THK F.KK: OMAII. BRIEF CITY NEWS rUaUty Btvrao si Tu Co, Xas. BUt. oc rrUrt t Now Basf on free. Inn Tlraa UtfktfB 0tnta Burfftw- SaJarlf'-ta4da O. Combination In surance inspections for. Special rates fre saaUfal AH KMtn Iran xo n ths easy PyAint plan. Bankers Raltr InTsstment Co. Fhons tou. SMS. Insux af bstta business for 11I by locating your office In The Bes build In. Ui bulldln that la alirsys new." ( Office room W. "To4ars Oosaplate Xorst Truf classified section today, and appears lri The Bee EXCL.USIYEL. find out wtiat the various moving picture theater offer. WTN w i'i ' Duval of the Milwaukee has gtne to Chi cajro to confer with the officials at head quarters. This Is the first time he has met the company officials since his pro motion. Dr. Xoltmsn Addresses Xeetlaf Dr. A. Holtman spoke before the Theoso phical society In the City National bank building Sunday erenlng-. He dwelt upon sociological conditions and unred his listeners to develop a brotherhood In their hearts for all men. Aeroplanes te Ixposltioa Ths Great Western brought In two aeroplanes that bare were turned over to the .Union Pa cific to be rushed through tj Ran Diego to be there In time for the opening of , the exposition. They come from Pitts burgh and are consigned to the Janus brothers, who are to fly them. CoraeD infers to XHnrer Occupying all the cars of a special train on the Rock island, the Cornell Glee club of sixty in w. i r , rh,-i.- persons wiu w u . mas afternoon, en route to Denver to give a concert. Returning the party wilt come over the Union Pacific ami will n, m through Omaha December 28. BetBscMll U Discharged Ed Ruth sohlld. colored, living at in Patrick ave- nut, charged with conducting a disorderly house, was discharged In police court when he proved that he had merely been - entertaining , a party of friends at a birthday party. Improvers Pulling Hard for Car Line to Gibson Station County .Commissioners Harts and Best have been chosen by the county board to conrene with City Commissioners Kugcl. Hummel and . Butler and a committee ' from the . Southeast Improvement club with regard to a conference with officials of the street car company to discuss pro par 1 extension of the Harney car line to Gibson. ' The Southeast Improvement club has been advocating such- an ex tension for some time and has succeeded in interesting uie city ana county com missions, which have evidenced an In tention to Investigate fully into the ad- ' viaablllly of the proposed extension. ICE CUTTING IS TO START WITH TODAY Big Gangs to Be Put to Work on the Local Fields Unless it Warms ) Too Much. ICE IS TEN INCHES THICK Worth went era Is Already t olllnsr at Valentine aad the laloa Pa. title lias Men at Work 'at orth Platte. Ice harvest will he In full swing here this morning; provided the cold weather continues. Just how many will be given employment on the fields Is uncertain, bt the number will bn not far from 1.000. The Omaha Ice and Cold Storage com pany, the largest of the local Ice pack ing concerns, reports the Ice on Carter lake and the reservoirs close to ten Inches In thickness, and It Is figured that nearly another inch will be sddod by morning with moderately cold weather. This company has put a large number of men at work - on the Ice fields clearing off the snow. The packing companies' ail sent men out to clear the snow from the llelds where they will harvest the ico. This morning Uiey will start cutting with full foroes at Seymour park, , Memphis and Ashland. At Meadow the Rock Island Is clearing the snow from the lakes and today they will start rutting ten-inch Ice. At Valentine the Northwestern lias started cutting twelve-Inch ico. something llko 100 men being given employment, most of them being farmers residing near by. The Paclfio Fruit Express company has started Its ice cutting gangs at North Platte and Gothenburg, where the Ice Is twelve to fourteen Inches In thickness. On the ice fields and at tho houses close to SCO men ere being given employment. Some of them have been sent out from Omaha, but the majority are picked up In nearby towns and gathered from off the farms along the Union Pacific, the company for which the ice harvesting Is being donn. Asks Appropriation to Extend Sewer and Stop a Menace " Appearing for property owners In the north section of the city. Attorney T." B. iiraay