THK HV.Ki fWAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2.7, 1914. i By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, December 22, 1914. SANTA CLAt'S is on all the corners of Omaha and permit to be Just ai busy as he can be. hut he in golnir to plve some of Ms time very noon to the poor little Italian children of Omaha and fill all of their stockings to the very brim. The Thrift Child society In holding Kg annual Christmas tree this year at Sixth and Tierce street. In the Italian hall there. Eight years ago this society was organized by Miss Stella Hamilton, now Mrs. Daniel Ctapleton of South America, and Its object Is the relief and Instruction of the Italians of the city. Kvery Saturday morning a band of Omaha's well known women 'go down to St. Phllomrna's school and teach these children to sew, cook and give them religious Instruction. The Christmas tree celebration will be held next Monday afternoon. The children look forward to it as the event in their rather humdrum little lives. Prom this tree they get whatever they have asked for in letters written to the Christ Child for aid, and then dear old Santa Claus himself comes down personally, distributes the gifta, and adds thrills to the hearts of the little tots. The Rt. Rev. I'.lshop Snannell will preside and will address the chil dren. The officers of the society are Mrs. M. R. Murphy, president; Mrs. Swartzlander and Miss Julia Mullen, vice presidents; Miss Ophelia Hayden, secretary, and Miss Bushman, treasurer. K. B. Aldous is chairman of re lief and is assisted by a committee of twelve. innrnlr. from Ft. Thnrnm' colled, wt. rani, nj will hr th hi parent. Mr. tsn-t Mr E. F Rlloy, during th holl- High School Senior Hop. The annual nlrr hop of th Omaha, HlHh school aa hM Monday evcnlh at C'hatnlrs and i well attnrlp1. Tlie hall was dwnratod In th rlna rolnr of a1t gry ami bin and the sh1rl Hants and novel d-roratlrins. The rtanr was In vliam of Ted Kylor and Innl.l Klpllnajsr. Inyon's orrriastra furnlahel the music Those trnt rr To Honor Debtutantes. Miia A Hoe Jaqulth will elve a dinner thi evening at thn Omaha club In honor of Ml Helen Ixiulae Crosby, the guest of Ml Marion Kulin. and f r thla year's debutante. The fluent will be abated at th round table with hollow enter, vhich will have for decoration Christmas ' arcen and roinrttn. Cover will be ;Ucl far Mlen Mtniici!--Ileltn lAiuiHe froeb:-, Kirlia Th immel. ToeKa. Kn. ; KInnor Mm kay, 'tur.on Kuhn. Harriet Pmlth, France Hoctittetier, Kuxenla Patterson, Ann I ffnrd. Harriet Aleti, lmlie lliiODii, Moodrmiea Isaac larpeoWif. itobert Howe, turrit Fort, r'hlllli. MU. .Heed Feter. Fred Daugharty, Drexel etbbcrnn. .lanet IImIL lsianche Deuel. Mi'fditiixt'. Newman llc-naoii, !:imf 'amibl, itoKrr Keellnc, .iark Summer, John Caldwell, Casper Y. Offtitt. Malcolm BaldrlgC. Former Omahan Here. Mia Ruth FlemlnK. formerly of Omaha, apent part of Sunday here visiting with relatives and friend on her way to her home at Falem. Ore., for Christmas, 8 he resigned her position In charge of a branch library at Cleveland, O., In order to take a similar position nearer home. Ml Fleming I the daughter of Mr. and Mr. William Fleming, who lived here for many yeara before moving to the Pacific coast a few yeara ago. Mr. Fleming was tax commissioner of Omaha at one time, and Mr. Fleming was th popular head of the rhetoric department of the high school. Ml Fleming taught In the latter Institution until ahe entered library work. Although ahe was her only a few hours Sunday, her relatives and many friends gathered to greet her. Pleasure Fait. Mr. and Mrs. 6. Spiral entertained at an evening party Sunday at their home. The evening was spent la playing game. Those