THE BEE: OMAHA, WEI N ESI) A V. nKCKMBKR 2'.), 1014. THOMPSON, BELDEN S CQ The Last Day Before Christmas Will Be One of the Most Pleasant Here Thompson, Belden service is real and will materially assist you in finishing your Christmas purchases. Shop EarlyOpen Until 9 P. M. The Handkerchief Store Which PleasesAUOmaha Second Floor THE FUR SHOP We arc direct importers of the finest styles. We ' have hundreds and thou sands of beautiful foreign and domestic handker chiefs, and the prices are modest. Women's all linen handker- ' chiefs, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Women's all linen embroid ered handkerchiefs, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c up to $16. Real Lace Handker chiefs Exquisite beyond description, for those who wish to have the most beautiful of all. Linen handkerchiefs, em broidered with initials, iu a variety of exclusive styes, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Handkerchiefs, embroidered in one corner, 3 in a box, 60c and $1.00 a box. And Here You Will Find the Silk Hosiery for women, of dependable manufacture, f u r t he r strengthened by our ex perience in selecting the best the market affords. MEN BUY HERE WITH OUT FEAR OF BEING DECEIVED. Silk Hose with the new Poin tex heel, $1.50 and $.00. Black Silk Hose, with But-I-Nol tops, $1.50. Black Silk Hose, with laven der tops, $1.50. Beautiful Thread Silk Hose, in every evening shade, and colors to match shoe tops, now so fashionable, $1 and $1.50. An ideal place for last day purchases: Xo apparel is so dear to n woman's hciirt as fine furs. This season the prices of fine furs are fv moderate that they are no longer n luxury. Furs are about Y3 less in price than formerly. You buy furs here with assurance that you get what von think von are buvinwr. Fur Sets $750 to $250 THE FUR SHOP Thompson, Belden Co., Reliable-Since 1886 The Last Day ' of the Special Chocolates Front Table Center. ' Best COc Chocolates 39 the Pound Box 78 the Two-pound Box Important Christmas Special SWISS EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES Fig ured and eyelet designs, . scalloped edge, size 45x36, euch pair neatly packed in - box, -regular $1.25 value, at 79c a pair. BASBKXMT Attractive Christmas Neckwear There never was a sea son which brought forth so many clever new de signs. There never was a time when we were so fortunate in securing such n lovely variey of beauti ful neck fixings. "We might describe an indi vidual style here and there, but you will get your best impression by a personal visit. Prices are here to suit every one's requirements. KAXH FX.OOB. Early GIRLS PUT SLAYERS OF FATHER TO ROOT 7ie Heavy Silver-Backed Hair Brushes So Fiercely that Burg lars Get Worst of It. Russian Minister of War Declares Germany's Victories "Inventions" THEIR BROTHER IS WOUNDED Two Mri fri, MeHrrlnc Wealtbr - Aaaelea Man Wbllf Attrmptlna in Rob Ilia Horn. I-OS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec Z).-Lpm than twelve hours aftr thny had shot and killed William M. Alexander, a wealthy rrtlrd attorney, formerly of I ml In, Tex., whose homo they entered ti rob early today, and wounded W. M. Alexander, Jr., two men giving the names of Kthelbert Chnrles Oxman and Ulenn Wltte were In Jail chanted with the mur der. Both matin complete confessions, ac cording to the police.. The capture of the men came aa a cli max of an exhaustive combing of the county In which more than 1K detectives took part. Both men had been badly beaten In the early morning fight at the Alexander home when they were sur prised by Alexander, sr. One of them had a bullet wound In his leg. Admits He te "layer. Oxman, the police say, admitted that he was the slayer of Alexander, and Wltte confessed that he had shot Alexander, jr., when the son rushed to the aid of his father. Penelop and Anna Alexander, i daughters of the dead man, came down- stairs during the fight between the two I burglars and the son