THE BEE: OMAHA. DECEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification muat b pre sented before 1! o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:90 p. m. lor morning nd Punday editions. Want ads waived after tirh. hour will he under th heading. Too Lata t Classify." TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIK rlKK.UAMH KxrluMvrly In The IK CAtt RATFIS. Peren consecutive time, 1 cent ft wort e-h Insertion. Three time within on week, 1H cent word each Insertion. On time, I cent a word. CHARGE MATES. Beven eoneecutlv time, I cent ft Hn each Insertion Three timet within on week. 10 cent ft line each Insertion. One time, u cent ft line. Count six averas word to ft line. Minimum charge. $0 cents. An advertisement Inserted to run un til discontinued must be topped by writ ten, order. AO claim for error moat be man1 within fifteen day after the laat Inser tlon of tbe advertisement nath. mu'MmA thkatkh. 1:10 s. ioth. Every Inch a Kin. 2-reel Ess. drama The MoonHhtne Maid and the Man. Vila. The .Method of .Margaret. Vita. rom. M KORT " 24TH AND VINTON . The Reggsr Child. 2-reel Amerl. sn. The Mutual Weekly. Getting Acquainted. Keyatone. FAVORITE TIIWTKH, 1716 VINTON. The Serpent Com to Eden, Luhln (Ira. Saved From a Life of Crime. 2-r. Vita, dra. Cupid Hscks tlie Wlnnera, Kalem. Too fan place jrour want ad In The Be ojr telephone. . . TELEPHONE TYLER I Unclaimed Answers to the " Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answera have been called for and delivered during the last week. It la raonable to uppoe that all of the people below have made the dealred awapa. therefore do not call for the balance of their answer. Be Want B.C. B.C. 1424 1511 142 IMS 1431 1517 Hi U 1434 1WW 1441 1M0 1444 1M 144 1564 14M IM 14 1567 14. vm 142 1671 1474 114 1471 16H 14kt lis 1W Ada aure set reaulta. BC B.C. SC. B.C. cm a sm 13K3 m 27 a4 ix74 nt is in ni 9i i isxs 219 11 iwo m ant 1311 i&m 1.3 110 1H4 1394 m ti im 14' 228 III 1331 1406 229 117 1337 I" tst 124 im in t r 1342 1401 147 7 134 1411 SO W 11 1411 155 1X4 13M 1414 u mi iui OEM, 12 V! SOUTH I3TH. lame of W'lta, 1-reel Krlalr. Within the Galea of Paradise, Imp. Funny Mr. Dingle, Victor comedy. LYRIC. 1617 VINTON. Hie New Job, Sterling comedy. PASTIME. 24TH 4 LEAVENWORTH Human Heart. 1-reel Bagott Imp. VENEZIA, 1211 SO. UTII BT. Four reel a of Mutual picture West. MONROE THEATER, 2Tifi5 FARNAM. What Could She Do? 3r.. Gertrude Mo Coy. Fixing Their Dads, with Flora Finch. Hearst-S.llg No. M. EDICATIONAL MID -WINTKR TKRM OF It'tVLES niM.WlE MONOAV, JAN I' A RY 4. Pay achonl; night achonl; complete bus iness course; complete shorthand or aten otype courae; complete telegraphy coura; ciMI aervlcn hranchea and Kngliah. Stu denfa admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1D14 catalogue, BOYLES COLLE41K. II II. Hovlea, I'realdent. Boylex Hldpc., Omaha, Neb. Tel. !!H(laJi If". ' EXf'KRT ladv aieiniKmpher will take pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, apelilnR, punctuatlun, etc., tauitht and complete training- .ven for buainea ca reer. 1'rivate inatructlon If dealrd. 4&!4 Io iRtaa 8t Tel. Walnut 2.W. WINTEJt TERM MOSHEIt-LAMPMAN COLLEGE t'naurpaaacd rlaaea In hualncaa, hort hand and Kncllph hranohea. nraduatea guaranteed aood poaltlrn. Place pro vided for young- people to work for board. For free catalogue nddrea 1Mb and Farnam Kta., Omaha, Neb. Uenaus. BENSON. MAIN. The Coward, 2-r. Imp. In Tail U. Netor com. Her Hlghnr Ambition, Frontier drama. Hperlnl matlm-e today. Council mafia. ELITE NO. 1. Mb UROADWAT The Olrl of the Open Road, Edlaon dra. In the Hill of Kentucky, 2-reel Ltibln. T h A hlwllo Family, Vlt a gra ph corned y . ROPER, 637 BROADWAY. Ixv and Spirit, Joker comedy. The Accusation, 2-reel Victor. uch a Mlatake, Cryetat comedy DEATH AND rUlfKBAl. WOTlCKt THE funeral of Emeat H. Eltner will be held at Dodder chapel, Saturday. De cember 84, at 10 ft. m. Friend Invited. JOHNBON-Eether Anita. aed T month 1 daya. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr. August Johnaon, December 24. Funeral Friday afternoon ftt I o'clock from family realdence 2630 Seward atreet. Forest Uwn cemetery. Frlned Invited; automobile. McKEB Thoma B., 2413 Orftnd Ave., Dec. 24, 7: It p. m. Funeral notice later. laath Ontatin. BESSE THEATER. 24TH AND N 8T8. Hearht-Ke.lK No. 86. The Smuggler of lxne I ale. s-r. Kftl. dr. The Flirt. Kdlaon comedy. MAGIC, 24TH AND O STB. The Fortune of Margaret 2-r. Eclair, focnool Teacher of Angel Camp. Frontier. Chrlatmaa Featlvlte. Joker omedy. Vaadevllle. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND N. Keyatone feature, featuring Cbaa. Chaplin. ANNOUNCEMENTS LODGE NOTICES. Omaha counsel No. 11. United " Com mercial Traveler of America will meet December 26 at 160 Chicago St BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Mike and Eta Bell, 20?7 Pierce, boy; Frank and Mary Boucek, 2619 Boutli Seventh, boy; Robert and Ida Gavin, 2H16 North Nlnetenth avenue, girl; Alvln and Genevieve Ouatafaon, 2716 Battler, boy; John A. and Anna Nelann, 244 Blnnay, boy; F. and Haael Parker. W North Thirtieth, boy; Thoma and Tlnft Pan eblanco, H12V4, North Thlrtjr-thlrd. boy; Henry and Lottie Rlffey, 3112 Taylor, boy. Death John A. Dempster, T4 year, hoapitftl; Charles Petersen, (6 year. 71 4 North Sliteenth; Edith Tucker, I year, 467 Ieavenworth; Anna Watson, 64 year, hospital. MABB.IAO10 LICENSES. Licenses to wed have been granted th following couples: Name and Realdence. Af. Ounerd Erlcaon, Omaha. 