, TJ.K JWIK; OMAHA. MONDAY, DKCKMItKU L'l, l!H4. 7 Bringing Up Father :-: x nmwn for Thp Rpp hv Pnmn AMonnc j AHX OACk"11 f TCR , AH'. TtLt- " ( I DON'T KHrt ) MAIC - VT.Ve" ' - r .. jfHfT "1 , CONC OUT" MS SI-MW5. C Vra, rmO IftOUVL tONC ' SV.T"''"'"1 " ALL f W ftHOTNl "LL l - - KNOW VBKT fVLiC VOH REXT IIomh and t ounces. Fidelity Storage Go fctorage, tnovin, uackln ana shipping. lth A Jackson Sis. Phone Douglas 2sS. FOR REX T, fcil .-. iTHST m . room, nearly new. huge living room, lixM feet, nicely decorated and MioroJghlv modern. O. 8. Eralii, I) u,Vo- H afiti a-ROOM modern bungalow, SOI No. 35th St.. J. Harney 4200. HonRPH " " Porta or the city. Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern s-room bourn, 303 a. Kth Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. nwiniw iioiei. Harney lum, UotiKiaa lilt. KK.1L KSTATK FARM A HANOI LA.MD.1 FOR 8 A LB S-R. house, mod., suitable (or two lua-' tiles. Douglas 45. Van and Stor- o. Ur per hr.; dray, 1 men, $l.ti par hr. 1713 Maggard's JJ J.C. Reed t&-c movln( toraiie aiw. bTEAM heat, all modern, 7-room houte; alto 4-room Hat HO No. S3d. Caraarea. CAItAOR, auto repair ahop, 918 N. 18th St. Store and OfCcr. CONVBNIKNT and commodtoua offlre npace with tirlvaiy; have two email rooms and one largv, enauite, pleasant oo cupants; will divide expense and accom modations with desirable party. IU First Nationnl Bank Bid. TWOMALL OFFICES Enault. READY NOW-420 Electric Ufht and Water Frta, TUB BEE BUILDING. "Tha building; that la always new." Office. Room 103. AL.L. clsea, 13 per monliJ up, tC? I'axton. WANTED TO RENT FURN. houaekeepins; rooms near 30th and Ames Ave. Slate full partttulari. Ad drera 8 360, Be. FOR SALE OR RKNT BEMIS PA RK 3404 ilowthorne. 7 rooms, strictly modern: lot and location beau tiful: also 2il Caldwell, modern except t )eat; 2711 Franklin, 6 ror-mx, modern ex cept heat; Inducements tc desirable ten ants. Phone Webster 3726. Upper Wisconsin Best dmri and general crrtp state In tha union; settlors wanted;' lands for sals at low irk, on asv terms. ' Ask for booa let 34 on Wisconsin Central J-nd Grant StaU acres wanted. Write about our (rasing lands. If Interested la fruit lands, ana for booklet on Apple Orcharda la Wisconsin. Address land Lfepl. bVe i.lp Ky.. Minneapolis, altnn. M Imrtrllaaeeis. WB guarantee barsains In rtook farms and ranches. Write . Willis .'adwell Broken Bow. Neb. The' Bargain Man. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 10-ACRE PLACE. J miles of Council Bluffs, on ajood road and near graded school. This is a nice tittle farm, with very attractive cottage of 4 rooms and summer kitchen. I.are yard set In blue grass and shaded by na tive trees. A variety of fruit strawber ries, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, cherries, apples and plums, home alfaifa. It Is worth the price of 33,000; H.iiW cash, balance to suit. ' M OKE REAL, ESTATE CO., 105 Pearl Mt., Council Bluffs. SHOOTERS BRAYE THE SNOW About Thirty Try Their Lnck at Gun Club Grounds. CHAMBERS HAS BEST SCORE luw go Heavy Bad Blladtaa as Make Good Saoottn Oat of the Qaestlon Fifteea Tarkeys a Prises. REAL E8TATE X)R EXCHANGE FRONTIER CO. BAROAIN. Highly Improved farm of 166 acres. Land all lays fine and la excellent soil. Villi exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMBS. 815 Brandels TheaXer, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 3!16. ABSTRACTS UP TITUS. RhKU Abstract Co., oldest abstract ot (ice In Nebraska. HM r -ndeis Theater. KURH Title Uuarantee and Abstract Co. a modern abstract office, m 0. 