Till: NKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1914. TIIIEYES ACTIYE HERE m SUNDAY Commonwealth Life Imurance Of fice Looted of Money and Val uable Paper. MANY STORES ARE ROBBED Ittml Residence AU V Ultra" hr . PrTf Irrm, Wko "rears Vartose Sana f Moey Otkrf Articles ! Value. Speedy Machine on R unners Seen on the Streets Thieves f all derreee were exceedingly active In this city Sunday. Chief among the activities were two robberies In the Omaha National Bank building, ona from ths Commonwealth Ufa Inauranca company, room 72. where . In cash, a number of article of Jewelry. Includ ing a two-ksrat diamond ring, and a quantity of valuable old coins, amonf which waa a Swedish allver piece besr Ir.g tha data 1M. The entire valuation of tha etolen rooda amounted lo about II 000. Tha Carbon Coal and Supply com pany, room tti. loat tamp to the amount of t an" several rare colna. Both "Jobe," according to the chief of detective. bear strong earmark of hav ing bean accomplished from the Inside. Edward Dogt. !C South Twenty fourth street, reports t.nt tils ? waa entered by a thief, who broke tha glaaa In the front door and carried away liquor and cigars to the value f . Toilet Arflelea itolea. Ralph Armatron ot the Globe hotel. HOT Pouglaa aireet, found that hie room bad been vlelted by thtevea. who carried away a t of toilet article, which he prised highly. R. D. Oilman, m South Tenth street, waa trimmed to tha tune of 136 and a gold watch when a eneakthlef gained entraaoa.to hi place. Mr. Art Elden. 101$ South Tenth treat. dUcloaei the fact that omeone tola clothing and grocerte to the value of $35 from tha restaurant which ahe conduct at the above number. O. J. Codington wa held up and robbed of $6 by a whita man at Fifteenth and Davenport eirsets, whllo Fred W. Peter on f tho Bailey hotel. S23 Farnam treat, waa robbed by four men at Fif teenth and Chicago treet of $10. U. Cohn, 08 North Sixteenth street, lost our palm of hoe and a sultcsse when thlevea visited hi store, gaining entrance by breaking the look on the front door. Alfora Morilla. lfl South Birth etreet, a ahoemaker. alo lot twenty-five parrs of shoes, valued at $78, In tha ma man ner. Vlbr Cashlca, M4 Plerca street, re ports the theft of hoe valued at $M. Sutton Would Have an Industrial Farm for Each District An tnduatrtal farm la every eongrea atonal district la Nebraska, to be provided at Intervals by the state, la District Judge Sutton' solution of tha problem of how to reform offenders against the law as well as punish them. Tha first farm of this kind should be built In this district, he believes, and would car for prisoner convicted of minor of feaeea, Tho' judge's plan contemplates use ot prisoners' labor In construction of build ings. Ha declares that work is tha prin cipal effective, reformative agency. . "Our Jails and prisons aa they now are remind me of a grist milt so Ineffective aa to carry great quantities of grain through, It untouched and unimproved," aid tha Judge. "I believe a small per centage of - prisoners are improved by Prison sentences uader our present sys tem." V The first coat of tnduatrtal farm would be soon repaid by large savings effected by "means - ot them la tha opinion of Judge Sutton. Little or no competition with organised labor would result from tha carrying out of the plan. Pome Omahana have taken advantage of the splendid fall of snow In their own way. They have utilised their motor cycle to propil some unique a led". Above la one of the contrivances seen on the streets. , It waa made by Paul Adolphaon, who Is driving. The passenger Is William Bell. This machine attains remarkable