29 Kllen Halvin, Omaha 23 William Parm, Omaha-. SS Mr. Ague Baa, Omaha.. II William 8. Motcalf, Omaba l Mr. Myrtl Morgan, Sioux City, 17 Theodore L. Haden, Crete, Neb 11 Nina P. Brtcker, Crete, Neb 16 Charles Hemphill, Omaha, 11 Ollle Anderson, Omaha, 23 David Mltner, Benson 10 Ooldl McCade, Jlockford, la 23 42 . 23 , 22 24 . 31 CHR1S1MAS BARGAINS. In Jewelry, Watchea, etc. Many satl fled customer. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. "Th afore with tbe reputation," 204ft N. lth and 410 N. lth. GET a Y. M C. A. ticket for Xmae. THE OLYMFIA I allowing a complete line of Xmaa candle. 151b Harney. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cone. Heat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; 60q postpaid; sample free. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug, Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding ring at Brodegaard s. MUST sell all trunks, sultrasea, hand bag half price. See HAKRY, 601 N. ISth M. F. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa gift. 824 Brandela The. Bldg. COAL 5 baskets, $1. D. 354C. - Barker Bros, l'alnt Co., paint, vaininh, glaaa and GLAZING. Telephone Dougla 4760. 1609 Farnam. Free Delivery, AUTOMOBILES Induatrlal Garage Co., 2tli 4k Harney Sis. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Bayadorfer, tit N. II FOR RENT One-ton W hit truck with driver, by Week or month. 1L Pelton, 22 Farnam. Call Dougla 8301. FORD car paint d 122: other car accord Ing to aiae; work gtd. 1'hone 8. 16iM. VlODhU. 11-6 Datrolter touring car will, elf-atarter, run lea than GOO mile; genuine bargain at '. The T. G. Nona- wall Co., 914 Jones St , Doug. 1707. Oreenough Omaha Had. Rep. Co,, 2020 Far. AUTO clearing house, 23u9 Farnam, buys and sells uaed cars. Phone Douglas 3310. FINK, expert radiator repairs. 816 a Kith. Marlon R. Frlaler. Glen wood, la Maggie Treon, Olean, Mo Charles A. Jerome, East BL Louis, 111. Irene Thomas, South Omaha, Ouy 8. Courtrlght, Oawego, N. T Emma Frahm. Omaha Robert E. Elliott, Omaha, over a Jennie E. Harley, Omaha. over II Motorcycles. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCIiES. I'araalr.s in used machtnea. Victor Rooa. "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. 1816 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready: uargain in uaeu macninea. 'JMAiia BICYCLE CC.. 16th and Chicago, D. 172 Lindborg Broe . 2671 Lea v. (Flying Merkle). TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOOHAMS . Exclaslwelj In The BtM . M. EATON, Bualncaa Broker, Hut Woodmen of the World. List vour bus iness for result. Doug. IW4. CAMERA PHONE THEA. M08 DOUGLAS. A Recent Confederate Victory, 2-r. Lub. Pure Gold, Vltagrapb drama. Sophie's Sweetheart. Eaaanay W. com. CAN you Invest 11,600 to 12.0i0 and take onarge or a btisineaa that will pay 13,00i) td 15.0U0 per year? Then It la worth your .una to miwvr iuib in, i. -ain, iee. ELITE NO 1 1311 FARNAM BT. The Stolen Engine, Kalem. drama. The Birth of Our Savior. Kdlaon drama. The Girl from Thunder Mountain. Ess. FARNAM, 1416 FARNAM BT. Fatty' Magic Pant. Keystone comedy. The Bower Reaps, t-reel Amer. drain a. A Lucky Disappointment. Reliance dr. llll'r THKAItK U1U AND UAKNEY. Horn of Paramount Plot urea. PARK THUATER. Feature program daily. Keystone Comedies. all N. 16TH. PARLOR, 1408 DOUGLAS ST. Terence O'Rourke No. 4. 1-reel Victor. The Fatal Hansom. Sterling comedy. PRINCESS. 13119"l0i7GLA8 ST. Tlie Big Slater Chrlatmaa. J-rol Rex. Innocent Dad. Sterling comedy. Hunting In Cray Land. Split Power. AIJIAMBRA, 1ID4 N. 24TII BT. Weekly. Fortune In Pmnta. Royal comedy. The Friend 1-reel Domino drama. ALAMO. HTH AND FOiVT. Hi Father' Bon. 1-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedy. Her Life' Story. Power. CLIFTON. Military Ave and Burden. r-weet ana UJw, Amencan Oratna. The Runaway Freight, 1 reel, ltiugirng Ga. DIAMOND THEATER 2410 LAKE 6T, M Hater Key No. 4. 2-reel aoaclal sertaL S hen Llxxie Got Her Poilab, Nestor com. in Bunny rpain imp a ram a. FRANKLIN THEA, 24TH A FRANKLIN 'I be Man from the Lubin drama. Ham, the loe Man. Kalem comedy. The Lion Hunter, Bell drama. HI PTODROMElfrHBATEBi.3K14 CUMING aiuiuai oiri. hhorty and Sherlock Holmes, 2reeL The Man With the Hoe. IT THEATER 16TH AND LOCUST Scars of Pneanaolon. -r. Esaanav drama The Clilld Thou Gaveat Me, liiograph dra. ine nocT ttoaq or Love, v ita, comedy IXJTHROP. 14TH AND LOTHROP, No abotr tonight. Matinee Friday. Chrlatmas day. LOYAL, 2404 CALDWELL BT Heart of ft Magdalene. It-reel Powers. lxt's Chaperons. Sterling comedy. Relic of olden Days. Frontier. PALACE TiiEATt-K. tM DAVJTNPORT. The Hoodoo, Joker comedy. The Return, 1-reel Eclair. SUBURBAN THEATER. 24TK at AMES. ' ! jancieu inreaaa, XvUoln drama. Heart-Sell No. 81. The Lure of the Wlndlgo. 1-r, Bellg dm. Seeth. A HBOR. ti AKn iDnna Daisy Higglna of Trinity cathedral choir .in auia luniKui m aauitiun to our r-auiar iroKraill. APOLI THEATER, frit Iv,nw.,i. 'I'he Kerpi-nt Comes to Eden Convict, CoHtunies and Coufuaiun. Vita! uiuuvuw jjui s Dcueme, xsa. w dra. BOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School; complete business course; complete ahorthand or rtenotypn course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Studrnta admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1!H4 ratalogus. HOT 1. EH COLLEGE. H B. BOYLES. President, Boyles Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas 1664. The Van JSant School Stenography J ay school, :( tu 4:00. Night school, 6:16 to 9:1a. Ifith and Karnam Sta. Dotiptaa 6447, MID-WINTER TERM M OS H K K - LA M PM A N CO LLEOE. MONDAY, JANUARY 4. UnaurpHHHol rliiawa In buelneaa, ahort hand and English hranchca. Graduates guaranteetl good poaltlona. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue, address MOSHK R-I.AMPM AN COIi.EOE, lRt h ant Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. For ale the following scholarships in a first rlasa Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand courae. One unlimited bualneaa course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or steno graphic courae. Will be sold .it a. discount at th office of the Omaha I lee. Experienced lady tutor In grade and high achool subjects; make-up work a apeclal ty. Beat reference. 3116 Davenport. H.6btt0. Maalral last met loai. RAO TIME piano playing taught In SO lessons. CVirlatensen School, 4220 Cum Ing St. Walnut 7379. Call or writ. FOK EXCHANGE. ARE YOU SERVING A LIFE SEN TENCE In the clty7 Why don't you Join the back to nature movement? Why don't you go back to the farm, where you can beat the HIGH COST OF LIV ING? We have hundreds of farms, from 20 to 1,200 acres each, we can exchange for your equity or your house, or for clear residence property, or city Income property. Hee us today. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 10I5-1H W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, Neb, HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aa4 office. BOOKKEEPER. CREDIT MAN. with wholesale experience; this poaltlon la with an old, reliable Omaha firm, I a good connection and wor'h Investigating. For full Information and Interview, Call at CM State Bank Rldg. OUR office will be clole.l ail CTT? Chrtrt maa. We wish you a Merry Xmaa and ft Happy New Year. BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE ASS N., 1319-aft Woodmen of the World Hldg. WANTED SITUATIONS A MERRY Chrlstmaa and a happy New Year to all, ;iro our wishea. Will be closed all cay Christmas. Watt Ref. Co., MO-42 Hrandeia Tlica Bldg. YULETIDE greetlnga to all our friends , and patron. I Will be closed all day Christmas. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN. WANTED By ft young man. a poaltlon In Omaha or elsewhere a Inventory clerk In aome big wholesale house or business concern In stork taking, sale or aa cashier, assistant bookkeeper and of fice clerk. Ten years' experience; beet of leferences; willing to atart work at a reasonable salary. Address A-373, Ree. SITUATION wanted by"experlenoe1 clerk In country town store, best references; speaks Oirman and low German. Addres M 26. Hee. BUSINESS men, for your Christma present this year and also mine, em- idny me a you stenographer. Am young; adv I years' experience and reference. Address E Bee. YOUNG lady desires position In doctor's or dentist's office; reference. For par ticulars address S 372, Hev POSITION dealred as P. B. X. operator; experienced; reference. Addres P 371, Bee. SyUARP? PEGS FOR HQ IT A RE HOLES. We fin I a position that fits vou. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-14 City Nat. Hank Pldg. HIGH-O n A PR commercial poaltlon. WEST REF. tk BOND ASS N.. 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agent. Saleamea aad Solicitor. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City National Bank Bldg.; Omaha, Neb. Wanted Reliableand Responsible Men W will greatly extend our agency force during 1916, and we want several men of standing and ability for good positions. Commission agents, who make good, will be given better positions. Write for par ticulars, giving references. Will only consider men with good clean record. OLD LINE ACCIDENT IN SURANCE COMPANY. Banker Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. MEN wanted to travel; lis to 126 a week and expenses; experience unnecessary. See representative at Hotel Boquet, Room 19. WANTED Several neat appearing man for soliciting. Money dally. Call ftt once. 831 Brandela Theater Bldg. WANTED Agents and solicitors In every locality for The Twentieth Century Fanner; either sex; oil or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. ARE you going to be a hired man all your life? You furnish the desire and we'll furnish the opportunity to get out of the hired man class. Nebraska West ern Selling Company, Inc. Howard Ap plegate, Gen. Mgr. H03V4 Bee Bldg. FOR BALE or trade, meat market; splen did location, good buelneas; will take land or residence property and pay dif ference; have other budness that re quires my time. Write Y-816, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Fwraltare. New A Id-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Atner. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16th. WE want first-class salesman beginning January 1, 1916, In northwestern Iowa, exclusive copyrighted, hand-painted de luxe and hanger calendars, novelties, cloth and leather goods; we are manu facturers; exclusive territory; most lib eral commissions; line so complete that It furnishes work throughout entire sea son and requires undivided attention; give selling experience and all partic ular In first letter. Address Sale MKK, Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati. SPECIALTY salesmen In and out of city; expenses dally: call evenings. Fast Selling Household Specialty Co., 2013 Douglas St. LIHHARY table, rug, mirror, sanitary couches, gas plates. hand-painted thins, piano. Must sell at once. 1017 Dodge. STOVES and turn, at coat. 1703 N. 24th. Mvatoal lastrameaits. ELECTRIC Piano tt Player. 