i THE BP:E: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1914. WANT ADS LIVK tVIRB Bl'SINKSS MEN OK OMAHA Want ad received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mint b pre- , eented before u o clock noon ror evsnins: edition and T30 p. m. for morning and P-inday edition, want ada received after uoh hour will he under th beading, "Too Lata to Classify." I A B C of Omaha rmii uatf.s Seven consecutive times, 1 cant word ar-h Insertion. Three time wlthlnon week, 14 cent a word earn Insertion. Ona time, S cent word. CHARGE HATES. !ovn consecutlv limes, cent a lino sen Insertion Three tlmw within ona week. 10 cent a Una erh Insertion. Ona time, rent Una. Count six averace word to a Una. Minimum charge. 20 rents, 'v An advertisement Insert d to o run un til discontinued mutt ba Hopped by writ tea order. A LI watrhea, diamond ami Jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST. Uulttlng Jewelry business. WEST ERN WATCH AND JEWELTtY CO., Hoom 217. Karharh HI or k. KK BUILDING OFFICE ara rood Inveatmenta for I'16 business bulld era. Now la the time to select your. Office room Alt claim for error must be mud within firteon day after the laat Inser tion of the advertisement. Too can place your want ad In Tho Bea by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER IW. JUNK We ara the oldest Junk buy er in the west W rite for price Hat on i rap metal, rubber and ram. L. Harding Y tMn, 1. ZAt l.Vl Cum., Omnha. N fcW and aecond-hand electric fana and motors. UBrnn Flertrlo Worka, 41 H. 12th. Ioiirlaa Si 76. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 11-07 Cuming. Doug. 24H7. Renovate feather and matiresaei of all kind, make feather mattreasea and down covers. V AC'L'UM cleaner for aale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Manltary Service Co., 30 Be Illdg. WE rent, repair, ael needlea and part for all sewing machine. NB BRA8K CTCLK CO.. "Mlckel's," lith and Harney. Doug'.B 1X EA K-EVEU aluminum kitchen uten- alla. Popular combination, not aold In atorea. f actory Salesmen. Web. w Unclaimed AnswcrB to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answer hav been called for and delivered during tha laat week. It Is reasonable to auppose that all of tha people below have made tli lred swaps, therefore do not call for tha balance ot their answers. Boa Want Ada aura ret result. SC SC. B.C. vRC. os m a- til f-T let ?;. SIS il M 1373 118 Y.W; H-cl 2, S 1S"7 13w ::i son isn ism :s no i::it li t!1 S13 1M 1"3 tm 'tis i:3 H" 317 1.I.IT . 1" i.U PH U 1WI n r lata i t47 X 11144 1411 WO M DM 1412 t 34 UJ 1414 ia ua iaa iu 1424 14 Ktt 14 3 143 1441 144S 14 14.-.4 I4. 14l 14.i 14,0 1471 I4x: SC. K.li l.'.U 1M7 i:.2 i:.l ll-4u l.VM libT 1S70 1071 l.'.Hi l. 1MH 1bU TODAY'S COMPLETE! MOVIE riUKiKA.MS EicJukUcIt In Ttio IJeo Uwai Town. PAMERAPUONK, 140S Doualaa. Tha lilrl at the Throttle, Kalem drama. Scara of loaecnlon, t-r. IWia. drama. The Method ot Muryaft. Vltanraph com. KlTtK NO. 2, 1X18 Karnam. The Man from tha Res,, t-r. Lubln drama. The Ievll and Mra. Walker, Kalem com. K v eryt hlng Aaralnut Him, Vltaa; ra phdra. FAUNA M, HIS FarnamT The Game of Life, i -r. K. R, drama Ambrose's Flret Knlwhood, Key, comedy. iih r SliKAVkuH. liitt AND uahnkVT Homo of Paramount Pictures, 1'AKK. UlKATiLlt Feature program dally. Kcyatone Comedies. tit N. ltiTH. PARLOR. 140H Lougls. Her Higher Xmbltlona, Frontier.' The Train Breaker, t-r. Klann. PIUNCKrUS, i;il7-l I)oulaa. His Doi tor's Order, Joker comedy, Ohoat of Hmlllng Jim, t-r. Oold al. Jewel of Allah, Kcllpae lramn. ALIIAMRRA. 1824 N. MTU 6T. Tha Horse Trader, Royal comedy. I'pa and Downa, Keyatona comedy. The Cripple, 2-rel T'hanhauser drama. ALAMO. - HTH AND i'OUX Hla Father' Son. t-reel Victor. The Close Call. Sterling comedyi Hr Life's fetorr. Puwara. cilfFTON, MtataiY Ave. a,nd Hurdetto; Hla Talented Wlte. Keystone roinedy. Knvironments. iItlo drama. Kudora, No. . A rroaataat, AJ l'.LVILLK V. THOMAS ft COMPANY, i.:7- CMty Nat. Hank Hldg Tyler tsiu. K. A, DWORAK, accounts aud.ted, )en ' Ing and cloning hooka, modern oftlce and coat accounting ayatems. Addreaa 4X1 Kamne lildg. Phone U. KI. . Addlaaj Maeailaea. I'alton Adding Mac hlnea. 411 R. IS. D. 144. Adder Mch. Co. tWalnw), W. O. W. U. hJU. Arehltevla. Everett H. Dodd. U I'mlon Rlk. D. tret Attrarttoaa. OMAHA Fhrn Eg., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains Ante and Hfrl Hepalrlaaj Manito repair work a ipaclalty. D-341S. Aaellonvera. Ilowd Auction Co., lia W. O. W. Red 8M& hie Prlatlaa-. HORNBY IILUE PRINT CO., 0i Omaha Nat l Bank Hldg. Barbers. It Chair, 10c ahave, neck ajfkve. 1817 Far. Braaa Foundries. Paton-Mltcholl Co., t7th and Martha Bts. (.lateral and Well Ulggla. NKKli well or claterrt c.eaned, or dugt BCilAKFlilt doea It. Phone Web. bhiU lallforala Laade. W. T. Kmlth Co., UU City Nat. Bk. D. Z81. (oal Uealera. f.rj Johnson' special, alao Victor nut. $O.OV j'hone D. 1702. C h I ro v re t ora. L. Ooddis, D. C., 22S Bee BUlg. Doug. 4293. Lnlaa lalatlng. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4941. ( Ivtl Kaalaevra. M. J. LACY. 518 BEE BLDO. DOUQ. 471S, ( ream grparators. The Sharpie Separator Co.. 12th A Fasti, (lock Hrialrlna KXPTCRT clock repairing. Web. 1.111. Decorator and Paper llaasjrira. HIIXIKR does It. Phone Walnut 1M2. Ilrteettvea. ' INVF9T10ATIONI4 carried out In any part of United Htatee, Canada or Meg. co. 08 Paxton Rlk. l. 1373. Walnwt ISiO. JAMtS ALLA ' 111 Neville Rlk. Kvl denco aecured In all renew. Tyler 1184. THK Hennlngs Heoret Service! Phone Uouglwa Addreaa L 3H. Beo. uraaja. DRUGS at out price; freight palj on 110 order; cataloguea free. Hhermaa 4k Ids Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. l.IAklOM.) 