asitea Tne city couueu ii provim ' 4h tint nf ha va for extending the Saddle Creek sewer and completing the open section of the sewer. -IS IS 9, mtutn w lltmua uiu m buib- . tnriL" said Bradv. sneaking or the conai- - von OI- me avwer. oumtuuar uuii tu be done." , . City Commissioner Thomas McGorern ' of the department f of public lmprove ' meats said it would' cost $250,000 to com- plete the sewer. The council took no ac tion on the attorney's request. Caldwell to Address Teachers on "Peace" Prof. H. W. Caldwell of the University ot Nebraska has been secured by Super intendent B. IT. Graff to deliver an ad dress . on "World Peace" before the Omaha school teachers. Data for the meeting has not been fixed. HUNDREDS TRY TO GET WORK SHOVELING SNOW Such a large crowd of men anxious to get work gathered around the auto bead quarters of the snow shoveling and street cleaning department at ' Sixteenth and Dodge streets) yesterday that the work was temporarily stopped until those who could not be given jobs were gotten out of the way. Several hundred men ap plied for such work. Ryder put seventy teams and tfo men to work. METCALFE TO LOOK UP NAVIGATION BY RIVER Missouri river navigation is to be in vestigated In St. Louis by J. W. Metcalfe, member of the trade extension committee of the Commercial club, while he is in that city spending the- holiday. The Commercial club trade extension com- : mlttee has asked him to get all the lrv formation possible on Mississippi river navigation to help Omaha In working out its problem of Missouri river navigation. TAXI AND AUTO ORDINANCE TO COMMITTEE OF WHOLE ' Ordinances providing that . taxlcab ' drivers wear buttons conspicuously and take out licenses, and that automobiles , be parked In the middle of the streets In . the business sections were recommitted to the committee of the whole by the ( Ity council, pending amendments offered ' by the Automobile club and interested persons. ONE DEATH FROM DIPHTHERIA AND ANOTHER CASE FOUND One death from dlDhtherla and one new case Is reported by the city health de partment. The number of cases of the ataease have been Increasing. A child in al home at VOi North Twentieth street died Monday morning after examinations Sunday bad shown "negative" cultures. They physicians say the child may have died of a weak bean. HENRY W.YATES IS STILL CONFINED TO HIS BED Henry W. Yates, sr.. president of the Nebraska National bank is still confined to his bed by illness. He has been ailing for about a week. There Is no change reported in his condition. Macon Promises to Treat Horse Better A. O. Macon, 2723 Le street, was fined 100 and costs, suspended sentence, for cruelty to animals ry Judse Foster. Humane Officer Nielsen said he discov ered Macon's horse starring In a dllap ated bam. Macon promised to remedy the condition. TO ABOLISH WELFARE BOARD Rydfr Suggests it Be Done Away With if New Board is Named. Murray and Barnes Almost Mix in Court; Stopped by Sears A physical encounter between Attorneva '. B. Murray and A. K. Rarnna in r. trict Judge ' Sears' ' court was averted only by Interference by the Judge. Humes i attorney tor Mrs. Emily McCormick in foreclosure suit against Murray. Barnes said he doubted wlmihop an alleged fact was as Murray had stated it "Are you savinar that what- T mm not true? Inquired Murray belligerently, starting tor Barnes' side or the table in the court room. Barnes stood hia s-rounrl -anil Sears paoifled the two attorneys. Dawson Fined for Attack on His Wife Will C. Dawson, 2628 Charles street, was fined 5 and costs In police court for an attack made upon Tils wife In which he at tempted to cut the clothes from her body. It developed in court that Dawson was angry because Mrs. Dawson attended a party to which ho did.noj want to go. Avoid Blood Polaoa by using Bucklen's Arnica Salve on all wounds, bruises,, sores, scalds, salt rheum, etc Prompt relief for. plies. 25c All druggists. Advertisement , STURGESS' RESIGNATION IS IN llaasoa af TopeVa Is ow Here la k the latereat af a Patille Welfare Cvsaantssloa with' Adel tlaaal Aathorlty. "Why not abolish tho social service board?" suggested City Commissioner 3. J. Ryder, st a meeting of the comcil In committee of the whole, when the or dinance providing for the creation of a recreation commission" of five was be ing discussed. 