and made such a brave showing that the men fled from j the house, leaving their clothing on the I lawn outside. I The whereabouts of the men wis tele- j phoned to the police today by a woman ' who saw them enter a house In search of I I medical attention. I "When the old man was awakened by j a noise I made he fired at me. I returned I the fire," waa Oxmtn'i statement as ; given out. I Young Alexander waa shot In the chest, but Is not dangerously wounded. ! Oxman and Wltte were taken to the ' Alexander residence late today and Identi fied. Dies In Wife's Arms. Mrs. Alexander, the widow of the, slain man, said that she was entering the room where Mr. Alexander met the burglars and had taken off her rings to give to them, when the fatal shot was fired. Her husband died In her arms. I'pon their return from the Alexander I renldence the prisoners were taxen 10 me receiving hospital, where for two hours they occupied the attention of the sur geons. Oxman had been shot In the left leg by young Alexander and both had been beaten severely by the Misses Alex ander, aged 16 and is. who wielded hair brushes silver backed and heavy, with such effect that the robbers' scalps were covered with gashes and cuta that re quired suturing. "Those girls fought like tigers." re marked Wltte. Wltte said he came from Duquoln, III. Oxman said his father waa a minister in San Francisco lust before the fire of 1908. Later he was pastor of a church at San Diego, after which he went to Binning him. where he la said to have died a year ao. ALLIES MAKING ' SLIGHT PROGRESS (Continued from Page One.) (Copyright, U14, fejr Tress Publishing Co ) By GEN. W. A. SOI KHOMLIXOFF, Russian Minister of War and Adjutant PETROOnAD, Dec. 21 (Special Cable gram to the New Tork World and Omaha Dee.) All Information given out by the Germans about their so-called brilliant victory in Poland Is sheer' Invention. The partial displacements of our armies, recently effected between the Vistula and the Welrth rivers, have and can have no bearing upon a check that might have been inflicted upon us by the enemy in the course of a battle extending over an enormous front Such occurrences in either direction are In evitable. Retreat at one point Is com pensated by an advance at some other. Thus, In the direction of Warsaw the enemy Is exhausting himself in- vain at tacks on our Bsura positions, uselessly sacrificing considerable numbers of troop. The right bank of the Vistula has been entirely cleaned up. The enemy, after a serious defeat In the region of the Mlswa, wss thrown back upon his own territory. In south Poland and In eastern Gallcla the German offensive has been stopped absolutely. All efforts of the garrison of Priemsyl to force the blockade have been victori ously defeated. I'nder these circumstances there can be no question of allowing Warsaw to fall Into the hands of the enemy. The untruths which the German gen eral staff are trying to spread may find their excuse In the necessity of giving heart to the German people and of In fluencing public opinion in neutral coun tries In favor of Germany. Neither the proceeding nor Its employment are new The civilized world has been ablo to gauge their worth. TEUTONS HOLDING POSITIONS WEST Berlin War Office Eeports Defeat of French Attempt to Advance in Belgium. GREAT ACTIVITY NEAR CHALONS Effort of Allies In .Northern F ranee to Gain Uronnd at Several Points Defeated Situation In East Is Vnchanced. sla is unchanged. Battles for the possession of the Bsura river (west of Warsaw) continue. "The situation on the right bank of the river Plllea remains unchanged." Read the "For Sale" ads If you want bargains of the minute. TWO VIOLATIONS OF NEUTRALITY Colonel Goethali, on His Arrival at New York, Discusses His Call for Warships. MERELY A MATTER OF FORM eejaeet aTarwarde at Keenest of Naval Of fleers In Bone Wireless Plant British Coal Tar. 1 rler Is Dismantled. NEW TORK. Dec. B.