2U0 LAKili Myatery of 8ea View Hotel, t-reel Kex. love. Luck and Candy, hierllng comedy. The WldoWa laat. Nestor. FRANKLIN THEA., ttTH eV FRANKLIN In the Itlllo of Kentucky, t-r. Lubln rtr hweedle and the Trouble Maker. Comedy. jiuif , jecieion, r,aa, w, dr. rrri'poimo.vifc. 2th aitd Cuming. Perils of Pauline No. to. and last episode. Two other good pictures. ir Tin: atEr; lorn and Locust? Hearel-tJelig, No. 7s. The Moving Picture Cowboy. -r. fjl. com. The Love of pleriw l,aro. Vlu com. IiTHRoP 24TI1 AND lAimuOpT '1 he Ixve Thief. Keyetone comedy Out of tha Air t-r. Maj. dr. Tha Reaoue. Than, dr. Piano conteat aUfta today. rilYAU S4t .CALDWWLlZ I n tV1KT' K ; 'SPClBl """J. - - - - - -. . wvinuy, Jhe Higher Impulaa. llHlr. 2i3 lAVE.SPuM'f. i '. 3 ; PALACE. ??,'L'tMrK''r No- 1. Special. XVhen Their Bride. Uot MlxedkvlV Com. KCCrnbAN TllliA'ft,t..4TH AMki The Plot at the R. IC Cm iik Runna Uttle Brother. 1- rn. The Temple of Moloch, mi,,, i dTaml. eatk. '' Arn Rip Van wjnkl.1 . augut In a TtehrPlchkB;.coTdt Oentletnan of Nervem,."," Efc. Party. g$gl ,J1IMI.KK' i7iJgon5rTI 1 he Means and the Knd. 1-r tm He TMeMy.terU.ua Mr. 1 v,y Vlt a com OMFORT, hl.orty Palls Into irDed. !l.iml,,n Fnlly'a Wine I'a'rty. 4TU ANO VINTON luie, I -reel Broncho Keyatone. f;A,ViU.TK . TViITrJir7T-viNTON T..1 xi Kaitfrn dsama. A ..Night of Thrill.. t-rl Rex. X ."" i-nantom Crackaman. Victor Daaetag Actadeantea. Turpln's Panrlng Academy, tlh aV Fam. Genevieve Mauflalre. Pnone Weh. fi:iS6. riUMIIKRR' Academy, clap. I. 171 Mackle's Academy, now own. 18K Har. Deatlats. Pr,Pradbury. K( pain. 1WW Farnam. Pr. Todd's alveolar'dentlatry, 401 Hrandeis Bailey, tha lentlat, V 'lty Nat l Bank, Taft Ienlal Rooma, 1BI7 Dmiglna. D. tl. Pyorrhea, lir. Ft. kea. 7114 City Nat. Bank. UreatsBaakiaal. Terry rrenmnk'r college, toth AV Farnam, KK1RT.4 to order, tt.wl up. (At a. lrtth. MISrt HTl'ROY. 2416 Ca. Red 7:ID0. Mil VI. Morln, Oowna, i4rtl Can. R. IT.ki Itreeamaklnar. FASHIONABI,B dremaklng, IVTT Corby. WATSON LUND, 1911 Oouglaa. R. t!101. Kleetrle applies. l.EBRON Kleo Wk., til 8. Kth. D. 1178. Kverytkla) (or Woaaea. Woman' Kxchange, 431 Pag. Blk. R. 4lt. ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburat. bog pleating; covered button, all alaea and at y lea ; hematltchlng, plcot edging. Ideal Plenttn Co., tuu Douglaa Blm-k. D. 114a, Kurrlera. BEN FKNHTKH. 1410 N. Kth 8t Web. TT7T. Flortaa. A. DON AOHITP3, lot Harney. Doug, ldftt BATH'H florlata, 1"M Farnam PC Klorlata. HKM A IWOTIOnA, 1411 Farnam Bt. V. HF.NDEHHOW I'll Farnam. IX It., Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair DreaataeT. Harper method. R. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. MIL Ladles' Tallwv. LADIKK4' suits tailored to measure; popu lar prlrea; remodeling, Irwin Rreufaer Co., (II So. 16th. Phone Doug. K.JS, Uihllng Klatores aad WlrtaiBJ. TnOMAS DURION Fleet rlc fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reaaonable. 241 CCMINU. D4KMLA8 tuls. l.ijhta and Shadow, t-reel Rex. When Llxile lot Har Poll.li. Nestor com f "' ' of Oold. Frontier. 1 1 umaa I laarta. , t-reej Bfi gott Imp. Live Sleek ReaBedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 B. 13th. Red 4X1 Maek, Cvetaaaea aad Lodge lapullaa MN'KR. of lodge regalia and coatumes. The largeat aiooli of masquerade and theatrical coatumea In the country. Theo. Lleten Hon. I.M4 Howard. 1. 4111 VENEZIA. mi go. ijtij 8T Four reel of Mutual pictures es. lloNROB THKATFR. FARNAM ST Un tne rok of Five. -r. VuaVdrl T' i T, V " ,,"8"Jrt!l"r 1l'" oomedyr ' A it. Uer ''deraunding. hmgrapp, urama. Mease a. BKNSON. t&35 MAIN 8T. Cru. e . unard and Francl Ford .la The Myatorious R.. in S parts. The Ohoht of a fllme. K lalr And a Cry.!! .-, j ! , , . (aall Ulatla. FLITK NO. l BROADWAY. lUari.t-..nr No. K3. r . ; . tS .. "." " " t.uoin or. Out (IjHliru.1 lr,, M m,odr 637 BROAD VVA I.Oi'EH Maaaeaaea. Miss SCHMIDT, mass., elee. bath. XX 7U. Oftn eve.. p. iu.; Sunday. M to 1 M1S8 JACOH.S, niaaa., manicuring. Phone Duug 4.7. Hours to t; Sunday U to a. Mlss7ilION, mMi; downatalrg, 1711 I "edge. His 10 to a. Sunday It to t p. m. V iol B ay. nmi., Jllee bldg. D. " i iT f'Ura I.ee. balh and iiwhhc. Doug S751. IJVK WIRE I1LHINKKS MEJI OF OMAHA Oeteopethle lkyalrlaas. Dr. Rerncha. V-4 MrCegue Bldg. D. JCW. DrPeternon, 4V H "Hrandeis Bldg , I. 2144. Pateat lerelopteat. AMFR1CAN Machine Co.. Ill) A. 11th ft Prlatlaa;. WATF"Rf-R ARNvTIART Ptg Co.. 1'iallty printing. Tel. l ong. t1t T?4 H. 13th Pt. tOimiMB I'rlntlng Co. Tel. Doug. e4. CORKY A M KKNZ1E PTO. CO. P. f.44. RIKH-HALL Ptg. Co., 1H?0 Capitol. P. 1102. CKNTRAI. PRINTINO CO. IHJUO. 87,4. Pateata. A. ffttirges, 4P8 Brandeta Theater B11g. f. O Bnrnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red flR Palatlna aad Paperlas. Iinill M'M N1IH, 417 N. 4th. H- 8728. Platnea Renevated. PLUMFS flowers made over, cleaned dyed, Herthn Kroner. 4if1 Paxton. D. 83f4, Hoaefc Kxterantaator. n. B. R. Roach powder a t your dnigglrt gafei and Time Iiek Bxperta. O A TTTTO Opened, repaired, oomh. F Hrw changed. P. H. Daven- nhee Itepalrlaajc Flectilc Phoe Rep. Co.. ixfr Pt. Mary'a Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., Vlioe repair, ini 8. 