present were: Mlseea Misses Anna Cohen. Harsh Hokolyn How Orntis, of Lincoln, father Kpleale, Mr. an. I .Mr. Meyer Coren, Mr. and Mr. 11. Hfleule. Mr. ami Mr. M. Wlntroub, Mr. and Mr. J. flplegle, , Mr. and Mr. P. Urntis. Tlio D. K. club was entertained Mon day evening at tli home of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. buckles. ' Prises for the game were awarded to Mrs. J. J. Barry and Mr. II. U Buckles. The club will meet stain In two weeks at the home ef Mr. and Mr. U U Iiarry. Dancei Tonight The Et-A-Virp club will give a dan cing party this evening - at Chambers' academy. The "Latest Dances" dub eatertaln this evening at Turpln's academy. The members of the Twinkle club will give their Christmas party thta evening at the Metropolitan club. At Prairie Park. The Prairie Park association gave the regular -week-end dancing party Satur day evening.' Thoe present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wedemeyer. Mr. and Mr. W. W. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. hrott K. Beghtol. Mr. and Mr. Mac mith. Mr. and Mr. Joseph ltngfellner. Mr. ami Mr. C. II. Gutsson. Mr. and Mm. A. Hunt. Mr. and Mr, n. M. Kent. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Htewart. 1r. Mr. and Mr. William It. Plainer. Mr. and Mrs. K. (. Clay. ilr. and Mra. Loul Nelson. Mr. and XI r. A. . Anderson. Mr. and Mr. J. 11. Hell. Mr. and Mr. C. I.. Mickey. Mr. ant Mrs. II. (1. KIiih. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Havnea. Mr. and Mr. I. K. Smith. Mr. ani Mr. C. HtiMiirt. Mr. and Mr. C Jl. Itallard. Mr. end Mr. N. J. Anderson. Mr. and Mr. II. J. Her. Mr. and Mr. Charles Netf. Mr. and Mr. V. A. l'snlun. Mr. and Mr. W. K. Iteynold. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Klster. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. KaHon. Mr. an! Mrs. C. I- Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Uwli, Mr. and Mr. K. K. Uralnard. Mr. and Mr, hi. A. Iurke. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hlttliiger.' ' Mr. and Mra. William feck. Mr. and Mrs. Waller I. lUackett. Mr. and Mr. O. H. Felt. lr. C. It. llos. maid. She worn a gown of pain blue atin with a tunic of white chiffon edged with crystal. Hhe wore a butterfly bow of blue tul If In her hair and carried an arm bouquet of Klllamey rose. The room throughout were decorated with palm, ferns and pink and white rose. Mr. and Mr. Pepper will be at home after January li at Apartment 5, The Sherman. Tha out-of-town gisu were: William i Hachman and on, Jake Rachman, of J Hock li-land; Mrs, II. 8. Rachman of ; Ilock Island, fim Pepper of Puebhj and I Dorothy Huchnian or Oakland, Cal. i ' For Mji. Chapin. i Mr. William Sydney entertained at a brings party Saturday afternoon at her home In honor of Mr. Horace Crispin, who Is visiting Mrs. Earl Stcrrlcker. The rooms were decorated with Christmas greena and thoao present were: Md mes Meedam R P. Hennessy, W. (I. . Walker, K. A. Sterrlcker. K. W. Arnsberg, A. A. Avery, w. M. Helen, tieorge Haeinussen, II. It. S hroeder, C. Walll'i, II. I. Shlpherd. Ferguson. li. V. IMmnntl, W. N. I'hlllln T 11 D. I. Shields. II. (i. Mutt he. ' P. II. itetsi-hman. ti. V. Sanlon, M. J. Murphy, c. H. Whitney, W M. lilmiii I.Va.i u li... k W. P. Tenweck, T. J. Foley, iioiion. w. Phlnn, OeorffA Wftvht llarrw l'u.M..I l. U. llalph. May Hunting. K. Kipling. To Honor Visitor. Mrs. M. II. Conant will entertain at a dancing party this evnnlng at the Hen ford hotel. In honor of her daughter, Mrs. F. W. llarwod of Chicago, and Mr. Homer Conant of New York City, who are Mrs. Conant's guegta for the holidays. The ball room will be decorated with Christmas greens, holly and po'ted plants. About thirty-five couples will be present. For Kin Chapin. Mra Karl Sterrtcker entertained at luncheon today at the Commercial club In honor ef her house guest, Mrs. Chapin. The table was decorated with a low mound ef Christmas greens and holly and the place cards wr ,tlny Christmas trees. The guests were: Mecrlamea Mnadamea Horace Chapin. Robert Dempatar. Sterrtcker, William Sydney, Cnvarsagt. Carlo Wood worth. 