T1IE REK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. lnOCKMUER 22, 19U. THOMPSON, BELDEN & GO. Store Open Evenings Until Christmas Christmas Week Candy Special Front Table, Center Able High grade COc Candy. You will 'rdcognizp tho brand when. you soe it Pound box, 39c. Vs pound box, 23c. Second Table, Center Aisle Tags, Cards, Seals, Labels, Tissue, Boxes everything needed to make your Christ- mas packages attractive. Third Table, Center Alile A fine box of excellent Sta tionery, including paper and envelopes, 25c. , The Store for Shirtwaists Christmas Suggestions New arrivals crepe do chine Blouses, $4.50. Jersey Petticoats, $3.95 and $5.00. -Tokio Tea Gowns,, $4.50. $6.50 up to $19.50. Beautiful Kimonos, $5.00, $7.50 and $10.50. A gift from the Store for Shirtwaists is al ways appreciated. "SAFETY FIRST'VOR STRIKERS THREAT Enjinemen to Walk Out if Condi tion Under Which They Work Not Made Less Dangerous. STONE IS THEIR SPOKESMAN t Serviceable Gloves for Men Wo have the very best makes in every popular stylo for dress and street wear. , Mochas (gray and .. brown), heavy cape,1 dress .fei'd', etc. Every pair depenableY- '" ' , . i ... $1.50 to $2.50 Popular Fabric Gloves Kayter's Double Silk Gloves, par ticularly well suited for muff wear, in colors, black and white, $1.00 a pair. - KayserY Pure Wool Cashmere Gloves. Women buy these be cause they are warm, silk lined, in navy, brown, grajy, black, 50c a pr. : ' Headquarters for Christmas Handkerchiefs, All Styles-All Prices Silks for Waists No woman eyer had too many Silk Waists. A con stant succession, of newness these days. ' What could be more acceptable! Black ; SillpT-" Practical Gifts In the giving of a dress, waist or ;pelUcoatlength, of black '.tdllc l'M ,represfcnt something 'more than 'an or dinary gift;- they are, good long after- the ordinary gift hs been forgotten! .Many pretty things to show you. 1 Extrabrdinaiy Values Offered iri Mid-Winter Millinery Tomorrow-Tuesday , , Beautifully Trimmed, Hats that represent every smart fad. now in Former;'! '-v-'" . '. $v Tuesday; 0U-$bDU-,:'0 $20-$25 ' . v. ... 6strich, Far. and Flower Trimmed Hats of fine quality. '"You positively could not duplicate them at double the price. The Best Values We Ever Offered i Flowers specially priced for, corsage bouquets, furs, gowns 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. , Millinery Section Second Floor Board of Arbitration Maul Hraalate arprlae Teat, or Urmm lAlrf at Hrerlasr In (hlratn. t'llICAUO. Ore. 21.-Thrcats that the engiriemfm of western railroads will strike It the board of arbitration fail to remi la to surprise teste In a mnnnfr -htrli will eliminate danger to tha men were made before the board at toilay'i pen sion. The threala were made by Warirn K. ftone, grand rhief engineer of (lit Broth erhood of Locomotive Knglneers, and William P, Carter, president of the Broth erhood of Iocomottre Foremen and En glnemen, representing the men. They were occasioned by remarks of W. U. I'ark, vice president of the Illinois Ceni tral, and F. A. Burgess of the engineers' organisation, both members of the board, and by James M. Hheehan, attorney for the railroad. Sher.han'a Statement. . Sheelian stated that tha railroad man agers had assured the officials of the brotherhoods that only such surprise tests as took Into consideration the safety of the men surprised would be used. This brought Carter and Btone to their feet. "I will Inform the board' said Stone, i "that we have heard this assurance be fore. In 190, In ivn. and 1a 1919 we tried to get the roads to eliminate dangerous efficiency tests, and each