Tin: BUK: OMAHA. MONDAY, KCKMBEK 21. 5 ( 1' A III V BRIEF CITY NEWS I"liellry Itonri Co.. Song- ave Boot mm It '4n con Preat Xmia t"re XO htlmr Outfits Burf ns- ji auuen aldrlre-Maddea Oo, Compensation Irv i'!nr Inspections Tor ?tc al rates fre eaattfal AH KMni lomii for Set .11 the easy payment plan. Uankera ftsaltr Investment Co Fhonc Pou. tnaared of better httslnese for HI! by lomtln your office In The Hee bulld l:ia "the bulletins that lo always new." Office room 103. Toaaye Complete KotU Trogran."' 'Wstlfled section today, and appears ,n The Bee. EXCLUSIVELY, find out what the varloua rnovtnt picture thr-aters offer. Vimi Cundiff Yisitt MereWarren , t'undlff. assistant (trneral passenger1! a Kent of the t'nton Pacific at Kansas City, la In Omaha. calltti on old friend. He trill be here a couple of lay. Bravaat Oat for Terrier. Charley Charman, traffic policeman stationed at Flxteenth end Howr1 stro-tr, asked hi trother officers yesterday to help him find his pet terrier, which run away from lionv ve-tcrdny. niio. m.m.nt maaori Police officers In rlvl.lans noihcs raided a nepro report j at 1316 Patrick avenue last niKht. taking a man describing himself as Kd Roths-j c hlld, as proprietor, and ten men and women found drinking beer. All Xla Trouble for Hanfbt A. J. I'rugeman, 1910 Bouth 1 ighth street, saved t'tf tobacco coupons, only to lose them to the burglar, who entered his home last night and took them, toRcthr-r with about SSS worth of Jewelry find clothing. rather StaasoB in Hospital While the. Rev. James Stenson, pastor of Bt. Phllo raena's. ia tn St. Catherine s hospital, suf fering from a finger badly Infected after a bruise. Father Michael Stagno, who has been in Cheyenne some months, Is taking hln place at Ft. P'ullomenrx's. To Address octallttt George R. Klrpatrlrk, socialist and author of "War, What For?" will speak at Washington hall, Tuesday evening. Ills subject will be, "The Iron Fist." Preceding hit lec lura there will be held at the same place the fourth annual banq'iet of tho socialist lirty of Omaha. Inge for Carlo lieader Mian Mhcl Solomon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Solomon, tang for Chevalier An gclini. director of the San. Carlo Grand opera company, which appeared In this city last week. Miss Solomon eays that she wat offered a position In the opera company by tho director, but she de clined the offer In favor of another year of study before taking up the work. Kaa'a Thoughts Shows la Pictures A storeoptlcon lecture. In which the thoughts of man as viewed by thoso who have super-normal powers will be shown In pictures and explained, as well as the Inner bodies of man which are not visible to those of ordinary vision, by John T. ICkluni at the Theosophtcal hall, suite 701 Bee building, this evening at eight o'clock. Thought forms in pictures beautifully colored and an explanation of the latent powers' In man which are neglected, but may be developed by one who wills tq do . so are tome of the feature. YnilNfiWnMlN P.TVRM SCHOOL AND COLLEGE HEWS 1 VU11U 11 Villi 111 UllUtl AID BY VOLUNTEERS Shivering Eighteen-Yar-01d Girl Calls Attention to Destitute Family of Children. WARM CLOTHING IS PROVIDED j Vacation Time Finds Most Schools Closed for Holidays. Inotes from state ursTiTunojis Nebraska Collearea Itaay itllk Edaeo. tleaal Kaartlons, with BrlaM Clotloolc for Increased At. tenaaare Xrxt Tear. Mother and Itssskte nreased a aa to Re Able te Work Oatslrt Home and Yaanaratera Ha to aohool. Indian Offenders - Freed Under Bond United States District Attorney F. 8. Howell ha declared himself In favor of administrative economy, aa well at Jus lice In the cases of Indians charged with minor offenses onthelr reservations.