119 N. 16th. FOR SALE Fine Omaha Bee- old violin. Y-816. Typewriter. All make typewriters rented, sold, term. Rutt Typewriter. Is0." Farnam. D. 8UJL BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE In town of 1,400, 1 picture ahow and 1 theater well equipped for picture and vaudeville; large stage, good soenery; will sell both or either; busi ness excellent; reason for aelllng. muat get on homestead; cash or no deal; don't answer for curiosity. Addres Y , Bee. FOR SALE Near Loa Angeles, Slx-chalr barber shop, doing good bualness. Also modern bungalow. Addres P, W. Cheney, Cavina, Cal. FOR BALE Block la ft oorporatlon hav ing 1160.000 paid up and not ft dollar In debtedness. Stock la being sold to ax. pand business. Hav an order now for 100.000 article ftt 4Sc each. Profit esti mated at JSH per oent net. Try and think of something anywhere near aa good. C. M. Eaton, Buatneo Broker, 1104 Woodmen or xne worm. GROCERY eTOKE fur sals, onl ax elusive on In live town of 1.100. located In western Iowa. Dolnat aood buainaaa. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons luf selling Andreas Y-2.M. ear Be. K B Y B RENT An Oliver typewriter, I month for 14. Th Oliver Typewriter Co.. 11. 1919. KENT Remington. Monarch and Smlttt Premier of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougla 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Kate, three month for 16 for understroke machines or 11 psr month for Intest model visible writers. 1YPK WRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange 307 S. 1 7 in. Mlaoellaneoas. 4; DO Buys best coal for tlie money; try JpO.OU t Web m Harmon A Weeth. 1x7 ORAFLEX newapaier camera, with 11 plat holders, carrying cas for camera and carrying cas tor plat bold er. Th outfit In good condition and big bargain tor th lot at IU0. Addres A iM. Hee. CORN cobs for kindling, Glencoe Mills. "BASKETS, 11 Wanner, 801 N 14th BL t-hnd mch. Groe Wreck Co.. 21 A Paul. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kind; easy payments. The Brunawick- Ralke-Collender Co.. 407-40 S. lflth St Bakery and turn. wood. iel. Fioreno 401. CITY WOOD YARD. Hickory, oak and maple wood of th beat quality, aawed, pllt and delivered to your door for !7.u0 par cord. Flrep.aoe, atov wood and bakery wood ft apoclaity. Full cord guaranteed. FOR SALE Small ba burner, cheap. 3(,a Decatur St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad offtoe. YULETIDE greeting to all our friends and patron. v HI b closed all day Christmaa. Wl,STtlli REF. A BOND ASSN. 762-64 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. UNITED SALES CO., 111 City National Bank. HAVE you bank stock tu sell? If o, and by purchasing, will It carry with It th position of president or cashier? Wrlto in fully for particular. C. M. Eaton. Business Broker, U08 Woodmen of Uie World. LIST YOUR BUSINKKS with ua for quick action and auuar treatment. QUICK SALES COM PA NT. 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 14. I HAVE several parties representing over loO.udO wishing Investment in going bus iness. Do you need a partner or money to tlnance your business? C. M. Eaton. Husines Broker, 1UM Woodmen of th World. A MERRY Chrlatmaa and ft happy New Year to all, are our wisnes. Will be closed all day Christmas. Watt Kef. Co , 840-42 Branuel The. Bldg. OUR office will be closed all day Christ ma. We wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. BUSINESS MEN S REFERENCE ASS N., ui-ii wooumen ot me worm mug. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, aome aienog rapby. Apply &! Stat Bank Bldg. S'lENOUKAPHEH and office assistant who speaks and writes th Bohemian languuge. Law and abstract work, Ad dress -310 Bee. NEWSPAPER For sale, a well-established newspaper In town of Hav large rural list, well paid up. Well equipped job plant Don t answer unless you nave cash ana mean busines. drea Y 299, Be. Ad- ONE of the best retail bakeriea In th city; no competition. Call Web. 794, or address K 27. Bee. SIGNS, show crd. Clark A Son. D. U71 TO GET In or out of business. Call on GANG F.ST AD 404 Be Bldg. D 4TT. THEATERS Buy. leas or sell your the ater. machine and aupplir through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St Ioulaa 1N7. I HAVE on young man 23 and on Id. Each will Invest from 11.0u0 to 12.UU0 In ft manufacturing business with services. C. M. Eaton, Business Broker, 1104 Wood men of th World. Doug. liwl. business or real clat quickly JIM WHAT. Sloug City. YOUR ,oldJ OTHER business puts my Interest In well paying office business on th mar ket I'am will buy same. Addres K i Bee. C J. Canau can sell your farming land. Read the "Fur Sale" ad if you want bargains of th minuta. ssis samwssis, WANTED Agent and solicitor in every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either ex; all or spar time; no experience ueceaxary to earn big money. rue at once ior agency. ACKlrc J. W. Reel, car Tlie Twentieth Century Farm er, Omaha, NeU Telephone Tyler luuu. WANTE1 Experienced saiesiauie. kin Bros , 111 a lth St Factory Trade. LEARN halrdrslng. Oppenhetm Parlors HaekeBrs m Doiavatlca. THE bars ant Girl Problem Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ail FREE until you get the desired result This applies to resident ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Rring ad to ice iee omce or teiepnone Tyler 1O0O. WANTED Good girl for general house work; reference required. Harney 117. or can lua o. em 01. WANTED An experienoed girl for gen eral housework, no laundry work, log D. 33d M. II. 11W. Mlseellsaeeias. YOUNG women coining to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Assoclat.on building at St. Mary' Ave. and lUh St., where they will be directed to uttbl boarding place or otherwise assisted T-ock for our traveler guiae ai union elation. LADIES' A misses' coats, suits dree A skirt samples at w holesale prices. Bon- oii s. lew i n nnnii v r-iore, IN. IMn MANY government iolm oin to women Jlst free. Franklin lualildU, DpL iui. Factory and Trade. A MERRY CHRJSTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR Begin At Once Learn ft Live Trade THE BARBER TRADE. Good the Year Around. Tuition, 121. Bet of Tools Given. "WB TEACH YOU RIGHT." Wages Paid While You Ar Learning. Cftll or Writ, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1114 Douglas St, Omahs, 1033 N St, Lincoln. LIVE WIRE HV8INEHS MEN OK OMAHA Aato aad Maaweto Repalrlag. Mgneto repair work ft specialty. D-MU. A aetloneers. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red Itlae PrlBtlnsr. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. I0J Omaha Nat I Bank Hldg. Barber. 11 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. lfilT l'ar. Bras Foaadrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha 8tft Cistern and Well Dlgglna. NEKD well or clstei cleaned or dug? BCHAFFER doe It. Phon Web. 663L California Land. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. P. 2819. A No. 1 operator and wife, planlat, vaude ville or clcturea. Desire position in or out of city. Best of Reference. Phone Har- 1171 A WOMAN of refinement wants position as nurse, companion or care of children. References. D. 70ti6. YOUNG lady wishes position a house keener, city or country. D. 3w6. WANTED To work on farm, man and wife. Address Mike Blagovich, 1CT 8. 29th St, South Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOH SALE Horse and Vehicle. NOTICE to a cash sale: 1,600-pound team of young mares, both with foal, absolutely sound and good workers. Owner changing business. Call ftt resi dence Ml Howard St Coal Dealers. fc ffi Johnson's special, also Victor nut, frJ.JU K M Phone D. 1702. Chiropractor.. L. Qcddl. D. C.. g Bee Bldg. Doug. 4291 (alna Palatlaar. Ruth Letohford. decorating, firing. R. 4941, CItII Rnerlneers. M. J. LACY, BIS BEE BLDrt. DOUG. 4TUV Cream Separator. The Sharpie Separator Co., 12th A Parti. Clock Repairing;. EXPKRT clock repairing. Web. Mil Decorator and Paper llsngrn, RTLOER does It. Phon Walnut 1521. FOR SALE The beet team of sound mules; 4 years old; gentle and well broke; will guarantee to any purchaser. Call private residence. Lady owner, 2421 Dodge. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canada or Mex ico. 609 Parton Blk. D. 13T3. Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLA" 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. FOR SALE Team of marea, weight 2,300 pounds, $150; team of marea. weight, .200 pounda, $125; good broke single and double saddle horse. $126; good work horses, $25. Call South S0. 8322 Harrison St. HEAVY teamtng gears, farm wagons A harness: Inree stoelr A. .Itpaptlv. Johnson-Panforth Co. V 1Ch St! MANY well-matched teame; voung mares; aome In foal. Call at Brewing Co.' saloon. 1214 So. 13th St. PAIR of hob sleds. 6306 Underwood Ave., end ot Dundee car line. Walnut 3356. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST BHIP live stock to South Omaha. Ss.v mileage and shrinkage. Your conr.lgn nents receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock ComnsUakon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Excbang Bldg LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company U ascertain whether they left It In the treat cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. THE TTennlnga Secret Service Phon Douglas 7i0. Address L 3fi9. Bee. Dra a. DRVG8 at cut prices; freight paid on $14 orders: catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. nanr-ma Academic. Turrdn's Danclne Arademv, 2sh A Fam tUA MPtrrtq- Academy. c's"lo. D 1571 Mackle's Academy, now noen. 1818 Har. Dentist. Dr. Bradbury, ir-i pain. 1S04 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandel Bslley, the Dentist. 7" City Nat l Rank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1S17 Douglas D. 2HS. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Dressmaking-. Terrv Pressmak'e- college. 2ftth A Farnam. SKIRTS to order, $l.w) up. 611 a. 16th. MISS STURDY. 2416 Casa. Red 7320. Mlsa M. Morin, Gowns. 2406 Cass. R. 7235. WATSON A LUND, 1911 Douglaa. R. 6101. Electric Supplies. LEBRON Eleo Wks.. 818 8. 12th. D. 2176. Everything; for Women. Woman's Exchange, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4911. LOST Small box containing crocheted center-table piece, Tuesday morning on Dodge car, or between 16th and Dnde and Kllpatrlck'a store. Reward. Telii phonn Webster 787. STRAYED or stolen, one Blue Belten setter dog, about 6 years old. Return to Joe Johnson, Forest Hill farm, or 110 St. Mary's Ave., Omaha; $10 reward. LADY who took pocke-tbook in Hayden Bros. store, containing watch, Initialed "L. O. O." Is known. Better send it to 2716 N. 2Sth Ave., und nothing will be done. FOUND Letter and ladles' silver purse, 38th St Owner can have same. 1324 Bee. MEDICAL Drug stoie hi Hldg LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tool given. Electrio massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1111 Douglaa St. Om. 1032 N St. Lincoln. NEB ASK A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. Special holiday offer. Write for Par ticulars. We hav th largest and best equipped shop In th middle west. 14,000 feet floor space. 1413-16-17 Dodg St Phon Dougla 3043. Send For Catalogue C. BUTCHER wanted. Park Ave. market Henry Duve, 2920 Leavenworth. LEARN TO BE A MOVTB OPERATOR, MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR SCHOOL. 