time we went i back to the men and told thorn that It i was all right, that the roads would con duct only fair tests, and just a regu larly the roads did nothing of the kind. Meat Will Act. "Now if the assurance of the railroads does not remove this danger to tho lives and limbs of our men; If federal and state laws do not, and If this arbitration fails to do so, I can assure you that the men will. I do not wish to try to In timidate this board, but the strength of .he men will be used If necessary to pro tect themselves when alt else falls." Carter said: "Safety first Is a. good ad vertisement, but we want a system that will not cause an englneman suddenly confronted with a red light to Jump when there Is no real danger. We Invite ef ficiency tests. "There Is not In the world a body of men who conform to the duties of their positions so closely as the enginnmen, and If tha law cannot protect them, as It has not In Kansas, the men will protect i themselves by their united strength." Oa Staaa Agala. O. F. Modenback. a Rock Island fireman ot El Reno, Okl., who testified Saturday tbat In January, 180, ho and his engineer, named Thompson, had jumped from their oab of their locomotive when a red light, turned as a teat, auddenly confronted them In a snow storm at Dover, Okl., was on tha atand again. Sheenan stated that an exhaustive en quiry failed to show any record of the accident which witness aald had resulted , in a broken collar bona . for Thompson, j Reports, Bheenan said, showed that Thompson had worked that month, anj accident and train records showed no re port of any such occurence. Witness citing to his story, except that he seemed a little uncertain as to tha exact time of tha accident and could not recollect the first name of the engineer. A. R. VETERA V ANSWERS THE LAST CALL. f 1 "" I JOHN A. DEMPSTER. MEN EXECUTED IN MEXICOCITY DAILY Sixteen Executed Last Week, Shot Down in Streets, Bars, Cafes and Private Dwellings. MANY POLITICAL OFFENDERS ( gabrM' foRCEs. : BlBLY DEFEATED i ti Troops "First Chief" Meetjyith Crashing Reverses at Anizaco 1 . and Pnebla. 1 VICTIKS - REACH -VERA CRUZ Ma Cars f Waaaae mm Fr Bad tea ef ' Of float Arrive at Brnmpmrt mm Marat aa ( Dceeaaawv SO. . WASHINGTON, D 1.-"U appears from Jate dispatches." says a SUate .de partment statement" today, ''that . the' constitutionalists 'met s crushing defeat at Aptzaco and Fuebla. ..' "It la reported that a the moral og of, lha Ah nine, cars of wouuded and foJr dead offlcars arrived at Vera Crua. It is said that mora were expected." n Further ' details of t an Ineffectual at tempt by 0neral Bias Opinal. a former federal, commander, to capture Pledraa Kcpraa. Coahulla, wttb a forca of twea-ty-fiv men; erganiscd la Texas, were re ceived today at the department Cen tral Opinal was killed, eleven noncom missioned' efHatri at Pledras Negraa garrtaoa auapected et lncltlag troops to revolt wera executed.' and OptnaJ's chief lieutenant. Chlneulo. also a former fed eral afflcer, aaa. captured. .Two of his men were killed and their bodies publicly dl.Haywr" at Iledraa Negraa city halt. Fifteen of the others are In hiding at Piedtaa Negraa, tha remainder having fifed back to Texas. Mar Will Mava Traoa. imcniti Conjul mltiman. at Mexico City. txly traanmltud' a soeaaatfe sent by Myurena, the Villa oommaader at Naoo, to Jrvilonal President Qutierrea. atatmg bis Intantlon of moving" hla forces aay from the American border. Satur day, ha aald. hla forces refused 10 return t;.a fir to avoid shooting Into American territory. ' ' Wofd u received tuday from te EraJi!llan mialMter at Mexico ty. thai Cutierres'f ablnet was .considering: de claring a general amnesty.