-The request by Colonel Oeorge W. Ooethals, governor of tan canal son, for the dispatch of Amer ica warships to the canal to preserve the neutrality of the United Htates, was sug gested by naval officers In charge of wireless plants and naval affairs in the one. was forwarded as a matter of form by Colonel Ooethals. acting in his ca pacity aa governor of the canal gone, and the Incident is ended so far aa Col onel Ooethals la concerned, so announced the colonel himself upon his arrival here today from Cristobal on the steamship Panama, Colonel Ooethals said that naval offi cers had reported to him that there had boea two violation of American neutral ity, lie declined to give the names ol the naval officers, or to mention th. namea of the vessels involved In the al leged violations of neutrality. "One of tbe Incidents was that of a ship which sailed without , clearance papers; the other was a ship that was reDorted to have been uaine its wireless within the canal Bone," Colonel Uoethals ' said. "The naval officers in charge brought the matter to my attention and asked me, as governor, te request the government to tend warships to the canal sone. I transmitted their request as a matter of form and there my responsibil ity ended. ' "In recommending that the ships be seat, I waa governed by the recommenda tions made to me by tbe naval officers." Will Ask far Irs Millions. Colonel Goethals expects to go to Wash ington after the Christinas holidays to urge congrese to appropriate I10.oou.uu0 for the construction of the dry docks, bar racks, machine shore and wharves In the canal sone. lie Intimated that he would have nothing further to say on the mat ter of sending war vessels to the canal one unless he were asked to give his views. He said he expected to go to West Point first to see his son, who U an Instructor at the military academy there. - "I want to ask for an additional dredge when I go to Washington," he aid. "I fear that we will have to keep dredge working on the canal steadily a year or mors. The bills at Culebra (Me t he nettling, and Uils is the been able, however, to get ships through the canal in much better time than we thought we could; for Instance, we eal-i culated on half an hour to each of the three locks, but we find that a ship can be passed through all three locks in forty-five minutes." Colonel Ooethals said that there are at the present time still 2..w men on ins government's payrolls In the canal none, ltadlo Plant Dismantled WASHINGTON, lc. . Lieutenant Crenshaw, naval radio officer at the Panama canal sone, cabled the Navy de partment today that the wireless of the Prltleh steamer Prolesllaus. In Balboa harbor, was dismantled by canal sone police December 10, after It was found It had been sending code messages. The cruiser Tacoma Is at Cristobal te enforce neutrality, and the Navy depart ment still has under consideration the possibility of dispatching another vessel to the canal sone. A recent British statement to the Navy department said Governor Ooethals had said In a written communication that he had been misinformed when he charged that a British collier wss using Its radio outfit contrary to neutrality. Officials here now assume that the governor had reference to another ship which also figured In the official dispatches as hav ing violated ranal rales by leaving Bal boa without clearance papers, and that that vessel had been confounded with the 1'rotesllaus. The unnamed collier had no mlrelvss apparatus. The Protesllaua Is a British merchant steamer of 4.1U tons which, under chsr ter of the British government, sailed from Victoria. B. C . In November for Balboa. Panama canal sone. It was as- I sitmed It carried coal and supplies for Urillnh naval vessels. pave the street, which Is undoubtedly needed according to reports on file. David City t'onple. la Kaat. Mr. and Mrs. Ettlng of David City are In Washington for a fortnight. Mrs. Et tlng came to the capital several weeks