- He has written a letter to the agent at the Winnebago reservation. Instructing him not to send arrested Indians to Omaha to be confined In Jail at government ex (ense, unless their offenses are flagrant . Hereafter, minor offendera will be re leased on their own bonds. If they have farm allotments - and are not liable to run away. Such a system will save the government hundreds of dollars IK Jail ex penses. Prosecutor Howell thinks. Clothed only In the ragged remains of old summer garments, a shivering, hungry-looking girl named Agnes Morri son, about IS years of aire, called at the Volunteers of America on Fifteenth street and apiKalod for some warm clothing, so that she could go out and look for work. Investigation of the case by Mrt. V. A. MoConnlck, wife of tho major In charge, disclosed that the girl's widowed mother and five smaller children were in even worso circumstances and suffering from cold at their little ahsck on the river bot toms, near the foot of liard street. Mrs. McCormick gave tho girl warm garments, donated by Omaha women, and then outfltteJ the entire family with win ter dresses, underclothing and shoes, also donated by charitably Inclined people who had discarded the clothes. Tho mother and daughter were then able to go out and work and the youngster were able to go' to school and enjoy the closing Christmas exercise with their more for tunate schoolmates': hrlstmaa Banket Prepared. A Christmas basket of food was applied for by Mrs. Morrison from the Volun teers. The latter have already received (165 In nickels, dimes and quarters. dropped Into the Kan fa Onus chimneys on street corners. A total of SWO Is needed to furnish free baskets of Christmas food to worthy poor, who otherwise will go hungry on Chrlstmaa day. The Bakvatlon Army, under Captain 11. it. Kline, Is also receiving money for the same 'purpose. Each organization will have a decorated tree Christmas morning, and will give out hundreds of baskets of food to poor families whose rases have been thoroughly Investigated and found to be worthy. Captain Kline ' and Major McCormlck will compare their lists, srt that there will be no duplication. The number of bas kets to be given out will depend upon the generosity of the public during the next few days. Judging , from the money and applications received so far, there will be many moro hungry families than there will be baskets of Christmas food and cheer. . A chicken, potatoes,, macaroni, canned goods, tea or coffee, milk, sugar, ipples. Jelly, celery and other foodstuffs will be placed in each basket given out Food Donated. Tho Iten Biscuit company ha already promised a big package of crackers for each basket, and the Loose-Wiles com pany will donate cookies. The empty baskets will be given by the Ribbell Woodenware company. Cartan & Jeffrey have promised a big case of PostumMToyt for the youngsters will be donated by the Omaha Rubber company and the Mar shall Paper company, so, altogether, the results of the project will gladden the hearts and stomachs of many folks who would otherwise go hungry and unhappy on Chrlstmaa day. ; The charity organisations report .many cases of bent motbera and little children, scantily clad and with toea coming out of hoes, ' who have appealed for warmer clothing. If anybody has such to donate. It will be called for by the Volunteers, Salvation Army or Associated Charities. Nearly every school In the state rioted last week for the Christmas vacation. Most of them will take until the first Monday in January, and tome will not j T.tV' '""'"''l Of. Tr? , ... ... .... . . . . jTavlar and Messrs. Hlrkelhach and Mo open Basin unui me Din. munrnis nearly all scattered for their homes, but some will remain and spend the holiday season tn and around the school. The Nebraska schools are prosperous and all report good outlook for the coming year. formal School Nates. Dean Ptockdale attended the Sohool nmstors club. The sleighing has been fine here for nearly two! weeks. Thursday the Junior obsorvatlon claas dramatized three heart. English Seventh A It beginning the study of Milton's poems. Coach Keester was sick last week, but all delighted to hare him around again. The seniors have paid a royalty fee to Samuel French & Cto., New York, for the manuscript and will stage "Charley's Aunt." Prof. Wilson's claas In wee tern de velopment, enjoy a social recitation each day. They use all the text books thev can find. This week they are discussing the foreign population of