speed with Ita two passengers over the now. Some of the others were seen Bun- day and soma were In difficulty became they had no chains on the motorcycle wheel and those were needed In the deep snow. They made good time", however, where the snow wss cleared. NEW HIGH MARK FOR DURUM Car of Tbi Kind of Wheat Sells Lo cally for Dollar Thirty-Three. FORMER RECORD TEARS AGO Prevloaa Illa-h Mark of the Cereal Waa Reached la Maetrea Han. dred and Nlae at Dollar Tfclrty-Two. Wheat on tha Omaha Uraln exchange set another new high mark when a car of Durum sold at 11.33 per buahcl. This waa the highest price at which any kind of grain ever sold. The previous high mark wa on May 22, 1900, when a car of No. t hard sold at $1.32 per buahel All around wheat was up 1 to 1H cents. No. t selling at from $1.16 to $1.17. Corn followed wheat In Its upwsrd course, sell ing at 80 to C2 cents, an advance of three fourths of a ornt. Oats were strong snd sp ono-fourlh to one-half of a cent, sell ing at 46 to 464 centr. Whllo receipts were not a recorj, they were about the heaviest of the year, there being 230 cars of wheat, as against $08 at Chicago and 108 at St. Louis. There were 228 cars of corn, as against twenty-sis at Kansas City and 127 at St. Louis. From now on dealers anticipate heavy receipts of corn and moderately heavy re ceipts of wheat, anticipating that owing to the enormous Increasing demand, prices cannot go lower. Then, too, they con tend, the home demand will soon make Itself more kenly felt, which will have a tendency to stlmuate prices. Advices to tha Omaha Grain exchnngo re to the effect that the exports last week reached 12,ttiT,000 buahela, Omaha furnishing about one-twelfth ot this quantity. Omaha Trunk Co. is New Concern that Opens for Business " The Omaha Trunk company Is a new concern that Is to begin tho manufac ture of trunks, aultcasea and bags about January 1. Articles of Incorporation are now ready to file. The company la to In corporate tor $10,000 at present, but ex pects to have a capital stock 'of S20,ono or more In the course of six months.' The company has arranged- to operate temporarily In the upper floors of the present Omaha Trunk factory at 1207-1209 Farnam street. Chsrles Koran la presi dent of the compsny. H. J. Adams of tho Hartman Trunk company of Chicago Is to be vice president. A. J. A41ams of Omaha la secretary. Robert II. Koran Is auditor. The company expects to begin work with a force of about fifty men, but ex pects to employ ovep 100 men. It plsns to have an annual output around $200,000 worth of goods. . . PITIABLE CASEOF NEWSBOY WILL BE INVESTIGATED Thomas Dwyer, aged 12 years, was found in a half frosen condition In the lobby of the Brandela Stores by the night Watchman, lie was taken to police head quarter! where he stated that ho was a newsboy and having made only GO cents during the day he waa afraid to go home. lie was taken In charge by ON fleer Vosberg who will Investigate tha oaae, Tha lad said he lived at 140 North Seventeenth street. X Omaha Citizens , Give Nice Purse to Local Charity Two hundred dollars has bean doaated by Omaha cltlsens toward relief work being doao by the Associated Charities, acoordlnc to Mrs. George W. Doaaa, sec Owing to tha Intense cold weather . great number of case aro being cared tor by tho Associated Charities. Fifty ' persons In dlra need called at the char- Hies offices and were given relief. - Mrs.