ago to be present at the death and burial of her mother. Mr. Kiting, who is as sistant cashier of the City National bank of David City, Joined his wife yesterday and will spend the holidays In the east. Lofcerk Camilla Home. With the exception of Representative Loheek. the entire Nebraska delegation will remain In Washington during the congressional recess. Mr. Ixibeck left for Omaha tonight to spend Chnftitmas with his family. General Scott Has Satisfactory Meet With General Hill NACO. Aria., Dec. 21 -Brigadier Gen era! Hugh L. Beott. chief of ataff of the I'nlted Mates army, successfully com pleted today the first step In his effort for peace on the Mexican border. He conferred with General Benjamin Hill, the Carranxa defender of Naco, Sonora. and said that ' It was a very satisfactory Interview." A conference with Maytorena is now being arranged by General Scott. Prior to the conference Oeneral Hill reported that 126 of Maytorena'a Taqu s Indians threw down their arms and crossed to the American side early today at a point two miles west of here. COREY FOR ATTORNEY SWAIN FOR MARSAL Continued from Psge One.) harbor work, the o. next Ion of bank pro tection In the neighborhood of Florence. Klprapping has been done in front of the town of Florence for a number of years pest, but the Missouri Insists on work ing Its way behind the revetments and to protect the river's enroachments Flor ence lias appropriated fc.KJO with the pro viso that a like sum be given by the fed eral government to check the ravages of the river. Colonel Taylor informed the congress man that he would endeavor to find a way to muet the Florence appropria'lon so that work may be begun at that point while the river la In Its normal bounds. Paving; on Tklrtlrth. And while he was on chore duty, Lo-l't-k had an Interview with General Ale hlie, chief of tbe quartermaster's corps, looking to the paving of Thirtieth street, which conservative estimates say will cost $6,0uu. General Ales hire, who has always been friendly to the project, said be believed a way could be found to CHICAGO PARCEL POST DOUBLE LAST YEAR'S CHICAGO, Dec. S. -Christmas business at the Chicago poatoffloe is nearly double the amount of last year, according to announcement today by Postmaster Daniel Campbell. Parcel poet packages totalling ICS tons were shipped out last Sunday and Monday as against S73 tons on the corresponding days last year. The figures established a new tonnage record for outgoing packages. "To the east of Amiens, on the Alsne and In Champagne there have been artil lery engagements. "In the region of rerthes-Les-Hurlus we carried after a spirited cannonade and two assaults, the last aectlon of the line which we occupied In part December It We made an average gain of 800 yards. In the last trench which came Into our possession we captured a section of ma chine guns. Including the gun crews. A violent counter attack was repulsed. "We also made progress to the north east of Beauaejour, where further coun ter attacks on the part of the enemy were without success "There has been a perceptible advance on the part of our troops In the forest of La Grurle against a front of trenches 0 yards wide and running not leas than lot) yards deep. We blew up with mines two of these German lines of works and occupied the excavations. Partial Heverse at Bore.ullles. "The fighting ie going on in the vicinity of Boreullles, with the outcome fairly se rious. It would appear not to have been possible to retain entirely the positions acquired yesterday morning. "There has been no incident from the heights of the Meuse to upper Alsace. "Kuasia: In east Prussia the Germans have been driven back on the line from Neldenburg to Koldau." 'In Poland, the Germans were success ful in getting a footing on the lower Bsura, to the north of Sochacaew. Further to the south they reached the Rawka river at Bollmow, and they have passed fcklernetwlce, moving to the east. 