14. klana aait Kkownrdi, K. M CLARK AV PON, 118 B. OTH PT ktore and tlfflee Fix tares. tKSKS, aafea, scales, ahowcaaes, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture end Supply Co.. 4l4-1-l 8. K'th D. t724. Steel (rlllaas. CARTF.R Sheet Metal Worka, 110 W mth. torm gaabra aad Doora. Welrlch Co. Quick delivery. Webater 2677. Towel Happllea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 20T S. 11th, D. 528. Trnaka and Salteasea. FRKLINO PTRINLR, 1NOS Farnam St. Tailors. 7 CHAR C. I.AVDERYOI. 1(W N. lPth Bt f . OL8EN CO., 612 fC lGtb Bt. 2d floor. Veterlaarlana. DR. O. R. YOITNO, 4fi0i Center. Wal. 3025. W ladovr khpde Cleaaera and Mfgjra. OLD shade made like new. Midwest Bhado Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. Ului. Wlee and I.lqaora. ALK.X JKTKH. 201-8 8. 13th St. Wines, llquora, rignr. Plate dinner, 11 to S, lOo. Globe llauor house, 4Z4 N. ldth; California wine, i.2i per gnt. Write for price lint HKNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSK, K.th nd Capllol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein' Liquor House, 622 N. ICth. Douglas 180, anoi'nci-:mkntb CHKlHlMAa BARGAINS. In- Jewnlry, Watches, etc. Many satis fied cuatomer. OHOfS JEWELRY CO.. "Th sfo' with the reputation," 204 N. Wh and 410 N. 16th. -CAftAT diamond ring, i0; diamond rar-ringa, J.K; aolid gold K. P. charm, I7.5u. Hwcil Chriatma gift. Friedman, DodKe. APPLMiATK, ho writes 'l. looklets, circulars on requeat. llooin 603 Vi Bee Bdlg. Tel. Douglns 4177. - OCT a Y. M. C, A. ticket for Xmas. THK OLYMP1A la showing a complete line of Xma candi. lsifc Harney. HA.1CI, laf PUa Conea. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrtidlng pile; (i0c poatpaid; aainplo free, bhernian A McConnnll Drug Co., umana. Wedding annoiincemanta. Doug. I'tg. Co. LUCKY wedding ring at Brodesaard. IIKIjP WA!TKI) r'EMAIJJ AITOMOBILKS Hoaaekeepere aa4 Dwaaeatiea. OOOD aollcltor wanted, cltv of Omaha, cne who understand bookkeeping pre ferred. I'nlled Sale Co., KllClt. Ni. Bk. WK want flret-claea aaleeman beginning January L IMS, In north weatern Iowa, exclusive cop, righted, Jtaad-palnted de luxe and hanger talendara, noveltlea, cloth and leather gom'; we are manu faturer; exclualve territory; moat lib eral coiamlaxlon; line o complete that It fumlxhea work throuahout entire at-a-on and retiire undivided attention; give selling experience and all part Io nium In firat letter. Addrexa Palea Mgr.. Kemper-Thomas Co., Cincinnati. WANThD Agent and eolicitor In every locality for The Twentieth Century Fanner; either sex; all or apare time; no experience neccaeary to earn big money. V rite at once for nKncy. THK TWENTIETH CKNTL'RY FARMER, . Omaha. Neb I NKKD AtlENTSYou need me; the beat agency proposition in Omaha. Neb. Western Belling Co., Howard Applcgate, Manager (jT.3 Bee Illdg. Tel D. 4177. Il INDIAN MOTORCTCLF. now rad) ; bnrKSina in ueeil marhlnea. OMiiA BICYCLF. CC.. Ith and ChlcagoD. aTZS Llndhorg Broa., 172 lv. (Flying MerkTe). HVSI.VKSS CHAXtTES UAKKKY and confectionery In gKd lo cality; 2"0 to 2.V0 leave aold at retnll per day, benlde pic, rnkes and fancy groccrle. Price, tJfl. Bee W. P. O'Brien, 410 ive BHg. CROtKRY STOKK for sale, only ex clualve one In live town of 1.100, located In weetern Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. (Jood reasons for selling Addrefi Y-r.f4. cre Bee, WK CAN une at once a few high class salesmnn to carry aa aide line fast sell ing specialty, sold to dealer in large and email towns; absolutely new and good money maker. Write, Linton, 622 Bee Bldg., for apolntment. WANTKD Experienced candy salesman to travel in southern Nebraska; salary and communion, or can entry candy na aide line. References required. Address J 84S, Bee. EARN dally making flavoring ex tract at home: easily learned; particu lars free. Oeo. Van Zandt, 2416 8. County Bt.. Waukegan, 111. KNO"' VOt'R RP8IV-S8 PK1T1-U PT INSTALL I No THE MONARCH BIMPLIFIKD ACCOr.VTINT SYSTr M; ANY'i.VK CAN KFEP IT; PAVF.3 TIME, CAVES MONET, SHOWS AT A OLANl'K HOW Yi'lIR BI'SiNRSBa STANDS: MAKF.S HOOKKKEPINO A PI.EA8 I'RE; SEND FOR HtXlKLiET DESCRIU INO THIJ BY STFM. UNITED SALES CO.. Kit City National Rank L1HT TOITR BlTRINRSS with us for quick action and square treatment. Qt.'TCK SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Pldg. Phone Red 4. ONE of- the best rttall bakerie In the city; no competition. Call Web. 7631, or address, K 2t7. Bco. . BIONS. show card. Clark Sin. n. 1871 TO OKT In or out of business. Csll on OANOESTAD 404 Bee Bldg. D 2477. Factory and Trade. Drug itnre snn: on Cn"'t R Bldg WANTED 1,00 men to eat ham and eggs, lRc. Coffle John. 14th and Capitol, LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wagea and tools given. Electric maesage. Strictly modera Blf demand for barber. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Dougl St.. Om. 1032 V St.. Lincoln. NEIiASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAY CLABS. Special holiday offer. Write for par ticulars. We have the largest and beat equipped shops In the middle west. 14,ono feet floor apace. 1413-16-17 Dodge St Phone Douglas 3043. Send For Catalogue C. MEN Increase your earninga; learn the barber trade, for which there ia always a demand; many joba waiting at wages higher than you would expect. Taught in a few weeks by our system. Earn while learning. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 . H. 14th St Mlseellaneoaa. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert We give expert work. Oo light Into the auto business from here. Beat and finest equipped college. Opportunity beat here now, ever have been. Writ for list of opening. Free catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2119 Farnam St., Omaha Wanted at Once MEN to learn tha automobile'' business; the demand t great for our graduates; we have trained hundred of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Nb. PHONE Wob. 8M for baaket coal OMAHA Railway Mall Clerk Examina tion coming. 275 per month. Pull un necessary. For sample question apply Immediately. Y-303 Bee. MUST aell all trunk, ultreaes. hand bag half price. Bee HAKRY.Ml N. 16th M. F. MORRILL. DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa gift. 824 Brandel Th. Bldg. COAL-5 baskets, $1. U. 3546. , Barker Broa. Paint Co., paint, varnish, glen and " ULAZ1NO. I Telephone Douglaa 4750. ! Farnant: Free Delivery. HELP WANTED FEMALE Uxuu ulrl tor general houaework, 634 Y-l. I.t Mm W IT 1 ... I M AKSAOK. UM B. 17th Bt. Mra. Steele. Mtsa Fisher, mass., elwi. treat. Rtd tola. JUiVOOAurj JkHUILAS 6T72. CORA BELLI NUY fi';,;; satisfactory eaatern treatment; bath; dally and evening. 107 8. 17th St. Notice: private entrance, basement, cor. of bldg. Kathleen Mack, maaaase at bath. D. 7.I BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Iura Wllaon. I! Farnam. H. 2. Douglas 7j1. 0en evenloa and hundaya. MISS WAL'IXJN, bath, uiasa Tel. D. 42W, lours io b; rumiay. n to Vmiet Buy, mass.. 46 Bee Bldg. D. aim. Ilia Ir.g Gone I.uck. Nestor comedy, i A'''sN lt2t-re.. Mw.n frontier. ?;1V;f,i'i7HKATKK' . '-4TH AND N 8T3. i . .. 2-r. Vita, dr J n I'ut. ,i. Kiileirt cmly '."L -''''"-'"' 'QUMain.Ltilhn. drama. '. ,. . 241,1 ANDoliT m o (,,rl 8ie Driver. i-rt, Eclair. . -ww Ji,u, 4t,-rlln cuiiiedy, 'M r lvvan ,,rl. V'l.tor. 'fl.l'IIKl'M r-c Zjd,,ra here today mil AND M BTS. Mllllaerr. bV!TCHE8 from combing. tl So. Psyche ' ' g- ir. n. ra. r.i a. jw aiarcy. rf . 6MV Meaeeagev aad Traaafer. WHITE LINK. 0 8. 11th. Dougla 2311 Men... gfrag. aad (l.l.,, W, C. FERRIN, l&th and Capitol. Ty. 1300, Office Rooau. THti Bt.E BCILDINQ-'Th budding that is always new." Is blnir i... by rnsny Live Wire Buslneaa k!-?n for ireir i.'ia omee nouie. lniulre Hikim loi. Oculists Eyra cxamlred. glaicaea fitted, nay as you can. Dr. MuCaruiy. UU W. O. W. Bid. ; Clerical and Office. 8TENOORAPHER and office assistant who speaks and write th Bohemian laniiuagu. Law ar.d abstract work. Ad ores V-310 Hee. Aateaia aad SalvsoaseB. WANTED Agents and solicitor In every locality for The Twentieth Century FarTuer; either avx; all or spare time; no experience nuutsbiiry to eiun.big money. rue at onco tor agency. Auuresa J. w. Keel, care The Twentieth Century Farm, er, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Tyler lttiO. Factory aaal Tradea. IDYlarber, SW So. 14th. St. WANTE1 Experienced lady barber, tli m. Hth St. Housekeepers aad Uoaaestlea. THK iaonaiit olrl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th deaired results. This applies to renuenta ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to Tha Be office or telephone Tyler iimo. WAnVKD a girl for housework, small' family. GO s. 28th St. GOOD CX)K and house maid. Sog So. SM. Harney 1047. AT once, competent girl for aecond work. sirs, i nanus Aieia, uu B. ttn ft. WANTED Girl for general housework. ItttW Ot oi fc. . i. iiv.t A.m.. WANTED A woman to do upstairs work Vi day each day. German Preferred. ISil Capitol Ave. WANTED Girl for general houfiework. good wagea; no washing, no. Ironing. Mra. Phillip Potter. MJQ Capitol Av. Telephone Walnut 6o4. WANTKD First snd second commercial cook: must be good one. Evan Hotel. Holdrege. Isitb. WA NTEI" Maid to asxist with houso- workCaU at 6oaS. th St. WANTKD A goml foreign girl for gen eral housework. 407 So. 38th St. H. S4.'3. WANTK1 A gool girl for general house- woi-k, ini ho. .th Mt. H. r,7ll. WANTED nt om-e an experienced cook. Mrs. N. II. I'pdike, 14 Jackson St. Phone Harney Ktl. GOOD girl for general housework; small iamiiy. zim m. xia. Har. 614X. WA.XTED Youiik girl to help with houao- worg; no washing or cooking. Wal. 117. Mlaeetlaaewas. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as atrangera are invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlxltan Assoclai.on building at St. Mary Ave. and 17th St., wherevthey will be directed to suitable board ng placea or otherwise as1ied. Txnk (or our traveler a guiae at union station. ISO MONTHLY and expenses to travel, ' distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents, permanent Jap American Co Chicago. HELP WANTED HALU AND KKMALE. women; to $lio month. Write Imme- aiaieiv ior position list. ranKlln lnU- tuta, Dept. 2ZI XV Jlochester, N. Y. Boys aad Girl. WANTED Boy and girl between the age of and 15 to sell "Tribute to Mother'1 motto cards. Call before and after school. 03',i Be Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man want place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Telephone Dougla 1566. SITUATION Day work or bv week; go nome nignts. w. om. any gina. , WANTED Employment by" middle-aged man, several years, railroad and office experience; prefer position aa traveling salesman or office work; can uae typewriter; not a teno. K 132, Bee. GIRL for generul housework, I In family 1144 H. KM St. H. fclH. WANTED By a young man, a position In Omaha, or elsewhere, a entry or office clerk, raahler or aaal slant book keeper; 10 years' experience; best of ref erences; willing to start at a low salary. Address E 362, Bee. THEATKTKi Buy, lease or aell your the ster. mnchlne and ' supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. 