- Dpana has a list ot men out of work, soma ot them la great want: She lBi'asked that anyone who needs help i f any sort telephone the Associated t'i.ailtles. i'nod mil clothing la being donated gea- cruu.vly toward Ua relief work. sire. ' Doauo said: 'The people are responding aa I never thought they would. It does ona good to seo what generous, good-hearted people we hava." Postoffice Opened Earlier to Help . Out' Many Patrons The rush of Christmas mailer at the poatotflco Is on, and to accommodate tha early crowd Postmaster Wharton opened tha stamp department half an hour be fore tha usual time. . Two more special clerk were put to work weighing package In the hallway. Twenty-two carload of Christma mall went west from Omaha Sunday, and the aslbound mall waa also very heavy. Eighty men were needed at the Council Bluffs trsnsfer terminal alone to do the work of mall handling that 1 usually don by only .twenty-five men. Mall trains are now moving In two sections and several special mall trains have had to be run. PORTO RICANS SOLICIT , TRADE WITH AMERICANS Porto Rico wants Amencan manufac turer! to extend their trade to the Island The Omaha Commercial club has re ceived a letter from the bureau of in formation at San Juan, through which Omaha and American business men are urged to cultivate closer business rela tion with the Island. The bureau Is In charge of O. F. Correa. He Invites corre spondence. SKIN TROUBLE Young Mother is Fatally Burned at Council Bluffs Mrs. Maggie Warden, aged 17 years, ' mother of a 7-year-old boy. and who Is Cbg&ged to be married next month, waa perhaps fatally burned at her home. tf4 Harrison street.,' Council Bluffs, when she attempted to Hint, the kitchen fire with gasoline, mistaking It for coal oil. The receptacle contained about a gallon and a half of the fluid when It caught tire and exploded, enveloping Ver In flames. When the firemen arrived they found the unfortunate woman standing N out in tho snow and her clothing burned to a crUp. Physicians attending her at Mercy nos . jitkl do not hold out any hop for bar recovery. Eaber Part English, German and French Oil HANDS D FEET Similar to Ringworm, Tiny Clear Blisters. Skin Rough and Cracked Open. Could Scarcely Uss Hands. Used Cutlcura Soap and Oint ment. Completely Rid of Trouble. Cassvule. Ma "My head and feet were affected with a trouble elmlUr to ring worm fur a number of year. It Are ap peered Uny dear blister and la plee tha b Utters ware aa close together Uiat thay almost formed one large blister. Tha skin was rough and cracked open. At Umee It was so bad thai 1 disabled me; amy haoda berame ao aura that I could acaroely use then. i TI need every remedy that I could find tut nothing aaeraed to do any good. Finally I sent for a sample of Culicura Soap and Ointment and I thea go a cake of Cutlcura ftoap and a bos of Culicura OluUmat which completely rid me of the trouble. (algoed) Kay Bryaat, Mar. 14. 1914. Samples Free by Mall A generation of mothers has found no soap a wall ulted furcleaiuiug and purifying the alia and hair of lofsnui and ehUUrau as iitlcura Soap. Ju absolute purity aad r fraabing fragrance alone are enough to rao oaamsad it abova ordinary akta aoapa, but there are added to thaae qualities deUcal STUDENTS OF TWO HIGH SCHOOLS' GRADUATE SOON i A total of alxty-elRht pupils In the Omaha High school and the Omaha High School of Commerce will graduate at the midterm commencement exercise Janu ary 22. Thirty will graduate from the Omaha High school ten boys and twenty girl. Arrangement for the commencement exercise are being made by Superin tendent E. U. Graff. The graduation ex ercises will be held Jointly as heretofore. Bee Want Ads Produce Results ' ATTEHTiOn Beginning Wednesday Continuing Thursday, Dec 24 and Saturday, Dec. 36 wa will Hold a ; ' ' Great 3 Day Clearance All Men' Suits and Overcoats, no