'Austro-German forces are moving Into Poland aloug a front which runs from a point to the southeast of Piotrkow to the west of the river NiiU. In Galtcia. They have reached the rlvr of Dunajek. and they occupy a line from Grybow to Snitg rod to Hanok. "The effort at a sortie made by the Fraemysl garrison resulted in complete failure." BERLIN', Dec. 23.-That the att.rk. launched yesterday by the allies in Bel-i glum were easily repulsed by the Oer- mans; that the French troops are show-! ing greater activity in the vicinity of! Camp Do Chatons, and that the French ! forward movement in the vicinity of1 Slllerle, Rhelms, Soualn and Perthes have been partly repelled, were the features of the announcement Issued today by the German army headauartera. The official statement says: "Attacks In the region of Lombaertzyde and to the south of Blxschoote have been easily repulsed by us. At Rlchebourge L'Avoue the English again were driven from British positions yesterdav. "Notwithstanding desperate counter at tacks, we have retained all the positions wnicn we captured from the English on the Rlchebourge canal, from Aire to La- iiassee. Since December 20. 750 British and colored soldiers have been captured oy us, and five machine guns and four mine throwers taken. "In the neighborhood of Caron Chuinm the enemy Is showing greater activity. "Attacks to the north of Sillerie. south east of Rhelms, at Soualn and at Perthes nave Deen partly repelled by us with heavy losses to the French . The situation in East and West Prus- til Tit Homtt tfMtntk'$ Final December Clearance Sale Thursday and Saturday Your Pick of Any Coat, Suit or Dress In Oar Stock. Vahtt to $65, Divided into 3 Lott $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 Th Hoot of Mtnagh "Tit Sfer for Ctnttttvomcn" 1613 Farnam St. NS. The Executor Of Your bstate should be chosan with pare pnd discretion, tn nursing (ha IMor4 Trout Company in your will ah ICxftautor of tvmii: putfttp yon. wrtouFtj fw who in wmtifltant, faith ful and rfsjionslhtc), You nre pordlnlly In vited to talk tho mutter over with ns. Capital Surplus $200,000.00 $275,000.00 SJLJilseseJIoMm jgj! Home Builders 17th an Doagiaa Sto Omaha, IS AIT OPEN LOOK 7 PAID pOOIC ON SHARES Come, gee how It can pay you 7 per cent on your money I Orchard ? Wilhelm Co. After Christmas our Toy Department is closed until next Christmas. To avoid repacking we have marked spe cial prices on hundreds of sample articles. TJis is certainly the place for the Eleventh hour Shopper. Here you will find the biggest bargains in town on the final day. uAnu'iiULi, KIDS MAHOGANY rresn and new In many cos tumes, regularly $1.25; special to close, m r at 75c Vti O R A DORA KID BODY DOLL Jointed dolls, thoroughly well Cf made.... OUC KID BODY DOLLe r r" At ZOC DRE8MED KKW- I1KH In sets with change of cloth Ing; special. . . KKwriKM If), and IP a.ik.iiii;an BOljlUftU -a o GAME IOC Game with tin soldiers. q tent and air gun special, OtC IIOHUY HORSES, ft 3. 98 and hlghe 48c, 98c BEDS with matt resses and pillow ,$3.50, 86.08 nd S8.8 HKASS HKDri with t ij j mattrenses and pillows 3)0. 3 ELECTRIC TUAIX8 5 Three cars, 12 pieces track and motor; a f6.00 train, special ff at aPO.UU All wood collapsible Shoofly $1.25 -A.11 ItnAtMAl nrlrai Fox Educational Board 90c The newest Educational same. Orchard & Wiihelm Co. Important Notice! Anyone who wants to buy Wines and Liquors tor the Holi days should go to a reliable house which sella all goods at one price As a means of bringing our selves before the public, we offer the following special offer: With each $1.00 purchase we wiU give a very fine Imported Calendar. With each $2.00 purchase we will give a large bottle of Wine and a very fine Imported Calen dar. With each $3.00 purchase we will give a bottle of choice Wine, Calendar and very fine Fruit Dish. C.SCUUUM&CO. 1307 Douglas Street. FEDERAL TROOPS WILL BE WITHDRAWN j-ROM COLORADO WASUINOTON. leo. 2X-Arrenge-ments for beginning the withdrawal of federal troops from the Colorado strike districts within the next ten days were made todsjr at a conference between rresldcnt Wilson, Governor Amnions of Colorado. Oovernor-elei't Carlson and Senator Bhaireth. Qaaraallae Preeiaiate. DENVKH. Colo.. Dec. 3.