'What's that eoclai service boardT asked Chairman Dan B. Butler ot the committee of the whole. "Oh, yes, what has become of ltT" Ryder's suggestion, was taken under con sideration and the ordinance laid over for two weeks until Dr. C. H. Rtlmson. play. ground expert, who suggested the commis sion, will return to Omaha, "A publlo welfare commission could handle these matters and there would be no need of more than one board with con flicting powers." said Commissioner Ryder. Almost Korsrottea. The social service board has been almost forgotten by the council. Chairman T. F. Sturgess of the board sent his resigna tion to the mayor several weeks ngo, but the mayor would not accept It. The Omaha Public Welfare association, headed by Rabbi Frederick Conn, is planning to secure an ordinance creating a welfare commission for the city, to superintend all recreations and amuse ments. Theodore Hanson of Topeka, Kan., field secretary of an association to which wel fare commissioners of several cities be long, is meeting with Uie Omaha Public Welfare association to help make pre liminary arrangements for a big cam paign, tf necessary, to secure the creation 01 a welfare commlssloa' with authority. TUESDAY.. DKCKMBEK 2J. 1914. HAVE.Y0U ANY DISCARDED CLOTHING FOR COLORED KIDS 1 John Grant Pegg. city sealer of wolo-ht. and measures, who will play Santa Claus to the little colored children of th ritv Christmas day. Is in need of clnthinv and rood, but especially clothinsr. Thosa who have clothing they can soar hava been requested to cive It to him for rfla- tnoutlon among the needy colored people. . Much Haow Soath. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Dec. 21. Kansaa and 'western and northern Missouri x. perlenced the heaviest snowfall of the season today, with from three to eleven inches reported. Most of the trains ' arriving here today were late. Telephone and telegraph service was greatly handicapped. The fall In Kansas' was the heaviest in December since ISM. Read the "For Sale" ads If you want bargains of the minute. HATRED OF AUSTRIA IS'SHOWNIN ITALY Police and Troops Kept Busy to Maintain Order at Celebra tions in Country. REMEMBER 0BERDANK, IS CRY Analveraary af Mti Wha Oraaalsed rattle Plot to slay Fraarta Jo seph la aad Wis Was Pat to Death Observe. ROME. Dec M. The troops and police at many places In Italy were called upon today to keep down riots agamst Austria at celebrations of the anniversary of the death of the Irredentist leader. Ober dank, who organised th unsuccessful plot to assassinate Umperor Francis Joseph In Trieste in 1SSJ and was put to death for it. . During the night of Saturday, although they had been forbidden by the authori ties to do so, parties to the movement placarded the streets with posters re ferring to Oberdank snl also distributed Inaflot. some of them with mourning borders, bearing the inscription, "lie mem ber the Sacrifice of Oberdank." Several were arrested and som demonstrators were slightly Injured In clashes with tho police, - Repahliraa Deaaty Talks. The republican deputy, Cola Annl, de livered a speech to a sympathetic audi ence, which frequently broke Into ap plause art the speaker recited the history of the Trieste martyr." and his Ideals, and declared it wss necessary to realise them. The demonstration reached its climax when Rlcclottl Garibaldi, son of the Italian patriot,' GarlhsMI, leaning on his crutches arose and said: "A voice is still rlmrlng from Csprera where my father Is burled. Tt ssks for acts, not words from the com mittee promoting the enlistment of volun teers." As Garibaldi ceased there was a tre mendous outburst of applause and cries of "Long live Italyt" "lxng live Trent!" and "Long live Trieste!" Several crowds of the demonstrators attempted .to In vade the center of the city, but . were prevented from doing so by tho police and troops. This afternoon the republican associa tion held a procession and later unveiled a marble tablet in the Republican club in honor of Oberdank. The Storm of th Town The Light Shines Again for the Legitimate Merchandiser Last Saturday we were encouraged when the pub lic responded to a Real Sale, as they did in our Chil dren's Department. ' ' - . To our minds it proves beyond a doubt' that the "Fakers" with their special buying powers and half price sales are fast fading away. To show our appre ciation we are