- ' Disorders are feared ' in - Manaanlllo, where the Gutierrei fOrcea'ln npasesalon of the city are threatened by an attack from- Carranaa troops, assembling In tha Vicinity. Secretary Bryan aald today he was without advloea of r ported disorder In Mexico City 6r Vera Cms. Percy Meaker, a British subject Iro J rl toned at Navajoam. Sonora. haa been released by order of Governor Maytorena kinder S.00S pesos rash band. Meaker's automobile was seised by Carranaa troops and used In transporting soldiers and he was charged with aiding an enemy. lis la manager of a ranch owned by Interests in New York City. Maytoreaa Conference Delayed. , NACO. Art.., . Dec Sl.-rRnln-aoaked roads prevented the proposed meeting to day between Brigadier General Hugh I Soott. chief of staff of the United Htate army, and Jose Maytorena, tbe Vllllsta leader In So no re, to dlecuas plana for moving tha Mexican war away from the International boundary at thla point Maytorena's automobile wag mired some miles away from the daaignated meeting place four miles east of here, and Oenerai Soott with General Taskcr H. Bllaa, com manding the American forces here, re turned to camp. The meeting will be ar ranged later. , cancellations that ' can ' appear on hla postofflce records. It Is probable 1 he may apply to tha United State authorities for such relief as can be given him In an effort to have the boycott declared off. , GREAT BATTLE IJEAR WARSAW . ' YET UNDECIDED - (Continued from Pago One.) laea of a trench as an achievement worthy of not. A prominent neutral traveler, who reached London today from Berlin, ex pressed tha opinion that the Germans are not thinking seriously of a Zeppelin in vasion of England. According to this, ob server, they regard the apprehension and the precaution Matnst Zeppelin attacks take la Loado and other English cities aa a gooa joaa. NEW POSTMASTER AT ' LUCAS, S. D BOYCOTTED SIOl'X TklAA. i P.. Ioe. II-- Spe cial.) Something unlqu In the way of boycotts Is reported by arrivals front the Rosebud country, who state that the re moval of tli poeteffto at Laicaa, a small Rosebud town, from one large star to a rival establishment has resulted In a boy cott being doclsred against tha postofftoe. When the new postmaster was Installed a few days ago and removed the past ofttc to his store from' tho store of hi chief competitor. In business, th pro prietor of th laettar atqra, gathered his friends about him and organised a boy cott on th new appoint, with the re sult that moat of th outgoing mall la dropped In a box In th lor w taer tha postoffio formerly was located.' Aa th salary of tl Lucas postmaster la baaad upon th number of stamp cancellations this boycott Is seriously affecting his salaiy and leaves him with lit tie to do ,expt abrry over the small number of Cleveland Hotel Keeper is Murdered CLEVELAND, a. Dec it -William' J Troy, SO, proprietor of several hotels. waa found stabbed to death In a room In th Troy hotel at St. Clair avenue and Ontario street early today. There wera a half doaen wounds In his body. The fact that over S3 of Troy's money and a diamond ring wera reported missing caused the police to work on the theory that robbery prompted to crime. STATE COMMANDER' OF Ai R. IS DEAD (Continued from Page One.) Fillmore county until 1S7S. From there hs went to Geneva where he served as county superintendent of schools for six year and waa postmaster four year. He was a member of th Nebraska legis lature 1US and IKK). He organised th Geneva National bank and waa Its first president In 1E93 Mr. Dempster moved to "Lincoln and In 13M to Omaha He took a position with th Bankera Ufa Insurance com pany a superintendent of agents. Mr. Dempster was commander- of th survivors of th battla of Bhtloh and was department commander of the Grand Army of th republic and past comman der of th U. 8. Grant post No. 110, Fifty -second Illinois infantry. v He was a- member of Tangier tempi (Shrinara),. Mt Calvary cominandry, Knights Templar; Capitol lodge. Ancient Free- and Accepted Masons, and Bsllevu chapter No. T Royal Arch Masons. He had been president of the Men's club and of th Business Men's Bible class of th First Presbyterian church. Had Lara, Family. H Is survived by his widow, two brothers, A. R. Dempster, Sioux Falls, 8. tk; Georg Dempster, Chicago; three sisters. Mr. Charles Stone, Elgin, 111.; Mrs. John W. Burgess, Beatrice, and Mrs. Qeorge Smith, Geneva; sons, Ed ward J. Dempster. Geneva; Dr. . Roy Dempster. Granger, Wash., and John Henry Dempster, Sioux Falls, 8- D.; two daughters, Mrs. Melvln Troyer, Falrhope, Ala., and Mrs. Mabel Chrlstenson. Bloux Falls, 8. D.. and three stepchildren, Mrs. II. Clarence Myer, Omaha; Edwin N. Robertson, Concordia, Kan., and Claud H. Robertson, Ann, Arbor, Mich. Mr. Dempster waa first married to Miss Flora Psxson In 14. Ids first wife died and In lill he married Mrs. M. E. Robert' son of Lincoln. Th funeral services will be held prob ably, on Wedneadsy at 1:30 p. m. at tha Masonic temple. Th Masons will be assisted by the Grand Army of th Republic. - Rev. Edwin Hart Jenki, Pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Dempster was a member. will officiate. The Douglas County Planers' aasoolation, of which Mr. Demp ster was a member, will be In attendance. CREW OF BRITISH SHIP '. SUNK BY LEIPZIG IS LANDED lAjniHjn, uo. a. vA. telegram re ceived her from Buenos Ayr Informs th Foreign office that th crew of tho British ship Drummulr. sunk at aaa by th German crulaer Lai pale, ha been landed at Port aa Antonio, Argentina, by tha German ship 8ylldta. Tho Lolpsla one of th Gorman arutMr destroyed by British antra la th naval engagement off th Falkland Island Ds camtwr a IF YOU IMUEU'T A PLAYER PIAHO III YOUR HOt.lE This Opportunity Was Made for You $4 Now buy thla Ciemnloe) Aeolian Player Plino tle world's txt and well known make, equal to Player Plane gold elae w here for $0OO. nrv xow bavk si 50. Important Every Bulnc and IYofmaional Man' home should have one. 5 .. - s . ... I It la Said that One HsalrtS Party Person lawa-htfrea la (hihaahaa Capital Dartagf Last Month. EL PASO. Tex.. Dec a.' Additional re ports of Wholesale execution of political offender In th Interior of Mexico reached the border today. Persona arriv ing from Mexico City stated that six teen men had been killed at th national capital during the last week. Reliable reports from Chihuahua City said that 140 persona were killed ther during tho last month. Many former federal army officers as well as Carrania supporter are named aa having met their death. In most cases tha killings were accomplished by shootings in - the streets, saloons, restaurants or private dwellings. Borne days ago General Villa'a troop took several prominent prisoner to Chihuahua City from Mexico City, where they were captured. Held! for Raasoan. It Is not known If they are numbered among th killed. Among them were Gen eral Miguel Delgado, a former com mander, and several other federal gen erals, Guillermo Terrasas, of th landed Chihuahua family of that nam, and Castula Baua ,a rich resident of ParraL Baca Is reported as held for ransom, to gether with Luis Terrasas, jr., who ha been detained at . Chihuahua