-Th State IVrtl or Htock Inspectors and Coniunx stoners today proclalmiM a quarantine gainst shipments of rattle and aheap fivm Mor.uu.a on account of foot and mouth diwasr. The order forbids the .ntraao of stork from Montana. Into the late, even la transit. PALACE OF DEIFIED LAMA OF MONGOLS IS BURNED LONDON. Dec. S3 A dispatch received hare from 1'rga, Mongolia, relates that the Interior of the pulace of the Kutuktu or the deified lama, of the Mongols, with all Its prlceleos treasures, lias been en tirely destroyed by fire. The loss en tailed Is said to be enormous. 1 The wealth of Kutuktu. derived from the contributions of enthusiastic devotes, is described as very great. In and about Vrga he owns 15A.O.I0 slaves, an abund ance of worldly goods and tho most pretentious palace In Mongolia. Department Orders. WASHINGTON, Deo. a. (Special Tel egram. Iowa postmasters appolntnd: Hancock, t'ottaw altanue county, Wi.llan. J. Dool, vice J. F. Owens; Qulmhy, Cher okee county, Ueorice A. Fox. vlco J. Cor rtnKtnn, retimed; bunUury. Cedar county, Charles 1. tlimm, vie U. F. Peterson; Vlnlii. Tama county. Charles trachota. vice W. Dolash, resinned: Buckingham, Tama county. Lev! Klngland. vice F. Hlliu-oe. resigned: IHnxdale, Tama county, UlUm II Hickrt. vice T. blcket: fcl beron. Tuma county. Kind Kaloupvk, vice S. I.. Khurart; Clutier, Tama county. James Hs -h: Melbourne, Marshall county, William A. r'awtell. Nebraska pension granted: lAiclnda Roach, et. Edward, 112. Choice Fresh Candies In Factory Sealed Packages Uggett's Assorted Chocolates (j lb., 40o 1 lb., 80c-2 lb., $1.603 lb., $2.405 lb., $4 Uggett'e- Butter and Milk Bitter-Sweets H- lb., 40c 1 lb., 80c-2 lbs., $1.60 LifTgett's Nut and Fruit Chocolates H lb., 40c 1 lb., 80c 2 lbs., $1.60 Liggett 'a Dainty Dutch Delights y2 lb., 30c 1 lb., 60c 2 lbs, $1.20 Woodward's Virginia Chocolates V2 lb., 30c 1 lb., 60c 2 lbs. $1.20 Woodward's Knob Hill Chocolates 1 lb.r 60c 2 lbs., $1.20 Woodward's Bon-Bonettes V2 lb., 30o 1 lb., 60c 2 lbs. $1.20 Also Johnston's, O'Brien's and Dinning 's best packages. Barr's Saturday Candy, all this week, per lb ,29c Sherman & r.lcConncll Drug Co. Cornrr 16th and lXKlge Hts. OWL DKK1 CO., lOUi and Harney SU. I OVAL PHARMACY. 'Jt7-0 North 16tb Kt. HARVAKD I'HAKMACV. 24th and Faraaiu Kts. .i j COM AM18EMKTS, BRANDEIS Trl Rat. and Ban.; Mat., Xmaa, 3 P.M., atneilaei A gflk war THI FBIITCB OF FIt.SEir. With JOHBT W. KA.MBOME. Matinee, 2So to 91 BTontaga, ase to $1.50 W.xt Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fries aSo to 91.60, Gala Matinee Wednesday The BLUE BIRD Original Company and Frodnotlon. HIPP THEATWE "lirr llth and Harney TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MARGUERITE CLARK Assisted by Harold hockwood In Tl-ie Crucible'"' DON'T MISS IT. 3d Bit W (2 K BOYD Pmg'M mt Tonight. Mat. Xmaa, 3, Pat., 25c. Th. Boyd Theater Stock Co. Th Woman In th Cas Frloes, 85o and 50c, Next Vk. Cinderella, loo Feopls. Tuesriey. Kocloty Nlfrht. MVe. Beolah Pale Tamer la Boars I "OMAHA'S XXrm CTWTXM" tBm LlfXTi D,A1 -. is-as-soe m-r BTgs, ift-a-6o-7So .KSSSMJeU RENNtDV 2 i.ttttKTY GIRLS Eft-. ' "AUnunr Club." Trouble of A4alpo," Mtir. oa Gilbert a Bullttu Upv. "Th. Mikado." V irtue glMrvood U Kooikardy EiplolU, Ota Oeaiei, i raraa . ArUU. Big Beauty Chora. Xmas Say Matinee at S O'c oek Tlree Shoppers' Mat. Iin; Week Bay. ADTaJtCBD TAVDBT1UI, Daily Matinee. :lt Nlghu. 1:14. TK . lo. JaaapblM. Mme. Uar sail. Harmlm tiaaiia a Co., lAelL, kogrn a Lrll. Th beu Colonial bellr. Sauia a kaua4a, Joe a Lm Covper, orpuouai 'J ratal Wackly. PTlcw: Uatiaa. gallery. ISr: baat Mala Uicapl Sal ur Jar aod Euaduj. tx. Ntcai, It, Ba. 4... ,,j