America. The freshman of the Normal enjoyed a bob seld ride.. About twenty members of the class started out at 7 o'clock from the court house grounds, went over the city and east to Pine Ridge. A o'clock they .topped at the home, of Freeda Glrmann. where, they were served with a hot supper. n'y city schools during the present week, MNs o'Onmtell talked on ''Famous ! tunes," Tiienday evenltiK O. W. Neale h1 rhaiae of the gnllery end save sn rt.lresa on Tu"dHy afternm.n. and Mls Marlon Smith Thursduy evenin and al urday afternoon. The ti-ntli annual bno,uet of the kin dergarten bund was held Thursday eve.i Iiik. December IT, at H o'clock. The tables wero doorMed with Christmas greens and small Santa Clnoa ranis were iibiM for the menu. This dinner, whlih Is held each year in the kindergarten rooms, la looked forward to with much pleasure by tno senior klnderftartners. An excellent piny was given by the chil dren of the training sihool on Tuesday afternoon. The play was given entirely In iierinsn. showing; the food class work done hy the student tracher In the train In department. The Instrumental e- lei'tlnn given hy Miss Harney, and the ami re- land, furnished excellent music. COMES FROM SCENE; TALKS HOT OF WAR Bartlett. Fresh from Moscow, Vi enna, Berlin, Paris and London, Says Little of Conflict. TRAVELS WITH LITTLE TROUBLE International Harvester Company Agent Home from Rarest on Ills Way to h America la Alao Diplomat. WHY WILSON IS LIKELY TO "JUMP" TO LINCOLN The circumstances surrounding . the arrest of Harry Wilton, Det Molnet vag rant on a charge of theft, read like a play-by-play story of a base ball game. Wilson la now chalked up on the offi cial police box score aa having been "put out," O. T. Wilson, to S. H. Wilson, and showing the police as making a score .n the "throw-In." . Harry Wilton, seeking "hand-ouU" came to bat one day last week at the home of Chief of Police Dunn, where he sot to first base by getting "beaned" by the pitoher, Mra. Dunn; -who misunder stood her chief's signal to "walk" the man. ' Batlsf led with ' the meal, Wilson stole second, at the home of O. T. Wilson.- manager of Browning-King's, who lives at 3303 Poppleton. While Mrt.. Wil son was fielding a hot one on the stove, ' II. Wilson took advantage 'of her turner back and led off, carrying with htm a Valuable kodak. -. IS. H. Wilton Of Dundee, brother of the unfortunate second baseman,' was ap prised of the base-runner's steal, and last night when the datter appeared In Dun- ; dee, he waa tagged by description and called out by the village marshal, who later took him out of the game entirely by turning him over to the police.- Wilson admitted to Captain tlellfetd last night tbat he stole the camera. "Well. If that's the case," Heltfeld re plied, "here's where you Jump to Lincoln." Gets Her Purse and New Idea of Omaha Mrs. 8. A. Knlcely of Lincoln, mother of W. A. Knlcely, Omaha photographer, lost her pocketbook containing S59 yes terday. It waa found by Officer Phillip Wentx at Sixteenth and Douglas. She had given It up for lost, when (he officer notified her by telephone of hit find. He refused to take a reward. "That's what we're paid for to serve the public," Wentx replied, pushing away her proffered reward. Mrs. Knlcely made a special trip to police headquarters to seek newspaper men to tell them about the honest police men. i - .. .. . Doaae Colle. Colleso rlosea f. u- un . at 11 -in ' V " uimuy vacation at. n. .to Wedncsi'uy ami ciaoa ber'n aitaln on Tuesday, Januar jf'"0" Uc ". tiiTe!0eound n"mb'r of ihe ollege lec w2i co"no was given in tho chapel last r,:'y,v'mn by Chancellor Cieorge Tho seniors dent and Mrs. W. O. Allen. Tho senior thl '..'nl,w-er6.;,.oln.eI b " nwm of dinner "was "serVd. 'eeK-our.e A new course in household hem'stry s to he offered the second Mm.rft r V.i I Instructor will h mu. uT. dean of women. Ml. Meaton T inenT i-.' ear in Columbia university, maklna a. special study of household economics ThU a0eni."t.tJ, f,m ."tep 'l'n toward a complete course In domestic science. .