1904 FARNAM ST.. 2D FLOOR Mlscellanesns. PHONE Web. 881 for basket coal OMAHA Railway Mall Clerk Examina tion coming. ,o per month. Pull un necessary. For sample question apply immeui .leiy. i-,n'j nrg. GOOD FUTUKE FOR YOU or anyone who make himself an auto eipert W glv expert work. Go right Into th auto busines from here. Beat and flneat equipped college. oeni nere now, ever nav oeen. writ for list oi openings, r ree catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2119 Farnam St, Omaha WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs. 16c. Coffi John. 14th and Capitol. Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automobile huin.- tbe demand is great for our graduates' w have trained hundred of men; let ua train you. Writ for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Aus'n, 1814 N. 20th BL. Omaha. Nob. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R TARRY. 140 Bee. llTa v.uiea in a tew aays wnnuui Uie oaln. Call or write Dr. Wray. 104 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894. o Rupti MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See u. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 306 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. PET STOCK 4 BOSTON terriers, 3 mo. old., eligible TO register. y'J r. mm., weu. A PAIR of thoroughbred Mexican hair less puppies, very reasonable. Inquire 1811 Cuming. Call Red 616. AIREDALE puppies, registered thorough breds of the very choicest breeding, for sale cheap. Dr. C. J. Miller, Ord. Neb. PERSONAL YOUNG women comma o Omaha a strangers ar Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid at th Union Station. THE salvation Army Induatrlal horn o Itclts your old clothing, fumttur maga ilnes. W collect We distribute phon Douglaa 4126 and our wagon will call. Call a fid Inspect our new noma, 1110-1111-1114 Dodg St. POULTRY ANT SCPPLIE9 ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, all sizes and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. P. li)3o. Furrlrrl. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th St Web. T777. Florist. A. DONAGHUE. 1(122 Harney. Doug. 100L LIVE WIRE RtSINESS MEN OK OMAHA -1 W laes aad Llqaors. ALEX JFTES. 201-3 8. 13th St Wine. llquora, cigars. Plate dinner. 11 to 8, loo. Glebe II iuor house, 424 N. ISth; California ine, ti.Si per gni. rue ior in im HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, mm artq capttoi ivf. ien-.rn. i.,,....,. ..,.. . II....,,. - k'l.ln'i dkj j your lamiiy . ' " Liquor House, 622 N. 16th. Douglaa 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A 64-IN. ROLL-TOP DESK In excellent shape. Will exchange for ft large one; will consider a flat-top, but would prefer an extra large and deep roll-top. Alo have a chair. Will swap that or no. to ult. Address 8. C. 85. Dee. AUTO An Overland coupe in good con dition, run only 900 miles, cost $1,600 new. We are fearfully pressed for money. Will sell for $460. Biggest bargain you ever saw. First class condition. 260 rash, balance time to right parties. B. C. 44 Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobll bargains ee th "Automobile" classification. BASE BURNER HlKh-ctas base burner, good Iron bed and springs, ga range, new $10 vulcanlzer, Ford tubes and sun dries. Sell cheap or trade. Address 8. C. 411, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE An excellent pay ing safe business for improved farm lands desirably located, where Irrigation Is not required. Address S. C. 409, Bee. COTTAGE Nearly new, well built, 4-r. cottage- will take a good plana In trade and take balance payments same as rent. Phone Walnut 1518. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will wap contract work for an auto, not too high priced, build a garage or repairing. Ad dress J3U C. 364. Bee; . CHECK PROTECTOGRAPH AND PIANO Swap as f.rst payment cn good, well located lot priced anywher between $400 and $800. Muat have water, ewer, gas, walks in and paid for. Will pay cash balance in from four to six month. I wish to build ft home. Ad dress, S. C. 403, Bee. BATH'S florists, 1804 Farnam St. Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St L HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 12C4, M mber Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R. 6. Balrd Bldg. D. Mil. Ladles' Tailor. LADLES' suit tailored to measure; popu lar prices; remodeling. Irwin Brecher Co., 612 So. 16th. Phone Doug. 6998. Lighting; Flxtare and Wiring-. THOMAS DURKLN Electric fixture and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. HAVE dandy 7-room, strictly modern home In Omaha. Mortgage 11.860. Will trade ray $1,700 equity for auto, land, grocery, mdse. or lots, hotel or country town property. 4110 N. 28th Ave. o. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Building superintending ana Construction Books, flv volumes. Will swap for repeating shotgun, repeating rifle, automatic revolver or high power Marlln or Winchester, or what hav you? Also Estimating Books, an elegant set of Drafting and Mechanical Books. Swap any or all the aoove ior targe uesn, ov wene or larger Addres 8. C. 363, Bee. Live Stock Remedies. . OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 8. 11th. Red 425X Mask. Costames and Lodge Supplies. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stocii of masquerade and theatrical costume In the country. Theo. Lieben & Son. lf.14 Howard D. 4118. Masseuse. MISS SCHMIDT, maa elec bath. D. 713, Open eve.. 9 ,-. m. ; Sunday. 10 to 1 MISS JACOBS, maws., manicuring. Phono Doug. 4297. Hours 8 to 9; Sunday 11 to 6. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug 8761. MASSAGE, 109 6. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Mlas Fisher, mass., elect, treat. Red 6038. MASSAGE oAi,3ViDINa CORA BELLING Y w, ftY satisfactory eastern treatment; baths, daily and evening. 107 S. 17th Bt. Notice: Private entrance, basement, cor. of bldg. Kathleen Mack, massage A bath. D. 7682. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 8751. Open evening and Sundays. MISS WALTON, bath, mas. TeL D. 4297. Hours 9 to 9; Sunday. 11 to B. Violet Ray, mass., 436 Bee Bldg. D. 6112. Ml 11 tarry. 8WITCHE8 from combing, $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Marcy. H. 6645. Messeagrtr aad Tra Barer. WHITE LINE. 809 a 11th. Dougla 1SI Horlas, Storaa-e aad CleaalnftT. W. C. FERRIN, 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculists. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dr. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bid g. STEREOTYPE matiice make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76o a hundred at The Bee office. POULTRY . TOPICS. Lincoln, Neb., tell how to make money with poultry. Three months' trial ubscripion 10c. LITE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF O.MAUA A B C of Omaha KELP WANTED tt ALIO AND FEMALE. GOVERNMENT Job open to men and women; $ to $160 montn. Write imme d.ately for portions list Franklin JnsU- heater. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man wants plaoe to work for board whll attending Boyle' college. Telephone Douglas 1666. YOUNG man willing to work want employment of any kind; can drlv and take care of auto; well recommended aa to ability. T. la6. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or of fie work; can us typewriter; not a teno. K S.U. Be. MAN and wife (colored) want position In private family or club; wife a good cook and housekeeper; man as butler and do general work; can take car of auto mobiles; qualified to raanag any club. Will work together or separate, D. A. Hayes, 17 Burden. Tel. Web. 183. JAPANESE, middle-aged, chief cook, want position in hotel or restaurant In or out of city; hav had 26 years' ex perience in California: reference, kith and L St., South Omaha. Ask for T Yura. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic wishes position; teat references. Tyler 1586. Read th "For Sale" ad if you want bargain ot th minuta ALL watches, diamonds and Jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST Quitting Jewelry business. WEST ERN WATCH AND JEWELRY CO.. Room 217, Karbach Block. JUNK We ar tb oldest Junk buy er in the west Wr.te for pries list on scrap metal, rubber and rag. L. Harding A eon, u. tli lout vim., uiiian. N EW and aecond-hand electrio fan and motor. LeBron Electrio Work. 318 8. 12th. Dougla 2176. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467. Renovate feather and mattiease of all kinds, make feather mattresae and down cover. Osteopathic Physlclaa. Dr. Rerucha. 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. $626. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandela Bldg., D. 2144. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St Print la ft. WATETtS-BARKHART Ptg. Co.. mtallty printing. Tel. Loug. tVM). 'U 8. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37S4. Pateat. H. A. Sturges, 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O Barnell, Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatine aad Paperlnar. HUGH M M ANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 1721 Flames Renovated. PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned & dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. 83!4. Ksack Exterminator. B. B. B Roach powder at your druggist, Safn and Tims Lock Expert. O A Opened, repaired, comb. ArLo char.g.U. F. E. Daven- port. 14'1 Dodge. D 1S21. 'ACUL'M cleaner for sal. Vacuum cleaning done in th home. Sanitary Service Co.. 304 Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles and part for all sewing machines. N E BKASK CYCLE CO.. Mlckels," I5lh ftnd Harney. Dougla 14-a. EAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten- Ua. I'opuiar combinations, not soia In store. Factory Salesmen. Web, W 4399. AeewaataatB. MELVILLE D. THOMAS At COMPANY. 1237-38 City Nat Bank Bldg Tyler lUfc. E. A DWORAK. account aud td, open ing and closing books. Installing modern of lie and cost accouuting systems. Ad dress 431 Rams Bldg. Phon D. 7404. Addlaa- ataealaea. Palton Adding Machine. 411 B. II. D. 14-49. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. P. 6j Ad Writers. APPLEGATE writes ftds. booklet, cir culars, oa request Room 4U3H. Be Bldg. TeL Douglas 4177. . Architects. Everett B. Dodds. CI Psiton Blk. D. 1381, AOractloas. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th aad Doug. Motion fiUtuxs piaUilus aad fjlu bargains. Shoe Repairing-. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 Bt. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, m S. 14. Store aad Oftlc Flxtare. DESKS, safes, scale, showcases, ahelv, Ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th D. 1724. Sift-as aad ahawcard. B. M CLARK ft SON, 111 8. 16TH ST Steel teillaft. CARTER Sl eet Metal Work. 110 8 10th. Storm Saskes aad Doors. Welrlch Co. Quick delivery. Webster 1577. Tawel Sapalivs. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 a 11th. P. SSI Traaks aad Saltcaae. FR FLING A STEINLE. 1908 Farnam St Tallsr CHAS. C. IJVNDERTOU. 101 N. IRth 8t O. OL8EN 4S CO.. 611 8. 