Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    Tim OMAHA" SUNDAY 1U;E: DECEMBER 20, 1914.
Hiking an Effort to Fill Fire Hun
dred Baps for Inmates of Jail
and County Hospit&L
lis Urr Tart erf Her !! Hmr
e Carry , hat tlll Seeds
Some, AnlrtuiM o Mk
It "Ci Roaad."
There are 600 "shut-Ins" -at the Countr
hospital and count jr J II that are going to
be remembered this Christmas by Mrs. Q.
W. Ahlqulst, Independent missionary
worker. If few Omahans will coma to
th front with a little assistance to help
', ber fill paper bags with candy and fruits.
It is not fnlnc to take ery much to
pell out this good woman's efforts In
providing Yulrttde cheer lot these unfor
. tunate souls, as she has already made a
canvass that haa placed her In a fair
(way towards real stag the results she
hopes to accomplish.,
In speaking of her appeal Mrs. Ahlqulst
calls attention that It does not require a
whole lot to make these chances of hers
happy on the biggest day of th calendar.
Maar Wltaaat Print.
"A great many," says she, "of these
poor mortals are without any Interested
friends In the world, and unless ws do
something Christmas goes by with them
like the rest of the gray days of their
prolonged existence. Borne of them are
not exactly worthy In the cold black-and-white
sense of Impersonal reckoning but
we afl make mistakes, some of us are
' stronger than others and 1f there Is any
benefaction on earth that proves the
fringe of onseJfish and humane blood It
Is a helping hand to those that are lose
fortunate ' than we are, and especially
now at a tUne when we are reminded of
an oceaslon nearly 2,000 years ago when
there came upon this earth an individual
who lived and d.ed to save us.
'"I already have quite a number of bags
filled with little delicacies, but 1 em still
' short of supplying the entire 600. Now If
a few eltsens will send me a few dollars
I wlU be able to buy fruits and so forth
- for the rest, and the full quota of these
poor souls will then be ".made mighty
' happy and I twice glad."
Mrs. Ahlqulst can be reached by tele
t phone, Webster "08. or her address Is 27W
Meredith avenue, where' sHer win nf glad
to. reooivo money) or oandy, or -fruit, for
the purpose mentioned.
She will make distribution at the
county jail Thursday afternoon and In
the evening at the county hospital, where
she will also give a musical program,
with the assistance of some good liatiired
volunteer singers and musicians.
J. F. Prentiss and
Miss. Bellman Are
,Well Remembered
Thirty of the thirty-three mmlers of
the membership committee of the Com
mercial club met at the last monthly
dinner of the yesr at the club rooms
Trlday night. Aa an appreciation of the
work of the chairman. J. F. Prentiss, the
committee presented him with a beautiful
smoking cabinet, Stanley Roeewater,
captain of the team bringing In the most
members for the year, made the presen
tation speech, Tolrtng the appreciation of
the committee for the chairman's faith
ful work.
In the course of the year this rom-
mlttee has brought In 17B new members.
bringing the total membership up to l.DM
at the present time. This was accom
plished In spite of tho odds against which
the committee had to work this year on
account of the raising of dues from t
to 140. t
MIhs U Bellman, secretary of the com
mittee, wss presented with a "Beautiful
opera glass In appreciation of her work I
aa secretary.
The committee Indulged In a theater
party after the d'nner.
Local Railroad Men Say They Will
Derive No Benefit.
laerease an Shipments Ta a flot
Osaaba Will Be Very Basalt, Ae-
Loral Officials.
freight men of the local roads fall to
see any benefit that will come to their
lilies on account of the derision of the
Interstate Commerce commission allow
ing a per cent Increase In rates in the
territory east of the Mississippi river.
However, the local railroad men are
of the opinion that the advance) Just
granted Is an opening wedge and that
now they are justified In Pressing their
demands for a like Increase In rates
throughout the territory west of the Mississippi.
As the local railroad men view the alt-
untlon, consignments front Omaha to
eastern points or consignments from
eastern points to Omaha will take the
frerent rate from the M.sslsslppf west,
providing the billing Is oi a through
Last. Test of the Mississippi tho con
signments will take th I per cent ad
vsnce, but the proportion of the per
cent will be such a small part of the
whole that when the division comes to
be mado on the pro rata of the mileage
of the haul It Will be only a fraction of
per cent.
Iocal railroad men tirdcrstaid that the
advance does not apply on huFln that
originates In one slate an.1 gnf to an
adjoining state. Instead thrlr version
of the decision that In order to take the
advance In rates each consignment must
be billed through and bey on. the bor
der of the territory to which the advance
U applied.