(Th-"Tol,al by, tn? departments of mu sic and expression last Saturday evening was largely attended. The men's alee SondiEa1? 'U F,Ub"c Pe and rendered two selections. Miss DeLand of talrmont gave n Christmas reading, and t? C$l or?HPrtra' under tha direc tion of Prof. Dick, concluded the even ings program. anhiT.1?"? nf Sophomore 'classes hua ite.fiU,'n,1' of-th waoemy assem bled at the parlors of Uaylord hall Friday Randall and Miss Dorothea Krueger. The cI? ot 0wn,cn. refreshments were served. Miss Randall Is the sponsor of the freshman class and Miss Krueger of the sophomores. , .Tthe.-aKnu?1 8a,nbrn declamation con test took place in Lee Memorial luesday evenine. i - ' ' of Lincoln won first honors In her prTs- uUVhUVif t".nu,J and fythlaa" Miss Bertha Whslen took second place and Mr. i.iarence ruhrer third. The other con m."'! M'.Say Krebe. Velda union jennK. ana Messrs. llow and VV lssenburg and Charles Taylor. At the Congregational morning Prof. J. IS. Taylor delivered his address upon "The Creed of the College." Kollowin this service .v.r .?' student was entertained at dinner in some Congregational or Methodist home S.m- menm m roung Men't Christ laa assoc at on. the Young; Women's Christian cfe' Chri-ti-n h. Young People'. cietjr Christian tndeavor united In a Christmas musical service In the church. Mebraaka Military Araderar. Enrollment for the new. term has be gun and a number of new cade?. expected at the January owning r" tTlimAB Tec' at th Nebraska Mili tary academy began Friday. December 18. and roll oall for the new tennWlu bl January 6. at p. in. Major Nelaon and wife will spend their vacation in Lincoln with Colin?! ini ?i' w,ayW"r' pU,n Wynne ,t Nor Nebralska: J,t,'n KydJ ln weatern i'rdnead.y ar", Thursday were exam- w,o,iuu uava, ana Tntlrsriav I METCALFE TO ST. LOUIS . TO DO NUMEROUS DUTIES An extremely busy man will be J. W. Metcalfe during the Chrtatmas holidays, when he goes to ft. Louis on a half oosen Important missions. He will also visit with bis family there, for he has a ton and daughter ln the Washington uni versity at tbat place. Mrs. Metcalfe went to St. Louis a few Jays ago. Then the retail secretary It to make an Investigation of the credit bureau of the t, Louis retailers, which It modeled after the system ot the association of Omaha. Kt Louis la Just installing the bureau at a cost of S12.000. 11 e will Investigate also the Ht. Louis Lusinesa men't method of handling char ity In their city. St. I.oult hat a plan of handling charity work largely through one organisation, to which business meo contribute. - This done, the Omaha man is to get ln touch with Secretary Mlemoeller of the Merchants' Association Secretaries In tegara to the program for that associa tion' convention to be held In fit Paul, February L Mr. MeloaUe It president of thlt national organisation, and, tn fact. It the man, who called the first moetlng a year ago In St. Louii, when the organisa tion waa formed. DIRECTED VERDICT $3,500 IN LAW SUIT FOR $83,000 A directed verdict for W.509 In favor of the Merrlarn ft Holmquist Elevator company, wai returned In federal court Saturday afternoon, on order of Judge Page Morris, in the suit of the grain company for IS3.00O damages against tho Union Pacific Railroad company. The case waa reduced to an agreed statement of facts, on the basis cf which the Judge decided In favor of the plaintiff. , It wat alleged that the railroad had al lowed other grain handlers a larger "re bate" .than waa .granted to Merriam it Horniqiriitt a tjurrftxr of yeare ago. The basis of Bfttirmciif was five-twelfths or a cent per 1"0 weigh on grain handled by the plaintiff. ' " CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS FOR ST. MARY MAGDALENE'S Among the decorations that will adorn the Interior of t. ' Mary of Magdalene's Catholic church. Nineteenth and Dodge streets, on Chriatmat day will be eight een cedar trees, tlx twenty feet high and a dozen eight-feet high. The first mast will be said at ( o'clock, with the pastor Father Slnne, presiding. Second mass will be at S o'clock and the third at 10:30. Christmas music, will be sung at the fjrst and last. , ' ) TRAVELERS