several months. Complaint was mad today to consul T. at Juares of Albert oonsaies, said to be an American cltlsen. , H was arrested on a charge of being a spy. I DAUOUAS, Arts., Dee. SI. Jos Eaeal- anto And Esteban Cms, Mexican, ar rested at- Naoosarl on charge of having murderei Thomas R. Francis and R. E. Dunn, British subjects, confessed th crime today and were promptly executed, according to a message received by J. T. T. Paxton, British vice consul here. A firing squad detailed by Carranlsta officer at ' Nacoxarl closed the careers of Crus and Escalante, who were charged also with several other crimes. Dunn and Francis were robbed and then killed two weeks ago at a mine near Nacoxarl. Dunn at one time lived in Pittsburgh. Pa.. s-4 vA L- MUSIC " a Necessity 3 A of our het homes have pnrchnsod this great Aeolian riajrr lat 1 9 days. U SPECIAL LOW TERMS $10 A MOMTH EXTRA 5 Slightly Dscd $500. $550. $650 Player Pisnos flow Offered at 250, S325, S350 39 Today we will plaoe cn sale an Assortment of new mad nited Flanoa of nuanaJ exrelleitce. Steinway, Knabe, Chickering, Steger A Sons, Knveroon. Rlmbail. Davix A Bona, Lindrman & Bona, Hard man, MePhaU and HchmoUer tt Mueller Flano. Samples of Used Piano Bargains PVn liter Price $500 Chk'kerlng 27S Mueller 350 Steger A Sob $300 Norwood . . $800 BcixmoUor A MeeUer Sale Price 8100 S125 SlOO 8155 8147 Former Sale Price Price f-lOO Rteger Jk Sons ....8160 2oO Kimball -8125 $880 Schmoller A Mueller t S105 $500 Steger & Sons . ... .J5250 $32S Mueller 8148 $000 Knabe $250 Come or write us at once for full particular. Free Stool, Free Scarf, Free Railroad Fare. 75 Piano for Rent at V 83.50 pr Month. Schmoller Mueller Piano Go. 1811-13 FARNAM STREET. HKADQCARTERS FOR VICTROLAS AND GRAFONOLAft. Store Open Evenings. Importing Grocers Table Delicacies t year, and Belgians Vote to Pay Nmety-Six Millions to Germans in Year LONDON, Dec. 2L-A dispatch to th l Router Telegraph company from Amster- I dam says: 'Under pressure from th German ', authorities nine Belgian provinces sent representative to Brussels, who on EM- urday held a so-called landtag session. It Is aaaertad that thla AM illlhjr t J concornlng a war levy of $96,0DO,ono, which must b paid to th Oerraan government In twelve monthly Installments. "Th representatives agreed to Issue treasury bonds, guaranteed by th nine provinces and a group of bankers, headed by th Belgian Boclete General, under took to advance tha money. The German governor general promised that all re quisitioned goods would bo paid for in cash If th Installments wer regularly received." ' Ivet jour Christmas Dinner be the , dinner of - tbe COURTNEY'S will furnish the Delicacies of the season. Christtitag shopping at Courtney's is easy and pleasant. The best that the world's market can produce i nttrartively displayed here for your selection. Deliclqus delicacies that will make your CHRIST MAS WINNER a never-to-be-forgotten event. Table decorations and favors, Christmas tree Candles and Dec orations, Plum Puddings, Bar-Le-Duc, Japanese Crab Meat, Cluster Raisim, Mincemeat, New Nuts, Figs and Dates. Heller 's Imported Hard Candies, per lb 60c Heller's Imported Chocolate Santa. Claus, ea. 15c, 80c, 50 Pure Sugar Christmas Mixed Candy (hard). 2 lbs. ...25? Pure Sugar Xniaa Cream Candy (mixed), per lb 25 WINE AND CIGAR DEPT. Ia our liquor department we have the largest stock of high grade wines, liquors, cham pagnes and cigars in the west. All of the standard brands for household and medicinal pur poses. FRUIT BASKETS, filled to or der ,. 