Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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mi-: ni:i;: omaha. tiiuijsday, ikcembkk iu, inu.
Fashion Hint
By MELLIFICIA. Wdenesday, December 23, 1914.
HE calendar tells us that thene are the very first days of winter.
TThls being so, it is not a little apropos to mention the fascinat
ing muffs Jack FroFt Is bringing with him.
The fad for the large floral muff is the moment's vogue. One
recently displayed and greatly admired In Omaha was made of large velvet
fansles In shaded tones of light and dark purple. These were literally
massed together in the fashionable barrel shape and edged with accordian
pleated frills. This muff sets off the one-piece sull roost effectively and
is an appealing style to the aesthetic dresser.
Others are using the plain satin and velvet, muchly tufted, shirred or
otherwise trimmed In self material and having a border of flowers or a
possible cluster of them appearing In one corner. But flowers somewhere
must be used.
Christmas Visitors
Mrs. Charts F. Hoffert of Ft. Josoph
Mo., haa arrived to spend the Christmas
koltdaya with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H- Schmidt. Mr. Jroffr-r will come up
to spend the week end.
Mr. William M. iunlvk of Chloaso has
arrived to upend Shiistmss with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Murphy. Mrs. Ounlook and
11 Iks Natalie Gun lock have Iwn In Omaha
for the last two weeks and will remain
until after the holidays.
Mrs. Ja mea Illarkeney, formerly Miss
Ann Rowley of Omaha, baa arrived from
Kansas City to spend tho holidays wilh
her mother and relative. Mr. Ulaaeney
la to arrive Thursday evening to spend
Christmas In Omaha.
To Honor Bride.
Miss Farah Leaf entertained Informally
at the Metropolitan, Tuesday evening. In
honor of her cousin, Mhis Mlnnlo Frank,
who will be a January Bride. An enter
tainment consisting of piano dueta, by
-Misses Esther and Anna Leaf; a reading
from "Nicholas Nlnkleby." by Mlsa Uert-
rude Marks; Jlngiea, by Mlsa TIlLle Beln
stok, and a rhalk talk, by Mr. Maurice
Leaf, waa followed by dancing. Th rooms
were tastefully decorated In red ani green
and dainty souvenir programs were pre
sented to each guest Over thirty couples
wsra present
To Honor Debutante.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton will en
tertaln at a dancing party this evening
at Charabera' academy la honor of Miss
Harriet Smith, tha debutant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Smith. The ball room will be profusely
decorated with Christmas trees of strand
greena and Christmas novelties.
High School Class.
The senior class of the Omaha High
8choo of Commerce gave a theater party
at tha Orpheum Monday evening. Those
present were:
Hannah Kooper,
Kdna Letowsky,
Margaret Mergen,
Kuby Norgard,
Clara Olsen,
Leona Knyder,
Jennie Splglo,
Arthur Peterson,
Irving Sorenson,
Clinton Tebbens,
IWlUlam Turner.
Rosa Adeleon,
Bess Barling,
Laura Uoehrtng,
Mildred Hanson,
Mildred Hartwell,
Mildred Jensen,
Resina Tauchen.
Dan Gruenig,
Melverna Lyck-
ea Kovitaky,
For Wedding: Party.
Miss Margaret Prentiss gave a luncheon
today at her bom In honor of her wed
ding attendants. Pink and whit roses
decorated tha table and covers war
placed for:
Mis sea
Adelaide Funkhouser,
Margaret Prentiss.
Informal Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn A. McSliane will
give a dinner this evening at their
home preceding the Hamilton dance at
Plmmrcrs' aca'lcmy. Covers will lie
plncpj fur:
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rnrn.
Mr. and Mrs. .lohn T. Htrnart "H.
nl Mrs. W. J
ind Mrs. VV. :
and Mrs. M'Shane
end Mrs. VV. P. Ilusford.
Motile Adams,
Aiary nneeis,
Tri-Qnad Club Entertained.
Mrs. Arthur Kuhn entertained tha Trt
Quad Card club Monday aftornoon. At
this meeting tba card gam was set aside
aad the members dressed Christmas dolls.
Mrs. O. If. Leptln was the guest ot the
club. Those present were: ,
Arthur Kubn.
J. K Cntee.
J. J. MuUen.
V. W. Greenman,
K. Ixivejoy, .
N. Kline,
Meed antes-
B. Illckox,
J. T. Buach,
Ir. Winter so ru
N. M. Carey.
R. M. Brown.
J. M. Qunston.
Wedding Announcement
' The wedding of Mr. Allen I Touug
and Mlsa Palmetto Pangle of Council
Bluffs, stepdaughter of Mr. A. Moape.
took place Sunday afternoon In Blair,
Neb. Mr. aad Mrs. Toung will reside in
Wedding Guests.