matter what tha A mm f o r m r price, s ,C J bluea and blacks Wri i mm Included, at V W UAYDEN JM0S. Snow Storm Does Not Affect RaUroads as Much as Expected The Sunday anowxtorin waa not so fevers on the railroads as officials had anticipated. While It was light, it drifted but little, either here or out In the state or over in Iowa As a reault trains were pretty well cn their schedules. The North western's train from Pt. Paul was an hour late, the Rock Island from the esst. three-quarters of an hour and the t nlon Pacifies Los Afigeles Limited eight hours late. Trains on all other roads came and went on time. The lateness, however, ot the Vnlon Pacific train wns not dus to snow or bad weather, but wss caused by a wreck at Bushnrll, a station In the extreme' western yart ot the state. At Bushnell a freight was standing on the main line, hrsded east. The Loe Angrles came along moving at about five miles per hour, and the engine bumped Into the caboose of the freight, knocking It off the track and delnylng traffic eluht hours The daman . was slight and the only person Injured wss Fireman Kopp of the psswnger train, who ws som h.i bruised. The cause of the tall-end collision has not been explained, but It i- that somebody Ignored the automatic block signal. RKHflP TO JAIL FOR N0NSUPP0RT OF FAMILY' Charles Bishop, 1634 North Twenty fourth street, wss ntenced to fifteen days in the county Jail. hn w" brought out in court that for a l'nsw rerlod he had not contributed toward the support of his wife and five smell children, who are at present rlng cared for In the detention home. y , v ; ' . : . . ..... mmM-i l'lmmZ:'n-Z."- m.. 1' E3 in f It ia not too lat to troy a USEFUL GIFT for that good frind of yours. You may b certain that a good looking gaa table-lamp "will b appre ciated. Not only no, bat for many years to coma. Stop at our off io, look orer our dis play of lamps, domes, table lamps and gas appliances. You may select the kind of gift at just the prioe you want Our salesfloor will be open every evening until Christmas, begin ning Saturday, Dec 19th, until 8 P. M. onmm ens cor.ipnnv 1509 Howard Ot. " w - W. Raber of Council Bluffs, arrested for falling to support hi wtfe and Infant child, waa discharged In polio court upon Ma promise to do so. "What nationality I fcuvo emollient properUaa derived groat culicura uiaimaat, wuca rentier It must valuable la overcoming a tendency to olstreHlag eruptions and promoting akin and hair health. Culicura soap and Oint ment autd everywhere. Liberal aample of each mailed free, wilb 3 3-p. book. Address put-card CuUcura. Ltept. T, tlustou." ate your asked tha judge. I ra pat EDsUeh, French and Ger man," aotwered Baber. Hps Want Ada Are the best Buainesa J'.-d lily by People In Search of Ad- I termed Opportuuittea, I For Your Xinas Poultry and Heats Get flAYDElTS.-PniGES First . We will sell First Quality Goods only, and have the Finest Line of Fresh Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Beef Roasts and Lambs in the city something you will enjoy when eating your Xmas Dinner, and gaaratce yon the Lowest Price for First Quality Goods. Try llayden's First It Pays E-3'AVDEKI BR'S. is Fancy Vests 1 45 Your unrestricted choke of our entire stock, val- C am a ar ft w f t net up to roll Uress, emi-uress ana tor Street Wear your choice at ... , Come in mercerized nnd silk mixed fabrics and fancy knitted patterns; plain whites, fancy stripes and cheeks; styles that were new this fall. Sec display in lGth St. window. tSale starts 8:30 A. M. No C. 0. D. Orders. No Telephone Orders. No Exchanges. Men's and Boys' Bath Robes Makers' samples, made to