17U St Phone Douelas MSI. REAL ESTATE tV ANTED WANT good farm or Income city prop. erty for a legitimate business that will pay a rustier tg.oou to 6,ou annually. la scribe what you have Address 8. C. t:, Bee. GENERAL housework, clt. country, staia wages, small family. Address O t7T, Bee. I WILL Day cash for desirable building I lot if a real snap. L 331. bee. WANTED TO 1IUV oKJ?JCK furnuuie bought and sold. J. C. Reed. It07 Farnen-.. Doug. 114a. WE BUY M-hnd rlo"hes. 14J1 N. :'4thT f LIGHTLY jsed pianos. Webster 37X. WANTED to Duy second-hand Vlctrolii. cvith or without records. Must be In good ronjitlon and cheap for cash. Ad dress. P 35, Bee. 1 REAL ESTATE. rARU Jt RANCH LA.NOl FOR, (ALB FOR SALE 400 acres oho;oe N. W. Mis- uii iuit I u nH well tmtiNlvad' mbv (trim. Address Y til. Bee. t5 DOWN, to monthly buys 40 acres, grain fruit, poultry land, near town, healthy location. Pr,ce only t220; 110 monthly buys ! acres. Box 425 Q, Cartnage, Wo. RENTERS and homeaeekers use youi Carey right and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that farm products will command extremely high prices dur ing tha next few years? This Is your op portunity to get started on a farm of youi own. Tne Vaiter lands produce from at to K bushels wheat. 80 to 1W of oats. 40 te 70 bushels barley, 4 to tuns alfalfa pet aero, let us send you booklet and tell you how easy It Is to get started. Valiei Farm" Sales Company. Box to. Valler. Mont Meterstslta. FOR SALE M acrea udjolnlng city of Minden. Kearney Co.. Neb.; short walk to business center; all in al.'alfa. fine for a suburban home or subdl 'ision. Will rive terms to responsible, oarty. Prlcj, .50 per acre. Address Mrs. L. A. Smith. n Kellam Ave., , 1ms Anaeles. Csl. 160 ACRES 33 ACRES IRRIGATED , ' Balance good graatng land; dandy two room house; located 15 miles northwest of Morrill. Neb. Price tl.OuO rash if solo before Jan. 1. This must te sold to settle an estate. We also have 610 acres graatng land Joining this, at 7.M per acre; easy terms. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY. 1015-K W. O. W. Bkig. Omaha. Neh. FOR SALE 160 acres half mile Aliuu, Neb.; 70 acres in cultivation; 45 full "heat. running water; timber, $3,50 Im provements. Fine dairy ranch quarter at 152.60. or will take 7u for r.uarter; M.MJ mortgage; must be lold by Jan. 1 to close partnership. Box S5. Ahi.a, Neb EIGHTY acres. 1 mile from Gretna, fine farm at Ills' per acre: a snap. Will not last long: . come quick. Address Lock Boa . Ciretna. Neb. 8TOCK RANCH FOR SALE. IMPROVED 640-acre ranch In Hooker county, Nebraska, fifty acrea under cultivation, all good hay and grating land. Obliged to sell at once and have made prtca to make It an Inducement. Write tor full description If you want a plaoe that can be developed Into twice the price aaked for U. . John O'Brien. Owner. Lena. Neb. WANT cleur Omaha real estate. Improved or unimproved; must be oflered low for cashi will Invest IW.000 or any portion thereof; only deal with owners direct; no agents. Bo K 118, Bee. - Despite the flying anow, which made any kind of accurate ahootlng almost an Impossibility, twenty-five or thirty memhera of the Omnht. eluh atnnd hit. fore the traps at the Omaha Gun club yesterday afternoon and pegged at tha blue rocks as they whirled In the air. The shooting was more or less incon sistent aa the trappers would rush out, shoot five or ten rocks, then break back for the warmth of a big fire. But one man turned In a good score. Alex Chambers broke eighty-nine out of 100 rocks. Ha was almost the only man who shot that many and his work was remarkable. He broke the birds at times when it would seem aa If they were com pletely hidden In the flying anow. Even such cracks aa Sam Huntley and Ray Klngaiey had to take their hats off to Chamber. , Aa a turkey shoot the, day was hardly a auceess as the big aggregation expected did not show up, thinking that the enow would cause the postponement of the event. But everybody had a good time and enjoyed themselves Immensely when their fellow-shooters wasted nhti .hat ing at rocks and hitting nothing- but snownaaes. At that about fifteen tur keys were given. The shooters were out both in tha nn,.. Ing and afternoon. The attendance In trie morning was fairly respectable, but only a few of the more ardent tnnn. stayed through Into the afternoon. Among those who competed yesterday are Alex Chambers, Don McCown. Sam Huntley, Lynn Brown. ' Art nnMi.u Cliff Wolfe. Harold Sobotkcr, Art Trim ble. At Rush mrA n t-I.tl Meyers'. Swift Work Enables Clarks to Win REAL ESTATE XOANS CITY and farm loans, t. b, per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co.. IS 4 Farnam. Omaha. WANT to borrow from tiOOO to 33,000, in terest 6 to 7 per cent. Will give mort gage on lmprovet business property in umqna wortn iu.w. Aggress n m, nee WANTED City losns. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska faxroa, O'KEEFE REAI ESTATE CO., 10H Omaha Natl. Douglas 17U. WANTED to borrow 33,500 for one year at 7 per cent; first class collateral. Ad dress V 353. care Omaha Bee. il uo to lio.ouo made promptly. V. D. Was Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sis. n Kt71Xt imnu Loans. tuuO and un. VJAXK V A1 i"IUU dm.ha Kali Hank. WANTED City ioana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITT properly. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, W State Bank Bldg. MONEY oo hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. fief. CITY LOANS. C. G, Carlberg Co., tlo-313 Branaets Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United State Trust Co.. Ornafca. Neb. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE ROANOKE Addition Six lots facing on Sherman ' Ave., between Ames and Grand Avaa Price 3360 to $00; It per month; no taxes; no Interest. Five lots In Drexcl addition. Price 1275 to t30O; 111 cash: II per week. PHONK DOUGLAS SOW. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE 40-AKK HOME. I miles west of city limits of Omahs; land lays gently rolling; 61 acrea fcllalf i, about I acrea pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance in cultivation: new 6 room house and other good lmprots. menta. - Price. 1223 per acre. C. R. COM Usj. tit Brsndets Theater Bldg. Tkug. Kit. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, tall modern bouse recently purchased by me. This-hour B located in the West Farnam dixtrict, one block from Leavenwprth car and four biocka from .Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, ult-eplng porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this bouse at a bit sacrifice. AdcVros. M 21', Be, or after p. II. phone Webster 614. REAL ESTATE DOWNTOWN 100 ft. by 25 ft. HARNEY, NEAR TWENTIETH. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE iilSCTXLANEOl'S Bankers Outplay High School Seconds The Omaha NaUonal bank Quintet de feated the Omaha Hujh school second team Saturday afternoon In a Commer cial league gam at tha Young Men's Christian association, U to J. Too game waa characterised by rough playing on tha part of each aide. Toward the latter part of the second half Wlllard and Schu hart were taken out of the game because of rough work. The students wera able to shoot but two baskets against the close guarding of tha paying tellers. McFarland and Logan starred for the undergraduates, while Bussing and Sen u hart did the bright worn ror ma bankers. Lineup: Oble Meyers excellent basket Shooting enabled the Walter G. Clark to defeat tho Omaha High school last evening at the ' Young Men' Chrlrtlan association. 20 to H. In all the heavy forward got away with elglxt baskets, scoring over half of the points for hi side.' Tho con test waa cleanly, played and waa exceed ingly exciting throughout the forty mln utefl of Its duration. The undergraduates started scoring at the start, making their first point on a free throw by Flothow. Paynter next shot a basket, and was followed by Lar mon. but the gunmen soon warmed up to tha game and though they could not overtake their opponent" they followed closely at their heels. The half ended. 