Mlsa Helen Miller of Chicago, formerly
f Omaha, win arrive Saturday to be
one of tha bridesmaids at the Adartis
Prentiaa wedding Tuesday, Dwoember K.
Mr. and Mrs. U D. Hughes of Ia
Grange, lad., grandparenu ot Mlsa
Prentiss, are expected Saturday, lo be
gueats at tb PrenUaa homo until after
tba wedding.
LeaHiboox Club.
Las Blboog club, the first aortal club
tabltahed at tb Central High
school, la planning several parttaa for the
botidaya The annual banquet of the ac
tive members and the alumni will be
a1' Saturday evening at the . Borne
total Covers will be placed for enventy-"vs-
Wadnosday evening, December 30,
tb annual ball will be given at the
Rom hotel.
Bowling Club Meet.
Tb A. U C. Bowling club met Tuesday
afternoon. The high score was made by
Mis Moll! Corby. Those present were:
Mra Samuel Olandui
U uses Misses
LIUiaa Baby. Km her Belmont,
annie Brodsky, Bess Adler.
Mollis Corby. Mildred Levy.
kTvelyn Levy. Caroline Lutbrg.
Pleasures fast -
Mia Smith of the Boyles college faculty
entertained the young women of her
claaaea In th parlors of tha Toung
'Women's Christian association, baturday
venlag. Vocal and piaoo musical numbers
were given, following ehUh Mis Smith
entertained at a theater party. Miss fcinlth
leaves for New York uu January L
Informal Luncheon.
Miss Amy Ullmor- entertained at
luncbeoa today at th Pastoa. Th guests
attended tb anallne afterward. Th
table waa decorated . with Christmas
greena and cover ware placed for eight.
Dinner Before Dance. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. David Bura will nter
tain at dinner this evening before the
sutscHption dance at Turptn's academy.
The tnUe Bill be decorated wMb Ohrlst
s ireeas and bul'y, and covers wll
be placed for:
Mr. and Mrs? Wilson Jjow.
Mr. and Mr W. a. C. Johnson,
i Mr, and Mia r mnk Ju1mh.
Mr. and Mis, Bauiu.
I Messrs.
JCatliei ine McCoiuikk Hoevrd Laldiige,
Greetings from China.
Christmas cards have hern received In
Omaha from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sum
ner Loblng-ler, who are now living In
Khnnghai, China.
Custer Post and Corps Meet.
Mrs. J. W. Foley, president of Mie
George A. Custer W oman's Relief Corps,
entertained the corps and post at a
Christmas parly at her home Tuesday
evening. Tito program consisted of
talks by the preeent commander, V. H.
Htevens, and the newly elected com
mander, Emery W. Johnson. Violin se
lections were played by Onrirgn Rath
burn; tecitailiins were given by Mrs.
Kmma J. Clark; mandolin selections by
C. H. Mapes; fancy dancing- by Mils
Imnn Mapes; Impersonations ty
George Rademacher; vocal nuniliers by
Miss Margaret Kverson, and selections
by the drum corps. The rooms were at
tractively decorated In Christmas greens.
For Miss Prentiss
Miss Nanny Barrett will give a bridge
party Saturday evening In honor of Miss
Margaret Prentiss, who will be married
next week. Miss Prentiss will be honor
guest Saturday at a bridge party at th
home of Miss Ruth Evans In Falracres.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Pr. J. H. Irvine left Monday for a
week's visit wilh relatives In Duluth.
Miss Lillian Weiss will return home
Thursday morning from the Chicago uni
versity to spend the vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Weiss.
Former Nebraskan
Dies in California
Dan Hcrrlgan, local attorney, has re
ceived a telegram atatlng that hla elder
brother, C. W. Horrlgan, died of brain
fever at Oakland, Cel., Tuesday nlgut,
Tb deceased lived for a great many
years at Hastings, Neb., and went from
there to Oakland to take the position
of cashier with the Booth fisheries.
I r
Starts Habeas Corpus Proceedings to
Get His Child from Dead
Wife's Parents
Krandparente, Mr. and Mrs. f. A.
Bitby, Wnald Krlsls Possession
ef I.IMlc. Tut, Taken When
the Mother Pled.