MAKE PLANS . TO ENTERTAIN CONVENTION Between 1.800 and 1,000 visitors are ex pected in Omaha next June, when the annual national convention of the Trav elers' Protective ' Association it to be hfld. ' . Sixty of the live wires of Post "A" of Omaha gathered at a banquet given In the Paxtoft hotel last night and dis cussed plana for the entertainment of the vlil tors. CANDY TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO SUNDAY SCHOOL -MEMBERS One hundred and twenty-five pound of randy will be distributed to youngsters of the First Presbyterian Sunday school Wednesday nlgbt at their annual Chriar. mas lay and entertainment. The rhll b atreaataeaa Weak Kidneys. Klectrlo Wttera will more than surprU you after the first bottle. Get a bottle dren will bring gifU of clothing and food today safe and sure. uOo and 11.00. M1 for less fortunate kiddles of Omaha. Al-drusgitts- Advertisement. ' fred C. Kennedy, Jr.. will be ganta flaut. when mesa call nunrtrt '.i.. "1: marched Into the mess hall they found After Sln?!? Hh Christma color. surnTlJ ehfnUi C1?u" .ha1 "other surprise in the form of a fishing pond, and each cadet and Instructor wat called iJ,7t M" '"i wlth hook nd Mny amusing and appropriate catches were un ana iun and frollo prevailed. After dlhner Captains Wynne and Kydd gave a very clever representation of a country top salesman. This was fol lowed by a tramp act by Cadets Alexan der and Tripp. Mr. Woblg rendered sev era! selections on .the sither. A musical comedy wat Riven by CadeU Ostenberg. Werber. 1'hll Ips, Morris and Foiri,n: with Cadet Simpson at musical director. Just then a big touring car appeared in front or the building and Cadet Donald McDonald came in with a troupe from the city, conslxting of Messrs. Bpere, tttelnoera- and Phenwerlr. Mr Cu and Mr. Steinberg gave several oollegs """ ami ounces. Ale Dona Id then up- uresseu as a most fashionable woman and entertained the audience by """niHii sumo oi me latest dances, closlnc With the Kaloma ilunra Mr m... lonald proved himself an art'tt In this une. .nr. r-nenweea wat pianist and v.auei oteiBon waa atage manager. Nebraska Western I'nlversHr. ine ioe riuo iert Thursday for a three-day trip to .South Omaha and other points. A longer trip has been planned for January. . Prof. Venner goes to Indiana for a series of lectures during the holiday vacation. Prof. Knox alao has a num ber of dates for the next two weeks. W. L. Kuyle, IS, wat a campua visi tor during the week and spoke briefly at the chapel exerclaee Thursday morn ing. Mr. Kuyle Is now a student at Qarrett Biblical Institute and holds a pastorate near Evanston, III. A Young Men't Christian association for boys and young men of University Plane enema to be an assured fact. A permanent organisation has . been ef . tected, a building secured and steps taken to employ a salaried secretary. Thlt association will be Independent of the college organisation. Rev. C. O. Oomon, 'IS, of Alllcance waa a chapel visitor Wednesday and on Thursday he delivered his oration 'The Second Kmanclpation" at the National Prohibition Oratorical contest to be held at Topeka, December 22. A number of students, chaperoned by Rev. Uettys and Prof. Jensen, are planning to attend the contest and the conven tion which follows. At the Thursday meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the board of trustees plana were discussed for com bining the projected city library with a college library to be located on the campus and to cost $40,00. A commit tee was appointed to eo-operate with tiia city council and to Inveeticate fur ther Into the details of the terms under which fund for libraries can be secured from Mr. CarneKie. Wesleyan alrtady has a Rood library, but larger and mure fenvenient rooms are needed. Kearney Rtate Normal. At the last meeting of the Schoolmas ters' club h"ld In Lincoln last Friday etenlns:. President Lick waa elected lu ineiiiueriihlp in this urgarilnatton. At the art exhibit given for the Kear- Fremont t'elleae. The primary pupils of the observation' department, under the direction of Mrs. Minnie Kturrp, rendered