Z o'clock, after which the body will be
sent to Cambridge, N. T., for burial.
removal to a local hospital, was released
when Mrs. Peterson refused to file a com-
Andrew Kobertscn, aged 82 years, a
resident of this Hty for twenty-eight
years ami for twenty-four, years of this
period a mntorman, died at h's home,
102 Bpauldlng street,' of hesrt trouble.
Ho Is survived by his wife and two
children. Funeral services will be held
from the . residence this afternoon at
River Traffic to
Be Discussed at
Meeting on Jan. 8
The evening of Frlrtar. Januarv . haa
bcn set fcr the meeting .of all Omaha
citlsens I itereted In the opening of the
Missouri river to barge navigation. The
meeting is to be held at the Commercial
club rooms under the auspices of the
trade extension committee of the Com
mercial club. Dinner will be nerved at
4:30, at which number of gueata from
neighboring cities will be. present. The
speaking and d.scusslons will begin at I
o'clock. The meeting la to be educa
tional In Its character In that the people
are to be Informed as to the practicabil
ity of Missouri river navigation.
plaint against him.
Charles Peterson, who severely beat his
wife several weeks ago, necessitating her
WHAT'S AN "k" Oft "E"
Former mate tabor Commissioner
Louis V. Ouye refuses to spell two words
properly, says SecreUry Frank M. Cof
fey of the Nebraska Federation of I-Abor,
who has had occasion to handle some of
Mr. CJuve s copy..
fHe always put a an 'a' In 'there' and
refuses absolutely to spell 'stationery'
with the 'e' In It
"I hope I'm not bawling you out. Lou,H
said Coffey.
"You're probably right," said Guye.
Harry M. Rills and John Hurley, two
lS-yesr-old runaway boys from New Bed
ford, Mass., who were bound for San
Francisco to become actors, were arrested
Friday ' by detectives Fleming and
Murphy, and will be held until their par
ents are heard from.
Smallpox Scare at'
Y. M. C. A. Soon is
Thing of the Past
W holesale vaccination of persona living
at the Young Men s Christian association
ensued Friday and Saturday because one
case of smallpox discovered In the asso
ciation building the other day.' Dr. Con
nell ordered vaccination of all roomers,
except those who have been vaccinated
recently and are still Immune. ..
The gymnasium was fumigated Friday
night, as the .victim of the disease had
free access to that part of the bul'dlng
duiinir the three dn- - ' .
but at no time was the bulldta adr
quarantine. Kveiyuoy ui'
showed proof of recent vaccination. The
one case was removed to the pesthouse
and the usual tenor of business has been
resumed. Those persons who are mem
bers of the association, but do not reside
In the bu ldlng were not Included In the
vaccination order.
Read the "For Sale" ads If you want
bargains of the minute.
A.G. Vanderbiltis
Asleep While His
, Car is in Omaha
Just because he waa.tiptete and would
not arise early, Alfred Owynne Vander
bllt of New York missed seeing Omaha.
Mr. Vanderbult came In from the east,
his ear attached to an early train on the
Northwestern. It was switched around In
the Union station yarc's for a time and
when the fast mall srrl'ved - It was at
tached to the rear of this train. and just
before 11 o'clock, whisked away toward
CaJlfomia. J . ,
The colored porter assured everybody
that Mr. Vanderbllt nad left orders that
he did not want any breakfast and did not
want to be disturbed until he had his
sleep out. When tho fost mall departed
from Omaha he was still brc&kfastless
ttmi still undisturbed.
The New YorkoMs n his Way tj Santa
JWbara, .Cal.. where ha expects to re
main during the remainder o( the winter,
and the porter of the car la authority for
the statement that while on the Paclflo
roast Mr, Vendor-fit will probably do
some coaching In tne foothills and also
.attend soma aotomobli-3 races If any are
f Sfojmsfta 1 JOHN A. SWANSON, President tSSoShbrtttka WM- L HOLZMAN, Treasurer
Greatest. Event of the Year- Share in Our Wonderful
5 v y ij t v. rz f r
Ice Cutting May
j tart Monday and
';; Again it May Not
It is not absolutely certain that the
local lee harvest will begin Monday morrw
tng, aa was forecasted it will all depend
upon the weather between now and then.
If the weather continues warm and th
wind that Is Inclined to Chinook tend
encies keeps on blowing, the starting of
the harvest will be delayed until Tues
day and perhaps much longer. Ice on the
still waters around Omaha la from saves
snd one-half to eight and one-half tnohes
in thick nesa For storing away, ten-Inch
Ice Is demanded. In the event the weather
should happen to urn cold. Ice cutting
will start Monday or Tuesday at Flor
ence, Carter lake, Seymour lake, Ashland,
MnwVow, Memphis and half a score of
other places nearby. With even the' pres
ent brand of weather the date of the
starting of the harvest remains uncertain.
Out at Valentin the mercury Inst night
get down to T degrees bslow sero. This
fixe tbe loe there so that on a lake near
the town Monday morning the North
western will have a lance force of men
gathering the crop. At North I'latte not
later than Monday the Union Pacific will
commence filling Its Icehouses.