16th Bt,. Id floor. Veterlaarlana. DR O. R. YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wat. 30. Wladaw Shad Cleaner aad It I mm. OLD shade made Ilk new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. UU OLD SHADES mads like new. Midwest fehftdo Factory. 4ltf UamUton, Wal. mi. EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlc trola records: must be ft topnotch ma chine and have a large bunch of record If you expect an even exchange. Will take Edison machine same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK machine wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating shotgun to help make tip the difference In value. Address S. C. 152, Bee. FOUNTAIN PENS Gross of fountain pens, retail at $3 each, piio $288. Will exchange for diamond ring or auto. Don't answer unless you will trade. Address S. C. 416. Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1, 8. C. 42, Bee. 1x7 GRA FLEX newspaper camera, wltn 11 plate holders, carrying case tof camera and carrying case for plat hold era The outfit In good condition ftnd big bargain for th lot ftt $110. Address S. C. 1511 GAS RANGE for grafonola, or what hav you? S. C. 421, Be. HAMILTON PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Virginia land or land In southern Indiana, or for lots well lo cated In Omaha, Kansas City, Indianap olis or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIFFER ENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANT ED. Please give best description you can in first letter to save correspondence; alao legal description. I am buying for myself. Address b. u. aoo. eta. MANDOLIN Want to trade high grad mandolin for automauo revolver, au- drea S. C. 401, Be. OFFICE DESK Will buy som good second-hand desks; must c cneap ior cash. Addres S. C. 264. Hee. NINE BELL BOTTOM JACKS 2x14 In. high, one 2x16 in . hlgn, also u rollers in. Dr.; all In first class order; roller painted and not crushed, but kept dry. Swap for ft good Marlln 25-20 rifle up to Its value. 1 value Jack at $2.60 each and roller 75 cent. Swap for anything I can use. Address 8. C. 866. Bee. OPPORTUNITY Here i a chanca for someone to get into a money-maaing little business without money I 1 hnvo 500 stick of mending cement. Mend any thing and aells rapidly at 16c per stick. Stock on hand and recipe for manufac turing for what hav you? Other busi ness keep mo from working It Thl la no Junk, but absolutely good. Address S. C. 420, Bee. FOR the best bargain yt offered by any one on new high-grade piano, addres. until Jan. L B C. ta, Be. PIANO I have a piano; wish to turn It in as first payment on a well located building lot that is suitable for homo costing around $3,000. Will pay difference In cash in from six to eight month. Ad dress, S. C. 408, Bee. PIANO A Story & Clark piano, almost new, $148; cost $360. Our reason, ready cash Is needed. S. C. 407, Bee. PIANO One almost new Connover piano, cost new $o60. Will sell for much less, or if you hav a diamond we may trade. Mahogany case. 8. C. 4o6. Bee, PAINTING CONTRACTOR will wap painting for an auto, not too high Sriced. Want car for my own use. Ad reaa B. C. 867, Bee. PIANO Excellent piano and cash for farm land around Mobil or New Or leans district: would like 40, 10 or 124 acre or mora; am buying for myself; will glv som one an excellent trad for good land rightly priced; 1 am not look ing for high or fancy priced land; want to raise slock. Addrea 8. C. 413, Be. PLAYER PIANO Virtually a pew good player piano, cost new $660. Will sell for $376, with rolls. Responsible parties can buy thl player on payments, or would trade for diamond as payment Addrea B. C. 406, Bee. PLAYER MUSIC Have extensive assort ment of latest popular and classical rolls for 88-note player piano. Will glv good value in musio for Victrola, Kodak, vi-ibie o p writer or anytnlng 1 can use. Give full description of what you hav and ofier will ba given prompt considera tion. Andreas 8. C. 418, Bee. FOR the best bargain yet offered by any one on new high-grade piano, address, until Jan. 1. S. C. 422, Bee. RACING CAR 30 h. p. International, 1911 model, stripped for racing, with tor pedo hood and two bucket seat; luggage box in rear. Chassis Just overhauled and a powerful machine; four-cylinder, water cooled, Schebler carburetor, dual igni tion system, with Splitdorff magneto; new differential gears; two new Nobby Tread 36x4-inch rear tiros. Price $3u0, and will consider first class twin motor cycle or late model Underwood type writer as part payment and glv you th best of th deal a have no place to keep the car at present Address 8. C, 417. Bee, SIGNS. howcard. Clark Bon. P. 1171. SHOTGUN Beautifully engraved. 11, gauge Marlln repeating shotgun ftnd case; cost $40; to exchange for chtoken; owner ha no us for It Address 8. C 419. Bee SINGLE CUTTER What will you trad for a single c-'tter, aimoat new. Ad dress B 314. Bee. STOCK Preferred stock in large profit able corporation for improved farms In eastern Nebraska, Kansas or Iowa. Ad dress S. C. 410, Bee. STENOTYPE New, in ths best of con dition. Used less than four months. Will trad for anything of equal value, or what cash offer you will make? Ad dre& B. C 400, Bee TOYS, ETC. A wireless telegraph sta tion. Radioptican, electric motors, ftsii aquarium and other things to trade for .22 repeater or will sell. Addrea 6. C. 113. Bee. WILL trade a first class quarter Mo tion in eastern Kansas, near Kansas City, for Omaha improved. This farm has good improvements, I under ft high state of cultivation and finely located. Is priced light. You can deal direct with owner. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1 11U City Katie! BtvAks t.