some pretty Christmas sonps In chape! Wednesday morning The regular Christinas pronrntn waa rendered Krllsr at In the ob servation room. A larfce number of vis itors were present. A large number of students will remain oxer during the holiday season, because of tho short vacation at the college and tho Ions; dlstsnre from home. Work at tho colli ge will cense onlv for Christ mas day. the midwinter "term openlna the following Monday. A larao number of students are expected at that time. Pern Mate Normal. Vacation this year liexlns December 71 and extends to January 5. About 1109 worth of Juvenile books were received at the library last week. last .Saturday even mr Miss Cleland., matron of the dormitory, gave a recep tion to the men of the school. The seniors have challenged the Juniors for a class debate and the Juniors have accepted the challenge. Kearney and Wayne decided not to enter the contest this year. The short course . has Drought in a number of students. Wood Classen were founded In domestic telen'-e, commerc'al work and agriculture. The enrollment has now passed the fi.il) mark. Dean Fonlyce of the university spokc to the faculty last Saturday night on "Efficiency." On Sunday afternoon he lectured to the men or the acnooi ana tewn on "The Social Hide of Life.' Recently Irof. tlregg upheld the af firmative of the simplified spelling ques tlon, during the chapel period. On the succeeding nerioa I'ror. nousc aenu-u the advisability of its adoption. '1 He students enjoyed the contest. Wednesday morning tne gins giee eluh nv the students a rare treat. There are thirty voices and are led hy 'Dr. If. C. House. ' A number of Park a selections along with Dudley Buck's Oood Nlaht" and "Anna uuno wure Wfn at the entertainment. Thursday tue senior visas, now ,.... 100, entertained all the other classes nrt the faeuitv. Cornet solos, vocai solos, quartet tmielo and readings were given by members of the class. This year mere is one m nimvi. class spirit ever teen at Teru. llnstlnas t'ollejre. Mrs. M. J. Sheldon, matron of the bova' dormitory, entertained her boys at tne home of Mrs. Jordan on Mnday evening. The larger number of the students nre now spending their holiday vacation at tholr homes In various parts of the state Thev will return for work on January 5. The library of the college la receiving some very valuuble books theao days, a number of which are gifts from Its frionds. Mrs. Cappa, the city librarian, In cataloguing these books at fast as tin y arrive. Corresoondence with Ornnd Island col lego and Kearney Normal Is now taking place between the debating associations ot these schools, with the hope, of ar ranging some contests in debating a little later In the school year. On Thursday evening the annual Christ mas party of all the studenta of the col lege was held at the women's dormitory. This party Is given for tno benefit of tho poor, small gifts being made for those who might otherwise oe ovenooxeu. Prof. Carpenter Kave an interesting talk at chapel on Wednesday concerning social settlement work In the city of Huffalo among the Italians. She pre sented first hand Information from which we drew conclusions of Interest an 1 profit. On Tuesday President Crone ppoke briefly of the work and Bfe of Robert J. Hurdcttf. Cotner University. Classes were dismissed Saturday for a two weeks' vacation. The Freshman" waa presented by the members of the Dramatic club In the university chapel Thlirsday evening. A "White Christmas" program was given by the members of the young Women's Christian association at their regular meeting Thursday evening. The filial game for the championship of the university In class basket ball was played Wednesday evening between tne freshmen and academy teams, the fresh men winning by the score of It to 14. The oratorical contest waa held Tues day evening at the college chapel. The conteataata were seven in numoer, r.H. Cope, '!!, taking first place and will represent tne society ai me siaie contest. The letter men of the foot ball sound for the last season received their sweat ers at chapel Thursday morning. Prof. Smith