now going to include all of the Boys' and Children's Clothing In this Departmenvin One Real Sale in order that they may be had for useful Christmas presents. , We manufacture all of our clothing and it carries our unrestricted guarantee. rowning, King & Go. CEO. T. WILSON, Mgr. BERG S UiTS ME Buy a Merchandise Certificate If you can't think of or know what to buy. We issue them for anv amount and they are exchangeable at any time. Men's Suits, special $145 Men's O'coats, special $17!? Robes Jacket Sweater Coats $3.50 up $5.00 up $1.00 up Shirts Underwear Mufflers Gloves $1.00 up r $1.00 up 50c up 50c up Hank'fs. Hosiery Silk Hdk'fs Fur Caps 15c up ,25c up 50c up $2.50 up Cloth Caps Pajamas Night Robes $1.00 up $1.00 up 50c up Neckwear Suspenders Scarf Pins Cuff Links 50c up 50c up 50c up 50c up Novelty Sets and Combinations and fancy ar ticles that please men and boys. DA s7. 7 ' Evenings y ' ,r7 J , Evenings s 9 QUICKLY EASES SORE THROATS ,1 Simply Apply Little MacLareu's i ' Mustard Cerate. I igars for Ladies j A Black Eat Christinas YaSe About the Presents for rjijesl We IKlave tfor Sale v .1 tut- Gloves U Shirts U Hose 1 Neckwear r. A Hat Bond! w a Glove :Bondl. Saves a Lot of Time and Worry VJ A Unities tits (ussy, roussy must aid plas ter, KMwn'a Mustard Carats neither burns nor stings. It has all tho virtues of the mustard plaster and nons of Its faults. Acts quickly yet gently In a soo thine, cooling- way and Is a "bully" good remedy for reaching tho raw spot In m sore throat No one knows what a bad Cold may lead to. Coughs and Colds often lead to Pneumonia and Consumption, and the old proverb of "a stitch In tjme saves nine" applies very aptly to Coughs and Colds. You cannot make any mistake It you use aCaeliarsa's Mustard Carats for Stiff Keck. Bore Throat. Pleurisy. Colds! and Congestion, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Headache, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sore Muscles. Lams Back, Chilblains, Sprains and all kinds of Aches or Pains, and It often wards off Pneuaaonla. At all druggists 25c and 60c. or mailed, postpaid, by The MacLaren Drug Co., Los Angeles, Cal. For generous sample by mail, postpaid, send 10 oents and this advertisement Bold by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores. J i.. .- i If rm iisismw r -ir rn r Jj We mean to sell to Ladies, but the kind of cigars men are glad to smoke. We make very lowest box prices. Black and White Perfecto; bpx of 25 for . ...$1.25 Cyona-Invincibles an unusually fine mild smoke ;box of 25, $1.25 Fernandez, M. F. Clear Havana; box of 50 for . . ..$2.00 v (Above is a small, fine quality, clear Havana.) ' La Provincia Coquettas; box of 50 for f $2.00 Little Toms; box of 50 for $1.75? Box of 25 for 90c Saramita, Baby; box of 25 for $1.00 Seidenbergs; box of 25 for ; .$1.25 Tom Keenes; box of 25 for ; $1.00 Chancellors, Conchas Especials; box of 50 for. . $3.00 Cubanoids After Dinner; box of 25 for. . . . $1.00 El Solano, Media Perfecto (2 for 25c), box of 25 for $2.75 (Tb above Is thecbolcst Clear Havana) Garcia Cabfneta box of 25 for 12.25 Preferencla, C. F. Extras box of 25 for 1.75 Robert Burns. Invincibles bojtof 25 for $1.85 Relo. (2 for 25c) boxof 25 for $2.75 Rio Tans, Concha Bouquet ot 50 for $3.50 vTom Moore, Invlnclbleg box of 25 for $1.85 Webster, Epicure, (2 for 25c) box of 25 for $2.75 Mercedes Regalia box of 25 for $200 Charles Denbyg box of 25 for $1.00 We sell over 200 brands and sizes of standard cigars. siiEnnnn & QcoiinEu. drug co. Tour Good Drug Stores All Easy to Find. in Jewelry Hatched Sets mm in Supesderi BathRtbes . . v t A Few Cat Talo Lcncthls from tho P. O. , OMAHA . : '..V II HIP. mm in m nu ' 'i &saUsi Farms and Ranch Lands that are b&ng. developed under the best and most scien tific methods are of fered you daily in The Bee's Want Ad Section. x . ' N . " ' ' ' I The city man who buy a farm now does not have to learn through laat year' mistakes what crops are best suited to his land nor how to make his land yield the greatest returns. He has the advice of men ! of experience and training who will help him make his farm pay from the day he buys it. Watch and read the farm land Ads that appear in The Bee and you cannot fail to be interested in the possibilities of scientific farming. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bet Want Ad$