12 to, 10 for Coach Mills' protege. At the close of the second half the Clarks pulled away from the cadets with a rapid regularity and wera soon out of danger. Though Coach Mills' disciples took the smaller end of the score, they more than held their own with the gunmen. In team work they were greatly superior to their opponents, while In passing and guard ing they more than held their own. The student wera greatly outweighed by the Clarks. . Paynter, a member of the second team, was used in the contest and waa tba one bright star on the undergraduate quin tet. He shot four field goal and made himself conspicuous :n tho other phase of the game. Out of eight chance. Flothow looped seven foul goals, while Linn of the Clark made but six out of thirteen trie. Be side Oble Meyer, Linn and Noland, did good work for the Clarks. Lineup: OMAHA HIGH. W. G. CLARKS, Patty R.F. Flothow L.F. Paynter ...C. Larmon R.U. Lutes ....UO R.F... L.F... C R.O... L.O.:. Noland Meyers ... Linn . Rot-ca Montgomery OMAHA WATT. Schuhart R.F. R-in; ir, Torreu r r Buer R.G.IR.F... HIGH RPmvna L.Q Modkowi'tx R.G Petersen . . Paynter, MCf arland I.-. i I . 1 . L.' I ... k. . lAunfr (3), Larmot, Noland, Meyere (7), Linn (3). Foul goals thrown: Flothow (7), Lfnn (6). Fouls committed: Omaha High school, 13; W. O. Clarks, 8. BuhsUtutes: Smith for Noland, Pan1nh for Rooca Referee: Burkenroad Timekeeper: Drummond. Storekeeper. F. Sutherland. Time of halves, M minutes. ' Walter Johnson Not Talking About What Bonus Paid to Him Hawkins L.O.IL.F Wlllar.t Substitutes: I for Schuhart Lmtan for Petersen, Frledesk for Wlllard. Field Goals: Bussing ti. Schuhart (31, Mc Farland, Petersen. Foul goals thrown' Schuhsrt 2), Bussing. Wlllard 3). Fouls committed; ' High seconds. 12; Omaha Nationals, 10. Referee: Corns. Tlme-Jr-e vt0W 8oore.ke.pe-: Neville. Time f halves; 30 minute. REAL PRIZES FOR BIG TRAP SHOOT AT HERMAN Several of Omaha' crack shooter are planning- an Invasion of Jlerman, Neb., Wedneaday, where quarter of beef, tur key, geese.' duck and the Ilka will be hung up for prise at a trap shoot to be staged there. The prices are so attractive that several of tha Omaha cracks expect to bring back enough eat to stock up the commissary for the winter. fcEOTIOV Klinball Co. Gross, 1IOI Paul. ft) ACRES, all In alfalfa, ruts 4 tons to acre. 140 acres, 120 acres In alfalfa; good nous, barn, sneds. all fenced; hog tight, to a ore react., all fenced I and 4 wires; house, barn, good supply tank and cistern, 800 barrels; U miles from Cosad; at barT gain' If sold soon. Box 314. t'oaad. Neb Uklahoaaa. 1,000 ACRES, large and small tracts; ab. solute title; Jtnttanurg t o., farming, pas ture, oil, coal InnJ; 35 to - per Writ J. E. CavMiiaKh. McAWster, Okl. TtaactM, FOR PALE 700 acrea level farm and graving land, splendidly watered, well lo cated, flue for stock growing. Only t per acre. Address Boa bi, Crosstillu, Tenn. Build to Suit The newest thing Is not always the best? but a new thing may be the best. Wa would Ilka to built you an up-to-date house on 35th, near Dodge. Plan now for what, you want In tho spring-. We have built for some people there and are still friends. Harrison & Morton SNOW TOO MUCH FOR CARTER LAKE TRAP SHOOT Too many anowflake around Carter lake put the' blink on the live bird trap shoot planned for Sunday by the Carter j LaJte Gun club. The turkey, goeae and duck are on tha ground, and. If the weather 1 favorable, the shoot will be held some day this week or, perhaps, Christmas day. FOR SALE. , A 3-room bouse, modern except heat; large corner lot. 140x70 ft.; cement walks, alee' lawn; centrally located;, a bargain If taken at once. Writ or call, tin and L Sta., Fremont, Neb. 1 Tha Rest Pala Killer. Bucklen Arnica Salve when applied to a cut. brulae, burn,-scald, etc., remove tha pain. Get a box. 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. dee Want Ads Are the Bat Buainea Read Dally by People In. Search Of Ad vertised Opportunltio. 