Lieutenant Frederick C. Tent. I'niteil
States army offircr, well known In
Omaha, has started a habeas corpus suit
In district court in an attempt to compel
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hlxby, ISL'a Kmmrt
street, parents of Ms dead wife, to re
turn to him his -month-oId daughter,
held by them, lie alleges, against his
An order directing Mr. end Mrs. Blxhy
to bring little Jo Jntmlcne Test Into
court was signed by pltrct Judge Eng
llwh at Lieutenant Test's requeet.
The baby waa lwrn at Santa Fe. N. M.,
whither Lieutenant Test and his wife,
who was MIks Josephine Itixby before
her niarrlflxe, made their home when Test was sent to the Mex
ican border by tho government at Wash
ington. Mrs. Test died May 3, less than two
years after her marriage. According to
Lieutenant Test's allegations in Ills pe
tition, lie gave the temporary custody of
the child to Mr. and Mrs. Iilxby. Now,
he alleges, he desires to care for her
himself, but her grandparents refuse to
give her up.
In order to show his ability to care
for the baby. Lieutenant Test informed
tho court that he receives a salary of $200
ft month from the goernment. with addi
tional allowances ?i mother is In charse
of his home in Santa Fe.
Mr, Jilxoy is a ...a eiimn fur the Llnln
gcr Implement company. He formerly
I iramuu in council minis, as aid Llcu
I tenant Tost. Both Lieutenant and Mrs.
Test were prominent In Omaha social
circles during their residence hero.
Sale of Red Cross
Seals Locally is
Bigger Than Ever
Salts of Ited Ci-ofs antl-tiiberculofls
seals In Omaha are blgr.Pt than ever, ee
bording to Mrs. 0. P. rears, local manager
of the campaign. More than Sl.onn worth
have already been old here In stores,
hotel, ilopots and tho postofflce. A still
greater demand for the little red stickers
Is expx ted the last few days of the cam
paign. Proceeds are used in fighting consumption.
I. A RtCONTiilSF.,
Black velvet toque, stiff crown with
soft Inset of velvet. Feather fancy
trimming at right side.
Over Two Thousand
from Eotary Ball
for Omaha Charity
"5'et profits from Die Pavlowa charity
ball given last week by the notary club
will be well above $:,000, according to an
Incomplete- report made at tha club's
noonday meeting at the Henahaw.
Wakefield Confesses
to Theft of Furs
Harry Wakefield, arrested for the theft
of a number of overcoats, confessed to
stealing a box of furs, valued at 1M,
from 'Wells-Fargo Express company. He
Implicated Tony Rogers, 2303 North
Twenty-seventh street; Krankle Thor
ton, state hotel; Win McCullough, JlJi
Capitol avenue, and Frank Wlck, ill
South Twelfth atreet. All four have
been arrested and are being held for in
vestigation. It la asserted by-'Wakefield
that th four above named peoplo
received the stolen property from him.
Th Dunbar Colored Athletic club will
hold its annual ball at the Auditorium
J-Ws.lf mam- K XjT.siIm! a.. -
NMttN POOR CHILDREN r Desdune's orchestra, and more than
200 hundred couplea already have pro
cured th necessary pasteboards for ad
mission. A special car from Kansas City
will arrtv Christmas eve for the func
tion, which is the on big event held by
th colored people during the year. Re
freshments will be served.
Three Cnited States district Judges will
sit In special session at Omaha. reember
S!K, to hear arguments by counsel for the
Central Vermont end four other eastern
railroads, which seek an order restraining
the Interstate Commerce commission from
enforcing lower freight rates on monu
ful hanillli.g, so should continue to have
mental granite shipped from Vermont to
Missouri river points.
Hy a recent decision, rates on monu
ment ami building granite were equalised,
after the former had taken a higher rate
for many years. Tho railroads allege that
nianutnent granite is not competitive with
building granite, and requires more caie
the higher rate.
Cheeks Croat, instantly.
You know croup Is dangerous. And you
should also know the sense of security
that comes from always having Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound In tha house.
It cuts the thick mucus and clears away
the phlegm, stops the strangling cough
and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep.
Take It for cough, colds, tickling throat,
hoarseness and for bronchial and la
grippe couughs. Contains no opiates.
Every user Is a friend. For sals by all
dealers. Advertisement.
Funeral Services Held Under
Auspices of the Masons.
f lvlt Wir Veterans Assist at the
ertlres ot Depart me at '
naader ef f.raad Arsay
of the ftestahllr.