1). . Baldwin, Knode, Elkborn; , Webetar. Cornell Glee Club. Reaerratlons for the Cornell Glee club ronoert com In dally. Among the later on are: Messrs. and Masdames Summer Hree, Frank J. Norton, N. lUghtor Wood, C. W. Hamilton, 1). C. Bradford. Hoa li. Toa le, I. K. Cons-dun, (ieorse H. T hummel (lament Chase, Stanley Kosea-ater, K. II lav Is. Joseoh Uurker. Chat lea U. Keller, N. II. Ixomls, J C. Hatilman, li. W, Capen, Charles K. bherman Messrs. Messrs. A. C. Uoomts, Warren Brcku A. B. lliisch. ridge. Yale Holland. Ware ltall. Herbert Cornell, Frank Burkley, Kenneth Peterson, W. Farnam MiilVli, Chrittmat Plant. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Wells Magee left Monday evening for Chicago, where they will be guests of Mr. Henry W. Magee and family for the holidays. i Chriitmai Viiitors. I Mr. Culver II. Cook returned Sunday from Dartmouth to spend the holidays with his part nL. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cook. Mr. ray Neeley of Salt Lake City ar rived Tueaday and will be with his parent, Mr. and Mra. R. 11. Neuley, dur ing th holldaya. XI e flarWA Rtlev arrival IsAvna UnnAav . MUses lorohjr Scott. Sarah Woodhall. "lladys Amblnr, I'orothv Peterson, liasel Anderson. Messrs. Fred Wedemeyer, Missel Helen Alexander, Marlon PesrnHll. lionise I amon, Helen Kentlnr, Jean WsIIhc Helen Helsel, Florence Huseell, Elisabeth Sturte ant. Mnraaret irtmtn A lire ','arr, l.lie!c Hem, Sylvia Hoover, Marl" Ii-le, Iorothy lllnule Oertru le Donovan. 'Jrnce Ifarte. ituth Mutton. Marie Hlxenhnugh, He'en Johnston. Oorothy ctiallla, Allc, Williams. Helen Van lusen. Alice Harney Margaret PHdge, Helen rvln. Ilea' rice Johnson, Clara Undlev. Loulm Cralrhend, lxiulse Connell, I'orothy Klpllnger, lx!s Itohhlns, Margaret Holding, tirare Hlnhauah, Olady Koborton, Marie Bloom, Henrietta Wt, Jeraldlne Johncon, Mary Norrls, Frances Waterman, Iiorothy Scott. Psiify Wllhnms, Hess Decker. Marlon Weller. Helen Pearce, Flna rtlrch. Mildred Krtcksnn, Florence Nash, Rlanehe Klarid. lulsc tOmmett, Alpha Field. Missis Paul llungate. liotx rt Hamilton, Herman llarte, Arthur ftrehlow, r reo 1 wit, Burton Howard, Robert l.ooml. Oerald F.llick. Cliarlee PerrlKO, Ralph Benedict, Carlisle A Man, Ralph Imnn, Walter Scott, Ted Israel, Warren Best. Ernest Trimble. Will MOrney, Frank Smith. Onorce Walker, Oerald Bruce, Reed Zimmerman, Robert Kdwards, Frank Slovak. I.yman Phllllpe, Carlton Swlller, Rollan Sherman, Ned Smith, Kdward Zeppel. (lerald Iiveloy, Howard Oranden, Harry Trtiatln, Kdwln (lotild, Clarence Peter. Harry Fuller. Oeorge Noteln, RtiSHell Phllllpr. Walter Woodroa', F. W. Sheldon, Al. rUhberson. Kmerson Doodrlch, Jack Austin, Arthur Klopp, Marshall Ruth. Jack Seward, Iurenc Ortman. Russell I.armon. Claire Moore. Mark Havens. Haw son Whit. Mtea. Amy achau. Martha Noble. Jean Scllly, Kathertne Daven ' Port. Catherine llnsllsh. Frieda Petersen, Huth Strattnn. (lertrude Porter, Helen Ingweraen, Jsnhelle Vinson hler. Alice Rushton. Mildred Khodes. Klleen Kdwards. Harriet Sherman. Nellie Prltchard, Kryle Kast. Orace liukes, Marie Oould. Mary Fuller. Carolyn Hnlmqulst, Mary Taylor, Ruth Leeder, Marlon Cnad, Kvelyn Horton, Helen Johnon, Thelma carlyle. Jtilto Kddy, iKirla IJndlny, Mlna Rnsslter, June Onftord. "harlottn Bedwell, Marsaret Uamble, Huth Fltiserald, Helen Hatch, Stella Robinson. Katherlne