1406 Farnam St I'oucins iw YOITR business or real estate quickly sold. JIM WRAT. S'oux City. THE BEST BUSINESS CHANCE I a WARM, CLEAN, WELL-KEPT OFF1CB in the BEE BUILDING, "The building that la alway new." Room single or enaulte. Office, Room lea. - ' C. J. Canan can aell your farming land. Reoailag llonses for Sale, TEN-ROOM rooming houae that la mak ing money: must sacrifice: autck sale. 4fi So. 2;.th Ave. Wanted Partners. WANT partner to open Omaha office; a-1 proposition. Address Bee. EDUCATIONAL EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 46H Douglas St Tel, Walnut 2TI27. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Place pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue acMress, MOSHER-LAMPM AN COLLEGE. 18th and Farnam Sts Qmaha, Neb. ROYLES COLLEGE Iy 8cfcool: Night School; complete business oourse; complete shorthand or stenotype I course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time Write, phone or call for lull catalogue. BOYI.ES COLLEGE, ' H. B. BOTLES. President, Boyle Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas 15C8. j The Van Sant School Stenography Day school, :0t to 4:00. Night chool. 6:15 to :15. 1Mb and Farnam Sta. Doueias 0947, Experienced lady tutor In grade and high school aub.lccts; make-up work a special ty. Best references. 8115 Davenport, H.6m). Mualcal Inatrmetlon. RAG TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons. Chrlstensen School, 4220 Cum ing St. Walnut 037. Call or writ. FOR SALE Faraltare. New A fd-hand furniture, cash or terms; reunabl. Ainer. Furn. Co.. 005 N. lBth. HIGH-GRADE baaeburner and atael range, nearly new. half Drlca. I7uu N. 14 th St It'E box, dreeeable form and sanitary couch and mattress. 1U17 Dodge. J, K. Harley. STOVES and furn. at cost 1703 N. 21th. M aslcal lnatraiucats. ELECTRIC Pianos sV Players HJ N, 15th. LOHT AM) FOUND 1)ST F aturday afternoon, white English bull terrier, month lid; description, scar on one ear, er cllpi ed: reasonable reward If returned to 131 N. 17th. or call Dougla 121. LOST BROWN FOX TERRIER PUPPY WITH BOR TAIL. NEAR 20TH AND LEAVENWORTH STREFT8. FINDER PLEASE PHONE RED 627. LOST Small diamond brooch. Reward If returned to 40H C'imjng St. Wal. IM LOST Ladies' biack pocket liook con taining 114 In bills and some change. valuable papers and key. Finder pleas return to 2t Harney St. Reward. swArrrn s column NINE BKLL BOTTOM JACK 2x14 In. high, one Ix.S .n . bluh. also 11 rollers Rx24 in. ill-.: all in f.rt class order; rol.eis painted nnd net crus.ied. but kept dry. Swap for a good Marnn 25-rifle up to Its value. 1 value .lacks at I2.W each and rollers 7" cents. Swan for anything I can itiae. Adclres S. C M, Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock In South Omaha. Sav mileage and ahr'nkage. Your consign ment receive prompt and careful attention. Live !Mock C'oaaanlaaton Merchants. MARTIN BROS. U CO.. Exchange Bldg MONEY TO IXIAN UK HI) MONEYT See u. 3ulcU service. Half usual rate": RELIABLE CREDIT CO. JOS Paxton Block. Dougla 1411. - MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured ' Dr. U R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with 1 testimonial. DR. E. R, TARRY. 240 Bco. OXK HAUUM. Sheiwln-H lllianis out side paint. Will exchanne for diamond, chickens and horse nnj buggy or auto. Address S. C. 3H7. Bye. PIANO I have n .iano: wi.h to turn It In as first psvment on a well located bu'ldlng lot that Is suitable for a home costing around $3.fliO. Will pay difference In cash in from six to eight months. Ad- drens, 8. C. 4", Hee. PllONOOitXri I -Edison phonograph and alx-drawer cabln t, 100 records. A No, 1 exchange for flear outside lot or dia mond. Address S. C JttM. Be. pTaYER MUslCTiave an extensive library of new (i8-nre music for player plan.s. will soli half price or trade for victioa. Underwood typewriter, good typewriter desk, or. In fact anything I can uxe. What have you? Address 8. C, 34'i. Bee. PIANO A Story Clark piano, almost new, $14A; cost $350. Our reason, ready cash Is needed. S. C 4"7, Bee. -- PIANO One almost new 4'onnover piano, most new IT'V). Will sell for much less, or if vou have a diamond we may trade. Mahogany raw. S. C. 4iifi. Bee. PAINTING ' CONTRACTOR will swap , paintln'i ror an auto, not 100 . niRii IrricPO; Want car for my own use. Ad dress S. C. .i7, Hee. PERSONAL YOUNG women comini .o Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Younc Women's Christian Association building at lith St. an J bt. alary s Ave., where they r. Ill be directed to suitable boarding place Or otherwise assisted. Look (or our trav elers aid at th Union station. THE Salvation Army IncFhatrlal home so licit your old clothing, furniture maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 41& and our wagon will call. Call nnd inspect our new 1 nome, 1110-1112-1114 DodKe St. $7,000 TO PENSION INVAIJDS We must have 354 subscription to The Lndies" Home Journal. .... .(I SO - The Saturday Evening Pot... 11,50 Th Country Gentleman.... 41.50 Id December or the $7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALID 3 PENSION ASSOCIATON. Your order or renewal contributes 80c or more toward the support of a score of invalid who have re ceived pension checks for nearly two year. Gift subscription an nounced by beautiful Xmaa. folder to reach your friends Xma. eve. URGENT PHONE D. 7163 OK MAIL. Gordon TILE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB. A VERT capable dentist (8 year' expert- n r 1 ' 1 , t e i. ,r, 1 . w, 111 " in winnim, will worK at 1 price for a ahort time. Investigation In vited. S 248. car Bee. u PET STOCK ' PFDidREED Boston terrier pupplea, txt to J60; three are tancy doga, o don't can up If you want a cheap dog. H. F. Wuntcfering, 1924 8. 