"Yes, I strayed off like some other
good republicans in 1912, but I'm back In
the fold to stay now," said Oscar Knox,
one of the prosperous farmers of Buffalo
county, who represented his district In
the house in the legislature of 1903 and
"I was fooled by the bull moose, but it
didn't take me long to see there was
little to It except on man's grouch. I
think bull mooalam is as dead as a door
knob and the a. O. P. about the llvest
thing there is In this country today.
"Incidentally, while we have had a few
lean years down our way, we are out for
a fat one in 1915. We have lots of winter
wheat in, for one thing."
Tho funeral of John A. Dempster, who
died Monday morning sfter a long Illness
fiom Bright disease, was held from the
Masonic temple at 2.W yesterday arter
noon. The Masons, assisted by the
Oran.l Army of the Republic, conducted
the services, and Rev. Eds In Harte
Jenks. pastor of the First Fresbyterlsn
church, officiated.
Mr. Dempster was a member of Tan
gier temple, Hhrlners; Mount Calvary
commandery. Knights Templar; Capital
lodge. Ancient. Free and Accepted Ma
sons, and Hellcvue chapter No. 7, Royal
Arch Masons. He was commander of
the survivors of the battle of Shlloh. and
was department commander of the Grand
Army of the Republic and past com
mander of the 1". 8. Grant Post No. 110,
snd Fifty-second Illinois infantry.
Survivors of Mr. Dempster who at
tended the funeral from out-of-town are:
F.dward J. Dempster of Oeneva; J.
Henry Dempster of Sioux Falls, Mrs.
Mabel Chrlstenson of fioux "Falls, his
children; A. R. Iempstor of Floux Falls,
Charles B. Dempster of Bes trice,
brothers; Mrs. John Burgess of Beatrice,
sister; Dr. K. N. Robertson of Concordia,
Kan., Claude H. Robertson of Ann Ar
bor, stop children.
The honorary pall bearers were selected
from the Masons and the Grand Army
of the Hepublic. They were:
It. H. R jblson. O M. Haverir
Carlet Taylor.
Edward I'pdlke,
R. 8. Wilcox.
Jonathan Kdw&rds.
Wilson Will Have
Family Party at
the White House
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2S.-Presldent
Wilson will play Santa Claus Christmas
day for his small grand niece, Anne
Cothran, who will spend tho holidays at
the White House with her mother and
grandmother, Mrs. Anne Howe, the presi
dent's slBter. A large Christmas tree wss
delivered today st the 'White. House.
The president, with his three daughters.
Mrs. F. B Sayre, Mrs. W. G. McAdoo
and Miss Margaret Wilson, and other
relatives, plans to go to church Christ
mas morning, to take on automobile
ride in the afternoon and take dinner at
the White House In the evening. He will
attend only to absolutely necessary busi
ness during the dsy.
We wish you "many happjj
returns" but happiness im
really only a reflection cdj
health. It depends largely cd
the digestion. If you ax
poorly as a result of a weab
stomach, inactive liver or ologJ
ged bowels we urge a trial JJ
It brinsrs back aDDetitA. ah
- A a. v "
digestion and is beneficial 1
the entire system. Start todayJ
Jauntta I Coolny, the little daughter
of Judge and Mrs. 3. 8. Cooley. will
treat fifteen poor children to Christmas
dinner at the family residence, "Th
Maples," Twenty-fourth and Bristol
sFtN tha alla shop
' at ifw niconi isvit
m w iv as a w We W I a B
This is an exceptional opportunity to get arttolss of th nature we
sU at greatly reduced prices.
1318-14 W. O. W. Building. Take Zxpress Elevator to 13th floor.
to 211 City National Bank Dldg.
Aad in order not to more our large stock w lnelnd all
nwvwu, i.7pnii seaaa. BoaraDs, Fotterr, etc
ESsj 1
All Merchandise Bought in Our Stores
Up to 7 o'Clock Thursday Evening
Will Be Delivered the Same Day
We Are Ready for You
Even If You Are Late
Everywhere, with but few exceptions, you will
find complete stocks. It Is at th last moments
that tha superiority of our stores' merchandising
system and our ability to serve you best reveals
itself most unmistakably. Coma In absolute con- T
fidenca of finding her exactly what
on buying. You will not be disap
pointed. Indeed, the late shoppers
will reap unusual bara-atns
day, for In many departments
Mail JJt sssjBBsaBi
There Will Be Re-
0 ductions of 25,
33 and 50.