presented them to the following men: captain carry atartin, uaptain elect Brumbough, Karl Parminter, Letlle Strain, Elmer Strain, Joe Moss, Paul Britt. PJrnest Ilsgeman, F.ugene Wor- sham. Richard Knapple, Val Johnson, Frank Brokaw and Harry Davenport. Oeorgo If. Pnrtlrtt of Moscow. Russia, has been visiting with his brother-in-law. V. M. Sargent of Council Uluffe. Mr. Hartlttt is one of the international sales men for the International Harvester com pany, and has general supervision of the company'! selling ngencles In all of Rus- tla, both Kuropean and Asiatic, Europe U on his Wk.y a trip thrnintli Md South America. He to South America after Austria and dorms ns". While Mr. ftnrtlett has ex.-ellmt oppor tunity bo know first hand of the wor In Europe rnd the conditions that now pre vail In the several countries Involved In the struggle, he diplomatically declines to express any opinion. The only state ment he would make Is that Russht la handicapped becauao of the lack of trans portation facilities for war material. In the greater part of t?"e war gone on the Russian side everything the army nerds la transported by nid-faahloned methods, to the great delay of operations, lie said also that he saw thousands of Herman and Austrian prisoners In Russia, appar ently without guard. ( Travels Wlthont Trouble. Mr. Hart let I left Russia about alx weeks ago. traveling from Moscow, by way of Finland to Herl'n, Vienna, Paris and Lon don, and says he had no difficulty what ever In netting around His principal hardHhip was In Finland, where he had to travel fifty miles In an ox cart, and tl ion push his baggage ten miles on a handcart over a fo:i -foot causr-wey through swnmn. "Americans lisc no trouble at a'l In travrllnsr rnvwheie i:i I'urotM," rnUl Mr. lUrtlrtt. 'If Ihev Mo nil light. Which' meiis if they restrain their natural curl- osity and keep themselves absolutely neu tral. . 'The war hm hi parently had no effect on the Intri lor of toe eat Husslan em- ili-e. Kilslness goo on, Jiwst as It. did before, with perhaps greater activity In some lines. There 1st apparently but little lessening in the great number of P-us-slans capable of bearing arms, and the resources of the empire have scarcely been touched." Home In Madison. While Mr. Ilartlett, who Is Tl yeara of age, has lived In Moscow for thirty years, he still claims his home at Madison, Wla., for which point he left yesterday. ' From there he will go t.i South America, ex pecting to return to Russia In May. No matter what you want It will sava roti time nnd money if you tiso Bee vV'ant Ads. THE BESTNsJM Vk 111 fW'J L ""'ra, No.659 UVAI This is ihd Di2iscnd Ring SHE wants fcr V k' YisK T : 1 1 1 feu Mi n 6 m I I ar Na, V W - 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 I I s js I in aa lKge W" x . I ill I I .! . IV mi . I llMOtJ ; 1 ' llU 1 1 -1 Xi JB a XT. m M M 1 1 I it m SB it JB 111 ehroaltm ". CKfI IT..-i V ' T I 1 11 III I H r J- iJ I bit tt rats : : 4YI W-AIflAw VI Ml i a i vr x ji i , mjBi No. 0;l. w?niii' swsjajjsjtsatsBjjsaasssgg The l.oftl. "Perfection" Diamond Ring Is the most perfect Diamond Ring vtr produced. Only ths linen quality cure whie diamond t. perfect in cut tnd lull of fiery brilliancy, are used. Each d'amund it specially selected and ia killlully mounted In our famous Ljitis "Psrfrrtion'' 6-prong mouatiag, Hk solid gold. Other site Irani SA M0, STS, $100, $150 and up. Christmas Ssle Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Diamond Rings, Scarf Plm, Studs, La Vallirres, Rrooches, Ear'Srrewi, Iocksts, etc., solid gold and platinitta mountings Mesh Bag. Vanity Ca, Qocks, Umbrellia, Toilet Set, all specially prictd lor Christmas. 17-Jew.l Elgln,Waltham or Hampden No. It Ad - Ne. 4 Men's Diamond 1 MQITHi TCRMSi'tl nOFTI Justed to temp trt- t u re, io- chroalim and posi tions, doa- bit 1 1 rats gold Ailed caic. Move neat h case guarantt e d 1 years. MONTH ting, 6-prong Tooth mounting, HW solid gold. Roman or polUhed finiih. V ViUl 1141 a Weak 1 lOtiLa Vllire, fire solid gold, 7 grnuins ; pearls, I ha diamond, 1 15-inch I chain 9uO UM a Month VbflBt TlOTtrl&a 144a ana Slt-amBn will flM Cthe national credit jewelers I W Mala Floor, City Vatloaal Bank Block, 40 . 