New branch, Torothy Rohrboiigh, Winifred Potey, Alice Cond, Mai uaretha Orlm mell, Mildred Collin, Ruth McCoy, Sylvia Kulaknfsky, Annabel Sinclair. Meaer Walter Thrane Kaleat 9h river. Arno Trualaon. Raltih PowalL J. W. Horton. Roderick La Rocque. Alex Crawford, N. A. Turnay. Kendall Hammond. Jack Velwr. Qaorge Orlniea, Russell Israel, Sumner Stebblns, Phillip Ollmore, Perry Singles, lack Spencer, Wyman Bobbin, Philip Romanek, lslle Putt. Wilbur Ftillaway, O. K. Becker. Ionard Marshall, Kdward Fuller, Walter C. Johnson, .Maurice North wall, Harold Langdon, Richard Clark, Porter Allan, Wilton Bryan. Olenn Mus rave, I eyo Crane. William McCaffrey, Blair Scott. Clayton Nichols, gtcwart McDonald, Byron Mora. Hebert Klein. John MarDonald, Arthur Klein. Dean Sunderland, Judsnn Hqulre, Thompson Wake ley. Wendell Moor. Harry Caldwell. Charles Petersen, Karl Tlcknor. In and Oat of the Bee Hire. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld have as their guest Mrs. Rosenfeld's sister. Miss Corlnne New of Chicago. Mlaa Maria Swanaon has returned from Crelghton, Neb., where she assisted Mrs. Irwtn at a concert given by the ladles' chorus. Miss Fsnnle McIIugh has returned LUTHERAN LADIES' SEMINARY A College for Girls HEI WING, MIXN. The second semester of the present school year be gins on January 26, 1915 Students may select work from the following; courses: Junior Col lege, Seminary, Preparatory, Home Economy, Normal Course In Household Science, Commer cial, Art, Elocution, Flano, Voice, Violin and Organ. Reserve a room as soon as pos sible. For further information write to Rev. H. Allen Ited Wing, Minnesota. fmm Crrlvhton, Neb., where she spent tie week-end with Mr. Irwin, formerly Miss Alice Faueett of Omaha. Mr. F. M. Thortnan of Cleveland. O., will arrive Wednesday to be the guest ef hi daughter, Mr. Joseph M. Rosen feld. and Mr. Rosenfeld of Council Bluff Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Malcom leave thtei evenlns for Milwaukee, ahcre they will spend the holiday with relative. Mr. J. C. ChlMm leave toninht for j Pcorln. III., where he elll remain over I the holidays tvlth relatives. I Mr. C. J. I,a leaves tonight for Grand ! ttanlda, Mich., where he will attend the j ?amllv reunl-in at the home of Mr. and i Mr. Tuthtll. Mr. T. M. tlodfrey has gone to Phila delphia to spend Chrlstmna with hi son, Dr. Jamca Godfrey of that city. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hennesey leave for Pt. lioul this evening, where they will attend the annual Christmas reunion of Mr. Hennesey relatives. From St. Loul Mr. Hennee-y will ;o to Washington, Jnd , where she will visit her parent. Miss Ruth Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. K. Anderson, la home for the holidays, having been intending St. Mnry's school at Knoxvllip. III. Mr. and Mrs Herbert Howell of Salt Lake City will arrive this evening to spend the holldaya with Mr. Howl,' parent. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Hunter, u their home. Ill North Twenty-fifth street. Penonal Mention. Mrs. Horace Chapin of Batavla, N. T., who has been the giiet of Mra Karl e'terrkker and heV mother, Mrs. B. B. Baldwin of, Bilkhorn, will return to her home tht evening. Home for Chriitmai. Mr. Adolph Brando lias returned from Lincoln, where he attends the state university, to apen.l the Christmas holi days with hla parent. Over Five Hundred Festive Birds in the Local Mail Daily Over 6i4 turkeys and other Chrlntmna fowls are being received at the Omaha postofflce each day for delivery to locul families for Tuletlde dinners. Ducks, geese and chickens are Included In the big "meat market" department at the poatofrioe, and each package bear a spe cial tag and Is