka yes terday. Trsde being brisk the clearance was naturally early. Two cars of feeder lamha moved at $7.80. Friday being Christmas today prac tically cloaca the market for the week, with lambs Improving 4fl"rfOc since last week's close and ewes showing an ad vance of UaifSTic. Yearlings have been In moager supply and moved up 1(kq16c. The upward tendency to prices and the healthy condition of the trade this week has been attributed largely to the fart that the country has been conservative In hipping to market, the receipts for the Cattle atronar IloKS 1 nsettletl ahees r)tnii(. CHICAOO, Pec. 24 CATTLE Re ceipts. 3, "00 head: market strong; native steers. liVnfHilO.flO; western. $6.20r 10; rows and l.elfers, $3,304X8.30; calves, $7.50J in no tinnR-nerelnta. 38.000 head: market. onaninft mnstlv SH 10c lower: bulk. $S 9fi 77.10; liaht. $ li5fl7.10; mixed, "n.a); caw, Jrt.75tff7.17Vi; rough, Ft. roJ.!W; pigs, i.:V"ti7.V SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 7,0fw) head; market strong; sheep. $n.iw.60; yearlings. A75Tt7.S0. lamhs. 6.7VfjlU0. . I.nnla I. Ire a lock Market. ST. IlflS, !cr. 14. CATTL1 Re- ci ipts. l.ino head: market ntgner; nartve beef steers, 17. htm moi); cows ana neners. 8."i.mn'i25: southern steers. $.76'Cr7.75; cows and heifers. $4.00fr.0u; native calvea. $1; iKV.if 2.'.. in m:s Tlerrlnta. 7 Kw head: market eieaily: plas and lights. $0Mi7.2R: mtxeil and butchers. l..iar..2-; gooa nevy. ei.ia 1 7 sr.. . . . SHEEP AM' I.AMI1M neceipinv nonw; n nrket stoe ly; native muttons, $4 Wti$.5v; lambs. $8.001 8.60; yearlings, $5.50i97.50. Kanaaa City Lire gfock Market. . a c pitv fw J 4 4TTI.1T R. " orlpts, 1.600 heaiJ: market weak: prime fed steers. $9.2.Vu 10.36; dressed beef steers. $r, ;tvj,7 Mi; ginckera and feeders, 0fij.15; bulls. $5.2MiV50: calves. $rt 0019.50. HOGS Receipts. t8) head; market steadv: bulk, fc;.9f7.29: heavy, $7.0017.25; . packers mil butchers. $7.fXij7.25; light. $11 !ivn7 15: pigs. eist'Miel 75 SHEEP AND l.A MRS Receipts. 1.000 head: lamhs. $7 ii8 ; yearlings. $.5oe 7..i; wethers. ,..2;6.Z; ewe. .i.wroa.O". Mona City Mr Utock Market. stnt'X CITY. Iec. 24 TATTLE Reeeliita. 100 head; market ateady; native aaw aui SLA. UiitnkaiBa 4K v TT, lfj'l AA steers, v cow s snd heifers. $4 9WmV26; canners, $3.76 , (ti4.7; caives, ti o-., ''"i , in MIS Receipts. 6,500 head; market. 6V- PU8- IOO bead; rwf. $6.25C.76; lambs. $7,6048.25. M. Joseph I.It Mock Market. bt .lOSKI'H. Mo.. Per. 24. CATTLE Recelpta. 00 head; market active and ' steady; steers, $7.fHTl0 00: bows and heifers. $4.2;.r9.00; calves. $V8&t. ,,.v,u ti i... anno haait market Ra lower: "top, $7.20; bulk of sales. $.1to07.1S. SHEEP AMI' Mains- neceni", r head; market steady; lambs, $..&3.ow. I. Ire Pterk la Rlrtht. Recelpls of live stork at the flva "rtm clpal western markets: eK V. tl I I 1 A HJSA ra. V-livx . 1.901) 7,W Kansas City J chic.go ::: Ulniivr CIIV WO - 6.& South Omaha .0 B.3U) l.oiH f.ooi 10 3.50$ Total receipts 7,900 62,500 ll,ot Kanaaa f lty Grain si lraielaa, KANSAS CITY. Mo.. lec. 24.-WHEA1 -No t hari!. $1.V,W1.20V,; No. J red. , II.ImvvbIw" May. $1.21Virffl.MH; July. "coliN-No. J mixed. W7He; N. I whlie. W67c; May. 71V,ij71Sc; July. : "oATS-No. t white. 48HirJ6Jc; No. t mixed. 44V14f-47c. BUTTER Creamery, 31c; firsts. c$ seconds. c; packing. 20VrS. EGGS Firsts, 8lc; seconds, nr. POULTRY-llens. 'rc; rooatera. 