32 and up MEAT DEPARTMENT In our meat department we have secured for our Christmas trade the finest selection of tur- German Cruiser Eeported Sunk Off the Scotland Coast LONDON, Doc. II. Persistent rumors ar current that a German cruiser has been sunk off th coast of, Scotland. l la also rumored that two British destroy er arrived at Lelth. Scotland, badly damaged. ' Ther Is no official confirmation of thaae reports. XMAS CANDIES Tn this department we carry a full and complete line of Christmas boxes and baskets (both filled and to be filled) in sizes from 1 to 5 pounds, including fancy work baskets, fancy silk and gold baskets, Japanese rattan baskets, silk hand embroidered boxes. SOMETHING NEW, Royal Cream Chocolates. A delicious chocolate,, butter cream center, covered with bit ter tweet chocolate, lb. . . 75c Swiss Milk Chocolates, lb. GOd Bitter Sweet Whipped ' Cream chocolates, per lb. ..... GOtt A large assortment of sweet, chocolates, lb. 40t nd 50c Heller's Imported Austrian Fruit ' Filled Chocolates, lb. ... 80 t t - keys, squabs, spring lamb, suck- 4 Ung pigs, ducks, crown roasts, beef tenderloin. English mutton saddles, all put up in a style not to be surpassed. X PARSON'S NUT J BOWLS, $3.60 J aa appreciative Xmas present, "t Phone ifougla 647 17 tit and Douglas Street. Be Want Ads Produce Results. CRUISER TENNESSEE SAILS fOR PORT OF JAFFA ALEXANDRIA. Egypt, Dec. 21. -(Via London) Tbe I'nlted eUatee cruiser Ten nessee which is looking after American Interest In eastern Mediterranean, left thla port today for Jaffa, It recently arrived here from th Istand of Solo. I Bead the "For kale'' ads if you bargain of th mlnut. tant CHRISTMAS SHOPPER HIT BYAUT0 AND IS KILLED ABERDBTKK . D.. Dee. .-htr. W. B. DeW, ago! BB, was struck while cross ing th street by aa automobile driven by Dr. W. D. rarrell. and died In a few hour. Mra Dow was doing her Christ mas shopping ' - . Special Hoticc For Three Days, Beginning Wednesday, Deo. 23rd, Continuing Till Sat. Eve., Dee. 26th. YOUR CHOICE OF ALL OUR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS No matter what tbe former selling price fifl f blues and blacks V included VU MAYDEU DQOS. important notice! Anyone who wants to buy Wines and Liquors for the Holi days should go to a reliable bouse which sells all goods at one price. As a means of bringing our selves before the public, we offer the following special offer: With each $1.00 purchase we wiU give a very fine Imported aleudar. With each $2.00 purchase w IU give a large bottle of Wine And a very fine Imported Caleo tar. With each $3.00 purchase we will give a bottle of choice Wine, Calendar and very fine Fruit Dish. C.SCULAUK&CO. 1307 Douglas Btreet. AMUSEMENTS. DRANDEIS Iaga. XVAaT TWO TlatBS) MUTT Anu JEFr xoo statu, ag-aoo Jgvenlngs, 3S-6o-75o-gl Friday, Saturday. tJnnday, Dao. 8S-gS-S7 Xat, Xmas, S r .I Saturday, SUM) r.SC. THE PRINOE OF PILSEN with ion w. KAjrgosra. OMAJKA-g TW CKBTTSK." fItobTt1" MATT KEKMtDY; a.lutR.Y GIRLS "Alimony Dub," Trouble ot Adotpb " uatira n lillbrt a Hulllnn'i Ovra. "Tb Mikado." FItIbs anxrvoooa la Fao.turdj Exptalu. Ua Qm, . roiean Artit. hit BMuty Coo ma. Xmas Day Matin at a O'oloek Tlrad ahoppor' Mas. 15 vary Wk stay IlK i 1 I1 ' Bit W E K BOYD Boa" ttu ToHght, Mats. Wed. & gat., tic Extra Matlne Chriatmaa ISc. Th Woman In th Case gflrnta as aaa soei Mats a, Net Week Hig Production of CUDHtLLi 100 Veepla. aaa Seas-. AST AM CSS AVOanrTLZ.B. Dally Matinee. t:16 Nighu. 1.15. Thia ek Ctmi A JoMphma. Diana A Har hall. Hanain tiboB a Co.. tSaU. fu A Tk tin OoloaUl Itcliw. Xi a r.i1ii. Ja a L" Cauiwr, Orsaaaat Xiavel WMkljt. Fries: VUtta, salkarr. IS": kast ssta (S aatamar ao4 fu). a. M(UU, 1. m, t, Vm