sell up to $12.00; choice at $6.98, $5.98, $4.98, $3.98, $2.98 Men's Fur and Fur Lined Gloves and Mittens Up to $7.50 values; on sale at, pair, $3.98, $2.98, $1.98 and $1.45 Gift Suggestions in the Cloak Department at Half and Even Less Than Half Their Actual Retail Worth Coney Fur Coats--Made to sell at f o n $25.00 and $30.00 , . . ....... .pl0M Other Fur Coats Tuesday at Just Half Price $98.00 Coats $49.00 $150 Coats $75.00 All newest styles. $45.00 Coats $22.50 $65.00 Coats $32.50 $75.00 Coats $37.50 Handsome Velvet Coats Made to seli at $45.00, choice Tuesday .$25.00 One Lot of Dresses In pretty silks and popular -wool materials, $15.00 values, at . .'. . .$6.95 Long Silk Kimonos Made to sell at $7.50 Tuesday, choice $3.95 Women's Waists Silks, . chiffons and laces, manufacturers' surplus stock, values up to $5; Tuesday, choice '. . . $1.95 Klosfit Petticoats Makers' eamples,vregular $5 ..values; on sale at ... . .$2.95 ChUdren'g Sweater Seta, made to gell at 4. reds I Children' Wool Dresses, made to sell at $5.00 and -81.95 J . $6.00, on sale Tuesday, choice .$2.95 Tuesday, 7 to O P. M.' , I Tuesday, 7 to O P. M ' ' Long Crepe Kimonos, $3.00 and! Pretty Maribou Scarfs, made to $3.50 values, on sale at ' j sell to $5.00. Tuesday choice .. 81.451 choice ...... 81.45 or white, on sale Tuesday at Tneeday, 7 to 0 P. M. Women's Silk Underskirts, recu sal, at t.79t lar $3.95 values, choice on Tuesday in Domestic Room Silk, Crepe and Messallne Petticoats. $1.98 values, broken lots from regular stock, good range of colors, choice. . 59e Gift Suggestions in Linen Dept. Dinner Sets, table cloth and one dozen napkins to match, $8.00 values, set ......... .86.50 Hemstitched Sets, cloth and nap kins in box, $6.00 values at, sot 83.75 Circular scalloped pattern table cloths, pure flax, $4.00 values, each ........$3.00 Unhemmed pattern table cloths, extra large size, values to $1.50, each ...... ' 81. OO Dinner napkins, warranted all pure flax, worth $5.00 dozen. 6 for ...... .-81.50 Tuesday's Toy land Specials $1.25 Toy Pianos. 12 keys, rose wood finish, at . i 93 $1.49 Friction Locomotive and Tender, on sale 98 10c Christmas Tree Candles . . 5 Candle Holders, per dozen . ..5 $2.75 Mechlncal Trains on track, on sale at 81.95 $1.98 Doll Beds, Brass finish, on sale at 81.50 $2.25 Croklnole Boards at 81.89 $1.25 Lord Baltimore. Typewriter at OS Many other-items at price sav ings of 25 to 50 per cent Special Sale " , of Blankets 'A- comfort or pair ot blankets makes a nice gift .95 81.35 81.65 81.89 83.95 84.95 $1.25 Blankets $1.75 Blankets $2.50 Blankets $3.50 Blankets $4.95 Blankets $6.50 Blankets . $10.00 Blankets 87.48 $3 25 Robe Blanket ....-82.39 $3.76-Robe Blanket, just the thing for these cold nights at ......... .82.95 All comforts at same price reductions. In Our Famous Domestic Room Tuesday will be a busy day. $3.00 value Hemstitched Table Cloth ....81.25 11.98 value Hemstitched Table Cloth ....$1.45 18c Turkish Towel, large size 14 H 14 He Turkish Towel, large size .'. 9 25c Linen Hemstitched Towel -Jt) 35o Linen Hemstitched Towel 25 V 60c Linen Hnmstltched Towel 35t $3.95 value Napkins, pure linen, dozen .