Discussion of the '
War Keeping Many:
.' from Seeking Work
At least half of the men out of work In
Omaha do not want employment, declared
3. M. Leldy, superintendent of county
charities, and Superintendent Thompson
of Rlverview. home, aa a result of ex
perience this winter In providing both
jirovialons and work for the needy.
The . two county officials have united
la a plan by whlon th county supplies
both food and work. Men who apply to
Bupesintendtnt Leldy for the former are
offered an opportunity to cut wood or
fill stump holes or da other ouUld work
at Rlverview home to pay for their food.
At the hem they receive dinner and car
fare. . According to Messrs. Ieldy and Thomp
son half of these men, fail to start to
work or abandon tbelr task Immediately.
The remainder successfully pass th
"sincerity test" , .
6oclal workers say that widespread
discussion of "war conditions" haa caused
many persons who are habitually out of
work to appeal to tbe public for aid.
Manager Burgess to ,
Have Extra Features
; ' ! , ; i
Manager W. J. Burgsss of 'the Boyd
theater has employed a number of Omaha
musicians to appear at that theater be
taraea acts en society night Tuesday
night, will be featured aa "society night"
Through Miss Edith Martin of the In
ternational Bureau of Muslo and' Arts,
th following Omahana have contracted
to appear at th Boyd Tuesday nights,
.beginning Deoember 29: Mrs. Beulsh
Dal -Turner, . soprano; Miss Alio Me
Kansle, messo soprano; Mrs. Lena Ells
worth Dale, soprano; Miss Alice Virginia
Davis, pianist, and th Omaha High
School , Ulea . club.
Others will be secured at different times
during th seasoa by the Boyd manage
meat r ,
After having been married twenty
seven years he found In his home a
'.'love Jetter" addressed to his wife by an
other man, asserts Walter Overmyer in
a petition in district court asking divorce
from Mrs. Anna Overmyer.
The letter, he alleges, was written by
Oscar P. Taylor, who had roomed St hla
home. A eopy attached to the petition
Is siimed . "Teddle" and addresses Mrs.
Overmyer as "pet" It closes with this
request: ',.
"Pleas don't fall, in a rose bush till I
come back. v
The couple was married at Guthrie
Center, la., October 1, 1W7. . . ,
. . . , ;
The National foreign trad' convention
to b held at 8t Louis January SI to 13,
is to be attended by delegate from the
Omaha Commercial olub. The club has
received a Invitation to 'send delegates.
It Is announced that this la to be a
meeting In whloh the discussions are to
be of the most practical sort, touohlrur the
matter of extending trade Into foreign
countries, especially with a view -to
doing something about the Immediate sit
uation, t
rv rrjr-i. vn.sio.oo
assia irm i r nnn
Our Entire Stock at
Men's Overcoats
All Young: Men's Overcoats
AlljYouths' Overcoats
All Boys'. Overcoats
Monday this wonderful sale wiU continue
with unabated vigor. Saturday's crowds
broke all records for overcoat selling, just
as we expected. But in such an enormous
stock of overcoats one day's selling is TTJ)W TT if 1 L1 J
but a pin scratch. ' il liM II v41l S
Full Assortments Await You Monday - m
Thousands of Men's and Young Men's j
to im nmroPfft a mo u
II II 11 f IH I'f II II II 111 II V y'i I Ulr V IIB til ST a
-a M
,. I ')
no a a d.'s
- All Yotrths' Hlpti Grade
$7.50 to $29.09 OVERCOATS
All Boys' and Children's
IU1I Price Monday, at -
uuwa .. .
Yoiir -ChFSsfimas Mo
Extraordinary Assortments of Practical Holiday Merchandise at Lowest-in-the-City Prices. 0aSrxLS.teM ' &
Orea Rverr NLajftt
UatU Aaaaa.
For Boys'
riaw!ette Bath Bobes, tUt
Sweater Costs, 9 to &M
1 Jersey Sweaters, f 1 snd $144
Indian Suits, $1 snd U0
Cowboy .Salts st $IM
Bssebsll SuIU st I LOO
FlssBelette Psjsmss, $1X0
Wslits s4 Blosses, &0o, 7Se,$l
Knlttd Tsqoes st Mo
lists sat Caps S0v4s tlM '
ffladsor lies st t6
. KscMnsw Costs, $U0 to WM
' Gloves sat Kittens, fi( to tl.ll
11.00 Rah Bah lists st (0
VTssh Suits, $U0 to $340
Forfolh Sslts, $240 to $10
Ideal Gifts for Men and Young Men
Efflr. Neckwear
50 to $2.50
Bath Robes
$3.00 to $10.00
Sweater Goats .