7 Stock for Sab Aa omaha corporation In active baal. nesa for twenty eara offers far sal fifty a bar as guaraataad aevea par ceat preferred stock redeemed from foriuar wnra No agents. Will sail direct. A 17 oaca of , A "Home " Story ine Twenty-Fourth of June y Crraea michmoad "Tha Naraliat at tha Horn " "A sm star laid la a rail Anarlraa Vaaa. Ona of lha alaaaaat aavcii tlua baa baaa aabllaitad la a oot tlm. Ilia raaaer waala u llMr aemui taa flraaia ita ttta oharauara af tba aoral." Balttawra Xtealng Bua. At All Boehataraa. Fraatlanliaia, Nat, I S Doabladay. Fag a uoaayaay COFFEYV1LLK. Kan., Dec. tO. Tha Washington American league club ha agreed to assume tho responsibility In any legal fight that may arise a the re sult of the breaking of Walter Johnson' Federal league contract. This was the assertion mad,e by the' pitcher upon his arrival home when he confirmed the announcement that he had signed a contract with Washington for a tenn of three years in -Kansas City. Johnson reiterated Griffith's statement that the salary waa 312,500 a year and re fused to state definitely whether or not a bonus wa given him, Jle intimated, however, that tha war chest had been opened. He also asserted that his family favored his remaining with the Washing ton club. Bob Melvin's Rink Wins Close Contest From Hislop's Men Bub Melvin's rink of curler edged out one to the good yesterday at Miller park In the first game of the winter with W. J. Hislop's quintet of Ice sharp. Trie core was IS to 11 after thre and a half hour of fast play. A big (game has been planned for ChrU'tmaa afternoon. Skip Melvin's rink all com from tha same town In Scotland. They are. In ad dition to Melvin, John McTagjrart, Alex McKee, Robert Oalt and W. G. Clarke. Hlalop is skin for his rink, the players being E. B. Dodge, John Mulre, Robert Watklna and Peter Ixjwdon. TOMMY MILLS' FIVES ARE SHOWING UP WELL Coach Tommy Mills' basket ball aquads have been preparing for their games with other high schools for atout three weeks and In that time they I five turned out what looks to be a championship team. Both the first and second teams have tlayed several games In the CoanmercUU and Tri-Ctty leagues, and tbey nave won every game, aave on. Tbey have already beaten some of the strongest teams In the city. The schedule has been arranged for the Inter-school gam:a Two games will be played with most all of the teams, one at Omaha and tha other away from home. The schedule complete Is as fol low: January Fremont At Omaha. January 1 York at Omaha. January 23 Lincoln M Lincoln. January )-loux City at Sioux City. February IJnroln at Omaha. February 13-4uux City Ht Omaha. , February 1' L'ulverally Place at Uni versity Place. February 27 University Place at Omaha. . March Red Oak at Red Oak. March IS bt. Joseph at St. Joseph. Read the "For Rale" ads If you want bargain of tb minute. YANKEE NEGOTIATION'S OFF Kupptrt Refutes to Pay More Than $420,000 for Club. ALSO WANTS CERTAIN MANAGER Deal Will Probably Be Taken Vp at Chlcaaro This Week and aa At tempt Made to Reark an Agreement. FRENCH LICK, Ind., Io. JO.-Nego- tlatlops hero between Ban Johnson, presi dent of tho American league, and Colonel Jacob Ruppert and Captain T. I Huston for the sale of the New York American league club, were broken off tonight with out an agreement, but probably will b taken up In Chicago this last week. According to announcement. Colonel Ruppert fixed t20,000 as the highest price he would pay for the club and that only after tho services of a certain manager, whose name was withheld, had been ob tained ,for the team. Johnson aajd to night that he not only would not meet the price offered by Colonel Ruppert. but he could not guarantee that the man would be obtained. flrhrvdnle Completed. Th achedulo committee completed tha playing arrangements for 1916 today, but said' that they would not be made public until at a meeting to be held In New York in February. Johnson left tonight for Chicago. Col onel Ruppert said he and Captain Huston would leave for Indianapolis tomorrow and probably would go to Chicago on Monday. While none of the principal said anything about continuing the ne gotiations for the sale of tha New York American In Chicago, the fact that Colonel Ruppert and Captain Huston ex pected to go there Monday wa known to Indicate that the deal had not been defi nitely declared off. No Reason Given. 