-82.95 lOo Normandle Flannel Ot 16c Curtain Scrim 10c 18c Pllsse Crepe 12 Uttc Amoskeag Outing "7 , Kztra Special , 10c' value Hope Muslin 5 8 Vio pure Indigo blue apron checks 3t? I7-ln. Outing Flannel 5? Domestic Room Furnishing Bargains )Itn'i Sweater Coats with roll collar and pockets colors tan or fray. $1.50 values, at k ......... .tag $oys Flannel Shirts with military collar 'and pocket, ,t coat style; colors, tan. (ray or blue. $1.50 valuer 'at ...889 Misses' and Boys' heavy fleeced Union Suits, all sizes 2 to 1 years, at .49o 'Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, Vests or Pants OOo raluea a 36 Children's Part Wool Sweater Coats, sixes 1 to 10 years, $1.00 values, at 4u Men's and Boys' Gloves' or Mittens, 75c values, 49o Men's Outing Flannel Nlfht Shirts, all siasea, worth . to $1.00, at ..., 4o Men's Hose, assorted- colors In fancy boxes, 4 palra In a box, at , ...4o Men's Suspender and Garters In fancy boxes, 75c values, at ,...49o 1 it1 x7 e Vi n rr Yon Want for Xmas in Groceries. Oranges, Nuts, Candies, Canned Goods, Dried Traits, Butter Cheese. Crackers, Teas, Coffees. Dried Fruits Tor Tosr maaiags, It lbs. Beat Granulate Sugar.. 1.0q 48-lb. Sacka Beat tmn uraaa mond 11 Flour, nothlnK finer fo your Xmas puddinsa. pies and cakes,-per ssck 91-40 Fancy assorted Cookies. 76 varieties, per pound "V.4 1 Advo Jeli for dessert. dlfteren, flavors. Its the Jell of quslltj. uer packaca 'Zi Fancy Uun Ollvea. quart .36o I- arker Houaa Catsup, bottle. . . .TH lsurf Hollies Worcester Kauc pickles, assurted klnda; horfceradlsn or Prepared Mustard, botlle. .evo rana Oil Bardlnes Imported Sardlnoa. per can Vo 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Klca, lvo quality. for e 3-ounca Jara Pura Fruit Preaarv for t II- ounca Jars Purs Fruit preserve for lk, The Best Domestic Macaroni, Vernil celll or fpashsttl. pkf TV40 1-lb. Cans Caunpbeil's Assorted Soups for vi' 14-ounca Cana Condensed -Mllk..TVaO lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Coru. Wax or Green Beana or Lima Beans, per can TVie 1-lb. Cana Bolld Packed Tomatoes, Hquaab.. Pumpkin, Hominy or Baked Bns. at tm Ooldea Santos Coffee, lb.. SOo Hersheys Cocoa, lb SO Trnits Tor Torar nea or vases. - 3-Crown Muscatel Raima. lb...Hs ;'"an-y Cleaned Currants, lb iav,o California Heedless Klblns. lb...loo California Beedless Prunes. 1-lb. pkg. for. .. .... .siVss California Palway' Peaches, lb...luo California Moor ParkAprlcots, per pound r 11 Vie California .Seeded Baislns per pa k age lOo and laa Condensed Mines Meat, pkg California Cooklnn Figa. lb. .....100 Imported Fls. per lb ;.tO Imported Ford bates, lb 16a The Best Lemon or Orange Peel, ic pound s. . . 1 ... t ...... . BOO The Beat Leghorn Citron Peel, pr pound .' SSs Tbe Best MUad Vew Stats, lb 16a Blsnlaad Kavel Ortifti for Xmas. Tha Orange sf Quailty. JTotniug fines grown, per aos.lfto. Boo, im and 0.- Ths Best Creimery Butter, carton or bulk, per round... Tha Beat No. 1 Egra, per doen..t6o Fancy Country Creamery Buttw. per pound SSo Good lalry Table Butter, per lb. See t lbs' Good Butterlna Sta t-lb. Pall Good Luck Butterlna. .tae II Iba. Beat Red River Minnesota Potatoea to the Peck 80s II Iba. Fancy Cooking Apples to tn p.ck v SSo Enamelware . a. larra aMpment of ear famous fsoWs Miff Tssst arads Mas and wbite wars Just reoslved. Boms of it was mora or lass injured In traaslt. While it lasts ws will sell It for less than H cost of manufacture. "to Io. 1 conalata of extra large kat ties, extra large dish pans, tea ket- ' , 1 . T. 1 1 ... 7 aauce pans, coflee pot. etc. . .39o X,ot t JTe. consists of large . kettles. meaium Six oien pans, Berlin kat. ties, sauce pans.. coffee pota, te pota. etc. 9 Xt consists of a variety of items not included above, and every ona a bargain jtc BASS SVUrZM We are closing- them out regardleet f sost or former Belling prios. if yon are Uterested u base tamers w aa skow yoa the rreateat karfalna ever offered u Omaha. $57.80 Bass Burners S39.S0 $56.00 Bass Burners ,...$3aiM $39.00 Base Burners ta.oo W soU "Oarlaa,- "sUaowm." 'nioao. tat "Universal" Bass Boxners. TAYS fry t3aYQ)lCT8 - Rrst Mg; 3C