16th t. BoMtm ' voraer iota ana Karney ma omana. I BKUaaWU !! Opposite Burgess-trash Go's Department Itora. COMMERCIAL CLUB TO CLOSE FOR FRIDAY NOON No lunches will be served In the Com mercial club, dining room December 28 and . Chrlstmaa day and the day fol lowing. At Christmas comes on Friday, a number of the businese house of the city have decided to close nil day Fri day and Saturday, aa It would hardly be worth while to open on Saturday morning for a half day of business. Remember. Our Store Is Open Night and Day Until Christmas UNIQUE Have a Photo Book Plate made for her. Inexpensive Sample upon application. Bee Engraving Dept. 100 BEE BUILDING. A CHRIS TMAS GIFT THE WHOLE YEAR THROUGH THEIADIESTHOME JOURNAL (Monthly) $1 .50 THE SATLHUW EVENING POST (Weekly) $1.50 HIE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN ( Weekly) $1.50 Phone Douglas 7163, and have beautiful Christmas folder mailed, informing your friends that the magazine will tie received. SHE HAS A GERMAN HUSBAND THfc PASTOR'S WIFE fit the Author of Eliuk U tt4 Bti (osu fivtrt The atory of an Anirlo-Oernian domestlo alliance that is a llnaerinf dellvht. It la a satire that atandt alsue. At All Bookstores. Net tl li Bonbleday, Fafe ft comvaay. FIND THE YEAR'S DEST BARGAINS BELOW THOSE IIACAZINESlr Wlth On ThtsM Sf&WW&y The S i"eo j ITT r y f f ' Aaiesleaa Bey.... ........... Americas Hataatae . AUsntie HeaikJy. ........... Ceaiurr . ...... ... Chrtsttaa Hareld Cesmaseiltaa Ceaatry Lite Cttrreat Os4nlea tsllaetr Etata NhiIi.... . .. EverrfceeVe ....... fleet HeaMbeesiag ......... Harser'e sjsaar Harssr'e Siii)m.h.,m. Hsrper'e Wkiy. Hssrsl's PlaJssiM.... ....... Llprlecetl's Liuls Felke (Mewj ......... MC hare's Maesrn PHscllla. ........... OuUn FIftfsxtM ........ fMnws'l filarial leviaw ............ IM el Hv lews.... ...... kcibw'i ............ l. Niehelae .......... IumI timimMlnm ....... ... TeakaiMl Werit Wisu'i Heme Ceosyaalea . Wri4's Werk Yeuta't Cemsenlea .12 tt.. . lit.. . .. . I M.. . 1 I SO.. . w.. .4H.. .. It.. .. US.. 126.. . I W.. . lie.. . lu.. . too.. .... 10.. .... 4 00.. . tu.. . 4 hi.. . 100.. . I w.. .4 40.. 9 w.. ,. 4 00.. .. 400.. ...d la.. . m.. r oo.. I u.. .... 40.. ... w.. I to.. .... 4 II.. .... 4 J.. .... 416.. .... 4 W.. .... 4 W.. m 0 W.. Toe.. 50 00.. .. 15.. M.. W 00.. .. 4 00.. In.. 160.. .. .... 47s .... 4 It.. !-. .... 100.. too.. ..H 83-. .. I .. 4 00.. .. I .. S ll.. .. !.. .. t-0.. .. 4 10.. .. 16.. .. .. .. Iti.. Jto.. .. !.. 60.. 00.. 110.. 100.. 166.. II.. III.. 4 60.. ... 100.. ... loo.. ... ?&.. ... 4 60.. ... 4 60.. ... T6.. ... I 16.. ... 1 16.. ... 4 00.. 4 oo.. JM.. a to.. ... f 16.. ... 4 06.. ... 130.. ... 106.. ... 16.. .... 46.. ... ).. . .. .... 140.. -. .... 16.. ... II.. I 04.. 4 16.. .... loo.. .. 130.. .. oo.. .... 4 .... I II.. .-. I 16.. .... io.. 4 86.. .... 4.. .... .. .... .. .... 40 . 4 16.. .. 4 16.. ....U is.. Ilo.. .... 100.. 160.. .... 3 15.. .... S 60.. .... 4 60.. 4 60.. .... I 16.. .... J .... IK6.. .... f 60.. ....160.. .... 6 60.. 400.. I 60.. .... 4 00.. .... t 14.. I 15.! .... 1 16.. 4 60.. .... 10.. . I 00.. .... 8T6.. 4 60.. .... 4 60.. .... 76.. it ' 4 00 .... 400.. Gift Problem . Solved Can you suggest a wore approp rit gift than a year's subscrip tion to some good mugazino. ' ft Gift imiaoriptiont tttaoatajeeVasifA ee tiMCkrUmmroUt to reooAj fomr frittd H Utd Folks Is a renewal, add 1 5. I If EnryboOy s and Delineator fa te seserete tddresaet, add 40a. t B Antericaa and womea't Hae Oemsaalaa te te eesereM sildrsesst, add 10a. Asf akllMtlM et Te ef CeluauM, yeare far M.00 eeeee 10, ADD ANY ADDITIONAL MAGAZINE AT PIVK TIMES TIC CLASS NUMBER Your order or renewal contrib utes 50 cents or more toward a fund of $7,000 for the Invalids Pension Associa tion. Writefor affi davit giving list of 22 invalids who have receiv od pension checks for the last 2 years. ANY publica tion helps. Use ANY catalogue, but always ad dress your order and renewals to Msna httv ajswi-saxi ap3saisMsaajatf