Sweet Land
Will have come most of the
playthings that will gladden
the hearts of Omaha's chil
dren on Christmas morn. If
you have not yet provided for
Santa Claus' fulfillment of
your children's dream, come
to our Third Floor.
We have by far
the largest assort
ments of Toys
and Dolls.
GLOVE CERTIFICATES L"u'd,,at ouJJldi, G,0T section.
, ' , v1 iviaia. Maln Fioo,.. This manner of giving a
lady gloves as a token of esteem is also a very graceful way
of giving her th privilege of selecting gloves that will best
pleas her. It Is preferred by many who will give gloves.
A MERCHANDISE BOND u gift when you
ars Issuing a great quantity. Inquire in any department.
Prim n!n n r?r
-S M II Will
? Brandeis Stores
Santa Claus' Head
quarters for Pure Sweets.
We will fill your orders
to the very last minute Thursday night
v - ?S2i& the assort-
f APJtk ments of Ty$ Wln?ftJ
Books The Best Friends
Gifts That Crow Dearer and
Dearer a fh Ynr f?r,11
Will you come Thursday to select a few choice
subjects for someone who will joyfully appreciate
these long-remembered tokens of esteem? Will
e- r-f i ktiu( uuug inai win ue most weioomefl
X. Tf bv some rlpvr frlanil rf mattiM v.... .ni ..
. 7Ii ' wk books that will engross and enrich the Juve
- rfT nH mind of a child who is dear to you?
iou win una tnem. We have them
here. More books to select from than
. anywhere else In Omaha and we real
ise that
All Booklovers Will Be
Pleased to Know That
Our Stocks of Books Are
Still Complete,
Cut Flowers
Rich Blooming Potted Plants to
add the finishing touch of cheer
fulness to the Christmas Feast
We are ready, and will be ready ud to the verv last
minute Thursday, to provide au kinds of flowers and floral
Thursday We Will Feature Especially
California Pepper Plants
It Burns and
Burns and Bums
The first time you use
Lehigh Valley Anthra
cite you will be sur
prised at its staying
power, the length or
time it lasts. As days
go on the fact will be
come less extraordinary.
Eventually you will
simply say that you use
less and get more heat
than from any other
coal you ever burned .
The Coal That Satisfies
owes its "staying power"
and its economy to its
quality. To its richness
in carbon it owes its
steadiness its efficiency.
Its "staying power" first
heats your house and
then keeps it warm.
Order from your regu
lar dealer. He should
carry it. If not, write
McCsnakk Bsileiaf CUcafa, 10.
Ask Any
rTTC. a
r )
1 yi
critical men
have made
their toasts
with the fa
mous. BOND &
Bottled b Bond
Kentucky Hand
Made Sour
Mash Whiskey.
15 Feet Candy Beads Red, r
pink and white.. ...DC
Candy Canes 2 for 6c, 6c, 10c,
16c and 25c each. ,
. Special Christmas Mixtures Dot,
ens of kinds at 10c, He, 19c and
S5c' pound. These mliturea are
especially adapted for filling stock
in as, cornucopia. ec.
. Bex Candle Hundreds of kinds
to choose from., all moderately
. priced.
Beautiful Lin of Hand Painted
Silk and 8tln Box Killed with
Fine Chocolates. . .13 00 to 910.00
Our Leader
1-lb. Box ef Assorted Chocolatee
and Bon-Bens Packed In rt r
a handsome Chrtstmaa
Others at XSc. Ma, . SO
Endless Variety of Silk and Satin
Sewing Boxes, filled with our
. Choicest Confections . $2.75 to $15
Fine Mixed Nuts
at 15c Per Found
Framed Pictures
Over 1.000 to be cleared out be
far we close Thursday evening.
Small lota from our various pic
ture counters. They are worth
60o to $:.$,
Take Your
Potted Poinsett!
At 29c Each
Fine Begonia Plants
At 98c Each
At 49c Each
Holly Wreaths
At 20c Each
Also a very large assortment of Blooming Plaxts at very special h
prices. Our Cut Flower department will deliver all evening as late .t
as pracucanie -i nursaay ana men as long aa necessary to make all
deliveries Christmas day. We are also In position to ship to any point
you may wish. Everything carefully packed to Insure fts being re
ceived on time and In good order.
Fine California Violets, American Beauties,
Carnations, Roses Cut Poinsettias, etc., at Spe
cial Prices for Christmas,
yyr lw"
tNatiaWr Lam
OKI -4.
This famous
leader in whis
key quality it
Sold Every
where because
Demanded Ev
erywhere. Bond &
mi ass. R.