$1.00 to $7.50
Silk Shirts
$3.00 to $0.00
Full Drew Shirts
" $1.50 to $3.00
Flannel Shirts
$1.00 to $3.00
Iaterworea Silk Hose
At, pair, 50
Umbrellas & Canes
$1.00 to $7.50
Neckwear & Garter
Sets at 95
Cuff Links, boxed, . -50
to $3.00
Leather Belts
50 and 75
Tie Clasp and Fin
Bets, $1 to $2.50
Cuff Links and Pins
25 to $3.00
Men's Fur Glores '
$3.50 to $10.00
Men's Kid Cloves
95t to $2.00
Full Dress Vests
$2.50 to $6.00
Full, Dress Buttons
In sets, $1 to $4
Smoking Jackets
$3.50 to $10
When in Doubt Giro a Gift Certificate.
Silk Pajamas
$3.00 to $5.00
Silk Mufflers
$1.00 to $2.50
Initial Hdkfs.
15 to 50
Safety Razors
$1.00 to $6.00
Collar Bags"
50 to $3.00
Fur Caps '
$1.50 to $10
For Women
Pine Hsntterelilefs, lOe to Me
Kid Glows st $L2S to $340
Leather Hand Bags, $1 to $644
Party Boxes, $1.00 to $4ir
Fabric Glores, 26e to I LOO
Silk Hosiery, Wc to $3.00
Farlslaa Irory, Me to $S4S
Latest ITeekwear, t&e to $ZAl ,. ;
Sweater Coats, $2JS to $S4
TraTellaff.Sets, $740 to $10
Holeproof Hose, box, $2 aad $8
Umbrellas, $L00 to $740 :
For Sets at $64 to $22SJ0
SUk TTslats, Ss to I34S .
HoUday Slippers, $1 to $&H
Good Demand for
Cement Show Space
Show spies la becoming mors or less
limited at f,lia 'Auditorium fur th Mid
West implement DeaWrs' show, which Is
ta Ix held st the Auditorium ths first
weak attxr tho now year. Officers of ths
Association have sold show space rapidly
lately .and now say thsrs U bttl avall
fcVle spacs' ML '
Ths rusli of ' studrnts rettirnlnr tram
roi!gea n order to spood the holidays
tinder the parent nl roofs' has In and
is er-f''tc to continue for' a. couple of
days. No. i on tlie liurllngioa came from
tl east In two sections,' ail of the aleep
i btlut fUUd. A UrgQ number Of ths
j urer wtre students.
railroad paasenxtr mu are not look-
ins for any tttuvy tolliay trad out of
Omniii. Thrre are no imtes belay made,
and corvturiitly nothing special to at
tract Oiuntiatis ait ay from home, llow
r ilgiit after the holidays tb repre
.'I,1(1ivm of lh linn ' penetratlna; the
auuih are anticipating goo4 buslneea. aa
the iDnulrl conourulng norija, Texas
a ud sulf jrt reaorts are more nurnvrous
iuu zwt U-foie.
With a aerchaa or Ovet
tine Imported hand painted
Salad Vsa-ar, 1 Inches ide an !
4 Inches deep.
Wtth a rerehaee of IT BO or Over
A handsome Weter Bet consist.
Inr of a large blown Water
Pitcher and larse Olassea.
1314 Doug-
las St.
Every Xmaa brings more ens.
tomers to our place of business
and they always go homo boosting
treatment and goods bought here.
'S'tuT!... 25o m4 45q
YWk- and Ri-e B'ackberry Aprlrot
Banan, Cordials, regular 1.S
bow selling, at . " n . rr
per bottle ; - O 0 0
Jsks Klein's High Or ad a Whisky. e -
nee Quart- ..., , . ; O J C
Rlark- and Oreen. bottled tn twnd Vv
. remjar $1 fS ralua. bow selling. . OCei
at. ree onset uC
T." rvr-r WHike?, bnttte' la ..
alwsTs ae'ls for II So. now
selrlr-s- st 0 I lUU
LiQuoas Diumio raaa
with a rat.
has of 99
oi Orer
One Import'
ed. chins, hand
painted Cream
or Milk Pitcher.
4 Va Inches decs
and IVi Inches
r3 3
mm ..jiiiSBaS!iia.
With a parchee of S)0 00 ear Ow
A beautiful . T-plece. . hand
painted. China Lunch set consist
ing of 1 large rlatter It Inches
long. S Inches wide and plates.
T Inches In diameter.
No Matter Tiat You Want it Will Save You Time and Money if You Use The Bee Want Ads.
To Street Car Patrons:
If you have some Christmas shopping yet
to do, try to do it in the forenoons or early in
the afternoons. . You will find store service
more satisfactory and street car service more
comfortable than later in the day when the
rush is on. s
Also, exercise care in boarding and alight
ing from the cars, especially where there is
snow or ice on the street. Do not let your
holiday happiness be marred by an accident.
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company