34th. St. Har. 2467. POULTRY ANT SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry house.). They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durahl than twwA - . : fireproof. 7uc a hundred at Th Bee office. SWAPPER'S XLTJMN A 56-1N. ROLL-TOP DESK In excellent : shape. Will exchange fur a large one; Will consider a f nt-tm, l.ut u ,.j,r n extra large and deep roll-top. Also . 1 .BWP tpt or no, to mt. ytuuresg o. v. &w. tfee. YOUNG man, 24 years old, i looking for position of any kind. Addreaa, John Kunc. 1-4141 William St, Omaha. STRONG MAN want any kind of work; aober and steady; will leave city. J. navel, if is wiinam nt., Omaha. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; ran cut meat; reference furnished. Web. 167a. RELIABLE colored woman want work 01 any gind. 112:4 pacific St. Red Kim. WIDOW with small child, wishes a place as housekeeper. 1621 N. 33d St. SITUATION wanted by experienced clerk in country town store, best references; apeak German and low German. Ad dles U 2S3, Be. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes a pol tlon aa housekeeper or nurse. W. SI 13. WANT work of any klnl in order to kei-p alive for the winter. Furnace or house man, anything at ait Please address 2U& South 14ih. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants good place to assist with light houvework for board and room in small family In city Refer ence. Address Bee. LIABLE night cook Would like posi tion; experienced In Chile. Tamalea and Mexican dishes. Red 4M5. 618 So. 17th St. EXPERIENCED waitress would like position. Phone Red 4Si. 6TS S. 17th fit. RELIABLE man derirea position aa night or day clerk In some out-of-town 'hotel; good referencea. Addreaa J 3f5, Bee. RF.FINED young man, Japaneae. desires place a cook; can furnish excellent reference. For particular address L 345, care Bee. EXPERIENCED salesman, contract for 116: T yeara, road and manager; sober, reliable; auto, land, anything worthy. Address E S.4, Bee. LADIES' mimes' coats, soils, drenjv A Klrt ainplea at wholesale prices. Hon offs New York Sample Store. Ti V tefh MANY government Jobs oit,u to tuun-n. list free. Franklin Institute. Dept too. W. Rochester. N. Y. HELP JPJlifTEO MALE Clerical aaal offlM. HIOH-ORADS commercial position WESTERN Rr F. BOND ASSN 151 Omaha Nat Bank Bid. Aajeata, galeaaaea as golieltora. NO elaaalfleatton; liberal contract; new policies Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 4!S City National Bank RlclK- . Omaha. Neb. SALESMEN WANTtD . Siwviaily iimiii with auovessful record to cover territory with established high class Una of alumi num ware; good piuiMwittun lor tnoaa who can prove past record a producer. Give full reference and tell about yourself in first latter. Illinois Pur Aluminum Co., Lemont, 111, SP1V1ALTY tuilaaiiuin in and out ot city; flWiKfi daly, pay Saturday. Fast rVding Household Specialty company, SuU I oUKlaa. WANTED Several nt appealing ma for a-iicltlng. klonry daily. Call at cut. 3 liraudvls Tlivatsr idg. POSITION by window as housekeeper. In or out ot tne city; references exchangad. A6dreks C 36.1, Bee. POSITION wanted as hotel clurk by a tiiHii of middle age, experience, best of reference. A a9, lee. AUTOMOBILES v Industrial Garage Co.. PHh 4 Harney Sta tluO forfeit for any iiiukmiu we can't re pair. Cod reiiar'g. O. Baysdorfer, 2it N. U FOR hKM'-Uue-tun V hit truck with driver, by Week or mouth. 1L Pelton, f" Farnsm. Call 1Vou4Ims rl. FORD cai a paint 'd l ; other cars accord ing to site; work gtd Phone 8. 3,00. MODEL B-i Datiuiicr tout iug t ar iti. self-aurter, run lens than 600 miles; gem In bargain at S.WJ. Th T. G. Nonu 'LV'L: 14 Jon iHl D'Qg 1707. MAXWELL roadster, niodrl I, 4-cyHiuW. II. P., fin ooudition; 4araain for cksh; will trade. A. Joliasun, Columbus, Neb Typewriter. RENT Kemlngton. Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker. Tha Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Uouglas 124. Rental credited If you purchaaa, and only very neweat and highest grade ma chine sent out Rate, three munths for 35 for . underatrok machine or 13 per month for latest model visible writer. All makes typewr.ter rented, aold, term. Butts Typewriter, 1kOT Farnam. fy HUH. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange M7 S. J7tn. RENT An Oliver typewriter, t month for $4. Th OUvr Typewriter Co.M D. 1919. Sliaf HaMeoea. t (VI Buy beat coal for th money; try 3d.UU lt. w.b. ftis. Harmon Waeth. axT ORA FLEX newaptr camera, with 11 plat holder, carrying ca for enmera and carrying case for plat hold er. Th outfit in good condition and a big bargain tor the lot at U. Addreaa .Vm. Bee. . . CORN cob for kindling. 'Jlencoe MlTlal S BASKETS. l. Wagner, sdl N. 16th St t-hand mch ilni vv reckon.. 11 Paul. Bakery and furn. wood. Tel. Florence 4l. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand tarom and pocket biiPard tahiea and bow ing alley aad accessories; bar fixture of ai: kinda; easy payment. The Brunswick Pal ke-CohndwrCoii7-4 NEW' set Stoddard lectures, coft 1.0. will aell cheap for cash. Harney 702S. ' LADY'S fur auto coat sixe 38. W. 4690. CITY WOOD YARD. Hickory. ' oak and maple wood of 'the beat quality, sawed, split and delivered to your door for 17. .0 per cord. Firop ace, stove wood and bakery wood a specially. Full cord guaranteed. AUTOAIOBILE-VM1I- trade roadster with a thoroughly rebuilt engine, new tires, top, aide curtains, wind shield and Stew art speedometer, for 6 or 7-paeaenger car; win consiuer roni. Address S. C. 370, Bee AUTO Alt Overland coupe In good con- Hit AM tin nnl. (MUl . 