given Immediate atten tion. Superintendent of Malls Metland sava there ere more Christmas fowl In the malls thla year than ever before, due to the Increased use. being given the parcel poet, system by the public. Many of the rowls have been shipped a considerable distance and the postage la quite low. Over Ten Thousand Christmas Parcels Received Monday . Over lO.Ort Christmas parcels were mailed at the Omaha postofflce Mon day, when the high tide of the holiday rnh was reached. Although the parcel were not accurately counted, Superln- : tendent of Mall Metis nd estimate that there were at least lO.noO. Over 1.SM of them were Insured for a fee of I or 10 cents extra. i IF" Read the "For Sale" ads If you want bargxlna of the minute. Leather Goods For Holiday Suggestions Wartlrolw Trunks From 825 875 Suit Case from $5.00 to $25 Lawyers' Itrlef Case From 83.00 lo $15 Hand flag From $1.00 to $15 Card Caao From 75 to $6.00 Men's Purses From 50 to $3.00 Nick Pin Caaos From $1.00 to $5.00 Traveling Slipper, In cases. $1.50 Medicine Cases From $1.00 to $5.00 Photo Frames From $1.00 to $0.00 Folding 1'mhrellas From S3.00 to $8.50 Prinking Cups From 25 to $3.50 Collar ling Kroro 75e to $4.00 .Manicure Seta From $3.75 to $7.50 llivaains; Case From $3.75 to $25.00 Traveling IUs in all Leathers Kitted With Toilet Articles. Freling& Steinle Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Good Leather Goods 1803 Farnam Street I SANTA COMBS LAST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Don't wait UDtll Thursday night to do the balance of your Xma.i r.hopplng. Come in tomorrow morning and avoid the last minute rush. Let Santa Combs and his able assistants show you the most complete Jewelry stock in the west. LAST MINUTE SUGGESTIONS H Waldenifir Knifo, Pen cil and Cafp St'ts from $2.50 to $250X0. Smoking, Shaving, and Don articles for men. Ia Valliercs, Dinner (tings, Bracelets, Jewel Boxes, Black and White Jewelry and imported novelties for women. T. L COMBS ' & CO. "The Basy Jewelers 1520 Douglas Street I " . i niariV-,:!Uti aV-jJtaeV'" 'SW, " " " j - .- a . .? a - , - m in ii ii ir i sunn ii li Pianos As Faithful As Old Santa Claus And at prices to fit every purse $75 to $l,ftoo. Mason A Hamlin, Ilrambach Ciramls, Kianich & Bach, liuf-h & Lane, Kim ball. Cable-Xelsoa. KASY AXD ELASTIC TKBIS. Open KvenijiKS Ut P. 31. fl s"aaWW nJ('sW MajrMMr.aji tJM f ft P M Iff Ml LACY and TREMAINE Omaha s Most Exclusive Millinery 1825 Farnam Street Your ehoiee the remainder of this week of beautiful French patterns, also hats designed and trimmed hy Miss Mueller, formerly with Henri Beiulel 's in Now. V.ork, at $5 Iiene Sullivan, Aliiha Kitil t, Kathryn Kinlth. ".-rtrvile UkIU Kva Jjivery. Alice U htlr. Min E. C. Tonler. ... . ' . i r r . l ueurns I, uiiuurr, M . i . jiikpin, Krnjrcm Smith. Dcorse K. Abbott. John I'ayne, K. O. Ie. A. U (iiadwln, rred 8 hoeffUr. Ueral I Hruc, Howard Urantlen. AltM-rt Meleneyer. Pepper-Eachman Wedding-. Tka weddina of alias Florence Blanch Rachman. da-ia-nter ot Mr. and Mrs. II. lUchman. and Joseph .'. Pepper u celebrated Monday evening at I 30 o clock at the home of the brute's parent. Th -remony a performed by Itabbl Fred erick Conn of Temple Israel. Iiarry DUbrow sans; "For You.' a com position of Vernon C. Bennett, Mr. Ben nett nlaytng the accompaniment, and afterward playtna th Lohengrin wed ding march tor the bridal party. The bride wore an attractive gown of Kbit Ivory satin made with tunic and cape effect ef white silk net. The bodice m made ef Chenttlly lace and chiffoa, finished with a Lady Baltimore girdle. )irr veil was of tulle with a frill of . Uurbe lace, held la. place with Ultra of th valley. She carried a ahewer bou quet of lilies