1 No reason why Colonel Ruppert should limit hi prico to 3420,000, when earlier In tho week he said he would pay aa high a 3450,000 for the club, could be learned. Johnson said that the player demanded by Ruppert could possibly be Igned, but he wa not sure about the manager. Base ball ' men her ' laughed at the Story that Joe Kelley, form f Baltimore tar and leader last year of the Toronto team, would be manager of the New York American next year. YI-O-RAY IS THE NEW WATER Judges Decide Nrt. W. W. Daren port and I P. Buthnell Winners. ANSWERS NUMBER THOUSANDS Advertisement fnrrlnd Rxclaslvely ky The Be Brtnsra Reaalta frvan All Orr k Ceiatrr-. Local People Win. Answer by tha hundred poured Into the of floes of th Omaha Ice and Cold Storage company, as tha reatilt of an add carried exclusively by Th Bee last Bun day, offering a raise of SH) In gold for the best nam submitted to them for th new water, which they will soon put upon the market. The new water treated, with ultra-Tlolet rays, which eliminates all th undesirable element without affecting th beneficial properties, ha called forth name that have caused th Judge of tha contest to work their gray matter overtime. In their effort to determine th winner. Out of the enormous pile of missives that ha weighted down th deak of General Manager If. A. Colvln of tha Omaha In and Cold Storage company for tha last week, th nameiVl-O-Ray, as contributed by Mr. W. W. bavennort. Apartment 1, The Bernard, aiil L P. Bushmill of th M. E. Smith ana company, waa selected aa th winning tltl by th three Judges, comprising G. W, Preston, C. J. Shea and li. A. Colvln. Name from a far east aa Pennsyl vania and aa far west a Idaho were re ceived by th company and In the pile were many Utter of mora than passing Interest, which contained explanations aa to the choic of th writer. "I am highly satisfied . with th contest and th way the people hav responded to our campaign," declared Manager Col vln. "W have sscurad a nam that will surely attract tha attention of tha publlo. ad on In which I embodied th prin cipal element that ha evolved our new product, th beat water ever produced." A tabulation of th name received ha not been compiled, but th fbjur will be In th thousand. ' SWEATER FORfflGH PLAYER Twenty-Seven Young Men Are Hon ored for Their Work. Parcel Post Traffic , At Omaha Doubles, Officials Assert With 100 per cent Increase in the par col post business, making almost over whelming work In the postal terminal station at the I'nlon, Burlington and Council Bluff transfer depots, the thre chief official In th local railway mall headquarter' will go to those station this morning and spend th entire day assisting in clearing up the mass of Christmas parcel post shipments that hav accumulated. Superintendent C. M. Reed will take personal charge of tho Bluffs transfer terminal Assistant Superintendent M. H. Blackwcll and Captain W. S. Felt, Chief of schemes and schedule, will take charge of the Burlington and Union de pot terminals. Increases In the parcel post business handled In Omaha approximate 100 per cent, according to figures prepared by Superintendent Reed office. On Decem ber 16. 