1 . . . .... . i , ' 1 iiiiin, cuai sijou new, wi "rei 'eai'fu'y P'PBaed for money. .. ... or n... oisntai oargain- ycu Aver . b a. lm , .1 u . ...... .11. iU. . cash, balance time to right parties. 8. C. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain e the "Automobile'' classification. AUTO 0-h. p. four-cylinder roadster. Just overnauieji; rear urea are new, and Nobby tread; aire 34x4; will aell cheap and accept late model motorcycle or vis ible typewriter as part payment. Addre AUTO Overland aulo coupe lor sale or exchange at a bargalh; I In excel lent condition: please describe what you have fullyddresa 8. C. 312. Bee. BOOTS Ha vo" new pufr ' of ' 37.60 boots; wore them three times; will trade on ell cheap. What have you? Slse . H. C. 37i. Bee. - BASE BURNER High-clas base burner good Iron bed and springs, gas ranwe, new HO vuleanlxer. Ford tubes and sun y,r.u'?: eU cheaP tra-te. Address 8. C. BUSINES8 CHANCEAn excellent pa Ing safe business for improved farm lands desirably located, where Irrigation aoV Aiiii A . 4 .l . ar . i r . "... " '""to. ubitw p. t.-. mr, i5ee. Ci'mG?r-ood "Jns-1 bugsy ,nd harness. ill trade both together or separately Address S 324. Bee. , . ... LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Jlorses aad Vehicle. fcOTICE to a cash sale: t,00-pound team of young mares, both with foaL absolutely sound and good workers. Owner changing bustnesa. Call at rcsi deno Mis Howard Bt FOR SALE Tea t mares, weight !.S pounds. tloO: team of niareu, weight, t.u pouml. 3125; good broke single and double saddle horse. tU5: aood work horse, J2i Call South 80S. 3S23 Harrison St. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagoaa A harness: Urge stork A attractive prices. Johnaon-Danforth Co. 11?-SI v "!' MANY well-matched teams, voonrf marea; some In foal. Call at Brewing Co. saloon. 1214 So. 13th St LOST AND FOrXU OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons hsving lost some article would do well to t ill up the office of the Omaha 4V Council Bluff Street Railway company U ascertalu whether they lelt It In th tract cars. - Many articles each day ar turned In and the company 1 anxious to reator thrm to the rlnhtfui owner Call Pom v Greenuugh Oaiaba ltad. Reu. Co.. bj6 Far. AUTO clearing house, HaK Farnam, buys and m lis used cars. Phone loualaa fclO. tt tarcgelea, 11 ARLEY-DA VIDSOM MOTORCYCLES. l arta r.a In used mschlne. Victor Runs. Th Uotorcycl Man," r.wl Leavuwortu. REWARD for return of black onyx bar pin. set with fWe email pearls; gold clasp; lost In snow December 13, between 144 N. 41st and Fortietli and Dodise. or on Faruam car, or between Seventeenth and Farnam and Y. W. C. A., or there and Au.luoriuui; no great value except as heirloom. Mr. 11. A. Doud. LOST Black ailver tnotre brnji on Dodna ar Harney car Friday night; purse n tallied ladies' yeglaae in a brown case: also diamond ring and other jewelry and a little tuuuey. Reward. Webster tV. j . CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will sWao contract work for an auto, not too high SrlTs- s . d Ba,rJt",B or "'"""ing. Ad- C l a KrROTECf OGitAPH AND .iAikT.S?'', ' 'rsl I'kyment n gol, well located lot priced any where between 3k) and tm. ifust have water! ewer, gas walk In and paid fur. Will pay cash balance in from , four to U AO- EXCELLENT PIANO-Swip for VuZ trtU ncoida; must' hei a topnoUh ir.a-tl-.lne and have a lure butch of records !1 you expect an even exchange. Will take Edison machine same way No lunk 111,4 tXVS1 Bl T. rlSK machine wanted. Will trtke good rifle or repeating ahotgun to help make up the 'difference In value. Address S. C .V-2, Bee. FOR AN. unusual bargain7orcash or a standard gasolln auto coupe. Address S. C.. 81 Boe. FORTY acres, irrigated, fkott's BiuffT for piano, auto, diamond or anything I can ue; balance back ni land. Address Lock Box . Grelna. Neb. 11 GRAKLEX newspaper camera, wit 11 plate holdera. carrying case tof camera and carrying cas for Plate hold, era The outfit lu good condition and a V,"".010 0, U ,ot " Addre "TFJPy KlA? ANl) OTHER COLt LATERAL for Virginia Wnd or land In southern Indiana, or for lots well lo cated In un-ali. Kunau City. Indlanap olla or CJcveiand. WILL PAY D1FFFK ENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANT ED. Pleaxe give best description you can In flrt letter to aave correspondence ; also legal description. I am buying for 1 J ' a' twrr,m a. OOi. nee. Vb paid on 2 lots. TK8 anything of . 1.. 0 1 ij , .. .....ll. U riAY'KR PIANO Virtually a new good Plaver niafto. cost new 3-IF0. Will sell for JT75, with rolls.. Responsible parties can buy this player on payments, or would trade for diamond as payment" ROADSTER Will trade roadster in very good condition In part payment on Dun dee lot. S. C. 365, Bee. RECORDS 200 two and four-minute phonograph records, cheap or for any thing I can use 8. C. 1083. Bee. "STRUCTO" OUTFIT T w o - d o I 1 a r "Structo" outfit to exchange for sled or skates. 8. C. 868. Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark Son. D. 137. STENOTYPE New, in the beat of con ilitlon. Uaed les than four month. Wilt trade for anything of equal value, or what cash offer will you makeT Ad dresa 8. C. 400, Bee. SINGLE CUTTER What will you trade for a sinirle cutter, almost new. Ad dress B 8i4. Bee. BHOW CASK Latest, plate glass, marble base, adjustable plate glas shelves. Will trade for piano or sell cheap. 8. C. 372. Bee. STOCK Preferred stock in large profit able corporation for Improved farm In eastern Nebraska, Kansas or Iowa. Ad- dresa S. C. 410, Bee. ' SANITARY WATER STILL Cuprigraph I. I kl . . 1 1 . . ... n A Man. m -1 . insnv. Lsinius wmrr iui n . .u nw p. ' Ion at home. All drugglsU need one. All copper ana lineo wiui oioca un, Grefonola or Victrola or caab- S. C 374, Bee. 7 TYPEWRITER New Oliver typewriter, never been used. Will exchange for a diamond or something near las value. Ad dress S. C. 871, Bee. TO TRADE Business building and lot In good small town for Implements; If voiir mn nmpm bt.och ib loo ihikr a. win trade for part of it. Price, 2,i00; enc, $500. Will rent building for one year, $2) per month. Address Box 244, Petersburg, Neb. TYPEWRITER Late model Visible standard typewriter. In perfect shape: JflO: or will trade for anything of equal value I can use. Address S. C. 344. Bee. WATCH, ETC. One 17-Jewcl silver case watch. A 1; one liunrhing bag, ring or wal1; one good ns new postcard rr.nchlne, with lamp. Shotgun, violin or HUtomutio revolver preferred, or what havo you. Ad- dresp, ' J M- neo. - WHAT havT you in realty to exchange fur a new 6-passenger Mitchel automo- . bile. Describe fully. Address 8. C, 3uL Be- , WOOD PLOWPLAIN AND IVOR JOHN 80N REVOLVER 36 cal.. botn In gjd shape. Will vap for a kodak or . Stev ens' repeating rifle or Marlin rifle. Might give a liUle to boot if your stuff ia bol ter than mine. Address. S. C. 869, Bee. FOR RENT ' Apartments aad Flat. ST. GEORGE apartments. located in se lect West Farnam residence district; one 5-rooin suite tor rent; heat, water. Janitor rervlce. Phone Webster 1674. t-R modern flut. 2J0S S.. 34th; $22. Phone llnrney 4711. Gordon VanCo.SS 219 N. 11th tt. . Phone U 3M or Wb. W OO DEN ANN FX, Council Uluffa. ooini with Kttr hnPllP. mem near, rnnns tw BH.MI8 PARK :oy t-room apartments. t I . r Kl ' -Aa f. 1 luKoni. All IllUUCi n , -U 3 CUl, tHW awv-iit ber Web. 2.142. - THE HELEN. ' , . 2461 Harney Street. Choicely located apartments, casv walking distance, S room; winter, -34;; plenty steam and hot. water. MARIUS SORENSEN. Office Si(i4 Harney St. Tel. Doug. 7l.. Hoard and liuoine. B lth. 618 Exc, board, clean room. Fnrntahed Houae. 6-ROOM houae, furnished complete, walk ing distance; come and see It; 1122 No. Mth St Reference required and given. Farnlahed Rooms. ' PLEASANT, warm room. 131 N. Slat Ave.- JlarneyJlSS; . . LARGE, pleasant room, ateam heat; one or two gentlemen; close in, 2664 Leav enworth St. Fl'ltNlJ-rtKL' room for rent near Crelgn ton university. PS-ne ivtuglaa 7381. EXCELLENT room t with private bath. other good warm rooms; close In; save car tare. Call Douglas 60u5. . US S. 2KTH Kurn shed room, private family. Hatney MOD furn. rooms in private home, suit able for two people. Val. 14M. 4203 Cum. FURNISHED itOO.vi, Ueuted, 4il4 North 31t Ave. '. . . imtDcN HUTBU Council Bluffs, sUa'U heated room. 32 per week. Phone tH. . t'cr'-a Cap front rm. steam ht. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Building Superintending and Construction Books, five volumes Will swa for repeating rhotgun. repeating rifle, automauc revolver or high power Mariin or Wmchreter, or what iiav you? Also Estimatim; Books, an elegant set of Diaftlug and Mechanical Books Swap any or all tne euo-e for large lira, (w bicht or Uxrger Address 8. C. 363, Bee. LOTS Two in Council Bluff, la., worth ror auio, caan or whatr Phone 9 R4 La.ge, strictly modern, &jt S. 24, D. 711!. T'arslihtil liuaHkreplsg Kooma. 475S N. 34lh St., two a learn heated, fur nished rooms. Moticrn conveniences, 41 Ir month Adult -i.-ily. ' ttouscterpwg Houms. 2 ROOMS, light houjr keeping. VM Far-ram. lletels aa apartaitaw. ..si.iru.fc... iiwwi, .u.m -.- .... W ee k iy ratea M and up. Iu.a 7u3 DO PGR HOTEl- Mo-ler Reatonabla i'r adJreaa G-3M, Bee. T'ouglas MAN 1 KjLIN Want to trade high grade mandolin for autoiuatiu revolver. Ad dres 8. C. 4d. Be. NEW !!.) piano. Will exchange fur a .. Will give even dial for 1 kt diamond. or larger. Address 8. C. 3Mi. Be. OFFICE DE&K Will buy some good Mtood-hand desks; must be chfisp fur ttm a. Addreaa & U lv B i llonae and t'ottatare. MODEHN 3-tory house. T room; never occulted: new furnace SJO Doug. ai. KLEQANT S-room. monern Dries apnrt nient; newly decorated; 3S0 per month, tie South iS-th 6t. . Coiiatie, 204 inton St., gas, electrlo light, water, toih-t. 315 per month. Frame Hat U S. lh St, newly decorated. Io er month. J. G. 1SU, EXECUTOR. 703 8. Slat Ave 'Phone Harney 343, NINE ruoma, itioil. iu. iiii Burt; 1 rooms, now, modern, 2-"J i'arkcr; e ght rooyia. rnooern eccpi irai,, tin uuugiai, tour rooma, mod. ex. heat. W4 N. id. D. liii- Furnniied, 914 S. .th, rooms a.ti'r HOT WATER HEAT, 2- 8. 4lst N. 24th. HOT WATER HEAT.... 30 W 151ii Sherman Ave., 14 rooms 35.00 414 8. mh St.. t rooms , 32.50 3240 to ward St.. 6 rooma 12,tl JOHN N. FKENZEK I Ol.'GLAS 564, SIX-ROOM house. 2120 Harney fan. (j) . per month. Call Doug. 2-':8. Globe Van&Storage Stores, move, pack, ships; X-borse van d 3 men. 31. Si per br.i atorai; 32 pr wo. catisfactory guar. D. 4m St Ty. tod. FOB KENT Wa have comnleta list of all bouse. P.irtments and fUu that ar for rent Tbis lt can I acta fre of eUarg at Ouiah Vaa 4 Mtorag Co., M V a bu