8 He. turkeys, 18c. Mta.eaanlla fJral. Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec) "-r" I member. $1.21': M ajr. $1 NOjl : hard $1S: No. 1 northern. L22Hl-a1, No 2 norThern. $1 lS'fi 1.24V.. Fln'R-Advanced; fancy patents, M.JO first clears. $680; seoond clears, 84.2a. PARLEY-67MhIc. RYK-4)1.0u;i.Vt. HRAN $23.50. CORN No. 3 yellow. Vff3Hc. OATH No. 3 white, 5V6 47V. FLAX-8l.62ttl.1fc3. St. I.ola Gmla Market. ST LOLIS Dec. 24. WHEAT Na.l red $ ;No. 1 hsrd. $LOV4tj)LV4 December, tl.2: May, $i-V4. CXRN-No 2. 65V,c; No 2 whits, 67c; J oXToVrmiiio. i whit., toe. Liverpool Oral a Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 24. WHEAT Spot. .. : v- " 1 u..iinh. in. A: No. 1 101 id; No. i. 10s SVid; No. 1 hard winter. 10s 6Ud. Futures, nominal. CORN Hfot, nominal. Futures, quiet; January. 6a IftHi February. lild- 7 Stock for Salo Am emaha corporation In actlye tual neaa for twenty eara offers for sals fifty shares guaranteed seven per oaat preferred stock redeemed from tor met swnsra. N aganta. Will sail direct. V is 7 Can of as. Amorlcan Telephone fit Telegraph Company A dividend of Two Dollars par share will be paid on Friday. January IB, 1816., to stockholders of record at tho close of business on Thursday, December $L 1114. Q. D. MILNE. Treasurer. HEAL ESTATK ACREAGE Acre Property We have the let thing you ever saw ln a lti-acre tract of luud. with a banc hold privilege of about four mure, mak ing In all about JU acres. Good 6-room hoimc, fair outbuildings. There are about four acrta In orcnard and vineyard In full beai.ng. This property la only three fourths of a mile from city limits of South Omaha, and In Sarpy county, where taxes aro low. The land lays practically level and a very homelike place. Tola will surely please anyone looking for a suburbun home, as well aa a money maker. Would consider a resi dence up to $3,000 aa part payment. Price. $7,500. O 'Neil's Ii. E. and Ins. Agcy. 1506 Farnam St Tel. Tyler M. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MKETINU. The Annual Meet.ng of the titockhold- ' era of the HASTINGS A NO NORTH-' WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for, the election of seven Directors, ami the ! transaction of such other business aa may come before the meeting, will be held al the office of A. I- Mohlur, corner of lulh and I lodge Stieets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 4th day of January, A. V. 115. at 11 o'clock A. M. T. M. ORR. DJ4.1I1I Secretary. STOCK Hoi JJER. M FETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Kee Hullding company will be held at the office of the company in omaha at 4 o'clui k p. m. on Tuesday, January 19, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and the Iranaactlon of such other business aa may property i-oiiia before the meeting. Hy order of lh" president. N. P. FEIL. Eecr?tar- 5 Rate Case The Problem of the Railroads and Railroad Securities of the United State is the People's Problem It is the broad principle involved, not technicalities, that must be solved We have prepared a pamphlet (No. 409) giving a visual and practical illustration of this subject, and will be pleased to mail it; with our compliments, upon request. A. B. Leach & Co. New York Philadelphia Investment Securities Chicago Buffalo A. B. Leach & Co., Ltd. London Boston Baltimore Address: (Statistical Department.