1913 the local stations handled 879 sack of parcel poat matter, averaging about eighteen packagea to the aack. On the corresponding day this year, tha same stations handled 1,45 pouches of auch mull, a gain of considerably over 100 per cent. For December 17. last year and this, th figures are lW and t.629 sacks, or another gain of approximately 100 per cent. "In spite of these big gains," 'the offi cials declare, "we are handling the par cel post business now with greater ease and less congestion than ever before." Omaha' large parcel post business I due not only to this city' Importance aa a trad and mailing point, but alao be cause It la a large distributing center for parcel post matter destined for other state. A new record for mall train out of Omaha waa established last week, when two tralna going west required nineteen cafa to carry th mail. KATLEMAN PRESIDENT OF B'NAI B'RITH LODGE Carl C.-Katleman wa elected president of McKlnley lodge of th B'nal B rlth, at a meeting held Thursday evening at Metropolitan hall. Dr. Phil Levey is the new vice president; Dr. Abe Greenberg, seoretary; H. If. ' Auerbach, treasurer; Arthur Marowlts, Joseph Holland. Dr. Isldor Daneky, trustees, and Henry Monsky. Harry A. Wolf and H. H. Aueebaoh, delegates to the district grand lodge convention, with Arthur Ruaenblum as alternate. Officer of th Indies' auxiliary to th same organisation were recently elected as follows: Miss Rose Orodinsky, presi dent; Mr. Jullua Rplgle, vice president; Miss Miriam I.flvy, recording secretary; Ml.s Bertha Colin, financial secretary; Mlr,a Sarah I-euf, treasurer, and Mrs, Otto Gllck, Miss Mullle'Oiand and 11 Ins Bess Greenfield, director. Mills Would Make National Park Out , Of Estes Park, Colo, Enoa A. Mill, advocate of th out-of-doors, who ha spokln In Omaha before the Commercial club, th University club and the high school, 1 in Washington urging th passage of a bill which will create th region now known as Ets Park, Colorado, Into Rocky Mountain Na. tlonal park. Mr. Mill wishes Eetes Park to be transformed Into a national park which will b permanently a playground for all people and hot a park from which private person may profit. Th bill I now pending. It ha passed th aanat and I under advisement by th publlo lands committee In th houa-a, ', Matters' Motion Overruled by Court If a federal ststute make It crime for a man to aid In Issuing certificates of deposit without authority, with In tent "to Injur or defraud" a bank, la an Indictment faulty that charges him with doing ao "to Injure and defraud" th bank? .After listening to lengthy arguments on this point Saturday afternoon by W. J. Connall, attorney for Thomas H. Mat ters, Judge Pag Norrla In federal court dismissed the matter, denied Matters' motion to quash and his application to withdraw former pleadings and file amended one, and ordered him to plead to th Indictment. Matter Interposed exception to all th Judge' rulings and then pleaded not guilty to th charges. These are to the effect that he aided President Luben of! th defunct First National bank of But-' ton In Issuing certificate of . deposit without authority, which certificate are : alleged to hav Injured and defrauded , the bank. The case will go to trial Feb ruary I before a Jury chosen from a spe cial pnl of thlrty-flv men. MILLS MAY BE MOVIE MAN , , t Star Coaeh af tfc Hick Pekoel Con templates Entertaar Field as ' . Target far tke Motion . ' Camera. The high school men who had won O'" for their work on the foot . hall field were announced last weak. At the am time th Hat of th second squad men was given out In an twenty-seven player had don enough for their school to entitle them to "O or "X R'.-' Of the twenty. seven, fourteen were mem ber of the first quad and th remainder were on the reserve. Th year Juat finished waa considered a very successful onS considering the material. Coach Mill la without rinuM am r th best coaches the school ha ever had, and player and supporters alike hopo that he will be back next year. There Is ome doubt, a It ha been rumored that he wilt beooma a movie actor. Only five of th first squad will be back again next year, but these men are om of the best on the team and there I some very fine material In the re serve. . Th first team men are: Reese. Nevillo. Nlehol. More arty and Phillip. Th following received letter: "son IV K. K.K.. ft-reen R.T. R.T.. iJ""5 R-O. R.G.. Beard C. C..J. Bradley ..M....IG. L.G.. Phillip UT. L.T.., Morearty UK. LB.. NlchoU Q.B. Q.B.. Johnson ,.,,1UI, R.H.. Berry F H. F.B.. Lutes L.H. L.H.. Neville Q.B. Q.B.. Wlthey E. B Rntktmm . rl The first team was given aweater by a man who wa very much Interested in th team. They are white with a big purple "O." Peter ........ Rule .... Herman ' .. Carpenter .... Melcher Mason ... Klmbrell .. Crawford . Roundtme .. Fullaway Swller .... Crowley .... Tremaln Elocution Trial at Creighton University The final elimination trial of th an nual locution contest of Creighton Art college, in which thirty student com peted, was held at the university audi torium Saturday afternoon. Six wer chosen to appear tn th final oonteet, which will take place January 20. The winner were aa follow: or- ald LeVlolett. first: Walter Cnaklav second; Elmer Barr, third; Charte Bon gardt, fourth; Benjamin English, fifth, and Waldo Bhllllngton, lxth. William Mangdon, Thomas O'Brien anA iunh Ostdlck wer chosen as alternate. Th judges were Rev. Thomas J. IJv Ington, 8. J.; Rev. Francis 3. CastUy, B. J., and Rev. Thomas J. Conner, S. J. Christmas vacation will begin at th art college Tuesday noon, and will tlnu until January i. Th mid-year ex amination this year will be held dur ing th latter part of January. TICKETS INSTEAD OF CASH TO GIVE FOR "PRICE OF BED" Major F. A. MdCormlck of the Volun teer of America, haa gotten out book of seven tickets, each gvod for a right' lodging at th Volunteer' hall, which he I selling to charitably Inclined persons st ft per book, the ticket to be given, by them to men who beg on the streets for money with which to "buy a bed." Omahan say that they prefer to hand out such ticket Instead of money to street "pan-handlers,' as they are aure by so doing that their money 1 properly used. CITY DADS HEAR ALL ABOUT SMOKE CONSUMERS City commissioner heard Pan Whit ney, bidder oa amoke-oonsumlng devices fur Installation at th city hall, explain, through hi representative, why his bid should be accepted. Other bidder wlU be asked to appear and tell th council why their bids should be accepted. DOLLS DRESSED FOR CHARITY AT SOCIAL ENTERTAINMENTS Mra Ball Tinker entertained a number of friend at her home Friday evening at a doll party. A number of beautiful dolls were dressed, which wlU be sent to Miss Mage of the City roUslon for Christmas distribution. A prise for th beat dressed doll was awarded to Ml Mary Reeden. Those contributing dolls were: Mlasea Mlaaaa Wilma Taylor Martha Nelson t;. van vvettiertng . Anna Nelson May me Helnsman Anna Ratchloff marina neison Helen Yager May Long Clara Yaaer Vina Paynter May Donahue Ieva Bohnstead Minnie Keesllng Violet Crum Maybelle Tinker Mesdamea - Mesdames May Crum George Parker Martha Vaughn William Taylor ltose Nelson Will Goetche Frances Weber Dora Ooetch Pauline Bums Johnson Josephine Kan Gertrude Btratton Nettle johneun 'Hampton Bmkhart E. H. Dlckerson jLlizabeta Oarllck Bella linker Johanna Jones Clara Arndt Mary Reedea ' . On Tuesday evening Mia Maybell Tinker entertained the member of Phila thea class No. 1 of th First Methodist Episcopal church, and other, at her home for th, benefit of th City mission, when a number of doll were dressed far Christ ma distribution. A prise for the beat dressed doll waa awarded to Mla Emma Larson. Those contributing doll wer: Misses Misses Ida rianqulst Maud Traylor Charlott ilennlngs Mabel Warner Helen Bui khart Nellie Worth Emily tavls Mary Eames Wilma Melon Irma Brown , Kthel Morris Haael Grantham Mary Marsh Three Krueger Laura Kami of Fan bury bhlrley Foldea Maybell Tinker Emma Larson ' Meadauui-, Mesdames-. E. H. Dtokersoa Bell Tiuker J. 8. Murphy WOMEN OF TEMPLE ISRAEL ARE TO HOLD BAZAR The women of Temple Israel will hold a baser Monday and Tuesday at 182 Far nam street. They will have a'l fanry ar ticles, such as towel and linKerie. The public 1 Invited to patronlx th bazar. Vf