of th valley with bride's roses. Miae Fantii Wirthsafer ' was bride. Gifts of Quality Are Here AARON'S GIFT SHOP Sixteenth and Farnam The shopper who wants something exclusive at a very mod erate cost visit Mill convince yon. Read the following cut price: Gents' Military Set a, Ut quadruple plate, at it.0H, worth to 97.50. Heal Kbony Military Net, stamped, at $J.? worth as.OO. Coniti, Itrush and Mirror, beautiful designs In cuplds, flowers and figures, at :'..; positively worth to ftM.oo. Silver worth 25c All the 25e Sterling Silver Thimbles vt Beautiful Party lloxen, worth to $0.00, at $1.00, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 'Ji - Piece Jaegers Silver Chests, G knives, 6 forkn, G tea spoons, G table spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 sugar shell, at .$5.98 All the Sterling Manicure Pieces, to 75e, choice at All the Serving Trays that sold up to $5.09, f ft A j-our choice VVlU Special prices on Ger man Silver. . Mesh Bags, Beaded Bags, Carving Sets. It will pay jou to attend the closing t'hrhtma price at AARON'S GIFT SHOP Sixteenth and Farnam MESTSi make very acceptable Xmas gifts. We are ahowlng a wide assort ment of bedroom, treasure, hall or window and trousseau chests in which quality and workmanship are the essential features. Moth.- mice, dust and damp proof. These chests are offered at factory prices, so that you can feel assured of a great saving In cost OMAHA RED CEDAR CHEST CO. Office With Twlu City lye Works Co. Douglas 1521. 407 So. 15th Ht. Opposite Orphrnm. 3 tt"-i riowen XMAS FLOWERS We have a fine lot of Blooming Plants, such as Begonias, Cyclaineu, Poinsettas, Azaleas, Made-up Bas kets, Pretty Palms and Ferns. Our Cut Flowers are fine American Beauties, Tea Kosea, Carnations, Violets, Lily of'tlw -Valley, Naivissues, Hyacinths, Orchids, Poinsettas, Easter Lilies, Calla Lilies, Sweet Peas, Stevia. We also carry a fine lot of Everlasting Wreath. Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Farnam Street Next We Will Give The Twins Xow listen ta this, girls. When we opened the doll box to get one for this week, what should greet us but a pair of twins. Think of it we were quite puz zled to know what to do at first, because one ia enough for any little Busy Bee to care for. hut we soon decided uon a plan The Twins are to go tc the country to some little girl living on a farm, where . V. - I . . 1 . . - iiinr, mem; 01 nice iresn in 11 a every oaj, ana 101s or room 10 romp ana play when they are big enough to run about. All the dollies so far have been won by the girls In the cities, and I am sure you will all be glad to help some little girl on a farm win fwlns. No one else can get them. The Twins will be given free to the littlo girl under 12 yew of age, that bring or mails us the largest number of doll s picture cut out of the Dally and Sunday Itee before 4 p. in. Saturday, January 2. . The Twino pictures will V, In The Bee every day this week Cut ln?.nnoUt tRk yUr fr,e,ndrt 10 "v the P,ctu" their paper fo you too. See how many pictures of The Twins you can get and be eure to turn them In to The Bee office before 4 p. m. Saturday. Jan. 2 You Can See the Twins at The Bee Office f "m - -r- - - 11 iiriii n il 1 mil now tbe Twins mm -5 . t d Ti.r y .si v 5 ' sc-y r ? -1 r See real estate columns for bargains Another Sled Free ete-L XSa. ih v r- ... SECOND BLEI Just Like the First One 4 Feet Long Tha picture of the Sled will be la The Be every day this week. Cat them all out and ask your friends to save tha pic ture In their paper for you, too. See how maty picture you eaa get and bring them to Th Be office. Th Bled wT!t be given rre to th boy that send ui th moat picture beore 4 P. M. Saturday, lwcmbcr 3.